Those who spend their wealth (in Allah's cause) by night and day, in secret and in public, they shall have their reward with their Lord. On them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. [2: Al-Baqara-274]
Rasullulah Salalahu Alahi Wa Salam said that Allah The Glorious and Exalted says: Spend (on charity), O son of Adam, and I shall spend on you [Hadith Qudsi]
Newsletter Fifth Edition 2017
NPO 070-651 | PBO 930 033 996| BBBEE:1622
Poverty in the Eastern Cape... THE HARSH TRUTH!
Newsletter Fifth Edition 2017
th di Ha
Allah will spend on you!
an ur Q
Reward from Allah
And spend of that with which We have provided you before death comes to one of you, and he says: "My Lord! If only You would give me respite for a little while, then I should give Sadaqah from my wealth, and be among the righteous. [63: Al-Munafiqun-10]
th di Ha
an ur Q
Spend while you can
"Prosperity enters as swiftly into a house that feeds people as a dagger penetrates the hump of a camel.”
Crime statistics indicate high levels of violent crime in the province which are often through gang rape, brutal attacks on children or elderly women.
10 YEARS FEEDING THE POOR! This year marks a momentous and notable occasion for Al Fidaa Foundation. We have consistently supplied soup kitchens since 2007 in the Eastern Cape. It is only through the Grace of Allah Ta’ala this has been achieved and sustained.
ُّ ك َ َك ا ْلَ ْم ُد ُكلُّهُ َول َ َاَللَّ ُه َّم ل ُالش ْك ُر ُكلُّه
O Allah, for You Alone is all Praise. For You Alone is all Gratitude. This rudimentary soup meal supplied from the soup kitchens is sometimes the only meal beneficiaries receive for the day to provide nourishment, energy and fortify their immune system.
ش ِدي ٌد َ ََوإِ ْذ َتَذَّ َن َربُّ ُك ْم لَئِ ْن َش َك ْرُْت َلَ ِزي َدنَّ ُك ْم ۖ َولَئِ ْن َك َف ْرُْت إِ َّن َع َذ ِاب ل
And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor] PROJECT NAME
West End Clinic
98 Esterhuisens Street
Mabel Martin
71 Harebel Street
Abdul Basit Norkie
13 Jupiter Street
Jamiel Shaw
47 Hibiscus Street
Chatty Clinic
8 Harker Cres
Bloemendal Ext32
Booysens Park Clinic
Booysens Park
Dunbar Rd
Duncan Village
East London
Plumbago Street
Chatty Container
Chatty 5
Plot 10853 Chatty 5
East London
4 Villete Street
This year we intend opening our own fully equipped and operational soup kitchen containers in the most poverty stricken areas of Port Elizabeth. Our goal is to have three fully equipped and functioning by the end of 2017. This will allow us to personally feed the poor, evaluate the impact of the feeding and look at alternative means of helping the beneficiary community out of the cycle of poverty. The data collected will assist us in understanding the challenges and needs of the community more accurately. To break the perilous cycle of poverty, a more in-depth look is required. Funding can thus be used in a more productive and impacting manner to make a positive difference. Meals will be served from 11am to 1pm.
Helenvale Clinic
Gail Road
Chapman High School
Bell Road
Gelvandale High School
Martin Street
Buffalo Flats Primary
East London
34 Greenpoint Rcad Buffalo Flats
Jack Buwa - Kyga Township
10 Finch Street
Holland Park
111 Schauder Ave
3284 Soudein Road
Livingstone Hospital & Clinic
Standford Rd
Voyiswa - Kwadesi Clinic
31 Mkhiwane Street
Letters of acknowledgment from Government Departments and soup kitchen operators are available on our website:
Kwanabuhle Day Hospital
Matanzima Street
Nomvulazana Sonwabise
39 Dowse Cres
• Sponsor a fully equipped container: R26 500.00 incl delivery to site. • Sponsor monthly two employees to prepare and manage operations at the container: R5 000.00 • Sponsor soup mix for a container per month: R1200.00 • Sponsor a bag of soup mix : R 450.00
Khanye Pre Primary
110 Mundile Street
Dorkas Poverty Alleviation Project
50078 Daku Road
Cripple Care
Befile Street
Virginia Vinqi
50071 Goika Street
Linges Tots Centre
50691 Nxuzula Street
Masibambane School
Mbilana Street
25943 Motherwell
Moosa Milanzi
74 Ngadla Street
11 Amara Street
Dora Nginza Hospital
Spondo Street
Tshangana Clinic
New Brighton
Tshangana Street
Empilweni Clinic
New Brighton
63 Dora Street
Coega Door Of Hope
North End
33 Milner Avenue
Maaliah Adolph
26 Jarman Street
Jarmin Hall Clinic
Highfield Road
Soweto On Sea
Soweto On Sea
The Mother's Gift
Mabandla Street
Jameela Shaheed Trust
Rosedale Drive
Tomikhale - Aids Haven
289 Ntsizwe Street
Masilakhe Day Care
S12261 Jijana Grounds
Walmer Clinic
Walmer Location
Corner Yoyo & Fountain Street
Vinowa Mgushelo
Walmer Location
212 Bhabhatane Street
Rainbow Soup Kitchen
12 3Rd Avenue Windvogel
Waking up without the resources to feed yourself and your family is a reality for many. This is the harsh truth of poverty in the Eastern Cape. The soup kitchens are the only place they are guaranteed to receive a free meal for the day. Through the funds we have received and the dedication of the soup kitchen operators we have together been able to continue feeding the poor for the last 10 years at 45 different venues in the Eastern Cape.
Newsletter Fifth Edition 2017
And they were commanded not, but that they should worship Allah, making religion purely for Him alone, Hunafa', and that they perform Salah and give Zakah, and that is the right religion.
th di Ha
Save from calamity
an ur Q
The perfect religion
Rasulullah Salalahu Alahi Wa Salam has said, "Be quick in giving Sadaqah, as a calamity cannot overtake Sadaqah.”
In 2011 more than 60% of youths between 15 and 19 years and more than 50% of youths between 20 and 24 years in the EC were unemployed.
remote and neglected areas. Aameen.
The system of imparting Islâmic education to children in the afternoons has for centuries proven to be a successful means to a solid foundation in Dîn. Through the Grace, Mercy and help of Almighty Allâh, we have established makâtibs in mostly under-privileged localities beset by apostasy, drugs, alcohol and gangsterism. These social challenges are further exacerbated due to us neglecting our responsibility in opening any Maktabs in these areas. Regretfully, we have forgotten our Ummah who have neither the means nor the resources to open and maintain a Maktab or a Musallâ in their community. Currently, Al-Fidaa Ta’leemi Department is operating 10 Makâtibs with 16 Muallim/ahs and 262 pupils. The Waterval Islamic Institutes syllabus is taught at all Makâtibs. We have to take a moment to pause and reflect… as we cannot express enough our thanks and appreciation to all our Muallim/ahs who make so much effort to ensure these children are taught at these humble abodes in areas and conditions many would be reluctant to teach in. We have a Mu’allimah who teaches passionately in Helenvale, an area notorious for gangsterism and extreme violence in Port Elizabeth. May Allah reward them all abundantly in this world and the Hereafter for their noble service to the Dîn so that the message and teachings of Allah Ta’ala and his Beloved Rasulullah Sallallâhu alayhi Wasallam reach these
Inspirational Stories…Despite the Obstacles
There are numerous incidents of parents separating and one of them going back to their former religion. This poses a great challenge for the children in maintaining their Dîn and family life. • Due to separation of her parents the pupil ends up living with a non-Muslim parent. However, she is determined to acquire Dîn and walks a great distance to attend Madrasah.
Workshops are conducted annually to improve the teaching skills of the Muallim/ahs. Inspections are done regularly and completed inspection worksheets are promptly uploaded to real time software platforms. This allows us to deal with issues immediately. Data is collected to monitor inspections, attendance, student count, parent visitations and calls, meals supplied, repairs and the upkeep of premises. This allows us to administer with accountability all our Makâtibs and track its progress and challenges.
Meals are provided to students before classes to ease the pangs of hunger and enable them to concentrate in class. Monthly food supplies are provided to ladies residing nearby to prepare cooked baked beans, macaroni, and peanut butter and jam sandwiches. This year we have initiated a weekly Ta’leem program which is conducted every Thursday between 4.00pm and 4.30 pm at all our Makâtibs for the ladies residing nearby. Fazaail-e-Amaal is read at the programs by our Mu’allimah’s. Alhumdulillah the ladies attending these classes have requested Adult classes. We have attended to the request and commenced classes for them. Thus besides attending these programs, they have the opportunity to interact with our Mu’allimah’s, discuss the progress of their children and we utilize this occasion to encourage them to attend our Adult classes. • We visited a pupil in the care of his non-Muslim grandparents; they display great respect for the religion of their grandchild by ensuring that he attends Madrasah. Despite them following a different religion, they instil in the child the importance of adhering to his religion. • A high school student, after spending most of her schooling life at our Madrasah, completes matric and thereafter enrols in a girls’ Madrasah for the Âlimah course. On a weekly basis after Madrasah, she conducts Ta’leem for the ladies in her locality.
Our students cannot afford to pay any fees, thus the Maktab is dependent on funds from donors to pay for all monthly expenses in order to operate and maintain each institution. The cost of maintaining each maktab is high and requires more funding to sustain and for expansion.
MADRASAH MUHAMMED • After progressing well at our Madrasah, students were given the opportunity this past Ramadhân to lead the Tarâweeh salâh at the local masjid. Indeed, this has been a historical moment, as it is the first group of students from this locality to perform Tarâweeh. • A student living with his non-Muslim family attends Madrasah daily with much enthusiasm and eagerness despite his family’s lack of support. After the Ustâdh meeting with the family, they agreed to refrain from being an obstacle in his path.
We appeal to our donors to sponsor a complete Maktab monthly. This will assist us greatly and would allow us to open more Maktabs. At least 10 more Maktabs are needed urgently in the Northern Areas of Port Elizabeth. Expansion is dependent on funding.
Al Fidaa Newsletter Issue 05 - 2017 Editor: Ml Nazir Munshie Published by Oliva Design & Print - DISCLAIMER: Al Fidaa’ Foundation accepts funds, zakaah only on condition that the organisation reserves the right to distribute in any avenue according to its discretion. Telephone: 041 484 1288 Email: Website:
Tel: 041 484 1288 Web:
And be steadfast in prayer and regular in charity: and whatever good you send forth for your souls before you, you shall find it with Allah, for Allah sees well all that you do. [2: Al-Baqara-110]
th di Ha
an ur Q
Future Investment
When someone helps an afflicted person, he becomes entitled to seventy three grades of forgiveness, one of which is enough for his salvation, the remaining seventy two will raise his rank and positions in Akhirah.
The Eastern Cape has the highest rate of joblessness in a country where unemployment rates reached levels last seen before the recession in 2008.
Dear Reader
Alhumdulillah, we intend opening Five Pre-Madrasah Classes for 5 year olds at our Madrasahs as from June 2017, Insha Allah The Mu’allimah’s are currently attending workshops to enable them to teach the ”Little Angels Series” syllabus, designed by Jamaitul Ulama Ta’limi Board KZN. The syllabus is educational, fun and interactive for the children. Each class will have 10 children and tuition will be conducted by eight Mu’allimah’s. Children who attend the pre-Madrasah classes are taught the fundamentals of our Dîn, Yassarnal Qur’an, Surah’s and Duas. The Lifestyle and Colouring book adds creativity to the lesson. We have added fine and gross motor development activities to the lessons. By
attending these classes they will be well-grounded in the Dîn and progress much quicker when they attend the afternoon Maktabs. Kindly donate towards these classes as it will allow us to maintain and open more Alif Academy institutions. Extra funds are required as we have to purchases the syllabus for every child and provide them with stationery and fun educational items. Once again, the parents do not have the means to pay any fees.
A’maal [actions and deeds] is dependent on correct Ilm [knowledge]. The Ilm a Maktab provides ensures correct understanding and practicing of A’maal for the rest of an individual’s life. Thus funds requested for Maktabs is often overlooked when making donations, however the reward is infinite in this world and the Hereafter. This is an easy way to earn perpetual Sawâb. Whatever the student reads and practices in the Dîn in his complete lifespan will be accrued to you. How easy has Allah Ta’ala made it for us to earn rewards daily with little contribution from the wealth Allah Ta’ala has given us! May Almighty Allâh accept all our efforts and make it a means of our salvation, .
Renovations commenced earnestly in March to allow every Madrasah to be used as a Musallâ also. Alhamdulillâh, we have renovated five Madrasahs already and will continue as funds are acquired. These are the only places communities have to perform Salaah in congregation as no Masjids are available nearby. The Musallâs will soon be used for Tarâweeh and Jummah Salaah as well Inshâ-Allâh. The Musallâs are designed with ablution facilities to allow the Tabligh Jamaat to stay over at these venues so that they can visit the Muslims in the area and continue their noble work of propagating Islam. May Allah accept the work of the Tabligh Jamaat, Aameen. Regular inspections and meetings with the community ensure we are well-informed of their needs. A caretaker from the community is appointed for the upkeep of
the Madrasah and Musallâ so that we maintain them responsibly. We will appoint members of the community to lead the congregation in Salaah after they have completed a course in salâh, azaan, etc. as no permanent Imâm or Alim resides in these communities. It saddens our hearts greatly that many churches have been erected in these areas, however, no Musallâs or Masjids are available for the Muslims. Oh Beloved Muslims! Help our forgotten Ummah who reside in Port Elizabeth’s Northern Areas! We are earnestly looking for land to build Masjids in these areas. Your contributions will make this a reality for these communities.
We are always looking for ways in our worldly life to earn a passive income whilst engaging in our daily source of income. Similarly, your Sadaqah will earn you a passive income in this world and the Hereafter. Thus while you are engaged in your worldly occupation, your
REFERENCE FOR LILLAH DEPOSIT It was narrated that Umar Bin Khattab said: I heard the Messenger of Allah say:
"Whoever builds a Mosque in which the name of Allah is mentioned, Allah will build a house for him in Paradise" Sunan Ibn Majah 735
Newsletter Fifth Edition 2017
Sadaqah is accumulating rewards daily for you. Every recitation, every A’mal, every Sajdah in the Madrasah and Musallâ will be sent directly to you without any effort, Subhânallâh!
RENOVATION COST Approx cost of each Musalla renovation
R17,000-R28,000 R65,000 - R80,000
Approx cost of erecting a new temporary wooden structure for a Musalla / Madrasah with ablution facilities
If you disclose your Sadaqat (alms giving), it is well; but if you conceal them and give them to the poor, that is better for you. (Allah) will expiate you some of your sins. And Allah is WellAcquainted with what you do. [2: Al-Baqara-271]
th di Ha
Allah's Protection
an ur Q
Expiate your sins
“Whoever gives much as Sadaqah, Allah Himself looks after his property after his death.”
In the Eastern Cape for every ten unemployed people seven are youth.
عن عبد هللا بن مسعود قال قال النيب صلى هللا عليه وسلم ال حسد إال يف اثنتني رجل آاته هللا ماال فسلط على هلكته يف احلق ) صحيح مسلم،ورجل آاته هللا احلكمة فهو يقضي هبا ويعلمها (صحيح خباري
Hazrat ‘Abdullah bin Mas‘ood (Radhiyallahu ‘anhu) narrates that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, “Envy is not permissible except in regard to two types of people. The first person is the one whom Allah Ta‘ala has blessed with wealth and Allah Ta‘ala blesses him with the ability to spend it in the correct manner. The second person is the one whom Allah Ta‘ala has blessed with deeni knowledge, and he correctly practices upon it and imparts it to others.”
“The world is a means of benefit and the best of its benefit is a righteous woman” When a woman attains knowledge of Dîn it leads her onto a pathway of Taqwa which changes her life and impacts significantly in the upbringing of her family. The Al-Fidaa Foundation Ta’leemi Department has for the past few years embarked on this program of educating the womenfolk in our community. The zeal,
courage and determination of the women attending these classes have been overwhelming, with certain venues having 25 ladies attending Adult classes. Recitation of the Qur’ân, Tajweed and the basics in Fiqh, Aqâ’id, History, etc. are taught. Spiritual development is acquired through the
knowledge of Dîn. A report has been submitted by a Mu’allimah of an attendee taking the decision to adopt hijâb due to attending these classes, Alhamdulillah. Our intention is to establish these classes in more areas, thus affording more adults access to knowledge of Dîn, Inshâ-Allâh.
A MORSEL FOR A MORSEL There was once a woman who had a son. One day, her son left home on a journey. After some time, she ceased to receive information regarding her son and it seemed that he had disappeared. With every day that passed, she grew anxious over her son’s disappearance. Sometime later, one day when this woman had picked up a morsel and was on the verge of putting it into her mouth, she heard a beggar at the door. Taking pity on the plight of the beggar, she gave him the entire loaf of bread from which she was eating, including the morsel that she had been on the verge of eating. Having given her food to the beggar, she had nothing to eat and remained hungry. This woman was extremely anxious regarding the plight of her missing son and would thus exert herself in du‘aa, begging Allah Ta‘ala to return her son to her. Barely a few nights after she had given the bread to the beggar, her son returned home! On his return, he began to tell his mother of all the hardships and difficulties that he underwent while on his journey. While recounting his experiences to his mother, he mentioned the following: The strangest experience of all occurred as I was travelling through a certain jungle in such-and-such land. While I was riding my donkey, a lion attacked me. During the attack, my donkey fled and left me alone with the lion. The lion began attacking me with its claws, but its claws somehow became entangled in my clothing and thus failed to reach my body. The
lion thus dragged me away, deeper into the jungle. Once we were further into the jungle, the lion set me down and turned towards me, ready to pounce and kill me. At that instant, a huge, strong man, fair in complexion and dressed in white clothing, appeared before us. He lifted the lion by gripping its nape with his bare hands and threw it to the ground saying, “Away, O dog! A morsel for a morsel!” The lion instantly turned on its heels and fled. As I regained my composure and calmed down, I turned to find the man who had saved me, but found that he had disappeared! I therefore remained sitting, in order to recover my wits and regain my strength. When I thereafter examined my body, I found that I was absolutely unharmed. I thus walked through the jungle until I found the caravan from which I had been separated. On seeing me safe and sound, they were utterly amazed as none had expected me to escape from the clutches of the lion. Nevertheless, after narrating my experience to them, I continued to ponder over the words uttered by the man, “a morsel for a morsel.” What could these words possibly mean? As the youngster told his mother his amazing experience, she asked him of the time at which this had happened. When he calculated the time, she realized that it was at that exact moment that she had taken the morsel of food which was nearly in her mouth and given it to the beggar, together with the rest of her food. On account of her taking the morsel from her mouth and giving it to the beggar,
Allah Ta‘ala took her son from the lion’s mouth and gave him back to her. (Akhbaarul Muzaakarah litTannookhi vol. 2 pg. 42) Lessons: 1. Sadaqah and charity are such great acts that their reward is multiplied seven hundred times. Over and above this tremendous reward, there are many other profound benefits and effects that a person will enjoy through giving sadaqah. Sadaqah is a means of drawing the mercy of Allah Ta‘ala and the Du’aa that is made after giving sadaqah thus has a greater chance of acceptance. Hence, in the above incident, it was just a few days after she gave her meal to the beggar that her son returned. 2. When giving sadaqah, it is not the amount or the value of the item that counts. Rather, what counts is the heart with which it was given. The woman in the above incident only gave the beggar a loaf of bread. However, she preferred his comfort to her own, choosing to remain hungry, and even gave him the morsel that was nearly in her mouth. It was thus the extent of her sincerity and sacrifice that gave value to her sadaqah and caused it to be accepted in the court of Allah Ta‘ala. 3. Giving sadaqah is a means of warding off calamities. 4. Allah Ta‘ala sometimes very clearly and openly shows a person the acceptance and reward of their good deeds in this very world.
Standard Bank Name: Al Fidaa Foundation Account No: 201 309 351 ZAKAAH BANKING DETAILS Bank: Branch: Berrys Corner Branch Code: 024210
Bank: Standard Bank Name: Al Fidaa Foundation Account No: 036 893 382 Branch: Berrys Corner Branch Code: 024210 Bank: Standard Bank Name: White Door Centre Account Account No: 045 569 290 Branch: Cleary Park Branch Code: 024210
Kindly email deposit slips to: Tel: 041 484 1288 Web:
th di Ha
Jannah without fear
an ur Q
Spend for Allah
… And whatever you spend in good, it is for yourselves, when you spend not except seeking Allah's Face. And whatever you spend in good, it will be repaid to you in full, and you shall not be wronged [2: Al-Baqara-272]
On the Day of Judgement an announcer will call, “ Where are those who were kind to the poor and the destitute, today they may enter Jannah without any fear or sorrow.”
The agricultural sector of our economy is particularly hard hit, with a 17.8% decline in those employed in agriculture in the Eastern Cape.
ZAKAAH, OUR OBLIGATION, OUR ASSISTING THE LESS FORTUNATE! Almighty Allâh has created us all. However in His creating us, He has made every individual unique and He has placed every person in different living conditions. Despite these differences, He has not made us independent of one another but rather interdependent. Zakaah is one such avenue which brings together the affluent and those less fortunate. Through our Zakaah we are able to assist those who barely make ends meet and those who have to endure the trials of life with little or no resources. The mere fact that we have avenues to discharge our Zakaah in is in itself a bounty from Allah Ta’ala. We have a database of close to 1700 individuals and we are only able to provide the basic food items to them. We urgently require your Zakaah funds as we need to increase the value and frequency of food parcels given to them. The Zakaah department has embarked on a program whereby the skills or expertise of an individual is advertised via social media sites to Muslims with their permission. Through this avenue they are exposed to many opportunities of employment from our Muslim community which could ultimately lead to a permanent employment, Insha Allah. Certain recipients have also been enlisted for training in computers, welding, and security services.
We have therefore come to realize that our Zakaah could be utilized in various ways to benefit the less fortunate. It does not only have to entail a food parcel or a blanket but could also entail medical assistance, training and providing accommodation. This noble act of generosity would then foster good relationships between the affluent and the less -fortunate.
May Almighty Allâh accept all our efforts and reward all donors and well-wishers with blessings and goodness in this world and the Hereafter,
ZAKAAH MAKES A DIFFERENCE… These are just a few of the cases which we deal with regularly:
1. A single mother with 2 children living in a shack with the bare essentials. The floor is not even completely covered in concrete. Due to severe financial constraints, this recipient had to vacate her previous residence. Funds for rental and electricity were made available to her. 2. A single mother with children battling to cover her monthly accommodation costs was assisted with rental and a continuous supply of food parcels. The recipient has thus far been recruited for employment and is now able to cover the cost of her basic needs. 3. A frail old lady who was unable to get to the
communal toilet without assistance at the Old Age Home. We were able to provide her with a commode, thus making it easy for her. A young mother with a mentally challenged child as well as a frail relative in her care has to deal daily with the challenges associated with their care. The family has been provided with necessary equipment in the form of wheelchairs, commodes and a regular supply of diapers. Many young mothers have children who are mentally or physically challenged. These families are assisted with a regular supply of diapers and food parcels. A lady battling the final stages of cancer, unable to meet her daily expenses and struggling to keep a roof over her head. She is left alone with no relatives to support or aid her. We were able to contribute to her rental in order to secure her accommodation. A visit conducted by Al-Fidaa Foundation staff members takes them to the backyard dwelling of a family of four which is so small that there is not even enough seating place inside. The household lacked piped flowing water and adequate sanitation revealing what the family has to deal with on a daily basis. Despite these challenges, the family is content. Assistance was granted in the form of food items.
ZAKAAH IS NOT LIMITED TO RAMADAAN! This year we have commenced a new initiative to serve our zakaah recipients, many of whom are senior citizens. They are weak and feeble and lack the resources to earn and sustain their household expenses. With old age comes a health problem which adds its burden to their shoulders.
Every month we will be hosting a Curry and Rice meal for 100 zakaah recipients. We will use this occasion to deliver a Bayaan, give them clothing, hampers and Islamic literature. This initiative was introduced so that our organization can interact with our senior citizens to better understand their needs and thereby deliver the right service to them.
The distribution of parcels and donations has become a Ramadaan trend; however our brothers and sisters require our help throughout the year. We humbly request funds to host this event for them once a month so that all recipients can have a chance to have a meal within the year.
An initiative of the Al- Fidaa Foundation Zakaah Department, this online Zakaah database has over the years evolved into a state-of-the-art system which provides information of Zakaah recipients to Zakaah donors at the touch of a button. With transparency and accountability being of utmost importance, our system gives you peace of mind that your Zakaah is distributed correctly to the deserving recipients. A comprehensive history is collected on a Zakaah recipient and updated as per visitation. This program meets all criteria of distribution of Zakaah and has proved to be a dependable system. The Program Boasts the Following Features:
Newsletter Fifth Edition 2017
Do you know to whom your zakaah is going to?
Can a record of distribution be supplied?
How much zakaah has been distributed thus far?
If these questions cannot be answered, then your answer is ZAHSA
1. Partnering organizations have access to information of an applicant as well as history of distributions made to the applicant. 2. Applicant documentation is uploaded and available for future reference or viewing 3. Visits by the applicant to the offices are recorded. 4. Bulk disbursements can be recorded when doing distribution in a particular area. 5. Monthly reports reflecting the number of disbursements, items issued and value of items as well as the date of disbursement. 6. Integrated SMS service to notify recipients when to collect or when distribution will take
place. 7. Processing of disabled or frail applicants at home when unable to visit the offices. 8. Yearly statistics revealing collection numbers for each month. The ZAHSA System is continuously updated and improved and is a paperless method of recording and viewing Zakaah transactions. CONTACT US FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
And those who give that which they give with their hearts full of fear, because they are sure to return to their Lord. [23: Al-Muminun-60]
th di Ha
Gruesome Death
an ur Q
Our Return
Haaritha bin Nu’maan Radiallahu Anhu said: "I heard Rasullulah Salalahu Alahi Wa Salam say that personally giving something to the poor saves one from a gruesome death"
In the Eastern Cape the number of hunger experiences for youth went up from 18,6% to 24%
AL-FIDAA FOUNDATION WHITE DOOR CENTRE We offer victim support services in the form of counselling and referrals to those in desperation seeking help. We continue to assist the Port Elizabeth Sexual Offences Court in the form of lunch packs for traumatized minor victims. The White Door Centre is funded by the Department of Social Development. Counselling is also available via the 24hr telephonic counselling Care line.
CASES SEEN AT OUR WHITE DOOR CENTRE INCLUDE: ● Domestic Violence ● Sexual Offences, rape, assault and molestation ● HIV/Cancer / Terminal Illness ● Guardianship ● Suicide, Anxiety, Depression, Stress ● Assault and Robbery ● Marital Problems ● Family Relationships & Mediation ● Socio-economic Distress ● Substance Abuse
Child abuse Child abuse is any type of harm or ill-treatment to a child such as: hitting, beating, sexual abuse, bullying, child labour and hurting the child emotionally and psychologically. Source:
THE SAD REALITY OF MANY …WHO SIMPLY DON’T HAVE A DOOR TO KNOCK ON FOR HELP! 29 year old victim of domestic violence approached the centre for assistance. She suffered severe physical abuse at the hands of her spouse including verbal abuse, strangulation, beatings and threats at knifepoint. She could not endure anymore and escaped to the White Door Centre one afternoon for help all the while trembling and crying with fear that he discovered her absence and come searching for her. The counsellor at the centre called emergency services to provide a police escort to accompany her home to collect her belongings and evacuate her to a safe place. 30 year old victim bruised and battered due to domestic violence approached the counsellor at the White Door Centre. This wife and mother suffered in silence for years enduring physical, verbal and emotional abuse including being punched, kicked to the ground and accused of having extramarital affairs. The beatings continued throughout her pregnancy and the severity resulted in a miscarriage. She obtained a protection order and is trying to rebuild her life.
and despite attempts by other family members to assist, the problem has grown. Fifty year old unemployed mother of an adult daughter in emotional distress. The victim recently remarried and the disapproval of the marriage by her eldest daughter saddens her as this caused constant arguments between mother and daughter, the last culminating in her daughter striking her with force in the face. This ensued in the daughter packing her bags and abandoning her little son, leaving the victim to be the caregiver to her grandchild. The victim fears that her daughter is lost to her as she has seen her in the vicinity in the company of known addicts and gangsters.
24 year old wife and mother escaping an abusive marriage. Victim was severely beaten and coerced by her husband to commit theft and forced into prostitution. At this point, counsellors had been trying to make contact with and mediate between the victim and her mother; Alhumdulillâh, they reconciled and she resides with her mother. Pensioner sought help for her adult son who is an addict. This wife and mother deals with daily stresses as well as a family member who is battling a severe chronic illness. The victim lives in fear of him as he not only becomes extremely aggressive but has gone so far as to physically assault his mother when confronted with his actions. The situation affects all the family members and the mother feels this is a direct cause of a sibling’s attempted suicide. Divorced mother of a teenage son seeking assistance and referral for substance abuse. The victim has gone through the same addiction rollercoaster with other family members and is at breakpoint having no more strength to deal with the situation. His aggressiveness towards her escalated rapidly
Tel: 041 484 1288 Web:
careline 0861 000 349
They ask you (O Muhammad ) what they should spend. Say: "Whatever you spend of good must be for parents and kindred and orphans and Al-Masakin (the poor) and the wayfarer, and whatever you do of good deeds, truly, Allah knows it well.''
th di Ha
Allah's Protection
an ur Q
Allah is aware
Abdullah ibn Abaas said: “When a Muslim gives a garment to another Muslim, he remains in Allah’s protection as long as even a rag of the garment remains on the person.”
The Eastern Cape lags behind the South African average with 23.7% enjoying piped water and 16.6% having piped water inside their yard.
Inspiring feedback from former learners who developed their skills through the Al-Fidaa Foundation “After failing Matric in 2005, I retook the exam in 2010, passing this time. I decided to further my studies through UNISA but unfortunately could not complete due to financial constraints. October 2016, a friend told me about the Seamstress Sewing program by the Al-Fidaa Foundation. I decided to apply and was delighted when I got accepted. My first day in class was so exciting. I appreciated the fact that I was taught theory together with practical training. After completing the program, I felt a sense of hope in my life. Al-Fidaa helped me realise that with my own hands, I can do something for myself, and I can be selfemployed, stand up and do something positive. Today I am achieving all these positive things because of Al-Fidaa. I am very grateful to the organisation. “Pumeza Macala “I was desperately in search of employment until I heard about the sewing program at AlFidaa Foundation. Being in a class environment again was not easy at first and took a while to adjust. The friendly, humble and at times strict Instructor assisted me a lot throughout the course. Prior to attending the course, I had never touched a sewing machine before. I learnt everything about sewing from Al-Fidaa. After completing the course, I took the newly found skill and put it to good use. I opened up my very own small business providing services such as; alterations, sewing girl’s skirts, sewing ladies dresses and designing outfits. I am really proud of myself thanks to Al-Fidaa; my life has changed for the better. ”Buyiswa Faku “My first week of training at Al-Fidaa Foundation was difficult as I was not use to a classroom environment. I regretted why I joined. My
Instructor offered lots of encouraging and motivational words which granted comfort to my studying. I put a lot of effort into my studying by not taking breaks and asking the instructor to assist me with extra lessons. The instructor was very patient and guided me along the way. My efforts paid off when I manufactured my first garment which my Instructor was proud of. I boasted to everyone in the community of my achievements. Today I sew for my community, family and friends. Al-Fidaa made something of me out of nothing, now I even put food on the table for my family. ”Zukiswa Msauli “I arrived at Al-Fidaa Foundation Skills Centre not knowing anything about sewing. I was taught to manufacture aprons, bags, garments and dresses. After completing my sewing course, I enrolled for an entrepreneurial course where I learnt business skills. I am now part of a 5 member women co-operative. This co-operative manufactures and sells aprons. ”Nontsikelelo Gwebeni “I came across the Al-Fidaa Foundation entrepreneurial course advert and applied immediately to be part of this program. The program course “New Venture Creation” is a very well structured course. It brings you up to speed with the latest trends and business modules. The course is very informative and gets you on par with the latest requirements in the business world. The assessments are challenging yet relatively simple if you follow the course material. I have completed all 6 modules and now I’m working on my business plan. After this I intend to start up my business. Shukran Al-Fidaa, this could be the start to major things Insha’Allah.” Christopher Morgan
EARN WHILE YOU LEARN Al-Fidaa Foundation has partnered with Cell C Baywest C.E.O, Noushaad Adam, to provide an opportunity for the learners to earn while they learn. The opportunity is offered to learners free of charge with no capital investment. Learners are given sim card starter packs loaded with R15 airtime to sell. All earnings received are for the learners themselves. The earning potential is left to the drive and motivation of the learner. This arrangement will reduce absenteeism and allow learners to complete the full program with more ease. Many of the learners are single parents who have the responsibility of earning an income for their dependants whilst obtaining a skill or higher learning. They find themselves in a predicament of choice… look for work and improve my life or do I neglect my duties and pursue a skill or higher learning without any income. The factor of paying for the skill or higher learning is often a huge obstacle in itself. These are issues that results in our current high dropout rates throughout the country’s learning institutes.
36 32 3x 1x R3500 R112, 000 LEARNERS ENROLLED
200 R700, 000
Our thanks and appreciation to the donors who have made this possible. Newsletter Fifth Edition 2017
Verily, your Protector is Allah, His Messenger, and the believers, those who perform the Salah, and give Zakah, and they bow down. [5: Maida-55]
th di Ha
Allah's Beloved
an ur Q
Allah's Protection
Allah Ta’ala treats all His creation as a family and whoever provides most benefits to His family is the most loved by Him.
The Eastern Cape has high levels of food insecurity. Close to 78% of households may be classified as food insecure.
Al-Fidaa Foundation initiated a business program to complement the services of the Skills Development Centre. The aim of the program is to equip aspiring entrepreneurs to successfully understand business concepts and its operations before initiating business. Theory Application Studies 6 Modules over 8 weeks
Business Plan, research, draft & develop over 4 weeks
Submission - Approaching appropriate donors
Who is the FP&M SETA? The Fibre Processing and Manufacturing (FP&M) SETA was established by the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 1 April 2011 after government took a decision to cluster sectors in order to strengthen value-chain linkages between related industries. Overview The FP&M SETA consist of 13 sub-sectors namely the clothing, footwear, forestry, furniture, general goods, leather, packaging, printing, print media, publishing, pulp and paper, textiles and wood products sectors. Although classified individually, the sub-sectors are closely integrated. Together they create value in the lives of consumers, by converting lumber, pulp, natural or synthetic fibres, animal skins/hides into finished products such as furniture,
Module 1 – Creating a Business Plan
Introduction to the Skills Programme Produce a business plan for a new venture NLRD119670
Module 2 – Becoming an Entrepreneur
Identify and demonstrate entrepreneurial ideas and opportunities - NLRD119673 Match new venture opportunity to market needs NLRD119669
Module 3 – Business Finance
Al-Fidaa Foundation Is the Only Institution in the Eastern Cape Offering a Garment Course Accredited By FP&M SETA The past year has seen the Al-Fidaa Foundation seamstress sewing course advance from being provisionally accredited to fully accredited. We are delighted at this achievement as it shows the confidence that the FP&M SETA has in our organization.
Theoretical application studies; Learners study the New Venture Creation business skills 6 modules over 8 weeks
clothing, shoes, protective equipment, paper and paper board, and printing, industrial fabrics and extend into high-tech applications in many different industries such as automotive, health, building construction, etc. What Are The Benefits Of SETA Accreditation? SETA accredited training requires that a skills development course be approved by one of the 21 industry specific SETAs. Each SETA sets specific standards for training providers which ensures the quality of the SETA accredited course. Once the attendee has completed the SETA accredited training, they will obtain recognition of competence that is recognised throughout South Africa. • It confirms the level of proficiency and quality of training undertaken for current and future employers. • The main benefit for employers is the knowledge that a certain standard has been set and adhered to by the course provider. • The attendee has the benefit of knowing their training will be accepted throughout South Africa. • They can achieve complete a full qualification title if numerous courses have been successfully passed of the same standard.
Determine the financial requirements of a new venture - NLRD119666 Manage finances for a new venture NLRD119674
Module 4 – Attracting and Retaining Customers Apply the basic skills of customer service NLRD114974 Manage marketing and selling processes of a new venture - NLRD119672
Module 6 – Running your Business Manage business operations - NLRD119668
identify the composition of a selected new venture’s industry/sector and its procurement systems NLRD119667
PHASE 2 Business plan; research, drafting and developing their business plan over 4 weeks
PHASE 3 Submission of plan; submitting business plan to the appropriate funding house in the Nelson Mandela Metro
Unit Standard Title Make Garments
SAQA U.S I.D 123631
Unit Standard Title Cost A Garment
PURPOSE OF THE UNIT STANDARD This unit standard forms part of the qualification GETC: Manufacturing, Engineering and related activities and is specifically for learners working in the informal sector who are currently operating, or who wish to start, their own garment making business.
PURPOSE OF THE UNIT STANDARD This unit standard forms part of the qualification GETC: Manufacturing, Engineering and related activities and is specifically for learners working in the informal sector who are currently operating, or who wish to start, their own garment making business.
The qualifying learner is capable of: • Cutting out garment parts using a commercial pattern. • Preparing the workplace and setting the sewing machine. • Sewing, finishing and pressing the garment. • Checking the quality of the completed garment.
The qualifying learner is capable of: • Identifying components and materials required to make a garment • Calculating quantities • Costing the garment and calculating selling price • Evaluating and adjusting the costing and / or selling price according to customer requirements and market demands
SPECIFIC OUTCOMES Specific Outcome 1 Cut out garment parts using a commercial pattern. Specific Outcome 2 Prepare sewing machine. Specific Outcome 3 Sew, finish a garment. Specific Outcome 4 Check quality and pack completed garment.
Tel: 041 484 1288 Web:
SPECIFIC OUTCOMES Specific Outcome 1 Identify the components and materials required to make a garment. Specific Outcome 2 Calculate quantities of components and materials. Specific Outcome 3 Cost the garment and calculate selling price. Specific Outcome 4 Evaluate and adjust the cost and /or selling price according to market demands and customer requirements
Believe in Allah and His Messenger, and spend of that whereof He has made you trustees. And such of you as believe and spend, theirs will be a great reward. [57: Al-Hadid-7]
th di Ha
Better than Hajj
an ur Q
Great Reward
Abdullah bin Abbaas Radiallahu Anhu stated: "For me to fulfil the necessities of a Muslim family for a month or for a week or whatever period of time Allah pleases is more beloved to me than performing Hajj after Hajj"
The Eastern Cape’s labour absorption rate was one of the lowest of all provinces at 39% (compared to a 41% absorption rate for the country).
Establish a community farm that will provide quality produce for the local and national market. Funding generated from harvest is reinvested into the farm to sustain it. Create employment and empower through skills in cultivation and harvesting vegetables for the women of St Albans, situated 24km from Port Elizabeth. Due to them living in a rural farming area, employment is vital in supporting their families.
NPO: 186-955 PBO: 930047747
Schools are invited to the farm to encourage them to grow vegetables at home and to create the desire to pursue farming as a career.
We intend offering workshops to the public to encourage them to start growing vegetables in their garden.
ICDL (International Computer Driving Licence) is the world's leading computer skills certification. ICDL modules provide a practical programme of up-to-date skills and knowledge areas which are validated by a test. Our focus is on quality and relevance, keeping in mind the needs of the students as the relevancy to potential employees and employers.
We appeal to Big Business to sponsor applicants for this exciting course and equip entrepreneurs and job seekers with computer skills.
DURATION 3 days 3 days 3 days 2 days 3 days 2 days
PRICE (INCL TEST) R 1 350,00 R 1 050,00 R 1 050,00 R 1 050,00 R 1 050,00 R 1 050,00 R 700,00
R7 300.00
*Prices subject to change. NB. The individual module prices above do not include the price of manuals or a Candidate Reg Number which is compulsory to qualify for ICDL certificate and is a once off purchase
Newsletter Fifth Edition 2017
*INDIVIDUAL MODULES Computer Essentials (Basics and MS Windows) Word Processing (MS Word) Spreadsheets (MS Excel) Online Essentials (MS Internet and Email) Database (MS Access) Presentations (MS PowerPoint) Compulsory Candidate Registration, Manuals, CD
th di Ha
Purify your property
an ur Q
No fear, nor grieve
Those who spend their money in the cause of Allah, then do not follow their charity with insult or harm, will receive their recompense from their Lord; they have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve. [2: Al Baqara-262]
Rasulullah Salalahu Alaihi Wa Salam said: “Purify your property by Zakaah properly paid, treat your sick by Sadaqah and meet the advancing calamities with Du’aa.”
The illiteracy rate in the EC province is relatively high with just under 17.5% in 2013 of the population being functionally illiterate.
BAKING SCHOOL OPENING SOON! Objectives • Offer a free baking course to the unemployed and unskilled. • Teach them to bake confidently from home to earn a sustainable income.
Alhumdulillâh, Al Fidaa Foundation will soon be opening a Baking School with the start-up donation from a Muslim Corporate company, Insha Allah. Al Fidaa Foundation is continuously seeking ways to educate our communities in obtaining a skill to earn an income and thereby create independence and wealth to sustain their families.
Why Baking? • A formal education is not required to learn how to bake. Our basic course will be sufficient to generate an income. • Baking ingredients are easily acquired in their area of residence. • Baked treats are always welcomed in any community. The Home Baker has numerous opportunities, events, functions and occasions in their community to earn an income • Working from home provides a more sustainable income with low overheads. • It is an easily acquired skill that earns immediate income. The more effort the Home Baker makes, the greater the rewards.
• With experience and decorating techniques, the product value changes. This allows the Home Baker to increase the value of their products. • Instant cash received selling their baked goods. Profits are easily drawn on a daily basis to sustain daily home expenses. Workshop • Four week course by a Qualified Tutor. • Baking cakes, cupcakes and biscuits. • Decorating baked items. • Theoretical and practical aspects of baking successfully. • Planning, accuracy in measurements, preparation and hygiene. • Cost evaluation, pricing and budget. • Packaging, marketing and growing your business.
Feedback From The Learners at YOi events: Feedback forms are administered at Yoi events to gain insight into learners experience:
Hosted several programs for girls and boys which were supported by the community and highly appreciated by community leaders.
“It was nice, an Islamic and inspirational muslimah event.” “That your intention is most important.” “That Allah knows best” “These gatherings inspire you” “I learnt about being compassionate and being a good friend.” “Learning about saving money and about Islam.” “Think about situations thoroughly before acting or saying anything.” YOi Girls Function 22 October 2016 hosted at Aaminah's Country with 96 girls from different schools.. Activities included guest speakers addressing the attendees and team building exercises with prizes for the winning team after which students were treated to a braai. Overall the program was a resounding success.
Tel: 041 484 1288 Web:
“That I must love myself and be patient.” “That Allah tests those He loves.” “I learnt more about myself.” “I enjoyed it very much.” “ It was a very fun event.”
12 Market Street, North End, Port Elizabeth 6001, South Africa Tel: +27 (0)41 484 1288 Fax: +27 (0)41 484 1214 Email NPO: 070-651 PBO: 930 033 996 BBBEE: 1622
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DONATE Standard Bank Name: Al Fidaa Foundation Account No: 201 309 351 ZAKAAH BANKING DETAILS Bank: Branch: Berrys Corner Branch Code: 024210
Bank: Standard Bank Name: Al Fidaa Foundation Account No: 036 893 382 Branch: Berrys Corner Branch Code: 024210 Bank: Standard Bank Name: White Door Centre Account Account No: 045 569 290 Branch: Cleary Park Branch Code: 024210
Kindly email deposit slips to: Newsletter Fifth Edition 2017
Section 18a Tax Certificates issued for donations