P9 Moulana Patel
1 1 1 0 0 9
P7 Fired
2223 - 1110
P4 Aqsa Itikaaf
P3 Summer Fasts
9 7 7 2 2 2 3
P3 Delight
P10 Rice Bukhara Publications/Tel: 078 672 7797/Fax: 086 651 2125 Email: islamicfocus@gmail.com/Korsten/Port Elizabeth
Issue 92
Igniting the Spirit of Islam
When a person is steeped in sin, and there seems no way out; when a person is battling to fight off an addiction and there seems to be no hope; there is a way: who are you connected to.
person gets the reward of performing a Fardh (compulsory) act for a Nafil (optional) one. The act is the same. What was different was its connection to a sacred time.
TRANSFORMATION A toilet is built in a house on a spot of land. It becomes a despised place, a place which people only visit out of need. Later on, the house is transformed into a Musjid and converted for the worship of Allah. Now that piece of land on which the toilet stood becomes a sanctified area, an area in which people wish to spend more time, an area which will testify in one’s favour if one had performed Salaah on it. What changed? It depended on what the land was connected to.
The Sahaba and companions of the Prophet received a status higher than any saint merely by seeing the Prophet in the state of Imaan (faith). Despite some of them being sinners and actively engaging in enmity towards Muslims prior to Islam, this connection with the Prophet transformed them into the best of people after the Prophets. Again, the key factor was the connection.
TIME ZONE In the month of Ramadan, a
Islamic Focus
COMMON FACTOR In all three cases, the common thread is that being connected to a place, time or person linked to Allah has the power of causing an unparalleled revolution. This
Aug 2011
solution can be used by anyone wishing to pull his or her self out of a life of no hope. The Quraan commands us to adopt Taqwa (consciousness of Allah) and in the same verse commands us to keep the company of the pious. The Ulama say that this shows that one will gain the necessary drive to adopt Taqwa by being with those who have it i.e. the pious. When you want to make a change for the better in your life, the easiest way is to look for activities connected to Allah, for people connected to Allah and spend as much time as possible with them. Just as a Haraam item like wine can be transformed into a Halaal one like vinegar, so too can any person, no matter how great the sin, transform into the greatest of saints.
UAE - Hundreds of police are giving out free Iftar meals to drivers stopped at major junctions in Abu Dhabi at sunset. (Emirates247, 1 Aug)
NORWAY - Right wing Progress Party on the defensive after its former member massacred 77 people in the name of fighting Muslims. (News24, 3 Aug)
SYRIA - Army continues attack on Hama, a centre of opposition protest, killing over 140. (BBC, 4 Aug)
SUDAN - Oil shipment from South Sudan blocked after it failed to pay customs duties. (BBC, 5 Aug)
EGYPT - Trial of ex-President Mubarak begins. He was taken into court on a stretcher. (BBC, 3 Aug)
SOMALIA - Al-Shabab fighters pulled out of the Mogadishu in a change of military tactics. 640,000 children are acutely malnourished, while 3.2 million people need life-saving help. (BBC, 6 Aug)
ITALY - Parliamentary committee passes draft law to ban women wearing veils in public. Belgium and France banned the full-face veil. (BBC, 2 Aug) KOSOVO - Nato sends extra troops to Kosovo after Serb fundamentalists attacked a border post and killed a Kosovo policeman. (BBC, 2 Aug) TURKEY - Islamist government appoints commanders of the armed forces, with civilians for the first time in charge of the process. It follows resignations of the chiefs of the armed forces after arrests of senior officers for plotting a coup. (BBC, 1 Aug) AUSTRALIA - Court freezes proceeds from a memoir by former Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks. He was held for 5 years without trial. (BBC, 3 Aug) EAST TURKISTAN - Chinese police shot 7 Muslim Uighurs dead after clashes in Chinese-occupied East Turkistan. (BBC, 2 Aug) NIGERIA - Government wants to start negotiating with Islamist group Boko Haram, which is fighting to create an Islamic state. (BBC, 31 Jul) LIBYA - Rebel commander Gen Younes shot dead by Islamist militia linked to his side. (BBC, 30 Jul) IRELAND - David Norris, gay candidate for presidency, abandoned his campaign after it emerged he wrote to an Israeli court pleading for clemency for his former partner who was convicted for the rape of a Palestinian boy in 1992. (BBC, 2 Aug)
Islamic Focus
AFGHANISTAN - US helicopter shot down by Taliban killing 31 US elite forces and 7 Afghans in the biggest single loss of life for US forces. (BBC, 6 Aug) USA - One of the world's leading credit rating agencies, Standard & Poor's, downgraded USA's AAA rating. Asian markets were hammered amid fears the US is heading for a recession and after Wall Street posted the biggest losses since 2008. European shares also fell. (BBC, 9 Aug) PALESTINE - 300,000 Israelis protested in the largest demonstration there. (BBC, 7 Aug) UK - Rioting spread across London for 3 nights with unrest flaring in other cities. 3 Muslims were killed protecting property. (BBC, 9 Aug) UK - UK soldier sliced fingers off dead Taliban fighters to keep as souvenirs. (BBC, 8 Aug) UAE - Muslims on the higher floors in the world's tallest building, Burj Khalifa, must break fast 2-3 minutes after those on the ground, Dubai's leading scholars say. People on higher floors can still see the sun after it has set on the ground. (BBC, 7 Aug) PAKISTAN - Thousands have died in ethnic violence since 2007 in Karachi. 800 killed this year, of which 300 died in July alone. (BBC, 9 Aug)
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The northern hemisphere is experiencing summer, with people fasting long, hot days. Here are some notes on fasting in summer:
Street Banquets. Ma’idah Ar Rahman, or the Tablespread of the Most Merciful, is the name given to the endless rows of tables set up along the streets of Cairo in Egypt filled with the best of all sorts of food: meats, rice, stews, vegetables, fruits and traditional sweets of Ramadan. Everyone is invited to partake for free in breaking fast. These banquets are sponsored by everyone from politicians to ordinary people.
Ibn Rajab has a section in Lata’if al-Ma’arif about the virtues of fasting during hot days: ‘… And from the acts of worship whose reward is multiplied during the heat is fasting ...’
Bazaar Ramadan. Before sunset everyday in Ramadan, bazaars are set up in Malaysia with stalls selling traditional pastries and barbequing chicken and lamb satays, grilling fish and roasting chicken with jugs of fruit drinks for buka puasa or Iftar. You can find much of Malaysia’s traditional foods along with Biryani, goose, turkey, pigeon and quail gravy. Madinah. Locals spend almost $700,000 a day to feed people breaking fast at Musjidun Nabawi . Meals include yoghurt, dates, dugga and Saudi coffee. More than 10,000 residents arrange the food and serve them. Greenland. The only Muslim in Greenland, a country surrounded by icebergs, is a Lebanese who’s been living there for several years. This year he’s fasting for 21 hours a day and after Iftar he only has three hours to read Maghrib, Esha and have Sehri. He says the fact that he is the only person worshipping Allah there stops him from going to Lebanon for Ramadan.
Mu’adh bin Jabal expressed regret on his deathbed that he would no longer experience this mid-day thirst. Abu Bakr would fast in summer and not in winter, and Umar advised his son on his deathbed: ‘Try to obtain the characteristics of faith,’ and the first one he mentioned was fasting in the intense summer heat. Qasim bin Muhammad said that Aisha would fast in the intense heat. Abu Musa would search out the days that were so hot that one would feel he was being cooked, and he would fast those days. Ibn Umar used to fast extra days until he would almost faint, and this wouldn’t cause him to break his fast. Imam Ahmad rahimahullah would fast until he was about to pass out, and would wipe water over his face. Abu Darda would say: ‘Fast the very hot days in anticipation of the Day of Resurrection, and pray two rakaats in the darkness of night in anticipation of the darkness of the grave.’ Hasan said a person who experienced thirst in the mid-day heat of a long summer day for the sake of Allah will be married to a maiden of Paradise. Kaab said that Allah said to Musa : ‘I made it incumbent upon Myself that whoever is thirsty for My sake will have his thirst quenched on the Day of Resurrection.’
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Islamic Focus
Ramadan brings out the best in Muslims the world over. Here’s a look at some of the unique traditions of Ramadan:
A group of South Africans left for Musjidul Aqsa in Palestine to spend Itikaaf there for the last 10 days of Ramadan and promote the revival of visiting Al Aqsa. They are not an organization, but a group of friends who have run this initiative for the last four years. Everything is well-planned. In encouraging people to take up the offer for next year, we bring you some of the details:
Times when Dua is more likely to be accepted:
11. At the Time of Athaan ‘Seek the response to your duas when ... the prayer is called …’ (Imam Shafi, al-Umm) In another hadith: ‘When the prayer is called, the doors of the skies are opened, and the dua is answered.’ (al-Tayalisi, Musnad 2106)
The group facilitates the trip. All you need to do is fill in the application, book your ticket and pack your bags. They have a website: www.aqsa.co.za where you can submit your application online. All expenses are to be paid directly to ticketing agent, transporters and hotels as the group is not a tour operator. The breakdown of costs for 2011 is: R7,500 - Air ticket Johannesburg/Amman via Emirates, R400 - Transport Amman-Jerusalem-Amman, R1,400 - Accommodation 4 nights prior to Itikaaf, R1,000 - Luggage storage and use of bathroom while in Itikaaf, R350 - Departure tax: Israeli and Jordanian, R2,000 - Food: Estimated cost for 15 days, R300 - Ziyarat. Total: R13,000. Only air ticket to be purchased and the rest is paid at their respective places.
12. Oppressed Person The Prophet said to Muaad Ibn Jabal : ‘Beware of the supplication of the unjustly treated, because there is no shelter or veil between it (the supplication of the one who is suffering injustice) and Allah.’ (Bukhari and Muslim)
The website has all the details including border crossing times, currency requirements, food arrangements including types of meals and places they can be obtained, complete list of things to take, trip schedule, transport details, and even the weather forecast for the days you’ll be there.
15. Fasting Person The Prophet said: ‘Three supplications will not be rejected (by Allah) ... the supplication of the one who is fasting ...’ (Bayhaqi)
CONTACTS Tel: 082 610 5899 Email:info@aqsa.co.za www.aqsa.co.za
13. Traveler The Prophet said: ‘Three supplications will not be rejected (by Allah) ... the supplication of the traveler.’ (Bayhaqi) 14. Parent The Prophet said: ‘Three supplications will not be rejected (by Allah): the supplication of the parent for his child ...’ (Bayhaqi)
16. Dua for a Muslim The Prophet said: ‘There is no believing servant who supplicates for his brother in his absence where the angels do not say, 'the same be for you.’’ (Muslim)
154 RENSBURG STREET, WEST END, P.E. TEL. 041 481 2862, 481 7849 FAX. 041 482 0462
Islamic Focus
From various Ulama
www.shafiifiqh.com Q: What is the position with regards to wearing an Amaamah (Turban)? A: Ibn Hajar mentions that wearing a turban is sunnah in prayer. (Tuhfat al-Muhtaj 3:36-37) Imams Muslim, Abu Dawud, and others related that the Prophet entered Makkah while wearing a turban. (Muslim 9:1641; Sunan Abi Dawud 3:1748) Therefore, wearing a turban is found in the sunnah. Answer by: Shafiifiqh.com Fatwa Dept.
Q: In my hometown in USA, there is a Sikhowned restaurant that buys its meat from the local Halaal butcher. Is it permissible to eat there? Can one eat at such a restaurant where there are non-Muslims working or who own it? A: It is very important for a Muslim to eat what is permissible according to Islamic dietary guidelines. Some restaurants run by non-Muslims could claim to stock Halaal products while they do not have sufficient knowledge regarding the specifics of our dietary laws. A non-Muslim does not have the Allahfearing nature that a Muslim has pertaining to such matters. E.g. if the restaurant runs out of beef on short notice, would they consider a substitute for Halaal meat sufficient? It is better to be careful. In some US cities, there are restaurants run by non-Muslims that claim they only stock Halaal products, while a bit of investigation may produce evidence to the contrary. This does not mean that we cannot eat lawful food which is served by a Islamic Focus
non-Muslim. It is permissible to eat what a non-Muslim or corrupt Muslim serves, so long as what they serve is permissible. ‘If refraining from eating lawful food is due to it being served by a non-Muslim or transgressor by fornication, murder, etc., this is not scrupulousness; rather, it is neurotic misgiving and blameful overstrictness.’ (Sharh alMuhadhdhab, 9:418) Answer by: Shafiifiqh.com Fatwa Dept
Q: Is it an innovation to take one’s ring off while using the restroom when that ring has the name of Allah on it? A: If one is wearing something venerated, like Allah’s Name, then removing it when entering the restroom is recommended. (Sharh alMuhadhdhab, 2:73) If one is wearing it on the left hand, then removing it before cleansing is obligatory; as getting filth on it is unlawful. (al-Minhaj al-Qawim w/Kurdi 1:123) It is recommended to not take something with Allah’s Name on it into the restroom. And it is unlawful to allow it to become affected by an impurity. Answer by: Shafiifiqh.com Fatwa Dept
Q: Is it permissible to translate a work in Shafi fiqh (jurisprudence) and then sell it? A: It is permissible to translate an Islamic work, in Shafi fiqh or other subjects, and then offer copies of the work for sale. Abu Muhammad al-Bayhaqi was one of Imam al-Haramayn’s students; he had the ability to write at a fast pace. He scribed Imam al-Haramayn’s Nihayat al-
Matlab for him over twenty times. Sayyid Ahmad Bey mentioned that he would scribe copies of Nihayat alMatlab and then offer those for sale. (Murshid al-Anam, 1:238) Answer by: Sheikh Yaqub Abdurrahman
Q: I do understand that a woman’s iddah (waiting period) with a normal menstrual cycle is three pure periods. However, if a woman was given a revocable divorce half way through her pure period, does the other half of her pure period fall away or does she continue halfway through the third pure period? A: A partial pure period (even if only a moment) is considered as a complete pure period. Thus, if a woman’s husband divorced her during the pure period, her waiting period ends after two more intervals between menstruations finishes and a third menstruation begins. (Tuhfat al-Muhtaj, 8:233) Q: Is it permissible to use the miswak (tooth stick) in front of other people? A: Using the miswak in front of others is not disliked. It is established that the Prophet did so. (Umdat al-Mufti wa al-Mustafti, 1:22) E.g. Imam Bayhaqi related on the authority of Abu Musa that he entered upon the Prophet while the Prophet was using a miswak. (al-Sunan al -Kubra, 1:35) Answer by: Sheikh Yaqub Abdurrahman
Shafi Fitra
Shafi Fidya
HANAFI Q & A From various Ulama
www.askimam.org | www.askmufti.co.za | www.daruliftaa.net Q: Should Sadaqatul Fitr be paid on behalf of a deceased family member? A: Sadaqatul Fitr is not payable on behalf of a deceased family member. One may, however, give charities on behalf of the deceased so that they may benefit from the rewards. Answer by: Mufti Shafiq Jakhura
Q: I have seen red wine vinegar used in many salsas. Is it permissible to consume red wine vinegar? I have heard vinegar is Halaal, but the word ‘wine’ puts doubts in mind. A: Red wine vinegar is permissible to consume. Vinegar is traditionally made when wine is converted to vinegar. Answer by: Mufti Shafiq Jakhura
Q: Is it permissible to keep turtles? A: It is permissible to keep turtles. Answer by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Q: Can we give Zakaat to anyone who is a Sayyid (from the family of the Prophet ? A: Zakaat and Sadaqah is the filth in ones wealth which is given out to purify ones earning. The honour of the Prophet and his noble family should not be tainted by the filth of our wealth. For this reason, it is not permissible to give Zakaat to a Sayyid. If some Sayyid is in need then one should use moneys other than Zakaat or Sadaqah. It will be a means of immense reward. (Fatawa Mahmudiyyah 9:554) Checked by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Q: Other than the combined Salaah of a traveler, what other factors validates the combining of Salaah for non-travelers? A: According to the Hanafis, to combine Salaah in such a way that one Salaah is performed in another Salaah’s time, this is only permissible during the days of Hajj and on two occasions only (if the requirements are met). The first occurs on the day of Arafah where the Asr Salaah is performed in the Zuhr time; whilst the second occasion is in Muzdalifah, where the Maghrib Salaah is delayed and performed in the Esha time. (Al Bahrur Raiq 1:3) Apart from the 9th day of Hajj, it is not permissible to combine two Salaahs in one time. Checked by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Islamic Focus
Q: I am going to Makkah and a non Muslim at work asked me to bring back some Zam Zam water for him. Is it permissible for non Muslims to consume Zam Zam water? A: Despite all the virtues of Zam Zam it is permissible for non-Muslims to drink of it. Up to one year after the conquest of Makkah Mukarramah non-Muslims were permitted to go for hajj and umrah. It is obvious that they too used to drink Zam Zam water. (Kitabul Fatawa 4:82) One should explain to them that this is sacred water hence it should be respected and used accordingly.
A: It is not permissible to use the verses of the Quraan for the ring tone of one’s mobile phone even if the meaning of the verses does not change. Using the verses of the Quraan for ring tones is tantamount to disrespecting the Quraan. By using the verses of the Quran for one’s ring tone, one becomes guilty of using the Quraan for a worldly purpose i.e. to alert him that someone wants to talk to him. This is tantamount to lowering the exalted level of the Quraan from being a source of guidance for mankind to the level of commonplace things such as that of ring tones or an alarm or a knock on the door. The fuqaha (jurists) have stated it is not permissible to even say Subhaanallah and Allaahumma salli alaa Muhammad etc. for worldly purposes. If a merchant opens goods for a customer and says Subhaanallah, etc and he intends with his words to inform the buyer of the excellence of his goods, then it is makrooh (tahreemi) [forbidden]. (Fataawa Qaadi Khan) If saying words such as Subhanallah for ones worldly purpose is not permissible, How, then, could it be permissible to use the Quraan to alert one that someone wants to talk to him? [There are other reasons why using a verse of the Quraan is prohibited, but these have been left out due to space.] Checked by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Checked by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Q: Can one use the verses of the Quraan as a ring tone on ones cellphone?
Hanafi Fitra
Hanafi Fidya
www.markazul-uloom.com - Markazul
Uloom, Rotherham, West Yorkshire, UK www.islaaminfo.co.za - General info www.sacredlearning.org - Sheikh Hus-
There was a guy working for a multimillionaire as a house guard. One day, while the millionaire was driving out to catch an early morning flight to conclude a business deal, the guard ran out from the guard house and stopped the millionaire’s car in front of the gate.
sain Abdus Sattar, USA http://english.sunnionline.us/
index.php - Sunni Community in Iran http://anonahouse.blogspot.com/ -
He said ‘Sir! Are you going to board a plane?’ ‘Yes, why?’ asked the millionaire. ‘You had better cancel the trip. You see, last night I dreamt about the plane going to crash.’
Hakeem Muhammad Kaleemullah www.ifnj.org - Islamic Foundation of New
Jersey, USA www.aqsa.co.za - Masjid Aqsa Itikaaf www.imuslim.co.za - Online directory www.ethicainstitute.com - Ethica Insti-
tute of Islamic Finance www.zamzamacademy.com - Mufti Ab-
durrahman Mangera, UK www.icnsw.org.au - Islamic Council of
New South Wales, Australia http://imamawlaki.blogspot.com/ -
Lectures of Anwar Awlaki http://dammaaj.wordpress.com/ - Da-
rul Uloom, Yemen www.torontoislamiccentre.com - To-
ronto Islamic Centre, Canada www.avenueislam.com - Avenue Islam,
apps for smartphones
Support Sensible Surfing
Curious over the early morning fright that the guard had given him, the multi-millionaire decided to cancel his trip. ‘You better be right for this is a million dollar deal,’ he said. The following day, there was a news report that the plane which the millionaire was supposed to take had indeed crashed. ‘Lucky I cancelled the trip’, the rich man said realizing that what the guard said had come true. He summoned the guard to see him. When the guard was called that morning, the millionaire gave him his salary and fired him. Question: Why did he do that? The guard saved his life. Answer: the guard was supposed to guard the house at night not to sleep and dream! We need to utilize our time in doing necessary things, in pleasing Allah. If we do not, we will be faced with a great shock when we are in our graves and we see that the treatment we are receiving is not what we expected. The regret felt then will make all life’s problems seem like a dream.
Variety of Cakes, Biscuits and various Savouries Custom-made Cakes to Meet the Occasion Westend Shopping Centre Tel: 041 481 9123 Fax: 041 482 2326 Cell: 084 329 8507
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Westend Shopping Centre Tel: 041 481 9123 Fax: 041 482 2326 Cell: 084 329 8507
Enrich your web experience. Not all content on all sites Islamic-compliant. Consult Ulama.
Some tips that successful parents shared on raising good Muslim children:
Part one of an English poem written by Moulana Fahim Hussain in praise of Prophet Muhammad :
1. Dua, Dua, Dua ‘None of this is from us,’ insists one mother of three UC Berkeley graduates who have never voluntarily missed a single prayer. ‘Everything begins and ends with dua. It is only by Allah’s generosity that we have been blessed with believing children; we had nothing to do with it.’
Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, the best of Allah’s creation Owner of the Praiseworthy Station (al Maqam al Mahmud) Sent to rescue mankind from eternal damnation Our hearts are overwhelmed in his admiration Secluded in the cave of Hira deep in meditation The angel Jibril came to him with the first revelation From that day on he spread the message with utmost dedication Three years later came the command of proclamation Patiently he bore the abuse, the vilification With entrails on his back he remained in prostration Certain that these trials will one day lead to reformation When the Quraysh failed in all forms of provocation They offered him wealth, power and every temptation When even this did not work they resorted to isolation In the mountain pass of Bani Talib he and his companions faced starvation To Taif he went filled with hope and expectation Only to be stoned and suffer yet another humiliation Instead of cursing or taking revenge he prayed for the coming generation Allah then honoured him in the heavens by special invitation. To be continued, insha Allah
2. Social Company The type of friends you keep as a parent has an impact on your child. One parents shares, ‘Once our kids were born, we avoided friends who partied and played poker. Our social gatherings are now the type where both the respected elders and the innocent children feel welcome and comfortable.’ A scholar advises, ‘If you sleep with the dogs, don’t be surprised if you get fleas.’ 3. The Prophet Successful parents make the Prophet a living, breathing reality in their homes. ‘We didn’t minimize any sunnah in our home,’ one father says. ‘Once you start to think, ‘Oh, that sunnah isn’t a big deal; we can ignore it’, you’ve entered dangerous territory. What comes next?’ A sister in California had an English translation of Shamail Tirmidhi on her sixyear-old’s beside table. She explained that it was part of their son’s bedtime ritual for her husband to share one hadith from lifestyle of the Prophet . ‘Learning intimate details, like the fact the Prophet enjoyed eating dates with cucumbers, makes our son feel like he actually personally knows the Prophet .’ Adapted from: princeomaralkhattab.wordpress.com
Islamic Focus
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Moulana established the first girls’ Madresa in Asherville, Durban in 1982. It is now a flourishing institute. He served as the Imam of Musjidun Noor in Asherville, Durban for many years until his demise. Moulana is the author of several books and he traveled to many countries like USA, UK, France, Mauritius, Reunion, Kenya, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia and southern Africa, as well as around South Africa, preaching Islam. He had regular programs on local Muslim radio stations. Moulana was granted Khilafah in spiritual reformation by Mufti Mahmoodul Hassan Gangohi rahimahullah and Moulana Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar. He passed away in the Haram of Makkah in 2011 at the age of 45 and is buried in Jannatul Mualla. He had two daughters and one son.
The King's Torah is a 230-page compendium of Jewish religious law, published by the Od Yosef Chai yeshiva (Jewish religious school). Laws in the Book The prohibition ‘Thou Shalt Not Murder’ applies only ‘to a Jew who kills a Jew.’ Non-Jews are ‘uncompassionate by nature’ and attacks on them ‘curb their evil inclination,’ while babies and children of Israel's enemies may be killed since ‘it is clear that they will grow to harm us.’ Endorsement Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger and Sephardic Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar, declined to condemn the book, while prominent rabbis endorsed it, among them son of former Sephardic Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef. Dov Lior, chief rabbi of Kiryat Arba noted the book is ‘very relevant especially in this time.’ The Authors Rabbis Yitzhak Shapira and Yosef Elitzur of the illegal West Bank settlement of Yitzhar. In 2008, Shapira was suspected of involvement in a rocket attack on a Palestinian village. In 2003, the head of the Od Yosef Chai yeshiva, Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh, was charged for authoring a book calling Arabs a ‘cancer.’ In 2006, the Israeli Ministry of Education gave $250,000 to the yeshiva, and in 2007 it got $28,000 from the US nonprofit Central Fund of Israel. Major bookstores in Palestine are selling the book including a large Jewish bookstore in Jerusalem where copies are displayed with children’s books.
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Moulana Yunus Patel rahimahullah was born in 1946 in Stanger, South Africa. He did his primary schooling and in 1962 volunteered to be in the first Tabligh Jamaat. Moulana used to also go with his uncle Chota Mota Desai rahimahullah to the indigenous areas where numerous people accepted Islam. In the early 1960’s he went to Darul Uloom Deoband in India to study the Aalim course. On returning to South Africa around 1969 he served Mooiriver as Imam and teacher where he lived in a tin shanty home. The notes on Fiqh that he made there formed the basis of the famous manual of Islam for Maktabs, the Taleemul Haq. After four years, around 1973, Moulana moved to Durban and was instrumental in establishing the first offices of the Jamiatul Ulama Natal. For many years Moulana served the community under the Jamiat, later becoming the secretary general and president.
Estimates of the Muslim population in USA range from around 2.5 million (0.8% of the population) to 7 million. From the 1840s to 1914, thousands of Muslims immigrated to the USA from the Ottoman Empire and South Asia. Islam increased greatly in the 20th century, driven mainly by immigration and conversion. Muslims comprised 17-20% of the prison population or 350,000 inmates in 2003, many convert to Islam while in prison. Individual Muslims visited or lived in USA during the colonial era. Native-born American Muslims are mainly African Americans and make up 24% of the Muslim population. South Asians make up 26%, Arabs 26% and the remaining 24% other groups. Muslims might have fought in the American Revolution and they served in the US military during the American Civil War. Hajj Ali was hired by the US Cavalry in 1856 to raise camels. By 2005, 15,000 Muslims were serving in the US Army. Many of the slaves brought to colonial America from Africa were Muslims. By 1800 there could have been 100,000 Muslim slaves in USA. Alexander Russell Webb was the earliest prominent Anglo-American convert to Islam in 1888. In 1915, what is most likely the first American Musjid was founded by Albanian Muslims. There are over 1,200 Musjids in the US, over 400 Muslim organizations, over 160 Muslim schools and about 100 publications. There are Muslims serving in government as well. About 20,000 Americans accept Islam every year. Airports have installed footbaths for Wudhu and many stores now offer Halaal food.
Rice was first domesticated in the region of the Yangtze River valley in China. Muslims were the means of Asian rice spreading to Europe, Africa and other parts of the world. Medieval Islamic texts spoke of medical uses for the plant. African rice, cultivated in west Africa, declined in favour of the Asian species, brought to the African continent by Arabs coming from the east coast between the 6th and 11th centuries CE. In Iraq rice was grown in some areas of southern Iraq. With the rise of Islam it moved north to Nisibin, the southern shores of the Caspian Sea and then beyond the Muslim world into the valley of Volga and Russia. Muslims brought Asiatic rice to the Iberian Peninsula, Spain in the 10th century. Records indicate it was grown in Valencia and Majorca. Muslims also brought rice to Sicily, Italy, where it was an important crop well before 1468. After the 15th century, rice spread throughout Italy and then France, later propagating to all the continents during the age of European exploration. Rice was introduced to America by Spanish colonizers introducing the Asian rice brought by Muslims to Mexico in the 1520s and the Portuguese and their African slaves introducing it about the same time to Brazil. Slaves from West Africa, including many Muslims, helped develop rice plantations in USA. From the enslaved Africans, plantation owners learned how to dyke the marshes and periodically flood the fields.
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How to play: Place any Arabic letter from اto ذin each empty cell so that each row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the letters from اto ذwithout a letter being repeated in any column, row or block.
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Islamic Focus
As Somalia goes through one its most severe droughts, many people are dying of starvation. Here are ways to help: 1. One Man One Can (Port Elizabeth). Help with cans of food or bottled water. Drop-off @ Ahmed's Roadhouse (10am-6pm), Nasruddin Primary (school hours) or 16 Kochia Str Gelvan Park after hours. Update 11 Aug: A total of 2681 cans of food, 26l of water, 22kg of rice, 80kg of maize meal and 34kg of samp/ beans was sent to the Gift of the Givers in Cape Town to be sent to Somalia. 2. Somali Drought Relief Ramadan. R15/ meal, R750/family of 7. Banking Details: Acc Name: NJ Hassan, Acc No: 084 821 450, Standard bank, Branch Code: 0416. Info: 078 672 7797. This initiative, based in Baidoa, is spearheaded by businessmen in Somalia and supported by Islamic Focus. All funds accepted including: Zakaat, Fitra, Fidya, Lillah, etc. 3. Somali Association of South Africa (Eastern Cape). Banking Details: Acc Name: SASA, Acc No: 407 184 4483, ABSA, Branch: Market Street. Iftar and food relief in Somalia and the refugee camps in Kenya. Organisations that have initiated relief aid in Somalia: 4. Africa Muslims Agency 5. Gift of the Givers. Based in Mogadishu 6. Al Imdaad Foundation. The Jordanian government has sponsored them a military cargo plane to transport aid to Mogadishu.
Sometimes when you’re down and everybody’s picking on you: One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway. He invited all his neighbours to come and help him. They all grabbed a spade and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey would shake it off and take a step up. As the farmer's neighbours continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and happily trotted off! Moral: Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a steppingstone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up! Shake it off and take a step up. There’s light at the end of every tunnel.
73 DURBAN ROAD KORSTEN PH. 041 451 3060 Islamic Focus
ISSN 2223 - 1110 (Print) | ISSN 2223 - 1129 (Online)