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Special Events
All the Firemen could say this year was WOW! Thank you again Tara Woods! They do appreciate all that we give. Wyneta (Nete) sent me a wonderful card to thank me for carrying on the toy drive in Jack’s name, but it’s all of you at Tara Woods that take the time to remember. God Bless and Merry Christmas
Lou Dunning, Frank Millette, Linda Hoos.
50’s Dance and Party Date: Saturday, January 25 th Time 7:00 PM Music: John’s Mobile Music Food: A bountiful dessert bu et prepared by the New England Club Chefs Tickets: On sale Saturday, December 28th, at Saturday Morning Co ee and Tuesdays before Bingo through Saturday, January 18th Miscellaneous: BYOB, ra es, prizes for best dressed male, female and couple! Your Hosts: e New England Club
239-542-9511 239-851-0982
Clifford Law Firm, LLC Trusts, Estates, Probate, Divorce Cape Coral, FL Ellen W. Clifford Attorney-At-Law ellenwclifford@gmail.com

GULF COAST AUTO REPAIR, INC. Come to the people you can trust! 26 Cardinal Drive • N. Fort Myers, FL 33917 Corner of Pondella and Old 41 239-997-8333 FAX: 239-997-0799 GULFCOASTAUTOREPAIR1@GMAIL.COM Specializing in all American and foreign auto repairs.
Sound & Lighting will again bring in professional entertainers for your enjoyment on Sunday, January 19th, 2020. For that show we are bringing back the identical twin brothers, SPITTIN’ IMAGE, who were here before in January of 2015. They areamusical/comedy duo who singcountry, classic rock and all-time favorites. They’llmake you laugh untilyour sides ache! More details will follow in the next few months.
The DVDs of the Entertainers’ play THERED VELVET CAKE WARand the New ImageChorus’ production of SPANNING THE DECADES-PART llare now available. If you would like to obtain one or both, contact Polly Brown at 239-731-1614. The cost is $5.00 each.
We are in need of someone with experience in audio/video recording of some of our events–usually the Entertainers annual play and the Chorus annual show. This would also include editing the SD cards in a software program to create a final master DVD.
If you have the knowledge and are willing to be an active volunteer giving some time to the enjoyment of our community, please contact Frank Millette at 239-543-2954.
RESIDENTS APPRECIATION DAY For those of you who do not know what Residents Appreciation Day is, it is a day that is set aside for the community to come together for food, fun and a good time.
Residents Appreciation Day will be Saturday, February 22 nd . Coffee, rolls and
Danish on Saturday morning, will be provided by Hometown America. Lunch will also be provided by Hometown America, but you will need a ticket to be served.
Lunch will consist of either pulled pork or chicken along with all the xins. In order to ensure suf cient availability, you must have a ticket to be served. Tickets will be distributed to each resident free of charge. Additional tickets for friends and family are $5.00 each. At the time of obtaining your tickets you will be asked if you want pork or chicken and given the appropriate ticket.
Tickets will be distributed starting Tuesday, January 14 th , from 10:00 AM to noon at the Health Fair. Tickets will then be distributed at Saturday Morning Coffee starting January 18 th , and Tuesday before Bingo starting Tuesday, January 21st. As a nal count has to be given to the caterer, no tickets will be available after Tuesday, February 18th.
Additional information about the event including games and the western themed dance Saturday night, will be in February’s Columns.
If you have any questions, please contact Stuart Berman at 239-220-2369.
Look forward to seeing everyone at RESIDENTS APPRECIATION DAY. Stuart Berman