P9 Sheikh Husri
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P8 British Brutality
2223 - 1110
P7 The Candle
P4 Romance
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P3 Beauty Tips
P12 Fatwa Centre Bukhara Publications/Tel: 078 672 7797/Fax: 086 651 2125 Email: islamicfocus@gmail.com/Korsten/Port Elizabeth
Wherever you look change is occurring. Do you ever think how you can change your life and in turn impact this change? S+B+Rm=Change Step 1: (S)tandards. Fundamental changes in life come from raising ones standards. When taking command of ourselves, we immediately open the door for greater opportunities, and they materialize in forms we least expect. Do you think Umar could have conquered two thirds of the world as Muslim leader if he just wanted to govern the local people? Sahaba possessed elite standards which caused them to ask more of themselves, resulting in them reaching heights beyond their supposed means. Step 2: (B)elief.
Islamic Focus
Issue 99
Igniting the Spirit of Islam
A high standard, without the belief that it can be attained is meaningless. We must develop absolute certainty that we are going to, without doubt, meet our new found standards of excellence. This will allow us to engage in attaining our goals in the fullest capacity. The Prophet ’s standard was the highest, even when faced with the greatest of difficulties. Thus his belief had to have been certain. As a result, we must convert our belief systems to that of positivity, so we are confident in our abilities. The Hadith teaches us to have a positive attitude with regards to how we expect Allah to shape our lives. Step 3: (R)ole (M)odel. Whatever your aim may be, the likelihood is someone has already done it, and done it to an impeccable
Mar 2012
standard. There is no praiseworthy objective that the Prophet has not already mastered, be it business or parenting. Thus, would it not make perfect sense making him the role model of your life? He was the Quran in action; his sunnah resulted from Divine guidance by Allah. Is following the sunnah not another way of making the Prophet your role model? The conditions of our lives have no bearing on the shaping of our destiny, rather it is the proactiveness of making decisions that shapes the outcome of what you can achieve. Allah states that He ‘will not change the condition of people unless they change what is in themselves’. Adapted from article by Imran Khan
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PAKISTAN - 135 troops dead after being buried by an avalanche in the Kashmir region. The avalanche hit a military camp near the Siachen glacier in the Karakoram branch of the Himalaya mountains. (BBC,
7 Apr) MALI - Coup leaders agreed to stand down and allow a transition to civilian rule. The move came after Tuareg rebels in the north declared independence of the territory they call Azawad. The rebels seized the area after a military coup two weeks ago. The secular National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad is one of two main groups fighting a rebellion in the north. Ansar Dine, an Islamist group, has also made gains and has started to impose Sharia law in some towns. (BBC, 7 April) TUNISIA - Two bloggers jailed for seven years after posting derogatory cartoons of Prophet Muhammad on the internet. (6 April) PAKISTAN - President Zardari visited India and met Indian PM Singh for lunch. This is the first visit to India by a Pakistani head of state for seven years.
(BBC, 6 April) RUSSIA - The Russian Orthodox Church apologised for showing a photo of its leader Patriarch Kirill that was doctored to airbrush out a luxury watch he was wearing. The gold Breguet watch is estimated to be worth more than $30,000 (R120,000) and was spotted by Russian bloggers. Despite the airbrushing the watch's presence was given away by its reflection on a polished table top. (BBC, 5 April) SYRIA - Fighting killed 70 people in a single day as a UN-brokered cease-fire approaches. Turkey says refugee arrivals from Syria have doubled since Assad agreed to implement a peace plan from the UN and Arab League. (BBC, 5 April) PALESTINE - A Grad rocket landed in the southern Jewish city of Eilat. The rocket was fired from Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. (BBC, 5 April) SOMALIA - Unmanned US assassination drone crashed in Galgaduud, near El-Bur town. The US military uses drones in several Muslim countries including Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan. These airIslamic Focus
strikes have mostly resulted in civilian casualties.
(PressTV, 3 Apr) EGYPT - The Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate for presidential election vows to go ahead with the implementation of Islamic law if elected. Khairat alShater, who stepped down as the Brotherhood’s deputy to run for president, said he would work to form a group of scholars to support parliament in achieving that goal. (PressTV, 5 Apr) PAKISTAN - Thousands staged a protest rally to condemn a 10-million-dollar bounty slapped by the US on Hafiz Saeed, the founder of Lashkar-e-Taiba group. The protests were called by the Defense Council of Pakistan, an alliance of right-wing and religious groups, in a number of cities. (PressTV, 6
Apr) YEMEN - The country’s main airport Sanaa International Airport was closed after air force troops loyal to a sacked general threatened to shoot aircraft landing or taking off. The move came after the president sacked senior army officers loyal to former dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh. Among those fired were Saleh's brother, air force commander al-Ahmar. AlAhmar refused to quit and his forces have surrounded the airport. (BBC, 7 Apr) PALESTINE - Hamas executed three prisoners in Gaza. Two were guilty of murder while one was guilty of collaborating with Israel. (BBC, 7 Apr) TURKMENISTAN - President Gurbanguli, who is in power after rigged elections, won the country’s first car race which was also rigged. (BBC, 7 Apr) SUDAN - Clashes broke out in oil-rich border areas between Sudan and South Sudan in the biggest confrontation since the countries split last July. (BBC, 27
Mar) TUNISIA - Officials from the largest party in the governing coalition, the Islamist Ennahda Party, said they will not support moves to enshrine Islamic law in the new constitution. Groups of Salafi Muslims have protested, demanding introduction of Islamic law. (BBC, 26 Mar)
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Although beauty products are allowed, as Muslims we are taught that beauty comes from within, literally! Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah wrote: ‘The person who is righteous and honest, his honesty is manifest from the radiance on his face, and his honesty can be known from the glow that is on his face, likewise the (opposite for the) sinful one and the liar. The older a person gets, the more this sign becomes apparent. Thus a person as a child would have a bright face, however if he becomes a sinful person, adamant on committing sins, at the older stages in his life, an ugly face would manifest that which he used to internalize, and the opposite is also true.’ It has been narrated that Ibn Abbas said, ‘Indeed righteousness illuminates the heart, radiates the face, strengthens the body, increases provision, and produces a love in the hearts of the creation for that person. Whereas sinfulness darkens the heart, greys the face, weakens the body, and produces hatred in the hearts of the creation for that person.' Uthman ibn Affan said, ‘No one ever hides evil within themselves except that Allah makes it manifest from his facial outlook and the statements his tongue utters.'
Islam regards the honouring of one’s guest as a righteous deed for which there is reward: ‘There is no person like a person who takes the reigns and fights for the sake of Allah, avoiding people’s evil, and a person among his sheep in the outskirts giving a meal to his guest, honouring his right.’ (Ahmad) Imam Ghazali writes in Ihyaa Uloom ud Deen: ‘The Prophet would honour his guests. He would even spread his garment for a nonrelative guest to sit on. He used to offer his guest his own cushion and insist until they accepted it. No one came to him as a guest but thought that he was the most generous of people. He gave each one of his companions sitting with him his due portion of his attention.’ ‘He who believes in Allah and the last day, let him show hospitality to his guest...’ (Bukhari 6018) To honour a guest means to welcome him cheerfully, entertain him happily according to one’s capacity and have regard of his comfort. ‘Indeed, whoever believes that Allah is All Generous, Who provides for His creation and rewards those who are hospitable towards their guests, should look after his guest.’ ‘...your guest has a right on you…’ (Bukhari) Prophet Ebrahim honoured his guests with a roasted calf as a meal. (Quran, 51:24-27) Prophet Loot protected his guests from the evil of his people. (Quran, 11:77-8)
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Islamic Focus
Millions of rands are spent every year by people on beauty products throughout the world with the hope to enhance their beauty or erase some of the unwanted features the may have on their face and other parts of the body.
At times in life we feel that we are going through a tough time and things are not opening up. In reality, the extra bit of seemingly difficult patches could be there for a reason: that we may get something better in the long run.
Hudaibiya. Muslims felt this treaty was unfair as the terms were against them. No Muslim from Makkah was allowed to join the Muslims in Madinah. Muslims who escaped were sent back to Makkah under the terms of this treaty. Yet, despite what seemed to be extra suffering, Hudaibiya turned out to be a victory: Muslims who escaped from Makkah were not bound by the treaty and set up camp on the sea shore where they harassed enemy caravans. Eventually, the enemy begged the Muslims to change this clause and take the Muslims from Makkah into Madinah. The two years of this treaty allowed more non Muslims to come into contact with Muslims and the number of converts to Islam rose. Bani Israeel. The Israelites complained to Musa that they had accepted his message yet they were still suffering under the oppression of Pharaoh. (Quran 7:129) Musa told them that this little bit of suffering would bring greater rewards than mere escape from Pharaoh and living in fear of him. After a period of time Allah destroyed the threat of Pharaoh completely and made the Israelites masters of their own country. We might go through tough times even though we are obedient to Allah, so that we can get sometime better in return and more lasting than a temporary relief we wish for.
To make a beautiful marriage, we need to implement the romance of the Prophet . 1. Know their feelings. The Prophet told his wife Aisha that he knew she was pleased with him when she said: By the God of Muhammad , and when she was angry she used to say: By the God of Ebrahim. Spouses need to be aware of each other’s feelings. This will help to resolve differences. 2. Consoling. On a journey, the wife of the Prophet , Safiyyah , was late. The Prophet received her while she was crying and wiped her tears with his hands and tried his utmost to calm her. 3. Laying in her lap. The Prophet would recline in the lap of Aisha even if was menstruating. 4. Combing hair. Aisha would comb the Prophet ’s hair and wash it. Love in marriage sees each spouse doing things for the other. This has a huge psychological impact. 5. Kissing. The Prophet would kiss his wife regularly, even when he would be fasting or leaving for Salaah. For a marriage to survive, love has to be expressed. 6. Compliments. Once the Prophet was gazing at the world within his wife’s eyes. He then said to her: ‘How white are your eyes.’ From article by Moulana Faraz ibn Adam
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Islamic Focus
From various Ulama
www.shafiifiqh.com Q: What is the position of our school with regard to how feet should be while in sujood (prostration) (i.e. kept together or separated)? A: In Sharh al-Muhadhdhab 3:431, Imam Nawawi related from Imam Shafi that it is recommended for one making sujood to part between the knees and feet; and from Qadi Abu al-Tayyib alTabari’s Ta’liq that the feet should be about a hand span apart. In Talkhis al-Habir 1:618, Hafiz Ibn Hajar mentioned that the Prophet would space out his feet in sujood. Answer by: Shafiifiqh.com Fatwa Dept
Q: Is it allowed to make buildings on the burial places of Auliya (saints)? A: In Sahih Muslim 7:1178, the Prophet prohibited building upon graves. In Sharh Sahih Muslim 7:1179 and Sharh al-Muhadhdhab 5: 296, Imam Nawawi states that without any difference of opinion, building upon graves is makruh (disliked). Shafis do not differentiate regarding what is built over the grave, be it a house or a dome or any other structure. Also, the issue of if a grave-site is privately owned or provided for the public’s use is considered. If the latter, then it is unlawful, and the grave should be demolished; while if the grave-site is private, then it is makruh, demolishing is not demanded from the owner. It may be noted that while the Shafis agree on the ruling in consideration of who owns the grave-site, not all Islamic Focus
other scholars uphold this differentiation. And additionally, the occupant of the grave being a pious personality does not necessarily change the ruling. In fact, in Fayd al-Qadir 6:402, Hafiz Munawi and Ibn Hajar in his Fatawa 2:25, related that some of the Shafi scholars ruled that the structures built over Imam Shafi’s grave and other graves in Qarrafah (Egypt) must be demolished. The initiative to demolish the structures built over graves found in a public graveyard would also not be undertaken by individuals, but rather at the level of the wulat al-amr (government, authorities). In Kitab al-Umm, Imam Shafi mentioned that the Imams of Makkah commanded that what was built as such be leveled, and did so. In his Fatawa 2:25, Ibn Hajar said, ‘Demolishing structures which are in the public graveyards is obligatory on the wulat al-amr (those in charge, government). Answer by: Shafiifiqh.com Fatwa Dept
Q: Is it permissible to learn black magic for purposes of cure? A: In Sharhal-Muhadhdhab 1:27, Imam Nawawi mentioned that learning magic is from the unlawful types of knowledge. In Fathal-Bari 10:224, Hafiz Ibn Hajar related that, Imam Nawawi said, ‘The act of magic/witchcraft (sihr) is unlawful, it is from the major sins established by scholarly consensus. The Prophet counted it from them seven destructive sins. And from it
may be that which is disbelief, and also that which is not disbelief, but rather a major sin. Thus, if there is a statement or deed in it which constitutes disbelief, then it is disbelief;and if not, then it is not. Regarding learning it and teaching it, that is unlawful.’ Accordingly, it is unlawful to learn or teach black magic. Answer by: Shafiifiqh.com Fatwa Dept
Q: What is the ruling on one Muslim calling another a kaafir (disbeliever)? A: Imam Bukhari related in his Sahih 4:124 the hadith: ‘If a man says to his brother, ‘O kaafir,’ then it returns to one of them.’ In Rawdah 10: 65, Imam Nawawi cited from Mutawalli, ‘And if one says to a Muslim, ‘O kaafir,’ without interpretation, it is disbelief; because, it is essentially calling Islam disbelief.’ In Irshad al-Sari 9:65, Qastalani said, ‘Because if the one issuing the statement is right regarding the matter, then the one upon whom the statement is given is a kaafir; while if mistaken, then the accuser has made belief into disbelief, and one who does this is a disbeliever.’ Some offer different interpretations for example that the hadith applies to one who considers it lawful to declare a Muslim as a disbeliever. Some said major sin of calling a Muslim a disbeliever is what is comes back to one giving the statement and this could also well a door to him falling into complete disbelief. Answer by: Shafiifiqh.com Fatwa Dept
s be
HANAFI Q & A From various Ulama
www.askimam.org | www.askmufti.co.za | www.daruliftaa.net Q: Can lipsticks be used which have Carmine? If not lipsticks can we use blushers or the eye shadows and eye liners that contain Carmine? A: Carmine or E120 is a crimson red pigment derived from Cochineal, a scale insect, by crushing and boiling dried insects in water to extract the carminic acid and then treating the clear solution. SANHA (South African National Halal Association) has conducted detail research on Cochineal and declared it impermissible for consumption. Hence it will not be permissible to use the lipsticks which have carmine in them. However, other cosmetic applications which do not involve consumption like eye shadows and liners will be permissible. Checked by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Q: Is crab Halal? A: According to Hanafi Mathab, all water borne creatures besides fish are impermissible to consume. This includes creatures like crab, tortoise and frog. Checked by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Q: If husband and wife hug and kiss in the state of wudhu, will the wudhu break or can they offer Salaah without making new wudhu? A: There are three types of fluids that are discharged from a male’s private part besides urine: 1. Mani. Sperm: A white thick fluid which emits at the time of ejaculation. 2. Mazi. Precoital fluid: A clear thin fluid which emits due to sexual arousal. 3. Wadi. Liquid that Islamic Focus
precedes urine. Usually, when a husband and wife take pleasure from one another i.e. hugging, kissing etc. without having intercourse, mazi is discharged. This will nullify the wudhu. In this case, one must perform his/her wudhu again before offering Salaah. If the undergarment is soiled with mazi, it will have to be washed as mazi is impure. However, if nothing is discharged from the private parts, there is no need to repeat the wudhu if one is already in the state of wudhu. Checked by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Q: What is the satr (area that cammot be exposed) of a Muslim woman to another Muslim woman? A: In principle, a Muslim woman’s Satr in front of another Muslim woman is from the navel (excluding the navel) and the knees (including the knees). A Muslim woman can see the entire body of other Muslim women with the exception of the area mentioned above. However, if there is a fear of temptation, then one should avoid exposing and revealing unnecessary body parts. Checked by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Q: Can we buy insurance for the Musjid? A: If one is required by law to take out a haram conventional insurance scheme, one will be excused. Seek Allah’s forgiveness and ask Him to save you from the evil consequences of the haram. Checked by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Q: I am going on umrah but just found out I am pregnant. If I have mis-
carriage is it possible to do umrah and pray Salaah? If I have any kind of bleeding can I continue umrah and prayers? A: If a lady has a miscarriage and parts of the foetus are formed such as fingers or hair, then any bleeding that follows will be regarded as nifaas (bleeding post childbirth). In this case the lady will not be able to read salaah or perform tawaaf. (Al Fatawa Al Hindiyyah 1:37) If she performs tawaaf in this state it will be valid but a dumm (sacrifice of goat or sheep) will become compulsory. If no part of the foetus is formed, then the bleeding that follows the miscarriage will be regarded as Haidh (menstrual bleeding) if it occurs at least 15 days after her last Haidh and lasts for a minimum of three days. In this case too, she will not be able to perform tawaaf. If she does so, a dam will become due, but her tawaaf will be valid. The dumm for performing waajib tawaaf in an impure state is one goat or sheep. If she repeats the tawaaf later in a pure state, before returning home, the dumm will fall away. Answer by: Mufti Siraj Desai
Q: What is the correct date of birth of the Prophet ? A: It is famously recorded in books of history that the birth of the Prophet occurred on 12th Rabiul Awwal. However, according to the preferred view of scholars and historians, the Prophet was born on the 8th of Rabiul Awwal. (Seeratul Mustafa)
Answer by: Darul Ihsan
www.ciefsa.org - Centre for Islamic Eco-
nomics and Finance SA http://bilalaliansari.tumblr.com/ -
Sheikh Bilal Ali Ansari www.annoor.co - Radio An Noor. Internet
radio featuring talks of different Ulama http://halalcentral.wordpress.com/ -
Halal issues in USA http://
ummahatulmumineen.wordpress.com/ - Resources on the wives of the Prophet http://echo-of-islam.blogspot.com/ -
General articles http://infojerusalem.blogspot.com/ -
History of Jerusalem and Palestine news www.almabroorprojects.com - Halal in-
vestment opportunities overseen by Darul Ifta of Mufti Ebrahim Desai http://poetrypencil.wordpress.com/ -
Poems, articles www.muslimyard.com - Sharing images,
videos, text on Islam www.uswatulmuslimah.co.za - For Mus-
lim women under the guidance of Mufti Ebrahim Salejee
Support Sensible Surfing
One evening a man took a small candle from a box and began to climb a long winding stairway. ‘Where are we going?’ asked the candle. ‘We're going up higher than a house to show the ships the way to the harbor.’ ‘But no ship in the harbor could ever see my light,’ the candle said. ‘It is so very small.’ ‘If your light is small,’ the man said ‘just keep on burning brightly and leave the rest to me.’ When they reached the top of the long stairs, they came to a large lamp. Then he took the little candle and lit the lamp. Soon the large polished mirrors behind the lamp sent beams of light out across the miles of sea from the lighthouse. We are like the candle. Our job is to keep on shining. The success of our work is in Allah's hands. A tiny candle or match can start a forest fire. The little flame of your good example can actually change the lives of others without you knowing it. Be a light to them like the beacon light in the story which guided the ships to safe harbour. The early Muslims were small in number but they achieved such success which far larger groups could not even aspire to. In the Battle of Badr, Muslims faced an army 300% bigger in number and equipped with superior weaponry, yet they inflicted a crushing defeat on the enemy. ‘...But those who were convinced that they must meet Allah, said: ‘How often, by Allah’s will, has a small force defeated a big one?...’ (Quran, 2:249)
Variety of Cakes, Biscuits and various Savouries Custom-made Cakes to Meet the Occasion Westend Shopping Centre Tel: 041 481 9123 Fax: 041 482 2326 Cell: 084 329 8507
Islamic Focus
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Enrich your web experience. Not all content on all sites Islamic-compliant. Consult Ulama.
How does a couple deal with not having kids? The world is designed such that you may have something other people want, or you may not have something that others have. Single people want to get married, married people want to have children, people with children want them to have the best. So we have to accept that regardless of what we want and regardless of whether or not we get it, we're still going to want more. It's alright to want all those things because that's how Allah created us. But being focused on those things only is not a healthy way to live. Your camera of life should not be zoomed onto this world exclusively. Imagine the situation of Aisha ل. She did not have any kids. But she ended up teaching and guiding millions and billions of kids. She was not only a mother because she's the Mother of the Believers; she lived up to it by caring for those who came to learn from her just like a mother. You may not become a Khadija ل, who gave birth to the Prophet 's kids but you then get the chance to become Aisha ل. Khadija ل raised excellent kids but she didn't get the chance like Aisha لto teach people and become a scholar par excellence. Why? Because Allah gives some people some blessings while others, other blessings. What's important to remember is how would you utilize the blessings that you have in Allah’s Path?
The war on Muslims is revealing supposedly new limits to the brutality of the west. In fact, they have a track record of centuries of barbarity:
Burning Qurans. If you think desecration of the Quran is an isolated, new phenomenon of the west, think again. In 1861, the British occupation forces in India launched a campaign to destroy copies of the Quran. 300,000 copies of the Quran were set alight. Guantanamo. After the 1857 war of independence fought against the British, Ulama were targeted particularly. The prisoners transferred from Ambala to Lahore had their hands manacled and their feet shackled. Iron bars were tied around their waists. In Kotlapit jail they were put into solitary confinement in iron cages. These cages were made of sharpedged iron bars. Neither could they lay nor sit down and blood flowed from their hands and feet. Torture. An English historian recounts how groups of forty Ulama were roasted alive in a blazing fire. Some were sewn into pig’s skins and hurled into blazing furnaces. Others were wrapped in sacks and dumped into rivers. 14,000 Ulama were killed 1864-1867. War on Islam. Ulama were eliminated in their thousands, Qurans were destroyed and by 1867 all Madressas were destroyed by the heartless British. The forefathers of the modern crusaders perpetrated untold atrocities against Muslims in every country they occupied. From: Al Haq Bulletin No. 40
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Sheikh Husri began reciting in religious gatherings in the 1930’s. He was the first to record the Quraan on cassette. He recorded the recitation in the narration of Warsh an Nafi in 1964. Then he recorded the narrations of Qaloon and Doori in 1968. He initiated Hifzul Quraan Madresas in all towns and cities. He went to Cairo in the 1940’s. He took the test to recite on radio and was approved in 1955. From then he devoted his life the Quraan. He was appointed the chief of Qaris of Tanta in 1947. Then he was appointed supervisor of Qaris in the Western Province. 19491955 he was reciter in Musjid Ahmad Al Badawi. In 1960 he moved to Musjid Hussain in Cairo. Later he was appointed Secretary General for Qaris in Egypt. In 1963 he became a member of Quraan Affairs in the Department of Waqf. In 1964 he was appointed head of the Research and Correction of the Quraan Committee. In 1967 he was made the chief Aalim of the teachings of the Quraan and Sunnah at the Islamic Research Centre. He remained head of the Qaris of the world until his death. He is regarded as the third most famous Qari after Sheikh Abdul Basit and Sheikh Muhammad Rifat. He made more than 50 journeys around the world like USA, UK, etc to recite Quraan. When he died aged 63 he bequeathed 33% of his estate to the services of the Quraan.
Some glimpses into the noble lifestyle of the Prophet : Walking. He did not allow anyone to walk behind him. Neither would he allow anyone to walk with him when he was riding; he would urge them to ride with him, and if they declined he would say: ‘Hasten, and go where you wish to go.’ Gathering Wood. Once the Prophet was on a journey, and he asked his companions to prepare lamb for dinner. One of them said: ‘O Messenger of Allah! I will slaughter it.’ Another said: ‘I will skin it.’ Another said: ‘I will cook it.’ The Prophet said: ‘Then I will gather firewood.’ His companions said: ‘O Prophet of Allah ! We will take care of it (and you need not trouble yourself).’ The Prophet told them: ‘I know that you will take care of it. But I do not wish to be distinct or eminent upon you. Verily Allah does not like that slave of His who tries to maintain distinction among his companions.’ So he gathered the firewood. Self-Reliant. Once during a journey, the caravan stopped for prayer. He turned to go back and was asked: ‘O Messenger of Allah , where do you wish to go?’ He replied: ‘To tie my camel.’ The companions said: ‘We shall tie it for you,’ and he said: ‘Be self-reliant; and do not ask for help, even as (little as) a twig.’ Visitor. If someone came to sit with him, he would not leave until that person rose to leave, except when he had to go and could not delay; in which case, he would take the person’s leave. From: The Light of Sight by Imam Ibn Sayyid an-Nās
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Sheikh Mahmood Khaleel Al Husri (Born 1917 Egypt, Died 1980) memorized the Quraan by 10 in his local Madresa. He learnt and mastered the sciences of Qiraat under Sheikh Ibrahim Salaam in the Ahmadi Institute.
There are 24,000 Muslims in Panama or 0.7% of the population. The first Muslims came to Panama as slaves from Africa brought by the Spaniards, to work the gold mines in 1552. A group of Muslim Mandinka slaves numbering 500 escaped from a sinking ship and maintained their independence. They elected Bayano as leader and he led them in their fight against the colonialists. They were steadfast on Islam and built mosques. Bayano made covenants with the Governor of Panama to live in peace but the Spaniards eventually crushed them. Bayano was captured. The river Bayano is named after this Muslim leader. The second wave of Muslims came from 1904. Muslims from Lebanon and India came and married local women. The formed an organization and built a place of worship in Panama City. Muslims of West Indian descent from Jamaica, Trinidad and Barbados also settled in Panama. In 1963 a Muslim cemetery was bought. The first official mosque was inaugurated in 1982. There are 10 mosques in the country presently. Islam enjoys a prominent place in Panama society. The vast majority of Muslims are of Lebanese, Palestinian and Indian descent. In Colon, Muslims and Jews form the majority of the traders. There are several Muslim organizations in Panama.
Pseudo-Kufic, or Kufesque, refers to imitations of the Arabic Kufic script, or sometimes Arabic cursive script, made in a non-Arabic context, during the Middle-Ages or the Renaissance especially in European Christian art. Pseudo-Kufic appears especially often in Renaissance art in depictions of people revered in Christianity, particularly the Virgin Mary. It is an example of Islamic influences on Christian art. Some of the first imitations of the Kufic script go back to the 8th century when the English king Offa (r. 757–796) produced gold coins imitating Islamic dinars. These coins were copies of an Abbasid dinar, with ‘Offa Rex’ centred on the reverse. The Arabic text contains many errors. In Medieval southern Italy from the 10th century, imitations of Arabic coins, called tarì were widespread and used pseudo-Kufic script. Examples are known of the incorporation of Kufic script and Islamic -inspired designs such as a 13th French Limoges enamel ciborium. Numerous instances of pseudo-Kufic are known from European art from 10th-15th century. Pseudo-Kufic inscriptions were often used as decorative bands in the architecture of Byzantine Greece from 11th-12th century, and in decorative bands around religious scenes in French and German wall paintings 12th-13th century. Pseudo-Kufic was also used as writing or as decorative elements in textiles and Christian religious halos. From 1450, northern Italian artists also started to incorporate pseudo-Islamic decorative devices in their paintings. In Renaissance art, pseudo-Kufic script was used to decorate the costumes of Old Testament heroes.
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Established by the UAE government in 2008, the world’s first Fatwa Call Centre answered about 1,192,219 religious queries from its inception till January 2012. Of these 1,040,616 were phone calls, 131,316 text messages and 20,387 online messages. Over 40 Muftis, including women scholars for female-related issues, man the centre from 8am-8pm in 6 hour shifts. A skeleton staff takes calls during the night. Questions were relayed either over the phone, through text messages or online and the service is offered in Arabic, English and Urdu. The center provides a toll free Fatwa number (limited to 3 minutes), an SMS line (limited to 200 characters) and online queries. More than 1,000 calls are received daily. In Ramadan, calls exceed 3,000 a day. The Fatwa Centre follows the Maliki school (the official UAE school of Islamic law) in all issues relating to the pillars of Islam, and consider this school a priority in all other fatwas. Each Mufti sits at a workstation equipped with headsets, a computer with internet and religious reference texts. Most questions are related to rules of worship, marital conflicts and business. The Centre is run under the General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments of the UAE. Details: www.awqaf.org.ae Tel: (+971) 800 2422 SMS service: 2535
A young man came to a Sheikh and said, ‘I am a young man with strong desires. I cannot help looking at ladies and girls when I am in the bazaar (marketplace). What do I do?’ The Sheikh handed him a cup of milk that was full to the brim, and told him to deliver it to an address that would take the young man directly through the bazaar. He then instructed the young man that the milk should not spill, and the young man said that it would not. The Sheikh then summoned one of his students and told him to accompany the man through the bazaar to the destination, and to severely beat him if any milk were to spill. The young man successfully took the milk to the destination and returned to give the good news to the Sheikh. The Sheikh asked, ‘Tell me, how many sights and faces did you see in the bazaar?’ The young man replied incredulously, ‘Sheikh, I didn’t even realize what was going on around me. I was only fearful of the beating and disgrace that I would have to endure in public if a drop of milk were to spill.’ The Sheikh smiled and said, ‘It is the same with a believer. The believer fears that his sins will be a cause of great disgrace for him in front of Allah on the Day of Judgment if his faith were to spill over from his heart.’ Such people save themselves from sin because they constantly remain focused on the Day of Judgement.
73 DURBAN ROAD KORSTEN PH. 041 451 3060 Islamic Focus
ISSN 2223 - 1110 (Print) | ISSN 2223 - 1129 (Online)