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Some contributions South African Muslims can make towards the betterment of their country and actions they can establish to draw Allah’s Mercy upon our society in these trying times: 1. Every action has a reaction. Take responsibility. Whatever we send up (our actions) is what comes down (conditions). ‘Whatever misfortune befalls you, is for what your own hands have earned, and He (Allah) pardons much.’ (Quran 42:30)
Issue 105
Igniting the Spirit of Islam Sep 2012
is not always greener on the other side. The level of austerity and uncertainty in many European countries is far more severe than in South Africa. ‘And only a few of My servants are grateful. (Quran 34:13) ‘If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]; but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe.’(Quran 14:7) 3. All hope is not lost. We are not living in the bleakest time in history. Conditions were far worse previously. Whilst many signs of Qiyamah are apparent, it is still not too late to make a change.
The type of rulers and government we get is also dependent on our obedience or disobedience of Allah. Similarly, high food prices and an increase in crime and insecurity are also results of us breaking the laws of Allah.
‘...and do not lose hope in the mercy of Allah. In fact, only the disbelievers lose hope in Allah‘s mercy.’ (Quran 12:87)
2. Be thankful. The grass
4. Become part of wider
Islamic Focus
community structures. If we remain totally insulted and isolated, how will we be able to project the lofty qualities of Islam to the wider society? 5. Contribute towards the upliftment of society. South African Muslims can mentor groups of underprivileged youth in the principles of entrepreneurship that they have mastered well. 6. Change. We should always have the will to change our individual and collective conditions for the better. ‘Truly, Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. (Quran 13:11) Adapted from Channel Islam article
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LEBANON - Car bomb planned by Syrian President Assad kills head of Lebanon's internal intelligence and seven others. Lebanese Shias support Assad and the Sunni community backs the freedom fighters. Tension in Lebanon has been rising as a result of the Syrian conflict. (BBC, 20 Oct) PALESTINE - Jewish navy stop Finnish-flagged boat from Italy with 20 people of 8 nationalities trying to break Gaza blockade. The boat was carrying cement and medical supplies. (BBC, 20 Oct) FRANCE - Twitter removes anti-Jewish tweets in France after Jewish threats of legal action. The messages are labelled with the #unbonjuif (#agoodjew) hashtag. This after Twitter shut down an account of a German neo-Nazi group. Facebook and YouTube also blocked the accounts. But when Muslims ask for blasphemous material to be removed, freedom of speech is cited to justify refusal. (BBC, 19 Oct) ZANZIBAR - 2 days of riots shut down businesses on the Muslim island of Zanzibar when supporters of Muslim cleric Sheikh Farid Hadi, who campaigns for Zanzibar's autonomy, found out he had gone missing. (BBC, 18 Oct) MOROCCO - Salafis destroy ancient pagan stone carvings in the High Atlas mountains. The rock engravings date back 8,000 years and include an image of the sun as a pagan god. (BBC, 18 Oct) KOSOVO - PM’s of Serbia and Muslim Kosovo, which declared independence from Serbia, met for
the first time at EU-brokered talks. (BBC, 19 Oct) TURKEY - Kurdish rebels bombed a gas pipeline halting the flow of gas from Iran. They also targeted the oil pipeline from Iraq. (BBC, 19 Oct) USA - Boy Scouts of America disclosed 14,500 pages of secret documents on men suspected of sexually abusing children, after courts ordered the files from 1959 to 1985 to be released, despite Boy Scouts' objections. The dossier shows how scout leaders, police, prosecutors and mayors hushed up numerous allegations of abuse. (BBC, 18 Oct) TURKEY - World-famous Turkish pianist Fazil Say was charged with inciting hatred and insulting the values of Muslims over tweets he wrote mocking orthodox Muslims. (BBC, 18 Oct) TANZANIA - Muslim cleric Sheikh Issa Ponda arrested after Muslim protesters torched churches in Dar es Salaam following rumours that a Christian boy urinated on a Quran. (BBC, 17 Oct) AFGHANISTAN - Taliban attack major US-Nato base in Paktia killing 13 foreign troops and wounding 28. (Shahamat, 17 Oct) SYRIA - 28,000 people abducted by soldiers, 30,000 killed, 170,000 fled abroad and 2.5 million in need of aid within the country after Shia-backed President Assad crushes his country. Turkey returned fire several times into Syria after mortar shells landed in Turkey. (BBC, 18 Oct)
EIDUL ADHA 1433 IS ON FRI 26 OCT 2012 Islamic Focus is offering a full Qurbani service (cutting, skinning, slicing, delivery) for R1300 All profits to Musjidul Huda. Tel 078 672 7797 Visit www.islamicfocus.co.za for PE/Uitenhage Eid Venues and times
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1. Risk taking The ability to see the potential advantage in a high risk situation: The leader must have the judgment to assess the risk to see if it is worth taking. There has to be a balance between getting overly extended on the one hand and losing out on major potential gains by being risk averse on the other. The Prophet displayed this in going ahead with the Battle of Badr even though it appeared to be a major risk. 2. Goal first before personal preferences For the leader the biggest test often is to see which he gives precedence to; his personal likes and dislikes, friendships and enmities or the ultimate success of the goal? It might become necessary to put your own preferences aside and work with people who you may prefer not to work with. Khalid bin Waleed was the commander who was responsible for the killing of 70 Sahaba in the Battle of Uhud as well as the beloved uncle of the Prophet Hamza . Yet when he came to Madina to accept Islam, the Prophet welcomed him and forgave his past enmity against himself. 3. Putting himself on the line The Prophet was willing to put himself on the line. At no point did he send others out to do what he was himself not willing to do. He went to Taaif, personally taking the risks instead of sending someone else. In the Battle of Hunain he stood firm despite most of his army scattering. Adapted from book by Yawar Baig
Popularity today is measured by the number of hits a personality gets. YouTube clips by the number of views, Facebook/Twitter by the number of followers, articles/websites by the number of hits and visits. Anyone will acknowledge to get a billion hits is extraordinary. To get it everyday for a whole year is phenomenal. But for the same personality to get this consistently for years, decades and centuries is nothing short of miraculous. If we take this as a measure of popularity, then Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam beats any human into second place by a breath-taking margin. Mere maths pales in front of the awesome number of times he is praised daily. As a small sample, it is estimated that 5% of Muslims pray the five daily prayers. This is a total of around 300 million people who praise him a minimum of 19 times a day in these prayers alone. That’s 5.7 billion ‘hits’ a day and this has been a continuous practice for 1400 years. That’s not even taking into account the tens of thousands who send blessings on him at his grave, the thousands of students at Islamic colleges worldwide who praise him while reading the books documenting his life, the hundreds of Sufis who recite blessings on him in the hundreds daily, the ordinary Muslim who daily sends salutations on him, the callers to prayer who sing his praises in the Athan at thousands of mosques innumerable times daily. Statistics crumble before such mindboggling numbers that have been increasing for 1400 years. And We raised high your name (O Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). [Quran 94:3]
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Some leadership lessons from the world’s most successful leader: Prophet Muhammad
Protection. ‘Make ready for them all you can of (armed) force and horses tethered, that thereby you may dismay the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others beside them who you know not. Allah knows them... (Quran 8:60) One of the commentaries of the words: ‘And others beside them who you know not’ is that ‘the others’ refers to the jinn, as the devil will never display his treachery and trickery to a person who has a beautiful horse in his house. (Ibn Kathir) For Allah. Concerning the use of the horse in battle and spending on its upkeep: ‘Who will grant Allah a generous loan? He will multiply it many times over. It is Allah who gives you want or plenty, and to Whom you will all be returned.’ (Quran 2:245) Abu Umama, Abu Darda, Makhool, Al-Awzaiy and Ribah Ibn Yazid say this refers to those who use their horses in the path of Allah. Feeding Horses. ‘Those who spent their wealth by night and day, in private and in public, shall be rewarded by their Lord. No fear shall come upon them, neither shall they grieve.’ (Quran 2:274) Ibn Abbas said that it was revealed regarding spending on the horse’s feed. (Ibn Kathir) Abu Dharr pointed to some horses buried in the cemetery and said: ‘The owners of those are the ones who spent their wealth in the night and the day, both secretly and openly.’ If Abu Huraira passed by a well fed horse, he recited the second verse, and if he passed by a lean horse, he remained silent. Adapted from MUEQSA Newsletter Sep 2012
The Prophet outlined ways to enter Paradise (Jannah):
1. Masjid. Whoever builds a masjid seeking by it the Pleasure of Allah, Allah will build for him a similar place in Jannah. [Bukhari] 2. Athan. Whoever calls the athan for 12 years, Jannah will become mandatory for him. [ibn Maajah] 3. Daughters. Whoever raises two girls, he and I will enter Jannah. [Tirmidhi] 4. Visiting the Sick. Whoever visits sick person or a brother of his to seek the Pleasure of Allah, an announcer (angel) calls out: May you be happy, may your walking be blessed, and may you be awarded a dignified position in Jannah. [Tirmidhi] 5. Repeating Athan. Whoever repeats after the muazzin from his heart (i.e. sincerely) will enter Jannah. [Abu Dawud] 6. Seeking Knowledge. Whoever treads a path in search of knowledge, Allah will make easy for him the path to Jannah. [Bukhari] 7. Grudges. Whoever dies and is free from three: arrogance, grudges and debt will enter Jannah. [Tirmidhi] 8. Asking for Jannah. Whoever asks Allah for Jannah three times, Jannah will say: ‘O Allah, enter him into Jannah.’ [Tirmidhi] 9. Last Words. Whoever’s last words are: laa ilaaha illallah, will enter Paradise. [Abu Dawud] Adapted from Jamiat KZN article
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From various Ulama
www.shafiifiqh.com Q: Would a camel bone tasbeeh be impure if moist? My understanding is that if the camel is slaughtered in a halal way then the bones are not impure but if slaughtered by non-Muslims then the bone will be impure when moist. If this is correct and the seller says that he sources the tasbeeh from a Muslim country, would one be able to assume the tasbeeh is not impure when moist? A: In Rawdah and the Ziyadah it is mentioned: ‘And regarding a vessel made from bone, if it is pure, it is permissible to use. And if not, then it is not permissible. It is not pure except when it is slaughtered from an edible animal. This is unless we consider a weak opinion which maintains that the bones of carrion are pure. ‘I say that it is permissible to use a vessel made from impure bone in dry things, however it is disliked.’ In the case that one doubts its source, in Tuhfah, Ibn Hajar stated: ‘If one doubts regarding hair or its like, and whether it is from an edible animal or if it separated from it while alive or dead, then it is pure because the default ruling is the purity of such a thing as hair. And analogously, bone is the same, and it is stated in Jawhari.’ Especially seeing that the item in question is imported from a Muslim country where it would have been slaughtered according to Islamic guidelines, there should be no problem in purchasing or using the mentioned tasbeeh. Islamic Focus
Q: Is there a time limit on Aqiqah? A: Aqiqah is sunnah. Imams Ahmad and Tirmidhi related a hadith that the Prophet said: ‘The child is bonded by its aqiqah, slaughter for it on the seventh day, shave its head, and give a name.’ Its time begins at birth, and if done before birth it does not suffice. The preferred time is the seventh day. The day of birth is counted from among the seven, and if a baby is born at night then the next day is the first of the seven. According to the Shafis the aqiqah does not expire; and it should not be delayed until then. If it would be delayed that long, the father’s duty to perform it falls away. The child then has the option to perform it for itself. In Rawdah, Imam Nawawi related from Bushanji that if the aqiqah is not performed on the seventh, then on the fourteenth, and if not, then the twenty-first. In Sharh alSunnah, Baghawi related this from Aishah radhiallahu anha. In Kifayat al-Akhyar, it is stated that it is best it not go past the duration of nifas (post-birth bleeding); and then that it not done then, for it to not go past the duration of breastfeeding; and then that if not done then, then to not go past seven years; and then that if not done then, then to not go until puberty. And if it does, then the father’s duty falls away. Q: How is this lady’s inheritance distributed: She passed away without leaving any descendant. But left a husband, father,
one brother, and four sisters (all from same parents)? A: Half would go to the husband and half to the father. Q: What is the ruling regarding shaving or clipping the nails during the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah, does it just apply to those going on Hajj? A: When the ten days of Dhul Hijjah enter and a person intends to offer a sacrifice, then he should refrain from cutting his hair or nails until he slaughters. ‘When you see the new moon of Dhul Hijjah, and one of you desires that he offer a sacrifice, then let him keep [i.e. not cut] his hair and nails.’ (Muslim 13:2452) And in another version: ‘One who has a sacrifice that he shall slaughter, and the new moon of Dhul Hijjah appears, then he shall not take from his hair or nails anything until he slaughters. (Ibid 13:2453) The scholars differed on the ruling. Saeed ibn al Musayyab, Rabiah, Ahmad, Ishaq, Dawud, and some of the Shafis considered it unlawful [haram] for one to cut either until the slaughtering is complete. Imam Shafi opined that it is disliked [makruh]. Al-Marwazi and others mentioned that the ruling on the hair and nails extends to all parts of the body. (Sharh Muslim 13:2453-4) Therefore, if one intends to offer a sacrifice during this time, then he should refrain from cutting the hair or nails.
HANAFI Q & A From various Ulama
www.askimam.org | www.askmufti.co.za | www.daruliftaa.net Q: Can you change a name on a grave stone? A: The purpose of a grave stone is to identify the inhabitant of the grave. Therefore: 1) If, only by changing the name, the person can be identified by those that visit the graveyard then one is allowed to change the name. 2) If, by changing the name, the person cannot be identified by those that visit the graveyard, then one should not change the name. Checked by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Q: Is it permissible to catch fish with live bait? A: It is not permissible to fish using live bait as this causes undue pain and suffering to the creature. You may use artificial bait as an alternative to live bait. Checked by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Q: Is it permissible for a man to wear a ring made from iron or tungsten? A: It is not permissible for men to wear rings made of any metal besides that of silver equivalent to 4.374 grams. Q: Is Bovine Bile Salts (Cholacol) permissible? A: Cholacol contains the following ingredients: 1. Collinsonia a medicinal herb in the mint family. 2. Bentonite an absorbent aluminium phyllosilicate, essentially impure clay. Bentonite and Collinsonia are permissible if they are not harmful to one’s health. 3. Purified Bovine Bile Salts are extracts from the cow’s gallbladder. Among the 7 parts of an animal that one cannot conIslamic Focus
sume is the gall bladder. It is not permissible to consume the gallbladder nor any extracts derived from the gallbladder of an animal. However, if there is no other alternative and a pious, upright Muslim doctor prescribes Cholacol, then it will be permissible for one to consume such a product. This is regarded as Tadawi Bi al-Haraam (cure from Haraam) items. Checked by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Q: Does crying and smiling in Salaah render the Salaah invalid? A: Crying in Salaah due to contemplating over the verses of the Quran will not render Salaah invalid. Similarly, smiling in Salaah without making any sound will not cause the Salaah to be invalidated. However, one should be cautious that no sound is created as this will invalidate the Salaah. Checked by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Q: What is preferable: Mashwara (consultation) with a pious person or istikhara (seeking goodness from Allah)? A: Performing Istikharah and doing Mashwarah with people both have their own benefits. When a person performs Istikharah, he is seeking goodness from Allah regarding any task in which he is unable to make a correct decision. Doing Mashwarah with people is also beneficial since people will share different experiences with you. You may do Mashwarah with more than one person. This will help you make the right decision. If you are unsure
after making Mashwarah, you may perform Istikharah and act upon the guidance of the Istikharah even though it may be against Mashwarah. Checked by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Q: When following an Imam, is it required for the Muqtadees (followers) to complete the Tashahhud before standing up for the 3rd Rakah or before saying Salaam in the last Rakah? A: Reciting Tashahhud in Salah is Wajib for the Imam as well as for the Muqtadi. If the Imam finishes his Salaah and the Muqtadi did not, then the Muqtadi should complete the Tashahhud. However, if the Muqtadi says the Salaam without completing the Tashahhud, the Salah will still be valid. Checked by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Q: After the Imam says Salam, when should the Muqtadees say it? A: The Muqtadi should say his Salam with the Imam. Checked by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Q: Is it halal to eat tripe (animal stomach)? A: Yes, it is permissible to eat the tripe of halal animals. (Imdaadul Fatawa: 4/104) Answer by: Mufti Faizal Riza
Q: Is it permissible to make the Australian citizenship pledge to be granted Australian citizenship? A: It is permissible to make the Australian citizenship pledge according to Mufti Ebrahim Desai and Mufti Husain Kadodia. Some ulama do not consider it permissible. Answer by: Mufti Faizal Riza
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Once a wise man was walking from one town to another with a few of his followers. They happened to pass a lake. They stopped and the wise man told one of his disciples, “I am thirsty. Do get me some water from that lake.” The disciple walked up to the lake. At that moment, an ox cart started crossing the lake. As a result, the water became very muddy. The disciple thought, “How can I give this muddy water to my master to drink!” So he came back and told his master, “The water in there is very muddy. I don’t think it is fit to drink.” Half an hour later, again the wise man asked the same disciple to go back to the lake and get him some water to drink. The disciple obediently went back to the lake. This time too he found the lake muddy. He returned and informed his master. After sometime, again the wise man asked the same disciple to go back. The disciple reached the lake to find the lake absolutely clean and clear with pure water in it. The mud had settled down and the water above it looked fit to be drunk. So he collected some water in a pot and brought it to his master. The wise man looked at the water, and then he looked up at the disciple and said, ”See what you did to make the water clean. You let it be… and the mud settled down on its own and you got clear water. Your mind is also like that! When it is disturbed, just let it be. Give it a little time. It will settle down on its own. You don’t have to put in any effort to calm it down. It will happen. It is effortless.”
Variety of Cakes, Biscuits and various Savouries Custom-made Cakes to Meet the Occasion Westend Shopping Centre Tel: 041 481 9123 Fax: 041 482 2326 Cell: 084 329 8507
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Enrich your web experience. Not all content on all sites Islamic-compliant. Consult Ulama.
A common practice is to speak ill of the incompetence of government. The Hadith outlines a simple solution for better rulers:
‘Allah says, ‘I am Allah besides whom there is no Deity, the Master of Kings, King of Kings. Verily the hearts of kings are under My control. When My servants obey me, I turn the hearts of kings and rulers towards them so that they rule over them with mercy and kindness and when My servants disobey Me, I turn the hearts of kings and rulers to treat them harshly, with anger and vengeance. Hence they mete out torture and oppression. So do not occupy yourselves with praying for curses upon kings and instead turn to Me in remembrance and with humanity. And I will preserve you against the tyranny of the kings.’ ‘When Allah desires the well being of a nation, He appoints tolerant, good natured rulers over them. The learned scholars (Ulama) judge their cases (justly and with knowledge). And their wealth lies in the hands of the generous ones (so that all benefit through their generosity). And when Allah desires bad for a nation (because of their wickedness), He appoints fools to rule over them, their ignorant ones judge their cases and their wealth lies in the hands of the stingy ones.’ ‘When Allah is angry with a people and the ultimate extreme punishment like the earth caving in upon them, or transfiguration of men into animals does not descend upon them, He causes prices (of commodities) to rise high and rains to be withheld from them and the worst of people are made to rule over them.’ From article by Jamiat KZN
The Ulama or religious scholars of Islam, have stood as the defenders of pristine Islam through the centuries. Here are some examples of their bravery in standing up for Islam against the odds: Tunisia. Habib Bourguiba, President of Tunisia argued in 1961 that fasting during Ramadan should not be observed for it reduces productivity. He appeared on television with his cabinet, eating and drinking during Ramadan. He then asked the Grand Mufti of Tunisia, Sheikh al-Tahir ibn Ashur to issue a fatwa accommodating the desires of the state. The Grand Mufti went on television and read Surah Baqarah verse 183: ‘O you who believe! Observing the fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become the pious.’ He then said: ‘God said the truth and President Habib Bourguiba lied.’ He issued a fatwa that not observing Ramadan is a sin. Turkey. In 1933 the dictator Kemal Ataturk decreed that Muazzins must call the Athaan in Turkish and not Arabic. Imams refused to comply and many Muazzins were thrown into jail. Yet the Ulama did not budge and Kemal retracted the ruling. Somalia. In 1975 the dictator Siad Barre announced a new law that gave women the right to inheritance on an equal basis with men in direct conflict with the Quran. In Mogadishu 23 Ulama protested in their mosques. They were arrested and 10 were executed. These are glimpses of the great bravery Ulama displayed in preserving Islam.
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After several years as a teacher in Tiro, di Tiro went for Hajj where he met several Islamic leaders from Sumatra, Java, and Borneo and became more interested in fighting the Dutch. In 1880 he joined a group of freedom fighters who came looking for an Aalim to lead the fight. He traveled throughout Aceh delivering lectures about Jihad and fighting the occupation. He sent letters to other ulama calling them to Jihad. Di Tiro and the ulama collected 6,000 soldiers to fight against the Dutch, as well as the support of the Sultan of Aceh. His troops cut communications between Dutch fortresses and established a base in Mureu. In 1881, di Tiro and his troops captured a Dutch fortress sparking the Aceh War. This was followed by the capture of other fortresses. 1882 -1883 the Muslims won land and took over the island of Breuh. At the peak of the war, the Dutch controlled only 4 km² of land; before the war, they controlled nearly all of Aceh. In 1885 di Tiro offered the Dutch peace if they converted to Islam. In 1888 he sent another letter and led expeditions against them after they refused peace. Di Tiro was killed in 1891 with poisoned food. His struggle was continued by other Acehnese. He had 5 sons and was the great-grandfather of Free Aceh Movement founder Hasan di Tiro.
The digital Quran pen reader is a useful gift for a child learning to read the Quran. There are many makes out there but the basic features are: Contents A digital pen with features such as memory card slot and rechargeable battery A specially printed Quran which allows the pen to start the recitation from the spot the pen is placed on Headphones Smaller books with Tajweed, Duas, etc Charger Features The basic idea is that the Quran pen starts reciting from the place on which it is placed. Most pen readers have: Translations in several languages A choice of famous reciters Built in memory to add more reciters, etc There is a South African version available with the Quran in the style in which it is taught in Maktabs in South Africa. It also contains local reciters Qari Ayoob Essack and Mufti Ismail Menk. This can be got from Al Iqra: www.aliqra.co.za or 082 377 8600. The average price of the full set of the digital Quran pen is between R500-R600. It is an ideal way to draw our tech-savvy kids towards loving the Quran and improves their pronunciation and Hifz. The sets come in well-made packaging and the Quran is of excellent print. The digital parts can be prone to breakage.
Publishers of the Islamic Focus Distributed free in PE/Uitenhage 11 Morat Street, Korsten Port Elizabeth
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Muhammad Saman, known as Teungku Chik di Toro (Born: 1836 Tiro, Aceh, Indonesia. Died: 1891 Kutaraja, Aceh) was an Islamic teacher and fighter against the Dutch occupation of Indonesia. His father was Tengku Sjech Abdullah and his mother Siti Aisyah. Till 15 he studied with his father then with his uncle and others. In Aceh Besar he spent 2 years studying Islam by day and fighting the Dutch by night.
Muslims are 450,000 to 500,000, or around 5% of the total population. In 2009, the Muslim Council of Sweden reported 106,327 registered members. The first registered Muslim groups in Sweden were Finnish Tatars who immigrated from Finland and Estonia in the 1940s. But Islam began to have a noticeable presence in Sweden with immigration from the Middle East in the 1970s. Most Muslims in Sweden are either immigrants or descendants of those immigrants. The majority of them are from the Middle East, especially Iraq and Iran. The second largest Muslim group consists of immigrants or refugees from Bosnia. There is also a sizeable community of Somalis. There are around 5,000 Swedish converts to Islam. The first known convert was the famous painter Ivan Aguéli in 1909. A Swedish translation of the Quran was done in 1998. Sweden has several mosques with the first being the Malmö Mosque in 1984. Many were built in the 2000s. There are several Muslim organizations in Sweden including the SIA (Svenska Islamiska Akademin), founded in 2000 by former ambassador Mohammed Knut Bernström. It also publishes the periodical Minaret in Swedish. There are also Muslim youth, women and Imam associations. The Imam’s association publishes Salaam.
Mansa Musa I, a Muslim king who ruled West Africa in the 12th century has been named the richest person in history in a new inflationadjusted list of the world's 25 wealthiest people of all time. Spanning 1,000 years and with a combined fortune of $4.317 trillion, only three of the list's 25 are alive today. Bill Gates ranks 12th with a inflation adjusted $136 billion fortune at his peek in 1999. The Rothschild family are second on the list with assets that total at least $350 billion. John D. Rockefeller, third, was worth $340 billion in today's terms at his death in 1937. 1. Mansa Musa I of Mali. The West Africa king, the richest person in history, and the ruler of the Malian Empire which covered modern day Ghana, Timbuktu and Mali in West Africa, had a personal net worth of $400 billion at the time of his death in 1331. His country's production of more than half the world's supply of salt and gold contributed to Musa's vast wealth, which he used to build large mosques that still stand today. 6. Mir Osman Ali Khan. $236 billion (born 1886). The ruler of Hyderabad from 1911 until the country was invaded by India in 1948, he was also known as the Nizam of Hyderabad. He had a personal collection of gold that was worth more than $100 million and owned over $400million worth of jewels. His famous Jacob Diamond, worth $95 million today was used as a paperweight in his office. He owned more than 50 Rolls Royces. There were also other treasures; gems and pearls, enough to pave Piccadilly Circus, hundreds of race horses and tons of royal regalia.
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Answers at the bottom
1. The first woman martyr of Islam was Fatima radhiallahu anha Khadija radhiallahu anha Sumayya radhiallahu anha 2. When will the Day of Judgement occur? 2012 Only Allah knows Year 7000 3. Who was the last Prophet? Isa alaihis salaam Musa alaihis salaam Muhammad 4. How many chapters are in the Quran? 114 30 6666
Khandaq Uhud 7. What major event took place in the 2nd Hijrah year in the month of Ramadan? Miraj Conquest of Makkah Battle of Badr 8. Who was called the "Sword of Allah"? Khalid ibn Al-Walid radhiallahu anhu Abu Dujana radhiallahu anhu Ali (radhiallahu anhu 9. Who amongst the Mothers of the Believers was nicknamed “Umm ul-Masakeen� (Mother of the Poor)? Hafsah radhiallahu anha Zainab bint Khuzaimah radhiallahu anha Aishah radhiallahu anha
5. How tall will we be in Jannah? 10 feet Same as now 60 cubits
10. Who was called "Tahirah" (Pure) among the Mothers of the Believers radhiallahu anhun? Khadijah radhiallahu anha Umm Salamah radhiallahu anha 6. In which battle was the Prophet 's uncle Hafsah radhiallahu anha Hamzah radhiallahu anhu killed? Badr Answers: 1. Sumayya radhiallahu anha 2. Only Allah knows 3. Muhammad 4. 114 5. 60 cubits 6. Uhud 7. Battle of Badr 8. Khalid ibn Al-Walid radhiallahu anhu 9. Zainab bint Khuzaimah radhiallahu anha 10. Khadijah radhiallahu anha 82 DURBAN ROAD, KORSTEN TEL/FAX: (041) 453 2990
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Tawaaf is like the wash cycles of a washing machine. We place dirty clothes in and add detergent, bleach, softner. With a press of the Start button, the drum spins, water pours in and the machine extracts the dirt. Once the drum stops, the clothes are taken out, hung up to dry then ironed. Tawaaf has some resemblance to the work of the washing machine; except that we are washing our spiritual hearts. Like dirty clothes are placed into the washing machine, we place our dirty hearts into the Tawaaf – hearts which are stained with all kinds of sins. Before washing badly stained clothing, a stain remover is used. Accordingly, the stain remover of regret and remorse over our sins is applied to our hearts. The Hajre Aswad is the Start button. The washing of the heart commences. The detergents of Istighfaar, Durood and Zikrullah, then contribute to the cleansing of the heart. Just as water gushes into the drum, Allah Ta’ala’s Special Mercy which is cascading onto the Kabah, drench those who are in Tawaaf. If we want our hearts to be white, the bleach of Zikrullah is added. If we want our hearts to be soft, then the softner of Durood is also released into the washing of our hearts. Once the heart is washed, it is taken out of the Tawaaf – clean, bright and white. The Multazam, where one places his chest against the wall, is akin to ironing the ‘creases’ of theheart. The tears shed at the Multazam are like droplets of musk which fragrance that heart. We end with a sparkling heart, emitting the sweetest of scents. Adapted from Ml Yunus Patel RA
73 DURBAN ROAD KORSTEN PH. 041 451 3060 Islamic Focus
ISSN 2223 - 1110 (Print) | ISSN 2223 - 1129 (Online)