P3 Marriage P4 Happiness P7 Allah’s Majesty P8 Rated PG-13 P9 Sugar P10 Angels’ Curses P12 The Salt
Bukhara Publications/Tel: 078 672 7797/Fax: 086 651 2125 Email: islamicfocus@gmail.com/Korsten/Port Elizabeth
Issue 85
Igniting the Spirit of Islam
Jan 2011
see. It includes equipment and storage areas as well. While Muslim consumers are encouraged to support Muslim businesses, here are tips for the businesses to attract customers (and increase profits). 1. Make profit secondary. The first goal of a Muslim business should not be cashing in on a Muslim market. It should be pleasing Allah. Seeking profit is not a bad aim, but it should be secondary. By making Allah the goal, and implementing Islamic rules of honesty, truthfulness and good behavior, any Muslim business is bound to boom. 2. Be truthful. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said the honest and truthful businessman will be in Paradise amongst the Prophets, the truthful and the martyrs. Honesty and truthfulness are essential to a Muslim business. It
Islamic Focus
means building a relationship of trust with customers. 3. Be open to scrutiny. While this may be a bitter pill to swallow, being ready to have your business scrutinized for cleanliness or Halaalness of products indicates a willingness to work with the consumer. This serves to build trust. A Halaal business is an institution of the Muslim community.
5. Work with others. Yes, this can be difficult. Muslim entrepreneurs selling similar products should consider forming an association that can share experience and cooperate in buying bulk for example. This will, in the long run, benefit the Muslim consumer and the Muslim businesses. Costs are reduced and the consumer pays less.
4. Be clean. This is especially important for Halaal grocery stores and butchers where animal blood is expected. Not being careful of this means not only lost customers, but also possible sicknesses. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said: ‘Cleanliness invites towards faith (Iman) and faith leads its possessor to paradise.’ (Tabrani) This cleanliness does not only apply to those areas a customer will
6. Don’t sell Haraam. This means being aware of what can or cannot be sold by a Muslim. A Muslim house shop, for example, will not be able to sell Lotto, certain magazines and other products that a similar nonMuslim shop might. Being Halaal does not only mean selling Halaal meat, it extends to all items one sells. The best way is to consult Ulama on ensuring products are Halaal to sell.
PALESTINE - Palestinian fighters killed one Israeli soldier and wounded four in a 20 minute firefight in Gaza. (Naharnet, 7 Jan) An Israeli soldier was killed and four injured by Israeli fire, while involved in a clash with Palestinian freedom fighters in Gaza. Israeli soldiers shot dead an elderly Palestinian man in his bed in the West Bank. (BBC, 8 Jan) SOMALIA - Men and women are banned from shaking hands in a district controlled by Islamist group al-Shabab. Under the ban, men and women not related are also barred from walking together or chatting in public. Al-Shabab has already banned music in areas that it controls, which include most of central and southern Somalia. (BBC, 7 Jan) TUNISIA - Pres Ben Ali, in power for 23 years, resigned and fled to Saudi Arabia after a month of protests in which dozens were killed. (BBC, 16 Jan) SAUDI - Officials captured a Griffon Vulture used as a spy device for Israel. It was carrying a GPS transmitter bearing the name of Tel Aviv University. Griffon Vultures can soar at up to 11,000 metres above sea level. (BBC, 5 Jan) PAKISTAN - Four killed in a US drone strike in north-west. US drone attacks in Pakistan escalated since Obama took office. There were more than 100 such raids last year, killing hundreds. (BBC, 7 Jan) SOMALIA - A German man was jailed for four years and fined $10,000 for making porn films in the breakaway Somaliland republic. (BBC, 13 Jan) PAKISTAN - The governor of Punjab province, Salman Taseer, was assassinated by his bodyguard following a decree of death by Ulama against Taseer for opposing the blasphemy law. The assassin was hailed as a hero by lawyers who showered rose petals on him during a court appearance, and fell over each other volunteering to represent him. Hundreds of people gathered outside his home to show their support. (BBC, 7 Jan) AFGHANISTAN - Hundreds of protesters in Kabul accused Iran of stopping fuel tankers from crossing the border into Afghanistan. 2,500 fuel tankers are stranded at the border. (BBC, 7 Jan) AUSTRALIA - Usman Khawaja selected as the first Muslim to play cricket for Australia. (BBC, 2 Jan)
Islamic Focus
TURKEY - The ban on headscarves at universities ended quietly when government issued a statement saying it would support any student expelled or disciplined for covering her head. Now almost all universities across Turkey have abandoned the official prohibition on women wearing headscarves. Millions of Turkish women wear headscarves: it is estimated that 60% cover their heads. (BBC, 31 Dec) PALESTINE - Israel's former President Moshe Katsav convicted of raping an employee in the 1990s when he was tourism minister and of later sexual offences while president. (BBC, 30 Dec) YEMEN - Government began releasing hundreds of Shia rebels as part of a peace deal. (BBC, 30 Dec) IRAN - President Ahmadinejad is to sell his 33-yearold car to raise money for a charity that funds housing projects for young people. (BBC, 31 Dec) EGYPT - 21 killed and 70 hurt in a suicide attack at a New Year's Eve service at the al-Qiddissin Church. Several hundred Christians later clashed with Muslims and police. (BBC, 1 Jan) PAKISTAN - A 24-hour strike organised by Sunni Muslim clerics took place across Pakistan to protest against possible changes to blasphemy laws. Rallies were staged in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar and Quetta after Friday prayers. The government has distanced itself from a bill to change the law, which carries a mandatory death sentence for anyone who insults Islam. (BBC, 31 Dec) TAJIKISTAN - Tajikistan ceded 1,000 sq km of land in the Pamir mountains to China. This ends a century-old border dispute. (BBC, 13 Jan) INDIA - A Hindu holy man was arrested after confessing to a string of bomb attacks previously attributed to Muslims. Several Muslims were arrested and tortured for the attacks. Most are still in custody. A female Hindu priest and army officer were also arrested. The man tipped to be India’s future PM told a US envoy that fundamentalist Hindu groups posed a greater threat than Muslims. (BBC, 13 Jan) SUDAN - Early results from the south’s referendum indicate the region has voted to split from the north and form a new country. Two million people died in the war between the mainly Muslim north and Christian south. (BBC, 16 Jan)
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Faithful: It is commanded by Allah that we be faithful to our spouses. Adultery is a capital crime in Islam that is punishable by death. However there are various forms of unfaithful behavior prevalent among some Muslims. The most common form is maintaining friendships with the opposite sex over the boundaries set by Islam. The latest trend of Internet relationships is also contrary to Islam and is causing serious problems between couples. Once a sense of betrayal sets in, repairing that relationship is difficult. Fair: Usually when we are angry or displeased the tendency is to not play fair. We try to convince ourselves that since we have been wronged it is okay to be unjust in our behavior and our statements. Allah states in the Quraan that we should not be unjust under any circumstances, even if they be your enemy, and here we are talking about our life partners and the parent of our children. To use words such as ‘never’ and ‘always’ when describing the behavior of the partner is unfair and puts the other on the defensive. Finance: One of the most common points of contention in marriages is money. Experts say that 80% of marital conflicts are about money. It is therefore highly recommended that the couple put serious time and effort in developing a financial management plan that is mutually agreeable and is reviewed regularly. Preparing a budget together is also a helpful and wise way to handling household finances.
The Quraan states: ‘When the (Friday) prayer is complete, disperse through the land and seek the bounty of Allah (through trade or lawful activity.’ The Hadith tells us that ‘The quest of halaal earning is a duty after a duty.’ Thus, seeking a halaal sustenance is a religious obligation second in importance to religious observances like prayer, fasting, etc. Here is the second aspect of Islamic commercial morality:
B. Justice 1. Hoarding. Ali radhiallahu anhu said: ‘When a man hoards food stuff (refuses to sell) even for a day, in order to gain from a price hike, his heart becomes hard.’ 2. Fraud. Uqba radhiallahu anhu said: ‘It is illegal for a person to knowingly sell defective (flawed) merchandise, without informing him (the buyer, of the defect).’ The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said: He who regards the unlawful as lawful, does not believe in the Quraan. Deceit in buying and selling is unlawful.’ 3. Monopoly. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said, ‘Whoever monopolizes is a sinner.’ 4. Interest. ‘Allah will deprive usury (interest) of all blessings but will give increase for deeds of charity.’ (Quraan) 5. Regulated Prices. Anas radhiallahu anhu says: ‘Once they (the Companions) asked the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam to fix prices. He replied: ‘Allah alone is the regulator of prices; He curtails or provides amply…’
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Part three of simple tips to create a happy marriage:
Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam showed husbands the best conduct with regards to wives:
The way to happiness is found within an Islamic lifestyle. The second component of happiness is worship of Allah:
1. Friends. Aeysha radhiallahu anha, the wife of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, narrates she used to play with her friends at the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam’s house. When her girl friends used to see him, they would shy away. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam used to send them in groups to play with her. (Muslim, 2:285)
Worship of Allah is an essential key to true happiness. ‘Not for (idle) sport did We create the heavens and the earth and all that is between them.’ (Quraan, 21:16) Allah has revealed to us His purpose for creating us: ‘I have only created Jinns and men, that they may serve Me.’ (Quraan, 51:56)
2. Mild talk. Aeysha radhiallahu anha narrates that once a breeze exposed her dolls that were kept in an alcove. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam asked what they were. She informed him they were her dolls. He noticed a strange horse with two wings and enquired what it was. She said it was a horse. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam asked, ‘A winged horse?’ She said, ‘Didn’t you know that Sulaiman alaihis salaam’s horse had wings?’ The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam smiled so heartily that his molars were exposed. (Abu Dawood, 2:327) 3. Consideration. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam’s always considered his first wife Khadijah radhiallahu anha’s friends after her demise, and always remembered them with gifts. (Seerat, 9:387) 4. Toleration. Once the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam was at the home of one of his wives when a servant brought a plate of food for him sent by another wife. The wife in whose home he was became so furious she hit the plate out of the servant’s hand. The plate fell and the food messed the floor. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam tolerated this jealousy. He gathered the food and the broken pieces of plate. He then gave a plate from that home in exchange for the broken one. (Bukhari, 2:786) Ash Shamail Al Kubra, Vol 5, Pg 162-8
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Obedience and worship of Allah are a major source of contentment and happiness for man. On the personal level, it gives man the feeling that he is close to Allah and such nearness provides him with guidance, wisdom, strength, confidence, steadfastness, security, joy and satisfaction. Worship in Islam includes every action a Muslim performs only for the sake of Allah and in accordance with His commandments. This not only covers ritual acts like prayers performed in the Musjid; it also includes all human activities, such as learning, eating, sleeping and working to earn a living for the family. Thus all activities in one’s daily life can become the means of attaining a good and happy life as explained in the following verse and Hadith: ‘Whoever does good deeds, man or woman, and has faith, verily, to him will We give a new life, a life that is good and pure…’ (Quraan, 16:97) The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said: ‘Happiness, all happiness, is long life (full) of obedience to Allah.’ (Quda'i and Daylami)
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From various Ulama
www.sunnipath.com | www.shafiifiqh.com Q: Some people say Zikr beads (Tasbeehs) are an innovation and are not allowed. Are there any proofs for the permissibility of Zikr beads? A: An innovation is something inaugurated in matters of religion that is against the principles of Islamic Law. With regards to prayer beads: a) They are a means to one of the practices encouraged by Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam: the remembrance of Allah (Zikr). The established principle of Islam is that: ‘Means take the rulings of the ends they are used for’ as long as they are not in themselves blameworthy or prohibited by Islam. b) Furthermore, Zikr beads are a means to fulfill the sunnah of making particular Zikrs which are in large numbers (such as 100 times). This is why we find various Companions of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam using pebbles, date pits, knotted strings and the like. They did not need to get the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam’s permission as they are permitted means to a praiseworthy action. Prayer beads are in themselves permitted, and praiseworthy when used for good, according to the overwhelming majority of Islamic scholarship: Suyuti, al-Hawi lil Fatawi; Lakhnawi’s Risala on prayer beads; Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar. Answer by: Sheikh Faraz Rabbani
Q: Do Muslims believe in a physical afterlife? A: The belief of Ahlus sunna wal jama’a (orthodox Sunni Muslims) is that the next
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life is a physical life composed of both body and soul. Death is the separation of body and soul; resurrection is their reunification. The Quraan mentions in Surah Takwir, ‘And when the souls are paired …’ Imam Jalaluddin al-Mahalli states that this verse refers to the reunification of the soul with the body. Standard texts of Sunni belief, such as Jawhara of Imam Laqani, also corroborate the physical nature of the resurrection. The physicality of resurrection and afterlife is plain after even a cursory reading of the Quraan, which clearly depicts physical pleasures in Paradise and physical pain in Hell, leaving no room for any metaphorical interpretation. Answer by: Sheikh Hamza Karamali
Q: How is the iddah (waiting period) calculated for a woman who does not menstruate? A: Divorcees who do not experience menstruation fall into one of two broad categories: 1. She never experienced menstruation in the past or, 2. She has experienced it in the past, but her menses came to an end. Irrespective of the cause, women in category 1 will remain under iddah for three lunar months. The waiting period for category 2 is dependent on the cause for the ceasing of menses. These are: i. Menopause: In this instance, her waiting period will also be three months. According to the Shafi school and contrary to modern medicine, a lady will only be considered menopausal once she reaches the age of 62
lunar years. ii. Breastfeeding or a health condition: A divorcee belonging to this category will remain under iddah until she experiences menstruation or, alternatively, reaches the age of menopause. When experiencing menstruation her iddah will be calculated according to three tuhurs (periods of purity between menstrual cycles); when reaching the age of menopause, her iddah will be three months. iii. No apparent cause: She is to be treated the same as the previous category. This category includes women who are considered menopausal medically, but not Islamically. The problem posed by categories ii and iii is that a lady’s menses might cease at a young age. E.g. a lady whose menses ends at 30 years of age could possibly remain in iddah for 32 years plus 3 months. The difficulties she will undergo are unimaginable. It will be advisable for her to adopt alternative views within the Shafi school. One is an opinion of Zarkashi that the waiting period with regards to a lady who suffers from a perpetual health condition, and consequently does not experience menstruation, is three months. Another alternative with regards to category iii is the old opinion of Imam Shafi as well as the opinion of Imam Malik. This states that the divorcee’s waiting period is 9 months plus 3 months which equals 1 lunar year. Women are strongly advised to consult scholars before adopting these alternative views. Answer by: Sheikh Abdur Rahman Khan
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HANAFI Q & A From various Ulama
www.askimam.org | www.askmufti.co.za | www.councilofulama.co.za Q: Can Muslims donate/ transfuse blood or donate bone marrow? A: It is permissible to donate and transfuse blood if: a) There is a desperate need to donate blood; b) There is no other alternative; and c) This has been prescribed by an expert medical practitioner. This permissibility is based on the principal of ‘necessity relaxes prohibition’. (AlAshbaah) However, the permissibility of blood donation and blood transfusion is determined by the following conditions: a) The donor willingly donates his blood. If he is compelled to do so, it will not be permissible; b) There is no danger to the donor’s life or health; c) If the doctor feels that the patient will lose his life and there is no other alternative but recourse of blood transfusion; and d) There is no fear of death but recovery is not possible without blood transfusion. It is not permissible to sell one's blood or to pay the blood donor. However, if one is in need of blood desperately and the only means to obtain the blood is to purchase it, then only will it be permissible to pay for the blood. Blood donation and blood transfusion is not permissible for the sake of beautification or for any other reason other than genuine necessity. The same laws will apply to bone marrow donation. Answer by: Council of Ulama Eastern Cape
Q: Is Lunch Bar chocolate Halaal? A: Cadbury Lunch Bar have changed their Tartaric Acid to a Halaal variant since last year. The product is now
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deemed Halaal suitable. The ‘Best Before Date’ on the packaging should be 1st July 2010 and beyond. Answer by: SANHA
Q: A family member and I did rami (pelting) of the Jamarat at Mina during Hajj around 11:30 am before Zuhr on the 12th of Dhul Hijjah. Did we make a mistake or not? A: On the 12th of Dhul Hijjah, the time for rami (pelting) begins from Zawaal. It is not permissible to do it before that. The local time for Zawaal in Mina this year was approximately 12:06 pm on the 12th of Dhul-Hijjah. If pelting was performed in the impermissible time it has to be made up by redoing the pelting and giving a dumm. The time for redoing the pelting expired at sunset on the 13th of Dhul -Hijjah, so now only a dumm is wajib on you. (Muallimul Hujjaj) Dumm: Slaughtering of a goat, a sheep or a oneseventh part of a cow or a one-seventh part of a camel within the precincts of the Haram in lieu of certain violations made while performing the rites of Hajj. Answer under supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Q: Are plates made of bone china or fine bone china ok for Muslims to use to eat from? A. Bone china crockery is made from cattle bones that have been dried out and then reduced to ash. When the bones are burnt to ash a complete metamorphosis has taken place causing the bone to become ash, which is a pure substance. Thus, it will be permissible to use cups,
plates, etc made from bone china. Furthermore, when the bones of dead animals are dried out, they become pure; so the use of such bones even in their original form is permissible. And Allah knows best Answer by: Mufti Siraj Desai
Q: What are the rulings of separation before divorce? A. If the separation between husband and wife is with the consent of the husband, he will have to maintain her during the separation. If the wife leaves the marital home without the consent of the husband, he does not have to maintain her during the separation. It is sinful for her to leave the marital home without his approval. Checked by: Mufti Siraj Desai
Q: What is the meaning of the words the Imam says in Arabic to people when he is about to begin the Salah? Is it compulsory to say it? A: There is a lot of emphasis placed on the straightening of the rows of prayer. Those praying behind the Imam should be diligent in keeping the rows aligned throughout the Salaah. The Arabic terms used mean to ‘straighten and align [the rows]’ and ‘establish the rows and balance and make them equivalent.’ It is mustahab (desirable) for the Imam to remind the congregation to straighten the rows as the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam used to do so. Answer by: Moulana Sohail Bengali
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Look at Allah’s creation and get an idea of His Majesty:
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We think of our majestic buildings as big. Then we look at the mountains and the oceans and we feel humbled. Yet the vastness of the earth is dwarfed by the planet Jupiter which is 1,300 times the size of earth.
Education Consultancy www.planomasjid.org/planomasjid-
v2/ - Plano Musjid, Texas, USA www.ulamacouncilofdetroit.com
Ulama Council of Detroit, USA www.iirosa.org/english/ -International Islamic Relief Organisation www.wifaqululama.co.uk/ asktheshaykh/index.php - Mufti Muhammad Asshad Bin Said www.imws.org.uk - Indian Muslim Welfare Society, UK www.aberdeenmosque.org - Aberdeen Musjid, Scotland www.chinamuslim.net - China Muslim Silaturrahim Welfare Organisation www.madinamasjid.net - Madina Musjid, Preston, UK www.islaminpreston.com - Islam in Preston, UK www.youtube.com/user/ islamicposters - Islamic Posters Media Channel www.tauheed-sunnat.com/sunnat/ Talks, Nasheeds www.muslimprisonersupport.blogspot. com - Muslim Prisoner Support www.islambarbados.com - Barbados Muslim Association www.islamkenya.com - Nairobi Jamia Musjid, Kenya
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Jupiter is itself dwarfed by the sun which has a diameter of 1,392,000 kilometers. The earth looks like a small dot compared to the sun. Is there anything bigger than the sun? Yes. The star Antares is 300 million kilometers across, making the sun look miniscule. The sky is filled with stars like Antares. The largest star discovered in our universe is CY Canis Majoris. It would take 7 quadrillion earths to fill this star! Galaxies are systems of stars and planets with as few as 10 million stars up to a trillion. Galaxies can be as big as 100,000 parsecs (one parsec is about 31 trillion kilometers or 3,26 light years). There are about 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe. Galaxies are arranged in super-structures. The Coma Wall is one of the biggest measuring 500 million light years long and 300 million light years wide. Is there anything bigger than this? Yes. These super-structures are just a small part of the super-galactic plane. The observable universe is about 93 billion light years in diameter. Anything bigger? The fire of Hell, which itself is smaller than Paradise. Then there is the Throne of Allah which encompasses the heavens and earth. And more majestic that even that is Allah, Most Powerful. Get the pdf version with pictures from our Downloads Section online at www.islamicfocus.co.za
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Enrich your web experience. Not all content on all sites Islamic-compliant. Consult Ulama.
Among the signs of the last Day is that: ‘Time will pass rapidly, good deeds will decrease, miserliness will be thrown (in the hearts of the people), Fitan will appear and there will be much Harj (killing)...’ (Bukhari 88/183) Fitan refers to Fitan trials, tribulations, afflictions and calamities. At this time, certain qualities will help one:
1. Kindness. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said: ‘There is no kindness/gentleness in anything but it adorns it, and the absence of kindness/gentleness in anything makes it ugly.’ (Muslim 4698) Do not get angry because you will never regret being kind. 2. Lack of Haste. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said to Ashakh, ‘You posses two qualities which are beloved to Allah; deliberation and lack of haste.’ (Muslim) Haste makes one act out of rage which might create more problems. 3. Deliberation. With deliberation one truly sees the reality of any matter. 4. Knowledge. Do not pass judgement on anything without fully understanding it. Intelligent people have adhered to this principle. ‘Follow not (do not talk about) that of which you have no knowledge of.’ (Quraan 17:32) 5. Justice and Fairness. ‘Whenever you give your word (i.e. judge between men or give evidence, etc.), say the truth even if a near relative is concerned.’ (Quraan 6:152) As new issues of conflict affect Muslims, implementing these principles will allow one to act in a proper, dignified way. Adapted from: Sheikh Saalih ibn Abdul Aziz Aal Sheikh
Islamic Focus
Two teens asked their father if they could watch a movie. After reading reviews, he denied their request. ‘Why not?’ they complained, ‘It’s rated PG-13, and we’re both older than 13!’ Dad replied: ‘It contains nudity and portrays immorality as acceptable.’ ‘But dad, the movie is two hours long and those scenes are just a few minutes! Good triumphs over evil, and there are themes like courage and self-sacrifice.’ ‘My final answer is no,’ said Dad. As the teens sulked, they heard the sounds of their father preparing something. They soon smelt brownies baking. Their father appeared with a plate of brownies, which he offered them. They took one. Then their father said, ‘Before you eat, I want to tell you something: I’ve made these brownies with the very best ingredients. Most are even organic. But there’s one ingredient I added that is not usually found in brownies. I got it from our back yard. But you needn’t worry, I only added the tiniest bit to your brownies. The amount is practically insignificant. So go ahead and eat.’ ‘Dad, what is the mystery ingredient?’ ‘Why? The portion I added was so small. Just a teaspoonful. You won’t even taste it.’ ‘Come on, dad; tell us what that ingredient is.’ ‘Well, ok, if you insist. That secret ingredient is organic dog droppings.’ Both teens dropped their brownies in horror. ‘Dad! Why did you do that? We can’t eat these!’ ‘Why not? The amount of dog droppings is very small compared to the rest of the ingredients. And that is the same reason I won’t allow you to watch that movie. You won’t tolerate a little dog dropping in your brownies, so why should you tolerate a little immorality in your movies?’
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His achievements were too many to mention. Here are a few: He is known for his original breakthroughs in surgery as well as for his famous medical encyclopedia called Al-Tasrif, composed of 30 volumes covering different aspects of medical science including surgery, medicine, orthopedics, ENT, ophthalmology, pharmacology and nutrition. There are three books which describe in detail various aspects of surgical treatment including cauterization, removal of stones from the bladder, dissection of animals, midwifery, and eye, ear and throat surgery. He perfected several delicate operations, including removal of the dead foetus. Al-Tasrif was translated into Latin, followed by several editions and was the primary source for European medical knowledge for five centuries. Al-Zahrawi invented 200 surgical instruments including instruments for internal examination of the ear and urethra. His use of catgut for internal stitching is still practised in modern surgery. The surgical needle was invented and described by him. Al-Zahrawi was also an expert in dentistry and developed the technique of preparing artificial teeth. He is considered one of the fathers of modern surgery. The street in Cordoba where he lived is named in his honor as ‘Calle Albucasis’. On this street he lived in house no. 6, which is preserved today by the Spanish Tourist Board.
Sugar refers to sucrose, which primarily comes from sugar cane and sugar beet. Sugar was produced in the Indian subcontinent since ancient times. It was not plentiful or cheap, honey was more often used for sweetening in most parts of the world. Sugarcane was a native of South and Southeast Asia. Indians discovered methods of turning sugarcane juice into granulated crystals that were easier to store and to transport. During the Muslim Agricultural Revolution, Arab Muslim entrepreneurs adopted sugar production techniques from India and then refined and transformed them into a large-scale industry. Arabs set up the first cane sugar mills, refineries, factories and plantations. Muslim Arabs and Berbers spread the cultivation of sugar throughout the Muslim Empire and across much of the Old World, including Western Europe after they conquered Spain in the eighth century. Muslims also spread the cultivation of sugarcane along the coast of East Africa to reach Zanzibar. Crusaders brought sugar home with them to Europe after their campaigns in Palestine. The English word sugar originates from the Arabic sukkar itself derived from Sanskrit sharkara. The Spanish and Portuguese words, azúcar and açúcar respectively, have kept a trace of the Arabic definite article. While sugar was discovered by Indians, it was left to Muslims to refine and spread it around the world.
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Abul Qasim Khalaf al-Zahrawi (known in the west as Abulcasis) was born in 936 in Zahra, Cordoba, Muslim Spain. He was one of the most renowned surgeons of the era and physician to Caliph Al-Hakam II of Spain. He died in 1013 in Cordoba. He was descended from the Ansar Arab tribe who settled in Spain.
In 2009 there were an estimated 400,000 Muslims in Switzerland, or about 5% of the total population. 10,000 are Swiss converts. In the 10th century, Arabs and Berbers from their Mediterranean Fraxinet base settled in the Valais for a few decades. They occupied the Great St. Bernard Pass and reached as far as St. Gallen to the north and Raetia in the east. Islam was virtually absent from when the Muslims were expelled from Spain until the 20th century. It appeared with the beginning of immigration after World War II. Most Muslims in Switzerland are from former Yugoslavia (56.4%; especially Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia) and Turkey (20.2%). Muslim presence in the 1960s/70s was mostly due to the presence of international diplomats and rich Saudi tourists in Geneva. Muslims came from former Yugoslavia during the 1990s Yugoslav War. The Muslim community from North Africa is 4% of the overall community, while Lebanese are 3.3%. Islam is now the second largest religion in Switzerland. The first Musjid was built in 1978. Now there are 90 Musjids, generally referred to as Islamic Cultural Centers, sometimes open for the five daily prayers, and always open for Friday prayer. Turks, Bosnians and Albanians are organized around centers mainly run by the Turkish government. Arabs are organized around centres partially financed by Saudi Arabia or UAE. The Tabligh movement is present. There are a wide range of Muslim organizations. The building of Minarets for Musjids was banned in 2009.
These are some of the actions that earn one the curse (La’nah ) of the Angels: 1. Slandering the Sahaaba The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said, ‘May the La'nah of Allah, His Angels and the whole of mankind be upon him who slanders my companions.’ (As Saheehah) 2. Innovating acts in Islam ‘Whoever innovates a heresy (Bidah) or gives shelter to an innovator or criminal, may there be upon him the curse of Allah, the angels and all of mankind.’ (Sunan Abi Dawood) 3. False lineage ‘If anyone makes a false claim to paternity ... There is upon him the curse of Allah, the Angels, and all the people.’ (Muslim) We learn from this Hadith that it is Haraam (prohibited) for a person to ascribe himself to anyone other than his own father. 4. Not spending in good The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said: ‘Every day two angels descend from heaven and … (one of them says), ‘O Allah! Destroy every miser.’ (Bukhari) 5. Wife refusing husband The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said: ‘When a man invites his wife to his bed and she does not come, and he (the husband) spends the night being angry with her, the angels curse her until morning.’ (Muslim) This refers to the case where the wife does not have a valid Islamic reason. From: Belief in the Angels, by S Abdul Aziz
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Islamic Focus
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does it taste?’ ‘Good!’ remarked the young man. ‘Do you taste the salt?’ asked the pious man. ‘No,’ replied the young man. Once an unhappy young man came to an old pious man, told him he was very sad and asked for a solution. The pious man instructed the unhappy young man to put a handful of salt in a glass of water and then to drink it. ‘How does it taste?’ the pious man asked. ‘Awful,’ spat the young man. The pious man chuckled and then asked the young man to take another handful of salt and put it in the lake. The two walked in silence to the nearby lake and when the young man swirled his handful of salt into the lake, the pious man said, ‘Now drink from the lake.’ As the water dripped down the young man’s chin, the pious man asked, ‘How
The pious man sat beside this troubled young man, took his hands, and said, ‘The pain of life is pure salt; no more, no less. The amount of pain in life remains the same, exactly the same. But the amount we taste the of the pain depends on the container we put it into. So when you are in pain, the only thing you can do is to enlarge your sense of things. Stop being a glass. Become a lake.’ Moral of the story: When you have pain in life: 1. If you put it in front of God then the pain will be very little. 2. But if you put in front anyone other than Him it becomes very large.
73 DURBAN ROAD KORSTEN PH. 041 451 3060 Islamic Focus
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