P10 Miracle Hand
1 1 1 0 0 9
P9 Sultan Baibars
2223 - 1110
P7 Whisper of Love
P4 US War Crimes
9 7 7 2 2 2 3
P3 Holiday Spots
P12 Cape Ijtima Bukhara Publications/Tel: 078 672 7797/Fax: 086 651 2125 Email: islamicfocus@gmail.com/Korsten/Port Elizabeth
Issue 96
Igniting the Spirit of Islam
Dec 2011
students were Muslim, the teachers were enemies. Prophet Muhammad was the most successful man in history. Moulana Wahiduddin Khan identified principles of success taught by the Prophet . Here are 7: 1. Begin from the possible. Aeysha explained this principle when she said: ‘Whenever the Prophet had to choose between two options, he always opted for the easier one.’ (Bukhari) To choose the easiest option means to begin from the possible. 2. To see advantage in disadvantage. In the early days of Makkah, there were many difficulties. But a verse of the Quran: ‘With every hardship there is ease, with every hardship there is ease,’ (94:5-6) inspired Muslims. They learned that if there are some problems, there are also opportunities at the
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same time. The way to success is to use opportunities. 3. Changing the place of action. This is derived from the Hijrah (migration) from Makkah to Madinah. This was a strategic move to find a more suitable place for Islamic work. 4. Make a friend out of an enemy. This is derived from the Quran which enjoins doing good when someone does evil. In turn: ‘You will see your direst enemy become your closest friend.’ (41:34) 5. Wring success from failure. After the Battle of Badr, 70 of the enemy were taken prisoner and many were educated. The Prophet announced that if anyone of them would teach 10 Muslim children to read and write he would be freed. This was the first school in Islam: the
6. The power of peace is stronger than the power of violence. When Makkah was conquered, the Prophet ’s worst enemies were brought before him. They were war criminals. He pardoned them and most embraced Islam. 7. Gradualism instead of radicalism. Aeysha says the first verses of the Quran were related mostly to heaven and hell. After a long time, when people’s hearts had been softened, specific commands to desist from adultery and alcohol were revealed. For social change, Islam advocates the evolutionary, rather than the revolutionary, method.
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KENYA - Israel offered to help Kenya as it tackles Somalia's Islamist group, al-Shabab. Israel's PM Netanyahu said ‘Kenya's enemies are Israel's enemies’. (BBC, 14 Nov)
drone they captured. (BBC, 12 Dec)
LIBYA - Several days of fighting between rival factions near Zawiya left 7 dead. (BBC, 14 Nov)
LEBANON - Hezbollah exposed CIA agents in video animations showing meetings between CIA and informers at Starbucks and Pizza Hut. (BBC, 13 Dec)
PALESTINE - Jewish city of Tel Aviv named Best Gay City of 2011 in an international American Airlines competition after winning 43% of the votes, leaving New York in second place with only 14% of the votes. (Ynetnews, 11 Jan)
USA - Republican presidential contender Newt Gingrich, called Palestinians an 'invented' people and 'terrorists'. (BBC, 12 Dec)
PAKISTAN - 7 killed in shoot-out in Karachi between Taliban fighters and police. Taliban are expanding operations in Karachi. (BBC, 16 Nov) ITALY - Italian clothing company Benetton pulled an ad showing the Pope kissing a senior Egyptian Imam after the Vatican protested. (BBC, 16 Nov) PALESTINE - Jews arrested 6 Palestinians called the West Bank Freedom Riders who boarded a bus used by Jewish settlers. They drew inspiration from 1960s US civil rights demonstrators who also campaigned against segregated buses. (BBC, 15 Nov) KUWAIT - Dozens of protesters stormed parliament, as hundreds more demonstrated outside against the PM. (BBC, 16 Nov) AFGHANISTAN - Online video shows US Marines urinating on dead Taliban fighters. (BBC, 12 Jan) USA - Oklahoma stopped from introducing amendment to its constitution, stopping courts from considering Islamic law in judgements. (BBC, 10 Jan) SOMALIA - Al-Shabab fighters, estimated at 9,000, launched an account on the micro-blogging site Twitter: @HSMPress. (BBC, 8 Dec) PAKISTAN - Pakistan considering charging millions in taxes on Nato trucks and fuel tankers, which pass through to Afghanistan. The supply route is a lifeline for Nato troops but Pakistan closed it after 24 of its soldiers were killed in a Nato strike. (BBC, 12 Dec) USA - Obama asked Iran to return the surveillance Islamic Focus
SYRIA - More than 5,000 people killed in the uprising and 14,000 arrested. (BBC, 13 Dec)
CANADA - Wearing of veils banned while swearing oath of citizenship. Veils are already banned in Quebec for people receiving government services. Canada is considering a wider ban on veils in government offices, schools and hospitals. (BBC, 12 Dec) SOMALIA - Ethiopian troops invaded and captured Beledweyne after a fierce, hours-long battle with Al Shabab fighters. (BBC, 31 Dec) NIGERIA - State of emergency declared in some parts after attacks from Islamist group Boko Haram killed dozens on Christmas day. (BBC, 1 Jan) PHILIPPINES - 1,249 killed in flash floods on the majority Muslim island of Mindanao. Entire villages washed away. 60,000 people homeless. (BBC, 1 Jan) CHILE - A Jew, who served in the Israeli army, is accused of starting a massive forest fire in Torres del Paine national park. 110 sq km (27,000 acres) of pristine forest has already burned. Hundreds of firefighters are tackling the blaze. (BBC, 1 Jan) EGYPT - Islamists have done well in elections even in tourist spots like Luxor, Red Sea and Aswan with the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party winning, followed by the Salafi party, Al Nour. Many young Egyptians are fed up with having to compromise Islamic principles for tourists. (BBC, 28 Dec) USA - Muslim leaders, together with rabbis, Catholic nuns and Protestant pastors, boycotted New York City mayor’s annual interfaith breakfast at reports that undercover police officers spy on Muslims by playing on cricket teams and infiltrating Muslim neighborhoods and mosques. (BBC, 30 Dec)
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OIC countries are usually a bit more comfortable for Muslims to travel to; it is usually easier to locate mosques, Halal restaurants and more family-friendly activities than other countries. OIC ranking: 1. Malaysia. 2. Egypt. 3. Turkey. 4. Indonesia. 5. United Arab Emirates. 6. Morocco. 7. Tunisia. 8. Jordan. 9. Brunei. 10. Qatar. Non OIC ranking: 1. Bosnia-Herzegovina. 2. Singapore. 3. South Africa. 4. Sri Lanka. 5. Gold Coast (Australia). 6. Delhi (India). 7. London (UK). 8. Bangkok (Thailand). 9. Munich (Germany). 10. Vienna (Austria). South Africa was ranked third due to offering much in terms of natural beauty, unforgettable safari experiences, miles of unspoiled beaches, and a bustling city life. It also offers a wide variety of Halal friendly facilities including Musjids and Halal restaurants. In fact, South Africa ranked ninth in the combined OIC, non OIC list for Halal friendly holiday destinations in 2011, with the sizable Muslim community and many travel attractions catering to the needs of Muslim travelers being sited as one of the reasons. The many Halal certified restaurants in all the major cities was also a plus factor.
Blessing. Reported from Anas ibn Malik , the Prophet said: ‘Girls are models of affection and sympathy and a blessing to the family. If a person has one daughter, God will screen him from the fire of hell owing to his daughter; if he has two daughters, God will admit him to paradise; if he has three, God will exempt him from the obligation of charity and Jihad.’ (Kanz al-Ummal 277) Paradise. Abu Huraira says, ‘The Prophet said that if a person has three daughters whom he provides for and brings up, God will surely reward him with paradise.’ (Ibid) Protection from Hell. According to Abdullah ibn Mas'ud , the Prophet is reported to have said, ‘If a daughter is born to a person and he brings her up, gives her a good education and trains her in the arts of life, I shall myself stand between him and hell-fire.’ (Ibid) Roses. According to Ayesha , the Prophet Salla said about women: ‘They are like pleasing roses.’ (Ibid) Good treatment. A report from Bahz ibn Hakim states: I asked the Prophet about his teaching in respect of women. He replied: ‘Feed them as you feed yourselves, clothe them as you clothe yourselves, and do not beat or scold them.’ (Ibid) Best things. According to a report from Abdullah ibn Umar , the Prophet declared: ‘The whole world is a thing to be made use of and the best thing in the world is a virtuous wife.’ (Muslim)
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Crescent Rating announced its ranking of the top 10 Halal friendly holiday destinations for 2012. There are two rankings: one for Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) members and one for non OIC members.
Despite the unrelenting oppression by Jews on the people of Gaza, their indomitable spirit still shines through: More than half of Gaza’s 1.5 million residents are children. Years of destruction and deprivation have left few spaces for them to play or be creative.
The US invasion of Iraq has left a devastating legacy. One example is Fallujah, a city which was ravaged with weapons like depleted uranium and white phosphorous used during two attacks in 2004. This led to catastrophic levels of birth defects and abnormalities.
Summer Games. The UN arranges annual Summer Games where centres are set up along Gaza’s shore, with bouncy castles, slides and swimming pools, a chance to experience some of the pleasures of a ‘normal’ childhood. 250,000 children spend their days splashing, and making new friends. The range of activities include swimming and painting.
There are all kinds of defects in babies, ranging from congenital heart disease to severe physical abnormalities. In 2009, 700 cases were logged. There are not even medical terms to describe some of these conditions because doctors have never before seen them. Most of these babies in Fallujah die within 2030 minutes after being born. Al Jazeera saw hundreds of photos of babies with cleft palates, elongated heads, a baby born with one eye in the centre of its face, deformed limbs, and malformed ears, noses and spines.
Resort. The Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip is experiencing a construction boom in recreational facilities. New leisure projects and restaurants have been springing up, some partially funded by Hamas. Visitors flock to AlBustan, a resort built by a Hamas-linked charity, to enjoy its swimming pools, restaurants and cafes. Women are veiled, the atmosphere is Islamic and relaxed. Zoo. Bissan City, a former garbage dump on land owned by the Hamas-run Interior Ministry, has been turned into a 19 hectare zoo, an entertainment park for children and gardens. Living under siege does not mean that people do not think of ways to have some fun. Despite the embargo, smuggling tunnels with Egypt keep the territory supplied with a wide variety of goods. At the first Gaza shopping mall, stores are filled with Egyptian and Israeli merchandise.
In 2011, Iraqi lawmakers issued resolutions that US attacks on Fallujah constituted genocide. Dr Christopher Busby, a British scientist, along with other doctors, published a study in 2011 from data obtained by analysing hair, soil and water samples from the city. Mercury, uranium and bizmuth were found, which can contribute to congenital abnormalities. Enriched uranium is a primary cause or related to the cause of the congenital anomaly and cancer increases. Radiation from the US nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki led to a 1-2% increase in birth defects while Fallujah is registering a 14.7% increase. If this is how the US liberates a country, then many are left saying: ‘Rather leave us unliberated.’ Iraq is the latest chapter in a long history of US genocide and terror.
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From various Ulama
www.shafiifiqh.com Q: The dates I buy often have worms in them. Do I have to open up the date every time to check if it’s infested before taking a bite into it? A: A worm that grows out of food, such as vinegar and fruit (also dates and grains) is permissible if the worm is eaten with the food it grew out of. (Tuhfat al-Muhtaj, 9:317) Ibn Hajar noted that it makes no difference whether the worm is dead or alive. Imam Ramli said that eating the worm in this case is only permissible if the food hasn’t spoiled, although Ibn Hajar disagreed on this point. Both positions are valid to follow. Answer by: Shaykh Hamza Karamali
Q: Is it permissible for me to accept wealth that was set aside for me by my non-Muslim father as a bequest? A: Yes, this is permissible for you, unless you know that the specific wealth that was set aside as a bequest for you came into your father's possession through a means not sanctioned by Islamic law, such as interest or other unlawful transactions. If this were the case, it would be unlawful for you to accept it. Answer by: Shaykh Amjad Rasheed
Q: I am a Sri Lankan living in Canada. We pray Janaza prayers for those who died in Sri Lanka or elsewhere in the world. Is this an authentic practice? A: In both Bukhari 1:318 and Muslim 7:21, the Prophet performed the funeral prayer for the Ethiopian king, Najashi rahimahullah. Based Islamic Focus
on this, Shafis ruled that the funeral prayer may be performed for one absent from the country as the Prophet was in Hejaz and Najashi in Ethiopia when it took place. (Sharh al-Muhadhdhab 5:251 -53) Not only is this ruling the relied-upon position of the Shafi school, more decisively, it is the practice of the Prophet as established in authentic narrations. The practice mentioned in the question is valid and is the Sunnah of the Prophet . Answer by: Shafiifiqh.com Fatwa Dept
Q: Can a Muslim lady wear perfume to the Musjid for Salah? A: In Sharh Sahih Muslim 4:706, Imam Nawawi mentioned the conditions for women to attend the Musjid. The conditions are: 1) They do not wear perfume, 2) They do not dress attractively (lewdly), 3) They do not adorn themselves with jewelry that will make a noise thereby drawing attention to them, 4) They do not dress to show themselves off, 5) They do not mix with men, 6) She is not a young woman or one that will cause temptation by her presence, 7) And that there is nothing in the way to the Musjid that may be dangerous for a woman. Regarding the issue of a woman wearing perfume to the Musjid, the Prophet said, ‘If one of you attends the Musjid, then do not touch perfume.’ In Sharh alMuhadhdhab 4:199, Imam Nawawi stated that in light of
this evidence it disliked (Makrooh) for a woman to go to the Musjid with perfume on. The ruling of Makrooh is something that a Muslim must abstain from. And Allah Knows Best Answer by: Shafiifiqh.com Fatwa Dept
Q: Recently I had dental braces put on my teeth with clips glued to my teeth. Is my obligatory ghusl (bath) valid with this? A: A valid ritual bath (ghusl) is: 1) the intention and 2) bathing the entire outer body. Washing the mouth is not obligatory. (Mughni al-Muhtaj 1:219; Nihayat alMuhtaj 1:225) Therefore, wearing braces would not affect the validity of one’s ghusl. And Allah Knows Best Answer by: Shafiifiqh.com Fatwa Dept
Q: What times are Makrooh (disliked) times for Nafil (voluntary) Salaah? A: After Fajr and Asr Salaah it is Makrooh to read Nafil Salaah for Hanafis. However, Shafis and Hambalis allow it for Salaah that has a reason, e.g. Tahiyyatul Musjid, Salaatut Taubah, Salaatul Haajah, etc. Answer by: Mufti Abdool Kader Hoosen
Q: How much breast milk has to be given to a baby for a woman to become its foster mother? A: Shafis state that she must breastfeed the child five times, then only will she become the foster mother of the child. (Bukhari) Answer by: Mufti Abdool Kader Hoosen
s be
HANAFI Q & A From various Ulama
www.askimam.org | www.askmufti.co.za | www.daruliftaa.net Q: Are Justine products Halaal suitable? A: As per information at our disposal the following Justine products are not Halaal: Justine Eye Cream (animal collagen), Justine Facial & Eye Firming Gel (animal elastin), Justine Hydrating Gel Mask (animal elastin), Justine Hydrating Skin Saver Elixir (animal elastin), Justine Skin Energiser AHA (animal collagen) and Justine Special Treatment Cream (animal collagen). We do not have information on the other Justine products. Answer by: SANHA
Q: Is it permissible to play Scrabble? A: This game, in which words are made from letters, is in itself beneficial as a mode of learning. Generally, there is no gambling in it. Therefore, if there is no unreasonable absorption in the game, it is permissible. There is nothing wrong with playing this game. Answer by: Moulana Mahmood Uthmani
Q: Is it permissible for a man to marry his wife’s sister a few days after the death of his wife? A: It is permissible to marry her after her sister’s death. However, if a man divorces his wife, then he may not marry her sister during the iddat (waiting period) of his divorced wife. Once the iddat has expired, it will be permissible for him to marry the sister. Answer by: Mufti Abdool Kader Hoosen
Q: If in a hotel, a bottle of champagne was left for us in the room on our arrival, Islamic Focus
is it haraam (not permissible) if we give it to non Muslim friends? A: Tell the hotel staff to take it away. The Prophet has cursed 10 people involved in the alcohol industry. (Ibn Majah) It is not permissible to give it to anybody, including non Muslims.
share from the inheritance of his grandfather if his father dies before his grandfather? A: If the grandfather has no other children at the time of death, then the grandson will inherit. In the presence of children, grandchildren do not inherit.
Answer by: Mufti Abdool Kader Hoosen
Q: What is the lineage of the Prophet ? A: The lineage of the Prophet is: Muhammad , son of Abdullah, son of Abdul Muttalib, son of Hashim, son of Abdi Manaf, son of Qusay, son of Kilaab, son of Murrah, son of Ka’b, son of Luay, son of Ghalib, son of Fihr, son of Malik, son of An Nadhr, son of Kinanah, son of Khuzaymah, son of Mudrikah, son of Ilyaas, son of Mudar, son of Nizaar, son of Ma’d, son of Adnan. Scholars have consensus on this lineage. There is no sound lineage found linking Adnan to Aadam . Checked by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Q: Is it permissible to display the face of the deceased for public viewing? A: It is permissible to expose the face of a male after Janaaza Salaah (funeral prayers) and before the burial process. However, such a practice is discouraged especially when the effects of the barzakh (eschatological world between the worldly life and the hereafter) become apparent. Such effects should be concealed. It is not permissible to expose the face of a female after Janaaza Salaah. Checked by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Answer by: Mufti Siraj Desai
Q: Is it haraam to wear a shirt with a picture of a human being on it? What if the human being on it has no eyes? A: It is haraam to wear clothing that have faces of human beings or animals. But if the face is blotted out, i.e. the features of the face like eyes, nose and mouth are covered, it will be permissible to wear such garments. Answer by: Mufti Siraj Desai
Q: Is it permissible to give bribe to get a job? A: Islam emphasizes being honest and truthful. Bribery is an offering in lieu of an illicit advantage and is prohibited in Islam. Bribery is a seed by means of which society is corrupted. Where bribery is prevalent one sees the effects of lawlessness. The Prophet cursed the one who offers a bribe and accepts a bribe. (Tirmizi 3:15) There are many Hadith which warn against giving and taking bribery. Bribery is clearly prohibited. However where one is a victim of oppression or is pressed to make a rightful claim and resorts to bribery as a last resort to preserve his right, he is excused.
Q: Can a grandson get a http://www.youtube.com/user/IslamicFocus
Checked by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai
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from the liberation fight in Afghanistan www.mueqsa.blogspot.com - Online
Muslim equestrian community of South Africa
‘Why do we shout in anger?’ a teacher asked. ‘Why do people shout at each other when they are upset?’ His students thought for a while. One of them said, ‘Because we lose our calm; we shout for that.’ ‘But why do you shout when the other person is just next to you?’ asked the teacher. ‘Isn’t it possible to speak to him or her with a soft voice? Why do you shout at a person when you are angry?’
www.themuslim500.com - Annual com-
pilation of the 500 most influential Muslims in the world http://stopthejnf.org - Exposing the evil
of the Jewish National Fund www.altarteel.net - Madresa Tarteelul
Quran, Pietermaritzburg www.harkatulmujahideen.com - News
from the liberation fight against the Indian occupation in Kashmir www.prisonerofjoy.blogspot.com - Al-
ternate news and articles from the Muslim world www.apartheidweek.org - International
Israeli Apartheid Week www.sia.org.za - Sandton Islamic Asso-
The students gave some other answers but none satisfied the teacher. Finally, he explained, ‘When two people are angry at each other, their hearts become distanced. To cover that distance they must shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are, the louder will have to shout to hear each other over that great distance.’ Then the teacher asked, ‘What happens when two people fall in love? They don’t shout at each other, they talk softly. Why? Because their hearts are very close. The distance between them is very small.’ The teacher continued, ‘When they love each other even more, what happens? They do not speak, only whisper, and they get even closer to each other in their love. Finally, they need not even whisper; they need only to look at each other and that’s all. That is how close two people are when they love each other.’
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first Muslim spelling bee. USA
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Moral: When you argue, do not let your hearts get distanced. Do not say words that distance each other more, or else a day will come when the distance is so great you will not be able to return.’
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Enrich your web experience. Not all content on all sites Islamic-compliant. Consult Ulama.
One of the Sunnahs is to clean a utensil after eating and before washing it: Blessing. Jabir Bin Abdullah narrates that the Prophet commanded that the fingers should be licked and the utensil should be cleaned (i.e. before washing it). Expounding the benefit if this, the Prophet said: ‘As it is unknown which particle of food contains the blessing.’ (Targhib 3:146) Saved from Hunger. Irbad Bin Sariyah narrates that the Prophet said: ‘Allah will fill the belly of the person in this world and in the hereafter, who cleans the utensil and licks his fingers after eating.’ (Ibn Majah 2:234) Dua. Nubayshah relates that the Prophet said: ‘The utensil of a person who cleans it thoroughly supplicates for him saying, 'O Allah save him from the fire of Hell as he saved me from the devil.’ (Mishkaat, pg 368) The utensil is sinless and its supplication will definitely be accepted. How great a benefit for this ‘small’action? Many people have the habit of leaving some food in the plate. This is incorrect and it contravenes the Sunnah of the Prophet . Some people regard cleaning the utensil as an act of greed. This perception is erroneous. We should never be shy to practice on the Sunnah of the Prophet irrespective of who we are dining with. Always remember, perhaps this perceived ‘small’ action can secure our Paradise. From: Radio Islam
While Christian missionaries strive to convert people to Christianity, the fact of the matter is that current Christian teachings and practice are far away from even the ones in the current distorted Bible. Churches and homes are full of statues of Jesus and Mary , and people prostrate before them, whereas the Bible is clear in prohibiting this: Exodus 20:4-5 ‘You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in the heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them.’ Deuteronomy 4:23 ‘Be careful not to forget the covenant of the Lord your God that He made with you; do not make for yourselves an idol in the form of anything the Lord your God has forbidden.’ Leviticus 26:1 ‘Do not make idols or set up an image or a sacred stone for yourselves, and do not place a carved stone in your land to bow down before it.’ Jeremiah 10:1-8 speaks against the practice of making wooden idols. The amazing thing is that Christians, from the top clergy down, pay absolutely no heed to these clear commandments of the Bible. How can they call people to a religion which is so greatly in conflict with its holy book? Worship is for the one God alone, Allah. To worship statues is to set up partners with God, and He has strictly prohibited this.
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Baibars was captured by the Mongols and sold as a slave. He was sent to Egypt, where he became a bodyguard to the Ayyubid ruler AsSalih Ayyub. He paved the way for the end of the Crusader presence in Syria and united Egypt and Syria into one powerful state that was able to fend off the Crusaders and Mongols. Baibars succeeded Qutuz as Sultan of Egypt. He waged a lifelong struggle against the Crusaders, defeating them in many battles. Baibars fought off the Christians and the Mongols during the Ninth Crusade. He died in Damascus after being poisoned. He had seven daughters and three sons. In the Muslim world he is a national hero. Baibars also played an important role in bringing the Mongols to Islam. He allowed them to visit to Egypt resulting in a significant number accepting Islam. He built infrastructure projects, such as a mounted message relay system capable of delivery from Cairo to Damascus in four days. He also built bridges, irrigation and shipping canals, improved the harbours, and built mosques. He has a heroic status in Kazakhstan, as well as in Egypt and Syria.
The third edition of The 500 Most Influential Muslims is out. Here are some of the newsmakers: Dr Mohammed Badie spiritual guide of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is ranked at number 8. Sheikh Abdul Sheikh, Grand highest position country. Ranked
Aziz ibn Abdullah Aal Al Mufti of Saudi Arabia, the of religious authority in the number 14.
Hajji Abd Al Wahhab, leader of the Pakistan chapter of the Tablighi Jamaat. Ranked 16. Sheikh Muhammad Sa’id Ramadan Al Bouti, leading Islamic scholar in Syria. Professor at the College of Islamic Law at Damascus University. Ranked number 20. Sheikha Munira Qubeysi, head of the largest women-only Islamic movement in the world. It offers Islamic education exclusively to girls and women. Qubeysi commands around 80 schools in Damascus alone, teaching more than 75,000 students. Qubeysi is arguably the most influential Muslim woman in the world, though absolutely discreet, adhering strictly to Hijab. She is ranked number 24. Others in the top 500 include SA cricketer Hashim Amla, Mufti Ebrahim Desai, Sheikh Sudais, Moulana Igsaan Hendricks, president of the MJC, Mufti Ismail Menk of Zimbabwe, Dr Zakir Naik, a popular preacher, Sheikh Sabouni, a scholar of Tafsir, Mufti Taqi Usmani, leading scholar of Islamic jurisprudence and Khaled Mashaal, leader of Hamas.
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Rukn al-Din Baibars al-Bunduqdari Abu alFutuh (Born: 1223 Kazakhstan, Died: 1277 Damascus, Syria) was a Mamluk Sultan of Egypt. He was a commander of the forces which inflicted a devastating defeat on the Seventh Crusade of King Louis IX of France in 1250 and led the vanguard of the Egyptian army at the Battle of Ain Jalut in 1260, which marked the first substantial defeat of the Mongol army and is considered a turning point in history. He ruled from 1260-1277.
Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina are about two million and constitute 40% of the country's population. Modern Bosniaks, often referred to as Bosnian Muslims, descend from Slavic speakers who converted to Islam in the 15th and 16th centuries. Islam was brought to this region by the Ottomans. Turks gained control of most of Bosnia in 1463, and Herzegovina in the 1480s. Bosnia and Herzegovina remained provinces of the Ottoman Empire until the 1878 Congress of Berlin gave control to Austria-Hungary. In 1908, Austria-Hungary formally annexed the region. Bosnia, along with Albania, were the only parts of Ottoman Europe where large numbers of Christians converted to Islam. Muslims faced genocide during the 1992-1995 war which they won with support of Muslim fighters from around the world. Throughout Bosnia, mosques were destroyed by Christians. Religious observance is increasing among younger persons due to the religious revival as a result of the Bosnian war. Many Muslim women have adopted Islamic dress styles that had not been common before the war.
What a wonder of divine power was the blessed hand of the Prophet . Many were the miracles that manifested themselves through his hand. In fact, to list them all requires a voluminous book. Here is a tiny sampling: Silk. His servant, Anas ibn Malik said on more than one occasion, ‘I have never touched any silk or brocade that is softer than the palm of the Prophet .’ (Bukhari 2:96) Cure. When Qatada ibn Nu‘man was wounded in the eye by an arrow on the day of Uhud, his eyeball was dislodged and hung on his cheek. The Prophet pushed his eyeball back into place with his hand, blowing some of his spittle on it then said, ‘O Allah, give him beauty!’ It became Qatada ’s best eye and when the other eye suffered from infection, that one never did. (Bayhaqi in Dalail 3:252) Missiles. During the Battle of Badr, the Prophet threw pebbles at the pagans, hitting them individually in their eyes. The Quran says: ‘You threw not when you threw, but Allah threw.’ (8:17) In the face of his enemies, when stones entered his hand they became missiles.
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, there are eight Muftis located in major municipalities across the country.
Remembrance. Other times when stones entered his palm, they praised Allah. It was as though his palm was the place for the remembrance of Allah. (Majma al-Zawaid 8:298-9)
In the Federation's five cantons with Bosniak majorities, schools offer Islamic religious instruction as a 2-hour per week elective course.
With this hand the moon split and water flowed like a spring from his fingers. If the single hand of such a being was such, what a blessed personality was our Prophet .
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Islamic Focus
Port Elizabeth was host to the annual Cape Ijtima, a gathering of Muslims who sleepover for two or three days, listening to talks on Islam. The city hosted this gathering for the first time in over 15 years. It was estimated that over 5,000 people attended the Ijtima from 24-26 December in Korsten, with over 30 busses coming from Cape Town. The infrastructure included a tuckshop, the takings of which covered the costs of the Ijtima. 2,000 chicken tikka, 1,500 burgers, 1,500 wors rolls and 900 fruit salad bowls were among the items sold. The economic spill over was felt by Muslim takeaways in Korsten, with some staying open till the early hours of the morning selling to attendees. Over 90 degs of food were cooked for those attending, with around 150 people able to eat from one deg. The talks were translated into languages like Somali, Bengali and Urdu to cater for the diverse nationalities that attended. Volunteers ran the various departments including security, catering, first aid, plumbing and electrical. Many put in late hours setting up, running and dismantling the infrastructure. The Ijtima had an impact on the local non Muslim community with youngsters challenging Muslim youth to soccer matches, and people enquiring about it. Ulama supported the Ijtima at every juncture. Many groups were formed from the Ijtima to go out in the path of Allah to preach Islam. Overall, the Ijtima was a resounding success. The next one will be held in the Western Cape, with the Eastern Cape playing host every second year.
A Christian invited a Muslim to his house. The Muslim accepted the invitation. The non Muslim offered him grapes to eat and he accepted it and ate. But when the non Muslim brought him a glass of wine, he refused and said: ‘It is forbidden for Muslims to drink alcohol.’ The Christian said: ‘Oh, so it’s okay for you to eat grapes, but drinking wine which is extracted from grapes is forbidden? How is this possible? It doesn’t seem logical.’ The Muslim replied: ‘Do you have a wife?’ The Christian answered: ‘Yes.’ The Muslim then asked: ‘Do you have a daughter?’ The Christian again answered in the affirmative. The Muslim then said: ‘Your wife gave you your daughter just as the grape gave you wine. It is okay for you to marry the mother, whereas God forbade you to marry the daughter!’ The Christian’s answer was to proclaim the Islamic declaration of faith and become a Muslim. A Muslim accepts all the orders of God as well as His prohibitions based on blind faith, irrespective of whether he understands the logic and wisdom or not. In actual fact, all the laws of Islam are full of wisdom, but our intellect is insufficient to comprehend the reasoning at times. Therefore, we trust the compassionate God to legislate the best of laws for us and willingly accept His decisions.
73 DURBAN ROAD KORSTEN PH. 041 451 3060 Islamic Focus
ISSN 2223 - 1110 (Print) | ISSN 2223 - 1129 (Online)