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Vava'u Port Officer
Island Cruising has port captains in the Pacific who can provide assistance to any ICA members in the Pacific. From suggesting a supplier for a part, booking a tour, suggesting where to get your laundry done to assisting sending a house purchase and sale contract.
Greg Just, from NZ, has been the Island Cruising Vava'u Port Officer since 2010. He put together www.vavau.to/portofficer.pdf which is an in-depth tips and tricks guide for Tonga. Based in Vava'u since 2007 he has an impressive knowledge of Tonga and has done the passage NZ/Vava'u 13 times!
Super Yacht Services Tonga - David Hunt from NZ is based in Nuku'alofa for over 35 years. He started ICA with Terry Hunt and Don Mundell. Greg is now also his SYS agent in Vava'u.
If you are cruising in Vava'u you'll find Greg Just at Cafe Tropicana and Tongamazing.com
Fatafehi rd, Neiafu
Vava'u 1003
Kingdom of Tonga greg.just@gmail.com
Work +676 71322
Mobile +676 8812347 or +676 7512347
VHF Channel 26 www.buymeacoffee.com/tropicana Show your support for information, help, small struggling business www.vavau.to www.haapai.to www.tongatapu.to Web portals for each Island Group www.tongamazing.com Booking Service www.vavau.to/tropicana Cafe Tropicana www.vavau.to/rentals All rentals
20% discount for Island Cruising members!