Water for Life Impact Report 2023 | Islamic Relief Canada

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Water for Life


Thank you!

As we reflect on the past year, I am deeply grateful for your continuous commitment to supporting our water projects around the world, ensuring that vulnerable communities gain safe access to clean water.

Giving the gift of water is often the gift of life itself. From Bangladesh to Mali, and in the 14 other countries we reached in 2023, every donation you made changed the trajectory of those living in the most dire circumstances.

Alhamdulilah, your generosity was the reason 184,898 people felt relief last year through the 23 water projects you supported.

From the depths of our hearts, thank you

Your Sadaqah Jarriayah was used as a means to uplift and transform, ensuring that vulnerable communities have access to clean and safe water for years to come.

May Allah accept your efforts and grant you the ability to continue being a driving force for change.

Your brother,


184,898 Rights-holders

The Widespread Need

Water scarcity is one of the most imminent threats facing our world today. With 2.3 billion people living in water-stressed countries, and 3.5 billion people still living without safely managed sanitation - the need for clean, accessible water is growing rapidly.

Access to instant clean water is often taken for granted, making it difficult to imagine a world without it.

Yet, the reality is a stark one. According to the World Health Organization, 1.4 million deaths could be prevented each year with safe water, sanitation, and hygiene.

As water scarcity intensifies around the world, the need for more sustainable water solutions is critical. That’s why, at Islamic Relief, we employ diverse solutions to fulfil the critical need for safe water in communities worldwide.

However, our work is far from over. Your support remains essential in helping us provide sustainable long-term solutions for clean water in entire communities for years to come.

1 Million+ Women and Babies

die each year due to unclean births because of a lack of clean water and sanitation.

2 Billion+ People

use a contaminated drinking water source.

1,000+ Children

under the age of 5 die every day from diseases caused by contaminated water, poor sanitation, and unsafe hygiene practices.

Our Approach

Safe Drinking Water

Providing clean and safe drinking water to the most vulnerable communities through pumps, trucking, tanks, and wells.

Distributing Hygiene Kits

Supplying our rights-holders with essential hygiene items to promote health and sanitation.

Building Inclusive and Accessible Sanitation Facilities

Constructing gender-sensitive and disabilityfriendly latrines and toilets that meet the needs of all community members, including women, children, and people with disabilities.

Hygiene Awareness and Practices

Empowering communities with essential hygiene knowledge to prevent disease and promote health.

Water Management Committees

Supporting and training local groups to effectively manage and maintain water sources, ensuring a steady and reliable supply of clean water for their communities.

Our Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Process:

1. Geophysical Survey: Finding the most suitable locations for wells to ensure a reliable and lasting water supply. We conduct thorough surveys to identify locations with the most potential for sustainable water. This careful planning ensures that our wells serve communities effectively for years to come.

2. Purchasing Equipment and Materials: Procuring the essential tools and materials needed to construct the wells. We source high-quality equipment to ensure the durability and efficiency of our water projects. Every purchase is made with the goal of providing long-term solutions to water scarcity.

3. Transport to Site: Ensuring smooth and efficient transportation of well-building materials to the selected site. We coordinate logistics to make sure everything arrives safely and on time. This ensures that our projects proceed smoothly without unnecessary delays.

4. Drilling and Rehabilitation: Drilling new wells or fixing existing ones to provide clean, safe water. Our expert teams work diligently to reach clean water sources. Whether creating new wells or restoring old ones, we aim to provide communities with immediate access to water.

An Equitable Approach

We prioritize the world's most vulnerable, employing an equitable approach to address each community's needs. Through a collaborative process with communities, we select rightsholders based on vulnerability and criteria, ensuring assistance reaches those most in need. Rights-holders participate in projects to ensure it is tailored to meet their specific needs.

5. Water Quality Analysis: Conducting thorough testing to ensure the water source meets health standards. This step is crucial for preventing waterborne diseases and protecting community health.

6. Construction of External Structures: Enhancing water accessibility and storage to meet daily needs by building key components such as hand pumps, solar panels, and water tanks for adequate water access. These structures are essential for ensuring that water retrieval is easy and reliable.

7. Hygiene and Sanitation Awareness Training: Providing communities with training on safe and effective hygiene practices. Educating entire communities helps prevent illnesses and promotes beneficial, healthy hygiene practices.

8. Community Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Committees: Creating and training local groups to manage and maintain the water project, ensuring long-term success. We empower local leaders to take charge of water resources, ensuring sustainability by overseeing maintenance and promptly addressing issues.

Who do we prioritize?

Your Donation in Action

At Islamic Relief Canada, our water projects address a number of cross-cutting issues at the same time, providing long-term sustainable and community-oriented solutions: installing irrigation systems, building water tanks, training communities, and protecting their health and livelihoods. This ensures both an amplified impact and sustainable change

23 Projects In 2023 16 Countries 1,463 Water Systems & Sources

184,898 Rights-Holders


*Water systems and sources include hand pumps, boreholes, deep-set pumps, tube wells, water kiosks, tanks, and rainwater harvesting structures. Each provides clean water at varying levels, influencing the number of individuals reached per intervention.

2023 Water for Life Projects

Boreholes & Bore Wells

A borehole is a narrow, deep hole drilled into the ground to access underground water, providing a reliable source of clean water for communities. Similarly, a bore well is a deeper and wider version of a borehole often used to find water when it's buried deeper in the ground.


Building Resilient Livelihood for the Most Vulnerable Community Members

Your donations helped create reliable water sources in the Somali Regional State of Ethiopia to support farming, livestock, and household necessities. The project enhanced water access by drilling boreholes and providing safe and reliable water sources to communities facing severe shortages.

8,485 Rights-holders

Reached Upon Project Completion

South Africa

Education Cannot Wait: Rehabilitation of Thandokwethu Primary School

In Durban, Dududu, South Africa, water access at local schools was improved by upgrading facilities and addressing shortages with local groups. Our work provided students with reliable, clean water and improved their learning environment for years to come.

29,094 Rights-holders

Reached Upon Project Completion

South Sudan

WASH, Protection, and Nutrition for Tonj North Crisis Affected Populations

Water access was improved in South Sudan’s Tonj North by installing boreholes that provide safe water sources, reducing the burden of waterborne diseases. This project further enhanced water access by ensuring that over 95% of people are accessing safe, clean water. Additionally, our water, sanitation, and hygiene committees have trained 92% of local sanitation workers, making a lasting impact on community health and safety.

14,000 Rights-holders Reached Upon Project Completion

“Thanks to God and Islamic Relief for the support in many areas. This changed my skills and knowledge. I now use good health and hygiene practices, cooking, and better vegetable gardening. Before, we had no proper sanitation and hygiene practices, which often caused sickness and malnutrition.”

Elizabeth, South Sudan

“We are incredibly grateful for the installation of the water tubewell in our community. Previously, we had no choice but to use water from shallow wells, which was often unfit for consumption. Now we can finally drink it without fear of getting sick.”

Sheik Arif, Nepal


Deep Bore Water Project

In the Bara and Mahottari Districts of Nepal, deep-bore wells were installed to enhance water access among the community. Unsafe water sources were replaced with clean water sources for vulnerable families, improving the overall health and happiness of the community.

9,025 Rights-holders Reached Upon Project Completion

Deep Set Pumps

Deep-set pumps are a vital part of our water projects. They are designed to reach underground water sources deep below the surface. Installing these pumps ensures communities in need have access to clean and safe water. Deep-set pumps are durable and efficient, providing a reliable water source for daily use, reducing health risks, and supporting overall community well-being.


Safe Water & Hygiene Awareness for the Marginalized Community of Bangladesh

Installing new deep-set pumps and shallow tube wells has provided clean water to the Sunamganj and Jamalpur districts in Bangladesh. This project also includes hands-on and engaging hygiene training for local caretakers.

1,000 Rights-holders Reached Upon Project Completion

Hand Pump Wells

Hand pump wells are a key part of our water projects, providing communities with a reliable and accessible source of clean water. These wells are easy to use and maintain, ensuring that families have consistent access to safe water for drinking, cooking, and hygiene purposes. By installing hand pump wells, we improve overall health, reduce waterborne diseases, and empower communities to thrive.


Strengthening Community Resilience

In Nepal, this project provided handpumps and household toilets – ensuring families have access to clean water and accessible sanitation facilities. This project also enhanced food security through improved irrigation. Our training programs empower locals with essential hygiene and disaster preparedness skills, creating healthier and more resilient communities.

2,400 Rights-holders Reached Upon Project Completion

"Now, we have a new hand pump near my place, and we are very happy to have access to pure water. The water we get from the pump is so pure and clean, as the pump's depth is around 235 feet. This hand pump is being shared by five households in my community."

Salamun, Nepal


Sustainable Livelihoods: New Opportunities for Agriculture

In Kosovo, vulnerable families gained access to clean water through newly established wells and improved sanitation facilities. This initiative empowered communities to achieve better health and enhanced livelihoods through sustainable water solutions.

120 Rights-holders

Reached Upon Project Completion

Clean Water for Communities in Kosovo

This project provided families in Kosovo with clean water wells and essential hygiene training. Its main goal was to improve health and break the cycle of poverty for families in Kosovo. With expert support and maintenance guidance, we ensure lasting access to safe water for those most in need.

360 Rights-holders

Reached Upon Project Completion

Clean Water for People in Need

By ensuring water security for rights-holders in rural Kosovo, communities experienced improved overall health. It also helped reduce urban migration, boost local economies, and create sustainable, thriving communities. This project leverages community collaboration and lessons learned to make a lasting impact.

100 Rights-holders Reached Upon Project Completion

“Life is now easier for my family and I. Before, we had to travel long distances to fill buckets of water and then carry it home. Now, we have our very own water well in our backyard. Alhamdulillah, this is an immeasurable blessing that has changed our lives for the better.”
Musa, Kosovo

Irrigation Scheme

Our irrigation schemes transform agriculture by providing reliable and efficient water management for crops. These systems ensure a steady supply of water, enabling farmers to boost yields and cultivate more productive fields. By implementing irrigation schemes, we’re not only enhancing food security but also empowering communities to thrive with sustainable farming practices and improved livelihoods!


Transformation and Adaptation Against Climate Variability

New revitalized water systems in Quetta and Harnai, Pakistan, are making a significant difference by delivering safe and reliable water to families in need. This initiative is enhancing health, reducing waterborne diseases, and improving these communities' overall quality of life.

34,822 Rights-holders Reached Upon Project Completion

Rainwater Harvesting Structures

Rainwater harvesting structures are an intelligent solution for communities, turning rainfall into a reliable water source. By capturing and storing rainwater, these systems provide clean water for drinking and irrigation, even during dry spells. This sustainable approach not only secures essential water supplies but also supports community self-sufficiency.


Rainwater Harvesting System: Ensuring Safe Drinking Water

In coastal Bangladesh, rainwater harvesting projects provide vulnerable families with clean and safe drinking water, ensuring improved health and well-being. This initiative transforms lives by reducing waterborne diseases and improving access to vital water resources.

685 Rights-holders

Reached Upon Project Completion

"I'll always remember the gift of the water tank. I pray to Allah the Almighty for all involved in the process."

Imadul, Bangladesh


Water and Livelihood Inclusive Initiative

In Muzaffarabad, Pakistan, filtration plants and rainwater harvesting structures were installed to ensure safe drinking water. These plants and structures help to reduce waterborne diseases and enhance community health and hygiene.

11,654 Rights-holders

Reached Upon Project Completion

Solar-Powered Systems

Solar-powered water systems are transforming access to clean water by harnessing the sun’s energy to operate pumps and filtration units. These eco-friendly systems provide a reliable and sustainable water source, even in remote areas. By integrating solar technology, we ensure communities have consistent access to clean water while reducing reliance on traditional energy sources and supporting long-term environmental sustainability.


Integrated Protection and Basic Needs Support

This project installed solar-powered water systems in Malawi and improved school sanitation facilities. These efforts ensure that students, especially adolescent girls, have access to clean water and safe, hygienic environments, empowering communities with sustainable water solutions.

7,428 Rights-holders Reached Upon Project Completion


Improving Social Empowerment and Protection for Marginalized People in Communities

This project focuses on empowering marginalized communities in Mali by improving access to essential services and sustainable livelihoods. By providing clean water, better sanitation, and enhanced health facilities, we address critical needs and help foster social and economic growth.

10,500 Rights-holders Reached Upon Project Completion


Harnessing Opportunities for Poverty Eradication in Ultra-poor Households in Niamey Region

In the Niamey Region of Niger, this project is improving water access through the installation of solar-powered water points and dedicated water, sanitation and hygiene committees. It ensures vulnerable communities have reliable, clean water sources that boost their health and economic prospects.

2,000 Rights-holders

Reached Upon Project Completion


Go Green Project

Niger Solar-Powered Well Systems

Solar-powered wells in the Fakara region are transforming village life with reliable water sources and integrated market gardens. Additionally, local water, sanitation, and hygiene committees are leading the hygiene and system maintenance process. This initiative enhances health and sustainability with innovative solar technology and community engagement.

2,000 Rights-holders

Reached Upon Project Completion

“Islamic Relief has supported us like no one did in the past. We are infinitely grateful and pray Allah to help you as you have helped us.”

The Go Green project in Jordan is addressing the needs of Palestinian refugees by installing solar-powered water heating systems in camps. This helps to ease economic burdens and improve access to essential needs. Simultaneously, it enhances protection by raising awareness of gender-based violence and child protection within these camps.

3,750 Rights-holders

Reached Upon Project Completion

Madam Kadi, Niger

Tube Wells

Tube wells are a crucial element of our water projects. By tapping into underground aquifers, they offer a dependable source of clean water. These wells provide communities with a steady water supply for drinking, irrigation, and daily use, even in areas with limited surface water. By installing tube wells, we’re enhancing water accessibility, improving health outcomes, and supporting agricultural productivity for sustainable community growth.


Integrated Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene & Shelter Assistance

The project in Cox’s Bazar enhances living conditions for displaced Myanmar nationals by constructing and repairing gender-sensitive water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities and shelters. Focusing on safety, dignity, and cultural sensitivity, it provides essential services and support to vulnerable families, including solar lighting and comprehensive hygiene promotion.

1,165 Rights-holders Reached Upon Project Completion

Safe Water and Hygiene Awareness for Marginalized Communities

This project is transforming local communities in Bangladesh by installing shallow tube wells and fostering sanitation and hygiene awareness. Despite challenges, our dedicated team is advancing access to clean water and empowering the community with training and resources for a lasting impact.

6,000 Rights-holders Reached Upon Project Completion

Water Kiosks

Water kiosks revolutionize community access to clean water. They provide a convenient and centralized location for residents to collect safe drinking water. These kiosks offer a user-friendly solution that ensures equitable access for everyone, especially in underserved areas. By setting up water kiosks, we’re improving water distribution, enhancing public health, and making clean water accessible for all.


Health, Education, Agricultural Livelihood and Protection

Water kiosks in Somalia address the root causes of poverty and inequality by enhancing access to health, education, and food security while building resilience to economic shocks. We aim to uplift communities through comprehensive initiatives by providing long-term solutions and empowering local stakeholders.

25,000 Rights-holders Reached Upon Project Completion

“Since water is piped to our neighbourhoods, our children spend more time learning and are less likely to become sick from drinking unclean water.”

Roman, Afghanistan

Water Points, Tanks, & Wells

Water points, tanks, and wells are foundational to our water projects, offering communities essential access to clean water. Water points provide convenient locations for collecting safe water, tanks ensure a reliable supply and storage, and wells tap into underground sources to meet daily needs. Together, these solutions enhance water availability, improve health, and support sustainable living by delivering clean water where it’s needed most.


Increasing Access to Education, Health, Food Security, and Livelihood

In Sudan, water tanks are installed in schools to ensure access to reliable drinking water and to enhance sanitation. This initiative supports the health and well-being of students and local communities.

3,000 Rights-holders Reached Upon Project Completion


Providing Emergency Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene and Protection

This project focuses on constructing water networks in Afghanistan to provide clean drinking water to internally displaced persons, consequently improving the quality of life for hundreds of households. Through community-based initiatives, we ensured sustainable access to safe water while promoting hygiene and sanitation practices.

12,125 Rights-holders Reached Upon Project Completion


Drilling of Wells and Provision of Water

Our project in Albania constructs water wells to provide continuous access to clean water, alleviating water scarcity and improving community health. This initiative transforms lives by ensuring reliable water sources for vulnerable populations.

185 Rights-holders Reached Upon Project Completion

Impact Stories

Women & Water, Combatting A Woman’s Crisis

Salimata, Mali

Salimata and her husband live with their six children in the commune of Koubewel Koundia, Mali. The only water point in their village of Aida was regularly broken, causing recurrent shortages.

“This had a serious impact on our daily lives. Our herds suffered, and the market garden was abandoned due to a lack of water. Access to this water source was also very difficult, and we had to climb a hill nearly 155 metres to reach it.”

Collecting water was a burden on hundreds of women in the village, yet it was a necessity and a sacrifice they had to make

“I would make at least five or six rounds a day to meet my family's needs, even when I was pregnant or breastfeeding. The water points were also unsafe to travel alone during the evenings.”

In response, Islamic Relief installed a solar-powered water well to address the immediate needs and concerns of hundreds of women like Salimata.

“Thanks to Islamic Relief, our suffering has been alleviated. The well is not only used for consumption but also for watering animals and watering the market garden. The project has extended the standpipes into the village and installed solarpowered streetlights to ensure our safety. This was a great relief for the whole community, especially the women and girls. Market gardening is a key factor in the empowerment of women in our community, and thanks to Islamic Relief, I have been equipped with the tools, supplies, and training to operate the garden.”

Salimata’s gratitude extends far. “I can only thank Islamic Relief and the donors that helped alleviate our suffering and promote the empowerment of the women and girls of the village. May the Almighty accompany them and strengthen their plans.”

The Best Charity is Water

Imadul, Bangladesh

Imadul lives in the village of Rajar in a small hut with his wife and two daughters. Ten years ago, he became paralyzed by black fever, leaving him and his family in a dire situation. He solely relies on his wife, who not only supports the family financially but also manages all household responsibilities.

Imadul’s wife struggles to cover the costs of food, clothing, and their daughters' education alone. It is very difficult to make ends meet with one sole provider, pushing them further into poverty.

Imadul's health prevented him from walking far distances to gather clean water, so the family relied on unsanitary pond water or water from a pitcher. This was very dangerous to their health and often left them at risk of waterborne illnesses.

Prior to this project, there was no accessible clean drinking water near Imadul’s family home.

Thanks to the implementation of this project, Imadul and his family now have access to clean water in their own home. This has alleviated the danger of waterborne illness and has also provided Imadul’s wife with more autonomy and time to herself!

Imadul’s face was full of joy when he received the water tank. It has alleviated many of his and his family's burdens, and he is tremendously grateful to every person who played a role in making this possible.

"I'll always remember the gift of the water tank. I pray to Allah the Almighty for all involved in the process."

Community Impact

Crowdfunding Campaigns

We called on our community of changemakers to make a difference, and you truly answered the call! You got creative with your crowdfunding pages, posted across social media, and brought together your friends, family, and classmates to raise funds and awareness for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene projects dear to you.

In 2023, you helped us reach a record-breaking number of crowdfunding campaigns.

Through 44 Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene crowdfunding campaigns, you provided our brothers and sisters across the globe with clean water and improved sanitation through the construction of new water wells, distribution of hygiene kits, and awareness sessions.

That’s not all: our youth and students demonstrated remarkable results, showcasing the impact of the next generation’s leaders. The University of Waterloo Orphan Sponsorship Program, Islamic Relief University of Ottawa, Islamic Relief TMU and Muslim Student Association of McGill chapters supported the construction of 9 wells in total.

44 Total Campaigns

$80,000+ Raised

Water Wells

An Act of Sadaqah Jariyah

Water projects are a true example of how one act of charity keeps multiplying, bringing infinite benefits and rewards. Not only do they provide water for years but also include beneficial knowledge for generations to come, teaching communities to access water and keep themselves and their children healthy.

The best charity for our loved ones and those who have passed is the gift of continuous charity, Sadaqah Jariyah. We thank you for trusting us with this precious gift and allowing us the means to support the most vulnerable people through your charity to build wells on behalf of loved ones.

Thank You!

Thank you for your support! Your donation is so often the gift of life itself and we take special care to reach those who are most at risk.

We’ve seen with our own eyes how their lives have been uplifted and transformed by what you give.

We could not do it without you!

“Whoever relieves the hardship of a believer in this world, Allah will relieve their hardship on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever helps ease one in difficulty, Allah will make it easy for them in this world and in the Hereafter...”

3501 Mainway

Burlington, ON L7M 1A9 www.islamicrelief.ca 1-855-377-4673 (HOPE)

Registered Charity No. 821896875RR0001

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