Volume 33 | NO 8 / 9
Tara Woods Homeowners Association • www.twhoa.net
AUG / SEPT 2022
4th of July in Tara Woods
4 6
13 15
Additional photos on page 6
WWW.TWHOA.NET WWW.TWHOA.NET If you If you haven’t haven’talready already registered registered onon thethe NEW NEW Tara Tara Woods Woods Homeowners Homeowners Association Association website, website, thenthen
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We would like to extend a warm welcome to all our new residents. We hope you are getting settled and can soon start enjoying the magic of Tara Woods. As this is the second of our combined months for The Columns, we will try our best to get the biographies and pictures of our new residents submitted in a timely fashion. If you missed our last Orientation, you are encouraged to come to our next one which will be on Saturday, August 13th, at 10:00 AM, in the Clubhouse Meeting Room. We have a wealth of information to share with you. All are welcome.
Marit and Les 24 24hours/day hours/day ––Every Every day day Beisner Latest Latest news news onon what’s what’shappening happening ininthe the Tara Tara Woods Woods Community. Community. Marit and Les reside on Lot Weekly Weekly“What’s “What’s Happening” Happening” email. email. #638, 2972 Tara Lakes Circle. – Community Community Event Event Pictures. Pictures. Upcoming UpcomingEvents Events – They are partClassified Ads. Ads. News NewsArticles Articles ––Classified time residents from Iowa. Marit Emergency Emergency Information Information and Les have two Marit Beisner .......and .......and more. more. children. Marit is still working as Community Communityinformation information ––when when you you want want it! it! a kindergarten Select Select website websitepages pages are are restricted restricted to to HOA HOA members members only only teacher, and Les owns his own business. In her spare time, Marit enjoys trying new things. In his spare time, Les wants to learn to relax, and he enjoys the beach.
COLUMNS STAFF EDITOR: Linda Elliott 239-560-0768 (lindabluetw@gmail.com)
ASSISTANT: Linda Engel PHOTOGRAPHY: Lou Dunning, Donna Erhardt CALENDAR: Janet Daly and Sue Clark CIRCULATION: Linda Janis and Donna Tribeck, Co-Managers COMMUNITY DIRECTORY: Haywood Gandy, Manager CLUBHOUSE SCHEDULER: Janet Daly COORDINATORS: Agatha Breen, Carolyn Kelsey, Diane Nunn, Diane West, Ed Simko, Julie Wehrung, Maury Miller, Nancy Schoeppner, Pat Dunning, Shari Libby, Stu Berman, and Sheila Harris. STUFFERS: Barb Simonson, Carol Schnepp, Carol West, Claire Schwinn, Diane West, Gene Dickie, Hilda Dienes, Lou Sapp, Maury Miller, Pam Harrington, Pat Dunning, and Sharon Boehlke. ALTERNATES: Barb Simonson, Carol Heidemous, Celia Blotkamp, Gerri Linder, and Linda Weibel.
Connie and Gary Duncklee Connie and Gary reside on Lot #525, 2841 Darwin Street. They are part-time residents from Maine. They have two children and two grandchildren. Connie is a retired schoolteacher who taught for thirty years. Gary is still working as a liquor company salesman. In her spare time, Connie enjoys walking and wood carving. In his spare time, Gary enjoys playing golf. Shelby and Kent Hagedorn Shelby and Kent reside on Lot #450, 19752 Cottonfield Road. They are full-time residents from New Jersey and Virginia. They have six children and four grandchildren. Shelby is a homemaker, and Kent is retired from Capital One. In her spare time, Shelby enjoys gardening, walking, and baking. In his spare time, Kent enjoys fishing and traveling. Pam and John Hatfield Pam and John reside on Lot #648, 3009 Tara Lakes Circle. They are full-time residents from Ohio. They have two children and five grandchildren. Pam is a retired realtor, and John owned a handyman business. In her spare time, Pam enjoys golfing, exercising, and going to the pool. In his spare time, John enjoys golfing.
REPORTERS: Reporters will be noted by their bylines at the end of each article. Chris Olson, Tara Woods Homeowners Association Liaison To advertise in print, contact: Brion Palmer at 941-312-0665 or email him at BrionPalmer@yahoo.com. Contributing writers are acknowledged with bylines accompanying their submissions. Attribution for photos are not included unless supplied. We sincerely thank everyone for their contributions. Your articles help showcase the strong and diverse community that makes up Tara Woods. The Columns is published monthly from October through May. Summer issues are condensed: June/July and August/September. All ads are subject to the approval of the publisher. It is the responsibility of the party placing any ad for publication in The Columns to meet all applicable legal requirements in connection with the ad such as compliance with town, county and state codes in first obtaining an occupational license for business, permitted home occupation, or residential rental property. DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability. Island Visitor Publishing is not responsible for claims made by advertisers.
Becky and Bob Nadeau Becky and Bob reside on Lot #470, 19689 Kara Circle. They are part-time residents from Maine. Becky and Bob have five children, six grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. Becky is a retired bookkeeper who worked approximately thirty-seven years in the construction industry. Bob is still working in building maintenance for a car dealership. In her spare time, Becky enjoys shuffleboard, sewing, knitting, and socializing. In his spare time, Bob enjoys shooting pool. Renee and Larry Nadeau Renee and Larry reside on Lot #518, 2869 Darwin Street. They are part-time residents from Maine. They have two children, four grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. Renee and Larry are both retired from owning a boat marina. In their spare time, they both enjoy four wheeling.
Shannon and Greg Pernoud Shannon and Greg reside on Lot #699, 19228 Potomac Circle. They are part-time residents from Missouri who will be renting out their home for the months they are not living here. Shannon is a semi-retired artist and fine art quilter. She currently has a painting at The Alliance for the Arts. Greg is a retired surgeon. In her spare time, Shannon enjoys painting with acrylics and quilting. She would like to teach painting classes here at Tara Woods. In his spare time, Greg enjoys boating, fishing, RC airplanes, and rockets. Leslie and Barry Sandford Leslie and Barry reside on Lot #656, 19337 Amelia Road. They are part-time residents from Minnesota. They have three children and five grandchildren. Leslie is a retired registered nurse, and Barry is a retired sheet metal worker. In her spare time, Leslie enjoys walking, sewing, and reading. In his spare time, Barry enjoys golfing and fishing. Paula and Rob Storer Paula and Rob reside on Lot #290, 2880 Steamboat Loop. They are full-time residents from Indiana. They have five children, fourteen grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren. Paula is a retired nurse and is semi-retired from real estate. Rob is a retired lawn care manager and is also semi-retired from real estate. In her spare time, Paula provided homes for disabled veterans in Indiana. In his spare time, Rob enjoys working on projects and lawn care. Photos of additional new members:
ToniRae and Tim Hurley ToniRae and Tim reside on Lot #174, 19478 Charleston Circle. They are full-time residents from Indiana. ToniRae and Tim have two children and two grandchildren. ToniRae is currently working at First Horizon Bank, and Tim is retired from the air conditioning business. In her spare time, ToniRae enjoys getting involved in her community and organizing parties. Tim enjoys being with his friends.
WELCOME TO TARA WOODS, Barbara Krilivsky and Linda Kasdorf, co-chairs of the Welcome Committee
AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2022 Island Visitor Publishing
FROM THE BOARD ROOM by Lou Your Tara Woods Homeowners Association continues to be busy throughout the summer. I hope you took time to enjoy the HOA-sponsored 4th of July party as much as I did, even including being dunked about thirty times or more. What an awesome golf cart parade, kicked off by our very own bugler, Jack LaSelva, playing our National Anthem. Thank you to all who worked together to set up the party and to all who took time to participate together and meet new and old friends. Meanwhile throughout the summer the HOA board continues to meet each month. We also meet monthly with Community Manager Angi to discuss and advocate for community improvements. The minutes of the Board meetings are on the TWHOA website. The minutes of the Community Improvement meetings are also on the TWHOA website (www.twhoa.net). Your HOA, working together with Hometown America, has achieved many of the items advocated for on behalf of the membership. Check it out. Summertime is also the time to “take time”. Take time to enjoy our wildlife: sandhill cranes and their youngsters, the elusive gators, roseate spoonbills, white
ibis, the bunny rabbits, turtles, beautiful birds, and much more. Take time to enjoy a beautiful sunrise or a sunset. Take time to relax and enjoy our pools or perhaps a water volleyball game. Take time to admire a colorful rainbow over Tara Woods. Take time to try something new. Take time to visit a new neighbor, or maybe an established neighbor. Take time to visit families and friends up north, especially those grandchildren. Take time to read a book from our Library. Take time to admire the beautiful Tara Woods Butterfly Garden located by the Gazebo. Take time to wave to your neighbors, the mail carrier, Jet’s Pizza person, anyone on a golf cart or a bike, a person in a car you don’t know, and, of course, the Amazon delivery person. Time is the most valuable resource because you cannot take it back. So, enjoy it. HEADS UP – Our next Homeowners Association meeting is Monday, September 12th, at 7:00 PM in the Clubhouse. Lou Dunning, President, 239-240-5847, loudunning2@gmail.com
FMO NEWS TARA WOODS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION NEWS FMO is celebrating sixty years of service to the Manufactured Home Owners of Florida. It was formed to protect the interests of manufactured/mobile homeowners in Florida. FMO is celebrating with a special 60th Anniversary Edition of FMO Magazine. The magazine is expected to be available in early July. As of this past June 1st, FMO will no longer partner with Cross Country Motor Club. They will continue to provide service to existing members. Members, if you have any questions, please email members@fmo.org. The FMO Board is working on a new partnership that is expected to be announced in the coming months. If you haven’t already had the opportunity to use HB 7071 to save sales tax on some of the items, please go to www.flsenate.gov/Session/ Bill/2022/7071 to determine dates and items that you can save sales tax on. For those of you who regularly attended the FMO meetings, you may have remembered John Bowman. John was President of District 7 for many years. John passed away this past May. He is now with his wife. May their souls rest in peace. Applications to join the FMO are on the back bulletin board of the Clubhouse along with envelopes to mail in your application and payment. You can also go to the FMO website www.fmo.org to complete the application online. Thank you for your continued support of FMO. Wishing you all a very happy, healthy, and safe Labor Day Weekend. ~ Stuart Berman
A MINUTE WITH THE MANAGER This month is just flying by! What a great 4th of July Splash Bash that the HOA put together. It was so great to see so many of our residents gathering together to celebrate! Kudos for a job well done! The maintenance team has been crazy busy in this heat, working hard to keep our community beautiful! If you see them out there, give them a shout out; it will surely make them smile! They all take such great pride in their work. Tony has been a great addition to the team, working nonstop on getting things to be weed free! As a reminder to all – if there is something you wish to see changed, be it pool railing covers, décor in the Clubhouse or adding or removing a particular item from the community – please do not take it upon yourself to do this, but contact the Office. We are having more and more instances of residents taking it upon themselves to change things to their liking. The common areas are for everyone, and it is for Hometown America to determine the décor.
As always, please watch your speed through the community and ensure that you are stopping fully at all stop signs. July seems to have more and more family visiting with younger family members, and we want to ensure everyone stays safe. Also remember, in order to drive a golf cart in the community, your guest must be a licensed driver. These community expectations are not new – let’s all do our part to follow the rules that are in place for everyone to be able to enjoy the community. I will be out of the office Monday, July 18th through Friday, the 22nd, for an educational opportunity for work. Janice will be holding down the fort. I will be checking emails and voicemails throughout the time I am away, and Janice will be able to reach me at all times, as will your HOA President, Lou Dunning. Please be patient if my email or voicemail responses are delayed. Until next time, Be Kind and Love One Another! ~ Angi Cummins
TARA WOODS LOANER EQUIMENT Wheelchairs, Walkers, Canes, Potty Chairs, Shower Seats and Crutches are available for community residents and their guests. Call one of the following: Carol Schnepp 239-357-3526, Chuck Poveromo 815-979-3467, Dick Resh 215-582-9811, Lorraine Milligan 239-731-0346, or Joan Musso 856-498-026. Please remember to clean and return the items you borrow when you are finished, so that other residents may have use of them also. We will gratefully accept donations of equipment in good working condition. Thank you.
DANCE PARTY ~ SAVE THE DATE Do you remember the age of Aquarius? Heard it through the Grapevine that the New England Club is hosting a 60’s, 70’s and 80’s dance/party on Saturday, November 12th. It would be really, groovy, far out, and way cool for you to be there. What was your favorite? The sixties with the tie-dye craze, tunics, culottes, western shirts, straight-leg pants, or miniskirts? And the beehive hairdo with plenty of hair bows. And don’t forget the fishnet stockings we used to wear, ladies. Maybe you remember going to the drive-in to see Psycho, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, or Spartacus. Maybe you were more into the seventies. Debby Boone had a #1 hit with You Light Up My Life, while Don MClean had us trying to figure out the meaning of American Pie. Disco took the country by storm, as did John Travolta in the unforgettable Saturday Night Fever. We tried to walk in Platform Shoes, while both men and women wore some pretty wide bell-bottoms. Short shorts and crop tops were among the favs of the girls, while our dates may have donned a
long-collared shirt, a vest, and don’t forget the Leisure Suits! Date night might have found us at the movies watching The Godfather, Rocky, or American Graffiti. If you were more into the eighties, then you probably wore some stirrup pants or parachute pants. Track suits were hugely popular by then in polyester, terry cloth and, of course, velour. Denim jeans with bleach spots were cool while we danced to Olivia Newton-John’s “Physical”, or Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”. “We are the World” was a number one hit for four weeks in 1985. Bon Jovi burst onto the scene in 1983, and Motley Crue in 1981. If movies were more your speed, no doubt you saw E.T., maybe Police Academy, or for the brave ones – Nightmare On Elm Street. John’s Mobile Music will be providing the music. More info on the party will be available in the October issue of The Columns, and there will be a poster in the Clubhouse in mid-October. Tickets will go on sale, Tuesday, October 11th. Be there or be square, man. ~ Judy Machnicz
AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2022 Island Visitor Publishing
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4th of July in Tara Woods
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Additional photos from the cover story
SUNSHINE AND SYMPATHY To those residents in our community who are recovering from an illness, we wish you a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing you out and about. ILLNESSES: Patty Sparany, Carol Key and Larry Trotter. AND I am happy to report that Dawn Benjamin is recovering well. She will be moving to a new apartment up north and plans on returning to Tara Woods in October. DEATHS: Helen Boettger, Shirley Diaz, Gloria Conklin, Juanita Gasdia, Rudy Hamilton, Don Impink, former resident Ralph Latimer, Joyce Pansegrau, and Ruth Simko. Please keep these deceased residents in your thoughts and prayers. Let me know of any medical news in your neighborhood.
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AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2022 Island Visitor Publishing
TARA WOODS ANNUAL HALLOWEEN PARTY AND DANCE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29th 7:00 -10:00 PM COST $10.00 per person LIMIT to 220 persons Dance with music provided by John Nichols Bring appetizers for your table as well as your beverage of choice. Prizes will be given for best table decorations, best male, female, and couple’s costumes. A SPOOKTACULAR TIME WILL BE HAD BY ALL. SPONSORED BY MIDWEST CLUB
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RED HAT LADIES ] DATE CHANGE ] DATE CHANGE ] DATE CHANGE ] Come join us on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3rd, at 1:00 PM at the Athenian Restaurant, 1130 N Tamiami Trail (on business 41), North Fort Myers. The sign-up sheet is on the board Just ask for Jan Marck at (239) 237-1623!
in the Clubhouse. We have lunch, cocktails, fun and a social. Hope to see some new faces. Any questions, call me, Patty Sparany, at 239-652-3869. The Library in the Clubhouse will be open normal days and hours: Monday through Sunday 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM. Menu: Sloppy Joes, Coleslaw, Corn on the cob, Dessert Cost: $12.00/per person Tickets available starting August 6th, at Saturday Morning Coffee, until Tuesday Bingo, August 30th.
NEW LISTING FEE ONLY 4%!!! $100.00 Visa Gift Card for listing Free estimates and staging tips
Labor Day at Tara Woods! Monday, September 5th 1:00 PM Food service starting at 1:30 PM Open seating
Bring Your Own Beverage and Snacks to share and don’t forget your tickets!! Bean Bag Baseball – Social Raffle LAST TICKET SALES, TUESDAY, AUGUST 30th. Hosted by the New York/New Jersey Club.
AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2022 Island Visitor Publishing
NOW AVAILABLE TARA WOODS MEN’S AND WOMEN’S COLLARED SHIRTS, HATS AND LANYARDS On sale at the Clubhouse at Saturday Morning Coffee. Contact Lynn Lessmiller at 813-748-2005.
ATTENTION VETERANS!! Many of you are not aware of USAA Auto and Home Insurance specifically designed for veterans AND THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS: spouses, brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren etc. I can attest to the fact that the savings are substantial (for myself and my family) since becoming a member several years ago. You just need to call: 1-800-531-8722 to enroll. YOU SERVED – NOW YOU CAN SAVE! Sam Topping, U.S. Army
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The Magic of Tara Woods is alive and well. A coalition made up of Vicki Hoard and Company, the Mid-Atlantic Club, and the Neighbors Helping Neighbors Group, is planning to provide a holiday meal and fellowship for the special needs residents, the elderly, those who are alone with no local family, or homebound residents during the Christmas season. This would take place on Sunday, December 18th, at 1:00 PM in the Clubhouse, and will be funded by Hometown America. Each of these parties are dedicated to make sure that the underserved residents of the community, who, through no fault of their own, cannot take advantage of the true magic of Tara Woods, feel that they are appreciated and welcome. However, this partnership needs your help to identify those residents who would like to take advantage of this outreach. It is a challenge to identify them, so if you personally qualify or know of someone who may qualify for the meal, please contact one of the following persons, in order that a comprehensive list can be compiled, and invitations sent.
• Vicky Hoard 330-697-4630 • Judy Brda 239-731-1797 • Claire Schwinn 847-602-3390 You can also nominate a qualifying resident using the sign-up sheet under the Neighbors Helping Neighbors Poster found in the Clubhouse. It is understood that not all of the residents who qualify for the event are capable of making it to the Clubhouse. Meals will be delivered to the homebound and a shuttle service will be made available to residents who need transportation to the Clubhouse. The Magic of Tara Woods has nothing to do with the physical property of the community and all of its amenities. It is the people and groups that reach out and provide fellowship and help to all the residents. Please take the time to contact one of the above persons to take advantage of this opportunity, or to let them know of someone who would benefit greatly from this outreach. Help make the holiday season special for those who may not have the chance to experience the Magic of Tara Woods. Thank You. Peter Krilivsky, Director Tara Woods Homeowners Association
Avoid these estate-planning mistakes When many people hear the words “estate planning,” they assume it’s just for the wealthy. But that’s not the case because everyone can benefit from an estate plan. And when you’re creating one, you’ll want to avoid some common mistakes. Before we look at those mistakes, let’s go over what estate planning is designed to accomplish. Essentially, an estate plan allows you to pass on your assets in the way you desire. But it can also specify other actions, such as naming someone to care for your minor children if you were no longer around. In creating an estate plan, several key documents are involved, including a will, a trust, a financial power of attorney and a medical power of attorney or a health care directive. Now, let’s consider a few estate-planning mistakes: • Not communicating your plans. You’ll need to inform your family about whom you’ve chosen as executor – the individual who will administer your estate – and whom you’ve named as the trustee – the person who will manage your trust’s assets. (You can also choose a trust company to handle this duty.) And to help avoid unpleasant surprises when your estate is being settled, consider letting your children or other close relatives know who will be receiving what. • Not reviewing your plans periodically – Once you create your estate plans, don’t forget about them. Over time, your personal situation may change – you may experience a remarriage or bring in new children. Your interests may change, too – perhaps you’ll become deeply involved in supporting a favorite charitable organization. Given these and other potential changes, you’ll want to review your estate plans once in a while to see if they need to be modified. • Not updating beneficiary designations – Every so often, you may want to review the beneficiary designations on your life insurance policies, investment accounts and retirement assets. As mentioned, changes in your life, such as remarriage and the addition of new children, may affect your beneficiaries. Beneficiary designations are powerful and can even supersede your will, so you’ll want to update them as needed. Also, if you have a 529 education savings plan, you’ll want to name a successor owner – someone who can take over your 529 if you were to pass away. • Not re-registering assets placed in a trust – A living trust offers you many potential benefits, such as the ability to bypass the time-consuming and highly public process of probate when it’s time to settle your estate. However, just establishing the trust, by itself, may be insufficient – you likely also need to re-register assets, such as your investments, so they are officially owned by the trust, not by you. This is essential for the trust to work as you intended. Here’s one other mistake – not getting the help you need. Estate planning can be complex, so you’ll want to work with an attorney, and possibly with your financial advisor and tax professional, too. By avoiding key mistakes and working with a qualified team of professionals, you can create and maintain an estate plan that will help you leave the legacy you desire.
AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2022 Island Visitor Publishing
MEMORIAL DAY REMEMBRANCE Tara Woods residents gathered and paid a moving and respectful tribute to all the veterans who sacrificed ALL so we can live today in Tara Woods. We Remember! Thank you to Bill Black and his entire team for planning and carrying out a fitting memorial, reflecting the feelings for our fallen veterans.
EMERGENCY PREPARATION ARTICLE FROM TW CERT Securing Documents Before a Hurricane Is On Its Way An Emergency Preparation Article from TW CERT With hurricane season here in SWFL, now is a good time to prepare for possible evacuations. When a hurricane is bearing down on Tara Woods and an evacuation order has been given, it’s too late to start going through your documents to decide what to take and what to leave behind. We hope this article will help you get ready while you have the time. Let’s start with the most important decision: which documents to take with you. The most important documents to take and keep in your possession is a driver’s license, passport, or government-issued photo ID. After a direct hit by a major weather event, such as a hurricane, it is likely that electricity and data transmission lines will not be functioning, meaning your credit and debit cards will be useless. You may be asked to show a photo ID for transactions, and a driver’s license, passport or government-issued photo ID fulfills that need. As for other documents, it is strongly suggested that you take advantage of modern technology. If you ask a person in their 20s or 30s which paper documents they keep, their answer is frequently to ask why would they keep any on paper. Their bills, quarterly investment statements, monthly bank statements, tax returns, etc. are delivered to them electronically, via email or available on the company’s website. If they want to keep a copy, they save it to the cloud. The cloud is used to store documents electronically rather than on paper. Think of the cloud as a storage facility where you rent a space to store your excess possessions, except the cloud is used for documents rather than objects. The nice part about putting your documents in the cloud is that you can get to them from anywhere in the world using a computer or smart phone. Is the cloud secure? Well, not even your bank is 100% secure, but the reputation of cloud companies depends on having state-of-theart security, including password protection. You have the password to your cloud account so only you can access the documents. While on the subject of security,
be sure to give the password to a loved one you trust so if you become disabled or die, they can access the documents if needed. You likely have lots of documents in your home and you’re thinking this cloud thing sounds good. Now how do I get all of these documents into the cloud? First go through your documents and decide which to keep. This varies by the type of document. Here’s a sample: • Home - If you sold a home in the past 7 years, keep the documents from the purchase, the sale, and any improvements you made to the home. No need to keep those old utility bills, property tax bills, bills for painting, or any other papers. Has it been more than 7 years since you sold the house? Get rid of all of it. • Tax Returns - Keep your tax returns and supporting documents for 7 years, then get rid of them. • Investment Statements – Keep the December statement which covers the whole year. There’s no reason to keep the earlier ones from that year once you have the December statement. Just keep the December statement from each year. How do you get the remaining documents into the cloud? If they’re not available online, you’ll need a scanner. Again, Staples or Office Depot stores will scan your documents for a fee, or find a friendly neighbor who has a printer. Most newer printers also include the ability to scan, and you can scan multiple pages at a time. Once the scan is done, a file will be created which will be emailed to you and can be saved to the cloud. If you’re not sure how to do that, talk to a family member again. They may be able to help. Once these paper documents are scanned and saved in the cloud, they can go to the shredder. Once you’ve decided which papers to get rid of, how do you get rid of them? • Take all of it to a Staples or Office Depot store for shredding (there is a fee) OR talk to your TW neighbors to find out who keeps a shredder around
the house. They might let you use it for free, or maybe a beer or a favorite snack. • Don’t just put the papers in the trash or recycling bin. That is a treasure trove for people who have a side hustle as identity thieves. And just like that, you can be paper-free. So, when a hurricane threatens our homes, you can grab your driver’s license, passport, or state-issued photo ID and head out, knowing that your financial documents are safe, secure, and available to you from anywhere in the world. Now you just have to figure out what to do with all that space in your home that you were using to store all those papers. Please note: None of the information in this article is meant as tax advice and should not be taken as tax advice. Please consult with a professional tax person to get advice relevant to your situation. Prepared by Bruce Lubich, CPA and TW resident, for TW CERT, Inc., an independent 501(c) organization made up of your TW neighbors. Members train monthly to be prepared to help you in an emergency and work to help you prepare for emergencies through various efforts, including articles like this one. ~ Bruce Lubich
AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2022 Island Visitor Publishing
JULY 4 SPLASH BASH AND GOLF CART PARADE A SMASHING SUCCESS Tara Woods neighbors came together to celebrate our nation’s birthday on July 4th. Sponsored by the Tara Woods Homeowners Association, the day started with a beautiful rendition of The StarSpangled Banner played on trumpet by Tara Woods’ own Jack LaSelva as the Golf Cart Parade got under way. Leading the way in Alice Loveday’s cherry red Mustang convertible were Lou Dunning, TWHOA President (and Army veteran), and Mike Girty representing POWs. They were followed by our color guard proudly flying their military service flags – Army: Lorraine Quinn, Marine Corp: Arthur Saucier, Navy: Stu Berman, Air Force: Chuck Poveromo, and Coast Guard: Chuck Wheeler. Next were even more of our veterans and neighbors. Competition for the most creative and patriotic decorated carts was fierce. First place went to a very creative lady we need help identifying; do let Deb Nespolo know! Second place went to Ron Perkins and Arthur Saucier, and third place went to Scott & Stephanie Spalin. All were awarded a bucket of party beverages. Thanks to our judges Bill Sobkowicz, Sue Clark, and Mary Green, along with Captain Deb Nespolo and Andrea Snyder. The parade proceeded around all three lakes and by hundreds of American flags loaned by Angi Cummins, our Community Manager, and placed by Joe & Linda Kasdorf, Andrea Snyder, Bruce Lubich, Maureen Miller, Celia Blotkamp, Lorraine Quinn and Barbara Werner-Lubich. Next, the games opened with friendly and spirited competition. Most popular were the Veranda games – Jumping Frogs on the lily pad and Rubber Duck Fishing. Others joined in the fun in the water games – Noodle Relay Races and Boat Races. Was it the Veranda games themselves that attracted so many, or the fact that on this hot, hot summer day they were under cover with fans providing a cool breeze? You be the judge! Corn Hole also attracted a strong following just outside the pool area. Game winners proudly wore their first, second or third place ribbons on lanyards – thanks, TW Pickleball Club for donating the ribbons! Check out all the winners posted on scorecards created by Sue Clark. They all earned
their bragging rights with scorecards on full display next to the Clubhouse lunch line. Big thanks to Games Co-Captains and HOA Directors Chris Olson and Carol Schnepp joined by volunteers Dennis Purks, Lynn Lessmiller, Chuck Poveromo, Donna & Greg Sealy, Ken Atkinson, John Olson, Rich Girty, Maury Miller, Marsha Miller, Joan Musso, Sheila Harris, and Sandy Kaczmarczyk. The Dunk Tank returned to the lap pool after a few years absence and there sure was a lot of dunking of TWHOA Directors going on! Originally built by Mike Girty, the Dunk Tank underwent an extensive refurbishment by builder Bob Clark under the watchful eye of Alice Loveday and added some creative touches by Sue Clark. Did you catch that big red tongue sticking out on the reverse side of the spinning target? Yup, that was Sue’s artistry. A whole lot of people saw it as one after the other our TWHOA Directors Lou Dunning, Chris Olson, Dennis Purks, Barbara Werner-Lubich, Carol Schnepp, and Lynn Lessmiller made big dunk splashes in the pool! We even had a guest in the Dunk Tank. By popular demand, our TW neighbor and gate attendant Ed Simko also got in a few rounds of dunking. Thanks, Ed! Eddie Amarando was scheduled for a turn in the tank, but he extended his vacation instead. We sure sold more than a few tickets to neighbors intent on a chance to dunk Eddie. Next time perhaps! There’s talk that the Dunk Tank will return to operation at other TW events. Big thanks to our Dunk Master, Tim Hoch, and his team of Fred Puhlfuerst, Harry Downs, Dick Resh, ball girl Sarah Casey, Lori Hoch and, of course, Bob Clark. After all those games and a whole lot of socializing, it was time for lunch. Sue Clark delivered a heartfelt blessing for our TW community. Many, many hungry diners complimented the juicy fried chicken, tasty tortellini pasta salad, smoky baked beans, fresh watermelon wedge, and the oh so luscious cornbread topped off by a pull apart cupcake cake that turned fingers and tongues blue and red. Free lemonade on the Veranda in drink dispensers loaned by TW CERT helped keep everyone hydrated. Shelly Lubich captained her team of servers (aka,
Boss Ladies) Betsy Courtney, Renaye Latham, Kathy Murschell, Rhonda Williams, and Linda Kasdorf with Boss Man Bruce Lubich pitching in on cupcake duty. Alice Loveday captained her kitchen team of Maureen Miller and Deb Nespolo (more Boss Ladies) who kept the food coming to help keep the line moving – no small feat when you’re serving 120 hungry people and they did it in 20 minutes! A TW tradition, the Social Drawing followed. Winners were Linda Kasdorf, Mary Kivel, and Pat Downs. Congrats, ladies! Judy Girty did an awesome job as Captain of ticket sales for lunch, Social Drawing, and the Dunk Tank. All this activity and our day was still not complete. Water volleyball in the lap pool capped off six hours of fun with over twenty players. A lot of splashing without score keeping was going on. Just lots of good clean and wet fun to cool off on one hot day thanks to Co-Captains Barb and Randy Simonson. The story can’t end without a special thank you to Jeff Lessmiller and Bob Kuhns for setting up and supporting us with the sound system and to those unnamed volunteers who pitched in to clean up and prepare our Clubhouse and Veranda to be ready for its next fun activity. Special thanks to Stu Berman, Joe Kasdorf, John Olson and Bruce Lubich. This July 4th Independence Day celebration sponsored by TWHOA would not have been possible without the time and talent of a very fine committee of Boss Ladies led by Barbara Werner-Lubich (Director): Chris Olson and Carol Schnepp (Directors), Alice Loveday, Sue Clark, Judy Girty, Deb Nespolo, Andrea Snyder, Shelly Lubich and Activities Coordinator Celia Blotkamp, plus the support of the remaining TWHOA Directors: Lou Dunning, Sue Cook, Dennis Purks, Lynn Lessmiller and Peter Krilivsky. All told, there were fifty-three TW neighbor volunteers who contributed their time and talent to making our July 4th celebration a rousing success! What an amazing group they are! Excited to see what events the TWHOA comes up with next!
AUG / SEPT IMPORTANT: Our goal is to provide residents with the latest updates to the 2021-2022 Resident Directory. Updated information is published in each edition of The Columns which is available on the twhoa.net website. Please email any new additions, corrections and/or changes to: haywood.gandy@gmail.com. Please include your Lot #, Name, Address, Telephone Number(s), and Home State(s). If you UPDATE your member information on the TWHOA website you MUST also send me your updated information for publication in the Directory. At this time there is no easy way for me to know if a member makes changes to their information on the website. If you have not received your copy of the Directory, please send an email to haywood.gandy@gmail.com
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AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2022 Island Visitor Publishing
COMING NOVEMBER 10 QUARTER AUCTION Tables will be set up to seat ten. When you make your reservation, please let us know how many will be at your table. We may have to add people if you have less than ten. Crafters – sue cook is accepting donations for the door prize round if you would like to donate some of your talented work. Also, gift cards are always welcome.
I am also looking for volunteers to help with the auction. Please call me if you would like to help. It takes volunteers to make this a success. Thank you in advance. What the heck is a Quarter Auction? Well, it is a raffle-style auction not a traditional auction. As a quarter auction participant, you’ll want to arrive at doors open time – bring a supply of quarters and your friends! We recommend a couple rolls of quarters. When you arrive, you’ll get your bid paddle. When you rent your paddle(s), a poker chip matching your paddle number(s) will go into a container used to draw winning numbers throughout the event. You will also have an opportunity to visit the individual vendor tables to register for door prizes. The vendors will also have cash and carry items for sale!
When the auction begins, each auction item will be presented and “auctioned”, one by one. You will use your quarters and paddles to bid, but have no fear! You do not try to out-bid others, but rather bid the requested number of quartersl (typically 2-3) on the item for a chance to win that item! The retail value of the item determines the number of quarters required per paddle to bid. Once you toss the required number of quarters into bowls on the table and the bowls are collected, you raise your paddle in the air. We will begin drawing numbers from the numbered chips matching the paddles. If the announcer calls your number and if you have placed the bid, you win! If the number called wasn’t played, numbers continue to be pulled until a number is called for someone who had bid and had their paddle in the air! Then on to the next auction item. Bid on everything! It’s a great way to potentially squirrel away items in your gift closet for that unexpected hostess, thank you, or birthday gift. Usually there are 2 auction rounds with a break between the 2 rounds – to make sure you’ve registered for the door prizes. The auction rounds are followed by the door prize round.
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NEW IMAGE CHORUS The New Image Chorus is looking for a Chorus Director as well as residents looking to exercise their vocal cords by joining the Chorus. The plan is to start rehearsals on Monday, September 26th, at 12:30 PM. This is an informal get- together to distribute music and catch up on old times with our Chorus members. Actual rehearsals will not start until the following Monday. Please check the TWHOA website on Mondays for additional information. Chorus meets every Monday at 12:30 PM. Rehearsals last approximate 2 hours with a short break. We meet every Monday, with our show usually the end of March or the beginning of April. There are no tryouts, tests, or any special requirements. Just show up, get your music book, and start singing. Any questions or concerns should be directed to Stuart Berman, Polly Brown, Lou Cashin or Carol Shields. See you in September. Thank you, Stuart Berman
HURRICANE SEASON IS HERE Hurricane Season is here and Tara Woods residents, especially for those who have never experienced a Hurricane here in Florida, now is the time to prepare. A copy of the “All Hazards Guide” prepared by Lee County was enclosed with your May issue of The Columns. If you need a copy, there are more copies in the Library in the “BE PREPARED” section. This important guide outlines a hurricane supply list, important phone numbers and websites to have during an emergency, evacuate or shelter in place guidelines, “Plan-Prepare-Pass it on
tips”, Shelters and how they work, pet safety tips, evacuation zones and information on the “Special Medical Needs Program”. Please take the time to review this important booklet. Plan today where you might evacuate to in the event of mandatory evacuation. Don’t procrastinate. The planning you do today may save your life tomorrow. This message is provided by your TWHOA and your Neighbors Helping Neighbors board affiliated group.
www.TWHOA.net 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13
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AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2022 Island Visitor Publishing
Jim Bishop Kimberly Doyle, Ray Paquette Charlene Langtry, Stephanie Spalin, Anne Turner Judy Binkowski, Ann Marie Dixon Bobbie Sanfort, Lee Zacek Rich Breniser, Flo Gooding, 93 Yrs., James Liberty, Dean Stark, Howie Walton Dorothy Belford, Ken Clark Kathy Porto, Mabel Sim Vera Cawlfield, Christopher Desalvo, Warrren Engel, Howard Horton, Shelly Pearcy, Jean Resh Joe Parise, Rick Roides Denny Biglin, Gene Dickie, Lavonne Langeland, Wayne Ray, Dick Resh, Karen Stein Terry Langeland, Ginny Loring, 91 Yrs., Marilyn Murphy, Wes Pearcy, Mike Rice, Steve Zingre
14 Joe Bucceri, Jim Burt, Gigi Fisher, Larry Fonner, Tim Hurley 15 Randy Collins, Mary Kivel, Joni Pushee 16 Lou Sapp, Dakota Windancer 18 Bob Wehlage 19 Susie Bradley 20 Patti Kuhn, Gail Voitik 21 Joe Bevilacqua, Rochelle Catz, Norm Libby, Gerry Wilczek 22 Sue Hodgson, Evie Loud, Pat Patterson 24 Liliana Townsend 25 Ang Plested, Joan Simonson, Nancy Sundstrom, Marie Vidrine, Mirelis Villalba, Chuck Wheeler 26 Jim Crutchfield, Jane Duchalski, John Fortin, Sandy Miller 27 Armando Perez, Keever Shropshire 28 Colleen Achtelik 29 Ben Craig, Randy Smith 31 Christine Foran, Anita Thomas, Bruce Winfree
Bev & Jim Brockhagen, 50 Yrs. Susan & Bill Reece Sandy & Whitey O’Hara Sharon & Hal Gritzmacher, Diane & Charles Klotz, 55 Yrs. Leslie & Barry Sanford Pat & Rudy Hamilton, 64 Yrs., Marlene & Jesse Lane, Pat & Gordon Wade Pat & Ed Sparany, Jennifer & Ed Widener Nancy & Irv Buettner, Linda & Joe Byrd Sally & Cal Heyd, Jean & Chris Moriarty Sandy & Hank Kaczmarczyk Betsy & Mel Courtney, Donna & Bob Evans, Lynn & Jon Porter, Kathy & Tony Porto Rudy Diaz, Pat & Harry Downs, Linda & Ricky Gunnoe, Julie & Andy Vanderplaats
24 Carol & Bob Detwiler, Donna & Arnie Gaudet, Diane & Randy Smith 25 Sylvia & Dean Stump, 60 Yrs., Darlene & Bob Wehlage 27 Denise Franzel & Phil Toney, Sandy & Fred Miller, 61 Yrs. 28 Fran & Mike Curtis 29 Doreen & Jim Choquette, Donna & Tom Erhardt, Renee & Larry Nadeau 30 Dorothy & John Andrus, Nancy & Jim Lamson 31 Jann & Larry Anderson, Una & Joe Bigelow, Linda & Mike Raderchak
Dave Boncher, Terra Charles, Barb Goodhue Pete Finnemore, Sam Fiorino, Chris Porter Andy Andrews, 95 Yrs., Denise Fortier Carol Adney, Sue Clark, Linda Raderchak Al Neumann, 90 Yrs., Karen Silvers Diane Nunn Evelyn Picklesimer, Bill Sobkowicz, Brenda Weiss Mary Ann Craig, Jackie Liberty, Ken Reese Renee Craig, Ann Furia, Dawn Taylor John Kern, Sharon Rowe “D” Linderman, Bill Oostdyk Fran Curtis, John Robinson, Mary Tawes, Darryl Yohn Phil Corey, Diane Smith Joe Byrd, Chris Cialino, Flossie Hoffman, Marlene Lane, Kenny Linn, Ed Widener, Diane Zimmerman Kathy Hildreth
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Sharon Flobeck, Wayne Jackson Mary Costantini, Norm Raymond Jim Brockmeyer Ruthie Lemire Neil Almeida, Chris Finn, Keith Hand, John Lombardi, Nancy McLaughlin, Kate Miklovich Linda Cooledge, Martin D’Cruze, Bobbie Felknor, Bob Volkers Mae Dickie, John McCosker, Andrea Snyder Brian Francey, Steve Robinson, Linda Wright Pat Dunning Barry Erhardt, Pete Hodgson, Mike Schenkel Judy Machnicz, Laurie Zakrewski Paul Key, Sharie Libby, Don Swartz, Steve Keirn Lloyd Maggert, Donna Westlake Cathy LaSelva, Becky Nadeau
Clifford Law Firm, LLC Trusts, Estates, Probate, Divorce Cape Coral, FL
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Carol & Ron Andrews, 65 Yrs., Kandice & Barry Chadwell, Lori & Tim Hoch Louise & Art Frederick Flossie & Harry Hoffman, 67 Yrs., Lorraine & Bill Milligan, Judy & Steve Rigsby Mary & Amos Green, 68 Yrs., Linda & Kent Hetzer, Mary & Ed Sandre, Gwen & Dakota Windancer Casey & Bob Glandorf, 63 Yrs., Joann & Bob Tirollo Mary & Joe Bucceri, Mary & Phil Kenter, 65 Yrs., Patti & Rusty Thompson Janie & Richie Duchalski, 55 Yrs., Kathy & Dennis Harper, 50 Yrs. Nancy & Jack Morley Sharon & Matt Rose Belinda & Craig Baker, Vicki & Mike Hoard Camille & Charlie Rosalbo, 63 Yrs., Donna & Fred Westlake Ann Rouette & Ghislain Marcil, Ann & Sidney Scott, 69 Yrs., Vic & Tom Sharps
15 Phil & Steve Corey 16 Gaye & Larry Noffsinger, 50 Yrs., “Chickie” & Dom Notaro 17 Dee & Joe Bent, Beth & Ken Ferris, 67 Yrs. 19 Jackie & James Liberty, 63 Yrs. 20 Angie & George D’Alessandro, 64 Yrs. 21 Beverly & John Anderson 22 Patricia & John Bianco, Kim & Chris Gagnier, Chris & Bob Quintal 23 Mae & Gene Dickie 24 Renee & Dan Horton 25 Tami & Rick Hall 26 Ellie & Bill Hubbs 27 Lisa Cranston & John Trebish 28 Liz & Al Neumann, 65 Yrs. 29 Pat & Henry Gardner, Kathy & Randy Murschell 30 Debbie & Greg Rapp, Karen & Dean Winks Contact Sue Clark 412-780-3584 or randsclark@verizon.net before September 10th for Special Recognition of Birthdays 90+ and Anniversaries 50, 55, or 60+ in October 2022.
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ENTERTAINING NEWS So, Ladies and Gentlemen... well, well, well, we are in the middle of summer, and it is hot, humid, and sticky...all the parts of summer we have come to know and love. The snowbirds don’t know what they are missing. Earlier this summer a few of the Entertainers received the opportunity to perform on stage at the Florida Rep. I am not talking about the small theater, but the big stage, in fact a huge stage. Several of our actors participated in an acting class given by the Florida Rep’s Artistic Director, Greg Longenhagen. The classes only were a month, three classes and one performance. Janet and I participated in some of the classes, but we were very much interested in the other side of the business, directing and staging. At the end of the class, eight Entertainers, put on three small skits (parts of actual plays), for an audience that truly enjoyed their performances. In the audience were friends and family from Tara Woods and members of the Florida Rep staff. The Florida Rep gave us a reception before, during, and after the play. They treated our actors like the stars they are. It was a great time, and I believe that we all very much enjoyed ourselves. I do want to take this opportunity to thank the nine Entertainers who took a leap of faith with me and tried something new and very different. These are the photos of our cast members on stage at the Florida Repertory Theater; they are Polly Brown and Dennis Purks in Morning After Grace; Gwen Engel Windancer, Eileen Robinson and Bill Sobkowicz in Arsenic and Old Lace; Lynn Lessmiller, Carol Shields, and Linda Kasdorf in Savannah Sipping Society. I think that this is what makes us enjoy our retirement years, trying something new and different. Yes, it is easier to stay at home and venture out to do what we have always done; it is also very safe. But the excitement of trying something new and different,
MIDWEST CLUB Welcome back all Midwesterners. We hope everyone had a great summer enjoying friends, families, and other activities. Our first actual Midwest meeting will be held on Friday, October 21st, from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. The theme is going to be an ice cream bar with lots of toppings. The cost will be $3.00. Tickets will go on sale at Tuesday Bingo and Saturday Morning Coffee, starting Tuesday, October 4th, until Tuesday, October 18th. You will need to bring your beverage of choice. The bowls, paper products, and silverware will be provided. Also, remember we are sponsoring the Tara Woods Halloween party. ~ Vicki Hoard
NEW ENGLAND CLUB Hello, New England Club! Our Welcome Back Party is Satuday, October 22nd. Sign-ups will begin on Thursday, September 22nd, and more details will be available on the New England Club bulletin board and in the October issue of The Columns. Hope everyone is having a great summer! ~ Judy Machnicz
not necessarily succeeding, but trying is the key. We will all benefit from this form of exercise – the brain will improve, and old age will be delayed (at least that is what the experts are telling us, and I do believe it). So, if you are in the market to try something new – look into something that you have never done before. Open The Columns and see what is going on and join with others in a new endeavor. Oh yeah, if you see Polly, Carol, Linda, Dennis, Lynn, Janet, Eileen, Gwen, Bill or me around, ask any of us about the Florida Rep experience and you will probably hear all about it. It was great! “You will never really be great unless you aim high.” Stella Adler Pat Dunning, Stage Manager Entertainers 239-240-5848 padunning46@gmail.com
Welcome to our first meeting of the season on Saturday, October 1st, at 5:00 PM! The Welcome Back Wine & Cheese party will be hosted by Marcia & Chuck Poveromo, with their helpers Sue & Bill Sobkowicz and Pat Sparany. The New York/New Jersey Club is hosting the Labor Day Party on Monday, September 5th. The sign-up sheet for helpers is on the Club bulletin board in the Clubhouse. If you are new to Tara Woods and are from New York or New Jersey, this is a great opportunity to meet other members and help the Club host a fun party for the community. We have a number of new residents from New York and New Jersey, and we would love to have you join us at our monthly meetings. Contact me at my email below to be put on our contact list. The meeting calendar is also available on the Club bulletin board and on the HOA website under NY/NJ Club. Just sign up for a meeting! We’ll be glad to have you! ~ Janet Daly, janetdaly@yahoo.com
New York/New Jersey Club Meetings/Events 2022-2023
Save the Dates! Saturday, October 1st: 5:00 PM – Welcome Back Wine & Cheese Party – Chuck & Marcia, Sue & Bill, Pat Sparany Saturday, November 5th: 5:00 PM – Dar & John, Pat & Harry Downs Saturday, November 26th: 9:00 AM – Decorate Christmas Tree in the Clubhouse Sunday, December 4th: 5:00 PM – Christmas Meeting Hosted by Teri & Gay Saturday, January 7th, 2023: 9:00 AM – Christmas un-decorating in the Clubhouse Saturday, January 7th: 5:00 PM – Hosted by Cookie & Eileen Friday, February 3rd: 4:00 PM – Nite at the Races – Hosted by Janet Daly & Club Saturday, March 4th: 5:00 PM – Hosted by Ken & Carol, Mary & Bill, Fred & Jan Saturday, April 22nd: 12:00 noon – Out to Lunch – Coordinated by Stu & Belle
CMC1250389-CAC057214 RA0016458-ER0001803
AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2022 Island Visitor Publishing Tony Fettig, Tai Chi instructor at both Tara Woods and Pine Lakes, and three of his Pine Lakes Pickleball players, invited four of our Tara Woods Pickleball players to come on over to Pine Lakes for some fun play. There was some competitive, but friendly, volleying going on that morning. We hope this can be the beginning of occasional intercommunity play.
CLUBHOUSE MINISTRIES For new residents of Tara Woods and existing residents too, the Clubhouse Ministries invite you to join one of their Bible study classes, which are held in the Clubhouse Meeting Room every Tuesday morning at 10:00 AM. These meetings give you an opportunity to make new friends as you study the Scriptures in relaxed and enjoyable surroundings. We are a non-denominational group. No need to make reservations, folks! Just stop by any Tuesday morning at 10:00 AM. Come join us! ~ Ann Scott
“Praise does wonders for one’s sense of hearing.”
To stay informed of events in Tara Woods:
If anyone is interested in playing Horse Collar on Mondays at 10:00 AM, the cost is $1.00 per player (to be given away as prizes). Anyone can play! The Tuesday and Friday leagues began in January 2021. Call Ken Atkinson at 815-970-0467 if you have any questions.
- Read the posters on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse. - Check the Clubhouse bulletin boards for meeting and event information and sign-up sheets.
- Come to Saturday Morning Coffee!
To all new and existing residents. Looking for a way to get a little exercise, meet new residents and have FUN? Well then, come join our Tara Woods Winter Bowling League starting the first Wednesday in October through the first Wednesday in April with the banquet following the last week. We start at 10:15 AM for shadow bowling at Coral Lanes on Santa Barbara in Cape Coral. No prior bowling experience necessary. Contact Judy Girty, League President, at 513-702-6874 to join in on the fun.
- Read The Columns and check the Calendar. - Sign on to the Tara Woods website, www.twhoa.net, to be kept informed of all current events and more! - Check out page 5 of the Tara Woods Community Resident Directory to see all the opportunities to keep you busy in Tara Woods, with the contact people for each one listed if you have questions.
- Page 4 of the Directory lists the contact people for specific responsibilities under the Board of Directors that you can contact with any questions.
Dates for Book Club are Aug 4th and Sept 1. We hope to see all our friends who like to share their latest favorite books. Newcomers are especially encouraged to join us. For any questions, call Marilyn Workman at 239-543-1168.
TAI CHI AT TARA WOODS Classes meet year-round Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM in the Clubhouse
Beginners welcome!
Taught by Tony Fettig, an experienced Tai Chi practitioner and instructor. Open to women and men, beginner and experienced students. Come to class with a water bottle and appropriate footwear. To sign up or for more info, including necessary footwear, contact: Barbara Werner-Lubich 410 409-5874 or Deb Nespolo 401 309-1136
THERE IS NO TIME TO SPARE: WANTED BOWLERS OR NON-BOWLERS If you are a bowler or have never bowled before and are interested in bowling… we are looking for you to join our Tara Woods Bowling League. The league starts on Wednesday, October 5th, and runs through Wednesday, April 5th, 2023. We do not bowl the week of Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Years. If you are unable to start on October 5th, all you do is pay your prize money for those dates that you missed. We are welcoming any new bowlers or any bowler that hasn’t bowled in a while. This is a FUN league. Sign-up sheets are on the bulletin board in the library. Please pass the word to your friends and neighbors. It is a great way to meet new people in Tara Woods. Please sign up by Thursday, September 1st, so the teams can be created. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. Thank you, Judy Girty President, Tara Woods Bowling League 513-702-6874.
Lloyd & Carolyn Kelsey
Saturday, August 27th, 7:00 PM Featuring: WHO’S HARRY CRUMB? Starring: John Candy Rated: PG - 13, Comedy Saturday, September 24th, 7:00 PM Featuring: THE EXPENDABLES 3 Starring: Sylvester Stallone Rated: PG - 13, Action, Humor Free Popcorn, BYOB Drinks
TUESDAY/THURSDAY 8:00 AM SENIOR EXERCISE CLASS The Exercise Classes will be taking a summer hiatus this year. Starting on Thursday, June 2nd, through Tuesday, August 30th.
We will return on Thursday, September 1st. SAME TIME – SAME PLACE. HAVE A SAFE, HEALTHY & HAPPY SUMMER! See you in September. Barbara Simonson
Thursdays & Sundays 1:00 – 3:00 PM
8:00 AM Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays.
Come join us in this fun, non-competitive sport. Meet new/old friends, get a few laughs while exercising. No experience necessary. Hope to see you there. If questions, contact Barb Simonson at 541-840-4430.
Air temperature must be 62 degrees by 8:00 AM. Use ABC News to check temperature. This is a great exercise for men and women with less stress on your joints and muscles. The class consists of stretching, cardio and water weights. If you have them, bring a noodle, stretch bands and water weights. If questions, contact Judy Brda at 239-731-1797.
AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2022 Island Visitor Publishing
Be one of the winners at our Tuesday night BINGO. And you can win more than once during the night!
If your eyesight isn’t as good as it once was, now you
can play too. We have really BIG game packs and “Specials” that are 8 ½” x 11” with 2” numbers. No additional charge for the ticket that can make you the “King” or the “Queen” for the night and earn you even more money on all game sheets. Game packets are sold with either 6 game squares per sheet or 9 game squares. The “Special” game papers have 3 game squares. Buy as many as you’d like! Our Tuesday night BINGO session consists of 14 regular games and 6 “Special” games We also have “Hot Ball” prizes of $50.00 or more and a “Social” raffle. Sales STOP at 6:45 PM. Come join the fun.
PICKLEBALL To all new and existing residents. Looking to get some exercise and have some fun at the same time? Come join us for Pickleball! It’s one of the fastest growing sports in the U.S. Current open play times are at 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM every day. Come down to the courts and say hello. We would be happy to teach you how to play the game. There are paddles available in the storage container in front of the courts and the balls are located on the door of each court. Proper footwear is required. Join in on the fun! For further information contact Deb (401) 309-1136 / debra.nespolo@gmail.com Bruce (410) 409-5873 / bruce@brucelubichcpa.com Alice (313) 220-0622 / gowings2429@sbcglobal.net Louise (508) 672-2141 / lcpatter46@gmail.com
Mondays at 3:00 PM Tuesdays at 9:00 AM No need to sign up. Don’t need a partner. New teams chosen every week ~ Easy to learn. Questions: call Rudy Diaz 239-347-7934 Additional time: Tuesdays at 3:30.
TENNIS ANYONE? Join other tennis players every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday from 9:00-10:30 AM for friendly Tennis.
Ladies and Gentlemen, come join us every Sunday at 7:00 PM in the Card Room. Cost is $3.00. Will you have the first Bunco or the last, or the most? Will you have the most wins, or the most losses? If you do, the prize money will be yours! Come join the fun. Questions: call Polly Brown 239-246-2391.
Looking for Players!
Remember those days playing ping pong as a kid? You can still play today! Please join us on Thursdays from 1:00 to 3:00 PM in the Clubhouse. For further information contact Norm Libby at 239-246-3510.
AGGRAVATION Meets in the Clubhouse Card Room
at 7:00 PM on Monday and Thursday nights. The game consists of 11 hands and is easy to learn. Eight quarters gets you in. Come join the fun and play a great card game.
Come join the Mah Jongg group. Do not know how to play? We teach the first three Mondays of the month. We have a great time. Come & join us on Mondays 12:003:00 PM. The Happy Ladies of Mah Jongg.
There’s a “new” game at Tara Woods. If you hear someone say, “fifteen two fifteen four” and you don’t think they’ve lost a screw or two, come and join us in the Card Room every Wednesday at 2:00 PM for a few games of Cribbage. The arrangement is fairly flexible since Cribbage can be played by 2 or 3 or 4 players. Just be there by 2 PM. Cards, cribbage boards and fun will be provided. Contact Ann Millette 239-543-2954
POKER, ANYONE? LADIES! DO YOU PLAY POKER? How long has it been since you’ve played with friends? Did you know there’s a game every Monday night at the Clubhouse just for the ladies? Well, we really don’t have a “No Boys Allowed!!!” Rule, but men usually don’t like to play with wild cards and we do. But they’re welcome to play as long as they are willing to “play like girls”. It is most likely the least stressful and least expensive poker you can play around here! It’s a good night to socialize with the ladies and make new friends with the girls who like to play poker. The stakes are very low. Call Polly Brown, 239-246-2391, if you’d like to join us – she’ll fill you in on the details or answer any questions you may have.
MEN’S POKER Wednesday in Meeting Room at Clubhouse. 2:00 - 5:00 PM. Contact George D’Alessandro , 239-543-8492.
The Bridge group is looking for bridge players. We meet on Tuesdays at 12:30 PM in the Card Room. Call Beth Ferris at 239-543-6295, Mary Green 239-800-3837 or Pauline Young at 239-997-5984 first if you are interested in playing with this friendly group. We’d like to have you join us. Beth Ferris
Come join the group for a fun-filled afternoon of cards! We meet on Fridays at 1:30 PM in the Card Room. Don’t know how to play the game? EASY! We will teach you! It is easy to learn. Questions: contact Polly Brown at 239-246-2391
GAME NIGHT Every Friday night at 7:00 p.m.
Different games can be played (All are easy to Learn) LEFT – CENTER – RIGHT (dice- 3-coin buy-in) (winner-take-all each game)
CONTRACT RUMMY (similar to Aggravation) (6 quarter buy-in) 31 (card game) (3 dime buy-in each game) (winner-take-all each game)
For more information call Polly Brown at 239-246-2391.
CERAMICS Mondays – 12:00 Noon
Ceramics is held in the Ceramics Room by the Tennis Courts. We are there every Monday at 12:00 Noon. For more information and for firing of the kiln please contact Maury Miller, 239-365-9859. We hope you will come and participate in making ceramics with us. Come join the fun.
If anyone is interested in playing Horse Collar on Mondays at 10:00 AM, the cost is $1.00 per player (to be given away as prizes). Anyone can play. The Tuesday and Friday leagues began in January 2021. Call Ken Atkinson at 815-970-0467 if you have any questions.
HORSESHOES Every Friday at 1:00 PM At the Horseshoe Pits. Come join us for fun and laughs.
Mondays and Fridays at 10:00 AM in the Clubhouse Living Room. For any questions, call Marilyn Workman at 239-543-1168.
TARA WOODS COMPUTER CLUB The Tara Woods Computer Club provides free computer classes and is open to all residents and visitors. We are meeting at my home during the summer season like we have in past years. These meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 10:30 AM. They offer a more relaxed atmosphere, with coffee and donuts provided for free. My home is located at 19729 Kara Circle. Bring something to take notes with, and your laptop computer if you want to follow along on it. I will answer any question you care to ask me. I also give private lessons and set up or repair computers in your home. I’ve been designing, programming, repairing, teaching, and working with computers since 1968, and
can help you with all of your computer needs. Please call me with any questions or comments at 239-652-0488. I’m looking forward to seeing you. Dave St. Laurent, The Computer Tutor
This is Old Glory. Is yours faded and torn? Retire her to a proper disposal. Drop her off at 19553 Charleston Circle (lot #12) or at the Guard House. Replacements are available from $8.00. Bob Glandorf
AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2022 Island Visitor Publishing