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A Brief BriefIntroduction lntroductionTo A To

ISLAIVI ISLAM - 1) (Book-1) (Book


Syed Syed lqbal Iqbal Zaheer zaheer

Copyright @ Š 2000 2000 by by Al-Attique AI-Attique Publis\ers Publis~~r~ Inc. Inc. Copyright All rights rights reserved. reserved. No No part part of ofthis this book book All in may be reproduced or transmitted in any may be reproducedor transmitted any form or 0r by by any any means means without without written written forrn permission from from the the Publishers. Publishers. permission

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2000 First Mav 2000 Edition:May FirstEdition: bY Arabiaby Distributed in Saudi SaudiArabia Distributedin Distributors & Dar AI-Hadyan Publishers & Distributors Publishers Dar Al-Hadyan 11444 P/O AI-Riyadh 11444 Al-RiYadh 15031, Box 15031, P/OBox Tel+Fax: 966-1-463-1685 966-I -463-1685 Tel+Fa:<: bY USAby Distributed in USA Distributedin Media Islamic Education&& Media IslamicEducation th 11230 NY 11230 730 C.F.Brooklyn, NY C.F.Brooklyn, Street, l0'hStreet, 730East East10 (718)421-5428 42r-s428 T+F T+F(718)

Benefrcent In the Kind the the Beneficent nameof Allah, ln Allah,the theKnd thename

Coilentt Page Page no. no. Introduction


PreCace Preface


I. Allah


Who Is Allah? Allah? Who Is What Want Of Us? Of Us? What Does DoesAllah Want

II II Prophets Prophets


2 4

Who Prophets? The Prophets? Who Are The Muhammad, the Seal Sealof the the Prophethood Prophethood Muhammad,the Muhammad's Personaliw? Muhammad'sPersonality?

III Revelations III Revelations

44 44 8I

10 10

l0 10 l0 10

What What Is Is Revelation? Revelation? What A New Revelation? New Revelation? WhatOccasioned Occasioned

IV The The Qur'an14 Qur'an14 What What Is Is The The Qur'an? Qur'an? The the Qur'an The Challenge Challengeof the Qur'an Predictions TheQur'an PredictionsOf The Qur'an Miracles Nature MiraclesOf Scientific ScientificNature

l5 15

15 15 t7 17 t9 19 25 25

pag€ page no. no.

V Islam V What Is Islam? Islam? What The Pillars Pillars Of Of Islam Islam The Of Islam Islam The Rest Rest Of The Mu'amalat Mu'amalat Jihad Jihad Ihsan Ihsan VI Punishment and Punishment VI Crime and

29 29 29 29 30 30 34 34 36 36 38 38 40 40 4l 41

43 43 44 44

Death Penalty DeathPenalty Amputation Hand the Hand Amputation of the

VII Hereafter VII The Hereafter Death Death Resurrection Resunection Reckoning andJudgement Judgement Reckoningand

Glossary Terms Glossaryof Terms Suggested ReadingMaterial SuggestedReading Addresses Centres IslamicCentres AddressesOf Islamic

46 46 46 46 47 47 47 47

49 49 53 53 55 55

INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION The need publicationthat needfor for aa publication The that can introduceIslam can introduce Islam briefly, briefly, give and at the same time and at the same time give an anoverview overviewofthis of thisreligion religionhas haslong long beenfelt. felt. This This is is an an effort effort to to meet been with the meetwith the n~ed. need.However, However, this is is far far easily easilysaid saidthan this Islam thandone, done,because because Islamis is not notsimply simplyaa set of creeds, customs and rituals, set creeds, customs and rituals, but but aa complete completeway way of life life guidesman that guides manin in every everyfield field of thought that thoughtand andaction actionand preandprepareshim him for for aa swift swift transition transitionto pares to the theHereafter. Hereafter.Accordingly, Accordingly, it neither neitherneglects neglectsthe the needs, needs,hopes hopesand and aspirations aspirationsof this this earthlyexistence, existence,nor nor does earthly doesit abandon abandonman man to to the the mundane mundane yearningfor world with aa soul peaceand soul yearning for peace world andtranquility. tranquility.ThereTherefore, present to Islam in a form, brief even fore, present Islam in a briefform, evenifit if it be bean anoverview, overview, question.I endeavor is just out of question. endeavorto is just out to do do it in in three threevolumes, volumes, andthis this is is the first of the the series. and the first series. This volume volumetries triesto to answer answerthe the very very basic questions This basic questions that thatone one unexposed Islamwould wouldlike like to to ask. unexposed to Islam had be, ask.Such Suchanswers answers hadto to be, of necessity, necessity,very very brief. The reader readeris of brief. The is advised, advised,therefore, therefore,to consult which are ofwhich are listed listed at at the the end end of ofthis consult other other works, works, some some of this book. book. He He may may also also contact contact one one of the the Islamic Islamic centers, centers, also also listed listed at at the the end, end, for further further guidance. guidance.

Syed Syed lqbal Iqbal Zaheer

God's Right GodnsRight (ra) reports: Mu'adh happenedto be be Mu'adh ibn ibn Jabal Jabal(ra) reports:"Once "OnceI happened (on the Prophet,(on rider on on aa camel camelbehind behindthe the Prophet, the pillion rider 'O peaceand He said said '0 whom God). He whom be be peace and blessings blessingsof God). 'Here I am, MesMu'adh responded:'Here am, 0O MesJabal!' I responded: Mu'adh ibn ibn Jabal!' senger Blessedbe be thou.' thou.' The The Prophet ProphetcontincontinGod. Blessed sengerof God. (without speaking) then ued speaking)and and then ride) for aa while (without ued (to ride) 'HereI am, 'O Mu'adh Messaid: am,0O MesMu'adh ibn ibn Jabal!' Jabal!'I said: said:'Here said:'0 senger be thou.' thou.' sengerof Allah. Allah. Blessed Blessedbe (BuQhe (But) beforespeakspeakhecontinued continued(to ride) ride)for some sometime time before 'O ing. repeated: ing. Then Then he he said: said:'0 Mu'adh Mu'adh ibn ibn Jabal!' Jabal!'I repeated: 'HereI am, ofGod. 'Here He Messenger of God. Blessed Blessedbe bethou.' thou.' He am,0O Messenger 'Do peoyou know said: know what what is is God's God's right right upon uponthe the peosaid:'Do you 'God and ple?' know ple?' I said: His Messenger Messenger know best.' best.'He He said:'God andHis 'Verily, peoplethat said: right upon the people that they they is His His right uponthe said:'Verily, it is (Alone) and worship not aught aught with with worship Him (Alone) and associate associatenot Him.' Him.' (to ride) Then Thenhe he continued continued(to ride)for some somemore moretime time before before 'Here 'O saying: Mu'adh ibn ibn Jabal!' Jabal!' I said: said:'Here I am am 0O saying:'0 Mu'adh 'Do you you Messenger of God. He said: Messenger Cod.Blessed Blessedbe bethou.' thou.' He said:'Do know knowwhat whatis is the theright rightofpeople of peopleupon upontheir theirLord, Lord,ifthey 'God and do know best.' do that?' that?' I said: said:'God and His His Messenger Messengerknow best.' 'It He said: 'It is their right upon Him that He shouldn't He said: is their right upon that He shouldn't punish punishthem.'" them."'

iii i

PREFACE PREFACE cannot live peacefully peacefully in this this world without without knowing knowing who who Man cannot What this life? he is. is. Who Who has has created created him and and sent sent him to this life? What is he his role role in it? it? How can can he he fulfil that that role role to the the best best of of his his his ability? And what what is there there for him him after after this this life? life? ability? These basic basic questions questions cannot cannot be be answered answered by the the human human inThese guidance findingthe tellect alone man needs Divine guidance finding the right right Divine for man needs tellectalone questions. answers basic questions. suchbasic answersto such nature innernature Such been implanted the inner guidancehas hasbeen implantedin the Divine guidance SuchDivine (pbuDat atthe the moment moment ofman, been taught Adam and andEve Eve(pbut) hasbeen taughtto Adam of man,has long chain chainof of their revealedthrough throughaa long hasbeen beenrevealed their creation, creation,has in the the integratedin messengers from finally integrated and,has hasbeen beenfinally messengers from Allah, Allah, and, prophethood. (pbuh),the message Muhammad(pbuh), the seal sealof prophethood. messageof Muhammad whichis is wasinvariably This guidancewas invariablycalled called"Islam" This Divine Divine guidance "Islam"which means aa word which means from two two Arabic Arabicroots: roots:"Salam" word derived "Salam"which derivedfrom Conse"peace" which means means"submission." and "Tasleem" "peace"and "submission."Conse"Tasleem"which peacefulsubmission of Allah quently, to quently,Islam thewill ofAllah submission to the Islammeans meanspeaceful mesand longchain chainof mes. Hence, Hence,the the long andHis His complete completeobedience. obedience Muslims (pbuh)were sengers wereall all Muslims to Muhammad Muhammad(pbuh) from Adam Adam to sengersfrom That list list includes includes and was invariablyIslam. Islam.That and their their message message was invariably (amongmany Saleh, (among Hude,Saleh, Adam, Enoch, Enoch,Noah, Noah, Hude, many others): others):Adam, Moses, Aaron, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Lute, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Abraham,Ishmael,Isaac,Lute,Jacob,Joseph, ut iii

Dhulkifl, David, David, Solomon, Solomon,Job, Dhulkifl, Yasha', Jonah, Job, Ilyas, Ilyas, EIEl-Yasha', Jonah, Zachariah, John,Jesus Jesus Zachariah, John, Christ Christand andMuhammad Muhammad(pbut). (pbut).And Andany any humanbeing beingat placeor atany anyplace human ortime timewho whowould wouldreceive receivesomeone someone claimingto tobe beaamessenger messenger claiming from with fromAllah, (someone Allah,(someone withample ample evidenceto to support supporthis his claim), evidence claim),and andaccepts acceptshis his message messageisis aa Muslim. Muslim. just aa religion. HenceIslam Islam is is not notjust Hence religion.It lt is is the the religion, religion,and andthe the only religion religionacceptable acceptable (swt).This to Allah Allah (swt). only to This is is not notaaclaim claimby by Muslims, but a Divine statement Muslims, but a Divine statement in in the theGlorious GloriousQur'an that eur'an that wasrevealed revealedfrom from above aboveseven sevenheavens was centuheavensmore morethan than 14 14 centuriesago. ago. ries The four four basic foundationsofIslam basicfoundations The of Islamare: (creed),Acts are:Faith Faith(creed), Acts of of worship, Moral Code code and andaaCode Worship, with others. code for Transactions Transactions others. Thesefour basic basicareas areasare arebeyond These beyondthe thecapacity capacityofman of manto tailor, tailor, and hence efforts in these and hence all human human efforts these directions have failed directionshave failed miserably, miserably, ffid and have have led led people people astray. astray. It It follows follows from from the the discussion discussion above above that that man man cannot cannot live peacefully peacefully and and successfully successfully without without religion, religion, and and religion religion cancannot be man-made, man-made, but has has to be be absolutely absolutely Divine, without the slightest slightest human human alteration. alteration. If Ifsuch facts are are accepted, accepted, itit fol follows suchfacts lows that that the the only criteria criteria that can can be be used used for discrimination discrimination bebetween tween the the true true religion religion and and aa false false one one would would be be the the authenauthenticity ticity of of the the revelation revelation that that was was sent sent down down with with the the religion. religion. The only revealed book in The only revealed book in the the hands hands of of man man today today that that has has iv iv

the been intact in exactly the same languageand andexactly exactlythe beenkept kept intact exactlythe samelanguage same an; in which wasrevealed the Glorious wordsin which it was revealedis is the GloriousQur' samewords Qur'an; previousrevelations all the lost or suffered suffered the previous revelationswere wereeither eithertotally lost humanmodifications endless made them useless for huendlesshuman modificationsthat made them useless huthat guidance. man man guidance. problemsthat Consequently, Consequently,the the only solution solutionto human humanproblems are that are piling up of todayis Islam,as integratedin in the up today is Islam, as integrated the final final message message (pbuh) which guidancein the Muhammad Muhammad(pbuh) which is is the the the only Divine guidance handsofman today. today.Hence, Hence,my heart-felt hands heart-feltwelcome welcomeofthis book book "Islam: TheReligion Religion You No Longer YouCan Can No LongerIgnore" lgnore" by brother brother "Islam: The Syed SyedIqbal Zaheer,which which has hasbeen Iqbal Zaheer, beenwritten wriffen in aa very concise, very concise, form. I pray pray to the but very very clear clear form. the Almighty Allah to make makeit aa source ofguidance to many fellow human beings and to sourceofguidancetomanyfellow humanbeingsand reward reward the author the authoramply amply for his his appreciated appreciatedeffort. effort. Ilr. Zeghlul Dr. Zeghtul R. EI-Naggar El-Naggar ProCessor Professor oC of Geology, Geology, KFUPM, Dhahran KFIIPM,Ilhahran Saudi Saudi Arabia


In the name of of Allah, the Knd, Kind, the Compassionafe Compassionate Allah,the the name tn

I ALLAH ALLAH Who is Allah? &lIah is is the the proper proper noun noun in in Arabic Arabic applied applied to the the Attaft Only True True Cod God Who exists exists necessarily, necessarily, by Himself, Himself, Divine Attributes Attributes of encompassing all the the excellent excellent Divine all encompassing perfection. perfection.

partner,no equal. equal. Allah He has hasno partner, andUnique; Unique;He One and Allahis isOne He does does He begoften. He¡ was He He begotten. nor was beget,nor not beget, He does does not He in Him. Him. He not inheresin nothinginheres in anything, anything,nothing not inhere inherein He thatexists. exists.He is of all all that andSustainer Sustainer isthe soleCreator Creatorand the sale god. is no no other othergod. is thereis whom there besideswhom isthe One God, Cod, besides the One save Him' worship is none worthy of worship save Him. And there worthy of And there is none no has no He has father. He no father. He and no no son, son,and wife, no no wife, He has hasno nor sleepnor notsleep Hedoes doesnot form substance.He no material materialsubstance. formor or no no with beginning, the First, rest. He is the First, with no beginning, does He take He is rest. take He does who All-Knowing He isisthe theAll-Knowing who and withno noend. end. He Last,with andthe theLast, the He isisthe heart.He passes man'sheart. knows through throughaa man's whatpasses knowswhat restrained notrestrained thatisisnot Omnipotent whohas hasthe freewi wiIIllthat thefree Omnipotentwho He to be, be, He thingto power. When by He desires desiresaa thing When He by any anypower. the Beneficent, the "8e," is also says, "Be, and it is. He is also the Beneficent, the and it is. He says, II

Kindand andthe theMerciful Mercifulwhose Kind whoselove lovefor for man manisisseventy seventy greater timesgreater than times thanthat of aa mother thatof motherfor for her herchild. child. And the the God Cod of And of Islam lslamisis neither neitherremote remotenor nor abstract. abstract. He is isthe the Real RealLord Lordof of the He theuniverse universewhose whoselove loveswells swells heartand the heart and intoxicates intoxicates the the the soul. Thosewho soul. Those who seek seek Him do do not not have haveto Him to depend dependon vicariousconvicon the thevicarious convicpriest,orthe tion of aapriest, arguments in tion orthearguments inthe thebooks, books,to assure to assure them that that He He exists. exists. They them They can feel His His existence can feel existencein in themselves, well as aswell as the animate and inanithemselves, in both asin boththe animateand inanimateobjects objectsaround aroundthem. them. mate And this is not prerogativeof the this is not the the prerogative And the "spiritualists. "spiritualists." layman,who Any layman, who follows guidanceand Any followsHis Hisguidance andseeks seeksHis His Presence, will find find Him Him close will Presence, closeto himself. to himself. It

isthe Thisis reasonwhy people peopleofall thereason This of all sorts sorts- intellectuals, intellectuals, priests,as scientists, peoplefrom aswell well as from all walks of scientists, priests, as people all walks life enter into the life - enter into the fold fold of Islam lslamevery everyday. day. In In Islam lslam they God who responds responds to their their call. call. they find find a Cod What Does Allah Want of of Us? Since Since Allah Allah is is One One and and Unique, Unique, endowed endowed with with the the qualities perfection that that no one one shares shares with with Him, Him, qualities of perfection and and since since He is is the the sole sale Creator, Creator, Sustainer Sustainer and and NourNour-


isher isherof of all all that thatexists, that man man should He demands demandsthat should exists,He worship anyone worshipHim Him alone, with Him, Him, alone,not not associate associate anyonewith guidancehe and and obey obey Him Him by followingthe he has hasrereby following the guidance from Him ceived ceivedfrom Him through throughHis His Prophets. Prophets.

juncturethat pointedout ItIt may may be be pointed out at at this this juncture that by by nature nature is a follower man man is follower and and a worshipper. worshipper. If lf he he is is not not devoted to Allah, Allah, he devotedto he will devote himselfto others: devotehimself others: philosophers, saints,thinkers, deities, or national deities,saints, thinkers,philosophers, nationalhehefollowingthem roes:following roes: they, in thought themin thoughtand andaction. action.And And they, (or worse human like being being human like himself himself(or in the worse - in the case caseof deities),will will lead lead him deities), him nowhere. nowhere. In In fact, fact,they they need need guidance proudto gu idance themselves, although themselves, althoughthey they are aretoo too proud it. Aren't Aren'tthey admit it. admit they who have havebrought broughtthe the world world to 'Of pass? The Qur'an this pass? The your partners partners this asks:"Say, "S^y,'Of your Qur'an asks: (that you you associate associatewith with Allah), Allah),is (that is there there anyone anyone who 'lt is guideto Truth?' canguide Truth?'Tell Tellthem, guides can them,'It is Allah Allahwho guides Truth. Is ls He He then then who can to Truth. guide to Truth can guide Truth more more guideuntil worthy of following worthy following than than he he who cannot cannot guide until guided?'Sowhat'swrongwith hehimselfis himselfisguided?' he So what's wrong with you? you? How (Ch.10, you judge?' do you verse35). do judge?" (Ch.l 0, verse 35).


IIII PROPHETS PROPHETS Who Are The Prophets? Prophets? Frophets are [Prophets areAllah's Allah'schosen from time chosenmen men sent sentfrom time to to with revealed guidance time with revealedmessages that time messages that contain containguidance for man. man. There There have for have been been a series seriesof Prophets Prophets history.The throughouthistory. Theseries throughout startedwith with Adam seriesstarted Adamand and (Noah),Ibrahim (Abrawith Muhammad. endedwith Muhammad.Nuh ended Nuh(Noah), lbrahim(Abra'lsaOesus, (Moses), (Jesus, ham),Musa Musa(Moses), the ham), and and 'Isa the son sonof Mary) Mary) prominent ones were a few few prominent ones among were among them, them, Allah's Allah's peaceand and blessing blessingbe be upon uponthem themall. peace TheseProphets all. These Prophets were humans. humans. They They ate and slept, were ate and slept,had had wives wives and and (exceptJesus, children(except who will marry at his second children marry at his second Jesus, coming) and and earned earned their their living living with coming) with their their hands. hands. gods,demigods, Theywere were neither neithergods, demigods,sons They sonsof God, Cod, anangels, nor were werethey theyendowed endowedwith with any quality. gels, nor any Divine Divinequality. Theywere were absolutely absolutelyhuman They Allah chose humanexcept exceptthat thatAllah chose addressthem them through throughthe to address the medium mediumof angels. angels. Muhammad, the Seal Seal of of Prophethood Muhammad Muhammad was was the the final final Prophet Prophet sent sent by God. God. Born Born in Makkah 570 years years after after his his predecessor'lsa predecessor 'Isa flesus), Oesus), Makkah 570 he he was was up until until the the age age of 40 indistinguishable indistinguishable from from


any honestyhad had extremehonesty man except his extreme other man except that that his any other earned The Trustworthy." The "the Trustworthy." him the the appellation earnedhim appellation"the Encyclopaedia Britannica "...amass mass abouthim: him: "...a Encyclopaedia Britannicasays saysabout of detail was an he was an showsthat that he in the the early detail in sourcesshows early sources gainedthe honest respect the respect honestand and upright uprightman had gained man who had and honestand and loyalty of others were like-wise like.wisehonest and loyalty otherswho were (Vol.12, upright 609) He p.609) He was was unlettered. men."(Vol. unlettered. 12,p. uprightmen." At by he was wasaddressed the angel angel fortyhe by Allah, Allah,through throughthe At forty addressed (Cabriel), preach to preach His OneJibril (Gabriel), and commissioned H is Oneandcommissioned Jibril peopleagainst ness false nessand and warn warn the the people worshipof false againstthe the worship gods. What preachedcan in the the gods. What he he preached summedup up in can be be summed words with some wordsof one one of of his his followers followerswho, who, along some alongwith people began others, fled to to Abyssinia Abyssiniawhen his people beganto others,fled when his persecute persecute them flight for embracing lslam. After themfor embracingIslam. Aftertheir theirflight heathenssent the Abyssinia Makkan heathens sentan an emissary emissaryto Abyssinia the Makkan persuadethe to to them. them. the King Kingto to return returnthese theserefugees refugees to persuade When Negus Negusthe the King, King,asked askedthe Muslimsto explain When the Muslims explain presencein in his his country, country,one one of them, b. their their presence them,Ja'far Ja'farb. Prophet,spoke Talib, a cousin cousinof the in the the folAbi folAbi Talib, the Prophet, spokein lowingmanner: manner: lowing

"O King, people,worshipping King,we wewere werean an uncivilised uncivilised worshipping "0 people, idols, eating committingabominations, eating carrion, carrion, committing abominations, idols, guests naturalties, breakingnatural ties,treating treatingguests badly, badly,and andour our breaking Thuswe we were strongdevouring devouringthe weak. Thus wereuntil untilGod God strong theweak. sentus us an an apostle apostlewhose lineage,truth, whoselineage, truth,trustworthisent trustworthi5

ness,and andclemency clemency ness, we us weknow. know.He Hesummoned summoned usto to acknowledge God'sunity acknowledge God's unityand andto to worship worshipHim Himand and to renounce renouncethe thestones stonesand to andimages, images,which whichwe we and and ourfathers fathersformerly formerlyworshipped. worshipped.He our Hecommanded commanded usto tospeak speakthe truth,be us the truth, faithful to our engagements, befaithfulto ourengagements, mindfulof theties tiesof mindful of the and and ofkinship kinship andkind kindhospitality, hospitality, and to refrain from crimes to refrain from crimes and andbloodshed. bloodshed.He Heforbade forbade us to to commit commitabominations abominations us and andto to speak speaklies, lies,and and propertyof to devour devourthe the property to to vilify chaste of orphans, orphans,to vilifychaste women. He He commanded commandedus women. us to to worship worshipGod Godalone alone andnot notto associate to associate anythingwith and anything he withHim, Him,and gave and hegave us orders prayer,almsgiving, ordersabout about prayer, us almsgiving,and and fasting fasting (enumerating the commands commandsof (enumerating the of Islam). lslam). We We conconfessed his truth andbelieved believedin fessed his truth and inhim, him,and andwe wefollowed followed him in in what whathe he had had brought him broughtfrom fromGod, God,and andwe we worworshippedGod God alone alonewithout withoutassociating shipped associatingaught aughtwith with Him. We as forbidden Him. We treated treated as forbidden what what he forbade, and he forbade, and as as lawful lawful what what he he declared declared lawful. lawful. Thereupon Thereupon our our people people attacked attacked us, us, treated treated us us harshly harshly and and seduced seduced us us from from our our faith faith to try try to to make make us us go go back back to the the worship idols of instead worship idols instead of the the worship worship of God, God, and and to regard regard as lawful lawful the the evil evil deeds deeds we once once commitcommitted. ted. So So when when they they got got the the better better of us, us, treated treated us us unjustly unjustly and and circumscribed circumscribed our our lives, lives, and and came came bebetween tween us and and our religion, religion, we we came came to to your your country, country, having having chosen chosen you you above above all all others. others. Here Here we we have have been been happy happy in in your your protection, protection, and and we we hope hope that that we we 6

you, with you, shall unjustlywhile we are are with not be be treated whilewe treatedunjustly shallnot 1I - 152,Tr., (Thelife o (The P., 151-152, Tr., Muhammad, P.,151 King." Lifeof of Muhammad, O King. Alfred AlfredGuillaume). Guillaume). InitiallytheProphet Prophetwas wasable followers. Initially.the ableto to win some somefollowers. interests of the But But the new religion did not interests the the new religiondid not serve servethe the power and classes influence. Itlt anguished classesthat held power anguished that held and influence. religionand them that their and the the entire deeplyto see seethat their religion entire them deeply for themselves iIt for system hegemonythey had bu built systemof hegemony they had themselves questioned.They it, was was being had no doubt around aroundit, beingquestioned. Theyhad doubt flourish,Islam that that if allowed allowedto lslamwould would destroy to flourish, destroytheir their privilegesand privileges and bring level of the bring them them down down to the the level the commoners. to them. commoners.This Thiswas was unacceptable them. Thereunacceptable Therepersecutethe fore, they fore, they began beganto oppose oppose Islam lslam and the and persecute and Muslims. Muslims.The Theweak weakamong amongthem, theslaves slaves andthose them,the those lower strata in in the strataof the the society, becameeasy the lower society,became easytargets. targets. were abused, They They were abused,beaten beatenup, up, and and tortured torturedwith such such vengeancethat Prophethad vengeance ultimatelythe had to allow that ultimately the Prophet allow placessuch themto migrate migrateto them to other otherplaces suchas and asAbyssinia Abyssiniaand later later Madinah. Madinah. Finally, Finally,with with hopes hopesof the the Makkan Makkan heathensever heathens everaccepting acceptinghis his call recedingto zero, call receding he zero,he was himself himselfordered was orderedby by Allah Allah to to move move to Madinah Madinah people had whose whose people had shown shown interest interestin in Islam lslamand and had had promisingto protect protecthim. invitedhim him there, invited there,promising him. But But as as soon soon as as he he stepped steppedon on the soil of Madinah, Madinah,the the soil the sursurrounding roundingJews with the beganto conspire conspirewith the Makkans Makkans Jewsbegan him and his call. to destroy destroyhim and his call. This This led led to the the outbreak outbreak


of hostilities hostilities betweenthe of between thetwo: two:the Muslimson theMuslims theone on the one side,and and the the rest restof by r of the the Arabs Arabsspearheaded side, spearheaded by thei their powerfuland leadingtribe, mostpowerful and leading tribe,the most on the theQuraysh, on the Quraysh, other. The The battles that ensued battlesthat other. ensuedsaw saw the the Muslims Muslims emergevictorious victorioussometimes, sometimes, while while at emerge at others othersitit was was their enemies who triumphed. peacedeal triumphed.Finally Finallyaa peace their enemies who deal was struck struckin yearafter in the sixthyear the sixth was aftermigration. migration.This Thisalalfreeand lowedfree of Muslims with the andeasy easyintermixing intermixing lowed Muslimswith the givingthe non-Muslimsgiving the latter latterfree non-Muslims freeaccess accessto the mesto the messageof Islam. lslam. During yearsthat sage followed During the the two two years that followed peoplehad morepeople hadsuccumbed succumbedto the more the call call of Islam lslamthan than had in pastnineteen theyhad in the the past yearssince nineteenyears they sinceits itsbirth. But birth. But peacetreaty shortwhile later, later,the the peace a short was breached treatywas breachedby theMakkans. Makkans.The Prophetmarched TheProphet the marchedon with ten on them themwith ten thousand followers andMakkah thousand followers and Makkahwas wassubdued subduedwithout without resistance.The The rest restof the resistance. the Arabs, Arabs,waiting waitingfor for the the outoutcome of the the struggle strugglebetween and come betweenthe the Prophet Prophetand the the paganleaders, leaders,began beganto pagan to embrace lslamin embraceIslam in hundreds hundreds thousands.The and thousands. The Prophet Prophetdied yearslater. and died two two years later. Muhammad's Personality personality The ProphetMuhammad, of Prophet The personality on whom whom be Muhammad,on be peace, is one one of the the most most fascinating fascinating in history. No peace, is in history. reformer reformer has has been been tested tested with harsher harsher conditions cond itions than than he. was passing passing through through he. Appearing Appearing in in Arabia Arabia when when it was its its darkest darkest period, period, he he was was given given a people people that that were were I8

They considered in those times.They the low in the lowest lowestof the thosetimes. consideredthe neighbouring were esteemthat thatthe the neighbouring in such suchlow esteem were held held in incorrigible, who thought Romans thoughtthem Persians, themincorrigible, Romansand andPersians, rule over Also, did them. Also, did not not wish wish to expand expandtheir their rule over them. his the Prophetdid the help help and and support supportof his did not not enjoy enjoythe the Prophet people. him own people. On the they opposed opposed him the contrary, contrary, they nobilityon his tooth nail. Nor Nor did he have havethe on his tooth and and nail. did he the nobility prominent of side. fact,one complaints the the prominent side. In In fact, one of the the complaints Prophetwas chieftains was that that the was all all the the time surthe Prophet time surchieftainswas people by, what what they lowly people rounded roundedby, they considered consideredas, as, lowly whose they detested. detested.Finally, Finally,he he was opwas opwhose company companythey posed even the Jews and and Christians, to whom a posed even by the Christians, Jews phenomenon. Messenger from God was not not a new Cod was new phenomenon. Messengerfrom the universal Yet, oppositionto his Yet, overcoming universalopposition his mismisovercomingthe he was able to transform the unruly desert-dwellsion, able transform the unruly desert-dwellsion,hewas peopleany ers mostcivilised civilisedand any ers into into the the most and dynamic dynamicpeople produced. Shortly age after him him the Shortlyafter the Muslims Muslims age has has produced. Persianemdefeated Roman and the centuries-old centuries-oldRoman and Persian emdefeatedthe part of the pires,and pires, subduingthe the best the then known and subduing bestpart then known world, their world, established their own religion,culture, established own rule, rule, religion, culture, and lastedto this and language languagethat that have have lasted day. No man man this day. has achieved history. No doubt, has this in in history. doubt, his his own own achievedthis powerfulpersonality playeda very personality charming played andvery verypowerful very charmingand important transformation. It deserves, importantrole role in in this lt this transformation. deserves, therefore, therefore,closer closerexamination. examination.


III REVELAliONS III REVELATIONS What Is ls Revelation? Revelation? What Eiuin" revelations revelationsare @ivine of aremessages messages of God cod to to mankind mankind sentdown down through throughProphets. Prophets.Revelations sent give Revelations giveaa dedetaileddescription description qualitiesand of thequalities ofthe attributes of God tailed andattributes of cod in whom whom man manis is required requiredto in to believe believeand andwhom whom he he is is requiredto to serve serveand and worship. required addition, Divine worship. In In addition, Divine revelationsalso also contain containthe revelations the code code of life life on on which which people'swell-being dependspeople's well-beingin depends this life and salvation in this life and salvation in the the Hereafter. Hereafter.Some someof the in the existing existingrevealed revearedBooks Books (the Pentateuch, are the the Torah Torah (the Pentateuch,or the are the first first five five Books Books of the the Old old Testament) Testament) which which was was revealed revealedto Musa Musa (Moses),Zabur (Psalms)revealed Zabur (Psalms) (Moses), revealedto Da'ud (David), Da,ud (David), /niil /njiJ (the (the New Testament) Testament) revealed revealed to ,lsa 'Isa flesus), (Jesus), and and finaf ly, the the Qur'an, finally, revealed to Muhammad, Muhammad, (peace (peace Qur'an,revealed be upon upon him and and on all prophets). Prophets). What What Occasioned Occasioned A A New New Revelation? The The Qur'an Qur'an tells tells us us that that its its revelation revelation was was occasioned occasioned by by the the corruption's corruption's that that previous previous messages messages of of Cod God suffered at the the hands hands of oftheir their fof followers. The Torah for suffered at fowers.The Torahfor instance instance has has been been re.written re-written entirely entirely from from memory memory

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period. Itlt contains was lost lostfor for aa long after afteritit was longperiod. containsstories stories (Cenesis, gettingdrunk Prophets of getting 9:20), drunk(Genesis, 9:20),others othershavhavof Prophets ingsexual sexualintercourse intercourse with with none noneother otherthan their own ing thantheir own (Cen.,20:30-38), yet others daughters(Gen., 20:30-38),and worshipdaughters and yet othersworship(1 Kings, ping idols idols(1 Kings,11: 11:1-8). 1-8). Even ping Eventhe theconcept conceptof of the the One Universal UniversalGod had been Cod had replacedby One been replaced by that that of Yahweh,the nationalGod Yahweh, thenational Cod ofthe of theJews. jews. Max mont Max I.l. Di Dimont the well well known known jewish writesin the scholarwrites in his his famous famous Jewishscholar "Jews,God work "Jews, Cod and History':"The "The final work and History": final fusion fusionof (the the five five books booksof Moses, Moses,called the (the calledthe the Pentateuch, Pentateuch, Testament) Old Testament) occurred occurredaround around450 450 B.C. B.C.-- in in other other yearsafter words, eight eight to sixteen sixteenhundred hundredyears words, some after some of place."This the events eventsnarrated narratedin the in them themtook took place." Thistime time lag lag ledto obviouslyled to many manyerrors obviously creeperrorsand andinterpolations interpolations creeping into intothe thetext, text,which which led ledto ing in to innovations innovations in religious religious practices,warranting warrantingthe practices, the raise raiseof a new new Prophet Prophetwith with new revelation. a new revelation. peacebe It was wasJesus Christ,peace It jesus Christ, be upon upon him, him, who was was sent sent reformJudaism, reinstallthe to reform judaism, reinstall ruleof Divine the rule DivineLaw Lawas as stated in the stated in the Torah, Torah, and and sweep sweep away away all all innovations innovations introducedafter Moses. But was rejected the introduced after Moses. But he he was rejectedby the majoritywho tried tried to get get him crucified. But Allah him crucified. majority But Allah Most High High raised raisedhim him to the heavensalive. Most the heavens alive. He deHe departed "Neverthe/ess, I tell you you the is parted saying: saying: "Nevertheless, the truth; truth; it is expedientfor that I go away; expedient for you that away; for if if I go not away, not away, the Comforter Comforterwill not come will not you; but if I depart, comeunto unto you; the but if depart, l11 l

(John,16:7). you." (John, will send sendhim was of II will F-|ewas him unto 16:h. He of unto you." peace referring course coursereferring to may Allah's Allah'speace to Muhammad, Muhammad,may and blessings blessings and be be upon him. uponhim. message The message revealedto was also The revealed to jesus alsodistorted distortedby by Jesuswas hisfollowers. followers.This primarilybecause his the Thishappened happenedprimarily because the message revealed message revealed to to him himdid did not notsurvive survivein in its itsoriginal original form. What What are form. are known known as as the the Gospels Cospelsof Matthew, Matthew, (theNew Mark, Luke Lukeand are andjohn Mark, Testament) notthe New Testament) arenot the John(the writingseither eitherof Christ, writings Christ,or Apostles.They They or of Christ's Christ'sApostles. worksof later areworks laterand are andobscure obscureauthors authorsand andthe theearliest earliest probablycommitted them was was probably of them committedto writing at least to writing at least half a century centuryafter half Christ, if not later. Even afterJesus the JesusChrist, not later. Eventhe originalsof these originals theseGospels Cospelshave have not not survived. survived. The The (whichdates yearsafter manuscript oldest (which oldestmanuscript datesaround 135 years around135 after is in in ancient jesus) ancientGreek, whichwas wasnot Creek,which notthe thelanguage language f esus)is eitherChrist of either Christor his his Apostles. Apostles.Therefore, Therefore,it cannot cannot portion be said saidabout aboutany be anyportion ofthe of theGospels with certainty Cospelswith certainty is the that it is the word word of God. that God. The followingis isa statement Thefollowing statement from from "Thejerome Biblical "TheJerome Biblical Commentary," Commentary," voluminous work work which which has a voluminous has been been preparedby leading leadingCatholic Protestant prepared Catholic and and Protestant scholars: scholars: "The inspirationof Scripture" Scripture" denotes denotes "The term term "divine "divine inspiration the the special special influence influence of God God upon upon the the human human writers writers of the the Bible, Bible, an an influence influence of such such a nature nature that that Cod God is is said said to be be the the author author of the the biblical biblical books" books" (p., (p., 500). 500). t122

the that these theseare are not not the This is to say admit that This is say that they admit that they written divine actual words of God but only written under the divine under the words only actual Cod but guidance. The "Although guidance. further:"Although The same statesfurther: work states samework is also alsotrue true God is the the author authorof Sacred Scripture,itit is Cod is SacredScripture, genuine that own genuine contribucontribuhumanbeings madetheir theirown that human beingsmade point productionof the tion the sacred sacredbooks books-- a point the production tion to the (Pope) in Divino Afflante firmly Pius XII Divino Afflante firmly stated statedby Xll in by (Pope) Pius (p.,503). Spiritu" 503). Spiritu"(p., lossof the Thus, the original fact Thus,the the loss revelation,and and the the fact originalrevelation, place that wasworshipped worshippedin in place of the One Christwas the One thatJesus JesusChrist revelation.Itlt was God, a fresh necessitated freshrevelation. wassent down Cod, necessitated sentdown yearsafter is in about afterJesus and is in our handstoday about600 600 years our hands today Jesusand previously in in the the form form of the the previously the Qur'an. As against againstthe Qur'an. As preserved revealed has been preserved in books,the been in its its revealedbooks, the Qur'an has Qur'an original well known Arabist,Arthur ArthurJ. form. A well known Arabist, Aroriginalform. J. Ar"The Koran berry, in the writesin forewordto his work work "The Koran berry,writes the foreword to his "Apart from Interpreted": from certain Interpreted": "Apart certain orthographical orthographical primitive modifications of the originally modifications of the originallysomewhat somewhatprimitive render render unambiguous method methodof writing, writing,intended intendedto unambiguous to and and easy the task taskof reading readingand recitation,the Koran easythe and recitation, the Koran printedin in the identicalwith as twentiethcentury is identical with as printed the twentieth centuryis the by 1, 400 400 the Koran Koranas asauthorised authorised Uthmanmore morethan than1, by Uthman yearsago." years ago." (ra),itit may Uthman was the caliph may be noted,was third caliph Uthman (ra), be noted, the third peacebe gotcopies after Muhammad,peace h im,who got afterMuhammad, be upon uponhim, copies 13 l3

of the the original originalcompilation of compilationcirculated circulatedwidely widely in in the the world of Islam. lslam. world


IV THE THEQUR'AN IV QUR'AN WhatIs ls The TheQur'an? Glur'an? What m. Ll he Qur'an isthe the final final Revelation lrhe Revelationof of God Cod to to man. man. Itlt Qur'an is was revealed revealedto to the the final final Prophet, was Prophet,Muhammad, Muhammad,on on peace. whom be ltsmain maintopics whom be peace. Its of topicsare: are:the theExistence Existence of Cod,the theUnity Unityof of His HisBeing; Being;His God, and AttribHisQualities and Attribeualities prophetsthat utes,episodes episodesfrom fromthe thelives livesof the utes, theProphets thatwere were sentto to various variousnations nationswith on with the sent the special specialemphasis emphasis on the account accountof the the struggle strugglebetween betweenthem the them and and those those who rejected rejectedthem, them, the the ultimate uftimateoutcome outcomeof the the rerejectionof God's God'smessage; rnessage; principlesof a good theprinciples jection the goodand and virtuouslife; life; the the frame-work frame-workof rules virtuous rulesand and regulations regulations for organising organisingpersonal, personal,family, for family,and and community communitylife, life, the return to cod, the setting the return God, the setting up of the the scale Scale and and the the judgement each man's man's faith faith and and deeds deeds on the the Day Day judgement of each of Resurrection Resurrection and and Reckoning Reckoning followed followed by entry entry into into everlasting everlasting Heaven Heaven or Hell. Hell. The The eur,an Qur'an also also menmentions tions in passing passing some some historical historical truths, truths, scientific scientific facts, facts, makes makes observations observations on natural natural phenomena phenomena and and prophesizes prophesizes certain certain events. events.

Here ofeur'anic Qur'anic revelations. revelations. The The Here are are some some examples examples of first chapter says: first chapter says:

l15 5

"In the the name name of of Atlah, Allah, the the Compassionate, Compassionate, the the Merciful' Merciful. "ln

;4.[[praise 6e 6e toAffafr, to ;4.ffali, tfre tlie Lor[of LordofWorCdS. Worffs. flffpraise rITu fJ1ie Cotnpassiorute, Compassionate, tfic tlie frlercifu[ :Merciful Lordof oftfic, tlie Da1 ClJay of ofTu[gemcntJudgement. . Lor[ hefp atonr lJ1iee atorc alone f,o do we we worsfitp, worsliip, arrtlfrl andlJ1iy liefp alone [o do we we seefr seeR.:. Itfiee guide us to tlie straiglit patli. Patfr. Suilt tu tfrestraigfrt lJ1ie patli oftliose lJ1iou lias favoured. fras tftou of tfrose Itfrepatfr favoure[' tfrnt tfrose :Not oftliose tliat earnedllfry eamedrzTiy aryer, anger, nor nor of ofthose tliat fost Cost tfre tlie tfint tfiose Notof Way." eloyJ'

says: One the shortest the Qur'an chapterof the shortestchapter Qur'an says: One of the the:Merciful fulercifu[ "In the tfteCompassionate, ofAttafr,the nrtmrofjtffali, ComPf,ssiotute, tfrename "Intlie

rI'(I swear) (By tfrerrime. fiffia. swear) $y tlie Verify inperil fuIanisisin IltritJ :Man Peri[ tftose saae) (Ani save) Save tliose who 6e[ievedanddidgooddeeds. those anl fr[ gooffeeds.(JIntf 6e[iwed tftose wfro Saae frnp tet (C eryioircdpersw er4nce'""(Cliapter: qJUzt an"d llrutfiandenjoinedperseverance. I tfrerr'rutli enjoin^e tfut enjoinedtlie 103) 103)

entitled chapter partof ofaachapter The entitled f irstpart pieceisisthe thefirst followingpiece Thefollowing "The Sun": "TheSun":

16 l6

gompassionnte, tfie:MercifuL ''In AlCali, tfie tlie ofAtkt tficCompassioTUlte, fuIercifuf nnmeof tficmzme "In tfie '81tlie ItBy firigfttness antritsmomino moming6riglitness sunantiits tficsun and wfien sfiefo«OWs it, it, on[ 6y 6Jtlie tftemoon moonwfi.en sfrcfo[Iaws q and 6y tfie tfay wfien it d'ispCays it dispfuys arr[ tfiedaywfrpn it! it! and nigfitwhen ensfrrouf,s n r[ 6y tfrcnifjlit wfrenit enshrouds b tlie <By fieaven antiHim Suittit antrI{imwho wfro6ui{t {fi tlie tfu freaven and e4enfef it! eartftand' 6JJfim wftoeJ(J:end'ed'it! n t[ 6y tfrcearth arr[ 6y I{im who fu tlie cBytfie <By sou£, andJfim who perfected'it tfrc sout,an^[t{imwfroperfecte[it an[ of) for it atuf and'inspired'it (witli conscience ofl wliat is wrono wrongfor antrhupire[jt.(witfr conscicnce wfratis rwttt! (what ts)right! (wtut zs) Prosperous is purifies it, is he fiewho it, wfio punfics Wosperous and'fai£ed' fie who it. anf,faitefisis frc sef,uces it." wfio seduces /I

The Challenge Ghallenge of the Qur'an. Qur'an.

questionscan Many raisedabout about the Many questions can be be raised the Qur/an. Qur'an. proof that What is the that it is is the the revelation revelationof God? Cod? What is the proof Maybe Also, if the the MaybeMuhammad Muhammadmade madeitit up himself.Also, up himself. previousrevelations previous have tampered,what what is isthe revelations havebeen beentampered, the preservedas proof that as it was was proof that the the Qur'an has been been preserved Qur'an has revealed? revealed? questionis The firstquestion is a counter-question. answerto the the first counter-question. The answer Is in history ls there anotherexample examplein historyof an an unlettered unlettered there another producing great man producing a literary masterpiece? Its great religliterary lts religman masterpiece?

17 l7

acknowledged hasbeen beenacknowledged ious apart,the the Qur'an iousmerit meritapart, Qur'an has piece of Arabic literature. How as Arabic literature. unparalleledpiece as an an unparalleled could receivedno education, education,who Muhammad,who received could Muhammad, produced could write, and and who produced not even read and and write, even read could not with an up with nothing 40, suddenly comeup an ageof 40, suddenlycome till the the age nothingtill at one stroke? all-time and and at one stroke? masterpiece, all-timemasterpiece, galoreto provethat MuhamThere neitherMuhamisevidence evidencegalore to prove thatneither Thereis mad haveauthored authoredthis this nor any other human humancould could have mad nor any other into the the Book. any any of it, it, let let us us look look into Beforediscussing discussing Book. Before how it clears these doubts. Qur'an itself to find out these doubts. find out clears itself Qur'an thatit is isno We find asserts that no find that thatthe repeatedly asserts the Qur'an Qur'an repeatedly man's revelationof God. Cod. Itlt also also writing but but a direct directrevelation man'swriting preserve to preserve tells Himselfhas hasundertaken us that Allah Himself undertaken tellsus thatAllah it in form. To To further furtherits challenges in its itsoriginal originalform. itsclaim claimitit challenges ivi ne its its0 Divine readersthat thatif they theyare arein in any doubtabout aboutits itsreaders anydoubt produceanother thenthey origin, may produce writingequal equal they may anotherwriting origin,then to The logic logicbehind should in merit. merit. The thischallenge behindthis challengeshould to it in but be lf this Book is not God's revelationbut be obvious. obvious. If this Book is not Cod's revelation possible product for a product of human humanmind, mind,then, what is is possible for then,what possiblefor man is is possible one for another. lf the one man another. If the challenge challenge people it can can be cannot be answered answeredby one set of people be cannot be one set people. If not ananswered by another ananotherset set of people. lf it is is not answeredby in one in another. swered one age, another. sweredin age, it will be be answered answeredin producethree And And the challengeis is simply verses, the challenge simplyto produce threeverses, or a single singlechapter equalmerit. merit. But not chapterof equal But if it could could not 18 18

be done years-- and done in in 14 hundredyears 14 hundred be and itit has hasnot not been been done-- then then itit must mustbe admittedthat done be admitted that itit isis of Divine of Divine origin. The Thechallenge challengeof of course courseremains origin. remainsopen opento to this this day. day. Nonetheless, otherthan thanthe thechallenge, Nonetheless, other which challenge, whichwe we cancanpresentsome not ignore, ignore,we we present someother otherreasons not reasonsto to demondemonstratewhy why Qur'an could not not have strate have been been written written by by Qur'an could Muhammad, by any or, by otherhuman. any other Muhammad, or, human. PREDIGTIONSOF THE QUR'AN OF THE PREDICTIONS QUR'AN

About Arabs and Islam lslam About Dur,ingits its revelation, revelation,which which took yearsto comDuring took 23 23 years complete, the Qur'an predictionsof the made several severalpredictions plete, the the Qur'an made ultimatedestruction those who opposed opposed its ultimate destruction of those its mesmessage. revealed,the predictionssounded sage. When When revealed, the predictions sounded a wishful as the the response response to the the Prophet's Prophet's mesmeswishful thinking thinking as sage had far been from sage had been far from encouraging. encouraging. During During the the first first 2O 20 of the the 23 years years of his his Apostolic Apostolic mission mission he could could win very few people people to his his side. side. However, However, one preprediction diction was was so so clear clear and and specific specific that that it can can be given given no other other explanation explanation except except Divine. Divine.

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yearafter MadIn from Makkah Makkahto Madmigrationfrom In the the sixth sixthyear aftermigration hundred inah, with about sevenhundred Prophetset aboutseven inah, the the Prophet out with setout perform followers for Makkah with the intention to perform Makkah the intention followers 'Umrah. pilgrimageknown He the in Arabic as'Umrah. He lesserpilgrimage Arabicas the lesser knownin Makkah at was outside Makkah at a was stopped the Quraysh outside stopped by the Quraysh place called place and refused refusedentry entry to to the the Hudaibiyyahand called Hudaibiyyah prevalentrules. Nevholy was against rules. Nevholy city. city. This Thiswas againstall all prevalent peace. Itlt was ertheless ied for peace. was acacthe Prophet Prophetappl applied erthelessthe cepted. were set by the were But the the conditions conditionsset the Quraysh cepted. But Quraysh so that some exhumiliatingthat some senior senior Companions Companionsexso humiliating pressedtheir One pressed the condiconditheir strong strongdispleasure. displeasure. One of the tions would return from where where was that thatthe the Muslims Muslimswould returnfrom tionswas pilgrimage. performingthe Forthat Igrimage. For they withoutperforming thepi theycame camewithout that year. they they would have haveto come the next come the next year. But the Buttruly truly speaking the Muslims Muslimshad hadno no choice. choice. They They speaking paganArabs. were were too too weak weakagainst againstthe Arabs.During Duringthose those the pagan days in a dream dreamthat the Prophet Prophetsaw that he he would would enter enter daysthe saw in also received Makkah receivedrevelation Makkah triumphantly triumphantlyand and also revelation vision.Itlt said: confirming said:"Truly fulfilled confirminghis hisvision. hasAllah Allahfulfilled "Trulyhas vision He His Messenger. the He showed showedto His Messenger.You You shall the vision shall surely the Holy Mosque,with with Allah's Allah'sWill, in surelyenter Holy Mosque, Will, in enterthe (someof you) (others) you) shaving your heads, security, security,(some shavingyour heads,(others) (theirhair) (anyone)"[The cutting hair) short, not fearing fearing(anyone)" cutting (their short,not ffhe prophecy, Qur'an 48: 27]. The prophecy, however, seemed 48: 271. however, The seemed Qur'an fulfilment.The impossible impossibleof fulfilment. The Prophet with Prophetthen then had hadwith perhapstwice him seven men and him sevenhundred hundredmen and perhaps tw'iceas many as many

20 ?0

able bodied bodied men men at at Madinah. Madinah. As As against able againstthis this the the Christians Najranalone of Najran alonewere werecapable raisingan Christians capableof of raising an armyof hundredthousand of aa hundred thousandsoldiers army shortnotice. soldiersat at short notice. And the the Christians Christians werenot peoAnd were notthe the most mostnumerous numerouspeople in Arabia,nor powerful. A in Arabia, nor were were they ple they the the most mostpowerful. singletribe, tribe,the BanuHawazin, the Banu Hawazin,devoid single devoidof the the help helpof ableto raise peopleagainst wasable 22,OOA Quraysh, raise22,000 people againstthe the Quraysh,was yearslater. Prophettwo two years later.The TheMakkans themselves had Prophet Makkansthemselveshad casuallycollected collectedan an army armyof 20,000 20,000to raidMadinah casually to raid Madinah yearearlier. an year earlier. Had Had the Makkans,Jews an and the Makkans, other Jewsand other jointly tribeswanted, wanted,they theycould could have havejointly raised tribes raisedan an army army quartermillion million against of a quarter againstthe the Muslims, Muslims,although, although, just 10,000 10,000would would have havebeen beensufficient just sufficientto to wipe wipe MadMadinahoff off the the map. map. With With such inah suchan imbalanceof power, power, an imbalance what chance chancedid did the the ageing ageingProphet, Prophet,then what then59, haveof 59, have enteringMakkah Makkahtriumphant? entering triumphant?But, predicBut,true trueto to the the predicjust two tion, itit did did happen. happen. In ln just yearsMakkah tion, two years Makkahwas was subduedwithout without resistance. resistance.No human subdued humancould could have have foreseenthis this turn turn of events. events. foreseen About About The Romans The prophecyin The above above was was a prophecy the Qur'an Qur'an concerning concerning in the an But Arabia an event event in Arabia. Arabia. But Arabia was was a remote corner remotecorner of the the then then known known world, world, known known to the the outsiders outsiders for for its its hungry, hungry, ferocious, ferocious, untamed untamed desertdwellers. desert-dwellers. The The civilised was divided divided into into two major major powers. powers. civilised world world was 21l 2

powerful, and vast,powerful, Both vast, Both severalcenturies old: the and several centuriesold: the (knownby andthe Romanand Roman the Persian. The Romans Romans(known by the the Persian.The parts laterhistorians historians as ruled later ruledover oversome asthe theByzantine) Byzantine) someparts Europe,the the whole of Europe, whole of Syria, Syria,Palestine, Pafestine,Egypt, and Egypt,and North Africa. Africa. The PersianEmpire Empirehad had its its roots roots in North The Persian in Persia.The The two powersof two super Persia. the time had long long superpowers of the time had warringwith been warring been with each eachother other in in an an effort effortto to expand expand territories.Lately, Lately,the particularlysucterritories. were the Persians Persians were particularly successfulunder underthe greatestof their cessful the greatest their emperors emperorsChosroes Chosroes who had hadbegun IIll who begunhis against hiscampaigns Romans campaigns the Romans againstthe (Muearlyin in the the seventh seventhcentury early centuryof the Christianera era(Muthe Christian hammadwas yearsold yet a was then then about hammad about 30 30 years old and not yet and not Prophet).Chosroes Chosroestore torethrough Prophet). throughthe the Roman Romandefences defences yearsreduced and within within 30 30 years reducedthe and illustriousempire the illustrious empireto to shambleshaving havingwrested part of Syria, wrestedaway shambles the best away the bestpart Syria, Palestine, Egyptand ne, Egypt and all Palesti all the areasbelow the areas belowthe the Capital Capitalof (today'sIstanbul). the empire, empire,Constantinople the (today's Constantinople lstanbul). Twelve of the yearsof victory-filled the thirty Twelve thirty years victory-filledcampaigns campaigns Chosroeswere of Chosroes were conducted conductedduring during the the reign reignof the the Romanemperor emperorHeraclius, Heraclius,who, Roman who, being beingmore more a man man pleasantries palacethan of the the pleasantries the palace than the the battlefields, of the battlefields, watched complete helplessness the destruction destruction helplessness watched with complete the of his his empire. empire. The The greatest greatest blow came came when when the the Persians wrested from Persians wrested from his his hands hands Jerusalem Jerusalem and and carried carried away the holy holy city city to Persia, Persia, including including away the the relics relics of the the Cross,lI on which which Christ Christ was was supposed supposed to the "Holy Cross," 72 22

juncturethat havebeen beencrucified. have crucified. Itlt was was at at this thisjuncture thatthe the Prophet,then yearof then in Prophet, in his 4th or his 4th or 5th 5th year of Apostleship, Apostleship, prediction:"Alif. receivedthe followirigastonishing the following received prediction: "AIif. astonishing (the Lam.M7m. Mim.Ihe Lam. The Romans Romanshave havebeen beendefeated, defeated,in in (the (this) Iand)lowest /oweston on earth. land) But after earth. But after(this) defeat defeatof af theirs theirs theywill soon soonbe victorious.Within years.With they be victorious. Withinaa few fewyears. With past and Allah is is the the decision, decision, in Allah in the the past in the and in future. the future. (Ch.AI-Rum: that day shallthe day shall the faithful On that faithful rejoice" reioice"(Ch. AI-Rum: 1-4). 1-4). predictionthe Referring thisprediction to this Referring to famousEnglish the famous Englishhistohisto(1737-17941wrote rianEdward EdwardGibbon Cibbon(1737-1794) rian wrote the thefollowing following greathistorical lines in in the the great historicalwork lines work of the the eighteenth eighteenth century,"The "TheDecline DeclineAnd And Fall century, Fall Of The The Roman RomanEmEm'1911): (vol.5 P., pire" (vol. P.,79, pire" 79, London, London,1911): 'At

prediction thetime timewhen whenthe "At the is theprediction is said saidto to have havebeen been prophecycould delivered,no no prophecy delivered, couldbe be more moredistant distantfrom from its accomplishment, yearsof sincethe first twelve its accomplishment, since the first twelveyears Heraclius announced Heraclius announced the dissolution of theapproaching approaching dissolution the empire." the empire." But then happened.Heraclius But then something something happened. changed. Heracliuschanged. Assuming role of a hero, and borrowing all the the hero,and Assuming the the role borrowingall gold that the gold that the churches churches could could lend lend him, him, he he set set sail sail quietly quietly into into the the Mediterranean Mediterranean Sea Sea with with a small small band band of soldiers. soldiers. He landed landed at at the the shores shores of Svria Syria and and 23

defeated the the Persian Persian army army sent sent to intercept intercept him. him. He defeated process victorious his marched carrying the process his victorious in the on carrying marched as far far as as the the royal royal cities cities of Casbin Casbin and and lspahan, Ispahan, armies as armies had never never been been approached approached by a Roman Roman ememwhich had peror before. before. There There he he faced faced the largest largest ever-Persian ever-Persian peror so fearful fearful that that his his bravest bravest veterans veterans were were left left army, so army, speechless with awe. awe. Although Although he he knew knew nothing nothing of speechless prophecyof the the prophecy the Qur'an, Qur'an, Heraclius addressed his his Heracliusaddressed the "Be prophetic not terrified not terrified by commanders in prophetic words: "Be words: commandersin Heaven, the multitude your foes. foes. With the the aid aid of Heaven, multitudeof your the one Roman may barbarians." triumph over thousand barbarians." a thousand over may triumph one Roman at battle was was at The The decisive his. The decisive battle victory was was his. The victory the "Holy And a little Ninevah. he recovered little later later he recoveredthe Ninevah. And yearsHeraclius all the the Cross." had liberated liberatedall In seven Heracliushad sevenyears Cross."In preyears. The The preprovincesthat provinces lost in in thirty been lost thirty years. that had had been true. And had come come true. And diction the Qur'an diction of the Qur'an had the same same astonishingly again, Heracliuswent went back backto to the again,Heraclius astonishingly pleasureand forcingGibbon state: old ease,forcing Cibbon to state: life of pleasure and ease, old life

of "Of in history, that of conspicuousin history,that "Of the the characters charactersconspicuous inHeraclius and and inis one of the the most mostextraordinary extraordinary one of Heracliusis years"of consistent. "firstand last years" long In the the "first and last of aa long consistent. In reign, the slave of sloth, sloth, reign,the emperorappears appearsto to be bethe slaveof the emperor pleasure,and of the and the careless carelessand of superstition, superstition, of pleasure, and of publiccalamities." impotent calamities." impotentspectator spectatorof of public

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from his up from his sloth sloth It Heracliushad as if Heraclius had woken woken up It was was as prophecyof the only fulfil the the prophecy the Qur'an. only to fulfil Qur'an. Miracles of Scientific Nature guidanceand is a Book not a treatise treatise The The Qur'an Book of guidance and not Qur'an is passingreferences on to But it does make passing references science. But does make on science. phenomena. How do these scientific and natural naturalphenomena. these scientificand four hundred statements sound, aftera thousand hundred statements sound,after thousandand and four years?They not the years? Theyshould shouldseem outdated.But that'snot the seemoutdated. Butthat's case. case. Embryology: A Musl im scholar, Sheikh AbdulMajeed Majeed Embryology: Muslim SheikhAbdul scholar, gatheredtogether Zindani, Zindani,says he gathered togetherthose versesof the sayshe thoseverses the process Qur'an that speak of the process of human concepthat speak human concepthe Qur'an put them tion, developmentand and birth, in order, tion, development birth, put them in order,and and of showed showedthe world-knownProfessor Professor the collection collectionto to a world-known embryology,seeking embryology, his opinion. The scientist seekinghis opinion. The scientisttold told him that him thatif Sheikh Zindaniwrote embrySheikhZindani wrotean an article articleon on embryology, on the ology, basing basingitit entirely entirelyon materialhe he had had on the material on hand,no from a book hand, no one one would would believe believethat is from book 14 14 thatitit is centuries centuriesold! old!

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placesthe Barriers Barriersin Sea:In Inseveral severalplaces states in the the Sea: theQur'an Qur'anstates placedaa barrier that thatAllah Allah has hasplaced betweenthe the seas. For barrierbetween seas.For instance: instance: "He "He has freethe the two so that hasset set free two seas seasso that they they yetbetween might meet; meet;yet might which they betweenthem them is is aa barrier barrierwhich they (ch. 55, may not may (ch. not transgress" verses19&20). transgress" 55, verses 19&20).Similar Similar statements appearinverse in verse61 statements appear 61 of Chapter Chailter27. 27. Now versesof this verses kind had this kind had remained remainedenigmatic enigmaticuntil untilthe the verymodern very that moderntimes when itit was wasdiscovered timeswhen when discovered thatwhen a strait two seas, straitseparates separates seas,as Redsea is separated asthe the Red seais separated fromthe theIndian IndianOcean bythe theStrait BabAI-Mandab, Al-Mandab, from Oceanby Straitof Bab the two seas the from seasare aredistinctly separated distinctlyseparated from each eachother other physicaland properties so that so properties of that both both the the physical and chemical chemical the the two waters, waters,as well as as well as the the maritime maritimelife life in both in both isdistinctly the theseas distinctlydifferent differentfrom fromthe seasis theother. Thestrait other.The strait actsas acts the asa wall wall clearly clearlyseparating separating the two two into into different different maritime worlds. mariti me worlds. scholars who have havestudied who Somescholars studiedthe Some theQur'an andcomcomQur'anand pared its its statements statements on scientific those scientificmatters matterswith pared on with those in other revealedliteratures, otherrevealed literatures, in such suchas as Dr. Dr. Maurice MauriceBuBucaille who is is a French Frenchsurgeon, have reached caille surgeon,have reachedinterinterestingconclusions conclusions esting concerning the concerning theDivine Divineorigin originof the the holy Qur'an and previous holy and the interpolations of the previous the interpolations the Qur'an revelations.Dr. publishedthe revelations. Dr. Bucaille Bucaillehas haspublished the findings findings "TheBible, hisstudies studiesin in a book of his bookcalled: called:"The Bible,the theQur'an, Qur'an, ("LaBible, and Science" and first Science"("La Bible,Ie le Coran Coranet Ie /e Science" Science"first

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publishedin in French published Frenchin in May May 1976). 1976). He He states his stateshis conclusions in in the words: conclusions thefollowing followingwords: 'What initially 'What initiallystrikes the reader readerconfronted the strikesthe confrontedfor for the first firsttime with a text is the text of of this this kind kindis the sheer sheerabuntimewith abunof subjects subjectsdiscussed: dance danceof the Creation, discussed:the Creation,astronastronomy, of explanation omy,the the explanation of certain certainmatters mattersconcerning concerning vegetablekingdoms, the huthe earth, earth,the the animal animaland kingdoms, huandvegetable man etc. erman reproduction, reproduction, etc. Whereas Whereasmonumental monumental errors rorsare foundin in the are to to be be found the Bible, Bible,I could couldnot not find find a errorin in the to stop single singleerror the Qur'an. had to ask stopand and ask Qur'an. I had myself:ifif a man manwas wasthe the author authorof how myself: of the the Qur'an, Qur'an,how couldhe he have havewritten factsin could writtenfacts in the seventhcentury the seventh century A.D. that A.D. todayare in keeping that today are shown shownto to be be in with keepingwith (p.,120, modernscientific modern knowledge" (p., scientific knowledge" 120,English Englishediedition,American AmericanTrust tion, 1979). TrustPublication, Publication, 1979). further evidence Here is is further Here evidencefrom from another anotherauthority in authorityin This is science. science. This is from from Keith Keith L. L. Moore, Moore, Professor Professorof Anatomy UniAnatomyand and Associate AssociateDean, Dean,Basic BasicSciences, Sciences, Universityof Toronto, Toronto,Canada. versity writes in Canada. He He writes in his book: his book: (Saunders, "TheDeveloping "The 1982): DevelopingHuman" Human"(Saunders, 1982): "lt is is cited in the "It ...that human cited in the Koran Koran...that humanbeings are beingsare producedfrom produced from a mixture from the the male mixtureof secretion male secretionfrom andthe and the female. female. Several are to the the Severalreferences references aremade madeto creationof a human humanbeing creation from a sperm-drop beingfrom sperm-dropand and itit 27 27

settles is thatthe resultingorganism organismsettles is also suggestedthat theresulting alsosuggested its beginin like a seed, six days days after afterits beginin the the woman womanlike seed,six (The Human ning:' to implant implant ning." (The Human blastocyst blastocystbegins beginsto (and about six days after fertilisation). The Koran, (and Koran, after fertilisation). The aboutsix days the statethat drop Prophet'ssayings) sayings)also thatthe thesperm spermdrop theProphet's alsostate (an imdevelops congealedblood" iminto a "clot "clot of congealed blood"(an developsinto plantedblastocyst planted or aborted spontaneously abortedconconblastocyst or a spontaneously ceptus Referenceis is wouldresemble resemblea blood bloodclot). clot). Reference ceptuswould also leech-likeappearance madeto appearanceof the the ememalsomade to the the leech-like bryo..." bryo..." just a few These from Theseare arejust few of the instances the instances from the the Qur'an Qur'an which that which demonstrate demonstrate that we will encounter very seriseriencountervery problemsin in explaining of the ous the explaining ousproblems thecontents contents theQur'an Qur'an if we assume assumethat Muhammadis thatMuhammad is its itsauthor. author.

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ISLAM V ISLAM What is lslam? Islam? What TIn this simplest simplest term: term: "lslam "Islam is is submission submission with love love [n this Allah."" lt It can can also also be be defined defined as as the the sum sum to the the Wi IIll of Allah. of those truths to which God's Messengers have inhave inthosetruths which Cod's Messengers In practical practical vited times immemorial. immemorial.In sincetimes mankindsince vited mankind of an ancient scholar, Imam terms and in the words ancient scholar,lmam termsand in the words an the system system by which which a man man is is perperShatibi: is the "lslam is Shatibi:"Islam his his existence suaded to submit to Allah, in that area in of Allah, area existence that submit suaded just as as he already in he is is already free will, will, just which he enjoysfree in which he enjoys choice but but submitted he has hasno choice the area which he in the in which areain submittedin to Theword lslamalso alsosignifies signifies instincts."The word Islam his instincts." liveby by his to live peace. peace. And definedas as a system systemof so it can also be be defined And so can also putsman peacewith practicethat manat Iife that puts at peace life and codeof practice and a code Muhammad,on on Allah with His Hiscreation. creation.Prophet ProphetMuhammad, Allahand andwith peacehas whom im as "theMusl Muslim asone from hasdefined defined"the one from whom be be peace peace." imsare otherMusl Muslims at peace." whose andtongue tongueother areat whosehands handsand practicalaspects Let look at some of the the practical aspectsof at some Let us us now look Islam. lslam.

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The Pillars Pillarsof of Islam lslam The Apartfrom frombeing beingaafaith, Apart faith,Islam lslamisisalso alsoaasystem systemof of life, life, followingwhich whichthe the individual following individualand andthe thecommunity community requiredto arerequired to organise organisetheir there are theirlives. lives. Therefore, Therefore, there are many manythings thingsin in Islam lslamthat are that are areobligatory: obligatory:those those withoutwhich which neither neitherthe without thefaith faithisiscomplete, complete,nor nor the the responsibility of being beingaa Muslim of responsibility Muslimcan can be be shouldered. shouldered. Of these theseobligations, obligations,five five are Of areof of utmost utmostimportance. importance. They are are traditionally traditionallyknown known as pillarsof They as the the five five pillars of lslam,i.e., i.e.,those thoseon on and andaround Islam, edifice of aroundwhich whichthe the edificeof fsfam is isbuilt. built. They (thefive Theyare Islam (the are1. 1. Faith, Faith,2. 2. Salah Salah fivedaily daily (or the Prayers), 3. Zakah Zakah(or 3. the welfare Prayers), welfaredue), due),4. 4. Fasts Fastsand, and, 5. Haii. 5. Hajj. Faith:It lt is is the (shahadahin the declaration, declaration,(shahadah Faith: in Arabic) Arabic)that that "Thereis god save (theOne is no god saveAllah Allah (the (that) "There One God), Cod),and and (that) Muhammadis is His His Messenger." Messenger." Muhammad Salah Salah (Prayers): (Prayers): Every Every believer believer in lslam Islam is is required required to pray pray five times times every every day: day: before before dawn, dawn, at noon, noon, midafternoon, is afternoon, sunset, sunset, and and at nightfall. nightfall. Although Although it is prayers obligatory for men obligatory men to offer offer the Prayers in the mosque mosque in congregation, congregation, the Prayers Prayers can can be offered offered anywhere. anywhere. Zakah Zakah (Ihe (The Weffareduel: Welfare-due): Zakah Zakah is the the welfar+.due welfare-due offered in the way of Allah Allah to to secure secure His pleasure pleasure and and offered in the way of

30 30

purify one's one's wealth wealth and and soul. soul. There There are are two kinds kinds to purify the voluntary voluntary and and the the obligatory. obligatory. The The volzakah:the of zakah: (known as as sadaqah sadaqah in Arabic) Arabic) should should be untary zakah zakah(known untary as frequently frequently as as possible, possible, and and practised by a Muslim Muslim as practised inis charity, can also also inalthough charity,it can meaningis its literal literalmeaning althoughits general promotegeneral clude that can be done can be anythingthat done to promote clude anything peace, be peace, on whom whom be happiness. ProphetMuhammad, Muhammad,on happiness.Prophet is brotheris has the face face of your your brother in the "Your smile smile in said: "Your has said: (efforts promote stamp your virtue and sadaqah; your (efforts to) promote virtue and stamp to) sadaqah; guide a ma lost ma who has has lost out the evil is sadaqah; evil is sadaqah;to guide out the has lost lost his his his way is help a man man who has is sadaqah; sadaqah;to help his way thorns, and and sight remove the the stones, stones,thorns, is sadaqah, sadaqah,to remove sight is pathof the peopleis is sadaqah, andthe the bones the people sadaqah,and bonesfrom from the the path (at pail your pail pail into the emptying man'spail (at the into another anotherman's emptyingof your well) is sadaqah." well) is sadaqah."

year from The from zakah is every year is due due once once every The obligatory obligatory zakah gold, grams who holds about 80 grams of gold, si Iver of everyone silver holds about B0 everyone possession price,or in possession equal or equal amountof money moneyin equalamount equalprice, yearand for above.The calculationand and spending spending and above. The calculation for a year individual'sresponsibility. of the are responsibility. zakah-sums arethe the individual's the zakah-sums percentof the gold, istwo halfpercent the gold, The due is two and anda half Theamount amountdue possession. silver in possession. or cash silveror cashin year,during everyyear, month of Fasts: One month, month, every during the the month Fasts:One to Ramadhan, a Muslim Muslimis is required requiredto to fast fastfrom from dawn Ramadhan, dawn to

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abstainingfrom dusk, abstaining from food, food, drinks, dusk, drinks,smoke, smoke,sexual sexual intercourseand andall intercourse all immoral immoralacts actsand andutterances. utterances. (Pilgrimagelz Haij(Pilgrimage): Hajj Hajj is obligatory Haijis obligatoryonce oncein inaa lifetime, lifetime, on every everyadult adult Muslim, Muslim,male on or female, who male or female,who can can affordto to travel travelto to Makkah. Makkah.The afford Therites ritesinclude includewearing wearing garbof thegarb pilgrim,circumambulating of aa pilgrim, (a the the circumambulating theKa'bah Ka'bah(a cubicle structure, structure,empty empty from cubicle from inside) inside)seven seventimes, times, walking seven seven times times between walking between Safa Safa and and Marwah Marwah betweenwhich which Hajar, [mounts Hajar,the the wife wife of Ibrahim [mountsbetween lbrahim (peacebe be on on her), her),ran ran in (peace in search searchof of water], waterl,tarrying tarryingin in 'Arafat, plain the wide the wide plain of 'Arafat, spending a night spending nightin in MuzdaliMuzdalifahwhile while returning returning to the to fah theMina Minavalley, valley,tarrying tarryingin in this this valleyfor for three threedays daysand which an anivalley and nights nightsduring duringwhich an animaf is is to to be be offered offeredin in sacrifice. sacrifice.Itlt is mal is here herethat that those those spotsare areto be (peacebe be stoned, stoned,where whereIbrahim, lbrahim,(peace spots be upon upon him), threw stonesat him), threw stones at Satan Satanfor for trying trying to tempt tempt him him away from from sacrificing sacrificinghis his son, away Allah as as son,as as ordered orderedby Allah pilgrim a test. (woman The shaves test. The pilgrim shaves his take off his head head(woman take onfy inch)to complete only an an inch) complete the the rites rites of Hajj. Haii.

Summary Summary To sum shahadah sum up: up: The The shahadah sets right right a man,s man's relationrelationsets ship with Allah. It also also creates creates the the minimum minimum condicondiship with Allah. lt tion for salvation salvation in the Hereafter, Hereafter, since since he who associated associated others others with cod God will never never enter enter paradise. Paradise. 32 32

However, in this this earthly earthly life a line has has to be drawn drawn However, minithe between believer and unbeliever: the unbeliever: the and believer the between without which which one forfeits forfeits the right right to be called called mum without mum minimum is is salah and zakah: zakah: one one is is Muslim. That minimum salahand im. That a Musf One the right right of Cod, God, and and the the other other the the right right of man. man. the sostrengthens his his soul soul and and the the other other creates creates proper proper sostrengthens fourth The cial conditions for such strengthening. The fourth such strengthening. cial conditions fasts, helps helps the the Muslim Muslim regain regain his his natunatupillar pillarof Islam, lslam,fasts, he life, of ral self: by abstaining from the essentials life, he is is the essentials from ral self: abstaining freed own self self and and learns learns that that he he can can survive survive from his his own freedfrom on also realizes realizes that that for that that bare bare miniminivery little. little. He also on very himself.On the the other other mum not compromise compromisehimself. mum he he need neednot hand his through abstinence abstinence from from hisself selfthrough alsocleanses cleanses handitit also word and and deed, deed, thus thus all in word wicked in is vile vile and and wicked that is all that purifying purifyinghis and soul. soul. mind and his mind

multi-racial, new multi-racial, Hajj while to to a new him off for a while off for takeshim Haij takes just no with no is man, man is just man, with multi-national society where man society where multi-national sharing seaof humanity, humanity,sharing thesea identity, in the humbleunit unitin identity,a humble comfortsand and food,the samecomforts the the same samefood, dress,the the same samedress, thesame the colours, colours, that even even ifif the discomforts, learningthat and learning discomforts,and different, aredifferent, features bodilyfeatures are languages and facialand andfacial andbodily languages He isone entity. He lslam,is oneentity. of Islam, the nationof or the the nation the ummah, ummah,or numlargenumof a large observation of also learns,through throughdirect directobservation alsolearns, to his in devotion is not alone people, he of people, that he is not alone in his devotion to ber that ber of hue and hue colourand of all all colour millionsof Allah, thereare are millions thatthere Allah,that yet are yet difficultconditions conditionsare who, moredifficult livingunder undermore who, living 33 33

more moredevote d to devoted to Allah Allah than than him. him. This This teache s him teaches him humili humility. ty.

The Rest of Islam lslam We we have have stated statedearlier earlierthat that Islam lsramis is also also a code code of practice practic e that guidesa Muslim thatguides Muslimin in all all affairs affairsof his his life. life. This This code code of practic practice e is is also also known known by by the the term term (theway, Shari'a Shari'ah h (the way,or the thelaw). Law).The TheShari'a h isisdivided Shari,a'h divide d 'iba&tt or the into into two catego categories: ries: the the 'ibacJa the system systemof worship, ship, and and the the mu~ma mu?malat fat or or the the world worldly ly dealin gs. dealings. what we What we have havediscus discussed sed under underthe thefive fivepillars pillarsof Islam lslam 'ibaffit. are are the the /ibacfii t. We we shall shallnow now presen present t the the other otherasaspectsof the pects the Shari'a shari'ah h very very briefly briefry. . But But first, first,in in order orderto getsome get someidea ideaof the thespirit spiritof the theShari'a shari,ah h the thefollow folfowing ing will be will be useful. useful.

Knowledge Know ledge and Learn Learning ing seeking Seekin knowledge g knowle dge should shouldthe the first priority first priorit y in in a bebeliever'slife. liever's life. Itlt is is on on knowle knowredge dge that that the the character, character, depth,and depth, purity of action and purity actiondepen depends. ds. "A man man in the the pathof knowle path knowledge dge treads treadson on the the wings wings of the the angels,,, angels," Prophet Prophe Muhammad t Muham mad has hassaid. said. And And knowle knowledge dge is is dedefinedas asthat fined pieceof inform thatpiece information ation that that leads leads toa to a better better

34 34

understanding of the the Wil WillI of Cod, God, and and the the demand demand of of understanding the Shari'ah Shari'ah upon upon an an individual individual at any any given given time. time.

Cleanliness and Purity Gleanliness Cleanliness is is part part of faith. faith. A believer believer is is required required to Cleanliness take a bath bath at least least once once a week, week, as as also also after after every every take required are additionally required sexual intercourse. Women additionally Womenare sexualintercourse. to take at the the end end of the the menstrual menstrual cycle' cycle. A bath at take a bath Abis prerequisite of the five daily Prayers is ablution. AbPrayers ablution. prerequisite the five daily lution washing the the purity achieved achievedby washing is a state stateof purity lution is face, nose, parts the mouth, exposed parts of the body like the mouth, nose, face, like body the exposed hands feet. and feet. handsand

kept be kept Clothes should alsobe shouldalso surroundings and one's one'ssurroundings Clothesand backthe backclean. instructedthat thateven eventhe hasinstructed TheProphet Prophethas clean. The is However,it is keptclean. clean. However, yard be kept yardof a house houseshould shouldbe is required. physicalcleanliness required. A that is not that cleanliness merelyphysical not merely pure intenin and intenthoughtsand believer to be be pure in thoughts is required requiredto believeris young lad lad addressed tions a young onceaddressed Prophetonce The Prophet also. The tionsalso. you it, achieve lf can "Son! in the following words: "Son! If you can achieve it, words: following in the your evening in a your morning and your eveningin passyour you pass morningand that that you your in your grudgeagainst anybodyin you bear no grudge againstanybody state bearno thatyou statethat (go ahead way is my my way for that that is it, for do it, heart, aheadand) and) do heart,-- (go will be with waywill bewith (Sunnah). my way (Sunnah). And who followed followedmy hewho Andhe me in Paradise." Paradise." me in

35 35

MuEmalEf (Dealings) (Dealings) Mu'imalit primeimportance Familyisisof of prime Family in importance in Islam. lslam.Itlt isisconsidconsideredas asthe firstsocial on the health of ered the first socialunit unit on the health of which which dependsthe the health healthof depends of the the society. society. A A harmonious harmonious socialorder orderisiscreated createdby of social by the theexistence existence of families familiesat at peace with each peace with eachother, other,whose whoseindividual individualmembers members peacewith areat at peace with each are eachother. other. A man man isis recommended, recommended,therefore, A therefore,to to return return to to his his home possibleonce as soon soonas as possible home as oncethe the work work outside outsideis is journeysalso, over. That Thatapplies appliesto to journeys over. also,during duringwhich which itit preferable is preferable that his his wife wife accompanies is that him. accompanies him. He He is is expectedto to love love her, her,overlook expected overlookher her weakness, weakness,as as she she must his, his, and and both both create peacefulhome createa peaceful must home for for the the children. The The Prophet Prophethas hassaid Allah loves the children. said that that Allah lovesrhe putsin (suchas manwho puts in a morsel morsel(such pieceof cake) man asa piece cake)in in his wife's mouth with his his very very hand. his wife's mouth with hand. The motheris isat at the the highest highest rung rungofthe ladderof rights. The mother of the ladder of rights. A man manwas was carrying carrying his his aged aged mother mother on on his his shoulders shoulders around around the the Ka'bah. Ka'bah. He turned turned to the the prophet Prophet and and asked asked if he he had had fulfilled fulfilled his his duty duty to his his mother. mother. He was least. Not even even if you are are born born was told: told: "Not in the least. again your life Iife in her her service." service. again and and spend spend the the whole whole of your The The Prophet Prophet told told a man man complaining complaining about about his his earnearnings ings taken taken away away by his his father: father: "You "You and and your your earnings earnings II


belong to to him." him." People People related related by by blood blood come come next next belong with the the closest closest such such as as brothers brothers and and in righls rights starting startingwith in be they if them, on if they be sisters. To spend one's charity on them, charity one's sisteis. To spend (tradineedy, will will earn earn double double the the reward. reward. A A hadith hadith (tradineedy, that wished he who of the Prophet) says the he who wished that his his tion the says tion of the Prophet) life his and of this this life life be be increased increased and his life material share share of material well' relatives lengthened, may treat his relatives well. his treat may lengthened, is not right right of a man man Neighbours have have their their rights. rights. "lt "It is Neighbours neighbour his he should should fill his his stomach stomach while his neighbour that he that said the Prophet. He also also recomrecomsleeps hungry," Prophet. the said hungry," sleeps gravy more little a add she add Iittle more gravy mended the housewife that mended housewifethat she the dish dish in in order order to be be able able to send send the the neighbour neighbour to the reported is he tradition of it. And, in another tradition he is reported a part another in And, part it. sooften often me "to spoke"to me so to Jibril spoke ArchangelJibril thatArchangel saidthat havesaid to have would he would thoughthe that I thought of neighbourthat the neighbour rightsof the the rights of the include inheritance." in the the inheritance." him in includehim

publicisto letthem isto letthem generalpublic The thegeneral rightof ofthe minimumright Theminimum way of of bestway the best And the Is. And be evils. one'sevi from one's peacefrom in peace be in of Allah. path to the guide doing them good is to guide them to the path of Allah. them doingthemgoodisto "He hadith:"He Saysaa hadith: isisalso Says Socialising recommended. alsorecommended. Socialising company theircompany bearstheir who and andbears masses themasses with the mixeswith who mixes himself who distances distances himself in hewho thanhe betterthan patience,isisbetter in patience, away them." fromthem." awayfrom

37 37

ItIt must mustbe be remem remembered, bered, howev however, er, that thatIslam lsramdoes doesnot not rely rely on on a few few moral moralexhort exhortations ations alone. alone.Individ Individuals, uals, society societyand and state, state,everyo everyone's ne's rights rightshave havebeen beenclearly clearly and and minute minutely ly deline delineated ated and guaranteed and guaran teed by by the the Law. Law. This Thiswe shall shalldiscus discuss s in in later laterbooks booksof this thisseries, series, Allah Af fah w i l l i n .g . willing Jihad Jihad lslam is Islam is an an ideal ideal and yet a practic and yet practical al and pragmatic and pragm atic religio religion. n. Where wherever ver establi established, shed, wheth whether er in in a home home or in in a nation nation, , itit creates createsthe the condit conditions ions of peace peaceas as well well as as an an atmos atmosphere phere of health hearthy growth and y growth and develdevefopmen opment. t. But But the the world world we live live in in is is far far from from being being ideal. Itlt neithe ideal. neither r encour encourages ages virtue virtuenor nor suppre suppresses sses the the evil. evil. Also, Also,at at the the individ individuaf ual level, revel,it is is neithe neit-her r easy easyto to rise from rise from bed bed an an hour hour and and a half haff before beforedawn dawn for for morning morn ing Prayer Prayers, s, nor nor to giveaway to give awaycheerf cheerfu u Ily Ily two and and percent a half half percen t of one's one's saving savings s every everyyear year in in charity charity. . Surely surely, lslamwill , Islam wif f not not be be establi shed, neithe estabf ished, neither r within within onese oneself lf nor nor outsid outside e withou without t a struggl struggle. e. In In the the Islamic lslamic termin terminology ology this this strugg struggle le is is known known by by the the much much feared feared, , but but little littleunders understood tood word word jihad. jihad. The The strugg le struggle to establi establish sh Islam lslam starts starts,:",ith with one's one's own own self, self, and ano spread spreads s thereo thereon n to the the outside outsideworld, world, where where every every rightful rightfu l means means, , except except force, force, may may be be emplo yed to employed establish establi sh the the ways ways approv approved ed by by Allah. Alfah. A Qur'an ic eur,anic 38 38

'Thereis verse verseclearly rule. Itlt says: is no clearlysets setsthe the rule. says:"There no comcompulsionin pulsion religion.' in religion." But But what what nappenswhen happenswhen forces forcesopposed opposedto change, change, opposed opposedto non-conformation, non-conformation,opposed opposedto submissubmission sion to to Allah Allah take take up armsagainst up arms againstthe the faith faith and the and the faithful? faithful? What What will happen happenif the the believers believersin in truth truth show We all show timidity? timidity? We all know know the the answer. Howanswer. No! No! However muchwe maydislike evermuch we may dislikethe ideaof losing the idea losinga limb, limb, whole self, an an eye, eye,or or the the whole self,force forcewi willII have haveto be be met met force. Without gain an with with force. Without that, that, virtue virtue will never never gain an hand. God's revelationtells upper upperhand. God'srevelation tellsus: us: "Fighting "Fightinghas has presuibed for you, although been for you, been prescribed althoughit is is much much disgustdisgustpossiblethat you. But ing to you. is possible you dislike ing But it is that you dislikeaa thing, thing, good for you. And may be and it may be good for you. and possible that And it is is possible you may may like likeaa thing thingand you. Allah andit may for you. you may be bad badfor Allah (2:2161 you know knows. And And you know not." knows. not." (2:216)

let there However, let there be be no confusion. However, What is this confusion. What is this fightingfor? peopleto fall for? To To force force people fall down their fighting down on on their kneesbefore Allah? Not Not at beforeAllah? at all. all. Allah Allah does accept knees doesnot not accept performedunder underduress. deedsperformed Thetrial trial of man condeeds duress.The man conin sists determining if he will succumb succumbto sists in determining he to his his base base desires,or he will use or he use his his free desires, follow the the free will to to follow given guidance to goes him. Forcegoes against guidance given him. Force against the the whole whole Therefore,force scheme.Therefore, forceis is to be usedonly to remove remove scheme. be used those who, who, to safeguard safeguardtheir interests,keep those their own interests, keep a 3 399

hold preventthe lslam messageof Islam hold on the message on the the masses, masses,and and prevent from the is the the right right of the from reaching reachingthem; them; whereas whereas it is people that people allowed free free access accessto that they they should be allowed should be Allah's Allah'smessage. message.

Ihsin IhsEn Finally, what is Finally,what is all all this ls it simply this struggle struggleabout? about? Is simplyto i sh a set establ lawsand try and live by them establish setof laws and try and Iive them as asbest best you can? as Allah asyou is the the relationship relationshipbetween betweenAllah can? What What is justthat and He is us? Is ls it just thatHe isthe the lord and us? Lordso so He He commands, commands, and His slaves slavesso obey? Or is is there more to and we His so we obey? there more it? it? There is. Thereis. At the as this book the beginning beginningof this book we defined defined Islam lslam as submission submissionto the the will of Allah Allah with with love. love. Love Love of is the Allah,therefore, therefore,is the moving force. It is true Allah, that to movingforce. lt is true that obey Allah Allah is also an an expression love. But there there obey is also expressionof love. fieldsthat are fields that can can be be traversed, traversed,horizons that can are horizonsthat can be be reached,stages thatcan stagesthat canbe be climbed, climbed,until one reaches reaches reached, until one when he thatstage stagewhen he actually actuallysees Allah when that seesAllah when he he worshipsHim. Him. This Thisis is known known as as ihsan. ihsan. ships

The subject subjec'tof course needs further course needs further elaboration, elaboration, The which we shall, shall,Allah Allahwilling, willing,attempt attemptin in other otherbooks which books this series. series. of this

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~rom what has has preceded preceded it should should be clear clear that lslam Islam Fror the individual. individual. lts Its call call is is to the the individual individual begins beginswith the to accept Allah as as the the only Lord Lord worthy of worship worship accept Allah belief is is that that without without the the reformareformaand lts belief obedience.Its and obedience. the individual, attempts at at reforming reforming the the huhution individual,attempts tion of the failure. It also be seen seen man lt will also end in failure. societywill end man society persuasion.lt that It believes believes that that philosophyis is persuasion. itsbasic basicphilosophy thatits no lasting about through through comcombroughtabout can be be brought lastingchange changecan individthe individpulsion. not stop pulsion. However, stopwith the doesnot However,it does find it very very hard hard ual. that thatthe individualwill find realises the individual lt realises ual. It and to lead communityand life, were were not not the the community virtuouslife, leada virtuous the creating an an in his his efforts effortsby creating him in help him stateto help the state lays lslam lays atmosphere it. Accordingly, Accordingly,Islam conductiveto it. atmosphereconductive defines guidelinesfor state,and anddefines down creationof a state, forthe thecreation down guidelines shall and its duties functions. We shall and functions. dutiesand delineatesits and delineates here: briefly the state statehere: onefunction functionof the only one touchupon upononly brieflytouch preventhat throughthe law and the prevenmaintaininglaw andorder orderthrough thatof of maintaining punishment. tion of punishment. andadministration administration of crime crimeand tion of that neither neither all all outsetthat ItIt must be understood at the the outset must be understoodat mentallyderanged, deranged,as as crimes by the the mentally are committed committedby crimesare nor are all huhulegalexperts are all some ieve, nor modern legal expertsbel believe, some modern proneto sugas Christianity Christianity crimes,as sugmans mansevil, and prone to crimes, evil, and greatmajority gestsby can majorityof crimes crimescan gests by implication. implication.A great

4l 41

preventedifif the beprevented be ity and II open thecommun community andstate statewi will open the ways ways for for free freeeconomic the economicactivities, activities,and and do do not not peacefulpursuits. hinderpeaceful pursuits.Also, hinder Also,they theyshould shoutdcome cometo to the rescueof of the the individual individualifif he the rescue he fails failsto to obtain obtainhis his basicneeds. needs.This precisely Thisprecisely basic isisthe thefunction functionof ofthe thestate, state, whichitithas hasto tofulfill fulfillbefore which the beforeititcan canassume assume theauthority authority punishments. An to enforce enforce punishments. to An incident incident from from the the Prophet's timewill will clarify Prophet's time clarifythis point. thispoint. When there therewas was famine faminein When in the provincesa starving the provinces starving Bedouinarrived arrivedat at Madinah. Bedouin Madinah. He He entered entereda farm, farm, plucked corn and began pi ucked corn and began to to eat eatsome someand packthe andpack therest. rest. The owner owner of the the farm farm surprised The surprisedhim. him. He He beat beathim him and took took away awayhis hiscloak. cloak. The and inciThe man man reported reportedthe the incident to to the the Prophet. Prophet. The The Prophet Prophetreproached dent the reproachedthe owner of the the farm farm saying: saying:"You feed him him if he he owner "You didn't didn,t feed was hungry,and anddidn't didn'tteach was hungry, teach him him if he he was was ignorant.,' ignorant." Then he he ordered Then ordered him him to return return the the man man his his cloak cloak and and give him something give him something for for his his sustenance. sustenance. According state and and the community community According to lslam Islam then, then, the the state are are responsible responsible for the the basic basic needs needs of the the individual, individual, if the the individual individual fails fails to obtain obtain them them through through his his own own honest honest efforts. efforts. But But if the the individual individual resorts resorts to to criminal criminal ways, state and and community community having having taken taken ways, despite despite the the state care of him, him, then then lslam Islam comes comes down down heavily heavily upon upon care of him. so that that him. ltIt recommends recommends exemplary exemplary punishments punishments so 42 42

a cri'minal criminal is is forced forcedto to think think many manytimes timesover over before before heventures ventures to Punishments in in Islam he to commit commita crime. crime.Punishments lslam in secular not a means meansof reformation, reformation, as asthey arein are arenot theyare secular ratherdeterrents. isin deterrents.Itlt is in the the light lightof this this legal rather legalsystems, systems, followingmust the following mustbe be understood. understood. that that the

Death Penalty Death prescribesdeath penaltyfor: lslamprescribes deathpenalty for: Islam Premeditatedmurder, 1) Premeditated murder, 1) Adultery, 2) Adultery, 2) H ighway robbery 3) Highway robbery& 3) Rebellionagainst govern4) Rebellion againstan 4) an established lslamicgovernestablishedIslamic ment. ment. However,certain certainconditions conditionshave However, haveto to be be met for the the met for impositionof the punishment.For the maximum maximumpunishment. imposition inFor inin case stance,in caseof adultery followingconditions stance, adulteryfollowing conditionsmust must be fulfilled: fulfilled: be person. The adulterer adulterershould .. The . should be be a married marriedperson proven beyond The crime crime must must have have been .. The been proven beyond a shadow of doubt doubt and and in in the absence shadow absence of confession,four confession, four adult adult men integrity must men of integrity bear witness bear witness to having having seen very act. seen the very act, (The emphasis emphasison on the (The the very very act may may be be noted. noted. 43 43

Anything Anything less, less, however act, will however close close to the act, not be be considered imposing the consideredenough enough for imposing penalty). maximum maximum penalty). ·. If lf the accused accused recants any recants the confession confession at any penalty will time, time, death death penalty rescinded for will be be rescinded reasons reasonsof doubt doubt having case. enteredthe case. having entered .· The The offender offender must must be Muslim. be a Muslim.

The offender ·. The offender must be sane. must be sane. .· The The offender offender must have have reached reached the age age of puberty. puberty. ItIt is is only when all only when all the the above conditionshave have been been aboveconditions penaltymay satisfactorily satisfactorily met met that the maximum maximumpenalty may be that the be imposedalthough imposed the althoughthe headof the the head the State Statewill have havethe prerogative rightto to exercise of final right exercisehis hisprerogative finalverdict verdictinvolvinvolvcertainkinds ing certain kinds of cases ing casesthat that cannot cannot be be discussed discussed here. here.

Amputation of Amputation of the Hand punishmentfor The punishment for theft The theft is is amputation amputationof the hand the hand from the the wrist. wrist. However, However,the following conditions from the following conditions mustbe be fulfilled: fulfilled: must property stolen The property stolen must must have have been · The been stored stored place, requiring in a secure secure place, requiringforce in force to open. open.

44 44

· The The property property stolen stolen must must reach reach aa certain certain to (niiab)'which vary according value (nisabl which will vary according to the the will value financial status status of of the the state. state. financial · Either Either aa confession confession by by the the accused accused or or testitestimony by by two two righteous righteous males males of of integrity integrity is is mony for conviction. conviction. required for required · The article article stolen stolen must not be food, food, fruit, game, grass grass or forest forest wood. game, · The criminal criminal should should not have have been been in a desdesstraitened circumcircumperate need need or in very straitened perate stances. stances. · The The offender offender must be be an an adult. adult. · The The offender be sane. sane. offender must be

45 45

VII VII THE THEHEREAFTER HEREAFTER Death Death Accordingto to Islam, lslam,this life isis transient According this life and aa trial. transientand trial. The trial trial consists consistsin The in determining determiningifif man man uses gift usesthe the gift 'free of will'that he enjoys of 'free wi II' that he enjoysto to follow followthe the way way shown shown prophets;or the prophets; by the or does by does he he insist insiston on following following his his just as own desires. desires.And, own any individual has been And, just as any individualhas been given a certain certaintime period of trial which is given time which is the the period trial for for him, the the human humanrace racehas a period him, hasalso period alsobeen beenallotted allotted trial. When When corruption of trial. corruptionwill will become becomeso so rampant rampant goodwill thatno no good will remain remainon that life will be on this thisearth, earth,all all lifewill be destroyed. Aftersome destroyed. After sometime, time,every everysoul souI that thatonce Iived oncelived be resurrected resurrected for the will be for the evaluation evaluationof how how he he or she used usedthe the free given. In free will given. she words, everyIn other other words, everyone'sfaith faithand and deeds will be one's deedswill be examined. examined.Those Thosewho prophetsand answeredthe call of the answered the call the prophets followed the the and followed commandmentsof God Cod will be commandments be rewarded rewardedwith ParaParadise,while dise, while those those who who denied will be punished with with deniedwill be punished Hell-fire Hell-fire in in which which they they will abide abide forever. forever. The The as well as the Qur'an, as well as the traditions the Prophet, have traditions Prophet, of the have Qur'an, extensively the subject subject of Resurrection Resurrection and and extensively dealt dealt with the Reckoning. shall state state some some of the the high high points points Reckoning. We shall here. here.


Resurrection Resurrection No one hasbeen onehas giventhe beengiven theknowledge knowledgeof No ofthis thisDay, Day,so so that whenever wheneveritit occurs, occurs,itit will that will be be aa sudden suddenaffair. affair. Accordingtothetraditions (asws) (asws) ititwill will ofthe According to the traditions of Prophet theProphet preceded be preceded by by signs signssuch suchas be of asappearance appearance of massive massive vegetationwatered wateredby by canals canalsand vegetation riversin and rivers in the the Arab Arab lands, a very disproportionate lands, a very disproportionate increase increasein in the female thefemale population,rampant rampantmoral perversion, moralperversion, population, crime crimeand vioandviolence, the (the appearance of Dajjal who lence, the appearance of Dajjal (the Anti-Christ), Anti-Christ), who will claim claimto to be beGod, Cod,and will at andhis hisdestruction destruction atthe thehands hands Christwho who will descend of Jesus descendfrom from the JesusChrist the heavens. heavens. And then, peoplewould then, as as people would have And haveforgotten forgottenall all about about thesesigns signs- as as a long long time time would these would elapse elapsebetween between eachsign sign-- then, then,on on a sudden, sudden,they each theywill hear heara terrible terrible noise, like million trumpets noise, like a million trumpets being together. beingblown blown together. That causeeveryone everyoneto die. That will cause die. With another anotherblow, blow, people will start emerging start emerging from from their their graves, graves, or wherwherpeople evertheir be, even even if in the the form form of atoms. atoms. evertheir remains remains will be, Reckoning and Judgement Judgement The nextphasewillbethat Thenextphasewill that of Reckoning. Reckoning. In this this phase phase people given will their "Book "Book of Deeds," Deeds," in which which people will be given their they will find find recorded recorded everything everything that that they they had had said said they will or done in their or done in their life life on on this this earth, earth, whether whether good good or or

47 47

bad, major major or or minor. minor. Then Then "Scales" "Scales" will will be be set set up up and and bad, (or good of weighing weighing each each person's person's good (or apapthe process process of the proved) deeds deeds against against his his evil evil (or (or disapproved) disapproved) deeds deeds proved) will begin. begin. Those Those whose whose good good deeds deeds will will overweigh overweigh will will be allowed allowed to to proceed proceed to to Paradise, Paradise, their evil ones ones will their the good will overweigh overweigh good whilethosewhose evil deeds while thosewhoseevil deeds sent to Hell-fire, Hell-fire, where where they they will stay stay in ones will be sent ones few days a for some proportion to their evil deeds: some days deeds: evil proportion their and some some for a very very long long duration duration - although although even even a and long. will be too long. moment in it be too momentin However, those those who had had denied denied Allah Allah and and His His MesMesHowever, Him, partnersor equals unto Him, equalsunto sengers, or had had ascribed ascribedpartners sengers, They processof Reckoning. Reckoning.They will not go through this process throughthis not go they where they Hell-firewhere to Hell-fire will be driven to straightawaydriven be straightaway wi II abide forever. will abideforever.

Aminend,Amin. andend, you and suchand May andme mefrom fromsuch saveyou Allahsave May Allah

48 48

Glossary Tems Glossaryof Tenns (of). Abu alAbu: Father alFather (ot). Qasim meanfather fatherof would mean Qasimwould Qasim. Qasim.

not Modem arenot Modernday day"Ansaris" "Ansaris"are their descendants. their descendants.

ASWS: : Short of Arabic Shortform form ofArabic ASTWS alWa a/A.C.: Short al-Salat Wa form of "After "'A/ayhi Short form "'Alayhi a/-Sa/at him be him be meaning,"On Christ," Muslims Sa/am" Salam"meaning, byMuslims andused usedby Christ,"and "On peaceand peace blessings(of Aland blessings placeof.. in place of.. lah)." lah)." Since A.D.: Death." Since A.I).: "After Death." Benediction, whom be Barakah: Benediction, be Barakah: Jesus on whom Jesus Christ, Christ, on quanwas blessing, but was increasein quandie but peace, blessing,or increase not die peace,did did not qualtity or improvement improvementin in qualwill and will lifted to the Heavenand the Heaven towards ity of aa thing thing beyond its be beyond its againtowards down again be sent sent down grace normal,by normal, the grace ofAllah bythe the world. of the the world. end of the end (swt). (swt). A.H.: Short form of "After Short form Bint: Also Also Ibnah; lbnah; daughter Prophet - Dint: Hijrah," (of the daughter the Prophet (of), normally normally occurs in the the Islamic (ot), saws occursin Madinah). Islamic saws- to Madinah). narratorsof an chainof narrators an early early from this this chain calendar calendar dates dates from report. For instance instanceZam'ah report. For Zam'ah event. event. bint 'ah Zam'ah Sudawill mean ineanZam bint Suda (p1., Ansar): Ansari (pl., Ansar): The The the the daughter daughterof Suda. Suda. Helpers; who helped helped those who Helpers; those Mission, call call or immi- Da'wab: and the immiDa'wah: Mission, supported the and supported preaching ofIslam. In its itsroot root grantsto Madinah duringthe the preaching grants of Islam.In Madinahduring (asws). it means to invite. time of the Prophet (asws). means invite. time the Prophet

49 49

Dhikr: ofAlDhikr: Remembrance Remembrance of Al(swt). lah lah (swt). payDiyya: Blood-money Blood-money paycaseof able able in case an accidental accidental of an prememurder, murder,or in case caseofa of a premediated if the diated murder, murder, if the legal legal waive away heirs heirswaive away their claim claim to life for life, accepting accepting monetarycompensation. monetary compensation.


hari, Muslim, Nasa'i, Nasa'i, Tirhari, Muslim, midhi, Da'ud, and and Ibn Ibn midhi, Abu Abu Da'ud, Majah Majah are aresix six major compilmajor compilers ersofhadith. of hadith.

prohibHaram: Illegal Illegalor the theprohibited in Islam. Islam. itedin

Hijrah: IIij rah : Migration Migration in the theway way of Allah, Allah, i.e., i.e., in in the face of the face of persecution. religious religiouspersecution.

Verbally Verbally underunderpracstanding standingor insight. insight. In practice the word word applies applies to the tice the the compendium compendiumof Islamic Islamiclaws laws that that regulate regulateevery everyday day life of of individualor the the affairs theindividual orthe affairsof the the State. State,

'Ibadah: Primarily Primarilyworship, worship, 'Ibadah: generalany but but in general any deed that deedthat agreeswith the the requirements agrees requirements of the the Shari'ah. Shari'ah.

pracHadith: Iladith: The The saying sayingor practice tice of of Prophet Prophet Muhammad Muhammad (saws),aa report (saws), report concerning concerning him, him, or his his approval approvalor disdisapproval approvalofa report. report.Also Also reretradition." For ferred ferredto as as"a For "atradition." instance, instance, "He guides who guides "He who (another)to aa virtuous (another) virtuousdeed is deedis like him like him (in rewards) rewards)who who practicesit," is practices hadith. Bukis aahadith. Buk-

Kalimah: Lit. word. word. But normally normally the the term term is is used usedfor Shahadah, Shahadah, or the the basic basiccreed creed Islam, or its of Islam, its expression expression viz., viz., "I bear bearwitness witnessthat there thatthere no god godsave is no is saveAllah, and andthat that Muhammadis Muhammad is His His MessenMessenger." ger."

50 50

(of). Ibn: Also Also bin; bin; son son(of). Iman: Iman:Arabic Arabic for "faith." "faith."

Masjid The Masjid al-Haram: al-HarCm: The Grand Makkatr,so so GrandMosque Mosqueat at Makkah, referred many referred because because many things, lawful things, ordinarily ordinarily lawful (such as (such as hunting), hunting), are are prohibitedin in its "haram" its "haram"or prohibited vicinity. vicinity. (p1.,Muhajirun): Muhajir Muhajir (pl., primarImmigrant. Immigrant. Applied Applied primarily to those thosewho who migrated migratedto Madinah the time Madinah during during the time of (asws). the the Prophet Prophet(asws).

Normally used usedfor the the ComCompanions of the panions Prophet the Prophet (saws). (saws).

Rasul: Rasll: A Messenger Messengerof of Allah. lah. Also Also used usedfor the the angel angel who who carries revelationsto the carriesrevelations the Prophets. Prophets. Sadaqah: Sadaqah: Voluntary Voluntary almsalmsgiving. giving. (p1., Sahaba): Sahabi Sahabi (pI., Sahaba): A Companion Companionof the Prophet the Prophet (asws). (asws).

Nabiyy: Nabiyy: A Prophet Prophetof Allah, Allah, Salah: The The five five daily daily synonymof "Rasul" synonYm "Rasul" with aa Salah: Prayers. Prayers. slight slight difference differencein in meaning. meaning. predeSalaf(p1.,Aslat): Aslaf): The ThepredeNisab: The Nisab: The mInimum minimum Salaf(pl., cessorsor elders eldersin religion, religion, amountofwealth amount which cessors of wealthover overwhich particularly _ particularly applicable to the applicable the Zakah Zakahis due. is due. generationsafter three generations three after the the PBUH(T): Short Short form form of Prophet, Prophet, (them)." "Peace uponhim "Peacebe be upon him (them)." Sawm:Fasting. Fasting. Also used for Prophets Also used Prophetsin in Sawm: placeof asws place aswsor or saws. saws. SAWS: Short Short form SAWS: form of of "Sal"Sal'Alayhi Wa Sal/am" lah 'Alayhi Wa Sallam" R.A: R.A: Short form of "Radia Short form "Radia 'Anhu"meaning, "May meaning, meaning, more less the the more or less Allah 'Anhu" meaning, sameas asasws. asws. pleasedwith Allah him." same Allah be be pleased with him."

51 5l

and Exalted Exalted (be Shahidah: The utterance utterance of of "Glorified and Shahadah: It is used used when when AlAlthe basic basic creed creed of of Islam. Islam. See See Allah)." It kalimah. name is mentioned mentioned to lah's namâ‚Ź kalimah. proclaim proclaim Him above above any Shari'ah: The The way of ofHfe as life as Shari'ah: weakness that that people people attribattrib- outlined outlined by the the Qur'an Qur'an and and weakness ute to Him, or freedom freedom from ute Sunnah. Sunnah. partnership ascribed ascribed unto any partnership Shirk: The The unforgivable unforgivable sin sin Him. Shirk: Him. ofassociating anyone or anyanyassociatinganyone of Tawhid: Oneness Oneness ofAllah in (swt). For Tewhid: thing with Allah Gwt). Person Person and and Athibutes. Attributes. instance, to believe believe that that anyanyinstance, (o0. For For inone Mother (of). Umm: Mother of the fu- Umm: knowledgeofthe hasknowledge one has Zaynab means means ture stance,Umm Zaynab That someone someone stance, fure is "shirk." "shirk." That has been associated with God the mother motherof of Zaynab.¡ Zaynab.hasbeen associatedwith God the in His Attribute of the Zakah: The of the The obligatory obligatory welKnower, knows fare-due, which Who alone alone knows Knower, Who amountsto fare-due,which amounts what the Unseen. Unseen. what is in the the wealth wealth one-fortieth of of the one-fortieth

Sunnah: The example Sunnah: The example or practice practice of the Prophet,on on the Prophet, peace.For whom whombe For instance, instance, bepeace. to give passerbyis is give aa lift to to aa passerby aa Sunnah the Prophet. Prophet. Sunnatrof the SWT: Short form of "SubhaShortform "Subhanahu Ta'ala," meaning, meaning, Wa Ta'ala," nahu Wa

52 52

and is is due due over over the Nisab, and the Nisab, lunar months. months. every everytwelve twelve lunar sex Adulteryor illicit sex Zina: Zinar Adultery person, male of aa married marriedperson, male or female. female.

SuggestedReading Suggested ReadingMaterial Material 'an, Al-fur 'an, Text, Tex! Translation Translation The Al-Qur The Four Pillars of of Islam, Islam, and Commentary, Commentary, Yousuf Yousuf Abul and Abul Hasan HasanAli Nadwi Nadwi Ali The Natural Form The Form of of Man Man to Islam, Islam, Dr. Islam, Introduction to Islam,Abdalhaqq AbdalhaqqBewley Bewley Hameedullah Hameedullah The The Spirit of Islam, Islam, Syed Syed Islam, Ed. Ed. John JohnAlden Alden Wil- Ameer Islam, AmeerAli liams liams Towards Understanding Towards Understanding IsIsIslam -- Basic BasicPrinciples Principles and la lam, md Islam lam, Syed Syed Abul A' A'la Chracteristics, A. Characteristics, K. Ah- Mawdudi Mawdudi med. med. Understanding UnderstandingIslam Islam and the the Islqm: Faith and and Practic, Practic, lufuslims, Islam: Faith Muslims, Prepared Prepared by The The ManzoorNo'mani No'mani Manzoor SaudiEmbassy Saudi Embassyin WashingWashington ton Islam Islam in Focus, Focus, H. Abdulati Abdulati Islam TheoryqndPractice, Islam in TheoryandPractice, Maryam Maryam Jameelah Jameelah

What Islam?, Manzoor Manzoor What is Islam?, No'mani No'mani

Islam the the Misunderstood Misunderstood ReReIigion, ligion, Muhammad Muhammad Qutb Qutb


IIIIVI.III ISLAM rsLttd (BOOK~1) {HSOK-.l} your TIte Work In your hand lngl•tmrt •st deab with .t.... tlre clrryle hand deals TIE Work in your tttdtft af tdatlanrhlp Imporblnt life: tIIatolyou, relatID_hIp with llfe: that l*ue of Your lmparbnt issu. iaur yotlt Godwho who aeated mtd the One One God God Arabic -- the you, ln Arublc €od -- Allah flhh In youshall f youand nturn wtthd.th. wlth deth. If nourishes ruhomyou chall..tum andto whom nourlshesyou then while uuhih yourrelationship tllm, then you you have rlght your relatlonehipwith Him, have set c*t right prdude to It, en this blasciqg of an lt, blessing bemmes A prelude thic life llfe becomes you In On the the ln the the Hereafter. unimaginable Hercafter.On await you unlmaginablekind ldnd await then, nat been beenset rlghtnthen, has other hasnot cetright, hand,if the the relationship relationship otherhand, awaits and of stupendous rtupendousmagnitude megnitudeawaits disasterof andassuredly, assurtdly,a disaster those givetheir Hlsdue: due;love, love,thanks, thankst their Lord LordHis refuseto who refuse to give tfiose who and obedience, andworship. worchip. obedienae,

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