WEBSITE The new Landings Website is now LIVE. Instructions for logging in are included
Meet Cal Hollingsworth age 15, 10th grader at Cardinal Mooney
Ricapitos bestowed distinguished service award By Larry Lawrence / Photo by Bob Manteiga
During a ceremony at the Landings Racquet Club over 100 celebrants were present to honor Dee and Ralph Ricapito with The Landings Greenfield Distinguished Service Award. This is only the fifth time the award has been presented and the first to a couple. The multiple recipients is appropriate because of the unique circumstances regarding Ralph and Dee’s contributions. Although coming to Sarasota for vacations for a number of years, they arrived in Sarasota on a permanent basis in 1997. Upon arriving in The Landings, as has been customary with them, they became fully immersed in nearly every aspect of The Landings life - be it fun or providing leadership including tennis, swimming, fitness programs, parties, educational programs, etc. Much of Dee’s efforts has been the promotion of “sense of community” by bringing Landings residents together. Ralph founded the library and is hailed as the “father” of the library and, along with several others, established the “Landings Free College.” Together they also have played a major role in the Father/Son Tennis Tournament for many years. Many say their foremost contributions has been their everpresent persona engaging us with infectious laughs and smiles all the while entertaining us with their ideas, stories, and jokes. This dynamic duo of tremendous contributions overwhelmingly merits the Landings Greenfield Distinguished Service Award.
LMA Safety Committee Update – Updated Speeding Policy By Paige Packman and Neil Goldman Agnes Schipper has created an impressive record as a volunteer in Sarasota
Norman Olshansky loves fishing and his favorite place to fish is at the Gazebo
All of us who live in The Landings recognize the need to have vehicles drive safely in our community. We have no sidewalks, our roads are winding, and walkers, joggers, bikers and children can be encountered at any time on our streets. A tragic accident is the last thing we want to see on our roadways. Although having a speeding policy will not stop all drivers from speeding within The Landings, it is surely a step in the right direction and can have a positive affect to slow many drivers down. Well, good news! The Landings now has a revised fair, reasonable, and workable Speeding Policy that was unanimously approved by the LMA board at the January 3rd, 2019 meeting. The Safety Committee worked hard to revise the policy to address resident concerns with the prior policy and the Board feels that the new policy alleviates concerns such as: • Discomfort with residents receiving sanctions as a result of their guest’s speeding • Concerns about the severity of the financial penalty being
imposed. • A desire to have a warning letter precede a suspension of decal privileges or fines. • Ensuring that the policy align with our community camaraderie and welcoming attitude. The Board’s strategy is to raise awareness of residents, guests and vendors/ service providers about speeding incidents in order to change behavior, not necessarily to punish. Sanctions can certainly be imposed (with certain due process procedures required by Florida statute), but are reserved for repeat violators and imposed upon those who actually speed. Fines, for now, have been eliminated. Following is a summary of key elements of the updated speed policy. The Safety Committee will monitor the level of speeding incidents over the next few months to assess policy efficacy in reducing speeding at The Landings. If changes are needed, they will be made. Continued on page 22
LMA meeting notes Communications Chairman, Norm Olshansky, led the meeting in LMA Pres. Deirdre D’Silva‘s absence due to an illness and Dick Bayles gave D’Silva’s report. LMA events in the new year include: • A presentation of The Landings Community Greenfield Distinguished Service Award will occur in Mid-January. • Also in January, the Sarasota Audubon will be leading a Landings Nature Walk. • An LMA Event to meet board candidates occurred in late January. • February 6, the Annual Newcomers Reception will be hosted by LMA and The Landings Racquet Club. • NOTE: As usual, the February Board Meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m., instead of 7 p.m. The LMA Annual Meeting will follow at 7 p.m. • The 6 foot long alligator on Lake 9 will have been removed by the time residents read this article. NOTE: It is against the law to feed alligators. • Debris removable on a few of the lakes is ongoing. FINANCE REPORT Treasurer, Dick Bayles reported he expects an end of year budget surplus of approximately $30,000. A demand letter has been sent to commercial property owner, Benderson. Bayles reported he would know the status soon. Additionally, liens have been placed on all past due non-commercial accounts with substantial balances. LANDSCAPING Landscaping chair, Paul Weiner estimated underspending his budget by about $10,000 to $15,000 for the fiscal year. The landscaping budget includes expenses for grounds, landscaping, tree trimming and irrigation. Regarding the Nature Trail, Weiner suggested the constant flooding should be addressed before new shell is laid down. The committee may apply for a County Grant to help with the solution.
By Trebor Britt
LANDINGS KAYAKING Several issues regarding an organized approach to kayaking at The Landings were discussing. These included the need for extensive research of launch points, liabilities, maintenance and costs. Olshansky suggested all kayaking ideas be directed to Karen Shaeffer. COMMUNICATIONS & PR COMMITTEE Chairman, Norman Olshansky reported a test version of The Landing’s website would be available to board members soon. This will allow the team to discover any bugs that need to be addressed before the full version is released. The expected launch date of the final version is February 1st. The internal/residents side of the website will include a resident directory, the Green Book, policies and procedures, a page for every association including a list of their board members, classified advertising etc. The external side of the website is a grand showcase of The Landings. SAFETY AND SECURITY Temporary Chairman, Michael Knupp thanked Neil Goldman and Paige Packman for their leadership to refine The Landings speed policy. Both the flashing speed sign and the Traffic Hawk speed detection equipment will be re-deployed in January. Knapp added the committee recommends posting alligator warning signs on the lakes. DRAINAGE Committee chair, Michael Knupp reported heavy rains in mid-December exposed several drainage issues. Water overflowed ditches and retention ponds on the school administration property and behind the PDQ restaurant. Each will be advised and asked to maintain those areas to prevent future flooding.
LAKES Lakes chair, Michael Knupp reported contacting State gator control personnel about removal of an alligator which appears to be around six feet long, from lake 9 (Mayne Lake). Residents are again cautioned to keep their pets away from the shoreline, especially from dusk to dawn. Fountains on lakes 1 and 2 have been repaired and placed back in service.
many other residents for two years.
MAINTENANCE Maintenance Committee chair, Joan Golub, reported a few drains caused over a foot of flooding after recent heavy rains. The water dissipated after debris causing the clog, was cleared. Other limbs and debris caused by the heavy rains was removed. The maintenance Committee worked with Benderson Development Company and Landscape Chair, Paul Weiner to resolve a water leak problem plaguing residents near the North Gate. More large construction trucks were escorted in and out of the Community. The remaining low lying limbs over roadways willed be trimmed. The North Gate exit arm was completely destroyed and is in the process of being replaced. The resident responsible may be charged for damages.
meeting notes
TECHNOLOGY Technology chair, Dick Bayles reported replacing two principal backup systems damaged by the Main Gates repeated power surges/outages. Two decal reading cameras are also going to be replaced in January. SIESTA PROMENADE Larry Lawrence reported the approval of the Siesta Promenade Project by the County Commissioners. And appeal by the coalition opposing the project was considered, but subsequently dropped. The External Affairs Committee appreciates the support of The Board and
SPEEDING A motion was made to approve the refined Landings Speed Policy. The policy was approved unanimously. See the new policy in this issue of The Eagle.
LHA At its regular January meeting, the Board approved: • The removal of a tree on Kestral Park Lane. • Replacement of driveway pavers on Peregrine Point Circle N. • Hurricane window and shutters on Flicker Field Circle. The February regular meeting of the LHA Board will take place on February 14, 2019, at The Landings Racquet Club at 6:30 p.m. It will be followed by the Association’s Annual Meeting at 7:00 p.m. The Annual Meeting material was mailed in mid-January. If you are an LHA owner and have not received the package, please contact Dick Bayles at rubayles@ hotmail.com.
Notifications FEBRUARY 6: LRC Newcomers’ Reception begins at 5 p.m. FEBRUARY 6: Happy Hour begins at 6 p.m. FEBRUARY 8: Movie Night begins at 7 p.m. APRIL 10: Next community hauling date See pg. 13 for Single Friends Events.
Serving the Landings Community since 1992|www.landingseagle.com|Island Visitor Publications, LLC|941-349-0194 P.O. Box 35086, Siesta Key, Florida34242. Publishers:Bob & Emy Stein islandvp@verizon.net To advertise in print or on-line call 941-349-0194. Advertising Representative: Irene Brooks Please note that contributing writers and photographers are acknowledged with bylines accompanying their submissions. We sincerely thank everyone for their contributions. The Landings Eagle is published monthly and is partially funded by the Landings Management Association & Landings Racquet Club, but is independently edited and reported by Landings residents. The Landings Eagle is published by Island Visitor Publishing, a Florida LLC. Advertising rates and information will be gladly furnished by calling us at 941-349-0194, We are ready to answer your questions and to assist you in preparing your ad at no extra charge. All advertising and editorial content is subject to editing to conform to our style, and is copyrighted 2019 by Island Visitor Publishing, LLC and may not be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted under federal law. The publisher reserves the right to edit or reject copy for any reason. Island Visitor Publishing, LLC is not responsible for any claims made by the advertisers. To access each issue of The Landings Eagle, please go to: www.islandvp.com. Simply scroll down to The Eagle image and click on it for the current issue. If you would like to view past issues, click on the text, “TO VIEW PAST ISSUES OF THE LANDINGS EAGLE, CLICK HERE”That will bring you to a list of the back issues going back to July 2013. For anything earlier you will need to go to the website: www.landingseagle.com ©
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President’s Column
By Deirdre D’Silva
Landings Management Association Annual Meeting A regular meeting of the Landings Management Association (LMA) will take place at 6:30 p.m. in the Lakeside room of the Racquet Club on Thursday February 7th, followed by our Annual Meeting at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of the Annual Meeting is the election of the Board of Directors of the LMA. There are 5 vacancies and 5 candidates. The Association Presidents are those who must be represented at the meeting and who vote in the election. Red Tide Remains an Issue for Sarasota- Stay Vigilant Although it may seem like the red tide is a distant memory, as recently as January 14th it was reported that high concentrations of red tide were reported off the coast of Sarasota. I encourage all residents to remain vigilant and stay informed. A good resource to connect to is The Beach Conditions Reporting System at https://visitbeaches.org/. You can sign-up for emails regarding specific beaches and their conditions. As of January 15th, there was “slight respiratory irritation” at Venice North Jetty, Nokomis, Venice Beach, Coquina Beach, but Lido and Siesta remained clear. As a community we must continue to do all we can to be part of the solution by working to reduce our nutrient run-off. Growing rings of responsibility around our lakes,
using less fertilizers and pesticides and picking up after our animals are some of the steps we can take together to protect our waterways and ourselves. Newcomers Reception New residents since February 2018 are invited to a private Newcomers Reception at 5 p.m. on Wednesday February 6th at the Lakeside room of the Landings Racquet Club (LRC). Come learn about the Landings Management Association and LRC activities and how you can get involved in this vibrant community. Beverages and appetizers will be served. You should have already received an invitation by email or mail; if not, please contact Kevin Lechlitner at the Landings Racquet Club. Following the private reception, current LRC members will join new residents at the happy hour to get to know each other. It will be a wonderful opportunity for new residents to connect with their neighbors and learn about all The Landings has to offer. A special thank you to our party coordinators Paige Packman, Dawn Smith and Betty Greenspan for their efforts in planning this fun event! Sarasota Audubon Nature Walk in The Landings On January 23rd at 8 a.m. over 30 residents gathered at the Landings Racquet Club and went on a guided walk through our community to enjoy the birds in our landscape. Experts from the Sarasota Audubon were on hand to educate and inform. Thank you to LMA Environmental
Chair, Maralyn Kaufman for putting together this engaging and educational event. It is always wonderful for neighbors to connect and be able to take time to enjoy the beauty that is right outside our doors. Greenfield Distinguished Service Award Congratulations to Dee and Ralph Ricapito on receiving the Greenfield Distinguished Service Award. Their service and commitment to The Landings helps make this community such a special place to live. Thank you Dee and Ralph! One last thing… After the February 7th LMA meeting my term as President will be coming to an end. It has been an honor to serve The Landings Community and to get the chance to work with and know the wonderful residents that make The Landings such a special place to live. Progress has been made, but there is always more to be done, and I encourage those interested to get involved and share your talents. There are many fun and engaging opportunities. In particular, help is needed with the Communications, Environmental and Roads Committees as these Committees will have many projects in the months and years ahead. I have found being involved in our Community to be incredibly rewarding and I am sure you will too! I wish you all the best, Deirdre.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
LMA Rolls Out New Landings Website The new Landings Website is now LIVE. Instructions for logging in are below. The Main Page of the site provides an overview of our community focused on potential buyers and realtors. The resident only link, which requires a login and password, provides lots of information, resources, and ways to interact with neighbors and friends in The Landings. Check out both sites and let us know what you think. Do you have items to sell, services to provide or vendor recommendations? Need a babysitter, plumber, house sitter, or people to join your card or mahjong group? Check out or post your need on the website. Interested in blogs, want to check out the schedule of activities in The Landings, or look up how to contact people who live in The Landings? It’s all on the site. Need forms, documents or information about LMA, your association, or the Racquet Club? Did you lose your green book? It’s on the website. Looking for recent issues of The Landings Eagle. Just go online to https://www.thelandingsofsarasota. com and follow the instructions for logging onto the resident only section of the site. The new website is split into two specific parts. The first page you will see is the “Landings Home Page”, which is the main page of the site. It provides an overview of our community and is accessible to anyone who goes online to our site. Scroll down or use the menu links to review our “public” page online. On the home page you will see a button on the top right side that will take you to your “Login Page” and entry to the resident only portion of the site. Your user name and password to use the “Resident Only” site will be sent to you via email. You will be able to establish your own confidential password after logging onto the Resident site. If for any reason you do not receive the introductory email and password, by mid February, please contact us using the form at the bottom of the
By Norman Olshansky
public home page or by clicking the link “contact us” from the main menu. Once you login with your initial password, you will be taken to the “Residents Only Page” where you will see a new menu item on the left “Residents Home Page”. This will be your link to all of the special information now available on the site. The whole site can be navigated either using the menu links on the left or specific buttons on the various pages The new website is there for you. We continue to add content so check back often.
Screenshot from home page of public site
Screenshot from Residents LMA documents site
Screenshot from public site
Screenshot from Residents Internal Associations site
Screenshot from Residents home page
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Around The Landings
Sarasota’s Family Diner since 1972!
• Volunteers needed
To continue the Happy Hour events, we need volunteer support to assist with setup and cleanup - it only takes about 20 minutes before and after an event. It’s optimal to have at least 2-3 people to help. If you are willing to volunteer, please contact Paige Packman at ppackman@gmail.com or 206-856-2817. LRC staff provide supplies and do all the table and chair setup ahead of time, so no physical labor is involved. I will provide a check list of setup duties, it’s really quite simple!
Open Daily 7AM - 9PM
• New Residents’ Reception on February 6th at 5 PM
If you are a resident new to The Landings since February 2018, please join us for a private Newcomers Reception at 5 p.m. on Wednesday February 6th at the Lakeside clubhouse. It’s a great opportunity to learn about Landings Management Association functions and Board and Landings Racquet Club activities. Beverages and appetizers will be provided. You should have already received an invitation by email or mail; if not, please contact Kevin Lechlitner at the LRC. Following the private reception, current LRC members will join you at the happy hour to mix and mingle. It will be a fun evening!
Over 100 menu items Open 365 days a year Daily specials
• Next LRC Members Happy Hour on February 6th at 6 PM
Next month’s happy hour is a great opportunity to welcome new residents to our community! Please do not arrive before 5:45 p.m. at the earliest, as we don’t want to interrupt speakers at the private newcomer’s reception that precedes this event. Newcomers will be wearing special name tags identifying where they are from and what HOA they belong to, so please reach out and introduce yourself. We are so fortunate to live in such a friendly community. See you in February!
Breakfast served all day, • Looking for poker players We are looking for residents interested in playing poker. If you would like to join us, please call Joel every day! McCoy at 941-346-9959 or Carolyn Aaron at 941-350-1678.
6721 S. Tamiami Trl • Sarasota 941.924.1770 • DutchValleyRestaurant.net
• Missing Cat My wife Joan and I live at 1605 Peregrine Point Court located between Peregrine Point Drive, Peregrine
Point Circle and Peregrine Point Circle North. We have been taking care of a big, old, beat up and limping orange feral cat for several years who we named Mumbo Jumbo. He faithfully showed up every day for breakfast, afternoon brunch and chicken dinner. But he has not showed up for 5 days and we are concerned. If anyone has seen him recently please email us at mjfuren@comcast.net.
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Monday-Friday 10-5 | Closed Saturday-Sunday
THE LANDINGS MARKET TRENDS - End of Year 2018 Na�onal and local news coverage usually talk about median sale prices, looking at the big picture. I think it’s important to look at The Landings sales using price ranges and averages, giving a more balanced picture. This sales data is compiled from the R������® A���������� of Sarasota-Manatee as of December 31, 2018.
2018 saw a slow-down of the single family home real estate transac�ons in The Landings. We usually see about a 10% turnover rate. In 2018 it was about 6%. Prices ranged from $419,000 to $2,250,000 in 2018 verses $545,000 to $2,500,000 in 2017. Even though volume was down, average prices increased over 4.6% because there was more sales volume over $1,000,000.
We had a strong 2018. Let’s hope we see the same growth in 2019.
Un d er $250,000
$250,001 to $500,000 $500,001 to $750,000 $750,001 to $1,000,000
Interes�ngly, resales for condominiums, treehouses and villas rose substan�ally. Thirty-one units were sold in 2017 while 45 sold in 2018. The average price increased 7.25%. Sounds good. Only 2 sales in 2017 were over $500,000 but in 2018 there were 9, mostly in the treehouses and Eagles Point.
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Candidates for the LMA Board
Deirdre D’Silva Serving on the LMA Board and collaborating and learning from fellow residents has been an extremely rewarding experience, and has afforded me the opportunity to get to know more of The Landings community. I am interested in serving on the LMA Board again because while much has been accomplished, there is still more to do for our neighborhood. My husband Ken and I and our three sons have been fulltime residents in The Landings for four years. We realize how
fortunate we are to live in such a beautiful and tranquil community. If re-elected, I would continue to work on opportunities for the community to interact, while at the same time continue to protect the natural environment and all that makes The Landings such a special place to live. Some initiatives undertaken in the two years on the LMA Board have been to re-establish the Environmental Committee and work in collaboration with the Lakes and Drainage Committee and Sarasota County on projects that improve our water quality. New events such as the Coastal Clean-up and Sarasota Audubon nature walks foster a sense of community and appreciation for our home. In the last year I have served as President. A central aspect of this role has been taking a look at our expenses and in conjunction with other members of the Finance Committee making sure that the assessment funds are
spent responsibly, and planning for future expenditures knowing that our community has an aging infrastructure. If re-elected I would be honored to serve the community and will continue to be open to feedback and suggestions from residents.
Joan Koplin Residents of Eagles Point Circle in The Landings are familiar with Joan Koplin as that nice lady in the straw hat and sunglasses walking her dog, Sandy. Always friendly,
knowledgeable, and helpful, she has lived on “the Circle” with her husband Aaron since 2007. But her roots in Sarasota go all the way back to 1971 when she and Aaron arrived to reside on Siesta Key. Their children, Sarah and Seth, grew up here and live close by with their families. In 1976, Joan opened a very successful interior design studio. She worked with architects and individual clients all around Sarasota and developed a reputation for innovative creativity and invariable reliability. Upon moving to Richmond, Virginia, in 1984, she joined the interiors department of an architectural firm. In that position, Joan designed over one million square feet of commercial and health care space. The Koplins returned to Sarasota, in 1991, when Aaron became founding rabbi of Temple Sinai. Joan reestablished her design studio, but she and Aaron were on the
Seafood lovers, it’s good and fresh Yelp review: I see why this place is all five stars. Amazing find, tucked away in a nondescript strip mall adds to its local, simple vibe. Best seafood I have had in a long time. Service made it feel like we were part of the family, four happy diners tonight. If you read this post, stop searching and start eating. Seriously do not pass up this little gem. Living in Florida, you expect to find fresh seafood no matter where you dine. If you are a local seafood lover, you probably have a mental list of goto restaurants which serve the freshest seafood. Fresh Catch Fish Market & Grill needs to be added to it. Fresh Catch’s, father/son duo, Bob and Devon Provost have a serious passion for seafood which started way back when the family lived in the Boston area. Their simply prepared, never-fried, neverfrozen dishes are paired with a variety of simple sauces that serve to complement, so the freshness of the seafood shines. Your fish/seafood selection goes from the case onto the grill. Prepared grilled or blackened, topped with lemon and butter, Pico de Gallo or tropical salsa. Served with a fresh ear of corn on the cob and baby roasted potatoes. Soups, salads, sandwiches and steam pots round
out the menu. If room permits, be sure to order a slice of their homemade key lime pie. Bob’s wife, Debra, makes the key lime pie, using freshly whipped cream. The restaurant also offers a nice selection of beers and wines. Fresh Catch Fish Market & Grill, located at 7119 S. Tamiami Trail, just south of Stickney Point Road in the Buccaneer Plaza, is a casual restaurant/ market with indoor and outdoor seating for close to 30. Here’s what more patrons are saying about the restaurant on line: Tried this place last night on a whim and it did not disappoint! Everything from the staff, to the menu, to the meal itself was perfection. It’s a small place and luckily we’d come in between dinner rushes and got a table right away. Within 10 mins the place was full again. The wait staff was smiling and helpful. We shared stone crab soup to start with a couple of ice cold beers, tons of crab in the soup and excellent flavor. For our meals we got blackened tripletail and snow crab claws. Each came with a side of roasted potatoes. I can’t say enough about how fresh and delicious the entire meal was. We will be back!
WOW! WOW! WOW! This place is a hidden gem! Fish was fresh today and you could taste the difference. Very clean kitchen. They cooked the fish to perfection and the presentation was 5 stars like you would expect at a fancy resort; those extra added steps. This place is the real deal. Only thing that made me upset was that I never knew it was here before. Sooooood GOOD! This is must try! I was so glad to find this cute restaurant and fish market. To get a high-quality fish you need a fish market and this fits the bill. I wanted a takeout fish plate and I got the blackened pompano with potatoes and corn. I made a salad at home and had a beautiful meal. The corn was not overlooked. It also has a big counter so the next time I will order some oysters and try another dish. It’s much bigger than I thought. I am going to become a regular. See more reviews online at Yelp and Trip Advisor. Special orders and reservations accepted. Fresh Catch Fish Market and Grill is open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Saturday. 941-413-7133, freshcatchfishmarketandgrill.com (Advertorial)
move again within a few years to Hilton Head, South Carolina and then to Portland, Oregon. They came back to Sarasota once and for all in 2004. “Aaron and I decided that was it,” Joan says, “no more moves!” In the time she was away from Sarasota, the world had changed – and Joan decided to change with it. Having worked with many realtors, Joan had become intrigued with real estate as a possible new professional direction. In 2005, she obtained her real estate license and joined the St. Armand’s Key office of Coldwell Banker. In 2010, she affiliated with Premier Sotheby’s International Realty, in downtown Sarasota, and has never been happier with her professional life. Over the years, Joan has served on the boards of arts, cultural, social service, and religious organizations. Continued on the next page
darling daughter, Katty, now 8. I would like to be re-elected because I am passionate about where we live and I have the time and energy to make The Landings the best place to live in Sarasota.
Continued from the previous page
Among her favorites were the Sarasota Arts Council Board (now the Cultural and Arts Alliance of Sarasota County), where she served as Arts Day chair for two years; and the Tourist Development Grants Program, which she also chaired for two years. Now she hopes to make a similar contribution to The Landings community. “I’ve always admired The Landings as a community,” Joan says. “It’s beautifully designed, a true neighborhood with a perfect location. And I’d like to do my part to ensure it continues to be such a wonderful place to live. I feel honored to be considered for the Landings Management Association Board. If elected, I’ll use my skills and experience as a business woman, realtor, and volunteer – and my perspective as a longtime Landings condominium resident – to add strength and effectiveness to the board. That’s a promise.”
Doug Day I was born and raised near Scranton, Pennsylvania. After attending Quaker boarding school, I graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University then lived in Colorado, Georgia, and my mother’s home state of Florida. The family’s Coca-Cola bottling franchise at which I had worked every summer vacation sold in 1985. After a stint teaching in Atlanta, I rejoined the family in Sarasota where my brother recruited me to help manage Juice Orange Groves in Myakka City. Soon after, I met and married Roni who gave me a
Paul Weiner I retired from the practice of Interventional Radiology in the suburbs of Washington DC on August 30, 2013 and moved with my wife Jo from McLean, VA to The Landings. I have served as Vice President at LRC for three years as well as Chair of Landscaping for two years. For the last year I have also served
as Landscaping Chair of LMA. Moving to The Landings was the best retirement decision we have made. I would like to continue to work to keep it the very special place it is.
Michael Knupp I believe in giving back in a positive way to the community where I live. I was born and raised in a small ranching, mining, and timber community in western Colorado. I attended Colorado State University and did graduate business studies at Golden Gate University. I have a broad executive background, holding various executive
positions during my career, including CFO, CAO, COO and CEO in various consulting engineering and environmental management firms in Massachusetts, Texas and California. My wife Christine and I relocated to The Landings in 2014 from the Boston area. We have four children scattered around the country along with six grand-children. I currently serve on the LMA Board, the Lakes & Drainage Committee, the Finance Committee and the Safety & Security Committee. I am also a board member of the Landings Homeowners Association. I also serve as chairman of the board of trustees for the Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast in Osprey. In the past I was active in local government serving as a Selectman (City Council), City Finance Committee and City Zoning Board of Appeals. I volunteered at several nonprofit organizations in the Boston area and the alumni board at Colorado State University.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
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Single Friends at The Landings
By Lynn Cassell
OfKors Donuts
Our Single Friends group is in its 3rd year. We are members of the Landings Racquet Club that get together for fun events giving us opportunity get to know each other. I am fortunate to have made some really nice friends in this group.
is a family-owned, artisan donut shop.
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February Events:
• FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1st at 5 p.m. DINNER AT EPICURE FOLLOWED BY FIRST FRIDAY WALK DOWNTOWN SARASOTA Epicure is located at 1598 Palm Ave. Last year this event was very popular. To carpool please meet at LRC parking lot at 4:30 p.m. Please RSVP to Pat Sweet: patsweet49@gmail.com • SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16th at 11 a.m. AM ROTHENBACH PARK Rothenbach Park is about 10 miles from The Landings, but it is well-worth the drive. We will walk on a paved path going in and out of the wetlands and wooded paths under tall oak trees with fern covered branches. Expect to see some wildlife on this 3 mile hike. PLEASE NO DOGS. ROTHENBACH PARK ADDRESS: 8650 Bee Ridge Rd. (Park in the parking lot adjacent to the picnic pavilion) and afterwards lunch at First Watch at the corner of Bee Ridge & Cattleman. To carpool please meet at LRC parking lot at 10:30 a.m. Please RSVP to Char Lindner by Feb 14th: cincychar@gmail.com
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AT ANY OF THE EVENTS PLEASE INVITE A FRIEND, THE MORE THE MERRIER. If you are a member of the Landings Racquet Club and want to be on our email list please submit to: lecassell320@yahoo.com
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• WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20 at 5:30 p.m. MIGUEL’S RESTAURANT, 6631 Midnight Pass Rd. on Siesta Key. They have a great Early Bird Dinner. Please RSVP to Judy Audereith by February 18th: judy@audereith.com • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28TH at 2 p.m., AMF GULF GATE BOWLING ALLEY, 7221 S. Tamiami Trail. We’ll bowl a couple of games and then head to Carrabba’s Italian Grill for Happy Hour, 1940 Stickney Point Rd. If you are not into bowling please still join us for Happy Hour. To carpool please meet at LRC parking lot at 1:30 p.m. Please RSVP to Lynn Cassell by February 26th: lecassell320@yahoo.com
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The Landings Free College The Landings Free College is rolling right along. All sessions are on Thursdays at 2:30. Ralph Ricapito pointed out to me that Valentine’s Day falls in February and that all of our speakers this February are women. He wonders - coincidence or what? The first session this month, on February 7th, is organized by Barbara Chertok. I had a mental glitch in last month’s Eagle article - the program is actually entitled “You HEAR with your brain, not your ears”. She will moderate a panel of Doctors of Audiology - Sarah Lunsdstrom from HearCare Audiology Center who will speak on Brain Health and the link between hearing loss and cognitive decline, Lindsey Banks, from Center for Sight, who will speak on Hearing Aids and Tinnitus, and Sharon Rende from the Silverstein Institute, who will speak on cochlear implants and other implantable devices. On February 14th Jennifer Rominiecki, President & Chief Executive Officer of the Selby Gardens, one of Sarasota’s gems, will tell us about all the extraordinarily exciting things that are happening there. For those of you who don’t know, their new master site plan will increase its green space by 50 percent. Their three-phase, multi-year plan details how the botanical garden will grow to become a global model for horticultural display, botanical studies and green building technology, while also welcoming additional visitors. In addition, it will secure its scientific collection to protect it from future sea level rise, allowing for expanded educational outreach.
By Irv Kushner
On February 21st, Carol Wyatt-Evens, will present “It’s a Buggy World: Managing the Insects in your Landscaping”. She is the agent for Chemicals in the Environment of-Sarasota County, and is an authority on pest management. It is an issue that goes beyond mosquitos and no-see-ums. On February 28th, a trending, hot topic will be discussed. There have recently been a number of streamed programs on Netflix and Amazon about the large number of wrongly convicted prisoners, some convicted of murder. Landings resident and author of three novels Janet Heijens will discuss “Wrongful Convictions”, the title of one of her novels. A hot topic! On March 7th, “What’s New at Sarasota Memorial Hospital” will be presented by Lorrie Liang, Chief Operating Officer of the hospital. And on March 14th, Irv Kushner will tell us about “The Marais – the rise, fall, and rise again of a Paris neighborhood.” On March 21st, Art Reilly will present “My Time on the National Science Board”. Landings resident Guillermo Vicente Vidal will present “My journey from an immigrant to a big city mayor in the USA” on March 28th. County Commissioner Alan Maio has withdrawn from his scheduled season-ending presentation. In his place, on Thursday, April 4nd, Landings resident Lana Reingatch will tell us about the Armenian Holocaust, after which she will entertain us with piano selections from her extensive repertoire. All of this will be followed by a nice reception.
Barbara Chertok
Jennifer Rominiecki
Carol Wyatt-Evens
Janet Heijens
Lorrie Liang
Irv Kushner
It’s for the birds and more – the annual nest gathering By Maralyn Kaufman
A wonderful free event for environmental enthusiasts in our community is happening on February 16, 2019, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Nokomis Community Park, 234 Nippino Trail, Nokomis. The Neighborhood Environmental Stewardship Team (NEST) gathering (sponsored by the Sarasota County Public Works Stormwater Division; www.scgov.net) is a great place to get information on all the ways you can help improve our community and your property as well. It is a very informal meeting, where Mollie K. Holland, NEST Coordinator, and colleagues will help communities or individuals find the resources they need to learn new things or build on their own focus of making improvements to protect our natural environment. Examples of topics include Florida Friendly Planting principles for your own yard or a shared greenspace; how to improve habitats for fish and birds in common areas, stormwater ponds and yards; and how to improve water quality in lakes and ponds through improved community fertilizer management and by instituting other Best Management Practices for lawn, landscape and pond management. These topics have been a focus of several committees in The Landings Management Association, and the NEST gathering comes at an opportune time to join the movement to maintain our piece of the environment and learn more. You can register for the free event online at www.eventbrite. com. For more information go to www.scgov.net and search for Annual NEST Gathering, or email Maralyn Kaufman, Environmental Committee Chairperson at mkaufmanphd@ gmail.com.
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Racquet Club News |President’s Report
|Manager’s Report
By Dick Bayles The Club held its Annual Meeting of Members on January 14th and, as usual, attracted a standing-room-only crowd. The Treasurer, Sue Lewis-Garrett, reported that preliminary results showed that we ended 2018 almost exactly on budget. The final figures are subject to a review by outside auditors but won’t change significantly. After her report, I reviewed the first three years of the Club’s Long-Term Plan that was adopted earlier this year and was the primary component of the recent increase in the Club’s Annual Assessment. As I stated in the meeting, we’ve spent $750,000 in facilities improvements over the past six-seven years, and the Long-Term Plan is focused on maintaining the existing facilities and ensuring that the Club’s appearance is upgraded to a level consistent with The Landings position in the community. The following Q&A session generally dealt with one principal topic – pickleball. A contingent of pickleball enthusiasts had “packed the house” with supporters and made an ardent and cogent case for the inclusion of pickleball in the Club’s activities. While the Club has been providing an ad hoc version for the past year, the conclusion was that it was inadequate. An internal study was done in the middle of last year, with the conclusion that it wasn’t feasible to provide an adequate facility. The board has agreed to involve outside help to determine what facilities we can provide and under what conditions. I want to emphasize that the board is in favor of providing pickleball if a way can be found to do so without impacting other Club operations.
|Tennis Tips
By Adrian “Mo” Moghina
One of the hardest things in tennis is to watch the ball correctly. Obviously, you are seeing the ball on the court and looking at it. But to watch it means you are focused on it the whole flight of the ball. From the time it leaves the opponents racquet until it makes contact on your strings. “Seeing the ball” means you just briefly look at it, you know its there. And “looking at the ball” means you engage the ball for a longer time but become distracted. However, “watching the ball” means you are totally alert in the moment without distractions and engaging the ball the whole time it is coming at you. Let me give you some tips on how you can be more effective. Try to see the ball spin as it is coming at you. Every ball that is hit in tennis has some sort of spin on hit, even the flat balls. Try to focus on the seams of the ball which will help you see it spin. Some people even say they can occasionally read the number or the brand name on the ball. Another way to really engage the ball is to say “bounce, hit”. You say “bounce” when the ball actually hits the ground, not before or after the bounce. And say “hit” right at contact with the ball. That will help your eyes engage to watch the whole flight of the ball. There are other tips, but finally try to see the blur of the hit when the ball leaves your strings. Your eyes can not see the ball hit the strings at regular ball speeds. Enjoy our great weather this time of the year! See you on the courts!
Thank you to all the members that have paid their annual assessment already. For the handful of you that haven’t gotten to it yet, please note that late fees and interest will be added February 1st. With interest, your balance will continue to increase monthly so please take care of it at your earliest convenience. Contact Kevin, Gary or Diana in the Tennis Pro Shop at 923-3886 if you have any questions regarding your annual assessment or monthly statement. Now that February is here, we are in the heart of season for the next few months. I highly recommend members call in advance for their tennis court reservations regardless of what time of day they are playing. We all know the mornings are busy; however, with league matches and routine maintenance, court availability can be at a premium in the afternoon and evening hours as well. In the last few years, the number of members playing tennis has increased even in the afternoon,
By Kevin Lechlitner
so court availability isn’t nearly as open as it used to be. It’s great having this many active members around the Club throughout the day. In an effort to alleviate some of the parking strain during the morning hours, I would like to encourage members who live close to the Club and have the ability to walk or ride a bike over to do so. Some days are better than others. Of course, the morning hours seem to be the most challenging. Between the social tennis, people attending the exercise classes and the league matches, the parking lot fills up quickly. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Every so often, I ask the members to update their contact information. If your phone number or email has changed recently, kindly let us know in the Pro Shop. We are also looking for emergency contact names and numbers especially for those that live alone. Please take a moment the next time you come through the office to make sure your information is accurate. If you are a seasonal resident, it is also helpful for us to have the phone number for your northern residence. Members occasionally come in looking for their friends or neighbors contact information up north. I would like to be able to provide that if possible.
Security Incidents for December 2018
The Safety Committee has worked with Guard One staff to reinstate reporting of Security Incidents at The Landings. There were 42 security incidents in December 2018 at The Landings, which are summarized below.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
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Happy Hour Article – Jan 2019 By Paige Packman / Photos by Norman Olshansky Over 90 LRC members attended the January 9th LRC happy hour, thank you for coming! Fun was had by all; several members commented how enjoyable it was to meet so many new people, including residents now back for the season. The food and wine selection seem to improve each month. LRC Happy Hour is usually scheduled for the first Wednesday of the month, so mark your calendars. LRC Manager, Kevin Lechlitner sends an email reminder the week before (make sure you are on his email distribution list). The event is also published on the Eagle activities calendar. This event is organized by the LRC staff, with beverages and appetizers provided by members.
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Kid’s Corner
By Heidi Bodor
Cal Hollingsworth , age 15, 10th grader at Cardinal Mooney
• 2 sisters, Grace, 11 and Avary, 10 • No pets right now but we are in the market for a dog
• Do you like The Landings? Yes, I like that there are a lot of young people in The Landings. When some people are out of town, there’s always a few other families around to get together with. We have close friendships with a few of the families in The Landings. • What is your favorite subject? Probably US history. I think it’s interesting to see how our country was made and how our forefathers set the groundwork for the great country we have today. • What is your favorite book? The Great White Sea by M. H. Herlong. It’s about 3 brothers about my age sailing across the ocean. They wreck on an island and figure out how to survive. Very interesting book. • What are your favorite sports? Basketball and football. I don’t play football anymore but enjoy watching it. • What are your favorite teams? In college basketball, the Gators. In the Pros, the Washington Wizards. For college football, I like the Gators and the Pros, the Tampa Bay Bucs. • What do you do in your spare time? I like going to the gym. I love playing basketball! I also like going fishing, if we are lucky enough, we catch dinner! I play Xbox but I can’t play for more than an hour and a half or I get bored. Sometimes on Sunday nights, I go to the high school youth group at Church of the Redeemer. They meet at different people’s houses and it’s fun.
Cal Hollingsworth
• What do you want to be when you grow up? My Mom says I should be a lawyer the way I argue! Not sure yet! I still have some time so we’ll see. I like horticulture. Maybe I’ll join the family business, Better-Gro, as an orchid and citrus grower. I help my Dad out sometimes in Arcadia to earn a little money. If I don’t have basketball practice on Saturdays or over vacations, I help him at the nursery. • What’s your favorite food? Penne pasta with olive oil and no red sauce. • What are you passionate about? Playing Basketball! I also love going to the Florida Gator football games and I love to watch the games on TV. That’s where I’d like to go. Those are the things I am most passionate about right now. • Favorite music? Hip hop and pop. • Favorite artist? Kodak Black • If you were on an island and could only bring 3 things, what would you bring? Assuming I have a food/water supply, I’d bring a really long book and a pillow. The biggest mistake I made at sleep-away camp was not bringing a pillow. We had campouts and I was miserable camping without a pillow to sleep on. I’d also bring a spear gun to catch fish. • Who are your heroes and why? Tim Tebow, he played football for UF and was very successful. He’s a good role model. He is very open about his Christian values and his faith. He’s a smart guy who is very empowering to many people. • What is your 5 year goal? To go to a good college, whether it is UF or not and get a good education. It is also to be pleased with what my life is so far.
If you know a child that would like to be featured in Kid’s Corner, please contact Heidi Bodor at heidibo@verizon.net.
The Recipe Corner
|Kitchen Ladies Recipe Corner Compiled by Dee Ricapito
MaryKay Crotty’s Skyline Chili Dip Ingredients: • 12 oz. cream cheese • 1 package Skyline Chili (available in the freezer section at Publix) • 12 oz. shredded cheddar cheese • 1 package Tostitos Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Spread the cream cheese into a 9x13 baking pan. Thaw the Skyline and pour off the excess liquid. Pour the chili over the cream cheese layer. Place the pan in the preheated oven for 10 minutes. Remove from oven & top with the shredded cheddar cheese. Let stand for 5 minutes. Serve dip with Tostito chips. ENJOY!!! For those of you not familiar with Skyline chili... it’s a Cincinnati tradition. It was created almost 70 years ago by Nicholas Lambrinides, a Greek immigrant who named it for the view of Cincinnati from the window in his restaurant’s kitchen. You can access more information about Skyline & how it’s served by Googling Skyline chili. A Skyline chili parlor(that’s what the restaurants are called!) should be opening soon in Lakewood Ranch. Jeff & Mary Kay are so excited about this.... I’m sure other Skyline fans are as well.
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Updated Speeding Policy Resident Violations • If a resident drives 10 - 14 mph over the speed limit for the first time, they will receive a Warning Letter. • If a resident drives 15+ mph over the speed limit prior to receiving a Warning Letter - OR - 10+ mph over the limit within 60 days of the date of their prior Warning Letter, they will receive a Speed Violation Letter, which must be acknowledged. • If a Speed Violation letter is not properly acknowledged, (acknowledgement rules will be included in the Speed Violation letter), they will receive a Decal Suspension letter. • If a resident drives 10+ mph over the limit within 60 days of the acknowledgment of the Speed Violation Letter, the resident will receive a Decal Suspension Letter, which states that their decal will be suspended for 30 days. • T he decal suspension will be reviewed, and approved if appropriate, at the next LMA board meeting. If approved by the Board, the resident will have an opportunity to attend a
Continued from cover story
the limit within 60 days of the Speed Violation Letter, the guest will receive a Driving Privilege Suspension Letter, which states that, (pending Board approval and a Hearing Committee meeting) they will be unable to drive within The Landings for 30 days. • The driving privilege suspension will be reviewed at the next LMA board meeting and, if approved, the guest will have the opportunity to attend a Hearing Committee meeting where the suspension will either be upheld or rejected. • If the Board imposed suspension is upheld at the Hearing Committee meeting, the gatehouse will suspend the guest’s driving privileges at The Landings for 30 days. • If a guest has a subsequent 10+ mph violation within 60 days of the prior driving privilege suspension, their driving privileges will be suspended for an additional 60 days, (with the same Board review and Hearing Committee process as the original suspension).
Hearing Committee meeting where the suspension will either be upheld or rejected. • If the Board imposed suspension is approved at the Hearing Committee meeting the gatehouse will inactivate the resident’s decal for 30 days. • If a resident has a subsequent 10+ mph violation within 60 days of the prior decal suspension, their decal will be suspended for an additional 60 days, (with the same Board review and Hearing Committee process as the original suspension) Guest Violations • If a guest drives 10 - 14 mph over the speed limit for the first time, they will receive a Warning Letter and the associated resident (if applicable) will be notified. • If a guest drives 15+ mph over the speed limit prior to receiving a Warning Letter - OR - 10+ mph over the limit a second time within 60 days of the date of their Warning Letter, they will receive a Speed Violation Letter, and the associated resident (if applicable) will be notified. • If a guest drives 10+ mph over
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Vendor Violations • If the driver of a vendor/service provider vehicle drives 10-14 mph over the speed limit for the first time, gate house management will contact the company and give them a verbal warning that subsequent violations may result in that driver not being allowed to drive within The Landings. • If a driver goes 15+mph over the speed limit - OR - 10+ mph over the limit again within 60 days of a prior 10-14 mph speeding incident, the company will be called again and warned that a subsequent violation will result in that driver not being allowed to drive into The Landings. Depending on the circumstances of the second speed infraction, a company representative may be requested to come to The Landings to discuss the violation and ways to prevent these speeding incidents in the future. • If the same driver goes 10+ mph over the limit again within 60 days of the prior speeding incident, gate house management will contact the company to discuss suspending the driver’s ability to drive within The Landings for 30 days.
Lawsuit filed to try to halt construction of Siesta Promenade By Rachel Brown Hackney SarasotaNewsLeader.com
A petition filed in the 12th Judicial Circuit Court on Jan. 11 argues that the December 2018 decision of the Sarasota County Commission to allow the construction of the Siesta Promenade mixed-use project was unlawful for a multitude of reasons. James P. Wallace, a Siesta Key resident since 1964, told members of the Siesta Key Association (SKA) during their regular meeting on Jan. 10 that he was angered by the series of commission votes on Dec. 12, 2018 that figuratively paved the way for the project to proceed. The complaint has a single plaintiff: Sura Kochman, a resident of the Pine Shores Estates community, which would be the immediate neighbor of Siesta Promenade. Kochman had been a leader of opponents of the project, as it was designed. Her ownership of a home in Pine Shores gives her “standing” in the Petition for Writ of Certiorari, as the legal document explains: “As a direct and proximate result of the County Commission’s approval, including the Project’s higher density, Kochman will be adversely affected by increased traffic, increased height, increased density and increased intensity and use of the property.” Benderson Development also won County Commission approval of a Critical Area Plan (CAP) designation for Siesta Promenade, which allowed the company density as high as 25 units per acre, instead of the 13 units per acre provided for under county regulations for districts zoned Commercial General.
Birds and Birding Enthusiasts Galore By Maralyn Kaufman, Environmental Committee Chairperson The Landings Bird Walk on January 23rd was a great success. Twenty-six Landings bird enthusiasts were guided by three Sarasota Audubon Society naturalists (Lynn Jakubowicz, Mary Heinlen, and Sandra van Hullenaar) for a two hour nature walk during which we saw eighteen different species of birds. Those who came were enlightened by the extensive knowledge of the naturalists and fellow ‘birders’. A wonderful outing filled with questions, answers, and ideas, coupled with the beauty of the birds and surroundings in our great location. Inspiration for understanding how our landscaping and lakes are so important to maintaining diverse bird species. The group concluded that frequent birding events are in order… watch for what event we plan for February… and thanks to all who participated.
Paying for the litigation
Wallace further pointed out to the SKA members that he has been working to raise money to cover the expense of the lawsuit. The estimate he had received, he said, was $75,000. Both SKA Vice President Catherine Luckner and the Siesta Key Condominium Council (SKCC) already have sent out email blasts to inform members of their organizations about the legal challenge. Both Luckner and the Condominium Council Happiness is…Something for Everyone leadership have explained that And he’s right. During the month Ah, February. The month of love. And if anyone desires to provide football. And history. of February, Abel’s is featuring financial support for the two love-inspired flavors. Red Here’s a quick trivia question for you Velvet Cake Ice Cream (Red lawsuit, the person may send a Which holiday was first celebrated in the Velvet ice cream with chunks of check to the Sarasota law firm United States – Valentine’s Day or President’s decadent red velvet cake and a of Bentley & Bruning, with the Day? Keep reading for the answer. rich ribbon of cream cheese icing.) Seems like there’s something for notation that the money is for And Strawberry Cheesecake everyone this month. Jerry Williams, owner the Siesta Promenade lawsuit. of Abel’s Ice Cream, is certainly focused on Ice Cream (The ultimate classic Wallace explained on Jan. 10 the NFL playoffs. His beloved Kansas City Chiefs cheesecake ice cream loaded with chunks of creamy that Bentley & Bruning will advanced to the AFC Championship game for cheesecake and a flavorful strawberry ribbon.) compile all the funds in a trust the first time since 1994! Congratulations to the After you enjoy a sweet treat, you can finish New England Patriots and their fans on a hard- off your Valentine’s Day shopping by choosing account. from Abel’s selection of gourmet, beautifully The firm’s address is 783 fought win! But that’s certainly not the only reason he’s handmade chocolates from Sweet Shop S. Orange Ave., Suite 300, smiling these days. “It’s the season of love. I am USA. Sweet Shop USA has received national Sarasota, 34236. blessed to do life with my love and best friend recognition for creating over 100 varieties of Any money not spent, Wallace and Valentine’s Day is just a great reminder to handmade pieces including various Truffles, stressed, will be returned on a celebrate that love,” Jerry stated. “And at Abel’s, Famous Brags®, Nuts and Chewies, and our pro-rata basis. signature Fudge Love®. Imagine presenting we know how to celebrate it.”
5 years straight! these beauties during a sunset stroll on the beach. So now that you have your plan for Valentine’s Day, it’s time to answer the trivia question. President Washington’s birthday, the precursor to President’s Day, was an unofficial observance from most of the 1800s. However, it wasn’t until the 1870s that it became a federal holiday. The first mass-produced Valentine’s Day cards were produced in the United States in 1847. Either way you go, the 19th century brought about some great traditions for our country. Celebrate them all this month with your friends at Abel’s Ice Cream. Abel’s Ice Cream is located at 1886 Stickney Point Road, Sarasota, in the South Bridge Plaza. Open Sunday through Thursday from Noon – 9:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday from Noon – 10 p.m. Learn more online at www.abelsicecream.com or connect with them on Facebook and Instagram.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Agnes Schipper, A Dedicated Volunteer By Diana Colson Since moving here in 2013, Agnes Schipper has created an impressive record as a volunteer in Sarasota. A lawyer - and mother of four - who dealt with such clients as Duke University in Durham and the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, Agnes was not accustomed to having time on her hands before retirement. She and her husband, John Carson, made six housescouting trips to Sarasota, before moving straight into to The Landings. They finally settled on one of the mid-rises on Eagles Point Circle, where they get to see sunrises, sunsets, jumping mullet, birds and kayaks. Agnes quickly found two niches in the Sarasota volunteer world which were appealing. The first was at The Ringling. Agnes loves art! Indeed, she minored in it in college and has visited most of the major museums in the world. She had always felt that art was a great way to learn about history. She went to the Ringling organization but no docent opportunities were open, so she was accepted as an Ambassador and Special Events Assistant. When a class finally opened to train docents for the Ca’ d’Zan, she seized the opportunity. Agnes says, “It was a lengthy process: first a phone interview, then an in-person interview, then you are then asked to shadow a graduate docent, and finally the new class of docents is selected. Training for the Mable’s Tour required three months of training because it is fairly well scripted. Each member of a new class is paired with mentor docent. Mable Tours are capped at a maximum of 22. They run 4-per-hour in season, and 2-per-hour in summer. “The John’s Tour includes Belvedere Tower and is capped at 8 people because of fire code and access to some of the smaller spaces visited on the tour. The John Tour is less scripted and required an additional month of study. During the course, you develop your own John’s tour. You are evaluated to be cleared to do both tours.” For readers interested in becoming docents at the Ca’ d’Zan, a new class is being recruited to start in April of 2019. The application deadline is February 15. Agnes had been a docent there for about one year when a class started that trained docents for the Art Museum. Now, this was a real commitment! It is a serious course of study much like taking a college Art History Course. The course takes one full year, which is tough if you are a snowbird. Being an education junkie, Agnes took the challenge. “We all have to learn a basic tour developed by the curators. Then you develop your own tour, selecting your own art objects, and are evaluated. Art Museum Tours are free with admission, and each tour is different from docent to docent.” Agnes developed her own unique tours. One is called RINGLING PAIRS, in which she paired various paintings by style: The Italian Pair, The French Pair, The Dutch Pair, and The Odd Couple – painted compositions of fruits and vegetables that look like people. Another tour she developed is called PORTRAIT PROPS AND PUBLIC RELATIONS. Historically, paintings were created to depict how a person wished to be immortalized. Wealthy and important people were sitting for these portraits, and carefully selected the backgrounds, costumes, animals, hats, props and locations to create the perfect desired setting and
message. Agnes calls it “the photo shopping of its time.” Another tour developed by Agnes is called VIRTUE AND VICE, which features paintings with a moral message dealing with the rewards of virtue and the price of vice. She also does a tour featuring so-called DANGEROUS WOMEN, starring various Bible characters such as Esther, Judith and Salome. Docents are expected to volunteer for at least 75 hours per year and are limited to six years of service. The Museum Education Department is currently short on staff and time, so docents are not typically trained in new temporary exhibits. Instead, docents concentrate on works in the permanent collection, including more modern works. Ringling Art Museum Docents also do school tours. Calendars are put out 2-3 months in advance, and volunteers sign up for their preferred shifts. If a docent is unable to fulfill a planned commitment, he or she must recruit a substitute. Agnes knows of two other Ringling docents who live in The Landings: Leone Levy and Eileen Kirk. Recruitment for an upcoming Ca’ d’ Zan docent class and for Family Programs is underway. To learn more, go to: www.ringling.org/volunteers. In addition to her museum work, Agnes Schipper also holds a second volunteer position in Sarasota, one that has far-reaching family ramifications. She works for the courts as a Guardian Ad Litem, which means she advocates for children who have been removed from their homes because of abuse or neglect. Terry Black of The Landings also serves as a Guardian Ad Litem. For more information about volunteering for the Guardian Ad Litem program go to: https://12gal.com/ volunteer/ In Agnes’s experience, a common denominator in most cases is drugs. In Agnes’ words: “Kids are the real victims of parental drug abuse. Anyone who has an interest in helping kids and families can do this kind of volunteer work. They must visit the kids at least once a month and report their findings to the district court every three to six months. They can participate in quarterly conferences with social workers and attorneys in the Guardian ad Litem program. They also check with schools, day care and health care providers to see that the children’s needs are being met. “The goal is to reunite the children with the parents in a safe and stable environment. In such a program, parents must follow a one-year case plan to address concerns which led to the removal of their children. The case plan can require that they take classes in parenting, anger management, and the like, and participate in treatment for substance abuse and mental health issues. In addition, parents are provided with a lot of social services to help them complete the case plan. Parents must fulfill their plan in order to be reinstated with their children.” The town of Sarasota benefits from the committed volunteer work done by Agnes Schipper and other Landings residents. If you know of a volunteer deserving of a highlight, please contact Steve Poyta at poyta@verizon.net
Agnes Schipper in front of Salome, painted by Robert Henri, in the John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art
Agnes Schipper visiting New Zealand in Feb. 2018
Agnes Schipper in front of the Ca’ d’Zan
2018 Program Results Thanks to the generosity of donors, those who “adopted” young cancer patients and their siblings, business partners, and volunteer shoppers, we are pleased to report the following results.
Brief Operational Summary Results:
124 children received gifts for the holidays in December 2018! We worked with the following organizations to identify children in need and match them up with our adopting neighbors who purchased and wrapped the gifts: ~ Children’s Cancer Center in St. Petersburg (affiliate of John Hopkins Hospital) ~ Barbara’s Friends Pediatric Cancer Center (affiliate of Lee Medical) ~ Club Blue Butterfly (a grief counseling unit of Tidewell Hospice for kids age 5 through 18) ~ Hannah’s House (a home for abused women and their children) • In keeping with our Mission Statement all children who received gifts were either cancer patients and their siblings, those who lost siblings or parents to cancer or other reasons and those in shelters from abusive family situations. • We raised over $7300 in cash from businesses and individual donors, which was used to purchase gifts in addition to those bought and paid for by adopting neighbors. • Overall, we provided a happier holiday season to fifty-one families.
~ Corkscrew Deli ~ Fifth/Third Bank in the Landings ~ Publix ~ Signs-in-One-Day ~ Simon’s Coffee House ~ Sweet Tomatoes ~ Station 400 ~ Wells Fargo ~ West Marine • Volunteer Shoppers buying gifts included: ~ Lisa Bradley ~ Gena Davis ~ Andrea Feldmar ~ Robyn Feldmar • Booklet & Stationary design by Pamela Olin • Music for Kick-Off event provided by members of the Sarasota Youth Orchestra and the Pine View High School Orchestra All of this could not have happened without the support of our Committee Chairs-Carmen Lawrence and Karl Maggard and our Board of Directors – Heidi Bodor, Jim Goldman, Bob Kueppers and Henry Rhodes. Respectfully, Submitted, Henry Rhodes, Chair
Details of how this was accomplished:
• Cash gifts to support our program and to purchase presents for kids came to the Foundation from 51 Landings residents and 2 local businesses. • In-kind gift donations to support our Kick-Off Event and Community Adoption Night came from seven local businesses:
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CGC 1505896 / CBC 1250402 941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Norman Olshansky, The Fish Whisperer Norman Olshansky loves fishing! And his favorite place to fish is at the Gazebo down at the end of the Landings Nature Trail. According to Norm, “There are several factors that make this particular place such a great fishing spot. To begin with, there are lots and lots of mangroves and little estuaries all through The Landings. These are not developed and never will be. It’s a filtration area, so the water is cleaner. This protected area makes a great breeding area for fish. “The second factor is that the Gazebo is located just at the spot where Sarasota Bay narrows into the Intercoastal Waterway. It’s slightly north of where Phillippi Creek enters the Intercoastal. This narrow section of changing tide pushes a lot of fish into the area. “The third factor making it a great fishing spot is that there is absolutely no development directly across or around the Gazebo - only mangroves. It’s like a funnel: almost every species of fish that can be found in the Sarasota area has been caught right at that spot.” Norman has personally caught close to 30 different species of salt-water fish either off the Gazebo or wading in the water. “I’ve caught fish small and large, and I average about 20 fish each time I go out there. That’s why they call me ‘The Fish Whisperer’.” When people pass in boats, they sometimes come upon Norman leaning from the Gazebo or wading in the water, clutching a fiercely bending rod. When that happens, the boats often stop or circle to watch. It can be very dramatic and makes for lots of “happy hour” conversation! “The reason I catch more than most fisherman is that there are skills involved. You’ve got to use the right bait and tackle. That’s what I teach people when I take them out so they can become successful anglers.” Norman is well known in The Landings. Typically, people come to him for guidance when they have just joined a boat club and would like to learn to fish, or they come when their grandchildren visit. He is delighted when they do, for he wants to “hook” interest, particularly that of the kids. “I’m happy to take them fishing. I use light tackle so even if they catch a small fish, it can be exciting. Children who have never fished before experience the thrill of their first catch. I make sure they go home with a picture!” Norm says one can invest between $35 and $5,000 in rods and reels and various
tackle. Kids however do not need fancy gear. Norm likes to use live shrimp on a bare hook with a split shot placed about 18” above the hook. He does not use lures, but some people do. He finds everything he needs at Economy Tackle, CB’s on Siesta Key, or Walmart. He does all his fishing with rod and reel, hook and line. He does not use nets. Norm’s interest in fishing goes way back. He comes from Virginia and lived on the water by Hampton Roads and Chesapeake Bay where two bodies of water meet. He grew up loving to fish, and as a child, fished with his brother on jetties near his home. After attending William and Mary and Virginia Commonwealth University, he took a graduate degree in Social Work from Wayne State University in Detroit, and had a busy career working as an executive with non-profit organizations. He even wrote a book entitled YOU AND YOUR NONPROFIT, published by Charity Channel Press, one of the largest publishers of books for nonprofits. During that time of his life, there was not much time for fishing. He says, “It wasn’t until I moved to Sarasota that I was able to fish more often and develop more skills as an angler.” Norm is an original owner at The Landings. He has been here for thirty years and has lived in two different residences: one, a coach house on Starling Drive; the other a Lake House Condo on Eagles Point Circle, where he now resides. He is president of his association and serves on the board of Landings Management, where he is chair of PR and Communications. He is deeply committed to the preservation of the lands and maintaining the natural environment of our treasured community. Says Norm: “Another reason I love fishing so much is the natural beauty and scenery of the area. You see a lot of wildlife and every type of water bird: ospreys, bald eagles, porpoises, and - in the summertime – manatees.” As a fisherman, Norman Olshansky practices ‘catch and release’, and encourages others who fish at the Gazebo to do the same. The rules are simple - take fish only in season, take only ones that meet correct size limits, and take only those that are edible and you intend to eat. Norm’s biggest fear is that people will go to the Gazebo and not respect the conservation needed in order to maintain a good fishery. See a list of fish species commonly caught in The Landing on page 25.
By Diana Colson
Landings Residents’ Handbook & Directory The 2018-2019 edition of the Landings Handbook and Directory was mailed to the billing address of all owners in November. If you did not receive one, we either have an incorrect address or you are a renter in The Landings. Copies of the Handbook & Directory are available from the Main Gate as well as the Landings binders if you need one. New owners since the last issue of The Landings Eagle: • Joel Rifkin. 5179 Flicker Field Cir • Matt & Donna Couzens, 4941 Kestral Park Way N, 860-481-9694, 861-481-9698, matthewcouzens@sbcglobal.net, donnadcouzens@gmail.com The following are corrections to the latest edition of the Directory: • Alexander & Margaret Sokoloff, 1497 Landings Lake Dr, 321-355-0009, 703 479-9489, falconaw57@gmail.com, peggy.sokoloff@gmail.com • Sue Camins, 1701 Starling Dr, 312-320-5930, 312-543-3687, scamins@mac.com, hcamins@ctkcp.com • Jay & Jill Eisner, 4965 Kestral Park Way N, 941-539-1168, jilleisner@verizon.net, Michael & Marlis Haubold, 5215 Heron Way • Joseph & Linda. Hennessy, 1586 Landings Terrace, 973-615-7659, 973-668-6600, hennessyflorida@gmail.com, josephchennessy@gmail.com Additions, changes, or corrections should be directed to me in writing. Directory forms are available from me via e‑mail, at www.landingseagle.com and www.insidethelandings.com, or from your association, and may be dropped off at the Landings Racquet Club or Main Gate to my attention, or sent via mail or e‑mail. Directories and Binders are available at the Main Gate. Dick Bayles, 1729 Landings Way, Sarasota, FL 34231, landings.directory@gmail.com Useful & Emergency Phone Numbers... Verizon - Phone Service..................................................... 1.800.483.1000 Comcast Cable............................................................................... 371.6700 Emergency Animal Clinic............................................................ 929.1818 Poison Info Center.............................................................. 1.800.282.3171 Waste Management...................................................................... 924.1254 Landings Eagle....................................................................... 941.539.0205 Landing’s Gate.............................................................................. 922.5531 Landings Racquet Club................................................................ 923.3886 Landings Community Hauling Program.................. 941-727-6464x110 LRC e-mail.......................................................... LRCtennis@verizon.net Argus Management...................................................................... 927.6464 Sheriff Non-Emergency................................................................ 861.5800 FPL - Florida Power & light......................................................... 917.0708 FPL - Outage Report........................................................... 1.800.468.8243 Fishing & Hunting Licenses................................................. 941.362.9888 Marriage License Bureau...................................................... 941.362.4066 Sarasota County Hotline.............................................................. 861.5000 Sarasota/Bradenton Intl. Airport........................................ 941.359.2770 Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT)................................ 941.316.1234 Sarasota County Information Call Center...............941.861.5000/scgov.net Sarasota Doctors Hospital..................................................... 941.342.1100 Sarasota Memorial/Health Care System................................. 941.917.7760 Emergency (General)............................................................................. 911
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Getting to Know the Artists of The Landings Last fall, when the call for artists to participate in the 2019 Landings Residents Art Show went out, several new people signed up. I received a message from the mother of Ellie Bodor, an 18 year old senior high school student at the Pine View School. She informed me that Ellie is a wire-sculptor, which certainly peaked my curiosity as most artists in our shows are adults, photographers or painters. Of course, we know that many families with children live in The Landings and hopefully more young artists will be willing to participate in future shows. As I asked around about Ellie, I heard nothing but praises for this young artist. She ended up being a great attraction during our show. To the delight of the visitors, for a whole day she demonstrated how she goes about creating her sculptures. On a recent visit to her house, we sat in her studio/bedroom that is full of her creations and is also lined with gold and silver medals she won for being a rower, an accomplished national French student and also for her sculptures. So far she won gold and silver medals from the Scholastic Alliance of Young Artists and Writers. One of her pieces is now on a year-long national tour. She is also very busy with college applications. Ellie started sculpting with pipe cleaners and switched to wires in 3rd grade. She is fascinated by the spiders in her garden and they were her first inspiration. Now dragons are her favorite subjects. She not only uses wire in her sculptures but all sorts of found hardware, belt buckles, screws, spoons, hinges etc. A good example is “Sentinel”. She keeps experimenting by adding more layers to her work. For example, a friend crocheted wool over part of one of her flying dragons. For sure, Ellie is a young artist to keep in your sights. More pictures and information can be found online, on Instagram (#Copperdragonwire) and Facebook. Another new artist at The Landings is Joan Peters. She moved here with her husband in June of 2018. They have lived in the Sarasota area for the last 22 years. Before that, they lived in New Jersey, New York and Oregon. She still works as a clinical social worker but has been painting since childhood, more seriously during the last 10 years after a friend and mentor urged her to do so. What I find most interesting in her work is the subtle and very intricate mix of painting, collage and drawing with crayons, pencils or pens. The result is mostly abstract with very recognizable patterns and symbols. Her palette is subtle, using color deliberately to convey her message. During our recent conversation Joan shared that her process of painting has always been centering and therapeutic. She loves to experiment with paint on canvas, building layers with mostly acrylic paints, sometimes even watercolor. She chuckles about her messiness when she paints. Is that not the case with most artists? Many images and scenes from her life experiences are her main inspiration. It takes her a long time to work on a project. In her counseling work, she gathers a lot of information and then tries to find meaning in what she is looking at. Joan tells me that this is also her process in painting. Her goal is always to make something pleasant to look at. Joan’s work can be seen regularly in regional exhibitions. On a related note: I have been writing about artists living in The Landings community not only for the readers to get acquainted with them but also to encourage you, the reader, to consider looking at their work when you want to buy artwork for your homes or think of presents for others. All artists are listed in our directory and would welcome your attention. Remember to buy local, it is rewarding and more meaningful for all involved.
By Marie-Louise McHugh
Ellie Bodor
Plains Walker
Joan Peters
So many stories in my head
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MARCH 2019
Day Friday Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday
Date 1 3 5 6 6 6 7 8 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 15 18 19 19 21 21 26 26 28
Time 4:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 4:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 9:00 AM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 1:30 PM 7:00 PM 2:00 PM 5:00 PM 9:00 AM 5:30 PM 4:00 PM
Event South II Superbowl Party Trivia Challenge EP I LRC Newcomer Reception Happy Hour LMA Board Mtg. Movie Night LMA Safety EP II Eagle’s Editorial Mtg. Eagles Point 2 Koffee Klatsch South V Annual Mtg. LHA EP IV Annual Bay View HOA LRC Board Trivia Challenge South IV Landings South VII Koffee Klatsch Treehouse Assn. Carriagehouse I
Day Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday
Date 5 6 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 19 20 21 21 26 26 26
Aqua Zumba Barre Exercise Bridge Floor Yoga Jazzercise Landings Free College Open Mah Jongg Ping Pong Stretching Class Tai Chi Water Color Class Yoga Zumba Gold
Time 7:00 PM 2:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 4:00 PM 2:00 PM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM 4:00 PM 1:30 PM 7:00 PM 3:00 PM 2:00 PM 5:00 PM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 5:30 PM
Event Trivia Challenge EP III Happy Hour LMA Board Mtg. LMA Safety Eagle Editorial Mtg. Koffee Klatsch LHA Bayview HOA LRC Board Trivia Challenge Learning Group South IV Landings Sosuth VII Koffee Klatsch Carriage House I Treehouse Assn.
Regularly Scheduled Items Tuesdays & Thursdays Tuesdays Mondays Fridays Tuesdays & Thursdays Thursdays Thursdays Wednesdays Fridays Thursdays Thursdays Mondays & Wednesdays Tuesdays & Thursdays
10:00 AM 11:00 AM 6:30 PM 8:15 AM 8:30 AM 2:30 PM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 10:00 AM 8:15 AM 9:00 AM
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Judy Tara
Your Landings
Resident Real Estate Team
Landings Real Estate Database Address
½ BA
5430 EAGLES POINT CIRCLE #201 • $629,000
26,888 SQFT
1484 PEREGRINE POINT DR • $750,000
1403 CEDAR BAY LN • $989,000
5420 EAGLES PT CIR #402
5430 EAGLES PT CIR #104
5430 EAGLES PT CIR #404
5420 EAGLES PT CIR #201
1680 STARLING DR Unit#101 • $259,000 dy & Tara Ju ighborhoo ’s Ne
Judy Tara 350-0451 266-4873
OPEN HOUSE Michael Saunders & Company
5420 EAGLES POINT CIR Unit#402 • $549,000
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Service is our Passion
Your Landings Landings Resident ResidentReal Real Estate Estate Team Your Team are proud proud advocates advocates andsupporters supporters Landings events including Sponsorship the and ofof Landings events including Sponsorship of theof USTA USTA Father/Son Tennis Tournament. Father/Son AnnualAnnual Tennis Tournament.
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Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker
Based on information from Realtor.com, Sarasota Property Appraiser, and Sarasota Association of Realtors for the period ending 1/17/2019. These properties listed and sold in the past 4 months by various MLS participating offices.
5100 Ocean Boulevard • Sarasota, FL 34242