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In an extra Free College event cosponsored by the LMA, Dr. David Tomasko, Executive Director of the Sarasota Bay Estuary Program (SBEP) spoke to almost 100 residents about Sarasota Bay health and the impacts of climate change.
SBEP is dedicated to restoring the health of Sarasota Bay and is one of 28 National Estuary Programs in the United States. It works in partnership with local city and county governments, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Florida Department of Environmental Protection and Southwest Florida Water Management District.
SBEP uses a report card to track four elements of bay health. Sarasota Bay was very healthy from 2006 until 2013. But then it entered a degraded period bay-wide from 2013 until 2020 when nitrogen loads were 20% higher because of spills and lack of effective storm water management. 2018 and 2019 were particularly bad for Little Sarasota Bay.
Since then, more than $300m has been spent by Sarasota County to manage stormwater run-off and upgrade and expand wastewater treatment. As a result, all five bays in Sarasota are no longer nutrient impaired. Among the many benefits of cleaner, more nutrient rich water is seagrass growth and a healthier fish and manatee population. Five of the 10 water bodies in Southwest Florida with improvements in water quality were in Sarasota Bay, an excellent outcome for the jewel that it is.
But we are not out of the woods yet, there remains a big problem with Agri-industry pollution from the Caloosahatchee River that will take years and billions of dollars to address. In the meantime, there are things that we can do such as not fertilizing in the rainy season and supporting the extension of our mangroves. For more tips check out https://sarasotabay.org/get-involved/bayfriendly-living/.
Dr. Tomasko addressed the question of reopening Midnight Pass and its impact on Little Sarasota Bay.
When Midnight Pass existed between Casey Key and Siesta Key, there was an
ongoing exchange of water between Little Sarasota Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. When it closed in 1983, water exchange dropped significantly. That decrease has changed the ecology of Little Sarasota Bay. It has become more of a lagoon and supports small fish and sea grass growth, which is good. But when we have heavy rains, the fresh water sits on top of the brackish water and changes the salinity and oxygen level of the water, killing fish. This is what happened during Ian.
There are trade-offs in opening the pass again, you will have increased water exchange, but it will be easier for Red Tide to enter Little Sarasota Bay. It could also negatively impact the existing ecosystem that supports fisheries and seagrass growth necessary for manatee survival.
Dr. Tomasko advised if the community feels that reopening Midnight Pass is important, the way forward is to focus just on moving water (not boats) and work with state regulators up front.
“Mangroves are your friend” was Dr. Tomasko’s answer to a question from the audience about the impact of climate change on our area. In his talk, he showed the data predicting an increase in major hurricanes and sea level rise due to increasing air and water temperature and spoke about how mangroves help protect us by diminishing wave energy and wind damage.
Another good ecologic feature of The Landings are our many well-maintained settlement ponds that filter stormwater before it gets to the bay. This is a requirement of newer buildings that lessens the environmental impact of development.
This is the eighteenth in a series of articles highlighting the special volunteers who help make The Landings such a wonderful community. The Eagle interviewed Dawn Smith for this issue.
On New Year’s Day in 1998, during a winter blizzard, Dawn and Nelson Smith prepared to leave their Escanaba home in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, to attend a University of Michigan football game in Florida’s Citrus Bowl. They flew into Sarasota, where friends of theirs had a home in The Landings. They stepped out of the plane into balmy, beautiful weather, drove from the airport to The Landings, entered through the front gate, and their jaws dropped as they gazed at the landscaped paradise that instantly surrounded them. They thought, “We have to live here.”
Dawn and Nelson had not planned to live in Florida. They had planned to obtain a residence in Colorado. But a friend of theirs said, “Why would you move from cold to cold? You’ve lived all these years in the Upper Peninsula, why not live somewhere warm?” That made sense. Then, when they first saw The Landings, their instant attraction to the community was undeniable.
Dawn’s friend, who lived in a condo on Starling, told Dawn she had a friend she wanted to introduce Dawn to, saying, “You would love her.” Dawn met her friend’s friend, an original resident of The Landings, who lived in a condo directly across the street from the racquet club, and
they clicked. That evening she called Dawn and asked, “Do you want to buy my condo?”
Dawn and Nelson bought the condo; in 2001 they started spending winters here, and The Landings is all the richer because of it.
Dawn took up tennis, a sport new to her at the time. She also enjoyed helping if there was anything that needed to be done. By participating in activities, she quickly got to know people.
She soon found herself recruited to be the head of social activities for The Landing’s new resident’s party. She performed that function for ten years, planning and decorating for the event. In addition, Dawn always contributed where there was a need, planning and decorating for events such as the holiday party and the Cinco de Mayo party. She loves living right across from the racquet club, because if there is a need for something, she can run home to get it.
Six or seven years ago, Kevin Lichliter, manager of the racquet club, while talking about the club’s popular Koffee Klatsch, made the passing comment, ‘Wouldn’t it be nice to have pancakes instead of bagels.’
Nelson seized on the thought, saying Dawn makes great pancakes and would be perfect for that. Dawn and Nelson have been making pancakes for Koffee Klatsches ever since. Dawn estimates that she and Nelson produce, cook, and serve 200 to 300 pancakes for each Koffee Klatsch they support.
Growing up, Dawn was one of ten children in the same household. Perhaps
April 4: Dr. Robert Barylski
Title: Outsmarting and containing Putin: The Ukraine Trap Attendees will be exposed to a sophisticated analysis of political and economic reconstruction in the former Soviet Union.
Speaker: Dr. Robert V. Barylski is a retired associate professor in the Department of Government and International Relations at USF Sarasota and former Dean of the University prior to his retirement. An expert on civil-military relations in Russia, Dr. Barylski published The Soldier in Russian Politics 1988-1996: Duty, Dictatorship and Democracy under Gorbachev and Yeltsin. He travels to Russia frequently and speaks and writes on political and economic reconstruction in the former Soviet Union.
April 11: Dr. Irving Kushner
Title: The B&O Railroad, John Hopkins, and Gertrude Stein Attendees will learn how the B&O railroad led to the banker Johns Hopkins, who in turn led to a great university and a great medical school, and how this in turn takes us to Gertrude Stein.
Speaker: Irv’s expertise on this topic comes from the fact that he has read extensively in pursuit of his intellectual curiosity.
April 18: Shaun Greenspan
Title: Cinema Across the Ages Attendees will discover the pivotal moments in the evolution of filmmaking as an art form, from the late 19th century to the present day.
Speaker: Shaun Greenspan, born to long-
standing residents Dr. Richard and Betty Greenspan, earned his degree from the Los Angeles-based Columbia College Hollywood. Since his 2003 graduation, Shaun has contributed to television series including “The West Wing,” “E.R.,” “Six Feet Under,” “Mad Men,””True Blood,” and “Big Love,” as well as films like “Where the Wild Things Are” and “Little Miss Sunshine.” More recently, his production company, Triforce Pictures, has produced “The Sarasota Experience,” a feature documentary for WEDU PBS.
Shaun is now in the pre-production phase for a new WEDU PBS series titled “Greater Lakeland.”
April 25: JB Miller
Title: Mennonites, Amish, and the Pinecraft Community
The presentation will provide a brief overview of the history and current aspects of Mennonites, and Amish, as well as information about the Pinecraft community. What originally drew Mennonites and Amish to Sarasota, and why Pinecraft became the center for the Amish who come here by the hundreds every winter. Following the presentation there will be time for questions and discussion. Speaker: JB Miller is a life-long Mennonite who grew up in the Pinecraft community in Sarasota.
His parents were reared in Old Order Amish homes. JB speaks to groups about Mennonites and Amish, and works in various educational venues, as well as assisting journalists and filmmakers who visit Sarasota. He currently is engaged in researching the history of Pinecraft.
that’s what makes her so good at navigating through myriad challenges when she steps in to help. Dawn and Nelson have three children, two girls and a boy. They also have six grandchildren, four in college, and two toddlers.
Dentistry ripples through Dawn and Nelson’s immediate and extended family. One of their grandchildren is in dental school and soon will be a fourth-generation dentist, following in the footsteps of his father, both grandfathers (including Nelson), and great grandfather, all of whom earned their dental degrees at the University of Michigan.
Dentistry played another important role in Dawn and Nelson’s life together. While working with a local dentist, Dawn attended the University of Michigan, where she studied to be a chairside dental assistant. At the same time, Nelson was in dental school there. Nelson was assigned to Dawn’s chair to learn how to work effectively and efficiently with a chairside assistant, and Dawn was charged with teaching him. Obviously, it was a good match.
Dawn still plays tennis on Friday mornings with the friend who sold Dawn her Landings home, and plays pickleball, cards, and golf. Even though Dawn plays golf, she philosophizes, “If you want to retire and be active, don’t buy in a golf community, buy in a tennis community, because tennis players are active, while in golf you just drive around in a golf cart.”
When asked what she likes about The
Landings and Sarasota, Dawn answered, “What’s not to like?” She added, “It’s wonderful to have a city this size that has all the cultural opportunities Sarasota offers. Combine that with all the activities available within The Landings, and you could be busy every hour.” As if to prove her point, while we spoke on the racquet club’s lakeside porch for this article the Landoliers were practicing inside.
Dawn observed The Landings offers a trifecta of beautiful landscaping, diversity of housing, and the people are a bonus. Dawn applies a slogan to The Landings: “If you’re lucky enough to find The Landings, you are lucky enough.” The Landings is certainly lucky to have a can-do volunteer, a dynamic spokesperson, and a true friend in Dawn Smith.
Born and raised in The Landings, there is nobody better qualified to handle your residential real estate needs. With over $300 million in residential real estate sold in my career, I have both the local and global connections to get your home sold. My clients receive white glove 24/7 concierge service to ensure a smooth, stress-free, and positive real estate experience. With a proven track record of exceptional results, I can help you achieve top dollar for your home. Call me today for a free consultation.
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Dear Neighbor,
As I write this letter (March 15 th ), the Road Restoration Project is coming to a successful conclusion. Remaining work will be safety striping of the roadway and work on the “punch list” that was developed with the help of residents and Association Presidents. We thank Road Committee Chair Elida Ramberger and Committee members Dick Bayles, Mike Knupp, Paul Weiner, Rudy Blohm, Bob Golicher, and Roger Kidder for the countless hours they committed to this project. The project was not only a success from the operational side but also from a financial perspective as expenses will come in under budget.
Your Board’s primary focus will now pivot to the security modernization project. The task force has selected a vendor to provide updated technology, equipment, and monitoring.
Replacement gates for the north and south gates are now being selected. The Finance Committee is evaluating funding requirements from existing operational and reserve sources.
The task force will present their recommendation to the community during April in either a Board Meeting or Town Hall setting.
Finally, a few words about overall security and safety. At all times, but especially during the transition to a modernized security approach, please treat our guards with courtesy and respect. Report any issues or problems to members of the security committee (Judy Greene, Louis Goncalves,
ByJeffSmithHarvey Camins, Neil Goldman, Jeff Smith, or Bill Whitman) or your Association President (who will coordinate with the committee).
Remember, the guards have no discretion and are acting following committee instructions.
We are finding that our newly paved smooth roads are, perhaps unconsciously, leading to increased resident speeding. Please be careful not to exceed 20 mph or the posted speed limit, if lower. Pedestrians should exercise added care as well, particularly at night. Please wear reflective clothing and or carry a flashlight.
This is not an idle request, as
in past weeks we have had two of our residents seriously injured by falls while dog walking at night. Please consider walking your dogs while it is still light out and keeping walks in darkness on your property. In each of these cases, neighbors really stepped up to stabilize the situation and get the injured to SMH. Another good deed to report, a member of the security committee reacted swiftly to transport one of our security guards suffering from anaphylactic shock to the emergency room where he was successfully treated. Neighbors helping neighbors, it’s great to see!
JEFF SMITH President
JUDY GREENE Vice President
HANS HAWRYSZ .............................. Treasurer
LOUIS GONCALVES ........................... Director
JOHN SCHMIDT Director EMILY RIDDLE Property Manager — Pinnacle Management Company
EDDIE GOLDSTEIN Communications
MARALYN KAUFMAN ............ Environmental
JOHN BRUNO...............................Free College
JOHN SCHMIDT Governance Advisory
HARVEY GRELLER Hazardous Waste
JEFF SMITH ....................... Lakes & Drainage
PAUL WEINER Landscaping
HARVEY CAMINS LMA Property Mgr Needs Comm.
JUDY GREENE ........................... Maintenance
JACKIE MASSARI ................................. Kayaks
PAUL WEINER............................... Nature Trail
SUE CAMINS Nominating
JUDY GREENE Safety & Security
JACKIE MASSARI....... Social/Community Events
view past issues, click on the text, “TO VIEW PAST ISSUES OF The Landings EAGLE, CLICK HERE”That will bring you to a list of the back issues going back to July 2013. For anything earlier you will need to go to the website: www.landingseagle.com
Landoliers Concert Scheduled
Sweet ‘n Spicy Shrimp … $12
Coconut Shrimp … $13
Shrimp Cocktail* … $12
Calamari … $13
Stuffed Mushrooms … $12
Fish Bites … $13
Fresh Garden Salad* … $8
Caesar Salad … $9
Turtles Wedge* … $13
Kale Salad … $12
New England Clam Chowder
Cup … $7 Bowl … $9
Signature Crab Bisque
Cup … $9 Bowl … $13
Turtles Salad … $21
Turtles Deluxe Salad … $17
Caesar Salad … $20
With grilled shrimp or chicken
Kale Salad … $21
Grouper Sandwich … $21
Salmon BLT … $20
Mahi Mahi Sandwich … $20
Chicken Sandwich … $14
Cheeseburger … $14
Vegan Burger … $13
Stuffed Shrimp … $24
Potato Crusted Haddock … $22
Coconut Crusted Mahi Mahi … $21
Gulf of Mexico Grouper … $24
Salmon … $24
Sea Scallops … $23
Shrimp and Seafood Au Gratin $17
Fisherman Platter … $32
Baby Back Ribs … $25
Orange Pecan Chicken … $17
Filet Mignon … $25
Filet Mignon & Stuffed Shrimp … $35
Filet Mignon & Maine Lobster Tail … $50
Stuffed Shrimp & Maine Lobster Tail $42
Twin Maine Lobster Tails … $55
Coconut Shrimp … $23
Large Gulf Shrimp … $21
Fish & Chips … $20
Fried Combo … $29
Shrimp & Crab Scampi … $25
Salmon Pasta … $22
Chicken & Shrimp Curry … $22
Sweet ‘n Spicy Chicken & Shrimp … $22
Jambalaya … $23
Pasta Primavera … $16
Turtle Pie … $10
Key Lime Pie … $10
Sample Platter … $13
Ice Cream Bar … $7
March was a month full of activity at the club. The tennis courts were full of players with the Tri City Leagues completing their seasons. We enjoyed the Rock ‘N’ Roll Pool Party where more than 100 people participated, danced to lively band music, enjoyed good food and drinks. Our St.
I was looking at the world rankings of the ATP Tour and WTA tour recently and to no surprise most of the players ranked in the top 10 on both tours are over 30 years old. There are many reasons for that, but the main reason is that doubles is a totally different sport than singles.
Singles is like boxing except that there is no bodily physical contact with your opponent. You must
Thank you to Nelson & Dawn Smith for manning the griddles for our pancake breakfasts in January and March. I’m always amazed at the participation level for the Koffee Klatsch breakfasts. I think even more people show up when we are serving made to order pancakes and fresh fruit. Nelson & Dawn were in the kitchen all morning serving up blueberry & banana pancakes with a smile. It has been an annual tradition with them
figure out how to outmaneuver your opponent to get the win. Are you going to wear them out before you go for the winning shots or are you going to be very aggressive and go for the winning shots quickly?
Doubles is like two-on-two beach volleyball. In general, there is a spiker and a setter. However, two spikers are better than one. The goal is to finish the points quickly.
Patrick’s Day party was another fun celebration. The Landings Free College featured Landings residents Frank Piper speaking about the rise in anti-science and John Bruno talking about five myths about how your brain works. Core Mobility, Mahjong, The Sound Bath, and Canasta are among the alternative
That’s why you want two players at the net. When both players are at the net the other team feels more pressure not to hit the ball high to either side of the court. Also, if they don’t have good racquet control skills to hit the ball low to the opponents the skilled volleyers will put those balls away. The best doubles teams at every level try to get the net player to finish the points with volleys or overheads.
offerings for those who don’t play tennis. We also, along with the LMA, held a newcomer’s party where we met many of the new and interesting Landings homeowners. Your board met to set priorities for 2024. We are in the process of upgrading the Poolside kitchen and the Lakeside bathroom. We are also addressing the removal of sludge from our lakes, a result of Har-Tru runoff from our tennis courts. With all the activities that The Landings offers you are sure to find something of interest to you. I look forward to seeing you at the Clubhouse!
On the professional tour most of the players are not very comfortable hitting volleys. That’s why they play most of the points from the baseline. But players like Rohan Bopanna who is 44 years old and just reached the number one ranking in the world on the men’s tour and Su-Wei Hsieh who is 38 years old also just reached the number one ranking on the women’s tour because they are
skilled and confident at the net.
This Spring and Summer make sure you work on your approach shots, volleys, and overheads. You can always improve your net skills with proper coaching no matter how old you are.
We will have our Social Round Robin and Pro Exhibition on Friday April 19 th from 2-4:30 pm. Sign up in the Pro Shop. See you on the courts.
for many years and it is greatly appreciated by both the members and the staff. The 2024 season will be winding down soon. I make this request frequently but don’t get much response. Hopefully it works better this time. Before some of you head north for the summer, I would encourage you to update your contact information with us. Please take a moment the next time you walk through the Pro Shop
or speak with us on the phone. Establishing an emergency contact and phone number is also a good idea, especially if you live alone. It will only take a minute, so please do so at your earliest convenience.
I’d also like to thank the LRC Social Chair, Paige Packman and her army of volunteers that put together one of the biggest social events of the year. For the third year in a row, the Caribbean themed happy hour on the pool
deck complete with live music from Lisa Rott & the All-Terrain band and dinner boxes from Publix was a big success. Thanks to Bob Manteiga as well for photographing the festivities. The pictures turned out great and showed how much fun everyone had at the event. Jeremy Jones, one of our maintenance employees for the last fourteen months, has decided to resign from the Club. I wish him the best of luck with
his future endeavors. The new employee you have seen at the Club filling the void and working with Hans is Marcos Viltres. He is originally from Cuba and has good background in mechanical maintenance. I’m confident he will be a valuable addition to our staff. When you see him, please introduce yourself and welcome Marcos to the Landings family.
Tucked away on a secluded street on the island of Siesta Key, this renovated home offers all the modern conveniences. The spacious and inviting fourbedroom home creates an immaculate yet comfortable estate for family living, friendly gatherings, and quiet relaxation. Offered at $1,299,000
This totally renovated 4th floor condominium is tucked away amid the serene natural beauty of The Landings. This light, bright and architecturally delightful residence exudes comfort and class, with an open floor plan spanning approximately 1,695 square feet of living area. Offered at $699,999
This renovated 2nd floor end unit offers expansive
and mangrove views. Features include 9-foot ceilings, new luxury vinyl flooring and impact glass windows and doors throughout. The gourmet kitchen features a breakfast bar, granite counters and stainless-steel appliances. Offered at $715,000
PINTAIL WAY #7 • Sarasota • 3B/2B
Rarely available in Portside Villas. This 1,705 square foot home provides an open and flowing floor plan with volume ceilings, expansive living room, well-appointed kitchen, formal dining room, breakfast area, and peaceful brick paver patio set alongside the serene lake. Offered at $634,000
#201 • Sarasota • 3B/2B
Located in The Landings gated community, this residence offers an ideal living flow and is the perfect opportunity to renovate to your desired taste and style. The split plan boasts approximately 1,775 square feet of living area with 13-foot soaring ceilings. Offered at $499,000
Not exactly a ground-breaking event, but it sure felt like an accomplishment! On a lovely Saturday morning at the end of February, following a delivery of the racks in various parts and pieces, a cadre of Landings residents, adults, and children alike (Mary and Ben Prices’ three grandsons were a big help!), gathered near the kayak launch to assemble the components of the newest kayak racks. There was some headscratching and some minor complications as the pieces were laid out, directions consulted, and tools employed, but the job was completed. By noon on February 24,
2024, there were five new racks and 20 new berths standing along the Nature Trail.
These newest racks are different from the racks that have been previously installed; these are single racks, holding 4 berths compared to the larger 12 berth racks that we currently have.
Using this configuration allowed us to avoid encroaching on the pathway. These 20 new racks have all been assigned in chronological order from the waitlist; kayaks have been installed or ordered by the newest renters. A waitlist of more than a half dozen remains; we will continue
to maintain a waitlist, but there is no expectation that we will have openings during the rest of this year. It is possible but not probable.
Future kayak outings are planned. As has been noted on TeamReach, there is a regularly scheduled kayak outing on Thursdays at 10 am, a 2-hour outing, usually led by Wayne Trotter or John McFetridge, that we hope you will join. Additionally, there is a planned Lido Key Mangrove Tunnel exploration outing for all who wish to participate on Friday, April 12 at 10 am. To rent a kayak, call Tyler at Coastal Kayak
Adventure, 190 Taft Drive, Sarasota 34236.
The costs are $40 for a single kayak and $60 for a tandem. Arrangements at Cha Cha Cocoanuts (walking distance from kayak rental) on St. Armand’s Circle have been made for those wishing to gather for lunch at 12:30 pm. Please sign up on TeamReach! There are numerous options for fun gatherings! And a huge thank you to all of you who helped in getting the launch installed, outings led & planned and new racks installed!
Walking into the Venus Med Spa in The Landings Shopping Center, located next door to Daruma Restaurant, is like entering an elegant spa. The soft white and beige setting sets the tone for beauty and luxury.
Staffed by a team of medical professionals and highly skilled estheticians, The Landings Venus Med Spa is one of two Sarasota locations and one of 18 found in Florida and Illinois. The second Sarasota location opened recently at the Sarasota Fruitville Commons. Other Venus Med Spa Florida locations can be found in Boca Raton; Clearwater: Countryside Center; Riverview; Royal Palm Beach; South Tampa: South Dale Mabry; St. Petersburg and Tampa: Citrus Plaza. There are three Illinois locations in Deerfield, Elmhurst, and Schaumburg.
nonsurgical temporary treatment is often used as an injection, to smooth severe lines between the brows. When Dysport is used during ongoing treatments, James explained, the muscles that form facial lines weaken and the lines are erased over time.
Generally repeated treatments are recommended every three to six months for maintenance.
“Younger clients may need less treatments and those with older skin and deeper wrinkles may require additional visits, but every person is different,” she said.
Injected dermal fillers, she noted, are also appropriate for restoring volume to the skin that has been diminished with age. “By restoring lost collagen and stimulating new collagen production, skin can appear younger. Sculptra,” she explained, “is a collagen stimulating product that gradually stimulates the body to produce collagen.
As the largest med spa in the nation, Venus Med Spa specializes in aesthetic treatments for both women and men. Services include injectables, skin care and radio frequency. All are tailored to each client. “Our staff is made up of highly skilled professionals,” said founder Bill Clarke who opened the first Venus Med Spa in 2009 at Sarasota’s Westfield Southgate Mall.
Lizette James, a physician assistant who brings more than 20 years of experience in the fields of dermatology, orthopedics, obstetrics, and gynecology as well as family practice, is a full-time nurse practitioner at The Landings location. “We treat the process of aging by replacement of volume loss with fillers, collagen and stimulators,” James explained. Most clients come to Venus Med Spa asking James and her colleagues for their professional help in achieving a younger look.
When a new client visits the med spa for the first time, James reviews their medical history and discusses the areas of concern. “Most women,” she said, “come in and ask about erasing the lines between their eyebrows as well as forehead lines and what we call crow’s feet, on the side of the eyes.” Every client receives their own personal treatment plan, said James.
When asked what she recommends for facial lines, James reported that “we’ve seen really good results with Dysport.” Dysport and Botox, she advised, are the only two FDA approved botulinum toxins. This
Clients begin to see results in twothree months and lasting results for two to three years.” She stated that recommended areas of use for this hyaluronic acid filler include the fine lines that appear around the mouth, smile lines and the vertical lines on either side of the nose around the mouth, commonly known as “Marionette lines.”
In addition to injections, Venus Med Spa clients may also benefit from specialized facial treatments. Nancy Brown, a licensed esthetician, tailors her treatments to each client at the Landings Venus Med Spa. Brown’s specialized treatments include custom facials, dermaplaning, micrneedling, peels, as well as brow and lash tinting. Skin care products available for sale include Alastin; Latisse; Lipsmart; Neocutis; Obagi Skincare and Skinceuticals.
In addition to the professional staff at work at the Landings and the other Venus Med Spa locations, a team of board-certified plastic surgeons also serve on the corporate staff.
“We have been seeing more men who are interested in learning about treatments,” said James.
While most clients at the Landings store are women, men are welcome. “Men lose facial volume and collagen as they age, as do women. Men tell me that in a
competitive business atmosphere, they want to look their best. We have injection treatment options that we can discuss with men to create a natural look,” she said.
As the founder of Venus Med Spa, Landings resident Bill Clarke takes an active role in supporting the community. He is very proud of Venus Med Spa’s ongoing corporate support for the annual Wine, Women & Shoes benefit that supports the work of the non-profit Forty Carrots Family Center that serves over 5,858 Sarasota and Manatee families annually. “I like to help people,” said Clarke with a smile.
Clarke regularly will watch neighbors play tennis while conducting conference calls from his Eagle Points Circle condominium. “I enjoy watching the matches,” Clarke said, “and I know many of the players, so it makes it even more entertaining.”
As his company continues to grow, Clarke is considering franchising the Venus Med Spa brand. “We have the staff, the management, and the support,” Clarke said.
The Landings Venus Med Spa welcomes new clients and free initial consultations are available by appointment. Visit the Venus Med Spa at 4922 S Tamiami Trail, at venusmedspa.com/locations/ sarasota-the-landings, or call - 941225-2233.
Hours: Mon – Sat • 10 am-6 pm.
St. Patrick’s Day was celebrated early this year at The Landings. The fun began with a tennis Round Robin organized by our very own George Ulrich. It was followed by an amazing dinner featuring corned beef, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, salad, and a
variety of delicious desserts.
Kudos to Stephen Stieg of Quick Step Catering. Irish music played in the background. A team of volunteers decorated the Lakeside room and when you entered the tone was set for a fun-filled evening.
This was our second visit, this time with family from Minneapolis near Christmas. WHAT a perfect delicious dinner on all levels! My daughter's family, very discerning food critics, said the Dungeness crab was equal to the best they had in Latin America. They inhaled their supper with gusto!
We love the more natural low key atmosphere and the close proximity of the staff to the dining area. This helps them too in observing guest experience, valuable feedback.
The fresh fish selection of approximately 8-10 varieties is impressive and well represented with truly delicious options. We had their fresh steamed clams in butter — small super fresh and so sweet. Even saved the broth to make homemade Italian clam marinara later!
And their crab cake was amazing.
The "maraschino cherry" of our perfect dinner was their EXCELLENT key lime pie, home made by them, served with genuine whipped cream. Enjoy!!!
I just overheard my owner Nancy tell someone that I am a 14-year-old, medium sized Golden Doodle, weighing around 48 pounds. Yikes, I didn’t know that. I feel so young and healthy. I was born in Maine and Nancy and Ted found me at a breeder in the lake area. They drove all the way from Portland, Maine, to my breeder and then back to New York. According to my parents, I was a great traveler and still am.
When my owners leave me at home, I wait patiently near the door window and greet them with a wagging tail and lots of snuggles against their legs. I am happiest when we are all reunited.
Fluffy dog toys are not my thing, but a tennis ball to fetch makes my day. Once as a puppy, I got lethargic and would only eat pieces of Challah, a delicious egg bread. My vet thought I had swallowed a dog toy. Alas, another vet diagnosed an upset tummy and ordered a few tablespoons of Pepto Bismo. Two days later, I was myself again.
Countless mountain hikes and
long walks around the lake are so much fun with Nancy and Ted. Oh, and Nancy takes me kayaking, too.
When Nancy grooms me, I am very calm because it feels like soft petting. Even the electric clipper hum is calming. I am so easy to please.
I do not jump on humans and my big bark is very friendly. I enjoy other dogs. I have developed an odd habit of eating clumps of soil. I think more Challah is in my future. Yum.
I do want to put in a doggy request to The Landings for a dog park where we dogs could play safely. Without a fenced-in area it is tough to make friends.
Just think, dog owners, a dog park would be so much fun for us pups to romp and play and fetch while you begin visiting and making new friends as well.
Hope to see you at one here in The Landings.
Want to feature your dog in the Eagle? Text or call Karen at 941-855-0347 or email her at grandmalipstick7@gmail.com.
Fun! New learning! Entertainment!
Experience all three at The Landings first Nature Day by the Bay! The uniqueness and beauty of the Nature Trail and the Landings’ location on the Bay provide us with an opportunity to enhance our knowledge of our special habitat on the shoreline. Several residents, led by Darka Hawrysz, have planned events and activities for all ages.
There will be a fishing clinic at the Gazebo, guided kayak rides at the launch, scavenger hunts for every age. Presentations relating to native plant gardening, instructions on growing your own mangroves with kits provided, talks and demonstrations relating to birds, oysters, and large mammals.
Accompanying all these activities and events will be refreshments as well as music provided by some talented Landings musicians.
While The Ringling Brothers may have brought the circus to Sarasota, The Landings is bringing Nature Day to its residents. Mark your calendars, offer your expertise, volunteer your time.
one, come all. Rain or shine.
The fish whisperer was joined by Wayne Trotter and Jon Demos, who each caught (among other fish) Silver Jennies. Catching this species is rare at the gazebo, so two in one outing is special. You never know what you will catch when you fish at the gazebo. “The Silver Jenny is a member of the Mojarra family and typically found in shallow water over grass beds or sand. They feed in the mud using their large mouthparts to forage for invertebrates and fragments along the bottom.”
If you, your children, grandchildren, or guests want to learn to fish at the gazebo, contact the fish whisperer at: nfpconsultingresources@gmail. com.
Lakeland, Florida, is a treasure trove for both architecture enthusiasts and history buffs. Travel and Leisure Magazine reports that Florida Southern University in Lakeland is the most beautiful campus in America. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, it hosts the world’s largest single-site collection of Frank Lloyd Wright architecture. Yep, the world’s largest, wow!
I have always loved Frank Lloyd Wright designs, somehow it just speaks to me, with those contemporary and clean lines. When I learned of the Lakeland connection to Frank Lloyd Wright, I knew I had to visit Lakeland and the school which is about 1.5 hours from Sarasota.
The college’s 12 main edifices, along with other buildings honoring Wright’s legacy, are listed as National Historic Structures and are part of the Florida Southern College Architectural District.
The Welcome Center is located at 750 Frank Lloyd Wright Way.
The campus also features the Sharp Family Tourism and Education Center, serving as a Visitor’s Center for tours and showcasing displays about the college and Wright’s work.
AllofthecampusbuildingsdesignedbyWright werelinkedbythelongestsystemofcovered walkwaysinhiscareer,whichbecameknown astheEsplanade.Stretchingmorethanamilein totallength,theEsplanadefeaturesuniformly designedcolumnsthataresaidtoevokethe orangetreesthatoncefilledthecampusgrounds.
Visitors can explore various tour options, including self-guided tours, in-depth tours, and behind-the-scenes tours.
The campus tour provides a glimpse into Wright’s vision for architecture and urban planning in the United States through his Usonian concept. The Usonian Home is typically a small single- story dwelling without a garage or much storage, often L shaped to fit around a garden terrace featuring low pitched overhanging roof, cantilevered carports, built in furniture, and shelving. A beautiful model of this vision is the school.
Don’t miss the Gift Shop which offers visitors a chance to take home souvenirs featuring Frank Lloyd Wright designs.
Lakeland is also known for its amazing lakes and interesting history associated with them.
Lake Hollingsworth features the Laketo-Lake Trail, a 2.9-mile loop trail ideal for biking and walking. This lake is known for its connection to Florida Southern College and its popularity for bird watching.
Named after John P. Morton, Lake Morton is a central hub in Lakeland known for its proximity to popular restaurants, the library, and the Polk County Art Museum. Visitors can enjoy biking, jogging, or boating around this lake while watching birds and swans.
February 2024 marked the 66th Anniversary of Lakelands royal swans in Lake Morton. In 1957, two swans gifted by Queen Elizabeth II arrived on Lake Morton and their offspring have become iconic figures in the community. Here is a fun fact: Swans can live for 20 to 30 years!
Situated on the northeast side of Lakeland is Lake Parker, the largest lake in the city and offers excellent fishing and boating. With boat ramps, fishing piers, and walking trails, Lake Parker is a favorite spot for outdoor enthusiasts.
Nestled in downtown Lakeland, Lake Mirror is a picturesque spot surrounded by parks, walkways, and government buildings. Visitors can enjoy picnics by the lake, explore nearby attractions like The Joinery and Hollis Gardens and attend events.
Known for its round shape and public sidewalk surrounding it, Lake Wire offers a peaceful setting for fishing from the shore. This lake holds historical significance as it once had telegraph lines running through it.
Located in North Lakeland, Lake Gibson covers a surface area of 483 acres and is part of the Peace River – Saddle Creek Watershed. Fishing enthusiasts can try their luck catching largemouth bass, bluegill, and blue catfish.
The Polk Museum of Art and the new Florida Children’s Museum featuring over 47,000
square feet of hands-on experiences are also in the area. Check out www.downtownlkld. com for or great information! There are cute shops and a variety of interesting dining spots and coffee joints. My favorite restaurant is Nineteen61 which offers a unique dining experience with its fusion of Latin American and Spanish cuisines.
If you are spending more time in central Florida, consider visiting Bok Towers, 40 minutes from Lakeland. It’s a 205 foot tall Singing Tower with its Carillon bells and beautiful surrounding, noted as one of the highest spots in Florida at 295 ft. More info about Bok Towers another time!
Attendees at this year’s annual Newcomers’ Reception ranged in scope from grandparents to infants! Over 70 people attended this year’s event, including new owners, LRC Board members and manager, and LMA Board members and committee chairs. Introductions were perhaps easier this year as the members of the Newcomers’ Reception Committee, who were also committee members of newly formed LMA Welcoming Committee and
had all been in contact with at least one new owner. Thus, they were eager to offer a kindly greeting to their contact while introducing them to other attendees.
As in previous years, Bob Manteiga served as the “official photographer” his photos of many of the attendees are displayed in this edition of the Eagle. Also, among the pictures included is the Newcomers Reception committee members who worked diligently
to make sure that, indeed, this was a welcome event for all.
In addition to lots of good food and drinks, all newcomers left the event with a door prize, which ranged from a $200 gift basket from Nuovo Salon, gifts certificates for nearby restaurants, tickets to area musical performances, and bottles of wine, to name a few of the prizes.
One of the committee members mentioned
during the planning stage that some of thevpeople that she met when she attended her Newcomers’ Reception have remined hervgood friends since that day forward. It would be the LMA Newcomers’ Committee’s hope that this too occurred for this years participants. As I learned in my Girl Scout years, “Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold.”
Yes, we live in the Sunshine State. Yes, April is known as height of tourist season. But it’s also one of our best fruit growing seasons. What fruits grow in Florida in April? How about Cherries, Strawberry, Pineapple, and Bananas? That’s quite a variety for the state synonymous with oranges.
Know what’s better than fruit by itself, though? Fruity, delicious ice cream. And Abel’s Ice Cream definitely has you covered. Stop in for a cup or cone of delicious Banana (No monkey business around here! This delicious ice cream will have you screaming B.A.N.A.N.A.S!) or an all-time classic, Strawberry (Creamy
Strawberry ice cream packed with chunks of strawberries and a velvety ribbon of strawberries.) or split a single and have both!
With the later sunsets, warmer temps, and summer just around the corner, there’s no better time to enjoy your favorite fruity sweet treat!
Abel’s Ice Cream is located at 1886 Stickney Point Road, Sarasota in the South Bridge Plaza. Open Sunday through Thursday from Noon-9:30 pm, and Friday and Saturday from Noon-10 pm. Learn more online at www.abelsicecream.com or connect with us on Facebook and Instagram.
Do you have any pets? We have a dog named Hal.
Do you have brothers and sisters?
I have 3 older brothers. They are 20, 19, and 16.
Do you visit The Landings often?
Yes, we come to visit my grandma whenever we can. (Maxine Bivins)
What do you like most about The Landings? I really like the two different pools here. We have a lot of fun here.
Ice cream: Mint chocolate chip
School subject: Math
Book/s: I know a Wee Piggy
TV Show: Stranger Things
Video game: Fortnight
Sport: Basketball
Sport Team: Milwaukee Bucks
Color: Pink
Band: Eminem
Food: Pink iced doughnuts
Least favorite food: Seafood
Holiday: Christmas
What do you do in your spare time?
Fish, play basketball, go to the pool, and watch TV
If you could have three wishes, what would they be? To be rich, to be able to go wherever I want at the snap of the finger, and to not feel cold.
What do you want to be when you
grow up? An NBA player
If you could wave a magic wand, what ill in the world would you solve? I would get rid of all the hate.
What do kids your age think about most? Sports
If you could throw a parade through The Landings, what type of parade would it be? I’d have a Halloween parade where everyone is dressed up.
If you could do something like your dad/mom do, what would you want to be able to do? I’d like to work out like my dad. He has a lot of dedication.
If you could change anything about our family rules, what would it be? A “no dishes” policy
If you could wake up tomorrow with a superpower, what superpower would you want to have? To be able to fly
What is your biggest dream? To be an NBA player
Who is the most inspiring person you know? My Dad because he’s done a lot of stuff.
What is your favorite part of the day?
The afternoon Favorite place to visit? And why? Florida - The Landings
If you were invisible for a day, what would you do? I’d sneak into a pool area or amusement park and skip all the lines.
Looking for an inexpensive, easy, yet rewarding small animal companion? Look no further than These little birds, like their larger parrot cousins, are smart and social, making them easy to keep tame and friendly, yet they don’t need setups nearly as large or complicated.
A lone Budgie can be great for a homebody, but for those who spend more time away from the home, two or more together will keep them from becoming lonely. Also, just like their relatives, Budgies can talk! Don't expect their vocabulary to be quite as extensive as a Macaw, but simple words and phrases like “Hello!”, "Goodbye!" and "I love you!" aren't difficult to teach. Keeping Budgies happy and healthy is all about clean food, clean water, and plenty of enrichment. Shiny toys, treats, and human interaction are all great forms of enrichment to ensure they keep their brains sharp and prevent boredom.
Typical appearance and behavior:
If you could, what two animals would you combine? A pig and a lizard
If you had a million dollars, what would you spend it on? I’d buy a condo in FL.
Who is someone in history that you’d like to be friends with? Dr. Martin Luther King. I’d ask him what his inspiration was.
What is the greatest thing ever invented? The Internet
What’s something you’d like to learn how to do? Speak all the languages
What is something that you’re thankful for? The condo here
• Budgies come in many different varieties. Some are white, green, blue, yellow, and even purple!
• Budgies require consistency to stay friendly. A friendly Budgie may become skittish if they experience a long period of time without human interaction.
In addition to the common Budgie, English Budgies come with all the Budgie personality, but are slightly bigger and have fancier feathering when compared to normal Budgies. Budgies are pretty smart birds! They can mimic many kinds of sounds as well as rhythms and patterns with surprising accuracy!
There were only five incidents reported to security personnel in the month of February and the word that comes to mind to describe them is bizarre.
One incident occurred when, following the policy newly instituted by the LMA Board, a vendor was denied entry into The Landings because he did not have a driver’s license. Rather than taking no for an answer the person parked their vehicle outside The Landings, walked to the gatehouse, severely verbally berated our security guard, and trespassed into The Landings anyway. The police were called, the offender was removed, and he has now been barred from entering The Landings.
In another bizarre sequence of occurrences, (it must have been a full moon), three separate vehicles were involved in contacting our equipment at the North Gate in a five-hour period.
The first vehicle was a resident who was following another vehicle too closely and hit the entry lane gate arm before the arm could go through its cycle. The resident then took off without reporting the incident. They have been invoiced for the damages
they caused. Before the repairs could be completed from the first incident another vendor attempted to tailgate into The Landings and destroyed the same gate arm. That vendor has been identified and is being pursued for the damages.
Finally, on the same day, a vehicle (possibly a guest), drove up to the same gate arm at the North Gate, and realized they could not get in. The driver attempted a three-point turn but hit our signpost bending it on an angle. That driver took off, and attempts are being made to find that offender.
However, perhaps the most bizarre incident of the month occurred when an Uber Eats driver arrived at The Landings attempting to deliver food to a resident. However, the driver was denied entry because he was wearing handcuffs. Yes, you read that correctly, and I did not make that up. The police were alerted and responded to our call.
Maybe this month’s incidents were bizarre because they occurred in a leap year February? We will see what happens in February four years from now.
These are new owner(s) in The Landings:
- Jane Hyslop, 4943 Kestral Park Way North, - Daniel Abrams, 1450 Landings Circle, - Ticia Mahler, 1454 Landings Circle, - Mark & Lisa Cantor, 1639
Peregrine Point Court, - Jordan & Aliena Crouch, 1598
Peregrine Point Drive, - Debra Spector, 1489 Landings Lake Drive, and - Ann Klahr, 5259 Heron Way.
For current owner information, use the online resident directory
on The Landings website: https:// residents.thelandingsofsarasota. com as your source for current resident directory listings and other Landings information. Directory information is updated on the site no less often than weekly and changes are made to other Landings information when available. If you want current information, use our website’s online directory!
We encourage every resident to check their online directory listing for accuracy. Additions, changes, or corrections to the online directory may be requested by clicking on the “Update Your Profile”.
It’s been so gratifying this year seeing the Mah Jongg group grow and evolve.
Three short years ago some of these players had never even heard of the game and now are skillful playing and making winning hands!
Join fellow cyclists for the final excursion of the season on April 20 th. It will be a casual ride along the bay through special neighborhoods as we bike to the downtown bayfront and have lunch at O’Leary’s. Please RSVP to nfpconsultingresources@ gmail.com
Richard and Kathy Stern have lived in The Landings for 40 years. Can you identify any current resident who has lived in The Landings longer. That means they moved in The Landings before 1984. Send your answers to nfpconsultingresources@ gmail.com and we will post responses in the May issue of the Eagle.
Formal training officially ended on February 19th. However, casual drop in Mah Jongg games will continue on Mondays at 1 pm at the Lakeside room.
I’m so proud of everyone involved and grateful to the experienced players who help the newer members of the group. It takes a Village!
Let’s Celebrate! International Moment of Laughter Day is on April 14 th .
They say laughter is the best medicine (it stimulates the heart; exercises the lungs, and relieves stress). A Norwegian scientist said, “Laughing can add up to eight years to your life.”
Another benefit if you laugh you can even loose a little weight. (40 calories for 10 minutes of laughing). So, let’s laugh ourselves to better fitness!!!
International Moment of Joy Day is all about being positive and happy. Be sure not to confuse it with April Fool’s Day.
It’s never too late to start exercising - that’s why I’m waiting until later!
A blonde was hitting her boyfriend with her shoe saying: “I saw your phone! Who the hell is Amber Alert?”
One minute you’re young and fun, the next minute you’re predicting rain with your knee. When I was a kid there was two ways to die. Natural causes and talking back to your parents!
A shout out to everyone who can still remember their childhood phone number, but can’t remember the password they created yesterday!
Kentucky Derby
Chocolate Walnut Pie
Submitted by: Ellen
DemosThis sticky-sweet pie is special because you get a kick of Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey added to the original pie recipe. It’s served at Churchill Downs in Louisville Kentucky on the first Saturday in May. The “Run for the Roses” dates to 1875.
- 1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
- 1 bunch of green onions, chopped
- 1 garlic clove, minced
- 1 bell pepper, chopped
- 4 cups of stock or broth, chicken, or fish
- 2 carrots, thinly chopped
- 2 potatoes, thinly sliced
- Dry oregano
- Salt and pepper
- 2 salmon filets, without skin (can
substitute cod)
- Juice of 1 lemon
- Gather ingredients.
- Heat oven to 350F.
- Combine flour and sugar in a mixing bowl
- Add the eggs, melted & cooled butter
- Stir in the bourbon, walnuts, chocolate chips, vanilla and salt
- Bake for 40 to 45 minutes or until the filling is set. Set the pie on a wire rack to cool completely before slicing.
- Glam up the pie with a spoonful of whipped cream and chocolate chips and walnuts for garnish *another tip: Vanilla ice cream on top is a good choice.
- Serve & enjoy
- Pour the mixture into the unbaked pie crust. (Can use store bought pie crust)
2166 Gulf Gate Dr. • 941-923-4313
Open Monday through Saturday from 10am - 5pm