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Information for Liveaboard Sailors about Census Day
Tuesday 7 March 2023
The New Zealand Census of Population and Dwellings is happening on Census Day, Tuesday 7 March 2023.
The census is the official count of people in Aotearoa New Zealand and the places where they live or are staying. Everyone who is staying overnight in Aotearoa New Zealand on 7 March 2023, including overseas visitors, must fill in a census form.
We need your support to help us count everyone on census night Each person staying on board a yacht is required under the Data and Statistics Act 2022 to complete a census form on the night of Tuesday, 7 March 2023.
Census forms will be delivered to marinas around the country. If however you are in the situation where you do not meet a census collector (for example on the South Island Rally or sailing to Lyttelton for SailGP) and you have cellphone reception, you can call 0800 CENSUS (0800 236 787) to request an internet access code be sent to your cellphone via SMS. You can then go online to fill in your forms.
Answering questions about ‘address’
Question 5 “Where do you usually live?”
• If you are visiting New Zealand and usually live overseas, provide the name of the country where you usually live.
• If you live in New Zealand, provide the full address where you usually live.
Question 7: “On the night of Tuesday 7 March 2023, which address are you at?”
• Provide the address, as fully as you can, of where the yacht is anchored/moored.
Thank you for doing your part Thank you for your time, effort, and cooperation to ensure the 2023 Census is a success.