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Sailing in the Maldives The Earliest Settlers
According tohistory andlegends,TheMaldiveshasbeeninhabitedformorethan 1500years,withtheearliestimmigrantsarriving from theIndiansubcontinentfrom aregionnamedKalibangan(Shihabuddinec.1588-1658).
Theseinitial settlerswouldhavearrivedby sea,establishing theMaldives'nautical culture,whichcontinuestothisday.They becameacquaintedwiththewhimsof the oceananditscurrents,aswell asthenorth-eastandsouth-westmonsoons,which hadasignificantimpactontravel,andthusontheirlife.
TheDhoni,orsea-going craft,wastheirmostimportantcreation,asthelivelihoodof theremoteislandcommunitieswasdependentonthesevessels.Dhonisarethe country’straditional locally builtwoodenboats.Theartof building dhonishasbeen passedonfrom generationtogenerationandthoughvessel-building hasbeen modernised,traditional boatbuilding still takesplace.Eachisland'spopulationused them forfishing,internal transit,leisureandcommunicationwithneighbouring islandsettlements.
Theinitial settlers,according tooral tradition,wereatribecalledDheyvisfrom KalibanganintheIndiansubcontinent.Thesepeopleworshippednature,andtheir rulerwastheleaderof thegroup whoreferredtohim asSawami.Following the Dheyvis,additional tribessuchastheRedis,Kunbis,and,subsequently,the Sarandivisarrived.According tolegend,AryasarrivedintheMaldivesaround500 B.C.
Sailing from one island to another has been a way of life for Maldivians for ages. Because there are few written documents from the early period, information about the early sailors is hazy and difficult to come by in the Maldives. However, several foreign notifications do exist, and these provide some insight on the Maldives' lengthy history of shipping and sailing.
Rafts were once the only way to travel between islands inside an atoll. However, larger distances were covered by boats with sails made of palm leaf Later, cloth sails were utilized instead.
The material that is currently available about the Maldives' pre-Portuguese era clearly demonstrates that the sea and seafaring were major aspects of the Maldivians' existence. This was expected given the nation's preponderance of water and scarcity of land. If the islanders were to coexist in harmony with their surroundings, they had to incorporate the ocean into their daily life. Since the early settlers came by water, it stands to reason that they must have had prior knowledge of and experience at sea as it was necessary to travel between the islands.
“Savaadheeththa Dhathuru” (aka The Great Journey) was created with the aim of preserving Maldivian culture and legacy for our country's future generations.
The Savaadheeththa Dhathuru – Maldives Yacht Rally offers the chance to discover the wonder and beauty that is the Maldives. If not by traveling the seas from island to island like our forefathers had done, what better way is there to explore the Maldives? So, join us on this rally and experience true Maldives.
For more information, visit the official website of the yacht rally: https://maldivesyachtrally.com/

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More details here.

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