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‫الرسالة اللولى‬

!!Excuse me !?Would you stop for a moment ?O...man...Haven't you thought-one day- about yourself ?Who has made it !?Have you seen a design, which hasn't a designer !?Have you seen a wonderful, delicate work without a worker !It's you and the whole universe ?Who has made them all .You know whom? It's "ALLAH", prise be to him .Just think for a moment ?How are you going to be after death Can you believe that this exact system of the universe and all of these great creation will !end in nothing...just after death ?Have you thought, for a second, How to save your soul from Allah's punishment ?Haven't you thought about what is the right religion .Read ... and think deeply before you answer .It is religion of Islam .It is the religion that Mohammad-peace upon him- the last prophet, had been sent by .It is the religion that the right Bible- that is not distorted-has preached .(Just have a look at The Bible of (Bernaba .Don't be emotional ..Be rational and judge .Just look, listen, compare, and then judge and say your word :We advise you to visit those sites /http://www.al-sunnah.com /http://www.thetruereligion.org /http://www.sultan.org /http://www.islam-qa.com .

‫الرسالة الثانية‬

http://sultan.org/fordawa.txt :Didn't you asked your self one-day ?What's The Purpose of life :Here you will get the answer http://www.islamway.com/arabic/imag...een/purpose.rpm

‫الرسالة الثالثة‬

!The Purpose of life http://www.islamway.com/arabic/imag...een/purpose.rpm

‫الرسالة الرابعة‬

?Do you want to know about ISLAM, the fastest growing religion in the World :If yes, please visit this site /http://islam-guide.com Thanks

‫الرسالة الخامسة‬

‫؟‬Why Should You Be A Muslim http://www.islamway.com/arabic/imag...ud_Adib/why.rpm .Peace

‫الرسالة السادسة‬

?Why Should You Be A Muslim http://www.beconvinced.com/Audio/Reason1.ram http://www.beconvinced.com/Audio/Reason2.ram

‫الرسالة السابعة‬

(Islam: The True Religion (By Bilal Philips http://islam.org/audio/ra600_3.ram

‫الرسالة الثامنة‬

:Free audios that will IMPROVE your LIFE http://islamway.com/english/images/.../nonmuslims.htm

‫الرسالة التاسعة‬

:These Audios will improve your all LIFE http://beconvinced.com/SPEECHES.htm ‫الرسالة العاشرة‬ ?Want to see some Videos http://islamicweb.com/resources/video.htm

‫الرسالة الحادية عشر‬

:Learn about the fastest growing religion in the World /http://www.i-g.org

‫الرسالة الثانية عشر‬

!Islam! - The Modern Alternative - Why Islam is good for you http://thetruereligion.org/modernalternative.htm

‫الرسالة الثالثة عشر‬

:The True Religion /http://thetruereligion.org

‫الرسالة الرابعة عشر‬

... !Explore & discover & be convinced that ISLAM is the truth :Please Visit /http://www.beconvinced.com

‫الرسالة الخامسة عشر‬

:A Brief Illustrated Guide To Understanding Islam /http://islam-guide.com

‫الرسالة السادسة عشر‬

!It is The Truth /http://www.it-is-truth.org

‫الرسالة السابعة عشر‬

@@@@@@@@ DAWA BY QURAN @@@@@@@@@ :Listen to Quran The Holy Book of GOD http://english.islamway.com/echapters.php?recitor_id=9

‫الرسالة الثامنة عشر‬

?Want to listen to something better than music http://english.islamway.com/echapters.php?recitor_id=9

‫الرسالة التاسعة عشر‬

?What about some MP3 http://english.islamway.com/echapters.php?recitor_id=9

‫الرسالة العشرلون‬ ?Did you hear this http://www.islamway.com/arabic/imag.../rashed/001.ram http://www.islamway.com/arabic/imag.../rashed/012.ram

‫الرسالة الحادية لوالعشرلون‬

?Did you hear this http://www.islamway.com/arabic/imag.../rashed/001.ram http://www.islamway.com/arabic/imag.../rashed/012.ram

‫الرسالة الثانية لوالعشرلون‬

:Listen, Relax and Enjoy http://islamway.com/english/images/...tions/index.htm

‫الرسالة الثالثة لوالعشرلون‬

???Want to read LIFE-IMPROVE stories http://thetruereligion.org/converts.htm

‫الرسالة الرابعة لوالعشرلون‬

:Find all your answers about Islam and Muslims here /http://www.islam-qa.com

‫الرسالة الخامسة لوالعشرلون‬

:Free E-books in PDF format & free books to your snail mail /http://www.sultan.org/books

‫الرسالة السادسة لوالعشرلون‬ ,Good links about Christianity and Islam :Islam view about Jesus and Marry /http://sultan.org ‫لوهذه كتب مفيدة لوعلى هيئة بي دي إف مناسبة للمرأة الغربية لدعوتها للسل م‬ ‫الرسالة السابعة لوالعشرلون‬

The Rights and Duties of Women in Islam - Sheikh Abdul Ghaffar Hassan http://al-sunnah.com/pdf/womright.pdf ‫لوهذا كتاب موجه للمرأة المسلمة لولكنه جميل لغيرها أيضا‬ ‫الرسالة الثامنة لوالعشرلون‬

:The Ideal Muslimah http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NewMu...%20Muslimah.pdf

: (‫لوهذا عن حقوق النسان في السل م )يتضمن فصول عن المرأة‬

‫الرسالة التاسعة لوالعشرلون‬

:Misconceptions on Human Rights in Islam http://www.freespeech.org/sultan/misconceptions.pdf : (‫لوهذا كتاب باسم)المرأة في ظل ل السل م‬ ‫الرسالة الثلوثون‬

:Woman in the shade of Islam http://www.freespeech.org/sultan/women.pdf : ‫لوهذه مقالة جميلة عن المرأة‬ ‫الرسالة الحادية لوالثلوثون‬

?Why are so many women converting to Islam http://geocities.com/Athens/Agora/4229/women.html

‫لوهنا سنضع مواقع دعوية بجميع اللغات أرجو منكم إضافة لولو موقع لواحد عسى أن يكتب في صحائف أعمالكم لوينفع‬ ‫ا به‬ ‫اللغة النجليزية‬ ‫مواقع إسلميه باللغة النجليزية‬ ‫موقع الشيخ احمد ديدات‬ http://home2.swipnet.se/~w-20479/Audio.htm /http://www.islam-guide.com /http://www.islamtoday.com /http://www.al-sunnah.com ‫موقع بكل اللغات‬ /http://www.thetruereligion.org /http://www.it-is-truth.org /http://www.beconvinced.com /http://www.plaintruth.org /http://www.islamunveiled.org /http://www.prophetmuhammed.org

/http://www.alharamain.org /http://www.islam-qa.com /http://www.sultan.org /http://www.discoverislam.com ‫مواقع باللغة السويدية‬ http://www.islamguiden.com/index.asp /http://www.islam.nu ‫لو‬ ‫لوهذان الموقعان أوخذتهما من احد الوخوة المسلمين السويديين من طلبة الجامعة السلمية‬ =========== ========================= ‫ لغة تقريبا‬12 ‫لوهنا القرآن الكريم ب‬ /http://www.nuraan.com/12koran ============= ========================= ‫أكتشف السل م ! أسرع ديانة انتشارا في العالم! تعرف على الدين الحق‬ !Discover Islam- The Fastest growing Religion in the World! Learn about the Real Islam /http://www.sultan.org /http://www.islam-guide.com /http://www.islamtoday.net/english A JOURNEY TO EXPLORE ISLAM /http://www.journeytoislam.com /http://english.islamway.com

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