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Actitivies, Activities
The New Year 2020 brings even more events for the residents to enjoy. There are no Activity-sponsored parties in January, but lots of events to enjoy sponsored by the many clubs and groups. Please read all the publicity for these events in this issue of The Columns and enjoy another month full of action and fun in Tara Woods.
Taking down the trees and undecorating in the Clubhouse is scheduled for Saturday, January 4 th , right after Saturday Morning Coffee, about 9:00 AM. Decorating on November 30 th was a fun time with great punch & cookies provided by the Canadian Club. We can look for more punch & goodies provided by them on January 4th.
Thank you to the wonderful people who helped hang wreaths and decorations and decorate the stage so beautifully: Bobbie Mester, Rhonda Williams, Joan Wade, Nina and Dorothy Andrus; and to Carole Clark, Sue Proulx, Sharon Boehlke and others for covering all the pictures and turning them into beautiful packages. That’s a lot of work, ladies! I also want to thank the Daly family, who for the second year have put together and decorated the “Activities” tree: Brian & Dani, Russell & George. This year we were assisted by Joan Musso. Thank you, Joan. THANK YOU!
Thank you to the Midwest Club for hosting a lovely Christmas Party for the community, and to the New England Club for hosting the New Year’s Eve Party. Our residents look forward to these holiday gatherings, and as Activities Coordinator I very much appreciate your clubs hosting them and making them special for everyone.
BIG THANK YOU’s to the Outside Decorating Committee who did another fantastic job on decorations from the front entrance up to the Clubhouse. This would not have happened without Linda & John Hoos, Sue Van Sickle, Ron & Sue Proulx, Louise & Pat Patterson, Barbara Roland, Russell Daly and Lou Dunning. Linda, John and Sue V. spent many hours decorating the entire front entrance up to and including the Guard House, plus working on and placing the Angel and Christmas trees down the Boulevard. Ron Proulx constructed the stable for our “new” manger scene, purchased hay and set up the entire scene, with his wife’s help, of course. Louise & Pat restrung all the lights on the reindeer and Barbara restrung the Angel. Russell set up the JOY sign, hung the icicle lights on the Guard House and did anything else I asked of him. Lou & Pat Dunning donated the two beautiful soldiers on the columns at the Clubhouse. Pat had designed and made them for their home use for a number of years. Lou secured them to the columns for us. Pat, we could use two more for next year!
Thank you to all these people who worked very hard and overcame electrical and other problems to make our community as festive as possible for the Holidays.
Cathy, our new manager, tried to solve our electrical problems, but not all the updates worked out. The upgrades to the electrical outlets down Tara Blvd., and outside the Clubhouse were an improvement, but we’re hoping to have all the outside electrical problems xed, so next year promises to be problem free.
Thank you to Bob Clark, Ed Pollitt and all Santa’s helpers who prepared and upgraded the sleigh and led the Christmas Golf Cart parade. I believe there were 29 beautifully decorated carts that made it about three-quarter of the way around the community before the rain started to fall too heavily. This is the rst time in the 17 parades in which I have participated that I remember it “raining on our parade”. Our own Indy 500 sleigh crew changed a at tire on the cart supporting the sleigh in record time and had it back leading the parade in a jiffy. In spite of the weather, et-al, the parade was a lot of fun with a wide variety of super Jello and pudding shots beforehand. Thank you to Frank Millette, Parade Coordinator, Lou Dunning and Bill Black for being there to direct the parade in the right direction. I’m not sure if people are aware of how vital you are to keeping the parade on track. In years’ past, without direction, the parade has literally gone in all directions, becoming two or three mini parades wandering the community. Thank you, guys!
Thank you to Pat Dunning and Lorraine Milligan for hosting the refreshments and Caroling at the Clubhouse, and Rod Browder, Ron Proulx and George Daly for leading the caroling. Those who came to the Clubhouse had some great cookies, delicious punch, and hot chocolate.
I love seeing the decorated carts. This year was outstanding with many lighted carts and even an amazing “Florida” Gingerbread house. I appreciate all the work you put into decorating your carts and making the parade such fun. Bill Loveday was taking pictures, so check the website for some great photos.
As you plan your event, please keep in mind some basic guidelines:
Put it on the website by contacting Bill Loveday. Put it in The Columns by the 10 th of the month, before the event, by sending the information to Linda Beaulieu.
Notify Lloyd Kelsey of Sound & Lighting for microphones, use of the big screen or other sound and lighting needs. For Kitchen supplies contact Janet Daly, at least a week before the event.
As Activities Coordinator, I am available to meet with your committee early in the process to offer guidance in your preparations.
Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have questions regarding the parties and events. If I can’t answer your question, I most likely know who can.
Janet Daly, Activities Coordinator
janetdaly@yahoo.com 239-567-2285 To the following resident and others in our community, we wish you a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing you out and about. VITO DISARO Our sympathy to the family and friends of former resident IRENE SEEKEL. May you and your family enjoy the blessings of good health in the New Year. Remember these people in your thoughts and prayers and please let me know of any medical news in your neighborhood. SUNSHINE AND SYMPATHY
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