The Landings Compost Station, that opened in Feb. 2023, has experienced robust participation from inception to its approach into its third year! An additional bin has been added to manage the site and produce usable compost on a regular schedule.
Volunteers have been exemplary at managing and maintaining the bins and the interest shown by Landings participants has been
There is a major standout quality that describes Lauren Kurnov: Love of learning! Lauren’s curiosity, combined with her commitment to women’s issues specifically, as well as social justice and educational issues more generally, has enabled her to succeed in several different, yet related careers. I recently sat down with her to explore how Lauren’s career trajectory ties into her deepest values and commitments.
J: Lauren, you grew up in Sarasota. What was that like?
L: It was wonderful! I had a devoted family, it was beautiful, and I got to spend my high school years at Pine View, where I received a fantastic education. Also, our family visited my grandmother on Florida’s east coast a few times a year. Her deep commitment to women’s issues played a formative role in my life. She taught me how
Doesn’t it seem that every time you are at the Club you notice something new and improved?
That is thanks to the dynamic LRC Board and the General Manager Kevin Lechlitner and his hardworking team.
Every January, the seven-member board sees some changes. After a staggered two-year term, members step down and new ones take up the mantle. This year, Richard Stern and Linda Long are the new faces, as Beth Cotner and Bob Golicher, after many years of outstanding service, leave. Neil Goldman is a hybrid; he’s part of the new as well as the departing group, since he chose to run for a new two-year term. With only three candidates for three open seats, no election was required this year.
Richard Stern is a familiar face to many. First, he has lived in The
steady and high.
The end of 2024 and beginning of 2025 is a great time to review important guidelines that will keep the Compost Station performing smoothly and efficiently.
.Please be cognizant of and fulfill the following important guidelines:
- Read the signs on the bins (the signs provide timely, changing information).
Please respect and adhere to the
important guidelines on the bins at the compost station – each bin is clearly marked to indicate it’s availability. Do not add new food scraps to any bin that is marked ‘DO NOT USE’ and please do not open (unscrew) the bottom hatch.
- After depositing your items, cover them with a thin layer of browns (brown leaves and scoops are in basket)- and remember, too much browns fills the bins unnecessarily
one’s actions could lead to positive social change.
J: Did you decide what profession, or major you wanted to pursue while at Pine View?
L: Yes. I got to serve as Representative Dan Miller’s Page on Capitol Hill during the summer after my sophomore Year. The summer between my junior and senior year I interned at the Republican National Convention in San Diego. It was a great opportunity because I thought I wanted to go into politics. Given my interest in politics, I applied to George Washington University. During my freshman year at GW, I worked as an intern to Representative Miller on Capitol Hill.
J: That must have been very exciting. L: It was. But I must tell you that after I got to witness firsthand how the governmental bureaucracy works, I decided that politics wasn’t for me. I wanted to have a more direct and concrete impact on making a positive difference in people’s lives. Politicians get bogged down in so many areas that are unrelated to doing that. So, I decided to change my major to Philosophy.
J: Why Philosophy?
L: GW had a fantastic Philosophy Department, and I wanted to broaden my horizons in terms of exploring different schools of thought and perspectives on reality.
Landings for an incredible 40 years. After owning two houses, Stern and his wife Kathy, settled in Eagles Point two years ago.
But you also may recognize Stern because he is a local television celebrity. He has been sharing his expertise on business developments for Sarasota’s ABC Channel 7 for almost four decades.
He is also still active in the financial field helping his son, Jeff, manage the successful Stern Wealth Management of Raymond James in downtown Sarasota.
Linda Long is a relative newcomer to The Landings, although she and her husband Robert know Sarasota well. They met Kevin when he worked at The Oaks. Linda’s career as an educator in the Milwaukee Public Schools is impressive as is her volunteer resume. She has served on the boards
It was a great choice.
J: What then?
and slows the compost process
- Please chop large food items into smaller pieces to facilitate composting process (e.g., cut up whole pumpkins or squashes, etc.)
- Please do not deposit animal products, oils, dairy products I look forward to hearing from you with any questions or suggestions by email (mkaufmanphd@ gmail.com) or text (585-820-3303)
L: After college, I moved to Philadelphia where I pursued a master’s degree in social work administration from the University of Pennsylvania. I studied organizational management, leadership, strategic planning and community organizing. I wanted to learn how to effectively actualize my passion for advocacy and social justice. I was particularly interested in making a difference in women’s lives as I believe that women’s rights are fundamentally human rights!
J: Did you take a job in a non-profit after you graduated.?
L: Yes. I worked at Planned Parenthood in Philadelphia for two years and absolutely loved it. I came full circle as my grandmother had been very active in Planned Parenthood in her community and often shared what a great contribution it made to women’s lives.
J: What did you do there?
L: I ran their volunteer program and worked with student advocacy groups at local colleges. I also organized 60 buses of students to attend The March for Women’s Lives in Washington, D.C.
J: You then moved to New York City. Why did you leave Philadelphia?
L: My then-fiancé got a job in
of the Sarasota Military Academy and Bayview Homes, and chaired the Guardian Ad Litem Tennis Fundraiser. Today, she is on the program committee of Sarasota Tiger Bay, and Eagle’s Point Circle landscaping committee.
Stern and Long join incumbent board members Paige Packman, George Ulrich, Roger Blanken, and Agnes Schipper. Roger and Agnes (who have both been profiled recently in The Eagle) replaced Norm Olshansky and Ellen Demos, over the course of last year.
With all these capable and enthusiastic board members, the LRC will remain in excellent hands.
The club is grateful to Cotner, Golicher, Olshansky, and Demos for their outstanding stewardship while they helped make the LRC what it is today.
finance. It was a great opportunity. In NYC, I continued my work in the non-profit space for a few years at the Central Park Conservancy. I then transitioned into the field of higher education which has turned out to be my niche.
J: How so?
L: Given that learning has always been my passion, working in the educational field and helping students to succeed was a great match for me. I worked on student success- related issues at Hunter College in New York, at USF here in Sarasota and as a consultant at New College. My growing interest in education led me to pursue a doctorate in Educational Innovation while working at USF.
J: What brought you back to Sarasota?
L: We always knew that Sarasota would be a great place to raise our family. While living in NYC was very exciting, we couldn’t afford a place that was large enough to comfortably raise our family and dog. We didn’t want to move to the suburbs, and we always had moving back to Sarasota in our tentative long-term plans. It was a good move.
J: That was ten years ago. So, it sounds like you’re here for good?
L: Yes.
Born and raised in The Landings, there is nobody better qualified to handle your residential real estate needs. With over $300 million in residential real estate sold in my career, I have both the local and global connections to get your home sold. My clients receive white glove 24/7 concierge service to ensure a
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Evan Danzig
Dear Neighbors, Your volunteer Board of Directors, Committee Chairs, and members are hard at work as several important initiatives are coming to fruition. They are the linkage of Proptia Software (LINCS) with Securiteam technology (cameras and readers at all gates), North and South Gate replacement and the final stages of storm recovery.
More than 700 residents have now registered with Proptia and will be able to easily input guest and vendor access, limit times of access if desired, and allow them to enter through the main gate resident entrance (if their license plate has been entered into the system).
Video feeds and license plate readers (LPRs) are up and running restoring a layer of security that has been missing since the hurricanes impaired both gate operations and video feeds.
The new system is greatly enhanced and has already proved its worth by providing clear video and license images of a vehicle causing gate damage which was used as the basis of a police report. Next steps will be integrating the new gates at the North and South entrance. Once this is completed, we will work on the communication module that will allow us to communicate with residents via text messages. (an important capability particularly in storm or other emergency situations).
Work on the North and South gate replacements should be well underway by the time you read this letter. When completed, our residents will realize two added benefits that had not been possible in the past. The gates will be more secure because of the addition
of swinging gates and a locked pedestrian entrance (residents will punch in a code to access).
The second benefit of adding swinging gates is that it will be possible for residents to use both gates on a twenty-fourhour basis. I should add a third benefit, which is dependable operations. Since the storms, abbreviated hours even closures have unfortunately become the norm at both the North and South Gates. While the investment in new gates will put this behind us, your Security Committee remains appreciative of the patience our residents kept during this challenging period.
There is a long tale associated with the aftermath of Milton and Helene. As time passed, it became clear that more damage was done than initially thought. For instance, most of our fountains had damage of one type or another causing extended downtime. Parts and labor became scarce, an issue experienced by all our contractors in all fields.
Electricians, landscapers, engineers, gate replacements, and others as post storm work/ emergencies delayed start dates as did bottlenecks associated with parts. While we are finished with most of the delays, we are still affected in two areas. First, the rebuilding of the Cloisters/ Treehouse bridge and second, the reopening of Bayles Park.
We have no firm timetable on the bridge and now think it will take until the end of February to
complete the tree work and removal of the mulch piles necessary to reopen the park. Thank you for your understanding.
Finally, I would like to remind you that our annual meeting will take place on Thursday, Feb. 6 at 6 p.m. at the Sarasota County School Board Administration Conference Center, 1980 Landings Blvd. The focus of this meeting will be to discuss initiatives that your board will undertake during the 2025 board year. We expect to discuss how to support housing values by emphasizing our comparative advantages (sense of community, location, mature landscaping, storm resilience, nature, financial strength, LRC and other), hardening our drainage system, study of the desirability and feasibility of hiring a full-time manager, and other initiatives. We invite you to attend this important meeting either in person or by Zoom.
Thank you for your continued support as we strive to make The Landings all that it can be.
P resident Jeff Smith
Vice President Judy Greene
Secretary Elida Ramberger
Treasurer Hans Hawrysz
Director Sue Camins
Director Eddie Goldstein
Director Louis Goncalves
Director Jackie Massari
Director John Schmidt
Property Manager......................... Emily Riddle
-Pinnacle Management Company
A ssociation President.............Suzanne BeDell Circle (APC) Liason
Digital Communications Eddie Goldstein
Eagle Newspaper Norman Olshansky
Emergency Task Force Jeff Smith
Environmental Maralyn Kaufman
Finance Hans Hawrysz
Governance John Schmidt
Hazardous Waste.......................Harvey Greller & Community Hauling
Kayaks................................................... Jackie Massari
Lakes and Drainage............................ Jeff Smith
LINCS Taskforce (Info for Communication/ Security- Jeff Smith, Judy Greene, Eddie Goldstein
Landscape........................................Paul Weiner
Maintenance.................................. Judy Greene
Nature Trails..................................... Paul Weiner
Nominating, Special Projects.......Sue Carnins & Compliance
Roads........................................ Elida Ramberger
Safety & Security............................Judy Greene
Social................................................Jackie Massari
Website..................................... Eddie Goldstein
For contact information, see Landings Resident Website: residents.thelandingsofsarasota.com
The third meeting of the LRC Movie Book Club (Coed) will take place on Tuesday Feb. 11 from 7-8 p.m.
We will discuss “The Perfect Couple.” To participate, ahead of the meeting read or watch this selection, and sign up at the LRC office. We probably will meet at the LRC Poolside Room.
The book “The Perfect Couple” is written by Elin Hilderbrand (2018). The story is a who-done-it murder mystery set in present-day Nantucket. It is easily borrowed at Sarasota Public Libraries or can be purchased at Barnes & Noble or Amazon.
The Netflix limited series by the same name was
released in 2024. The series consists of six onehour episodes. The stars are Nicole Kidman, Liev Schreiber, and Eve Hewson, Bono’s daughter. The director is Susanne Bier.
We meet on the second Tuesday of the month through May, at 7 p.m. Future dates will be March 11 (“The Boys in the Boat”), April 8, and May 13. We welcome suggestions for future titles. Anyone is welcome to lead a meeting for a title where he or she is knowledgeable or excited.
Questions or indications of interest may be addressed to jeanathaler@gmail.com.
Want to take part in The LANDINGS “NATURE DAY ON THE BAY”?
We need volunteers of all ages for all the ac2vi2es below…with #1 being first & foremost so we can have a successful community gathering experience.
VOLUNTEER, bring a friend, EARN COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS, feel good about helping, meet neighbors from all around the Landings
1. Spread the word: Alert all your friends, neighbors and rela2ves about this fun, educa2onal experience with ac2vi2es for young & old & in-between. There will be an Ice cream truck, live music, face pain2ng, fishing clinic at the gazebo, kayak tour, scavenger hunt, tours of mangroves, arts & craIs and MORE. Experts from the Sarasota Area, including our own Landings residents, will be “on the ground” at the tables and events to guide, educate and amaze.
2. Help set up tables in the morning and take down tables aIer 4pm for mul2ple ac2vi2es planned along the nature trail.
3. Help manage the more than a dozen exhibit tables from 1-4 pm (exhibits/ac2vi2es/experts on topics such as mangroves, epiphytes, oysters, Audubon birds iden2fica2on, BAT HOUSES, Florida Na2ve plants, mammal exhibit, face pain2ng, scavenger hunt, arts and craIs).
4. Email Maralyn Kaufman David at mkaufmanphd@gmail.com with your name, email, phone number and a descrip2on as to how you can help. And/or if you have a skill, idea, talent that you are willing to share or contribute to the Nature Day Commi^ee, please communicate with Maralyn. We are hopeful that our 2nd Annual Nature Day by the Bay will be even more successful than last year! The 2025 Nature Day event is being co-chaired by Cindy Klein and Dawn Drost- with lots of help from lots of Landings Residents.
SubmittedbyJackieMassari, LMASocialChair
The Eagle is planning a special insert in the April issue devoted to pets in The Landings. Do you have a dog, cat, hamster, parrot, turtle, or other pet? Send us a photo of your pet(s) with the owner’s name, the name of the pet, and something you want to say that is special about your pet. The sooner we receive your entry, the more likely it will be included in the special Eagle insert. Photos need to be of good quality. Send photos or requests for additional information to: nfpconsultingresources@gmail. com.
reason. 27th State Media, LLC is not responsible for any claims made by the advertisers. To access each issue of The Landings Eagle, please go to: www.islandvp.com. Simply scroll down to The Eagle image and click on it for the current issue. If you would like to
Tuesday & Thursday at the sniki tiki 6-10pm Saturday in the captain curt's backroom saloon 9:30pm-12:30am
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• Sign-up two weeks in advance
• BYOB and appetizer to share
SubmittedbyJackieMassari,LMA SocialChair
Once again, it is a pleasure to welcome all new owners who have moved into The Landings in 2024 and early 2025. On Feb. 12, from 5-7p.m., at the LRC Lakeside Room, we have invited all of you to join us at the Newcomers’ Reception.
While we will be providing appetizers and libations, it also provides an opportunity for you to meet other new residents as well the LMA Board Members, Condo/HOA Presidents, and the Landings Racquet Club Board Members.
We have tried several avenues to make sure that all new owners have been invited via an emailed Evite. However, we suspect that we may miss an occasional owner. We apologize if you are one of those folks that we missed. Please forgive us and join us on Feb. 12. Send an email to jackiemassari@ yahoo.com so we can send you an Evite. Hope to see ALL of you there!
2467 VACCARO DRIVE • Sarasota • 3BR/2.5BA
Nestled on a premier, private lakefront lot, this move-in ready home offers breathtaking water views and sophisticated living. Numerous key interior features include 10-foot ceilings, a gourmet kitchen, and a waterfront primary suite with a soaking tub an extravagant glass shower. Offered at $1,199,000
2737 CARDWELL WAY • Sarasota • 2BR/2BA/Den
This desirable Gulf Gate Woods home is located less than 7 miles from downtown Sarasota and 4 miles from Siesta Key Beach. Live a relaxed lifestyle in this 2-bedroom, 2 bath home with den, private heated saltwater pool and expansive fenced backyard. Offered at $529,000
• 4BR/4BA Located in the sought-after gated community of Stoneybrook Estates in the heart of Palmer Ranch, this home is totally renovated and immaculately maintained. You’ll have piece of mind with a new 2024 roof and impact glass windows and doors throughout. Sold at $730,000
Updated corner lot home in the tranquil Eastpointe community The split floor plan offers a formal dining room, gourmet kitchen with wood cabinets and newer stainless appliances. The primary suite features a large walk-in closet and private access to the covered lanai. Offered at $439,000
443 John Ringling Blvd. Ste. F Sarasota,
J: A few years ago, you ran for the Sarasota School Board. How did that fit into your career goals?
L: There was an opening on the School Board and having two children in the Sarasota School system and having gone to Sarasota schools myself, combined with my background in education, I thought it would be a good fit. I knew I could make a positive difference in how our schools are run.
J: Unfortunately, the Proud Boys hurt your campaign. I remember them parading around the area in vans denouncing your former work at Planned Parenthood. It was very unfair.
L: It was unfortunate, ugly, and stressful. The silver lining, though, was that I got to know a lot of people in the community, and I was offered a wonderful position at Ringling College Town Hall.
J: That’s terrific! So, now you are the Executive Director and a whole new adult education world has opened to you.
L: Yes. I produce and administer our speaker series. We bring in thought leaders from many disciplines. It’s a very opular program that offers local audiences the chance to learn and interact with experts from the world of politics, entertainment, sports, science, medicine, history, foreign affairs, the military and more.
J: Last year I saw you interview Liz Cheney. You did a wonderful job! So not only are you a producer and administrator. You’ve also become a skilled interviewer!
L: Thank you. I do some of the interviews and we bring in other professionals to interview some of our speakers. By the time this issue goes to press I will have interviewed Ron
Howard. I’m very excited about that
J: That’s great, Lauren! So, what does the future hold for you professionally?
L: Like we’ve discussed, I found my niche in education. It’s a field where I believe I can make a positive difference. I plan to stay in the educational arena and to work at Ringling College Town Hall for a very long time.
J: Best of luck to you. On another note, you’re raising two children and working in an intense job. Do you have any time left for having fun?
L: I do. I love to write and to dance. I’m about to start taking salsa lessons! I have wonderful friends; a close extended family; and I love living at The Landings.
J: What do you like about the Landings?
L: It’s a beautiful and friendly community. I enjoy walking in nature, I love the central location; the fact that our shopping center has a Publix and a gym; and it’s a safe place to raise our children.
J: Well, it sounds like you made the right move in returning to your Sarasota roots.
LaurenwithhersonZacharyand daughterRaina.
Reminder that the LMA annual meeting will be held at the Sarasota County School Board Administration Conference Center, 1980 Landings Blvd. All Landings residents are invited to attend. There are five board director positions open. However, since there were only five volunteers for these positions, there will be no election.
Candidates who will serve in these open board positions are Suzanne BeDell, Eddie Goldstein, Judy Greene, Hans Hawrysz, and Elida Ramberger. The Annual meeting will be followed by a board organizational meeting to elect board officers, and other business as may be lawfully conducted.
Thank you to all the members that have already paid their annual assessment. Please contact me in the Tennis Pro Shop at 941-923-3886 if you have any questions regarding your annual assessment or your account in general.
As many of you already know, Gary Bowen, our long-time Pro Shop employee announced his retirement in
January has been another busy month at the club. With many of our snowbirds back, the tennis courts have been full, board games have been active, and classes like core strengthening and Aqua Zumba have seen great participation from our members.
In January, we also hosted a happy
early January. Gary has worked at the Club since Sept. 2012. Over the years, a lot of you had the opportunity to play tennis with him or discuss his artistic talents. For those that truly knew him, his sense of humor in the office will be missed for sure. I’d like to thank Gary for his years at the Club and wish him the best of luck with his future endeavors. Here’;s hoping there are
We are seeing more drop shots on the pro tour than ever before. One of the main reasons is that the players are playing further back behind the baseline to have time to return the powerful shots in the modern game. The players that can slice and have great disguise before they attempt the shot are the best at it and they have made the shot very exciting and fun to watch.
Occasionally you see players that use the shot at the wrong times. Basically, you don’t want to attempt the shot if you are behind the baseline. The ball will have a long distance to go, and the opponent has plenty of time to get to it. You will see players that try the shot when they are in a long rally, and they feel the pressure that the opponent will not miss any more shots.
The drop shot belongs in the touch and feel category of shots.
The other shots in this family are lobs, super angled low volleys, and any soft usually sharp angled topspin, slice or sidespin shots.
My recommendation is that you don’t try to use the drop shot whenever you feel more tension in your fingers and hands and when there is a big scoreboard pressure point such as break point, set point or match point.
When executed at the right time the drop shot to me is even more exciting to see than an ace or a powerful shot.
We will have our social round robin and pro exhibition on Friday Feb. 21 from 2-4:30 p.m.
Sign up at the Pro Shop. See you on the courts
hour combined with a piano singalong, as well as our second Musical Cocktails event, where flute music paired with wine and cheese created a wonderful afternoon.
As I step down from my role as your Landings President, I reflect on the progress the board has made over the past two years. We’ve remodeled the
lots of big fish at the end of your line. There are lots of activities happening at the Club this time of year that members can participate in. Nancy Friedberg is leading a Canasta class on Wednesdays at 1 p.m. On Mondays, Betty Greenspan is teaching a Mah Jongg class at 1 p.m. There is a poker game led by Mike Kurtz on Wednesdays at 6 p.m. The Free College
kitchen, refreshed the furniture in the Poolside Room, and added new carpet, furniture, and art to the Lakeside Room. We’ve also installed new roofs for both the Fitness and Poolside Rooms, laid new pavers in the parking lot, and installed a sludge remediation tank for the tennis courts. Additionally, we’ve introduced many new classes and activities for LRC members.
The Landings has weathered two hurricanes and a storm surge with only minimal damage, for which I am truly grateful. It has been my honor to serve as your President, and I look forward to seeing continued improvements at our club in the years ahead.
has a great schedule of events at 2 p.m. every Thursday through the end of April. Dena Green has a Rummikub group that meets at 12:30 p.m. on Thursday afternoons and 1 p.m. on Sundays. The Koffee Klatsch breakfast is twice a month as well as Trivia Challenge. We have monthly Happy Hours, social tennis round robins and Triples tennis outings. Daniele Jarmin is leading the Core Mobility Class Monday & Wednesday mornings at 8:15 a.m. A Ping Pong group meets Wednesdays at 10 a.m. We even have Kayak and Bicycle outings. The list goes on and on! If you aren’t currently participating in one or more of these events, you should give some of them a shot.
SIGNUPS KEY: *1-Tennis Director, Mo 707-287-1685,
A group of 32 tennis enthusiasts gathered Jan. 10 for the First Friday Triples Social, braving cool and cloudy weather to enjoy six lively rounds of play. The courts came alive with laughter and friendly banter as eight teams rotated through fast- paced rallies and showcased strategic teamwork. The event welcomed players of all skill levels, offering everyone a moment to shine— from seasoned veterans to firsttimers. The camaraderie extended beyond the courts during a social hour on the patio. Special thanks go to George Ulrich for organizing the popular monthly event, along with his team of ball feeders: Neil Goldman, Jeff Fifield, and Lee DelFausse.
U.S. Secretary Jeh Johnson offers his insights and analysis into the future of American Democracy and other critical issues. As Secretary of Homeland Security, Johnson was the head of the third largest cabinet department of the U.S. government, consisting of 230,000 personnel and 22 components, including TSA, Customs and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Services, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, the Coast Guard, the Secret Service, and FEMA.
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In the fall, the skies over The Landings are filled with large, soaring birds—vultures. As temperatures drop in northern parts of the continent, turkey vultures begin their southward migration to avoid harsh winter conditions. Sarasota’s warm climate and abundant food sources make it an ideal wintering ground for these impressive birds.
Vultures have a bad reputation because of their lifestyle as carrion feeders, consuming dead animals of all kinds. Yet, they’ve been remarkably successful in this role despite stiff competition. Feeding on the dead is a critical function in the ecosystem, shared by many scavengers. These animals prevent the spread of disease and recycle nutrients back into the environment.
Vultures have existed for an exceptionally long time. Fossil evidence suggests they first appeared about 20 million years ago, adapting to thrive worldwide and perfecting their role as masters of scavenging. Today, there are 23 vulture species globally, including 16 Old World vultures, native to Europe, Africa, and Asia, and seven New World vultures, found in the Americas.
Their success lies in unique adaptations that allow them to thrive in their niche:
- Exceptional sense of smell: Turkey vultures have the best sense of smell among birds in the Americas, capable of detecting a small carcass hidden under leaves from a mile away. While many birds of prey rely on keen eyesight, vultures stand out for their olfactory abilities.
- Carrion diet adaptation: Their powerful stomach acids, specialized gut bacteria, and robust immune systems enable them to consume rotted flesh without harm.
- Bare necks: This feature keeps them clean while feeding. When vultures stick their heads into carcasses, bare skin prevents feathers from becoming matted with blood and fluids, reducing the risk of bacteria and parasites. Bare necks also aid in cooling by exposing skin to the air and reduce weight, making soaring and gliding easier.
By focusing on scavenging, vultures conserve energy compared to hunting. However, they can hunt actively if needed, depending on their environment.
Florida is home to two vulture species: the turkey vulture and the black vulture. The more common turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) has a wingspan of 5 to 6 feet, making it one of the largest birds of prey in North America. Turkey vultures are expert gliders, soaring effortlessly on broad wings as they search for carrion. In late fall, they migrate in large flocks, known as “kettles,” using thermal
updrafts to conserve energy during their long journeys.
In the wild, turkey vultures can live up to 20 years, with some living even longer in captivity. They are monogamous birds, often mating for life and sharing incubation duties.
Vultures have also left a significant mark on human culture. In ancient Egypt, they symbolized protection and maternal care, associated with the goddess Nekhbet. In Native American cultures, they represented death and renewal or acted as guides to the spirit world. Hindu beliefs connect vultures to the cycle of life and rebirth, while some African traditions see them as messengers of the gods, carrying souls to the afterlife.
The next time you see turkey vultures soaring overhead, take a moment to appreciate their mastery of the carrion-seeking world.
In addition to great eyesight, vultures haveagreatsenseofsmellthataidtheir hunt for food. Vulturesfeastonalltypesofdeadanimals.
Nature Day 2.0
Last year, LMA initiated its first Nature Day by the Bay. It was a great success, attended by more than 200 residents. How fortunate we were to have that activity spearheaded by Darka Hawrysz, Judiann Smith, and Alice Howard. We have begun the planning for the 2025 Nature Day based on the blueprint established by these three people.
Our hope for 2025 is to grow this event by increasing presentations/ learning experiences while increasing attendance. To that end, we need your help and hope that you will find a way to contribute/ volunteer.
The Nature Day by the Bay information included in the Eagle provides avenues for you to contribute/volunteer. Please read and contact Maralyn David, LMA Environmental Chair, at the email provided. If you have a suggestion/ skill to add to this year’s activities, please share.
Our experiences this year with Debbie, Helene and Milton only serve to reinforce our need to enhance our knowledge of ways to deal with climate change and protect ourselves and our Landings’ surrounds. You can make a difference.
Looking for a good casual fish house in Sarasota, we discovered Fresh Catch Fish Market & Grill, tucked away in a strip mall on 41. What a wonderful find. There were four of us for dinner, and we made a reservation-thankfully so, as by 6 PM on a weekday, all the dining tables were full. This place is clearly popular, and for good reason. Here are three highlights:
1. Fresh, Well-Seasoned Fish
I ordered the grilled grouper sandwich on a brioche bun, and it was delicious; perfectly cooked, properly seasoned, and a generous portion. For my side, I had coleslaw, which was fresh and light, not overpowered by too much mayonnaise.
2. Relaxed, Comfortable Atmosphere
The restaurant has a casual coastal vibe. It's a neighborhood spot that feels welcoming and unpretentious, perfect for hanging out over a good meal and a cold beer. Wear your shorts and flip-flops if you want. They have outdoor patio seating, too.
3. Attentive, Efficient Service
Our server was friendly, attentive, and knowledgeable, explaining the menu without being pushy. Everyone in our group got exactly what they wanted, and all the dishes were served just as ordered. In addition to my grouper sandwich, two of us had the red snapper plate, and the other had mahi-mahi plate. Everyone raved about their meals.
If you're looking for fresh fish in a casual setting, give this place a try. You won't be disappointed. Salute!
Join fellow residents and guests on a casual bike ride on Saturday March 1. This is a touring ride at a comfortable pace, suitable for average riders. Meet at the Racquet Club at 9:30 a.m. We will caravan with our bikes to Patriots Park in Venice and
ride as a group along the Southern end of the Legacy Trail next to the waterway canal. Join us for lunch (optional) following our outing. Email Norman Olashansky at nfpconsultingresources@gmail.com or call him at 941-685-1690 for additonal information. Let Norm
Attention Landings Tennis Players! Our first Calcutta tennis event is scheduled for play March 28-30. For those of you who have never participated, it is a tremendously fun event for both players and “owners.”
A Calcutta is a three-day tennis event with a unique variation. It starts on Friday with a potluck dinner and cocktails followed by a random draw of players which
know if you do not have a way to take your bike or will be able to accommodate other riders.
then creates teams. Our event will be 7.0 mixed doubles. Teams are then auctioned off to the highest bidder, who then becomes the “owner.” The money pool from the auction is distributed among the winning owners.
Days 2 and 3 is tournament play. Players MUST be available all three days. The format will be determined by the number of teams playing. Each team will get at least
These are new owner(s) in The Landings:
- Brian & Liz McGinn, 1384 Landings Pointe #25, - Andrew Franklin, 5430 Eagles Point Circle #402, - Bettina & Daniel Kaelin, 1498 Landings Lake Drive #40 For current owner information, use the online resident directory
on the Landings website. www. residents.thelandingsofsarasota. com as your source for current resident directory listings and other Landings information. Directory information is updated on the site no less often than weekly and changes are made to other Landings information when available. If you want CURRENT
12/2: An unidentified contractor left a pile of wood building material on the curb of Pintail Way. No images or video was available at the main gate to potentially identify the contractor.
12/17: A pressure washing contractor damaged the North exit gate while exiting a resident only exit. No images or video was
available to identify the contractor to collect damages or to press charges
12/20: An unknown women tailgated and damaged the North Gate Entry Lane. The individual did not stop, and the event was witnessed by the security guard on duty. Fortunately, the newly installed video camera
February is the month of love, and Abel’s Ice Cream is here to make it even sweeter! The owners, Jerry and Jill Williams, have focused their attention on serving up the best ice cream around with an emphasis on bringing exciting new options to their beloved customers. In addition to their classic favorites, they now offer delicious lattes and an assortment of hot teas from the Local Tea Company to warm you up.
Looking for the perfect way to show someone you care? Abel’s has got you covered! Pick up handmade, all-natural chocolates from Sweet Shop Chocolates USA-a delicious way to sweeten your Valentine’s Day.
Or bring your sweetheart in to share a banana split or enjoy a cup or cone of one of Abel’s featured flavors like irresistible
two matches.
Sign-ups will begin about midFebruary. We know that there will be many questions. A Calcutta “info” sheet will be available at the desk early February. Questions should be addressed by text or email to George at 860-884-0615 or ueguyk25@aol.com.
We look forward to a truly fun event!
INFORMATION, use our website’s Resident Directory!
We encourage every resident to check their online directory listing for accuracy. Additions, changes, or corrections to the online directory may be requested by clicking on Update Your Profile.
was operative and while not yet connected to the main gate, Securiteam was able to extract the feed from the camera clearly revealing the incident and license plate. The video and still image supported the police report that LMA filed. Results are awaiting as we attempt to collect damagesand or press charges.
Strawberry Cheesecake (The ultimate classic cheesecake ice cream, loaded with chunks of creamy cheesecake and a flavorful strawberry ribbon.) and Cherry Oblivion (Creamy black cherry ice cream, packed with black cherries and luscious liquid chocolate chips.)
Whether it’s a special treat for your loved one or a fun outing to enjoy together, Abel’s Ice Cream is here to make this month-and every month-extra special. Visit us today and spread the joy!
Abel's Ice Cream is located at 1886 Stickney Point Road, Sarasota in the South Bridge Plaza. Open Sunday through Thursday from Noon-9:30 pm, and Friday and Saturday from Noon-10 pm. Learn more online at www.abelsicecream.com or connect with us on Facebook and Instagram.
Stuffed Shrimp
Caesar Salad … $21
With grilled shrimp or chicken With grilled shrimp or chicken
Kale Salad … $22
Grouper Sandwich … $22
Salmon BLT … $21
Mahi Mahi Sandwich … $21
Chicken Sandwich … $15
Cheeseburger … $15
Vegan Burger … $13
… $26
Orange Pecan Chicken … $17
Filet Mignon … $25
Filet Mignon & Stuffed Shrimp … $36
Filet Mignon & Maine Lobster Tail $50
Stuffed Shrimp & Maine Lobster Tail $42
Twin Maine Lobster Tails … $55
FRIED SEAFOOD PLATTERS Coconut Shrimp … $23 Large Gulf Shrimp … $21 Fish & Chips … $20 Fried Combo … $29
Shrimp & Crab Scampi … $25
Salmon Pasta … $23
Chicken & Shrimp Curry … $22
Sweet ‘n Spicy Chicken & Shrimp $22
Jambalaya … $24
Pasta Primavera … $17
Turtle Pie … $10
Key Lime Pie … $10
Sample Platter … $13
Ice Cream Bar … $7
*Prices subject to change
Nestled along Florida’s Gulf Coast, just north of St. Petersburg, Tarpon Springs and Dunedin offer a delightful escape from the usual tourist hotspots. These charming neighboring towns blend Greek heritage, artistic air, and natural beauty to create a unique vacation destination or exciting day trip that feel worlds away from the typical Florida experience.
Driving over the Sunshine Skyway Bridge and then onto US19 North, it’s about an hour and 45 minutes to Tarpon Springs. For Dunedin, it’s a little less at an hour
all depends on traffic!
Tarpon Springs: A Slice of Greece in Florida
Walking down the historic Dodecanese Boulevard in Tarpon Springs feels like being transported to a Mediterranean fishing village.
As America’s sponge diving capital, this vibrant town was built by Greek immigrants who brought their diving expertise to Florida’s Gulf waters in the early 1900s.
The Sponge Docks remain the heart of the community, where you
this fascinating industry at the Spongeorama Museum.
The town’s Greek heritage shines brightest in its cuisine. Hellas Restaurant and Bakery serves authentic Greek dishes in a warm, family-friendly atmosphere – their moussaka and pastitsio are local favorites. I had the Greek salad, lemon chicken soup and Rich had the gyro, juicy with lots of meat filling. They offer a huge menu which takes time to review. Part of the restaurant is a bakery that was amazing looking, but I was good for a change and resisted eating desert.
For a more casual experience, Rusty Belly offers fresh seafood with a Greek twist, their waterfront location provides gorgeous views of the passing boats.
The St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral is an architectural masterpiece adorned with stunning Byzantine icons. The surrounding streets are lined with shops selling everything from natural sponges to olive oil soaps, while street vendors offer traditional Greek treats like loukoumades (honey-drizzled dough balls).
Dunedin: Scottish Charm
Just a few miles south, Dunedin’s Scottish roots and artistic spirit create an entirely different atmposphere
The downtown area, with its palm-lined Main Street, combines Old Florida charm with a sophisticated arts scene. Local galleries and boutiques showcase works by area artists, while the Dunedin Fine Art Center offers rotating exhibitions and classes.
Outdoor enthusiasts will love the Pinellas Trail, which runs through the heart of downtown. Rent bikes from Dunedin Cyclery and explore this former railroad corridor, now transformed into a scenic multi-use trail. The path provides easy access to Honeymoon Island State Park, where pristine beaches and nature trails await.
Baseball fans should time their visit during spring training, when the Toronto Blue Jays make Dunedin their temporary home. The intimate TD Ballpark offers a chance to watch Major League players up close in a relaxed, small-town setting.
The dining scene in Dunedin is equally impressive. The Black Pearl serves exceptional New American cuisine in an elegant setting, while Casa Tina offers creative Mexican dishes with plenty of vegetarian
options. For craft beer enthusiasts, Dunedin Brewery, Florida’s oldest microbrewery, serves unique brews alongside live music and pub fare.
Natural Attractions and Activities
Both towns offer excellent access to Florida’s natural beauty. Caladesi Island State Park, accessible by ferry from Honeymoon Island, features some great beaches, with white sand and crystal-clear waters perfect for swimming and shelling.
Kayakers can explore the mangrove trails, where they might spot manatees, dolphins, and countless shore birds.
Fred Howard Park in Tarpon Springs provides another gorgeous beach option, with a causeway perfect for fishing or watching spectacular Gulf sunsets. The park’s quiet waters are ideal for paddleboarding and kayaking, with rentals available nearby. I enjoyed this long day trip, but you might consider a B&B for an overnight visit. I have maps and information available to review. Just ask!
and 30 minutes, but of course, that
can watch sponge boats unload their harvest and learn about
The LMA Social Committee will host a special Valentine’s-themed performance of A.R. Gurney’s award-winning play Love Letters on Sunday, Feb. 16, at 4 p.m. in the Clubhouse Poolside Room.
This intimate reading will feature Sarasota actors Linda MacCluggage, a Landings resident, as Melissa Gardner, and Andrew
Makepeace Ladd III as James Kassees. The two portray privileged New Englanders who meet as children in the pre-war 1930s and share a lifetime of letters, notes, invitations, and announcements. The story, brimming with humor and heart, reflects their enduring connection over decades.
MacCluggage and Kassees bring a
Valentine’s Day gained popularity in the Middle Ages, a time when February’s weather was warmer than today, and nature seemed to mirror the spirit of romance. Flowers bloomed, birds mated, and love blossomed during what historians call the Medieval Warm Period, which spanned roughly from A.D. 950 to 1250 in parts of the world.
Centuries earlier, the Romans marked mid-February with Lupercalia, a fertility festival celebrating the change in seasons.
In A.D. 496, Pope Gelasius I replaced this raucous pagan celebration with a more pious observance: St. Valentine’s Day.
St. Valentine, known for his kindness to children and his support of early Christians, was executed on February 14. While his life wasn’t defined by romantic exploits, legends say he healed and befriended his jailer’s daughter, sending her a farewell note signed, “From your Valentine.”
The blend of a compassionate saint’s story and the renewal of spring inspired
Who says men don’t remember Valentine’s Day?
A couple was shopping in a crowded shopping center, and she couldn’t find her husband. So, she called because they had a lot to do.
In a quiet voice he said: “Do you remember the jewelers we went into years ago, where you fell in love with that diamond necklace that we couldn’t afford, and I told you that I would get it for you one Valentine’s Day?”
The wife choked up and started to cry and said: “Yes, I do remember that shop.” He replied: “Well, I’m in the pub next door!
“Do you have a date for Valentine’s Day?” “Yes, it’s February 14.”
“If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?”
My wife gave me a bracelet for Valentine’s Day that belonged to her grandfather. It says, “Do Not Resuscitate.”
combined 70 years of stage experience to this production.
The program runs approximately 90 minutes, including an intermission, with refreshments provided.
Seating is limited, and residents are encouraged to sign up at the LRC office to reserve their spot.
a romantic mid-February holiday. By the Middle Ages, Valentine’s Day was celebrated across Europe, with socialites hosting dances and villages pairing young men and women for festivities. While gathering flowers in February was a challenge, romance thrived as the season’s first signs of spring brought warmth to hearts and communities alike.
(Source: The Old Farmer’s Almanac, Boys Town Edition, 2024)
My wife and I decided to never go to bed angry. We’ve been awake since Tuesday! On Valentine’s Day Love is in the air, and humor is the way to everyone’s heart.
Do you play any instruments? I have drums at home and I am about to start taking piano lessons.
What do you like most when you come to visit
The Landings? My grandpa and grandma’s pool
How often do you come to The Landings? We come once or twice a year.
Ice cream: Strawberry
School subject: Playing with my two friends
Book/s: Ninja Turtles
Game: Baby Shark Cars
Color: Pink
Movie: Puss ‘n’ Boots (the new one)
Song: You Can’t Stop the Beat
Food: Dessert
Least Favorite Food: Spicy food
Holiday: Christmas and Halloween
What do you do in your spare time? Play
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A doctor
If you were a new addition to the crayon box, what color would you be? Bubble color!
What is your favorite place to visit? Bounce and Fun because I like bouncing
If you could have a house shaped like anything, what shape would it be? Round
If you were invisible for a day, what would you do? Fly
Carassius auratus
Contrary to what many have been lead to believe, goldfish are one of the worst fish you can put in a small tank or, even worse, a bowl. Goldfish get huge and produce way more waste than almost any other kind of similarly sized fish! However, for those with large tanks or, better yet, a pond, goldfish might just be the perfect wet pet! Goldfish come in many varieties! Orandas, Ryukins, Ranchus, etc. are perfect for those with tanks 75 gallons and above, while larger varieties, like comets or koi, are great for outdoor or indoor ponds! Goldfish are cool water fish, so no heater is necessary, and they are actually personable as well! They will often learn to recognize their owners and routines very quickly. So much for that "two second memory" myth! Goldfish tend to be very friendly with appropriate tankmates and pondmates, but will often eat many kinds of plants, so one must be careful when deciding what kinds of plants to include in their habitats.
Typical appearance and behavior
• Goldfish come in all sorts of di erent shapes and colors! Orange, yellow, white, black, and red are the most common colors.
• Koi are goldfish too! Koi tend to get even larger than most other varieties and can be easily identified by the "whiskers" present on each side of their mouths. Goldfish live for a long time! An average pond comet goldfish can live 20-40 years, but the longest living koi on record lived for a total of 226 years!
• We have plenty of goldfish here at Seascape! Come down and enjoy 25% o all pond goldfish and 10% o all koi!
If you could be president for the day, what would you do? I don’t want to be in charge of everything!
If you could wake up tomorrow with a superpower, what superpower would you want to have?
Ice Power [and with that we were all frozen and interview ended]
• 10,000 feet of showrooms
• 25,000 gallons of freshwater, salt water and coral. Located in Gulf Gate 2162 Gulf Gate Drive
Store hours: Monday-Friday 10 AM - 6 PM Saturday 10 AM - 5 PM Sunday 12 - 4 PM 941-922-0914 info@seascapeaquarium.com
Munchies 420 is Sarasota's ultimate all day/all night hangout, serving award-winning food and vibrant atmosphere from 12pm until 3 AM. Recently revamped under new ownership, this local legend o ers:
Full table service and delivery options
Open-air Tiki bar with live music
Sports viewing with 16 big screens showing UFC, NFL, etc.
Daily 12-8pm happy hour
Come experience Bay Village’s stunning and expansive renovation, where every detail was crafted to enhance the experience and beauty of this vibrant and caring community.
Please call us at 941.966.5611 to schedule a tour and learn more. Scan the QR Code to visit our website.
Janetbroughtthese“strudel”likeslicestoour lady’stennisparty.Shesaid: It was almost nowork to assemble.Thepiepastrysurrounds ham,pepperoni,andcheese.”
1 box Pillsbury refrigerated pie crusts, softened as directed on box.
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
3/4 lb. very thin sliced pepperoni
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
Heat oven to 450* F.
Remove pie crusts from pouches, place crusts flat on surface
Sprinkle each crust evenly with Parmesan cheese
Top each crust with ham, pepperoni and cheddar cheese to within 1 inch of edge
Loosely roll up each crust
place rolls seam side down on ungreased cookie sheet
Fold ends under
Bake 12 to 17 minutes or until golden brown
Cool 5 minutes
Cut each roll into 16 slices
Serve warm
Makes 32 servings.