Del Tura jan2017

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Volume 33 NO 1 | JANUARY 2017 941-349-0194 | ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC |

Our Champion Amigos Are Back!!! Delturians One And All

Be Sure To Watch Them Play And Cheer Them On

Your Del Tura HOA hopes you enjoy this copy of The Tower. Please remember to join the HOA for 2017 and keep The Tower coming! See the HOA MEMBERSHIP article on page four on how to pay your dues.

2 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2017 • 941.349.0194 •

The The

Poolside Pub Located Inside Del Tura Golf & Country Club • Public Always Welcome $4.99 Lunch Specials Every Day 11-3 • Happy Hour Every Day 3-6 STOP IN AND GRAB A CALENDAR OF EVENTS TODAY!

MONDAY Live Music at 5:30 pm TUESDAY Prime Rib Dinner Party (5 pm) • Karaoke (6 pm) WEDNESDAY Wing Night! Buy 20 Wings GET A FREE PITCHER OF BEER! “TASTE OF ITALY” in the FOUNTAIN GRILLE : A wonderful all-you-can-eat Italian themed buffet served every Wednesday evening. Only $10.99 (includes a FREE glass of wine!) THURSDAY “All Day/Night” Spaghetti & Meatballs Dinner $6.99 Name That Tune & Trivia Night (6 pm) FRIDAY Live Music Every Friday Night (5 pm) All-You-Can-Eat Fish Fry All Day and Night! SATURDAY Famous Pot Roast Dinner $8.99, 3-8 pm Karaoke (6 pm) SUNDAY ULTIMATE SUNDAY FUNDAY!!!!! NFL Package Playing Every Game Every Sunday Plus Live Music In The Courtyard! Festivities Begin At 1:00 PM PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY

Now Serving Breakfast Everyday 8:00-11:00 AM



The Tower |

3 • 941.349.0194 • January 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

From the President’s Desk Beginning of a new year … already! Holidays have come and gone, with a lot of activities here in Del Tura. Started the month with the annual Christmas Cart Parade. It was fun for those of us who paraded, and seemed to be fun for the MANY people who turned out to watch. As I write this, the Choralaires Christmas Concert is coming up – expect a marvelous event! Residents have voted for house/yard decorations (and pool decorations) this year, but since I write this in early December, I don’t have results. Awards will be

made at the January Board meeting. I would like to spend a paragraph here about tolerance, in particular having to do with walking of dogs and cleaning up after. I’ve recently heard of problems, both with residents being less than civil to people walking their dogs (that’s one side), and with dog walkers not cleaning up after their pets (that’s the other side). Those that don’t want dogs leaving trinkets in their yard have every right to feel that way. However, they can convey that feeling without being unpleasant. Those who

have dogs will say that they “always” clean up after them. I’ve heard it more than once. Truth is, no, they don’t “always” clean up after them. Especially at night. And, by the way, we also have the occasional coyote in here, and they’re notorious for not cleaning up after themselves. Point of all this is to respect other’s rights and to be civil about it. I will leave this month’s rant with a wish for all of you to have a healthy and fun-filled 2017. Al Wells, HOA President




Any resident wishing to purchase a “Name Tag” may do so on Tuesday mornings between 8:15 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. before the start of announcements at the HOA Board table. A name tag with a “pin” backing is $5.00 and/or with a “magnet” is $7.00 (correct CASH ONLY). However, if you are going to be gone for several weeks, months, etc., please do not order your name tag until after you return. Normally takes one (1) week to process your order.


(OCTOBER-APRIL) MONDAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 A.M. – NOON TUESDAY . . . 10:00 A.M. – NOON (or after Coffee Hour) WEDNESDAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 A.M. – NOON THURSDAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M. FRIDAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 A.M. – NOON SATURDAY & SUNDAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CLOSED

My name is Don Dowell and I am your HOA Director in Charge of Grounds 731-1566 or










HOA Liaison: ALAN WELLS Tower Photographer: BILL NEZAMIS Many thanks to all the volunteer residents who have donated their time to “The Tower”. We are looking for more volunteers. Please Help!

Please call or e-mail me if you see a problem or have a concern about any of our common areas such as the pools, hot tubs, tennis courts, Bocce, horseshoes, exercise room, or clubhouse.

Alan Wells President (2017)

Sandra Boykin Director (2017)

Don Dowell Vice-President (2018)

Bette Ewing-Cheney Director (2019)

Florence Kay Nezamis Secretary (2017)

Joyce Lienert Director (2019)

(309) 360-1145 (cell) (239) 731-1566


Ruth Ann Blevins Treasurer (2018) (239) 543-8134 (239) 220-9381 (cell)

(410) 491-8824 (239) 652-3909

(973) 714-4117

Ray Schmoltze Director (2018) (239) 218-9444

Dave Adams Director (2019) (508) 284-6107

4 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2017 • 941.349.0194 •

HOA Membership Dues

20 Years Experience

ADMIRAL Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning 1/16 3/17

Tile & Grout Cleaning and Pressure Washing John & Ellen Senes 239-573-7811

North Fort Myers Florist Full Service Florist

WE DELIVER LOCAL and Worldwide ROSE SPECIAL/CASH & CARRY: $14.95 8190 Littleton Road, Suite #105 North Ft. Myers, FL 33903

239-997-1670 2/17

Stephanie Norris


Del Tura Resident

Doris Meyer, Chairperson


I will collect the dues at each Tuesday Coffee Hour starting at 8:00 a.m., prior to the meeting and immediately following the meeting. Your dues are due and payable prior to December 31, as your current dues expire on December 31 of the current year. NO MATTER WHAT MONTH YOUR DUES ARE PAID THEY STILL EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 31. Following is a list of the ways you may use to pay your dues: How do I pay my dues? 1. A check made payable to Del Tura HOA in the amount of $12.00. NO CASH will be accepted.

2. You must provide your Del Tura address and telephone number. What if I can’t come to Coffee Hour? 1. You may pay your dues at my home at 246 Las Palmas Blvd. There will be a drop container near my front door if I am away when you stop by. Again, NO CASH accepted, only a check payable to Del Tura HOA in the amount of $12.00. You must provide your Del Tura address and phone number on your check and a self-addressed stamped envelope so your membership card/cards can be mailed to you if you choose to drop off your check. If you call me in advance at 731-1937, to be sure I will be home when you come to pay your dues, you will not need the

stamped envelope to obtain your HOA membership card. What if I am away from Del Tura or unable to stop at your home? 1. If you opt to pay by mail, once again, only a check payable to Del Tura HOA in the amount of $12.00 will be accepted. You must provide your Del Tura address and a self addressed stamped envelope in order that your membership card/cards can be mailed to you. You should mail your dues to: Doris Meyer 246 Las Palmas Blvd. North Fort Myers, FL. 339031505 Any questions regarding delivery of The Tower call Joyce Fischer at 731-3305.. Thank you for your cooperation.

Mark Your Calendar January 1

New Year’s Day

January 3

First Day Ticket sales Craig King Comedy Hypnotist

January 3

Good Timers Meeting

January 10

First Day Ticket sales Nite at the Races

January 10

First Day Ticket sales for Fashion Show

January 11

HOA Board Meeting at 7:00 p.m.

January 17

Welcome Committee New Resident Get Together

January 18

Movie Night

January 20

Health Fair 2017

January 25

Fashion Show

January 21

Professional Show Craig King Comedy Hypnotist

January 24

First Day Ticket Sales Del Tura Rep. play SUITEHEARTS

January 24

First Day Ticket Sales for Valentine’s Dance with Shindigs Tribute Band

January 28

Nite at the Races

The Tower |

5 • 941.349.0194 • January 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

FISH And The New Year It has been brought to my attention that some of our volunteers do not know about turning your time into Betty Scheetz. Whenever you drive a resident to the doctor, dentist, grocery store or anywhere, please keep track of the time you are at your task. You will find a print out in The Tower near this article to fill out. We need your name, what the service was, person you serviced, and the date and how many hours it took. Actually this does not just apply to drivers. If you pick fruit, make telephone calls, buy or make dinners, send cards, deliver medical

equipment to a resident, anything you do for FISH…everyone needs to fill out the “Hours Slip” and turn it in to Betty or me. We need all the slips before the end of each quarter, since Betty has to generate a report and turn these hours into Lee County. The county then gathers all the hours from all the organizations like FISH and turns them into the state. The state tabulates all the hours and in return gives grants to Lee County, which in turn uses the grants to help feed, clothe, get medical help and house people who need the assistance. So, by helping a resident here in Del Tura, YOU are helping a much needier person in the county. So

two assists for one good deed. As you see we really need you to turn your hours in. If you cannot make it to Betty’s home or mine, just call Betty at 609-477-9147 or me (Ginnie) at 322-9863. Tell one of us what your hours are and we will put a slip in for you. How easy is that?! Save the date! On February 16, the FISH Board will be giving a luncheon for our volunteers. You will receive an invitation in the mail giving you more details and your choice of lunch. We will have more than one very special surprise for you. You do not want to miss this luncheon. Please end 2016 by turning in all the hours you have volunteered

FISH Fruit Tree Picking Project By Rick Rudzik and Sherry Plisch, Co-Chairpersons This is the latest (December 8) update from our committee. We like to keep our residents apprised of our progress and to give proper, well-deserved special thanks to our resident fruit donors. Without these donors the needy of our county would not receive the fruit they need to supplement their diet. To date (our picking season runs from October 1 to September 30 each year) the team has picked 506 pounds of Avocados, Star Fruit, Lemons, Limes, Oranges and Tangerines this year. We had five volunteers and we picked

from the residences of David and Karen Toothman, Rick Roche, Millie Hanahan, Paul and Lucy Schaefer and Margaret and Hank Zanger. The fruit was delivered to the soup kitchen in Lee County and was greatly appreciated. We would like to thank our new volunteer, Linda Braun – Welcome Aboard! We wish we could predict the availability of the fruit to better utilize the twenty-five plus volunteers we have on our committee. They are eager to get going to pick. Spread the word. There are a lot of residents who are not aware of what we do. We would

appreciate the help identifying potential trees that have become available. Homes that are empty or the residents are not here yet are possible sources for the committee to pick. We will seek permission where necessary. We are really proud of our residents for their generosity and concern! Since this report we have had more request to pick resident’s fruit trees. Keep those requests coming! Call Rick at 543-3662 or Sherry at 567-0538. We fish everyone a Happy New Year and again we welcome back our seasonal residents. God bless and thank you very much!

FISH of Del Tura Service Hours YOUR NAME: ________________________________________________________ SERVICE PROVIDED: __________________________________________________ PERSON SERVED: ____________________________________________________ DATE OF SERVICE: ___________________________________________________ HOURS: _____________________________________________________________ Please return to: Betty Scheetz, 1308 San Miguel Lane (609) 477-9147

for and begin 2017 by remembering to please turn your hours in to Betty Scheetz. At our January meeting, which is on the 3rd, we invite anyone who is interested to come to our meeting. It is held just after Coffee. We will be electing our new board at this meeting. Thanks to our present board for all that you have done this year. Our 2016 Board Members are: Gerry Ben-

jamins, Treasurer; Betty Scheetz, Administrator; Garnet Fleming, Secretary; Rich Symes, Equipment; Sue Symes, Transportation; Denise Rose, Bulletin Board; Dorothy Cook, Meals and Fruit Baskets; Ruth Anten, Vice-President and Sunshine; and Ginnie Benjamins, President. We hope that 2017 is a wonderful and healthy year for each one of you. Happy New Year!


to reach us please call 997-FISH (997-3474)



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Check Your Neighborhood 12/17

By Ginnie Benjamins


PO Box 3661 • N. Ft. Myers, FL 33918

6 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2017 • 941.349.0194 •

When You Retire, Where Can You Find Investment Income? As an investor, your main goals will change at different times in your life. During your working years, you need to grow as many resources as possible for retirement. Once you retire, however, you will likely need to focus more on getting income from your investments. But what are your options? There’s no shortage of income-producing investments, of course. You might immediately think of bonds, which can provide regular interest payments and probable preservation of principal, provided the bonds are considered “investment grade.” Still, if interest rates are low when you retire – as they have been for several years now – bonds might not provide you with as much income as you need. And just as importantly, the income you receive from most bonds won’t rise over time, leaving you susceptible to inflation and the loss of purchasing power. Consequently, you may also need to explore other types of income-generating vehicles, including dividend-paying stocks and real estate investment trusts (REITs). Some stocks have not only paid but also increased their dividends for many consecutive years. These stocks have historically provided the potential for rising income to help combat inflation and are typically well-run companies that strive to reward their investors. Nonetheless, you need to recognize that even these stocks are not obligated to pay you dividends, and they are free to lower or discontinue them at any time without notice. Now, let’s turn to a second type of potential income-producing asset: Real estate investment trusts (REITs). Different types of REITs are available. For example, equity REITs invest in and own commercial properties, such as hotels and shopping centers, while mortgage REITs, as the name suggests, own and invest in property mortgages. Is one form of REIT better than another? There’s no simple answer. On the one hand, mortgage REITs are considered riskier than equity REITs. However, mortgage REITs often pay quite large dividends, although the payout can be inconsistent. (Like all REITs, mortgage REITs must pay 90% of their taxable income to investors in the form of dividends. Due to this requirement, REITs generally need to raise capital to finance their growth plans, and this necessity can affect their share prices.) Other factors, such as changing interest rates, will affect the value of mortgage and equity REITs differently. Specifically, rising interest rates will likely cause the market value of the property mortgages inside mortgage REITs to fall, whereas equity REITs, which own actual buildings, might actually benefit if the Federal Reserve raises interest rates, as such a move would indicate a strong economy, more jobs and greater demand for office space. In the short term, though, even equity REITs can react negatively to an interest-rate increase. But over the long term, this movement can be offset by the benefits of earnings and dividend growth driven by a growing economy. Clearly, there’s much to think about when considering potential income-producing options such as bonds, dividend-paying stocks and REITs. Ultimately, you will need to weigh the merits and risks of these investments – including interest rate risk, credit risk and market risk – and determine which of them, or which combination of them, are most appropriate for your needs.

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.

Edward Jones, its employees and investment representatives do not offer estate-planning, tax or legal advice. “Adam Hromiak AAMS, CRPC is a Financial Advisor with Edward Jones Investments in Cape Coral on 3571 North Del Prado Blvd. Suite 7 Entrada Plaza, 1/2 mile West of Rt. 41. He can be contacted at (239) 731-6338” 12/17

The Tower |

7 • 941.349.0194 • January 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

By Dianne J. Roderick

If I could have but one wish for the New Year it would be for “Peace”. Peace for our world, peace for our communities, our families, and ourselves. My wish list would start and end with that hope. How can my wish become a reality? “Will there be peace on earth? How can that be? Is it still possible in a world that seems to be filled with such despair and distrust? I still think it’s a possibility. How can it happen one might ask…with lots of prayers and a removal of masks! What will it take for people to be real? Why does it have to be so surreal? Let’s start here in our own backyards, making peace through love and sharing. We don’t always agree on what’s right or wrong but that

doesn’t mean we have stopped caring.” If only we could find that empathetic place in our hearts before we become blind to the feelings of others. So when we’re faced with making the choice of speaking those words which we can’t take back, let’s try to find that special place and let our hearts choose the words for us. Give someone the gift of listening. It speaks volumes to bringing about peace to a person who has feelings of despair. Sometimes all a person needs is your time, just enough time to allow them to work through their feelings. Many times they are not looking for advice they are looking for a friend that cares enough about them to listen. Be that friend. It’s the little things we all say, or do individually for our fami-

lies and friends that will give us the daily peace we need to enjoy our lives. After all, isn’t that what we all want? If we can continue to spread these random acts of kindness here and outside the gates of Del Tura then we are certainly doing our part to encourage peace in our world. Well my dear friends, these are my wishes for the New Year. It won’t be an easy task but I truly feel they are the most important resolutions I can make for 2017. Let each of us be a beacon of hope to others as we work together towards peace in ourselves and our world. May peace, love, and good health be with each of you throughout the New Year.

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Sincerely, Dianne

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8 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2017 • 941.349.0194 •

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Vinyl Window Repair 3/17

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Mailbag HOLIDAY BASKET PROGRAM The Basket Committee, would like to THANK everyone who helped handing out flyers, collecting food & money, packing food boxes, wrapping presents as well as loading the Nations truck. Without the help of all you people the Basket Program would not be successful. The seventy families we help really appreciate all that is done on their behalf.

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Zumba, aerobics, yoga and shuffleboard for the beautiful cards and generosity. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. God Bless you all! Sincerely, Mary Pimental

Video Corner By Elaine Schnur You might remember this, back in the day there was a movie store named BLOCKBUSTERS. There was one in my neighborhood and probably one in yours and it was a exciting destination for the entire family. Inevitably, with the explosion of technology there is an alter-

nate source of movies streaming from the Internet, but you can’t always find just the movie you want when you want it. Here’s a suggestion for movie lovers. We call it the Video Store located in the Del Tura library. The store is open every Saturday from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.. We have over 900 of the best movies ever made. Come see

our collection and leave with an armful of entertainment for only $1.00 per video which you can keep for an entire week. The next movie night will be on Wednesday, January 18 at 7:00 p.m. in the Starlight ballroom. We will be showing the movie SULLY and you can get your fill of free popcorn.

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2 cups Cooked and cubed Chicken 1/4 cup chopped Onion (optional) 1 small package Slivered Almonds

1/2 cup chopped Green Pepper 2 cups Celery, cut large 1 small jar Pimentos

ADD: Mayonnaise to cover above ingredients (about 1 -1/2 cups) 1/2 tsp. accent (optional) 1 Tbsp. Lemon Juice Mix all ingredients well and spread in a 9x9 - inch casserole. TOPPING: Cover with Shredded Cheddar Cheese and crushed Potato Chips. Cover and BAKE at 375 degrees until bubbly (30 minutes or more) and the celery is still crunchy. Great for using leftover Chicken OR Turkey! The above recipe courtesy of Sandra Pladsen


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DEAR DEL TURA FRIENDS Thank you so much for your kind expression of sympathy you have shown me during the recent loss of my daughter. there are not enough words to express how much it has mant to me. Your prayers, kindness, and caring is helping me get through this very difficult time. I am blessed to have such wonderful friends, I love you all! My family and I appreciate all of your prayers, cards, calls, and special collections. Thank you Wendy Wells FISH for the wonderful fruit basket and also my dear friends from

If you have a recipe you would like to share in The Tower, e-mail it to or drop it off at the HOA office. You must put your name on your recipe but may request it not be published.

The Tower |


5/17 • 941.349.0194 • January 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

10 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2017 • 941.349.0194 •

Meet Your Neighbors Dave Adams


By Sue Dunigan





CALL: 997-0923 or 246-3699




“I have spent a good portion of my daily life, through the years, doing volunteer work with nonprofit organizations and in community service where we have lived. I truly enjoy serving on the editorial staff for the TOWER and sharing the stories of neighbors and also doing the interviews with our HOA Board members. I trust you will find the following Q&A interview with Dave informative and feel it is time well spent as you read what he has shared with me.” Dave Adams - HOA BOARD MEMBER -- Term expires in 2019 1) WOULD YOU LIKE TO SHARE ABOUT YOUR FAMILY? Married for 42 years to Nancy. High School Sweetheart Two daughters- Jennifer and Sarah Five Grandchildren- (all girls) Kassidy, Karsyn, Kaelyn, Abigail, Scarlett 2) YOUR CAREER? RETIREMENT? I retired a year and a half ago as Music Director and Department Head for the Arts and Business Programs at Gloucester High School in Gloucester Massachusetts. Prior to my teaching career, I spent 17 years as a professional executive with the Boy Scouts of America. Service has always been a big part of who I am. I have particularly enjoyed working with high school age young people. 3) HOW DID YOU DISCOVER DEL TURA COUNTRY CLUB? We fell in love with Del Tura when we saw it on a return from a trip to the Florida Keys. We loved the location in southwest Florida, the weather, the proximity to the ocean and the overall layout of the community. Price was certainly a factor as well. 4) WHAT ACTIVITIES DO YOU ENJOY MOST HERE IN DEL TURA?

I enjoy the Tuesday morning coffee because it gives me the opportunity to play the fabulous Clavinova this community had the wisdom to purchase several years ago. I also recently began serving as the narrator for coffee as well and I thoroughly enjoy the interaction with everyone in attendance. Prior to joining the board, I accepted the responsibility for directing the Choralaires. Thus far, I have directed two wonderful concerts with this terrific group of people and I’m looking forward to our Holiday Concert(s) (there will be two performances) on December 10. By the time you read this---you hopefully will have enjoyed the Christmas concert and are still basking in the glow of it. 5) WHAT POSITION DO YOU HOLD ON THE BOARD? Currently I am a “Member at Large” but I also serve as Liaison for the Sound and Lighting Group. I decided to serve on the board simply because I believe in helping and serving others. I like

to give back One of my favorite sayings is “Be part of the solution, not part of the problem”. I have always liked being part of organizations that provide service and help to others. 6) HOBBIES/ SPECIAL INTERESTS YOU ENJOY? I am also a huge admirer of Walt Disney. He was an incredible visionary. Walt once said “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible”. I’ve always enjoyed that idea. I obviously have a particular passion for music and am a huge fan of the Rock music of the 50’s 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. That passion was kindled in high school and during the early years of our marriage when I worked as a Rock and Roll DJ at the local radio station in my hometown. My wife and I both enjoy camping and the outdoors and we’re both avid readers. We truly love living in Del Tura. The friendships we’ve made are truly special, and we love the warmth we feel from the residents wherever we go.


The Tower |

11 • 941.349.0194 • January 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Book Review The Lost Key By Catherine Coulter and J.T. Ellison and it doesn’t take long before the shooting and killing begins and the action just keeps on rolling. It also does not take long for Nicholas to get himself dimly viewed by his superior related to all the ensuing action taking place. The bottom line in the reasons behind the murders appears to be “the lost key”. The action continues as you visit Germany and Scotland and the machinations of a very high placed secret society. Enjoy!

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Editors Note: The Tower welcomes reviews from our readers of books they have read. You can email them to or drop them off at the HOA office. You must supply your name upon submission but request that your name not be published.


on any do-it-yourself material order!! Ask about our installation specials!


If you are familiar with Catherine Coulter’s prior works, you will be in for a surprise with this novel. For the first time she has taken on a co-author and there are twists in the story as two writers deploy their writing skills. The story begins in the prologue in the year 1917. Then switches to the present time and to the FBI in New York. Enter Nicholas Drummond, a brand new FBI agent, formerly a member of Scotland Yard. Nicholas is teamed up with special Agent Michaela Caine



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12 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2017 • 941.349.0194 •

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The Tower |

13 • 941.349.0194 • January 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

January 25, Noon – 3pm - Starlight Ballroom Way back in October, having been inspired by the success of a fashion show her sister had planned, Wendy Wells contacted Sandy Boykin, the HOA Special Event Chairman, about the possibility of having a fashion show here in Del Tura. Since it had been awhile since a fashion show was held here, the Board agreed that it was a great idea and the planning process began. It is now December as I am writing this and the final stages of planning are in the works. By the time you read this we will be ready for all of you HOA members to get your table mates together and be at the clubhouse by 8 am on Tuesday, January 10th to buy your tickets. Bring your check made payable to the HOA or cash is acceptable but only in the exact amount of your purchase. The ticket price is $20 per person. After the first day of ticket sales all residents will be able to

purchase tickets. Ticket sales will be held on Tuesdays before coffee and on Thursdays at the HOA office between the hours of 4-6 pm.

By now you are probably asking yourselves “What do I get for my $20”? A very entertaining afternoon filled with fun and some surprises. The clubhouse will look wonderful with all the beachy centerpieces made by Dorothy Cook and her committee; you may even be one of the lucky ones to take one home. Cindy Baron and her group have been out taste testing to find the best choice for your luncheon. It will be such fun to watch your friends and perhaps a neigh-

bor modeling the stylish clothes and accessories from Traders Rick’s in Bell Tower. The owner, Teresa, is providing a gift for each of the attendees. There will be musical entertainment and some lovely baskets which will be raffled off as well. I ask, what more could be added to this afternoon. Mark your calendar, buy your ticket and join us. You don’t want to be left out. The Fashion Show Committee

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Bingo, Bingo, Bingo

By Linda Schoonmaker, BINGO Chairman

That’s right it is time to start marking your calendar’s for our Del Tura Thursday Evening BINGO. Get your lucky number in mind for our Pay the Queen, which is free to all of our players. Our Share the Wealth is back again this year as well as our ever popular Hot Ball. We have new games and will continue to grow as we gain new ideas. Each day will be a new adventure for us to enjoy. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Sales end at 6:45 p.m. Games begin at 7:00 p.m. Florida State law requires that all players must be 18 years of age or older.


Fashion Show

14 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2017 • 941.349.0194 •

Mister Fix-It By Jim Stenzel For this article, I want to talk to you about your exterior walls. I don’t particularly enjoy repairing rot on homes. All that work is so avoidable! Rot occurs because of neglect, and there just aren’t many residents here that are not fit enough to monitor the condition of the exterior of their homes. The simple fact is that we live in a harsh climate, and it is imperative that you understand the stresses our climate puts on your homes, if you wish to minimize the expense of home maintenance. Let me stress that the issues you face here in Del Tura are NOT because you are living in a manufactured home; the issues are related to the materials used in your home’s construction and would be the same if you lived in a traditionally-built home constructed of similar materials. OK, so we live in Florida. What’s the big deal anyway? Well,


the constant heat and humidity has many tangible impacts. Can you believe how fast your bushes and grass grow? Or how fast the mold builds up on the north side of your eaves? Or more to the point, how fast any unprotected wood decays? The operative word here is “unprotected”. The rot issues I’ve seen in this community are not due to inferior construction materials, the rot is due to neglect. I have seen some of the oldest homes here, dating to the early 80’s, that are in PERFECT condition. No rot, no external issues at all. The difference is that the owners of these homes have been diligent in keeping them painted and caulked, and have been rewarded with homes that have performed well, even in this severe climate. However, give water an inch, and it will take a mile. Once moisture has access through worn paint, or cracks in your caulk, it creates problems that are then difficult to fix permanent-

ly, without replacing the siding on your home. There’s just a few steps you need to take to keep your exterior walls and trim in great shape. Inspect your home or have it inspected every few months. Specifically look for; cracks in the caulk around all your trim, open nail holes or nails that are backing out of the siding, open cracks between the sheets of paneling (seams will occur every 4 feet), ends of trim boards that are punky to the touch, be especially vigilant around anything attached to your

siding, or goes through it (wires etc.) Attending to problems early will minimize damage and keep your costs of ownership as low as possible. Insist on proper repairs. If you have cracks in your caulk, and the caulk is heavily built up, simply slapping more caulk on top is not an effective repair. Where many layers of caulk have previously been applied, such that the seams look glumpy and heavily built up, the existing caulk should be removed and then new caulk reapplied and painted. If panel seams have opened up, they will also need to be caulked. And while on the topic of caulk, I do not recommend silicone caulks. Silicone caulks are notably rugged providing exceptional sealing and long life. However, once they fail (eventually all caulked seams will fail) they are extremely difficult to remove entirely, and silicone caulk does not bond well to old silicone caulk. In fact, no caulk bonds well to old silicone caulk. If you have

wood trim that needs replacing, think SERIOUSLY about spending a little extra on PVC lumber for the repairs. It will never rot! Get your house repainted, and when the paint film shows signs of age (chalking, many small cracks, etc.) Caulk should be painted as well; unpainted caulk just cannot stand up to the intense sun we have here. Don’t skimp on the quality of the paint you put on your house; after all, you get what you pay for. Check out current paint reviews for guidance. And remember, the most important function of your paint is not to make your house look pretty; it’s to protect your house and prevent the intrusion of water. If your paint is not in great shape, putting on one new coat will probably make your house look nice, but two good coats of paint will assure an effective barrier to the elements. Hiring a painter? Make sure you ask for recommendations, and before you sign, ask for references… and call them!

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The Tower |


1/17 • 941.349.0194 • January 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

16 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2017 • 941.349.0194 • 1/17 5/16

Restaurant Review

Foster’s Grill - Recreating the Taste of Great Family Cookouts 728 SW Pine Island Rd In the Lighthouse Plaza Cape Coral, FL 33991 239-573-4454 Sun–Thur 11:00 AM – 9:00 PM Fri–Sat 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM By Dave Adams

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Computer Problems

Looking for a causal place to go with friends or family that has that old fashioned neighborhood feel? I strongly suggest you give “Foster’s Grill” a try. Located at 728 W Pine Island Road, Foster’s features delicious sandwiches and hand cut French fries that are truly extraordinary. If you long for that old fashioned charcoal taste in a burger, Foster’s can’t be beat. Go for a fresh (never frozen) quarter pounder. Or for the hearty appetite try the half pounder that’s so big, it’s hard to hold with two hands. The choices for toppings are numerous, and there’s something for every taste. Order the full meal and you get a beverage and a heaping helping of home made French fries. Or try

their crispy and delicious onion rings. The ample but not overly large full menu includes chicken fingers, hot dogs and turkey burgers, plus authentic and boneless wings. For those who prefer the vegetarian diet, Foster’s also serves a Garden Burger. Side salads are also available. Top it off with a milk shake that’s so thick you might be tempted to eat it with a spoon. Or add in a soft drink of your choice. Better yet, enjoy an ice-cold beer! For added convenience, you can actually place your order on line and have it available for pick up or to dine-in upon your arrival. Check it out online at “” Interior seating features open tables as well as booths for those who want a little more intimacy. The décor harks back to the malt shops many of us remember when we were teenagers. And for added enjoyment, the background music while we dined was the songs of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s.

We found the staff to be friendly and efficient, and the service was excellent. Our food arrived at the table piping hot, and they constantly checked back in with us to make sure everything was as we liked it. While not a huge facility, I suspect it is more than ample in size to hold a decent crowd with little or no wait…… even in season! This delightful eatery has received recognition with “The Best of Cape Coral” designation, and after our recent meal, we can see why. Give it a try. Foster’s is great place whether you’re on a budget or not, and the food, ambience and quality make this great fun for folks of all ages.

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Editors Note: The Tower is featuring a restaurant review in our issues. If you want to participate in reviewing a restaurant you enjoyed, Doris Meyer will accept a review sent as an email to her with an attachment. Her email is If you do not have a computer you may type or print your review and bring it to the HOA office. If you submit a review you must provide your full name. Your name will not be published unless you choose to see your name in print.

The Tower |

17 • 941.349.0194 • January 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC





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18 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2017 • 941.349.0194 •

This communication will serve to announce the annual




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FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 2017 FROM 9:00 A.M.TO 1:00 P.M. The Expo is open to Del Tura residents and there is no fee to attend. Please come and enjoy over 45 providers with:



For more information,or if you would like to join the committee, or if you have any suggestions/request for specific healthcare vendors Contact Joyce Lienert, Committee Chair, 973-714-4117 (HOA Sponsored)

The Tower |

19 • 941.349.0194 • January 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

20 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2017 • 941.349.0194 •

Meet Your Volunteer

Gerrit (“Gerry”) Benjamins — ‘The World Traveler’ By John Brassem


When: Where: Purpose:

Food: Raffle: Invitations:


Tuesday, January 17, 2017 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Royal Palm Room in the Clubhouse. Friends will get you involved with what they do, but we will show you all of the activities offered in Del Tura that you might enjoy. You will meet the people in charge of the activities and they can answer any questions and even sign you up. You will also discover all of the volunteer opportunities and will be able to join the HOA (Homeowner Association) and FMO Federation of Manufactured Home Owners of Florida). Light refreshment will be served. There will be a raffle for gifts donated by Del Tura Venders. We will attempt to deliver an invitation with all of the important information to each new resident. Fliers will be on all bulletin boards at the pools, in the club house, and on the tables during Tuesday morning coffee. Just A Reminder To Mark Your Calendar For The New Homeowners Get- Together! If you are able to attend please contact any of the committee members listed below. Marlene DeGraaf Welcome Committee Chairman Committee Members to contact: Marlene DeGraaf 599-4404 -

Mary Harrell 543-3852 - Lorna Callan 731-8348 -

I interviewed Gerrit Benjamins, ‘Gerry’ as most of you know him, for this issue of The Tower. I was surprised to learn that Gerry and I have similar backgrounds; we both speak Dutch, (as a second language), our lives were influenced by WWII, (Gerry’s politically, mine militarily), and we both immigrated to the United States from Holland. But that’s where the similarity ends. Gerry’s remarkable voyage to the US, however, was a circuitous one. As a matter of fact, his travels from Indonesia, (his birthplace), to America, could be the makings of a thrilling adventure movie. I can see a young Leonardo DiCaprio playing Gerry. First, a little antediluvian background. Indonesia, (a Dutch colony formerly called Dutch Indo-China), with its key islands of Sumatra and Java, were important producers of rubber, wood, tobacco and a long list of war materials. Japan, needing those resources for their war effort, invaded and occupied Indonesia in 1942. Defeated in 1945, Japan reluctantly returned to its homeland with strong British, Dutch and US military ‘urging’. Gerry’s saga started in 1947 when he was born in Bandung, Indonesia. Both parents were Dutch citizens. The Dutch, fighting to keep possession of their colony and fill the void left by the departing Japanese, sent 100,000 heavily armed troops to fill the vacuum and quell a local, but bloody, uprising for Indonesian independence. The fierce fighting ended in 1949 after the United Nations negotiated a peace between the leader of the independence movement the basilisk Sukarno and the Dutch. As Gerry tells it, “President Sukarno declared Marshall Law in this deeply wounded country and using the Indonesian army, decided to expel any and all non-

Indonesians – especially those of Dutch heritage.” Consequently, one night, in 1957, there was a pounding on the Benjamins’ front door. There stood two heavily armed, leviathan soldiers and a truculent officer. The Benjamins family was ordered to leave Indonesia immediately. (Note: can you imagine how Gerry’s parents must have felt in this hand wringing situation?) Shortly after that ‘midnight knock’, Gerry, his younger sister Joyce and parents, found themselves on a converted Italian troop ship heading for Genoa, Italy and safety. Gerry told me he had a “good old time on the ship exploring the ship’s nooks and crannies.”

tion that refugees can make to this country. It also shows what you can do with initiative and ‘brains’ – as I told Gerry during this interview. Gerry, and the family, assimilated quickly. After attending high school, he applied to Boston’s MIT. He was accepted in their electrical engineering program. Obviously, MIT recognized Gerry’s potential and intellectual capability. It was not to be, however, since his father needed him at home. Gerry attended local Alfred University and graduated with a Ceramic Engineering Degree, (CE), with honors. Upon graduation, he ended up working for C. A. Litzler & Co. an innovative firm manufacturing

Gerrit Benjamins, ‘Gerry’ as most of you know him. For what it’s worth, this writer assumes his parents’ were relieved to have sagaciously and safely left the country. In Italy, the Benjamins family took a train to an immigration camp in Rotterdam, Holland, (Gerry told me that he saw his first ever snow fall there.) Two years later, via a low and slow DC-3 airplane, the family arrived in Alfred, NY via New York City. Please remember, Gerry and Joyce, still spoke little English. To be sure, the family’s immigration to the United States is an excellent example of the contribu-

industrial ovens. He has traveled around the world as their VP for Global Field Service and leading electrical designer, visiting most industrialized nations. Gerry says he ‘misses the travel’ since he’s been ‘off the road’ now for 10 years. The thing that keeps him at home, of course, is his beautiful wife of 40 years, Virginia, who we all know as ‘Ginnie’. Gerry and Ginnie make a great couple. If you haven’t already, you should get to know them. Gerry is a Choralaire, an avid tennis player and an all-around good guy.


The Tower |


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10/14 • 941.349.0194 • January 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

22 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2017 • 941.349.0194 •


18-Hole Women’s Golf Association By Carol Marra Happy New Year! May this be the year of that elusive hole-in-one, the marvelous chip-in that wins the hole in the President’s Cup or, maybe you break 40 for the first time on North. We can all dream! Our Club Championship took place in November and our Club Champion for the 7th time (!) is Paula Lafreniere. If you want to see a beautiful swing, watch Paula. While some of us are trying to put everything in the swing, including our back molars, Paula has this lovely, almost (to us admirers) effortless swing. And Paula is a pleasure to play with; she is an excellent golfer and also a gracious playing partner. The full slate of winners: Flight A: 1-Peggy Deems 2-Maria Matthews 3-Nancy Collins.

Flight B: 1-Jan Pedersen 2-Kay Rolader 3-Brenda Snyder. Flight C: 1-Linda Beiermann 2-Sandy Weddleton 3-Elaine Derraney. Flight D: 1-Micki Sullivan 2-Wilma Antaya 3-Connie Ashcroft. Not to be satisfied with three days of golf Jan Pedersen and Kay Rolader had a one hole play off as did Wilma Antaya and Connie Ashcroft. These trophies, along with last year’s President’s Cup winners were given out at the Awards Banquet December 2. December 1 we had our elections and next year’s officers are: President-Paula Lafreniere, VicePresident-Peggy Deems, Secretary-Bertie Dugo and TreasurerPeggy MacMillan. They were sworn in at our Christmas Luncheon on December 8.

Also, at the Christmas luncheon we awarded hole -in-one pins and birdie pins to everyone who had a hole-in-one or birdie in the last year. A special pin was given to the golfer with the most birdies. This year’s winner was Brenda Sharpe with 26. Close behind were Paula Lafreniere with 24 and Peggy Deems at 23. Congratulations to all. Every tournament seems to be a learning experience of a new rule. Well, not necessarily new, but one for which we need more information. One of our players was in a large sand trap and went to the other end of the trap to pick up the rake. In doing so she had to walk in the bunker. While walking out she raked her foot steps. Her fellow players called a 2 stroke penalty on her for “testing the sand”. You are not allowed to “test the sand” before you hit. But, they were not sure so, as you should, they asked in the Pro Shop afterwards. In fact, there was no penalty. What the player had done was for the “beautification” of the course and was not testing the sand near her ball. If she had raked near her ball there would have been a penalty. Now, those of us who have had our problems getting out of sand know that no amount of

testing would make a difference but, the rule is the rule! Every week we can throw in a dollar and compete for chips-in. A few weeks ago there was $20.00 in the pot and not one chip in! Many of us added another dollar and got the pot up to $40.00. That day we had 9 chip-ins! Three of us had two each! It is a funny game! Our Member-Member took place on December 7 and 8. We played best ball the first day and total score minus full handicaps the second day. The winners of Flight One are Jan Pedersen and Paula Lafreniere. Flight two winners are Louise Bowers and Micki Sullivan. LEGA and Invitationals are posted in the Dungeon. We organize car pools to the courses and lunch is always included. Prizes for LEGA are based on individual scores while Invitationals are team events. The next LEGA event is January 9, at Pine Lakes. Speaking of the Dungeon: they have now replaced the floor with a wood floor. It looks very nice. Now, could someone convince the Pro Shop to use bigger print so we “older folks” can actually read our tee times?! My New Year’s resolution is to learn to get out of sand bunkers

better. Paul Taggert’s resolution is to get us a practice sand bunker soon. It will probably be located near the driving range and you will be hitting into the water. Is this what I want to teach my golf brain: from sand to water?! Friday, December 9 the Pro Shop sponsored a Demo day with Cleveland and Srixon clubs. Always fun to try out the newest equipment. With new or older equipment, if you are interested in private lessons or weekly clinics, ask in the Pro Shop. Membership Chairperson is Micki Sullivan. Contact Micki at 567-2975 if you are interested in joining. She has all the information and will answer your questions. We hope you rested up after Christmas and participated in the Bloody Mary Open on New Year’s Day. The Jack and Jill tournament is on the 4th and 5th of January and our President’s Cup will take place in February. Welcome back to the snowbirds who held out coming to Florida until after the Holidays. And a warm greeting to any folks who are here for the first time. Enjoy all that Del Tura has to offer.

Men’s Golf Association By Jay Flanagan


With the new year the fun really starts and the next twelve weeks will be filled with tournaments and competitions for all of the men golfers in the Association. The schedule for all of these that are on the lineup are posted in the dungeon along with the sign-up sheets when they become available. Also on tap is the MGA’s weekly get together each Wednesday at 7:45 a.m. that gives those seeking to do some different types of games. The sign up sheets are posted each Wednesday afternoon and taken down on Monday at

8:30 a.m. These games are run by Ron Fluet and have a $3.00 entry fee. Golfers can also find the daily skin games’ sign up sheets posted in the dungeon. On December 2, the annual Awards Dinner was held in the Clubhouse Ballroom and the 2016 champions were honored after a great meal. The many 2016 tournaments run by the MGA brought together all those who achieved excellence they received trophies for their efforts. Those honored were: for the Jack and Jill: 1st Flight, Jerry and Linda Beierman and 2nd Flight, Marcel and Pat Bedard. The President’s Cup

championed five different flights and those winners were: Flight 1-Jack Howard, #2- Dick Boesel, #3- Jack Mereiros, #4- Dave Csuy and #5- Lou Rotolo. The 2016 Club Championship trophies were presented to Jerry Beierman, Jerry Butler and Jack Howard in Flight 1; Ron Cole in #2, Jim Erion #3, Jack Medeiros #4, John Peterson #5 and John Cook #6. The Championship Flight champ was George Evangelist who became a first time winner. Remember to sign up for the Bloody Mary Open and the Jack and Jill Tourney on the sheets in the Dungeon.

The Tower |

23 • 941.349.0194 • January 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Friday Shuffleboard League By Jack Blevons I am writing this early so it gets into The Tower on time because Janet and I will be leaving for 10-days in Montego Bay, Jamaica, to celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary on the 12th. We finished week five so here are the standings after today’s play. In the A- Flight we have two teams tied for first place with 11/1 records and they are Fred and Carolyn Brueggemann and Glenn and Mary Kay Tointon. Second place also has a tie: the teams of Ben Hargraves and Joe Vigilante and Jack and Janet Blevons at 10/2. The B- Flight leaders are Lynne Sabel and Barb Jones at 8/4 and they are followed by 3-teams, Chuck and Marcella Carothers, Audrey Person and Deb Taylor and Bob Palazzo and Doris Thurber, all tied at 5/7.

We still have a long season ahead of us as we play into March so lots of time for teams to move up and down. We had a nice day to play again so we have had no rainouts so far in our first five weeks and we all hope that continues. We have been using subs every week so anyone interested in being a sub, you can call either Janet or myself at 731-0892 and if we don’t happen to be home, just leave a message on our answering machine and one of us will gladly return your call when we can. We have a great league which as Captain of thirteen years I can say we really have a grand group of people in our league playing and we are having a lot of fun playing together. In closing I want to again thank Hometown’s Norman who every Friday blows our courts off so they are clean and ready to play on Friday afternoons. He also built

us a new wooden shelf outside the shack that was falling apart as we use that too. Appreciate your hard work Norman. I also want to thank Hometown with supplying the necessary parts to fix equipment that is there for everyone’s use. It occasionally gets broken and Janet and I will continue to fix them when needed. By the time you read this, more renters will be here in our community and I just want to remind everyone who comes to play on the courts, especially with smaller children, to please respect the rules by not walking on the playing courts and please treat the equipment as though it were your own. Everything there costs money that Hometown is good enough to provide so that residents, renters, visitors and different groups and leagues can enjoy the game of shuffleboard. Thank you.

Traveling Shuffleboard Is Up And Shooting

By Glenn Tointon

Our traveling shuffleboard is well on its way as we started playing on December 8. This year’s team is comprised of: Glenn Tointon, League President and Co-Captain; Leon Buss, Co-Captain; Marylou Buss; MaryKay Tointon; Bob and Donna Crawford; Judy Lessard; Janet

Reinen; Glenn and Diana Camp; Ed Dye; Marlene Eck; Len Fleming; and Carolyn Brueggemann. Our first meet was against Six Lakes and we won 22 games and lost 8. Good way to start the season! There is a schedule of our games on the window of the shed by the shuffleboard courts. We play every Wednesday at 1:00

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and we would love to have an audience, so please come and see the different style of play. If you would like to sub, see Glenn Tointon (920-309-1294). Next year we want to enter a second team so we need another dozen players. Here is hoping you all have a great New Year. See you at the courts.

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Bowling Is Back At Del Tura Well, our local bowling alley burnt down and they decided not to replace it so after a year away from the game we love we decided to look for another alley. We found Bowland in Cape Coral who had room for us so we start-

ed knocking down the pins (and sometimes cleaning the gutters!) the first week in November. After four weeks, Dave’s Dolls are leading by five points. Their team is made up of MaryKay Tointon, Dave Csuy, Nancy Chomo, and Joan Whaley. Denise Rose carries the highest average

on the league at 181. The lowest average is, well, I guess you could say is all the rest of us! Why she wants to humiliate us like this, we will never know (just kidding, she is a great bowler and is fun to watch). We have several others with very nice averages, which I will post next month.

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24 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2017 • 941.349.0194 •


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• DOORS • A/C UNITS 14940 N. Cleveland Ave. • Low-E WINDOWS Ft. Myers, FL 33903 • ALUMINUM PRODUCTS M-F 8-5pm, Sat. 9-3pm • 54”x27” TUBS / SHOWERS LIC#: CAC1818340

Death Notices Your Mobile Home Parts Warehouse! • DOORS • A/C UNITS 14940 N. Cleveland Ave. • Low-E WINDOWS Ft. Myers, FL 33903 • ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Jeanne M. Smith M-F 8-5pm, Sat. 9-3pm • 54”x27” TUBS / SHOWERS LIC#: CAC1818340

Jack Ulrich

Amigos To Open Their Season

• DOORS • A/C UNITS follow Taylor pastN. Walmart to the Ave. last season’s championship squad By Jay Flanagan 14940 Cleveland • Low-E WINDOWS second stop light at Airport; take that went 16 and 2 and includes inFt. Myers, FL 33903 The •Del Tura Amigos PRODUCTS men’s a right and look for Florida on the fielders: Joe Angelilli, Dan Duffy, ALUMINUM softball team will be looking to left (do not cross are Larry Eckert, Tim Krentz, Jesse M-FI75). 8-5pm,Fields Sat. 9-3pm 54”x27” TUBS / SHOWERS replicate•last year’s championship approximately a mile up Florida on Leverre, Larry Moore , Bob Neil-

LIC#: when they open theirCAC1818340 Mark and the left. The squad looks forward son, Dick Rose, Mike Scott, Mike Mary Ford League schedule on to your support and cheering. Stark, Jay Traver, Vaughn Wedge; January 4, 2017, at 5:30 pm against This year’s team has 25 active catchers: Dave Denman, Andy Lake Fairways. The game will players that includes all but 1 from Rivet and David Keller. Outfieldfollow the League’s Opening Cerers: Rick Antaya, Jim Hamilton, emonies at 4:30 and will be played Craig Lindahl, Bruce Smith, Jack on Diamond #2 at Carmalita Park Theriault, Jim Yeakle and pitchers: in Punta Gorda. Rick Manuel, John Ruttman, Tom Since the league moved to Pun• DOORS Walsh and Jay Flanagan. ta Gorda five years ago, many resiLooking for lots of support dents of • ourA/C community UNITShave taken 14940 N. Cleveland Ave. during the season that runs on the trip north to support and watch • Low-E WINDOWS Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:15 the men battle for the championFt. Myers, FL 33903 • ALUMINUM PRODUCTS from January 4 to March 22. Reship. To reach the ball park you M-F 8-5pm, Sat. 9-3pm member its Left (on 41) Right (on go north•on54”x27” 41 past Tuckers TUBSGrade / SHOWERS Taylor) Right (on Airport) Left to Taylor Ave (look for the SouthLIC#: CAC1818340 west College sign), take a right and (on Florida).

Your Mobile Home Parts Warehouse!

Hello to All and Happy Post few hours come on down to the Holiday Wishes, ceramics room Monday through Our Del Tura Ceramic’s Club Friday, 9:00 a.m. to noon, and we continues to thrive! We have will be happy to get them started, many new members and many however, your supervision will be new and beautiful projects to required. work on. Also, if you don’t see Our annual meeting will be • DOORS items on our shelves that you are held Wednesday, January 11, • A/C UNITS looking for,14940 we have cata- Ave. 2017, at 9:00 a.m. We will be votN. many Cleveland • Low-E WINDOWSlogs that you can look through for ing on new officers and collecting Ft. Myers, FL 33903 inspiration and to order custom yearly dues at that time, so please • ALUMINUM PRODUCTS projects! M-F 8-5pm, Sat. 9-3pmjoin us • 54”x27” TUBS / SHOWERS We continue to have ready to LIC#: CAC1818340 paint items, so if you have those Thank you and grandchildren coming and you Happy Painting! want to keep them busy for a By Marly Haag

Your Mobile Home Parts Warehouse!


DO YOU NEED TO Your Mobile Home Parts Warehouse! Your Mobile Home Parts Warehouse! ADVERTISE ON OUR • DOORS • DOORS ELECTRONIC SIGN? • A/C UNITS • A/C UNITS 14940 N. Cleveland Ave.

In orderWINDOWS to keep the job manageable, I need to have your requests for • Low-E • Low-E WINDOWS messages thirty (30) days Ft. before theFLevent Myers, 33903 you are advertising. • ALUMINUM PRODUCTS • ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Want to design your own message M-F 8-5pm,display? Sat. 9-3pm Look for guidelines soon • 54”x27” TUBSwebsite. / SHOWERS • 54”x27” TUBS / SHOWERS on the HOA Contact me, Jim Stenzel, at 239-826-0524. LIC#: CAC1818340

LIC#: CAC1818340

14940 N. Cleveland Ave. Ft. Myers, FL 33903

M-F 8-5pm, Sat. 9-3pm

The Tower |

25 • 941.349.0194 • January 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC MENTION TH AD TO GET IS

10% OFF

Why Be A Member Of FMO?



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The FMO is the only organization in the State of Florida that watches over the interests of the people living in manufactured homes! The Florida Mobile Home Act (Florida Statute 723) was enacted in 1984 to protect our interests. It is a document that all manufactured homeowners should be familiar with. It covers items such as:

Aaron Nelson

Contact our representative, Betty Ewing-Cheney at 239-652-3909. Betty is also available at Coffee Hour on Tuesday mornings.

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26 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2017 • 941.349.0194 • Family Owned and Operated



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11/1/16 Dee/Lou Rotolo Carol Marra/Zella Hoyt tie Miller Ekas/Jerry Moore 11/8/16 Ann Laughlin/Don Mick Miller Ekas/Jerry Moore Lacy Arnett/Don Rutherford 11/22/16 Don Rutherford/Lacey Arnett tie Carol Marra/Richard Anderson Dave Harting/Ricki Thompson 11/29/16 Ron Emo/Jane Walcroft Carol Marra/Richard Anderson tie Don Rutherford/Miller Ekas Don Mick/Earl Ewing

Del Tura Save Our Strays By Sherry Plisch and Karen Azza, Co-Chairpersons Happy New Year! We want to say, “ THANK YOU SO MUCH DEL TURA” for all the support we received for the “Save our Strays” Bake Sale. Thanks to those who helped with the setup, support and baking of the goodies. They are: Patty and Ken Bracher, Yvonne Beicht, Ginnie Benjamins, Barbara Blanton, Mary Crosby, Russ and Robyn Geren, Jan Condos, Charlene Ruotolo, Karen and Ray Hahn, Helen Townsend, Betty and Dave Scheetz, Darcie Rockenbaugh, Kathy Aira, Margaret Zanger, Rita Immoor, Sue Hall,

Barbi and Jim O’Brien, Cindy Baron, Bob and Carol Dubel, Sue Symes, Margaret Johnson, Dolores Smith, Ellie Haug, Ruthie Wedge, Linda Berlovich, Karen Azza, Sherry and Barry Plisch, Denise and Dick Rose, Jim Yeakle and a mystery Lady who dropped off baked goods at Russ and Robyn Geren’s home. If we missed anyone, we apologize and we thank you too! Thanks also to ALL the people who purchased baked goods and donated gifts. Our “Save our Strays Committee” was able to purchase two upgraded trapping cages. They have already been used to successfully Trap and Spay/ Neuter a few more community cats!

SAVE THE DATE: The 4th Annual Cat’s Pajamas Event will be held March 11, 2017 at 5:00 pm in the Starlight Ballroom. It will be a Meow-velous Baked Potato Bar with lots of delicious toppings. We will also have a Silent Auction and a 50/50 drawing. There will be more information to come. Tickets will go on sale in February. Hope to see you there! A feral cat that is part of our Save Our Strays TNR Program will have it’s left ear clipped, which is a universal sign that it has been spayed or neutered. If you would like to provide food, water or shelter for the feral cats, you may become a registered Caregiver with the Del Tura SOS Program. Please contact Sherry 239567-0538 or Karen 239-220-0563.

THE DEL TURA REPERTORY COMPANY SAVE THE DATE I have had to change the date of our play. Please amend your schedules as you do not want to MISS THIS ONE ! We are presenting a comedy SUITE HEARTS (not a typo) Show dates are now February 15,16, 17, and 18. First day of ticket sales January 24, 2017, at Coffee for HOA members only. Our Box Office opens January 25 for everyone. Phone 731-1669 Box Office hours 9.30 a.m. - 500 p.m. - all messages will be returned. Tickets will also be available on subsequent Tuesdays at Coffee. Jacqueline Keen Jacqueline Keen

The Tower |

27 • 941.349.0194 • January 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Del Tura Contact Info Lee Memorial Blood Ctr.


Coffee Hour - Tues. AM coordinator

Nancy Adams



Kathleen Quigley



Barb Jones


Contractor Survey Results

Dennis Cottini


Del Tura Repertory Company

Jacquie Keen


Entertainment Committee Chair

Betty Ewing


Equipment Loans- Medical

Rich Symes

Loan Closet

Val Coache

Loan Closet - Alternate

Denise Rose

Feral Cat Information "SOS"

Karen Azza/Sherry Plisch

FISH - Friends in Service Here

Ginnie Benjamins, Pres.

FISH - Fruit Picking Contact

Rick Rudzik/Sherry Plisch

FMO Membership

Betty Ewing

731-1308 239-543-6425 or cell: 508-789-4245 815-222-6466 220-0563 or 5670538 322-9863 543-3662 567-0538 652-3909

Front Guard Gate


• Locks Rekeyed • Locks Installed •

Louis Rivet CRL Del Tura Resident

Doris Meyer


HOA Office - 609 Sierra Madre (off Catalina)

Mon.-Fri. 9:00 a.m. - noon


Homeowners’ Issues/Grievances

Clubhouse Office



Ruth Blevins


Name Tags

Wendy Wells


Seminars (HOA Board President)

Alan Wells


Tower - Advertising -

Bob & Emy Stein


Tower - Editor

Doris Meyer


Tower - Delivery coordinator

Joyce Fischer


Veterans Contact

David Jacobs


Video Library

Elaine Schnur


Marlene De Graaf


Contracting, Inc.

ADDITIONS & REPAIRS Remodeling ~ Kitchens and Baths Vinyl and Stucco Siding Plumbing ~ Water Softeners, Heaters, Faucets Repipes, Toilets, Sinks, Etc.

(239) 731-9240 CGC059985


Jim Stenzel



Charles & Peg Note 731-5615 Doris Meyer 731-1937 Please email any changes to Pam Price at Pam’s phone is 239-567-7929.

By Joyce Lienert “M.J.” has scheduled monthly meetings in the Poinciana room to discuss real/potential changes in Medicare benefits The following are the dates and time: FRIDAY, JANUARY 27 @ 1:0 0 pm – 2:30 pm TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 @ 10:00 am – 11:30 am THURSDAY, MARCH 16 @ 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm





Don Davis

Sound Systems David & Judy Jacobs



HOA Membership

Welcome Committee


Blood Drive - Shannon Flory - Recruiter



Other Contact Numbers


28 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2017 • 941.349.0194 •

Good Timers’ Singles Club News By Joyce Lienert Now that the year 2017 is upon us, it is good to remember………. “In the summer, there are always the seeds of winter. When you’re down, up will come. In the joy of success dwell the seeds of failure. In moments of bleakest grief shines the light of new energy and life.” Moments in Between by David Kundtz. “Sit down, be still and pay attention.” Sister Mary Odilo. It is resolution time! If you are single, make a New Year’s resolution to join the Good Timers’ Singles group. It is a good way to keep the summer in winter, stay “up”, and experience something new and energetic in your life. You can attend a monthly meeting as a guest. The meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month at

5:00 p.m. in the Royal Palm Ball- run the monthly 50/50 raffle. The ber 12. All members, who paid room at the Clubhouse. Yearly positions of secretary and treas- dues for 2016, had no charge for dues are $30.00. For further in- urer need to be filled. This will their dinner. This was a festive formation, call Joyce Lienert at be addressed at the January 2017 event at which a Yankee Swap was the highlight of the evening, meeting. 973-632-1147. Peg McTernan provided infor- along with Nick’s delicious food. A meeting of the Good TimHappy January Birthday to ers’ Singles Club was last held mation presented at the Tuesday on Tuesday, December 6, with morning coffee. Thank you Peg! Marge Applebaum, January 8; Millie Hanrahan, 22 members in attendJanuary 27; and Lee ance. We were happy to welcome Jackie “Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink Arthur, January 31. All residents of Bryan, as a guest. the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the inDel Tura are remindJackie is from New fluences of each.” York and resides on – Henry David Thoreau ed that the Home Owner’s AssociaMadera Drive. tion (HOA) has a An election/instalboard meeting the 2nd lation of officers was We celebrated December Wednesday of the month at 7:00 discussed. Unless other group members voice interest, our Pres- birthdays for Nancy Skorlinski, p.m. in the Starlight Ballroom. ident Lorna Callan and our Vice December 1; Linda Leeper, De- All residents of the community President Nancy Skorlinski will cember 3; Alice Harris, December are welcome/encouraged to attend remain in these positions for an- 4; and Brenda Blasie, December this meeting. Yearly HOA dues other year. Joan Whaley will con- 13 at a Christmas Holiday Dinner of $12.00 provide many benefits, tinue to have charge of the Sun- hosted by the Good Timers’ Sin- including delivery of The Tower. shine Club and Ann Boncore will gles officers on Monday, Decem- It is important to support this as-



sociation. That $12.00 is due for 2017. It can be paid at the Tuesday morning coffee or by contacting Doris Meyer at 731-1937. Also, the FMO membership is $25.00 a year. Bette Ewing-Cheney is our FMO representative. She is also at the Tuesday morning coffee and can be contacted at 652-3909 “Look to this day! For it is life, the very life of life. For yesterday is but a dream, And tomorrow is but a dream, But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness. Look well, therefore, to this day! Such is the salutation of the dawn.” Kalidasa. THE “GOOD TIMERS” WISH ONE AND ALL A HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR

The Tower |

29 • 941.349.0194 • January 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

The Entertainment Korner By Bette Ewing-Cheney The Entertainment Committee concluded 2016 with a gala New Year’s Eve Dance Party featuring the Greg Miller Band. Thanks to all who helped and to those who attended. Without their endeavors, we wouldn’t have these outstanding events. 2017 ushers in more fantastic entertainment that you won’t want to miss. So don’t be left out. Save these dates for 2017: Saturday, January 21 - The CHUCK KING SHOW and JERSEY BEAT in a double whammy night of entertainment. Chuck King is the “King of Clean Comedy” along with being a pre-

mium Magician, Hypnotist. The Jersey Beat vocalists will round out this evening of fun. Tickets go on sale January 3 for HOA members, Jan. 10 and 17 for all residents. Saturday, February 11 – Valentines Dance with the fabulous SHINDIGS Tribute Band. They have the beat to keep you on your feet. It’ll be like being in the presence of your favorite Hit Band right here in Del Tura. Tickets go on sale January 24 for HOA members, January 31 and February 7 for all residents. Saturday, March 18 – The TRISH KELLY SHOW professional vocalist from straight from Los Angeles. She is one of the

country’s biggest name female impersonators. With a repertoire from the great female vocalists of our time, Barbara Streisand, Julie Andrews to Janis Joplin, Trish can do them all. We are extremely proud to present Del Tura with Patricia Kelly’s caliber of talent. Ticket sales: February 28 for HOA members, March 7 and 14. Saturday, April 8 – JOHNNY ALSTON & his MOTOWN REVUE season closer. If you’re a Motown fan, here is the opportunity to be entertainment by Florida’s premier Motown Tribute entertainers direct from Miami. Don’t head north too soon and miss out on this show date. It’ll be worth your wait.

2/ 2 2/4 2/5 2/6

2/7 2/8 2/9 2/10

Paula Linde Marge Lord Richard Lowrey Tom Condos Agnes Rand Robert Chandler Victor Di Grazia Bill Gronek Carol Marra Ken Stormer Rich Brennan Janet Lazarczyk Kathy Aira Dee Rotolo

2/12 2/13 2/15 2/17 2/18 2/19 2/20 2/21

Rosemary Stormer Delbert Herwat Al Oostema Bob Franz Kathy Hurlburt Grant Karpe Robert McCrank Bob Stahl Kevin Coffey Miller Ekas Kristine Sauvageau Charles Carothers Jack Blevons Thomas Elliot


February Birthdays & Anniversaries 2/21 2/22 2/23 2/25 2/26 2/28

Betty Soelter David Lugten Jeannette O’Hearn Klara Schweyher Bev Duff Thomas Longo James McLaughlin Elizabeth Haughton Ginnie Benjamins Charles Gray Bill Laird Bob Reid

Attention All Mah Jong Players

Happy Anniversary to... 2/4 2/14

2/15 2/19 2/21 2/22

Bill & Virginia Born Kevin & Sue Coffey Neil & Lynne Miller Lance & Linda Berlovich William & Rita Immoor Cliff & Carol Cavitt Fred & Virginia Fleming Glenn & Diana Camp Wally & Nalita Stos

56 years 15 years 24 years 25 years 48 years 35 years 50 years 47 years 27 years

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller

I will be taking orders for the new cards again this year. Please contact me at 239-218-9801. The cut off date will be January 23, 2017. The price is the same this year. Small cards are $8.00 and the large prints are $9.00. It would be a big help to me if groups of players would collect their money and then notify me. I will come and collect it all at once. Remember that the bonus money we get for ordering on line will go to FISH. Thank you for your support. Ellie Haug

30 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2017 • 941.349.0194 •



experience counts

Del Tura resident realtor with 30 years of real estate experience serving all of Lee & Charlotte Counties. Member of the National Association of Realtors, Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Port Charlotte and Miami board of realtors. Call me for a no-obligation market value of your home. I’m right around the corner...


Rose Genovese

Century 21 Birchwood Realty


Nobile Hearing Aid Center 231 Del Prado Blvd. S., #5 • Cape Coral, FL 33990 (2 Blocks South of Hancock)

w w w. n o b i l e h e a r i n g . c o m


239.850.9766 Licensed Florida Realtor



30 Years In Cape Coral

Please Support Our Advertisers

The Tower |

31 • 941.349.0194 • January 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


NEWS ITEMS FOR “THE TOWER”, PLEASE USE ONLY THESE 2 e-mails ADDRESSES: OR (PLEASE SEND TO ONLY ONE) The Webmaster and HOA web site, use Use password DTCCHOA where applicable.

The Del Tura Phone Book is not compiled by “The Tower”. It is produced by Hometown America. Please contact the HT office 731-3433 for errors and omissions.

To list events on the internet, please e-mail, and submit pictures & text in digital form. Tower Delivery: HOA Board:

HOA - The Homeowners Association of Del Tura Inc. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Del Tura Address: ______________________________________________________________________


Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability.



Phone: _______________________________________________________________________________ Owner Check Here: _______ Renters Check Here: ________ Dues: $12.00 U.S. annually for homeowners and renters. Make check payable to: HOA Del Tura. Mail or deliver to Doris Meyer, 246 Las Palmas Blvd., No. Ft. Myers, FL 33903, 731-1937. If mailed, enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope for return of HOA cards.



HOA - Tower Delivery Travel Plans

Please Do Not Deliver “The Tower” during the time I/We are away. Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Del Tura Address: _________________________________________________________________ Date-Will be away from: ____________________ Date-Will return on: _______________________ Please complete and return to the HOA Office.

For the correct listing of your

Birthday & Anniversary e-mail to or return this form to the HOA OFFICE BIRTHDAYS Name: _____________________________ Address: ___________________________ __________________________ (Required) Phone #____________________(Required) Month (Spelled)____________Day: ______

FMO - Membership Application: Name: _________________________________ Del Tura Address: _______________________ Phone: (_____) __________________________ Email Address __________________________ _____ 1 Year Membership $25.00 _____ 3 Year Membership $65.00 # Of registered Fl. voters in household:____ Non-Florida Address if Applicable:

Name: _____________________________




Name: ______________________________ Month (Spelled)____________ Day: ______ Year married: ________________________ Number of years married as of 2017: ______

Which months do you NOT live in Florida: ___________________________________ Recruiter Name_______________________ Send To: FMO, P.O. Box 5300 Largo, FL 33779-5300

Anyone needing to borrow equipment from the Medical Equipment Loan Trailer please contact: Rich Symes at 731-1308, Neil Miller at 731-3628, or Rick Rudzik at 543-3662.

Island Visitor Publications, LLC

Publishers: Bob & Emy Stein To advertise in print, contact: Bob or Emy Stein at 941-349-0194 or email us at Contributing writers are acknowledged with bylines accompanying their submissions. Attribution for photos are not included unless supplied. We sincerely thank everyone for their contributions. Your articles help showcase the strong and diverse community that makes up Del Tura. The Tower is published monthly from October through May. Summer issues are condensed: June/July and August/September. All ads are subject to the approval of the publisher. It is the responsibility of the party placing any ad for publication in The Tower to meet all applicable legal requirements in connection with the ad such as compliance with town, county and state codes in first obtaining an occupational license for business, permitted home occupation, or residential rental property.

DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/ uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability. Island Visitor Publishing is not responsible for claims made by advertisers.

32 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2017 • 941.349.0194 •

Daily Activity Schedule Activity/Contact Information

The Daily Activity Schedule is updated on a monthly basis. Please submit any corrections or additions to Pam Price at 239-567-7929 or email - pam. prior to the 9th of each month. Thank you








Exercise Tai Chi , Marjorie Lord, 543-9072 Tura Zumba, Teddy Reid, 731-7251 Jane Fonda Aerobics, Teddy Reid Water Aerobics,North Pool,Oct-April, Marilyn Miller, 731-9934 Water Noodle Aerobics, North Pool, Marylou Buss, 612-718-7878 Yoga Relaxation begins Nov 3,Starlight Bllrm, Dea Wells 283-5603

8:00-9:15 9:15-10:00 10:00-10:45 11:00-12:00

Billiards, Men's, Harry Christopher, 997-7345 Billiards, Women's, Ann DeGrande, 989-2206 Nov-Apr Bocce, Oct-April, Isabel Albert, 518-209-5968 Bocce, Nov-April, Peggy Terrasi,, 603-236-2209 Bowling For Fun, Call Cheryl DeCara for location 543-8751 Golf, Men's 18 Hole League, Jay Flanagan, 543-1640 Golf, Men's 9 Hole League, Jack Riordan, Pres., 543-3753 Golf, Women's 18 Hole League, Jan Pedersen 636-887-1449 Golf, Women's 9 Hole League-Marianne Denman, 543-5968 Shuffleboard, Jack Blevons, 731-0892 Shuffleboard, open Shuffleboard, Open, Robyn Geren, 839-6674 Shuffleboard, Traveling Team, Dec-Mar, Glenn Tointon 920-309-1294 Softball, Punta Gorda, Jay Flanagan - 543-1640 Tennis, Mixed, Open - Dave Harting, 599-8575


8:00-9:15 9:15-10:00 10:00-10:45 11:00-12:00 11:00-12:00 5:00-6:15

8:00-9:15 9:15-10:00 10:00-10:45 11:00-12:00 11:00-12:00


Sports 1:00-3:00 6:30-9:30 3:00-6:00 3:45-5:30 2:00 8:00 9:00 8:30 8:30 1:00 9:00 2:30 12:30 5:30 8:00-10:00

5:30 8:00-10:00



Games Bingo - Oct-Mar, Linda Schoonmaker 543-9432, doors open at 6:15-Sales end 6:45 Starlight Ballroom Bingo - Starlight Ballroom - all year Bridge, Duplicate - Deloris Nelson - 731-9503 Bridge, Duplicate-Carol Marra 731-0845 Bridge, Open - Marjorie Davis - 543-4225 Bridge, Open - Sylvia White - 731-5168 Bunco,Poinciana Ballroom, All year,1st & 3rd Wed of each month Patti Watson, 608358-7709 Canasta - Norrine McLaughlin , 543-1276 Dominoes - June Malonson 652-4151 Euchre- Marcella Carothers - 731-3315 Farkle - Ruth Anten - 997-9779 Hand & Foot - Card Game, Betty Scheetz - 609-477-9147 Hand, Knee & Foot - Poinciana Mon, Card Room II Thur Mahjong - Marianne Denman - Card Room II, 543-5968 Mahjong- Dianne Bevilacqua- Card Room I, 567-2234 Mahjong- Ruth Anten - Card Room II, 997-9779 Mahjong- Rheta Kanen, 731-0809 May I - Card Game- Norrine McLaughlin -543-1276 Pinochle - Marcella Carothers, 731-3315

7:00-9:30 11:00-12:00 6:00-10:00 6:00-10:00 1:30-4:30 1:00-4:00 6:00 to finish 1:00-4:00 5:30 7:00-9:00 6:00 1:00-4:00 1:00

1:00 7:00 1:00-5:00 6:00

7:00 1:00-4:00 7:00-10:00

Other Activities & Clubs Wood Carving- Bernie Forsey, 217-6024 - Nov-May Blood Pressure Readings - before coffee in the Starlight Ballroom Ceramics, Janet Ragone, 543-7818 Choralaires- David Adams - 508-284-6107 - Nov-Mar Coffee & Social Hour - Starlight Ballroom Quilting/Sewing Club-Wendy Wells-309-360-1145, Starlight Bllrm Good Timers-1st wk of Month, Lorna Callan, 731-8348 Library - open every day-Barb Jones 543-6922/Kathleen Quigley 543-1067 Oil Painting - Gerri Robbins, 731-6390 Oct-May Card Making-Mary Kay Tointon 920-309-2121/Gay Dye-731-2633 Video Corner- check hours in the Library Computer Club-Marlene Eck 543-9249, 1st & 3rd Wed.

9:00-12:00 9:00-12:00

8:00-9:00 9:00-12:00 6:30 - 8:30 8:15 AfterCoffee Hr 5:00




1:00-4:00 9:00 1:00-3:00 1:45-2:45

The Tower |

33 • 941.349.0194 • January 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


PROFESSIONAL PAINTING - Without Professional Prices! Interior/Exterior, 27 years of experience, Power Washing, Home Maintenance and repairs! Del Tura resident. Call Jim Smith 239-247-1917 (nov17) AIRPORT? SHOPPING? ERRANDS? - Linda Storma, resident DEPENDABLE Call (239) 9979066 (jun/jul17) HOUSE CLEANING - Have your home cleaned by an efficient and trustworthy Del Turian who is reasonable and uses her own products. Call Judie (603)305-5955 or (239)7311373 (dec17) LOCKSMITH - Auto/Home Lockouts, Locks Repaired, Installed or Re-keyed. Del Tura Resident. Louis Rivet 5431434 (oct17) RIDES TO AND FROM THE AIRPORT - Gerald J. Dyer, 231 Las Palmas Blvd. 731-1696 (feb17) GARAGE DOOR AND OPENER TUNE–UP - AND FULL SERVICES. Call Jim O’Brien (resident) 239-849-1644 (may17) “PRESSURE WASHING” - Houses, driveways, walkways. Call Del

Tura Resident. Bob at 954448-1171 (aug/sept17) HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE - reliable, honest, & friendly service. Del Tura resident. Call Karen @ 543-1434 (oct17) LAMINATES - wood rot, power wash, int./ ext. painting, plumbing, gutters, roofs cleaned. Res. Ref. Call Stan 731-9756 (jan17) AVON PRODUCTS - sold by Del Tura resident. Call Pat 239567-1567(Home) or 631-8384323(Cell) (jan17) RENTALS - Got a rental? Need a rental? Call John Belpulsi (239) 313-8029. Home & security watch, and notary service also available. (aug/sept17) CERTIFIED NURSE - I am honest and dependable. 7 years of experience. Will work with you in your home and take you to Dr. appts., bathing, shopping, cooking, laundry. Call Patty Lewis: 239-321-3166 (jan17) HOUSECLEANING - Honest, dependable, efficient. Uses her own products. Excellent references. Carol Ann 239-2446526 (jun/jul17)

ROOF/GUTTER CLEANING - Resident Randy Boling, 239-7705531 (oct17) GIRL FRIDAY - Reliable & Trustworthy. Housecleaning, etc. Del Resident. Call Linda 239560-1948. (feb17) SPACE MAKER Feeling cramped? Need space? Call Del Tura’s space organizer, Carol, 304-641-3782 (jan17) DO YOU NEED “JUST THE RIGHT PERSON”? - Our caring team can help you stay in your own home. Many options for meal prep, housecleaning, bathroom support, assisted-lift, nursing & more. 239-599.4221. (may17) LOOKING FOR A PROFESSIONAL AND RELIABLE PAINTER - for inside painting only? I also do house cleaning duties. Reasonable prices. Del Tura references. Call Ismael at 239-4781076 (jun/jul17) FOR RENT - 2 bedroom / 2 bath available now. Golf cart included. Call Bill at 810-9905878 (mar17) CLEAN AS A WHISTLE - Love a spotless home? Honest, ex-

perienced, and ready to give your home a professional cleaning. Call Sue (262)2244843. (feb2017) HOUSE FOR RENT OR SALE - Totally remodeled, furnished and brand new appliances, 2BD/2BA. Washer/dryer in unit. Golf cart included. Call Angelo at 239-872-8102. (Jan17) NEED A NOTARY? - Call Brenda Blasie, a Del Tura resident, at 239-543-6104 (apr17) HOUSE SITTING - Would you like to feel completely at ease with your home in the hands of a responsible, caring fellow Del Turian why you are away? Call Judie for more information and references. 603-305-5955. (dec17)

RATES for classified ads will be as follows: 2 to 3 lines is $8.00/mo, or $50.00 if you pay for one year; 4 to 5 lines is $13.00/mo, or $100.00 for one year; and 6 to 8 lines is $20.00 /mo. No ad over 8 lines will be accepted. Deadline is the 15th of each month. Place ads by calling: 941-349-0194 or 941-539-0205 email: We use only one page for the classified ads. “The Tower” does not inform you when classified ads expire. However; the expiration date is at the end of your ad in parenthesis (mo/yr). Please make checks payable to: Island Visitor Publishing, LLC DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability.

Ballroom Dancing “Come join us in the fun!” Ballroom dancing is back! Classes will be on Mondays in the Starlight Ballroom between 5:00 and 6:00 pm. The first class will be on Monday, February 6 and will continue each Monday for 8 weeks. The dates are February 6, 13, 20 and 27 and March 6, 13, 20 and 27.

On March 13 we will move to one of the smaller ballrooms because of a planned event in the Starlight Ballroom. Classes are free and open to anyone in Del Tura. Come and learn the Waltz, Swing, Rumba and Cha-cha. If you have any questions, please call Cindy at 603-398-8001 or email at As we said, “Come join us in the fun!”


Please bring your new phone number to the HOA office and also email it to: moredor1034@AOL. com and it will be published.

Dorothy Biddinger ............................ 980-2775

Peggy McMillan ................................ 652-3942

Paul/Janet Coconis .........


Judith Schroeder .............................. 246-2177

Steve/Sandra Gove .................... 603-387-5350

Suzi Smith ......................................... 543-2046

Mike/Shelley Hensel ......................... 543-2649

Henry/Margaret Zanger .................... 543-3263

Liliane Lefebvre ................................ 284-2950

5/17 11/16

By Cindy and Ken Baron

34 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2017 • 941.349.0194 •


Home & Auto Insurance Medicare Supplements One Call Does It All! Call Us Today For The Facts And All Your


Please Support Our Advertisers

Dennis Agrusti Agent/Owner

4518 Del Prado Blvd., Unit 6, Cape Coral, FL 33904 Office: 239-574-7283 Cell: 239-810-6283 2/17


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Think about the possibilities! With $500, you could go on a cruise for two, use it toward a shopping spree, or buy a flat screen TV – just to name a few.

Invite your friends to live at Del Tura, and you could earn up to $500* when they purchase a new home. Call 239-731-3330 for details! *Referral reward restricted to Hometown America residents. Customer must register the resident who referred them at time of their initial visit. Residents whose referral purchases a new or special-order home will receive up to $500. Residents whose referral purchases a Hometown America-owned inventory home will receive up to $300. Residents whose referral purchases a brokered home will receive up to $100. Residents who refer will receive money after closing of escrow. Other terms and conditions may apply. Call 239-731-3330 for more details.

Cruise for two

Two laptops

Domestic flight

Outdoor Grill

Patio Set


Flat Screen TV

Shopping Spree 12/17

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The Tower |

35 • 941.349.0194 • January 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC





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36 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • August / September 2016 • 941.349.0194 •

Holiday Cart Parade 2016

What a great parade! There were over 30 carts with a motorcycle and bikes for good measure! All the participants were in good spirits and worked hard to have festive vehicles for the hundreds of excited cheering residents we passed by. The 1st place prize went to Karen Hahn and Denise Rose, 2nd place to Steve and Sandy Gove, and 3rd place went to Bob and Rita Eagan. We have honorable mentions to Jilly Dodds for her decorated

bike, Bill and Kay Nezamis and Jack and Fran Baumberger who had to deflate their huge snowman to get through the trees at certain points. But everyone showed creativity and hard work putting together a great show for everyone. Thank you to all the participants as well as everyone who came out to cheer us on. Special thanks to Bill Nezamis for the photos, Al Wells, Jim Stenzel and Gerry Benjamins who volunteered to

help people set up power to their carts and especially Bob and Doris Meyer and Lorna Callen, our committee, who did so much of the behind the scenes work. Without those elves, nothing would get done. Please join the fun next year. Especially you “new guys”. It’s a great way to get in the action and meet new friends… Jello shots included. Erv and Linda Storma

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