We would like to extend a warm welcome to all our new residents. We hope you are getting settled in and can start enjoying the magic of Tara Woods. If you missed our last Orientation, you are encouraged to come to our next one which will be on Saturday, December 10th at 10:00 AM in the Clubhouse Meeting Room. We have a wealth of information to share with you. All are welcome.
If you haven’t already registered on the NEW Tara Woods Homeowners Association website, then
If you haven’t already registered on the NEW Tara Woods Homeowners Association website, then
Betty and Jim Barnd
Check It Out!
Check It Out!
* All from the comfort of your home * 24 hours/day Every day
* All from the comfort of your home * 24 hours/day Every day
Latest news on what’s happening in the Tara Woods Community.
Latest news on what’s happening in the Tara Woods Community.
Weekly “What’s Happening” email.
Weekly “What’s Happening” email.
Upcoming Events Community Event Pictures. News Articles Classified Ads.
Upcoming Events Community Event Pictures.
News Articles Classified Ads.
Betty and Jim reside on Lot #50, 19543 Cotton Bay. They are full-time residents from Iowa. They have six children and twelve grandchildren. Betty is retired from a box company and Jim is a retired facility manager for a university. In her spare time, Betty enjoys water aerobics, walking and indoor exercise. She might be interested in doing Tai Chi. In his spare time, Jim enjoys the pool and billiards. Betty and Jim moved to Tara Woods after losing their home at Indian Creek, Fort Myers Beach, due to Hurricane Ian. We are happy to have them here in our community, but so very sad for their loss.
Judy Cantrell and Larry Rhoten
Emergency Information .......and more.
Emergency Information .......and more.
Community information when you want it! Select website pages are restricted to HOA members only
Community information when you want it! Select website pages are restricted to HOA members only
EDITOR: Linda Elliott 239-560-0768 (lindabluetw@gmail.com)
ASSISTANT: Linda Engel
PHOTOGRAPHY: Lou Dunning, Donna Erhardt
CALENDAR: Janet Daly and Sue Clark
CIRCULATION: Linda Janis and Donna Tribeck, Co-Managers
COORDINATORS: Agatha Breen, Carolyn Kelsey, Diane Nunn, Diane West, Ed Simko, Julie Wehrung, Maury Miller, Nancy Schoeppner, Pat Dunning, Shari Libby, Stu Berman, and Sheila Harris.
STUFFERS: Barb Simonson, Carol Schnepp, Carol West, Claire Schwinn, Diane West, Gene Dickie, Hilda Dienes, Lou Sapp, Maury Miller, Pam Harrington, Pat Dunning, and Sharon Boehlke.
ALTERNATES: Barb Simonson, Carol Heidemous, Celia Blotkamp, Gerri Linder, and Linda Weibel.
REPORTERS: Reporters will be noted by their bylines at the end of each article.
Chris Olson, Tara Woods Homeowners Association Liaison
To advertise in print, contact: Brion Palmer at 941-312-0665 or email him at BrionPalmer@yahoo.com.
Contributing writers are acknowledged with bylines accompanying their submissions. Attribution for photos are not included unless supplied. We sincerely thank everyone for their contributions. Your articles help showcase the strong and diverse community that makes up Tara Woods. The Columns is published monthly from October through May. Summer issues are condensed: June/July and August/September. All ads are subject to the approval of the publisher. It is the responsibility of the party placing any ad for publication in The Columns to meet all applicable legal requirements in connection with the ad such as compliance with town, county and state codes in first obtaining an occupational license for business, permitted home occupation, or residential rental property.
DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability. Island Visitor Publishing is not responsible for claims made by advertisers.
Judy and Larry reside on Lot #687, 19276 Potomac Circle as part-time residents from Ohio. They have three children and four grandchildren. Judy is retired from various sales positions. Larry is a retired business owner. In her spare time, Judy enjoys dancing, concerts, and parties. In his spare time, Larry enjoys billiards, swimming, and parties.
Joan resides on Lot #449, 19756 Cottonfield Road. She is a full-time resident from New York. Joan has two children, five grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Joan is retired from General Motors. In her spare time, she enjoys meeting people, Bingo, crocheting and sewing. Joan moved to Tara Woods after losing her home in Indian Creek, Fort Myers Beach, due to Hurricane Ian. We are happy to have her here in our community, but so very sad for her loss.
Amy and Tracy Furnivall
Amy and Tracy reside on Lot #266, 2784 Steamboat Loop. They are part-time residents from Indiana. They have two children and eight grandchildren. Amy works at the Silveus Insurance Company and Tracy works at the Bakery Youth Club. In her spare time, Amy enjoys reading. In his spare time, Tracy enjoys golfing. They both enjoy spending time with family and friends.
Lori Maheu and Jimmie Sorrentino
Lori and Jimmie reside on Lot #104, 19611 Woodfield Circle. They are part-time residents from New York. They have seven children, eleven grandchildren and one greatgrandchild. Lori is a retired secretary and Jimmie owned an iron shop. In her spare time, Lori enjoys painting and karaoke. In his spare time, Jimmie enjoys showing his classic cars at car shows.
Rhonda and Craig reside on Lot #202, 19446 Ganty Lane. They are full-time residents. Rhonda is originally from Michigan and Craig is from Florida. They have two children. Rhonda is currently working as Director of Sales at Hyatt Place at Coconut Point. Craig is the owner of Skipper Pools. In her spare time, Rhonda enjoys swimming in the pool. In his spare time, Craig enjoys competitive gun shooting.
Tracy resides on Lot #36, 19512 Charleston Circle. She is a full-time resident from Maryland. Tracy has one child. She is currently working as a traveling nurse. In her spare time, she likes to relax, go to the pool, and might be interested in learning some new card games.
Barbara Krilivsky and Linda Kasdorf, co-chairs of the Welcome Committee
It was not but a couple of years ago when we all faced the crisis that COVID brought – fear of an invisible and very real virus. Here, all amenities were literally locked down. Our normal, regular, day-to-day life dramatically changed. However, being Tara Woods, we persevered and adjusted, while being safe and looking out for our neighbors. We slowly returned to normal and looked for brighter days.
Next up? Hurricane Ian. The fifth strongest hurricane in U.S. history. Tara Woods took a major hit. Like nothing in the thirty plus year history of Tara Woods. Immediately after Ian left, volunteer residents, along with our Hometown Manager, stepped in. I personally have seen a lot of things and been involved in a fair number of disasters, but I have never ever seen anything like the immediate response by our volunteer residents. It took a coordinated effort by Tara Woods Hometown America, the Tara Woods staff, and YOU – the people who stepped up and did whatever was needed. I am so proud of all of you. Thank you! Thank you for clearing debris, delivering meals to residents, providing updated daily information, checking on neighbors and much more.
The advance planning by your Homeowners Association, Hometown America and CERT helped lay out a workable game plan when disaster hit. Of course, we learned something from this disaster and have already met together with Angi, our Community Manager, to be even better prepared next time. While things are happening
at warp speed, it will take time for everything to return to “normal.” First, I thank YOU – all who helped and are helping in any capacity during this historic disaster. Second, I ask for your patience as we move forward and address some significant issues.
HEADS UP – Your Tara Woods Homeowners dues renewal. Your Tara Woods Homeowners Board of Directors, after spirited discussion, voted to maintain yearly dues at only $15.00 per household. They also added in a series of incentives for multiple year renewals. Check it out but remember YOUR membership counts. Not a member yet? Please join us.
COMMUNITY SUCCESS STORY – The Quarter Auction was a huge success for our Day of Caring Charity. Thank you to all the residents who came out and participated. A special thank you to Judy Girty, Chris Olson, Sue Cook, and Rich Girty and the many members of the community who pitched in.
DID YOU KNOW THAT – your Homeowners Board meets each month with the Community Manager with an agenda to discuss and address residents’ concerns? The Minutes of these meetings are posted on your TWHOA website.
Lou Dunning, President, 239-240-5847, loudunning2@gmail.com
This is Old Glory. Is yours faded and torn? Retire her to a proper disposal. Drop her off at 19553 Charleston Circle (lot #12) or at the Guard House. Replacements are available for $8.00. Bob Glandorf
Many of you are not aware of USAA Auto and Home Insurance specifically designed for veterans AND THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS: spouses, brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren etc. I can attest to the fact that the savings are substantial (for myself and my family) since becoming a member several years ago.
You just need to call: 1-800-531-8722 to enroll.
FMO is 60 years old. During that time FMO has worked diligently for its members. Some of the accomplishments include allowing Bingo in our community, stopping a sales tax on our lot rent, and helping pass legislation to require Citizens Insurance Company to cover mobile home attachments (sheds and carport). Your FMO employs a full-time lobbyist representing our interests in Tallahassee and so much more.
The following information was gleaned from various emails sent by FMO.
The Board discussed in great detail the position, direction and priorities for the upcoming Florida Legislative Session in March. It was decided there are eight key issues or areas that need addressing. FMO will be collaborating with FMHA on those issues to discover where there is mutual interest and then develop actual legislation to present in March. Historically, bills have a better chance of passing if they are the combined effort and have the support of both the FMO and the FMHA.
Preferred Provider Professional Insurance representatives Will Palmer and Tucker Demuth would like to speak at your community’s HOA meeting, coffee, talk, or similar social meetings. In a short presentation they discuss FMO member benefits and discounts. They can also go over manufactured home insurance and other insurance topics – the owner’s side (FMHA) and the homeowners (FMO).
Citizens Property Insurance Corporation has opened Catastrophe Response Centers (CRCs) in Port Charlotte and Fort Myers to process claims and assist customers recovering from Hurricane Ian.
Mobile claims centers are open from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM at insurance villages set up by the Department of Financial Services. A CRC is operating in the parking lot of the Port Charlotte Town Center, 1441 Tamiami Trail in Port Charlotte. In Fort Myers, a CRC is located in the parking lot at the Lakes Regional Library at 15290 Bass Road.
“Citizens is on the ground to help our policyholders in especially hard-hit areas to
Come join us on Wednesday, December 7th, at 1:00 PM at the Smoke’n Pit Bar B Que, 1641 N. Tamiami Trail (old Business 41). The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse.
provide help to those unable to reach us online or by phone,” said Barry Gilway, Citizens President, CEO and Executive Director. “If our customers can’t come to us, we will try to get to them.”
Catastrophe Response Center Locations, open daily 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM (subject to change):
Fort Myers
Lakes Regional Library (parking lot) 15290 Bass Road Fort Myers 33919
To make your CRC visit more efficient, please bring the following information, if available. CRC volunteers can assist you in locating this information if you have a photo ID and the address of the insured property:
• Policy information
• Current contact information
• Date of loss
• Description and/or photos of damage (if possible)
CRCs provide in-person service to policyholders who may be cut off from their usual means of communication. CRC staff can answer questions and help policyholders report a catastrophe claim. Policyholders can also receive advanced payments for additional living expenses (ALE) if provided for in their individual policy. Electronic payments are available for ALE and policyholders are encouraged to review and complete the Electronic Claim Payment Authorization form prior to their visit.
Applications are on the back bulletin board. Should you have any questions or comments please don’t hesitate to contact me.
The majority of homes in Tara Woods received some damage. Remember, a home can be rebuilt; a life can’t.
Stay well. Stay safe. Wishing you only the best as we head into the holiday season.
Thank you, Stuart Berman
We have lunch, cocktails, fun and a social. Hope to see some new faces. Any questions, call me, Patty Sparany, at 239-652-3869.
WOW! What a great weekend as we enjoyed the Magic of Tara Woods continuing strong! A huge thank you to everyone who came out to the pool party – we could not have asked for a better day! It was fantastic to visit with everyone and enjoy a fun afternoon!
Thank you to the volunteers who helped with setting up and cleaning up!
Thank you to everyone for your kind words throughout the day.
As we move into month two post Hurricane Ian, we cannot let the importance of being prepared fade. Not only do we need to be ready for hurricane season, but we need to be ready for any other emergencies or disasters that could impact our amazing community.
I have met with the HOA to review our community’s performance during the hurricane. This is standard procedure, and the meeting produced several items that together we will be implementing to fine tune our disaster plan.
Management and the HOA are encouraging EVERYONE to complete a NEW emergency contact form (yes, even if you completed one in 2022). It is important that we update every year, and we are now starting on
Please – include a copy of your titles to your home and your home insurance if you have insurance. If you don’t have a copy of your title or insurance, work on getting copies now – these were the two top requested items from resident files from our office this past month.
Sadly, we could not provide them to you if we don’t have them on file.
We will continue to leave the back opened for large trash throughout November. Please be respectful and place your items in the proper piles/containers.
If your home is severely damaged from Ian, please contact me in the office to discuss options available.
Let’s make this an amazing winter season!
Until next time... Be kind and love one another!
#TheMagicOfTaraWoods Angi Cummins, Community ManagerSo, Ladies and Gentlemen. December finds the members of the Entertainers rehearsing and working on the two plays which you will be invited to be part of by being in the audience the second weekend in March of 2023. Just like most things, putting on a play or party or really any group function takes a ‘village’ to make it a success. This is so true for our plays. One year I counted the people that had something to do with one of our performances from conception to the actual performance; I think that I came up with over 100 people! We have so many chances for you to share your time and talent. We already have the actors, the director, and the stage
manager, but we could always use someone interested in learning about being a stand-in or helping backstage. Other ways to share time and talent is as an usher, make-up people, or helping at the cast party, or building or painting the set. If anyone is interested, please let me know. That is all it takes; just reach out and let us know and we could help you share your ‘time and talents’ with the community of Tara Woods. Life is full of drama, why not join the club?
Pat Dunning, Stage Manager, Entertainers 239-240-5848 pdunning46@gmail.com
Saturday, December 31st at 8:00 PM
An evening in Paradise, this year’s New Year’s Eve party is being hosted by the New England Club. Tropical Florida is the theme. Tropical dress for those who wish, and prizes will be given out for Best Dressed Males and Females, and Best Couple.
Tickets will go on sale Tuesday, December 6th, and remain on sale Tuesdays before Bingo and at Saturday Morning Coffee, through Tuesday,
December 27th. Tickets are $10.00 per person.
Dessert, coffee, and a Champagne toast at midnight will be provided. John’s Mobile Music will provide the music. Table sign-up sheets will be available under the poster, and we can accommodate any size group. The Clubhouse will be open at 4:00 PM on Saturday, December 31st, if you would like to come up and decorate your table. Please BYOB and snacks. Raffle tickets will be available. ~ Judy Machnicz
The December/Christmas Midwest Club meeting will be held on Friday, December 16th, from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM.
Tickets will be sold starting at Saturday Morning Coffee on November 26th, through Tuesday Bingo on December 13th. Deadline for tickets will be Tuesday, December 13th. The cost will be $6.00 per person. Dinner will consist of chicken sandwiches, pasta dishes, and cookies. Paper products will be provided. Please bring an appetizer to share and your beverage of choice.
Since it will be our Christmas party, please bring a wrapped White Elephant gift or gift card of your choice. The price of the gift should be no more than $5:00.
I think we need to bring some additional Magic back for the holidays. Go outside of your normal group of friends, neighbors, and acquaintances.
1. Take a minute to smile and wave at everyone in the park.
2. Go introduce yourself to a new neighbor or someone on the street you don’t know.
3. Make a meal and take leftovers to an elderly person.
4. Give someone a call you haven’t spoken to in a while. We really don’t know what someone is going through, and taking a little time to make someone’s day a little better is the Magic of Tara Woods. LET’S BE FLORIDA STRONG EVERY DAY, not just during a crisis.
MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY HANUKKAH, and HAPPY KWANZAA to all of our members both near and far.
~ Vicki Hoard
The New England Club Christmas Party is Saturday, December 3rd, at 5:00 PM, and hopefully by the time you read this you are already prepaid and ready to have a lot of fun, eat some delicious food and share some Holiday Cheer with your fellow Club members!!
Our Club is hosting New Year’s Eve on Saturday, December 31st, so please support this event if you are able.
January will find us taking down our New England Club tree on Saturday, January 7th, at 9:00 AM. Please come and help with that if you can. Also in January is our “Glad We’re Not in New England” party on Saturday, January 21st, and just two weeks after that on Saturday, February 4th, we will be hosting the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s Dance Party for all of Tara Woods. No time for rest—just FUN!! ~ Judy Machnicz
Judy Machnicz, New England Club
We welcome Tara Woods residents from Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and friends from all over the country. Check out our postings on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse for contact information and upcoming events. If you have any questions about our Club, please contact one of the officers (names posted on each newsletter).
We will have an informal holiday gathering on Sunday, December 18th, and raise a toast to the upcoming holidays. Our Holiday Party will be in January, after the holiday crazies are over.
~ Sue ClarkIf you are from New York or New Jersey, please join us for our December meeting on Sunday, December 4th, at 5:00 PM. This will be our Christmas Meeting with a special Christmas dinner of Ham, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole and Corn Bread prepared by Teri Burt and Gay O’Keefe. There is no cost for this meeting, but we ask that you bring a $10.00 donation per person, to be divided between The Shelter for Abused Women & Children, and the collection for our local First Responders. Please bring a dessert to share and your own beverage.
Please sign up on the Club bulletin board in the back of the Clubhouse to attend and also to help on that day. If you have signed up and cannot attend, please cross your name off the list or call Teri or Gay. If you have any questions about this meeting, feel free to contact them.
Keep Saturday, January 7th, 2023, 5:00 PM open for our January meeting, hosted by Eileen & Steve Robinson and friends. This is our ever popular, “Soups, Stews and Chowder” dinner. The sign-up will be available at the December meeting and then hanging on the Club bulletin board.
If you are new to Tara Woods and are from New York or New Jersey, please consider joining us. The Club offers a wonderful opportunity to meet your neighbors from these two great states. We do not charge a membership fee. We work together to raise funds by hosting the Labor Day Party and A Nite at the Races for the community.
I hope to see you at our next meeting!
Janet Daly, janetdaly@yahoo.com, 239-567-2285
Our Tara Woods Residents are AWESOME!!! All I can say again this year is WOW. We made over $4,500 just off the quarter auction. I can’t believe during this trying time so many of our residents opened their hearts and wallets. This is one way you have shown The Magic of Tara Woods.
I first want to thank all my volunteers I had this year: JoAnne Glandorf, Janet Daly, Greg and Donna Sealey, Celia Blotkamp, Lorraine Quinn, Barbara Roland, Pat Dunning, Linda Kasdorf, Diane Smith,
Alice Loveday, Paula Dykstra, Peg Gamble, Judy Kelly, Nancy Schoeppner, Bob Kuhns, Mike and Vicki Hoard, Mike Curtis and Pam and Pat Miller.
I know we had a lot of volunteers afterwards to help put the tables and chairs back and to also “clean up”. I apologize that I didn’t get everyone’s name, but you know who you are, and I thank you.
Next, I want to thank my committee of Sue Cook, Chris Olson and Rich Girty. Without all your help, we couldn’t have made this such a success.
Sue Cook needs a special recognition for the fifty-one baskets she made from all the wonderful donations. They were all a big hit this year.
Thanks again everyone and look forward to seeing you all at our November 2023 Auction.
Thank you,
~ Judy Girty, Chairperson
On Saturday, January 28th, 2023, your Tara Woods HOA is sponsoring an OPPORTUNITY FAIR for the COMMUNITY.
If you are involved in any group, club, or service in Tara Woods, this is your opportunity to display what it is you do.
• If you would like the community to know about what you do.
• If you would like the community to join in what you do.
• If you would like the community to see how much fun, you have in this endeavor.
• If you would like to expand your group.
• If you would like to have people want to start their own group.
If you want to be involved, the next thing to do is to contact Pat Dunning and let her know you are interested and what space you would require; if you need a table; if you would like a chair or chairs, etc. Her contact information is 239-240-5848 or pdunning46@gmail.com
The deadline for requesting space is Saturday, January 14th, 2023.
The New 2022-2023 Directory should be available for distribution in mid/late December. Updated distribution information will be posted on the TWHOA website. If you are a TWHOA Member and you have changed or updated your information on the TWHOA website please communicate the updated information to me by email to: haywood.gandy@gmail.com
Please include your Lot #, Name, Address, Telephone Number(s), and Home State(s). There is no easy way for me to know if a member makes any changes on the website. Updated information is published in each edition of The Columns which is available on the twhoa.net website.
TENNIS ASSOCIATION: December is here and I hope everyone has found the time to participate in social tennis activities on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday mornings. These are open tennis days for all skill levels, and you get a chance to get to know people in the community with like interests.
Also, keep an eye open for postings on our Tennis Bulletin Board regarding our upcoming Round Robin days which are a fun day of tennis and socializing, with snacks provided. Hope to see everyone there. – Ed Sandre
OPEN TENNIS: Now that more snowbirds have returned to Tara Woods, the “open mixed doubles tennis” has seen more tennis players showing up to play on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays from 9:00 –10:30 AM.
Feel free to join us on the tennis courts on those days. All skill levels are welcome. If you have an interest in tennis, stop by the courts and check us out.
TENNIS LEAGUES Men’s League: White Team – Stallions: The men’s tennis leagues started on November 8th. Our White Team Stallions are ready for the new season, working to have another successful season following last year’s results. We are looking forward to seeing our residents coming out to support us as you always have in the past. This year you might see something different, as some communities have damage to their tennis courts. Their home games will be played here in Tara Woods, and this will result in all four of our courts being played on. – Ed Sandre
White Team – Mustangs: Due to the recent hurricane, the White League will be playing preseason games from November 8th, the original opening day for league play, through the end of December. These preseason games will not count in the standings. Actual league play will begin after January 1st. Some of the communities in the league suffered damages to their courts, and those courts will not be available for play until that time. However, the teams decided that a preseason schedule would be an acceptable alternative until those damaged courts can be repaired.
So, each Tuesday in November and the first two weeks in December [Thanksgiving week excluded], one or both of the White Teams will be playing on our Tara Woods courts.
We invite all residents of our community to come to watch our matches. All matches begin at 1:30 PM. Thank you for your support. – Roger Rafferty
Blue Team – Tigers: We currently have only five players for the Blue Team. We are looking for new players because we must have a minimum of six players, as well as a substitute. We welcome all new residents to come and join our team.
We practice two days each week, Mondays and Tuesdays at 9:00 AM. The team matches are played on Thursdays at 1:30 PM.
The official season will start in January. We would encourage any of you who are even a little interested in playing on the team to contact Gene Dickie at 651-238-8368
or Frank Neveu at 941-769-2140 or francoisneveu50@ icloud.com. – Frank Neveu
Women’s League: Women’s Team – Angels
Tara Woods will be entering a women’s team in the SWIFT tennis league this season after a two-year absence. Currently we have the minimum number of six players required to enter a team. If anyone is considering joining, now would be a great time. The team has practice on Tuesday mornings from 9:00 to 10:30 AM.
If you are not sure if this is for you, just drop by and talk to us or bring your racquet and give it a try.
League matches are on Thursday mornings, usually starting at 10:00 AM until approximately 1:00 PM.
Due to Hurricane Ian, the start of our league season has been delayed until January 5th, 2023. We will be practicing on Tuesday mornings until then.
If you have any questions, you can contact Captain Trish Martell at 715-212-9985 or Triciajmar@gmail.com or Co-Captain Mary Sandre at 226-350-0363 or msandre@mnsi.net. – Mary Sandre
TWIT (Tara Woods Inter-Community Tennis)
As of this writing, it appears that we will not be playing TWIT this tennis season.
ROUND ROBINS: Our Round Robins are held on the fourth Saturday of the month starting at 9:00 AM.
The dates for the 2023 Round Robins are: January 28th, February 25th, and March 25th.
The monthly Round Robins take the place of Open Tennis on those dates.
It’s once again time to begin collecting donations for our Annual Firefighters and Paramedics Holiday Dinners.
These members of our North Fort Myers Fire Department respond to calls for help by Tara Woods residents any time of the day or night. It gives us great pleasure to give back to them during the holidays.
As we did last year, we will use your donations to provide Publix Gift Cards for the three shifts who work December 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, so that they can purchase Holiday dinners for their shifts.
We will accept donations at Tuesday Bingo beginning on November 22nd, and Saturday Morning Coffee. Or, you can call Chuck Poveromo or Celia Blotkamp, and we will be happy to pick up your donation. Make checks payable to “CASH”.
Please give generously to those who are always there for us in our time of need.
Thank you.
Chuck Poveromo (815-979-3467) and Celia Blotkamp (703-863-2973)
New Image Chorus wishes its Tara Woods Family and friends a very Happy, Healthy and Safe Holiday Season.
Best wishes for a great 2023.
~ Stuart Berman
Hurricane Ian is in the rear-view mirror, clean-up is moving along, and we are all going through the process of assessing our damages and putting in place a plan for fixing our homes so we can get on with our lives. Hopefully, you’ve been in touch with your insurance company or the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and maybe even gotten your money already. Now comes the tricky part, spending that money on fixing your home. The problem is that you are not the only one who knows about the money flowing into Tara Woods from insurance companies and FEMA. Scammers know about that too, and their goal is to separate you from that money, so BEWARE!
I can’t give you a complete list of all the ways scammers will try to separate you from your money. Unfortunately, they are often bright and imaginative people, so there are always new scams. What I can do is warn you about some of the more common scams so you can avoid becoming a victim of those scams. Hopefully, this will also have you thinking about the possibilities so you can avoid the newer scams. Just remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!
The most important thing you can do to help avoid being a victim of a scam is to have every contract or proposal reviewed by a trusted friend or relative before you sign a contract or write a check. A reputable contractor will be fine with you doing that. A scammer will try to pressure you to sign and write a check now because they fear getting caught. You can also protect yourself by going online and reading reviews from other customers, and by checking the Better Business Bureau’s rating of the business (www.bbb.org/ search).
So, what are some of the more common scams?
One scam that I heard about recently, which occurred after Hurricane Irma in 2017, and most likely after earlier hurricanes, involved alleged contractors who came from other states. Their proposals for repairs were lower than the proposals from local contractors, and they only required half of the cost to be paid at the time of signing of the contract. Unfortunately, they cashed those checks and left the area, never to be seen again.
Another type of scam is by the contractor who uses subpar materials, inexperienced labor, or cuts corners in their work. Some of this is subtle, such as using only two nails per roof shingle when the building code requires at least six. The building inspector is supposed to catch this type of shortcut, but it’s best to do your own inspection before making final payment. Check out all contractors with other customers or the Better Business Bureau to reduce your risk of falling victim to this type of scam.
There are many other scams
which have nothing to do with making repairs. However, knowing about the cash from insurance companies and FEMA flowing into the area, the expectation is that these scams will be on the increase in SWFL. Many of these scams are done by telephone, but they can also be done over email or by unknown people walking through our community. We will cover these other types of scams in a later article.
I wrote this at the beginning of this article, and it bears repeating.
If you get a contract or proposal for home repairs, show it to a trusted friend or relative to be sure it’s legitimate. Getting an extra set of eyes on it is always useful. Don’t fall prey to the highpressure salespeople who just want to get your money.
Please note: None of the information in this article is meant as tax advice and should not be taken as taxadvice. Please consult with a professional tax person to get advice relevant to your situation.
Prepared by Bruce Lubich, CPA and Tara Woods resident, for TW CERT, Inc., an independent 501(c) organization made up of your TW neighbors. Members train monthly to be prepared to help you in an emergency and work to help you prepare for emergencies through various efforts, including articles like this one.
Trusts, Estates, Probate, Divorce Cape Coral, FL
Ellen W. Clifford Attorney-At-Lawellenwclifford@gmail.com
Please take note of some free educational events coming up over the next several months, brought to you by your Neighbors Helping Neighbors Group, a TWHOA board related group. Mark your calendars and plan to attend.
January 7th at Saturday Morning Coffee – a representative from Caption Call, a federally funded program that benefits people with hearing loss. This is a no-cost, easy to use telephone captioning that works just like a regular phone. Find out how to qualify for this free program.
January 17th (Tuesday) at 3:00 PM in the Clubhouse – join Kim Swanson from the
Community Response Unit of the Lee County Sheriff’s Department she discusses Fraud, Scams and Identity Theft and the measures you should take to avoid being a victim.
February 16th (Thursday) at 6:30 PM in the Clubhouse – get some expert advice from Jeffrey Attia, Esquire, as he discusses wills, trusts and estate planning. Attorney Attia is experienced in estate planning, probate, trust administration, asset protection and incapacity planning. Pizza will be served.
Watch for more events to come as well.
~ Peter KrilivskyThe Library in the Clubhouse will be open normal days and hours: Monday through Sunday 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM.
For new residents of Tara Woods and existing residents too, the Clubhouse Ministries invite you to join one of their Bible study classes, which are held in the Clubhouse Meeting Room every Tuesday morning at 10:00 AM. These meetings give you an opportunity to make new friends as you study the Scriptures in relaxed and enjoyable surroundings. We are a non-denominational group. No need to make reservations, folks! Just stop by any Tuesday morning at 10:00 AM. Come join us! ~ Ann Scott
As this issue of The Columns goes to press, we are all recovering from Hurricane Ian. We are hopeful that our fall activities can be held as planned. We look forward to the Craft Fair on Saturday, December 10th. The Holiday Magic of Tara Woods will continue in December with decorating of the Clubhouse and the midway on Tara Blvd. Plan to participate or watch the Golf Cart Parade on Wednesday, December 14th. There are many clubs and groups planning holiday celebrations. And, of course, we end the year with the New Year’s Eve blast!
Keep those calendars on your fridge! Be sure you have signed up for the weekly “What’s Happening” email. Check the Clubhouse bulletin boards. Join us for Saturday Morning Coffee, the best place to find out all the news!
To ensure a successful event in this busy time, here are some basic guidelines for planning the parties and events offered to our residents:
– Put it on the website by contacting Lynn Lessmiller: lyncarmike@gmail.com.
– Notify Sound & Lighting for microphones, use of the big screen or other Sound & Lighting needs by contacting Jeff Lessmiller at 813-699-9248.
– For Kitchen supplies contact Janet Daly, at least one week before the event at 239-567-2285.
– As Activities Coordinator, I am available to meet with your committee early in the process to offer guidance in your preparations, including paperwork if necessary.
Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have questions regarding the parties and events.
Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year!
Celia Blotkamp, 703-863-2973 baileynme99@gmail.com
- Read the posters on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse.
- Check the Clubhouse bulletin boards for meeting and event information and sign-up sheets.
- Come to Saturday Morning Coffee!
- Read The Columns and check the Calendar.
- Sign on to the Tara Woods website, www.twhoa.net, to be kept informed of all current events and more!
- Check out page 5 of the Tara Woods Community Resident Directory to see all the opportunities to keep you busy in Tara Woods, with the contact people for each one listed if you have questions.
- Page 4 of the Directory lists the contact people for specific responsibilities under the Board of Directors that you can contact with any questions.
If anyone is interested in playing Horse Collar on Mondays at 10:00 AM, the cost is $1.00 per player (to be given away as prizes). Anyone can play. The Tuesday and Friday leagues begin in January 2023. Call Ken Atkinson at 815-970-0467 if you have any questions.
Now is the time to get up and get going again.
This is a total body workout that can be done standing or sitting down. It includes stretching, balance, cardio and light weights.
Give it a try - nothing to lose and may even gain some muscle.
Classes are held Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Clubhouse at 8:00 AM.
Any questions, please contact Barb Simonson at 541-840-4430.
Any questions, please contact Celia Blotkamp at 703-863-2973.
Be one of the winners at our Tuesday night BINGO. And you can win more than once during the night!
I f your eyesight isn’t as good as it once was, now you can play too. We have really BIG game packs and “Specials” that are 8 ½” x 11” with 2” numbers.
No additional charge for the ticket that can make you the “King” or the “Queen” for the night and earn you even more money on all game sheets.
Game packets are sold with either 6 game squares per sheet or 9 game squares. The “Special” game papers have 3 game squares. Buy as many as you’d like!
Our Tuesday night BINGO session consists of 14 regular games and 6 “Special” games We also have “Hot Ball” prizes of $50.00 or more and a “Social” raffle. Sales STOP at 6:45 PM. Come join the fun.
To all new and existing residents. Looking to get some exercise and have some fun at the same time?
Come join us for Pickleball! It’s one of the fastest growing sports in the U.S. Current open play times are at 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM every day.
Come down to the courts and say hello. We would be happy to teach you how to play the game. There are paddles available in the storage container in front of the courts and the balls are located on the door of each court. Proper footwear is required. Join in on the fun! For further information contact
Deb (401) 309-1136 / debra.nespolo@gmail.com
Bruce (410) 409-5873 / bruce@brucelubichcpa.com
Alice (313) 220-0622 / gowings2429@sbcglobal.net
Louise (508) 672-2141 / lcpatter46@gmail.com
Starting in November. Tuesday for experienced dancers starts at 9:30 AM. Friday for beginners starts at 10:00 AM. Barb Goodhue 517-404-8063.
Mondays at 3:00 PM
Tuesdays at 9:00 AM
No need to sign up. Don’t need a partner. New teams chosen every week ~ Easy to learn.
Questions: call Rudy Diaz 239-347-7934
Additional time: Tuesdays at 3:30.
Ladies and Gentlemen, come join us every Sunday at 7:00 PM in the Card Room. Cost is $3.00.
Will you have the first Bunco or the last, or the most? Will you have the most wins, or the most losses? If you do, the prize money will be yours! Come join the fun. Questions: call Polly Brown 239-246-2391.
Remember those days playing ping pong as a kid? You can still play today! Please join us on Thursdays from 1:00 to 3:00 PM in the Clubhouse. For further information contact Norm Libby at 239-246-3510.
Meets in the Clubhouse Card Room at 7:00 PM on Monday and Thursday nights.
The game consists of 11 hands and is easy to learn. Eight quar ters gets you in. Come join the fun and play a great card game.
Come join the Mah Jongg group. Do not know how to play? We teach the first three Mondays of the month. We have a great time.
Come & join us on Mondays 12:003:00 PM. The Happy Ladies of Mah Jongg.
There’s a “new” game at Tara Woods. If you hear someone say, “fifteen two fifteen four” and you don’t think they’ve lost a screw or two, come and join us in the Card Room every Wednesday at 2:00 PM for a few games of Cribbage. The arrangement is fairly flexible since Cribbage can be played by 2 or 3 or 4 players. Just be there by 2 PM. Cards, cribbage boards and fun will be provided.
Contact Ann Millette 239-543-2954
LADIES! DO YOU PLAY POKER? How long has it been since you’ve played with friends? Did you know there’s a game every Monday night at the Clubhouse just for the ladies? Well, we really don’t have a “No Boys Allowed!!!” Rule, but men usually don’t like to play with wild cards and we do. But they’re welcome to play as long as they are willing to “play like girls”. It is most likely the least stressful and least expensive poker you can play around here! It’s a good night to socialize with the ladies and make new friends with the girls who like to play poker. The stakes are very low. Call Polly Brown, 239-246-2391, if you’d like to join us – she’ll fill you in on the details or answer any questions you may have.
Wednesday in Meeting Room at Clubhouse. 2:00 - 5:00 PM. Contact George D’Alessandro , 239-543-8492.
The Bridge group is looking for bridge players. We meet on Tuesdays at 12:30 PM in the Card Room.
Call Beth Ferris at 239-543-6295, Mary Green 239-800-3837 or Pauline Young at 239-997-5984 first if you are interested in playing with this friendly group. We’d like to have you join us. Beth Ferris
Come join the group for a fun-filled afternoon of cards! We meet on Fridays at 1:30 PM in the Card Room. Don’t know how to play the game? EASY! We will teach you! It is easy to learn.
Questions: contact Polly Brown at 239-246-2391
Every Friday night at 7:00 p.m.
Different games can be played (All are easy to Learn)
LEFT – CENTER – RIGHT (dice- 3-coin buy-in) (winner-take-all each game)
CONTRACT RUMMY (similar to Aggravation) (6 quarter buy-in)
31 (card game) (3 dime buy-in each game) (winner-take-all each game)
For more information call Polly Brown at 239-246-2391.
Mondays – 12:00 Noon
Ceramics is held in the Ceramics Room by the Tennis Courts.
We are there every Monday at 12:00 Noon.
For more information and for firing of the kiln please contact Maury Miller, 239-365-9859.
We hope you will come and participate in making ceramics with us. Come join the fun.
If anyone is interested in playing Horse Collar on Mondays at 10:00 AM, the cost is $1.00 per player (to be given away as prizes). Anyone can play. The Tuesday and Friday leagues began in January 2021. Call Ken Atkinson at 815-970-0467 if you have any questions.
Every Friday at 1:00 PM
At the Horseshoe Pits. Come join us for fun and laughs.
call Marilyn Workman at 239-543-1168.
It’s been five years since our last hurricane in Tara Woods. Many actions that were undertaken following Hurricane Irma are no longer possible. For example, Lee County regulations no longer permit the use of the Clubhouse as a shelter and emergency response protocols have changed due to COVID-19 and updates to first responder expectations.
So, what are the responsibilities of the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)? The CERT program of the 2020s educates and prepares a community for disasters and hazards. CERT members train in basic response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, and disaster medical operations.
Before a disaster strikes, CERT teams build strong working relationships between first responders and the communities they serve. CERT teams also help the community before a disaster by helping develop community emergency plans, neighborhood exercises, preparedness outreach, and fire safety education.
Once a disaster strikes, the role of a CERT team and its members is to help others until first responders arrive. Once professional first responders arrive on scene, CERT members assist those first responders. CERT teams may be asked to give immediate assistance to victims, provide damage assessment information, and organize other volunteers at a disaster site as well as provide shelter support, crowd control, and evacuation assistance.
You may not be aware of all that CERT did in advance of Hurricane Ian and in its aftermath. In the days leading up to the hurricane, CERT members met regularly with the Tara Woods Manager, Angi Cummins, and TWHOA. Several members went around Tara Woods distributing the pink signs for Hometown America, indicating if a household was staying as well as encouraging residents to evacuate.
The day after the hurricane left Tara Woods, TW CERT members were driving around Tara Woods assessing damage, such as collapsed homes and downed electric lines and trees and looking for injured people (thankfully we found none). Once the assessment was complete, CERT members got busy organizing efforts to clear streets so you could move freely and safely about the community. We also worked with non-CERT members to help our neighbors secure their houses.
You may not have realized these CERT team members were working to secure your community because we often were out individually or with a group. But we were there, doing our jobs to help our neighbors.
Wandering through Tara Woods the day before Hurricane Nicole made landfall, it was good to see that many Tara Woods residents had learned from
their experience with Hurricane Ian. Shutters were down, flowerpots were secured, and people were tying down anything that was loose. Please come learn what else you could do to prepare in the future. TW CERT is always looking for men and women to help their neighbors. Hesitant because you don’t have a medical background? Don’t let that stop you. There are plenty of other jobs that need to be done, and you’ll get trained in doing those.
1 Rick Lubich, Mike Schwinn
2 Joan Johnson, 91 Yrs., Roger Rafferty
3 Donald Anderson, Joe Bigelow, Tim Bostic, Curt Maxwell
4 Don Taylor, Mike Zakrewski
5 Norma Gandy, Carol Ann Impink, Cindy McKay, Eileen Robinson, Matt Rose
6 Sheila Harris, Emmett Linderman
7 Audrey Coon, Donna Gaudet
8 Deb Nespolo
9 Karen Finkle, Nancy Gibson, Robert Haller, Doug Plested
10 Kent Hetzer, Tim Hoch, Judy Ledford 11 John Beenen, Jack Wood, 91 Yrs., Elaine Zacek 12 Carol Andrews, Jason Strong, Diane West 13 Barbara Adriance 14 Richard Gendron, Tim Starkey 15 Bruce Lubich, Mary Ellen Newcomb, Greg Pernoud, Ed Simko, Tina Smith 16 Richard Binkowski, Lu Gendron 17 Angie D’Alessandro, Jerry McKay, Bill Powers, Ann Scott
18 Tessa Berg, 91 Yrs., Irene Henderson, Denis Krauss, William Sandell 19 Pat Downs, Fred Kossen 20 Jean Bibeau, Harry Hoffman, Dan Newcomb
21 Dorothy Benedict, Ron Heidmous, Bill Machnicz, Mark Mentzer, Doug Peters, Tammy Sheneman, Loretta Slochowsky
22 Keith Adams, Patti Clark, David Laliberte, Dianne Lemay 23 David Rippeth 24 Tim Lanpher 26 Larry Anderson, Dan Duda 27 Faye Hamm 28 Bobbie Combs, Barb Luce 29 Jeff Lessmiller 30 John Costantini, Linda Gunnoe
Agatha Breen, George Slochowsky, Joan Wendel
Nancy Parker
Tracey Lucas, Louise Patterson, Judy Powers
Art Frederick
Donna Porterfield
Dick Heffron, Barbara Krilivsky, Sharon Whitney
Sharon Boehlke, Jennifer Bottoms, Barry Maberry, Barbara Roland
Judy Fleming, Chris Olson
Katia De Bartolo, Sharon Maggert, Heidi Wiskur 12 Harry Hoffman, Chris Moriarty, Phil Toney, Nancy Wuebbeler 13 Kirsten Gates, Nancy Mullet, Darrell Voitik
14 Marty Braunstein, Polly Brown, Lisa Patalano
15 Patricia Bianco, Jeanette Conley, Lisa Cranston, Sidney Scott
16 Richie Duchalski, Pat Langenberg, Carol Schnepp, Rhonda Skipper
5 Lynda & Brian Francey, Liz & Bill Oostdyk, 62 Yrs.
6 Chrissy & John Darpino
7 Stephanie & Scott Spalin
8 Patti & Sandy Thompson, Deb & Robin Wallace
10 June Neavling & Joe Brown
14 Linda & Warren Engel
16 Shannon & Greg Pernoud
17 Faye & Gene Hamm, 60 Yrs., Toni Rae & Tim Hurley, Kathi & Kevin Mulvihill
18 Norma & Haywood Gandy 20 Shelly & Wes Pearcy 21 Linda & Mike Renzulli 22 Judy & Dale Holat, 64 Yrs., Gail & Darrell Voitik 23 Sharon & Don Boehlke 24 Doris & Milty Katz, 65 Yrs., Kate & Charlie Miklovich 25 Rhonda & Paul Adams, Sandy & Stone Ferris 26 Cathie & Jack LaSelva
17 “Max” Boschke, Dot Walton
18 Jill Caldwell
19 Mike Beale, Maggie Discepolo, Carolyn Kelsey, Camille Rosalbo
20 Dennis Purks, Judy Wintermute
21 Rhonda Adams, Dominic Cirillo, Bonnie Dixon, Mike Peidlow, Pati Sempsrott
22 Carol Detwiler, Les Fiuk, Don Skelton
23 Anita Hanson, Patrick O’Keefe, Sheri Osborne, Donna Tribeck
24 Bill Nothnagel, Charlie Rosalbo, Janet Waldron
25 Sandy Kaczmarczyk
26 Kent Hagedon, Lynette Jackson, Bill Milligan
27 Joe Holman, Dave Jensen
28 Tina Farris, 91 Yrs.
29 Walt Farris, Mary Green, Shelby Hagedon, Pat Maher, Richard Osborne, Sharon Rose
30 Mike Harris, Melanie Herald, Bill Parker
2 Diane & Pete Finnemore, Sharron & Mike Gagnier
3 Jim & Teri Burt
5 Melanie & Ron Herald
6 Barb & Chick Jakacki, Elaine & Duane Mansell, 63 Yrs.
7 Shelly & Rick Lubich, Paula & Rob Storer, Anita Eberl & Bob Wozniak
8 Peggy & Bob Campbell, 60 Yrs.
9 Debby & Tim Starkey
12 Sheila & Mike Harris
13 Peg & Dave Gamble
16 Lou & Roger Sapp
17 Toni Rae & Tim Hurley
19 Lois & Tom Heideman, 63 Yrs., Carolyn & Paul Key
20 Becky & Joe Burza, JoAnne & Bill Glandorf
21 Pattie Wise & Keith Adams
22 Karen & Gary Stein 26 Christopher Desalvo & Daniel Malikowski
27 Judy & Robert Holmes
30 Sue & Pete Hodgson
31 Evie & Paul Loud