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Island Cruising NZ Become a Member
Whether you own a boat already, are planning on buying one soon, have dreams of sailing offshore someday, or are considering sailing to New Zealand, preparing for a voyage requires that you, your crew and your vessel are knowledgeable, equipped and fully self-sufficient. Island Cruising NZ can help you navigate through all the preparation, administration and coordination of a long coastal or offshore voyage and welcome you to the South West Pacific
For just NZD$95.00 per annum you will receive:
Services,informationandadviceforlongcoastaland offshorecruisersandracers.
Exclusivemembertipsandstepstohelpyoupreparefor alongvoyage.
Accesstoexclusivediscountsfromsomeofthebest marinebusinessesinNewZealandandtheSouthPacific.
·Socialevents,greatcruisingcommunityconnections, activitiesandrallies.
Accesstoourextensivedatabaseoflocalknowledgeand adviceaboutsailingintheSouthPacificandNew Zealand.
Assistancewithnavigatingtheeverchangingcustoms, immigrationandhealthrequirementsforcruisers.
CombinedknowledgeandconnectionswiththeIsland Cruisingcommunity.
Crewmatchingserviceforskipperslookingforcrewor crewlookingforaboat.

Clive Bennett

+64 27 494 9799
Impressive 18.5m (63ft) Cruising Ketch
This Huntingford yacht is a fast and comfortable open ocean cruising ketch She has everything you need and easily handled It presents in great condition, thanks to her fastidious owner Relaunched July 1 after $7k service: antifouled, zincs, Propspeed, through hull servicing, now good for 2 years or more
Custom designed and built in the US constructed in timber and GPR to a very high standard Superbly equipped and has completed many ocean passages with just two crew. The vessel has been imported into NZ; with duty and GST paid. All electrics meet both NZ and US standards. The boat is fitted out with all the safety, navigation, and domestic equipment you need. On deck, the hard dodger and full set of tropical awnings provide protection from sun, spray and wind. All controls from both masts leading to the cockpit. View online here
92ft Dubois Aluminium Ketch

ACOA is a beautiful ketch rigged Aluminium cruising yacht, designed by the renowned superyacht designer Ed Dubois. Built by Double & Jesse in Germany for long range passage or coastal voyages. She has been around the world and also explored the Antarctic.
Continuous upgrades and professional maintenance including a refit in Orams Marine New Zealand. Most recently she received a new paint job (superstructure, hull, mast, boom), all electronic systems upgraded and domestic equipment changed. Built in safety features include 3 watertight bulkheads plus access via stern and side boarding platforms.

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WearebasedinAucklandandofferofferaverywideselectionofrecreationaland commercialboatsofalltypes,bothnewandused.
Wearefullserviceyachtandboatbrokers–withtheemphasisonservice.Wealsooffer anumberofmarineservicesandproducts,includingloanfinance,andmarketand insurancevaluations.
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DOCKLAND 5 Marine Ltd
The perfect place to carry out boat repairs & refresh before your next adventure with haul out & hardstand facilities on the beautiful Whangarei Harbour
John Peagram Manager
Mob: 0274 930 812 | Phone: 09438 8558 | Email: john@dockland5 co nz
Open Ocean Watermakers has been manufacturing watermakers in the beautiful Bay of Islands of New Zealand since 2001 Terry Forsbrey is the owner of Open Ocean. He and his wife Ariel lived aboard their yacht for 22 years and actively cruised offshore for 12 of those years. During their time on the water, Terry discovered that high tech components in a watermaker are not only unnecessary, they are usually the first thing to break down, and most often in remote locations When helping out other cruisers, he frequently found that by-passing these components would get their watermakers working once again That's when he realized that a simple, reliable, and affordablewatermaker could be made
Terry developed the early version of an engine driven model and took it cruising He put it to the test for five years He then returned to New Zealand to design and build a reliable watermaker without any superfluous gadgets Thus was born a revolutionary new concept in watermakers One that works all the time, is easy to operate, and doesn’t break the bank
Island Cruising NZ members get a $300 discount on a new water maker from Open Ocean!

Check out their website