Islamic Focus Issue 89

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P3 Consideration P4 Usama bin Ladin P7 Saving Jews P8 Arguments P9 Afrikaans P12 The Barber Bukhara Publications/Tel: 078 672 7797/Fax: 086 651 2125 Email: Elizabeth

Issue 89

Igniting the Spirit of Islam

May 2011

be used in lamps.’ (Bukhari) Glory to (Allah) Who did take His Servant for Journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque whose precincts We did Bless in order that We might show him some of Our Signs: for He is the one Who heareth and seeth (all things). (Quraan) In the Quraan there are many verses implying that the land of Palestine, the city of Jerusalem, the entire environs are set apart as holy and blessed, as they received special divine blessings. The land around Musjid Al-Aqsa is referred to 70 times as the blessed land in the Quraan. The Traditions of the Prophet also refer to the sacredness of Musjid Al-Aqsa. Among them are: It was the first Qiblah of Muslims: See tafsir of Quraan 2:142.

Islamic Focus

It was the second Musjid on Earth: (Bukhari) The Prophet said regarding Bait al-Maqdis (Jerusalem): ‘It is the land of gathering and resurrection. Go there and offer prayer. Your prayer will be considered as a thousand prayers.’ (Abu Dawood) ‘... a prayer in Bait al-Maqdis is like five hundred prayers (elsewhere). (Baihaqi) ‘If anyone puts on ihram for Hajj or Umrah from Masjid al-Aqsa and then proceeds to the sacred Masjid (Makkah), his former and latter sins will be forgiven, or he will be guaranteed Paradise.’ (Abu Dawood) Donating to Musjid AlAqsa: The Prophet said regarding the legal injunction about visiting) Bait alMaqdis: ‘Go and pray there. If you cannot visit it and pray there, then send some oil to


The Prophet said, ‘How blessed is al-Sham (area including Palestine)!’ The companions around asked: ‘Why is that?’ The Prophet replied, ‘I see the angels of Allah spreading their wings over al-Sham.’ Ibn Abbas added, ‘And the Prophets lived in it. There is not a single inch in al-Quds ( Jerusale m) whe re a Prophet has not prayed or a n a n g e l n o t stood.’ (Tirmidhi) Among the virtues of Masjid Al-Aqsa are that it is: the station of Isra and Meraj; the place where hundreds of Prophets are buried; the only place on earth where all the Prophets prayed at the same time led by Prophet Muhammad ; the only Musjid mentioned by name in the Quraan apart from the Ka’bah.


GUANTANAMO - Files obtained by Wikileaks, New York Times and other newspapers reveal that the US believed many of those held at Guantanamo Bay were innocent. At least 150 were innocent Afghans and Pakistanis. (BBC, 25 Apr)

Christian clashes which started after several hundred Salafist Muslims gathered outside a church to protest over a Christian woman being held there against her will because she had married a Muslim man and wanted to convert to Islam. (BBC, 8 May)

AFGHANISTAN - 470 inmates at a prison escaped through a tunnel. 100 were Taliban commanders, and others were Taliban fighters. (BBC, 25 Apr)

PAKISTAN - 12 civilians killed in US drone strike in North Waziristan. (BBC, 6 May)

INDIA - A senior police officer's sworn statement to the Supreme Court says that Gujarat Chief Minister Modi deliberately allowed anti-Muslim riots in the state. More than 1,000 people were killed in Hindu rioting in 2002. The officer attended a meeting at which Modi said that Hindus should be allowed to vent their anger. (BBC, 22 Apr) PAKISTAN - 25 people, including 5 women and 4 children, killed in a US drone strike in North Waziristan. Meanwhile, 13 soldiers died when hundreds of Taliban fighters attacked a checkpoint near the Afghan border. (BBC, 22 Apr) PAKISTAN - 18 killed in a bombing in one of the largest gambling dens in Karachi. The attack took place in Lyari, where a number of warring drug and arms gangs operate. (BBC, 22 Apr) YEMEN - 130 killed by security forces since antigovernment unrests began in Jan. (BBC, 25 Apr) SYRIA - Army killed 560 people in protests against the repressive rule of President Assad and 2,500 arrested. (BBC, 2 May) PALESTINE - One fundamentalist Jew killed and 4 wounded by a Palestinian policeman in occupied West Bank. Fundamentalist Jews regularly defy a military ban on entering the tomb of Joseph, in Palestinian territory. (BBC, 24 Apr) NIGERIA - 500 killed after Christian-Muslim clashes following the election of a southern Christian, who defeated a Muslim candidate from the mostly Islamic north. (BBC, 24 Apr) SUDAN - 102 killed in fighting between Christian government forces and rebel militias in South Sudan. There are 7 rebel groups in South Sudan. (BBC, 24

Apr) EGYPT - 10 killed and 186 wounded in MuslimIslamic Focus

MALDIVES - Police clashed with hundreds of protesters, preventing them from demonstrating over soaring food prices. (BBC, 6 May) AFGHANISTAN - Security forces battled Taliban fighters for 2 days in Kandahar. (BBC, 8 May) UK - Archbishop of Canterbury says the alleged US killing of an unarmed Usama Bin Laden left 'a very uncomfortable feeling'. (BBC, 5 May) LIBYA - Gaddafi's son and 3 grandchildren killed in illegal Nato air strikes. (BBC, 2 May) PALESTINE - Fatah and Hamas signed a deal in Egypt to end their four-year rift. (BBC, 4 May) PALESTINE - Gaza Strip held its first marathon, with the 42km course running the full length of the small coastal territory. (BBC, 5 May) USA - 340 killed in tornadoes that hit the southern US. More than 200 tornadoes were reported across six southern US states in 2 days. (BBC, 30 Apr) SOMALIA - 20 AU-backed troops killed in a battle with Al-Shabab fighters. (PressTV, 14 May) MOROCCO - Security forces beat anti-government protesters injuring 10. (PressTV, 15 May) PALESTINE - Israeli naval forces fired shots at a Malaysian aid ship headed to the Gaza Strip as it was approaching the shore forcing it to withdraw to Egyptian waters. (PressTV, 16 May) PALESTINE - Israeli forces fired on protesters at borders with the Palestinian territories, Syria and Lebanon killing 12 and wounding dozens. In one incident, thousands of Palestinian supporters from Syria entered the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. Egyptian security forces fired warning shots and tear gas to break up protests outside the Israeli embassy. (BBC, 16 May)

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One of the salient teachings of Islam is consideration for others:

5. Quantity versus Blessing. Having sufficient does not mean having a lot. The Prophet said, ‘Food for one person suffices two persons and food for two persons suffices four persons, and food for four persons suffices eight persons.’ (Muslim) 6. Contentment. Only you can disturb your contentment: ‘And strain not your eyes in longing for the things We have given for enjoyment to various groups of them, the splendor of the life of this world that We may test them thereby. But the provision (good reward in the Hereafter) of your Lord is better and more lasting.’ (Quraan 20:131) The Prophet said, ‘Look at those who are at a lower level than you but don't look at those who are at a higher level than you, for this would make the favors conferred upon you by Allah insignificant in your eyes.’ (Muslim) 7. Financial Insecurity. Financial insecurity is the Devil’s trick of enslavement, leading a person to commit many injustices and crimes in the pursuit of enough money to secure a comfortable lifestyle. ‘Satan threatens you with poverty.’ (Quraan 2:268) 8. Fast Bucks. Feeling financially insecure will not speedup your provision nor increase your income. ‘Feel not your provision is belated; for no servant shall die until he receives his final provision. Thus, fear Allah, and seek with moderation, take the lawful and leave the unlawful.’ (Sahih Al-Jamia) From:

Child Crying. The Prophet said, ‘I stand in prayer and would like to make it long but I hear the crying of a child and shorten my prayer not wanting to make things difficult for its mother.’ (Bukhari) Weapons. ‘Whoever enters our Musjid or passes through our market with arrows with him, he should hold them by their heads lest it should injure any of the Muslims.’ (Bukhari) Prayer. The Prophet said, ‘When one of you leads the Salaah he should not prolong it because the congregation includes those who are feeble, ill or old.’ One version adds: ‘those who have to attend to work’. While offering prayers alone, you may pray as long as you like.’ (Bukhari) Abstaining. The Prophet would sometimes abstain from doing something he wished to do, lest others should follow him and it might become obligatory upon them. (Bukhari) Visitor. The Prophet would not turn away from his visitor in order to attend to anything until his visitor has turned away to leave. When he met anyone and shook hands with him, the Prophet would not be the first to withdraw his hand. He would wait until the other person withdrew his hand. Talks. Ibn Masood narrates that the Prophet used to take care of us in preaching by selecting a suitable time, so that we might not get bored. (Bukhari 1:68)


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Part 2 on how Islam liberates one financially:


The current trend is to pass on the message swiftly, to as many as possible. More often than not the message passed on is in conflict with Islamic teaching. Here are some Islamic pointers on remaining silent:

1. Excellence. ‘A sign of one’s excellence in his Islam, is ignoring what does not concern him.’ (Ahmad, Malik, Tirmidhi) Ibn Rajab said, ‘This Hadith is a basic and important source of good behavior in Islam.’ A Muslim should only participate in what concerns him, such as anything that is his property, right, obligation or under his control. 2. Concealing sins. ‘The servant (who conceals) the faults of others in this world, Allah would conceal his faults on the Day of Resurrection.’ (Muslim, 32:6267) 3. Good speech. ‘Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should speak a good word or remain silent.’ (Bukhari) The Prophet informed Muadh of good deeds that would admit him to Paradise and distance him from Hell, then said: ‘Shall I inform you of the foundation of all of that?’ Muadh said: ‘Certainly.’ The Prophet took hold of his tongue and said: ‘Restrain yourself from this.’ Muadh then asked: ‘O Prophet of Allah! Are we held to task for the things we say?’ The Prophet replied: ‘May your mother be bereaved of you, O Muadh! Does anything topple people headlong into the fire of Hell save the harvests of their tongues?’ (Tirmidhi) ‘… And indeed a servant will speak a word displeasing to Allah that he thinks to be insignificant, but because of it, He (Allah) will consign him to the fire of Hell.’ (Bukhari)

The killing of Usama bin Ladin, if proven to be true, may either be a coincidence or part of a strategy by the US to justify the adoption of new tactics in their ‘war on terror’. It may be that he was killed a long time ago but the killing was only now announced as a justification for the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. All of these are possibilities that no one can emphatically confirm. Whatever the case may be, Usama left this worldly life to meet his Lord who is the ultimate judge. He died as a Muslim and we believe that every Muslim will eventually enter paradise. According to scholars, the Muslim killed by Islam’s enemies is a martyr. Mistakes made by a Muslim fighter in combat do not deprive him of his rights, such as the right of regarding him a martyr. The Prophet became very angry at his close companion Usama ibn Zayd when he killed a disbeliever who had said ‘there is no God but Allah’. However, he continued to appoint him a general of the Muslim army. Saddam Hussain committed many crimes. However, when he was hung he proclaimed: ‘There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger’. Based on this, we have no choice but to ask Allah to bestow mercy on him as he clearly died a Muslim. We disagree with any unjustified killing attributed to al-Qaeda, but any amount of people allegedly killed by al-Qaeda has been trebled by the killing sprees of the US in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya and other countries. We should also never forget Usama’s selfless contribution to the Afghan Jihad against the Russians when the world stood idly by. Adapted from article by: Shaykh Haitham al-Haddad

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From various Ulama | Q: Does the follower in congregational Salaah say both Sami Allahu liman Hamidah and Rabbana wa lakal Hamd? What about the Imam and the one praying by himself? A: The Imam, the one praying by himself, and the follower in congregation are to say both the tasmi (Sami Allahu liman Hamidah) and the tahmid (Rabbana walakal Ḥamd or Rabbana Lakal Hamd) in Salaah. The optimal way is to raise the hands and the head together, saying Sami Allahu liman Ḥamidah. This is whether one is imam, follower, or praying alone. When one is standing upright, one says, Rabbana lakal Ḥamdu mila as samawaati wal-Arḍi wa mila ma shi’ta min shay in ba’du. Note that this is a recommended act. (Majmu, 3:391) Answer by: Moulana Yaqub Abdurrahman

Q: Is a marriage without a Wali (guardian for the lady) valid? A: Two contracting parties are an integral in the marriage contract. They are: 1) The groom’s party; i.e. himself or a proxy; 2) The bride’s party; i.e. her guardian or his representative. A woman’s word in marriage, in the offer or acceptance, is not valid. Thus, she cannot marry herself, with her guardian’s permission or otherwise. (Rawdat alTaalibin, 5:397) The Hadith states: ‘There is no marriage except with a guardian and two trustworthy witnesses.’ (Bayhaqi) Answer by: Moulana Yaqub Abdurrahman

Q: In Salaah where should the hands be placed? Islamic Focus

A: ‘… the sunnah is to bring down one’s hands after takbir and place the right on the left; and grab with the right hand the left wrist bone, and some of the wrist and forearm. One may chose between stretching the right’s fingers in the width of the joint and between spreading them in the direction of the forearm. They should be placed below one’s chest and above his navel.’ (Majmu Sharh al-Muhadhdhab 3:310) Answer by: Moulana Yaqub Abdurrahman

Q: What is the ruling regarding transacting at the time of Athaan for the Juma (Friday) prayer? A: On Friday, before the sun has passed its zenith, buying/selling is permitted. After the sun passed its zenith, but prior to the prayer, it is disliked. After the Imam is on the minbar and the Athaan has been called, then it is unlawful. (Rawdah alTalibin, 1:552-3) If Athaan is made before the Imam is on the minbar, then it is not unlawful. When one hears the Athaan and sets out to the mosque intending the prayer, and enters into a transaction en route, or reaches the mosque and enters into a transaction there, it is not unlawful. According to the relied-upon opinion, transacting in the mosque on Friday is disliked. Even if unlawful, transactions at this time are valid. All other transactions and occupations are also prohibited at that time. (Minhaj al-Talibin) An exception is made for necessities, e.g. If one needs to purchase something, like water for purification, clothing

to cover one’s nakedness, or food for one in extreme hunger, then it is permissible. (Mughni al-Muhtaj, 1:443) Answer by: Moulana Yaqub Abdurrahman

Q: If a married man went abroad and didn’t return home for more than 15 years; and it is not known whether he is alive or dead, can his wife marry another person? A: According to the Shafi school’s relied-upon opinion, before such a woman can remarry, news regarding her husband’s passing, issuing a divorce, etc., must be received. (Nihayat al-Muhtaj, 7:147-48; Rawdat al-Talibin, 6:377) The relied-upon view is Imam Shafi’s qawl jadid. According to his qawl qadim, which is also a verdict from Umar and Imam Malik’s opinion, after her case is judged, she must wait four years, then go into a waiting period (iddah), and then may remarry. (Istidhkar, 6:130) Thus, there may be an opinion that provides some latitude. This answer is brief. What one needs to do in such a situation is seek advice of the local ulama. Answer by: Moulana Yaqub Abdurrahman

Q: Is it permissible for a lady to cover her face with a Niqab (face veil) for example, in Salaah? A: It is disliked (makruh) for a woman to pray wearing niqab except when she is praying in the vicinity of strange men who might look at her face. In this instance, it is not permissible for her to lift her niqab. Answer by: Moulana Yaqub Abdurrahman





HANAFI Q & A From various Ulama | | Q: Is factoring permissible in Islam? A: Factoring is a transaction where a business sells its receivable (i.e. invoices) to a third party (called a factor) at a discount for immediate money. Factoring is not permissible in Islam. The surplus amount received by the purchaser of the debt is interest. (Jadid Fiqhi Masaail, 1:424) Answer by: Al Mahmood 43

Q: Is shellac permissible? A: The shellac ingredient, used in confectionery, bakery and pharmaceutical products among others, has been declared Halaal. Answer by: SANHA

Q: Is Zakaat payable on rental received from buildings that are rented out? A: There is no Zakaat payable specifically on rentals received. The rentals received will form part of the other cash and the decision of Zakaat payable on the cash will depend upon the individual’s financial calculation. Broadly, if there is only cash and no liabilities or the cash exceeds the liabilities, then the cash will be subject to Zakaat. Answer by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai

Q: Does the time period in a lease have to be mentioned? If not, can the landlord, after a period of time claim that this lease is over and that a new lease be formed? A: The Islamic ruling in regards to renting out a property is that the time period of the lease should be agreed upon when renting out the Islamic Focus

property. Once the time period of the lease is fixed, it will not be permissible for the landlord or the tenant to terminate the deal for the duration of his period without the consent of the other party, unless there is a valid Islamic excuse. If a lease period was not agreed upon, and the landlord and the tenant had agreed upon a fixed rent per month, the lease will be valid only for the first month. If the tenant uses the facility for a day or an hour after the expiry of the first month, the lease will be extended for another month. The same ruling will apply in the third month and the months to follow. The landlord and the tenant will have the right to terminate the lease at the starting of every month, if they wish to do so. If the tenant has paid the rent for the following months in advance, the two of them will not have the right to terminate the lease during these months without the consent of the other. It will not be permissible for any of them to terminate the lease in the middle of the month without the consent of the other party. (Fatawa Hindiyyah 4:16) Checked by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai

Q: Is it permissible to use gold and silver plated utensils? What about stainless steel utensils? A: Utensils can be categorized into four types: 1) Utensils made from gold or silver: cannot be used for eating or drinking at all. 2) Utensils made of materials other than gold and silver: permissible to use. Stainless

steel falls under this type; hence, permissible to use. The permissibility of using copper and copper alloy utensils will depend on whether or not it is harmful to one’s health, as it is possible that certain types of food react adversely with copper, whereas others do not. If the copper or copper alloy utensil is coated with another metal/ material that is not harmful to the health and acts as a barrier between the copper and the food, then using such a utensil will be permissible without any reprehensibility. 3)Utensils made of materials other than gold and silver but embellished with pieces of gold or silver: can only be used for eating and drinking with the condition that the main part of the body intended to be used with such a utensil does not touch the gold and silver. E.g. in a cup embellished with gold and silver, the condition is that the mouth does not touch the gold and silver. In a plate, tray and jug embellished with gold and silver, the condition is that the hand does not touch the gold and silver. Without this condition, it will not be permissible to eat and drink from such utensils. 4) Utensils made of materials other than gold and silver but are coated with gold or silver and the gold and silver cannot be detached and separated from the actual utensil, such as gold and silver plated utensils: can be used even if one’s hand and mouth touches the gold and silver coating. Answer by: Moulana Faizal Riza

6 - News from the

Muslim world - BC Muslim

School, Richmond, Canada -

Reflections articles - United Ulama Council

of South Africa - Swansea

Musjid, South Wales, UK - Fedration of Islamic

Arthur Ashe, the legendary Wimbledon player was dying of Aids which he got due to infected blood he received during a heart surgery in 1983. He received letters from his fans, one of which said: ‘Why does God have to select you for such a bad disease?’ Ashe replied: ‘The world over, 50 million children start playing tennis, 5 million learn to play tennis, 500,000 learn professional tennis, 50,000 come to the circuit, 5000 reach the grand slam, 50 reach Wimbledon, 4 to semi final, 2 to the finals, when I was holding the cup I never asked God ‘Why me?’ And today in pain I should not be asking God ‘Why me?’

associations of New Zealand

- New Muslim Network Wales - Islamic Poetry - Irving Musjid,

Texas, UK - Darul

Yatama wal Masakeen orphanage and aged homes - Islamic Union of Hong

Kong - Islamic Asso-

ciation of Raleigh, North Carolina, USA - Kenya Council of

Imams and Ulama - Articles - Al Mahad ul Islami

Institute, UK

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Jews expelled by Christians from Spain in 1492 found a safe home in the Balkan region of the Muslim Ottoman Empire. They lived there for 450 years, keeping their traditions, Sarajevo in Bosnia had 10,000 Jews. Then came World War II and the invading Nazis. Many Jews lost their lives but there were others who survived, thanks to the refuge that Muslims in the Balkans gave them. Jews fleeing to Albania were welcomed into Muslim homes, not as refugees but as guests. Entire villages would protect them. Albanian Muslims helped Jews because of a code of honour called Besa, derived from Islamic principles, which compelled the Muslim families to place a stranger's needs above all else.

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Enrich your web experience. Not all content on all sites Islamic-compliant. Consult Ulama.


The disease of arguing over religious rulings in which there is a difference of opinion among Ulama, is eating away at the foundation of the Muslim community. Here are some guidelines:

A man asked Imam Ahmad rahimahullah, ‘I sometimes find myself in a gathering where the Sunnah is mentioned, but no-one apart from me has more knowledge of it. Shall I speak and say something?’ Imam Ahmad said, ‘State the Sunnah, but do not argue over it.’ Imam Malik rahimahullah said, ‘And if they don’t accept it (the Sunnah) from you, then be silent.’ Mutamir ibn Sulayman said, ‘I heard my father say: ‘You can never get a man to listen to you when you have just angered him.’ (Al-Adab al-Shariyyah, pg. 307) Advise people of correct actions but don’t push them to the point of arguments because getting advice to a person in that state is like trying to force back water flowing from a tap. The Prophet heard the voices of two persons who had an argument with each other about a verse of the Quraan. Signs of anger could be seen on the face of the Prophet . He said, ‘Verily, the (peoples) before you were ruined because of their disputation in the Book.’ (Muslim, 6443) ‘No one who has once found the right way, ever goes astray except through dispute.’ (Tirmidhi) ‘…Allah has hated for you ... to ask too many questions (in disputed religious matters) …’ (Bukhari 3:591)

Some tips from the Hadith on winning the hearts of the people around us, our family, friends and acquaintances:

Smile. It is the first arrow and the fastest of them all. It is like salt for food. It is also regarded as a kind of worship and charity as mentioned in Hadith: ‘Smiling at your brother's face is charity.’ Sahaba report they had never seen someone smile at the other's face more than the Prophet used to do. The Prophet said: ‘Do not ever waste your good deeds, even by meeting your brother with a frowning face. Be a good listener. It is to listen patiently and never interrupt the speaker, as the Prophet never interrupted a speaker till he ended his speech. He who does this gains the love of others and their admiration. Express your feelings. If you love someone tell them at once. This of course excludes impermissible love and refers to love for the sake of Allah. The Prophet said: ‘If you felt the brotherly love of Islam towards any, you should immediately go and tell him about your feelings.’ He added ‘It is the way relations are to be strongly indicated.’ Be sociable. It is the art of being social. The Prophet said: ‘Being sociable is as charity.’ The Prophet was asked about the deeds which lead most of the people into Paradise. He replied, ‘The fear of Allah and good manners.’ (Tirmidhi) Adapted from

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Tipu Sultan was trained in military tactics from an early age. At 15, he accompanied his father against the British in the First Mysore War. He commanded a corps of cavalry in the invasion of Carnatic at 16, and distinguished himself in the First Anglo-Maratha War. Most of Tipu Sultan's campaigns resulted in successes. He subdued all the kingdoms in the south, defeated the Marathas and Nizams and was also one of the few Indian rulers to defeat the British armies several times. The 2nd Mysore War came to an end with the 1784 Treaty of Mangalore, the last occasion when an Indian king dictated terms to the British. Tipu Sultan built roads, public buildings and ports along the Kerala shoreline. His trade extended to countries like Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, France, Turkey, and Iran. He was the innovator of the world's first war rocket and deployed as many as 5,000 rocketeers at a time. Tipu introduced a new calendar and coinage. He was well versed in Urdu, Kannada, Persian and Arabic. He strengthened education in Persian and Urdu among Muslims in Mysore. He wrote ‘Fath ul Mujahidin’, an army manual and ‘Muwaaiz ul Mujahidin’, the collection of his Friday sermons. He introduced Islamic terms which have been in use ever since and attempted to assign Muslim names to several places. Tipu Sultan was killed defending his capital against the British in 1799. He had 4 wives, 16 sons and 8 daughters.

Afrikaans is a language spoken primarily in South Africa and Namibia. It evolved from the dialect of Dutch spoken by Europeans who settled in the Cape in the 17th century. So what does this language have to do with Muslims? Firstly, Malay slaves from the Cape contributed to the development of Afrikaans. Secondly, Afrikaans borrows some words from Malay such as piesang for banana, baie for many/very and baadjie for jacket. Thirdly, Muslims were the first to write Afrikaans. The language on the streets of the early Cape was non-standardised. Arabic Afrikaans was a form of Afrikaans written in Arabic script. This was the first version of written Afrikaans and began in the 1830s in the madrasas in Cape Town. 74 Arabic Afrikaans texts are extant. The earliest, Hidyat al-Islam, is dated 1845. The oldest surviving manuscript was written by Imam Abdul Kahhar. One of the best examples of this literature was Uiteensetting van die Godsdiens (Exposition of the Religion or Bayaanud Deen written in 1862) by Sheikh Abu Bakr Effendi, who came from the Ottoman Empire. It was written in the language spoken by the Cape Malays in their everyday lives. The fact that Sheikh Abu Bakr (and other Ulama) chose to write in this language was innovative, not just because they wrote in a new language yet to have a literary existence, but they wrote with the Arabic script. Thus, the first books to be written in the Afrikaans language were written not only by Muslims, but also in the Arabic script. There was also a handwritten Arabic-Afrikaans bilingual Quraan, written in the 1880s.

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Sultan Fateh Ali Khan (1750-1799), known as Tipu Sultan and the Tiger of Mysore, ruled the Kingdom of Mysore (in present day India) from 1782-1799. Tipu Sultan was a devout Muslim who ruled a majority Hindu country. His father became ruler of Mysore in 1761.


99% of Somalis are Muslim. Early Muslims fled to Somalia to seek protection with the Ethiopian Emperor. Islam spread through trade. There were several migrations of Arabs and Mogadishu became the center of Islam in East Africa. Many Muslim states were established and from the 1600’s they waged war against Christian Ethiopia. Somali states and ports had lucrative trade with Arabia, India, Italy, Persia, Egypt, Portugal and China. Somali merchants established a colony in Mozambique to mine gold. Mogadishu, by the 15th century, was a large city with houses five storeys high, palaces and Musjids. Giraffes, zebras and incense were exported to China, thus influencing the Chinese language with Somali. In the 16th century Ottoman and Somali fleets attacked Portuguese colonies in southeast Africa driving them out from several. In the 1800’s European colonialism inspired Somali Sheikh Hassan to begin one of the longest colonial resistance wars against the British, French and Italians. After independence in 1960 a socialist government replaced Arabic script with Latin for writing Somali. Ulama were executed and Islamic organizations banned. In 1977 Somalia waged a war for Ogaden, a Somali area occupied by Ethiopia. Since 1991 Somalia has experienced civil war. The Islamic Courts Union established control over much of Somali in 2006, offering education and health care and stopped piracy and the drug trade, but were halted by Ethiopian troops. Now Islamist Al-Shabaab controls much of the country. Many Somali refugees live in Europe, America and South Africa. Islamic education was very strong before the civil war and many Somalis are Huffaaz.

Here is a round-up of current legislation and debate about face-covering Muslim veils and Muslim headscarves in various countries:

FRANCE: became the first country to enact a law designed to forbid face-covering veils such as the niqab anywhere in public. Violators risk fines or citizenship classes. A 2004 law bans Muslim headscarves from classrooms. BELGIUM: Parliament passed a measure banning veils in 2010 but it has languished since the country has struggled to form a new government. The mayor of Maaseik banned facecovering veils in 2004. GERMANY: Several states banned teachers from wearing headscarves in public schools. Hesse state decided to bar public employees from wearing face-covering veils at work. SPAIN: Several towns have begun processes to prohibit veils in municipal buildings. NETHERLANDS: Government is aiming to ban the burqa, but has yet to present legislation. A previous administration abandoned a total ban on Muslim veils in 2006, after lawyers said it would likely be unconstitutional. ITALY: Has a law requiring people to keep their faces visible in public. It’s rarely applied in the case of women wearing veils. SYRIA: President Assad reversed a decision that bans teachers from wearing the niqab to appease the Sunni majority as he faces a popular uprising. Government had banned the veil in July 2010.

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Islamic Focus



Darul Yatama Wal Masakeen was set up in 1934. It runs an orphanage on a cottage system for 55 children including abandoned babies at Baitul Aman in La Mercy, KwaZulu Natal; and homes for aged ladies (22) at Baitul Hifazat and aged men (20) at Baitul Firdous, both in Durban. It is a registered NPO. Some Activities Distribution of 140 monthly food hampers to families Assists in paying rentals, electricity/water bills, medical assistance, financial aid etc Assists with tertiary, school fees, school uniforms, books and madressa to the value of R2,9 million Distributes wheelchairs and disability aids in association with Radio Al-Ansaar Provides home based nursing as well as care givers at cost Free burial services to the needy in association with the Gorba Trust and other burial service providers Assists in employment placement or self help projects Skills development for the children Empowering people with skills programmes to become self employed Homes of poor visited by a social worker Cataract clinic where consumables are paid for. Procedures are done by IMA members at no cost. Contact: PO Box 19006, Dormeton, 4015 Tel: 031 209 8720 Fax: 031 207 7440 Email:

In Tabligh we are encouraged to speak to others about the greatness of Allah. People argue that the speakers are always telling others what to do but they themselves are never practicing. Here’s how a preachers life will change after preaching to others: There was once a man who, after spending his entire life on the farm, decided to see how the city looks. As he walked in the city center, a barber shop got his attention. In amazement, for an entire hour he just watched the man cut hair. His cousin, who was born and bred in the city, noticed the astonished look on his face and asked the reason for such astonishment. The farm boy was marveled at the thought that, whilst the entire city was chasing after money, this man takes out his time and helps others by cutting their hair. The city boy then explained that the barber is also after money. It looks as if he is just helping people but in reality there is a great financial benefit for him. He explained that if you want your hair to be cut you have to pay a certain amount. So if three people cut their hair, each customer will gain one benefit of having his hair cut. However the barber will have three benefits of money. In the same way, it looks as if the preacher is going around and telling others what to do, whereas in reality there is a great spiritual benefit for him. Every time he speaks to someone his own heart gets affected. So if he speaks to five people, the five might benefit or might not benefit but the speaker would have benefited five times.

73 DURBAN ROAD KORSTEN PH. 041 451 3060 Islamic Focus


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