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Eat Here features Southwest Florida Seafood cuisine and more Chef-crafted, Gulf-Coast cookery... Read more on page 13
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Meet Jade from the Daquiri Deck Raw Bar in the Village... Read more on page 27
OCTOBER 2013 | 941.349.0194 | ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC | www.SiestaSand.net | Complimentary
Coming Soon!
Judge Lynn N. Silvertooth By Diana Colson
By Robert Frederickson
A Mall Siesta Key can call its own!
In 2006, the judges of the 12th Circuit District Court voted unanimously to rename the Sarasota County Courthouse the “Lynn N. Silvertooth Justice Center.” It was a tribute to a remarkable elder statesman. Now in his 90’s, this distinguished judge and his wife Betty live with their magnificent orange cat in Sarasota. Born in Tennessee in 1923, Lynn Silvertooth’s parents brought him to Sarasota at the age of nine months. He grew up on Oak Street Lynn Silvertooth and attended Sarasota High School Judicial Center. in 9th and 10th grades. When Photo source World War II broke out, his father 12.circuit.state.fl.us could not get gas to drive back and forth to his laundry and dry cleaning business in Bradenton, so the family rented out their Sarasota house and moved north closer to the Manatee River. Lynn finished 11th and 12th grades in Bradenton, where he was to meet the lovely Betty Wilson.
F. Scott Fitzgerald famously quipped that there are no second acts in American life. Well, Westfield Group - owners of Westfield Southgate Mall in Sarasota - must not have gotten the memo. Second only to Sarasota’s tony St. Armand’s Circle in terms of upscale shopping appeal, the venerable shopping plaza turned mall seems poised to reinvent itself for no less than the third time in its 57 year history. Plans were announced at this year’s International Council of Shopping Centers Convention in Las Vegas to transform the property into a “lifestyle/entertainment” center. Representatives of the Australian based company indicated construction would begin by year’s end. Publisher’s Note Effective with the October issue, our Siesta Sand monthly news magazine will be replacing the Water’s Edge paper that’s been mailed to residents off-island. This change will expand our mailing reach
Story continued on page 36.
There will even be a new name to herald the changes: “Westfield Siesta Key.” What’s that you say? The center isn’t actually on Siesta Key? A minor inconvenience as it turns out. After all, Siesta Drive borders the mall to the north. And if you exit the parking lot onto that road and head west, Siesta Key is just minutes away (unless of course the north bridge happens to be up, turning Siesta Drive into a giant parking lot, in which case you may wish you had extended your shopping stay a bit). Story continued on page 34.
of our Siesta Sand mag, introducing it to our neighboring locals and snowbirds. You can always read our paper online at www.siestasand.net or pick up a hard copy racked throughout the island as well as the Publix stores off
Photo by Robert Frederickson
either the north bridge in the Paradise Plaza or the Stickney Point bridge in the Sarasota Pavilion. The Island Visitor section has been incorporated into Siesta Sand and begins on page 21 of this issue. Our iconic street map will run again in our November issue.
Abel’s Ice Cream - 1886 Stickney Point Road - 941-921-5700 Between New Balance & Stonewood Grill October is a great time to experience Abel’s Ice Cream. Back by popular request is the Carrot Cake Ice Cream (Carrot cake ice cream with fresh walnuts and cream cheese frosting weave). “This flavor became very popular during the fall season when used in our Ice Cream Pies in an Oreo Cookie crust, a value at $12.99”, says Bill. Abel’s Ice Cream Cakes are made with two ice cream flavors sandwiched between a layer of their famous Hot Fudge mixed with Oreo Cookie pieces, homemade butter cream frosting and decorated. Every pie and cake is made to order to ensure freshness and quality. Stellar Coffee flavored ice cream (Rich Coffee Ice Cream with fudge & mini dark chocolate coffee cups) continues to be a #1 seller followed by Raspberry Truffle (Raspberry Ice Cream with
Learn more about us at WWW.ABELSICECREAM.COM
raspberry ribbon & dark chocolate raspberry cups) and Coconut Almond Fudge (Tropical Coconut Ice Cream with fudge ribbon and whole roasted almonds). Newly added flavors to their 36 flavor selection are Chocolate Raspberry Truffle (A light raspberry flavored rich chocolate ice cream with raspberry ribbon and dark chocolate mini raspberry cups.) and Strawberry Cheese Cake (Cheesecake ice cream with chunks of real cheesecake and laced with strawberries). At Abel’s you’re assured a wonderful experience when you and your family enjoy your ice cream, served with a cup of filtered water, in their squeaky clean shop. 1886 Stickney Point Road - Between New Balance and Stonewood Grill - Open 7 days/week - 941.921.5700
Siesta Key News
By Stan Zimmerman
• Sacred sand at risk
The sacred sand of Big Pass is on the altar of beach renourishment. Last month the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposed – for the first time in history – the dredging Big Pass. The sand would be used to renourish the beach at Lido Key to the north. The corps also proposes three groins to jut from the southern end of Lido. Corps officials said the dredging and groins would not affect the Siesta Key Public Beach…in 2011 rated the top beach in the nation. Siesta Key residents have long believed the natural formation of Big Pass has kept Siesta beach supplied with its gleaming white, sugary sand. Some fear a dredge could upset the balance of nature. The corps plan stretches for 50 years. The initial dredge would move 1.2 million cubic yards from Big Pass. Then every five years, another 600-thousand yards would be removed. The destination is a 1.6-mile stretch of Lido Beach from mid-key south to Lido Key Park. The plan would cost $22.7 million, with 65 percent coming from the corps and the remainder from the Sarasota ©
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SIESTA SAND October 2013 • www.siestasand.net
County Tourist Development Tax. The first chance for local action on the plan could come Oct. 22 at a joint Sarasota city-county commission meeting.
• Turtle Beach notches forward
Speaking of beach renourishment, plans to put more sand on Turtle Beach are inching ahead. The beach is located on the southwestern end of Siesta. An earlier renourishment was completed in 2007, but the county hopes to do it again in the 2014-2015 fiscal year. The county plans to pay for the re-sanding with tourist development tax monies and a grant from the Florida Ecosystem Management and Restoration Trust Fund. Tropical weather last year created significant erosion on the southern portion of the key.
• Homeless point the way
A tiny park was quietly created from county right of way along Siesta Beach this summer. Siesta Key Association Vice President Michael Shay noted homeless people
camping there, and contacted the sheriff. When the property was determined to be county right of way, the parks and recreation department moved ahead to create a tiny pocket park on the land, with one parking space and an iconic “totem pole” sign saying “Enjoy Your Park.” The parcel is just south of the village near the Windward Passage condominium complex on Ocean Boulevard. Total investment for the project was about $5,000.
• Crystal Classic Coming
Early snowbirds have the opportunity to join the thousands of people to see the efforts of some of the world’s best sand sculptors. The Crystal Classic is set for Nov. 15-18. The date puts Siesta in competition with a similar event in Kuwait. Some of the sculptors who had signed up for Siesta are now headed to Kuwait, so organizers had to replace some members of the teams originally committed to the Crystal Classic. A pass to the four-day event is $10, and a VIP parking pass for the period of $49. Story continued on page 28.
Blooming this month Big, bright bloom
Aechmea macrocochlams bromeliad features a spectacular redish-pink flower spike that can be nearly 2 feet high. The plant grows to 2 feet in diameter and prefers bright shade. Like all bromeliads, it thrives on lots of water.Photo courtesy Rob Branch.
Island Chatter
Siesta Key Association September Meeting Notes By Diana Colson
It’s a great time to clean out the pantry! Kevin Cooper of the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce said they would soon be building a site for the upcoming FOOD DRIVE, with COMFORT KEEPERS being the recipient of the collection of non-perishables. A web site is being built for the drive, and food will be collected at the Chamber of Commerce. Cheryl Gaddie of Siesta Key Village Association pointed out that Halloween was almost upon us. “We will light up the Village. Anybody who wants to help, please get in touch with us.” Sgt. Scott Osborne of the Sheriff’s Office addressed the issue of urgent and non-urgent calls. When dealing with the Sheriff’s Office, he said it is simplest to call 911. “There are just a bunch of dispatchers sitting in the
same room. It does not matter which line you call. If it’s not an emergency, 911 will route you to the proper place.” When asked why dispatchers now ask a caller so many questions, he replied: “After the murder of the woman in Charlotte County, they have to try to get all the information they can. Be aware that they will take 300 to 400 calls in a single shift.” One member of the board described calling in a complaint to 911. He expressed concern about the dispatcher asking him to leave his home late at night to meet the sheriff at the site. Sgt. Osborne was straightforward: “If you don’t feel safe leaving your home, just tell the dispatcher. Feel free to tell the dispatcher you do not feel comfortable doing this.” He assured the board member that a report would still be filed whether or not
the person actually went to the site to meet the sheriff. Another member of the board asked how to respond to noise. It seems that drivers parked in a residential area have been leaving their car radios on and going swimming. Sgt. Osborne said the answer was simple: “It’s illegal to leave your car running, even if it is locked. It is a $116 fine for a nonmoving violation. We have to find out who has control of the vehicle.” A county ordinance restricts loud music. Sgt Osborne said there had recently been some beach thefts. “We targeted some people we thought were responsible for stealing bags. Two arrests were made, and there were no more beach thefts.” Both men arrested were also homeless. One had stolen a car while intoxicated. He had
crashed the car before lying down on the seat and going to sleep. Part of the meeting was devoted to recognition of Volunteers and Law Enforcement. The Board expressed gratitude to many who monitored the imperiled beach nesting birds. Especially noted was the Sheriff’s Office (Sgt. Scott Osborne) and the FWC Officers. Their help was instrumental for enforcement of legal protections for the Snowy Plovers and Least Terns, both state protected species found on our beach. SKA also awarded T-shirts to several volunteers: Joy Turner, Pat Sharp, Alan Worms, Dick Miles, and Bob Luckner for outstanding service. From the Audubon prospective, 2013 had been a big success: 80% of the chicks had hatched! Luckner also pointed out that SKA Audubon volunteers contributed 1200 hours
during this nesting season which ran between March and the end of August. Twenty of those hours generated $1500 corporate matching dollars for Sarasota Audubon. Catherine Luckner sadly reported that many birds were sickened and some died on the beach during September because we had so much rain. It appears this was caused by fresh water pooling between the dunes which may have created an avian toxin. Birds feeding in this standing water can become paralyzed. If you find a bird struggling, call SKA at (941) 3644880. The phone contacts for Bird Rescue through Venice Wildlife Center and Save Our Seabirds are also located on the SKA website. (www.siestakeyassociation). Story continued on page 36.
*Prices subject to change
Marker 32
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SIESTA SAND October 2013 • www.siestasand.net
News Up & Down the Trail Up to now the Downtown Improvement District is composed of owners of commercial property within a defined district. But in September five condominiums knocked on their door and asked to be let in too. Ron Rayevich is chairman of the residential portion of the Plaza at Five Points. He said his constituents are ready to join, pay a one-half mil surcharge on their property taxes, and hope the money could pay for higher nighttime security downtown. “We’ve got $40 million in residential property values in the Plaza. We don’t want people throwing up on our front steps and bums hanging out in the lobby,” he said. Before his request, the DID board heard crime statistics from the city police comparing the same periods in 2012 and 2013. Deputy Police Chief Steve Moyers said, “It looks like about a four percent downward trend.” The other condos interested in paying more taxes to get better security are the Orange Blossom, 1350 Main, 50 Central, 100 Central and the Plaza.
DID Member Tom Manaiusa said, “This is big for the DID. Residential property owners have not had representation.”
• Work resumes on LS 87
Look for renewed activity in Lukewood Park, as a new construction firm picks up the pieces after another firm walked off the job. The multi-million dollar project is trying to create a new lift station to handle about one-third of the city’s sewage. The old station repeatedly failed, dumping untold volumes into Hudson Bayou and onward into the bay. The plan was to “microtunnel” under the bayou, and even use a “reverse syphon” to maintain the gravity-fed nature of the city’s utility. However the first contractor – depending on which lawyers you believe – either botched the project or the city’s instructions were unclear. A new firm is aboard, starting off by verifying information above and below ground before starting up the construction. So far the city has $8 million sunk in the project. Lukewood Park is immediately south of the junction
¢ 5 7
Speaking of the city’s oldest high school, Sarasota High is celebrating its 100th year in 2013. The first class at the school started in 1913. The gothic school building on U.S. 41 is no longer used for instruction. It will become the Sarasota Museum of Modern Art. In addition to galleries, the classrooms will be put back to work teaching artists and would-be artists how to improve their talents.
• Hospital tower is open
After years of design and construction, Sarasota Memorial’s Courtyard Tower is open for healing. The building is nine stories tall, and cost $186 million. It includes cardiac and orthopedic units, labor and delivery facilities and mother/ baby suites. And there is a 33-room neonatal intensive care unit on the fifth floor. The state-of-the art building is hurricane-resistant, and is designed to be energy efficient. It is the new entrance to the hospital, with a two-
• Sarasota scores world championship
With the injection of $20 million in public money, the old borrow pit south of University Parkway is now an elite rowing facility. And soon to be the site of a world championship. In 2017 athletes from across the world will gather at the old borrow pit to vie for international gold. The decision was made by the International Federation of Rowing Associations at a meeting in Seoul, South Korea. The Benderson Rowing Facility was kick started with a $1 million grant from the Benderson Development Corp., which is developing University Town Center with a hotel on the north (Manatee) side of University Parkway.
c u si
• BRT is dead
Sarasota’s plans for a Bus Rapid Transit system are at a dead end. County Commissioners decided even the first step was too expensive and killed the plan. The system would have run buses 10 or 15 minutes apart from the airport to downtown. Using a priority signal system, and stops only a quarter-mile apart, the BRT would service tourists, students at three colleges and residents of north Sarasota. The county was planning on huge federal support for the effort. But a mis-step in early planning tacked between $700,000 and $850,000 to change an earlier decision. Originally the BRT would have used dedicated right-of-way along the allbut-abandoned Gulfcoast Seminole Railway right of way. That was the original submission. But it was later decided a route up and down U.S. 41 would be better. But to make the swap, the county would have to pay for a re-analysis of feasibility. With only $446,000 set aside for the re-work, commissioners instead decided to scrap the entire idea.
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story lobby with floor-to-ceiling windows. The new facility replaces some of the oldest areas in the hospital. A walk-over at the ninth floor provides access between the old hospital and the new tower. Seventy percent of the patient rooms in the new building are private.
of U.S. 41 and U.S. 301 near the old Sarasota High School Building
Li v
• Condos want to join the DID
By Stan Zimmerman
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
SIESTA SAND October 2013 • www.siestasand.net
Sheriff’s Report
Aug. 26 – Sept. 23, 2013
There were 36 crimes reported on the Key from August 26 - September 23, 2013. Below is a highlight covering some of the violations.
• 9/2/13 Grand Theft/ Felony; Ocean Blvd at Sand Dollar Lane:
A man was found sitting in a rented that he grabbed her by the shoulders Cruiser who car that had been reported stolen telling her that he did not want to was positively from a driveway earlier that day. fight anyone and to stop coming at identified as When questioned, the man stated him. The victim reported that the the man the that he was given the vehicle by “a man came up behind him, grabbed maintenance girl at the drum circle.” According him by the torso and pushed him p e r s o n h a d to police, he had a small bottle of into the window of the Ocean Blvd. confronted. He vodka in his pocket and had a very business. The unknown male suspect was charged strong odor of alcohol coming from and his girlfriend then fled on foot w i t h g r a n d him. The man refused to enter the and were not able to be located. theft. It is believed the stolen kayak backseat of the patrol car and had has been sold on Craig’s List. to be physically pushed in. He later • 9/6/13 Grand Theft/ Felony; 1300 005722_MHBF_LandingsEagle_Mech became combative and attempted Block Portofino Drive: A 14 ft. • 9/14/13 Petit Theft; 200 Block Revision: 0 Created: 8/21/13 Printed @ 100% to kick out the rear window out Hobie kayak was stolen between 9/6 Canal Road: Two young males were Client: M. Heights Creativewas Director: REX GEE of the patrol car while screaming and 9/9. The kayak estimated to observed stealing cigars. The store obscenities at the officer. He was be valued at $3000. A maintenance clerk waved down an officer who Art Director: ALAN REYNOLDS charged with Grand Theft Motor person confronted an unknown attempted to find the juveniles in the Bleed: Copywriter: Vehicle as well as Resisting AnN/A male who had been on the property direction that they were headed. A Officer w/o Violence. priorNANCY to the chase ensued as one defendant tried Trim: N/A with his PT Cruiser, Proofreader: TUCKER theft. During this time, The Sarasota to elude the officer. A bystander Live: 10"x5.125" Studio Artist: LUIS ARRIAGADA • 9/2/13 Battery/ Misdemeanor; 5200 County Sheriff’s Department was then tackled the defendant who By: Block Ocean Blvd.: A man was investigating, along with The PinellasInspected dropped the 5 boxes of cigars. turning his car around in anColors: empty4/c County Sheriff’s office, a burglary in The Production Manager: CAROL CAPOSINO teen struggled to flee again. parking lot when another man hit Pinellas County in which six kayaks When he did not comply with the DPI: 300 were stolen from Project a Manager: LAURA WILMESMEIER the vehicle with his hand. The victim business and officer’s command to get on the exited his vehicle to ask the man then offered for sale on Craig’s ground, the officer deployed his “what are you hitting my truck for? List in Sarasota. Another incident taser, striking the defendant. The I didn’t hit you or anything.” The was discovered in Lee County defendant immediately fell to the man’s girlfriend then walked up and where eight kayaks were stolen ground. He was handcuffed and punched the victim on the face for and also listed for sale on Craig’s then jerked away again in an attempt no reason. The victim stated that the List Sarasota. This investigation to free himself. The officer was able girlfriend continued toward him and eventually led to the man with the PT to secure the suspect and place now to next.
• 9/1/13 Drug Violation; Public Beach: A Myakka teenager was charged with Possession of a Controlled Substance and Possession of Cannabis. An officer patrolling the Pavilion area noticed a group of 6-8 juveniles standing on the porch area of the County Lifeguard building. As he approached the group, he noticed two of the juveniles possibly attempting to quickly hide an unknown item. The group then left the area in order to avoid contact. The officer walked up behind the juvenile and observed a rolled marijuana cigarette behind the ear of the juvenile. After the officer conducted an investigation, verifying the illegal substance, he conducted a search of the teen, who admitted that he had Adderall in his possession packaged in small, plastic baggies. The teen stated that he was prescribed the medication and carried it in baggies, for convenience. The officer also found 2 small baggies of Marijuana and 2 marijuana cigarettes in his possession.
him under arrest for petit theft and resisting arrest w/o violence. • 9/22/13 Grand Theft/ Felony; Public Beach: Lifeguards reported two lifeguard stands were broken into sometime after locking them up on 9/21/13. They discovered that an unknown suspect broke into the blue stand and stole an AED unit worth $4000. Also stolen, from the red stand, was an oxygen tank valued at $7500. Handprints were lifted from the scene. They were submitted for processing. • 9/22/13 Grand Theft /Felony; 110 Block Point of Rocks Road: A man reported an unknown suspect stole a concrete pelican statue from the front of his home. The man had heard a noise during the night, but did not discover the statue was missing until breakfast time.
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, 8/21/13 LLC 2:07 PM 7
Off Islands By Paul Roat Chefs, flooding, palm trees on islands north, south of us 5758 S. Tamiami Trail • Sarasota (Serving Siesta Key and Vicinity)
from the Northeast region of Thailand known as Isan.
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Village SHOPS
Anna Maria Island had a distinguished chef stop in for a visit a few weeks ago. Emeril LaGasse, owner of a slew of restaurants pretty much all across the country, stopped in at Sean Murphy’s Beach Bistro place in Holmes Beach. He’s filming a series of shows about famous Florida restaurants for an upcoming series. He had the “Shrimpcargots,” served with collard greens and smoked bacon. It is suggested the dish have a little honey added. Beach Bistro, by the way, is the flagship restaurant of Murphy’s miniempire of dining establishments, including the Eat Here franchise on Siesta Key, Downtown Sarasota, and Holmes Beach. Flooding hell We’ve gotten more rain in the past couple months that most can remember in recent history. By “recent” I mean 15 or 20 years. Especially hard hit were sections of Gulf of Mexico Drive on Longboat Key and, of course, St. Armands Circle. Both had roads closed because of the high water.
St. Armands was particularly hard hit. When John Ringling built the tony shopping area in the 1920s, he created a drainage nightmare that has plagued merchants, property owners, and the City of Sarasota ever since. For reasons never really explained he built the circle in the form of a dinner plate without any real place for the water to run off. Perhaps he thought the park in the center of the circle would retain the water, perhaps he thought the minidrainage pipes would suffice. Whatever Ringling thought, stormwater runoff just didn’t work on St. Armands Circle. Especially last week, when all traffic was diverted off the traffic circle for hours across several days. Shops were flooded, businesses closed, and it was a general mess.
seem to be doing well. The purchase of the Medjool date palms was a huge investment for the city at $4,500 per tree. Tree purchase and planting totaled $600,000. The trees have an interesting history. Originally from Morocco, the trees started to die out. The leader of Morocco in 1920 gave the United States 20 trees in the hopes the trees would not become extinct. They didn’t have any problem here and thrived. The trees grow to more than 30 feet in height and produce massive numbers of dates which by all accounts are pretty tasty.
Whew City of Venice officials had a scare a while back when some of the palm trees along U.S. on the Island of Venice started to look puny. They did lose two of the 128 palms, bought in 2004, but the rest
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Rain Floods the Key The entire parking lot under water at White Sand’s Cabana Club on Siesta Key. Photo by Trebor Britt.
Daiquiri Deck Raises Funds for Breast Cancer PINK ROCKS
Daiquiri Deck servers Bianca, Chelsea, and Kim proudly wearing pink to support the effort to find a cure for breast cancer. Photo by Trebor Britt.
Drivers take their chances as they navigate the high water on Beach Road in front of Siesta Beach.
Photo by Trebor Britt.
This Siesta Key home, normally surrounded by beautiful grass, is now enveloped by almost 2 feet of water from the recent excessive rains. Photo by Trebor Britt.
Kevin Cooper, Lisa Amira, Desiree Hanright, and Chastanna Niemann enjoying lunch and helping the Daiquiri Deck breast cancer fundraising effort. All three Daiquiri Deck locations, two in Sarasota and one in Venice, donated 10% of their food sales from 11am-2pm, Friday, September 20, 2013 to help find a cure for breast cancer. Photo by Trebor Britt.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
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Downtown and Beyond
By Paul Roat
|Downtown is booming again The bust has boomed — finally — in Downtown Sarasota. After six stagnant years of faltering or non-existent development in the city’s core, developers are well in the process of bringing the heart of the city back to life again. Scores of new condominiums, restaurants, hotel towers and a batch of municipal-funded improvements are planned or under way. One of the more exciting projects is the Jewel, a 19-story condo-retail mixed use development at the foot of Main Street fronting the Bayfront. It’s exciting in that 17 or the 18 units — one unit per floor, by the way — have been presold at $1 million each. On Gulfstream Avenue and U.S. 41 is a proposal to build twin towers, one condo, the other a 275-room hotel. This is a proposed $300 million project. Payne Park Plaza would have 8,300 square feet of commercial space. It would be located at 1515 Fruitville Road. There is also a 39-townhouse project in the works for 1750 Ringling Blvd. Not to be left out of the revitalization mix is a slew of municipal projects proposed or in the works for Downtown. The
work includes everything from new sidewalks and other streetscape improvements mostly along Main Street, traffic roundabouts scattered on and off Main, as well as major roundabouts on U.S. 41 during the next few years. The city is still struggling with how to bring more commercial investors to the middle of Main. A 1920-vintage study pointed out that Sarasota’s core suffered from what was then called a “barbell pattern.” There was growth at the east end of the street at U.S. 301, then Maas Brothers, today the Hollywood 20 cinema. There was growth at the west end of the street, with lots of restaurants and lounges. But the middle of the barbell has always been lacking in any real vital development other than banks and small shops. The same pattern holds true today. Nonetheless, the revitalization pattern is a welcome boost to an economy that has definitely been in the doldrums for the past six years. Housing authority named best in Florida The Sarasota Housing Authority has been awarded best-in-state status
for 2013 by Florida Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials. The Outstanding Agency of the Year title chose Sarasota out of 85 member agencies. The authority also selected a new board chair, John Colon of Wells Fargo, and a new vice chair, David Morgan of D L Morgan & Associates. Sarasota goes Asian The city is boasting several new Asian-themed restaurants. P.F. Chang recently opened to rave reviews. Located at Mound Street and Orange Avenue, the Asian themed restaurant provides moderately priced lunch and dinner offering for patrons, a lively lounge and an “insider tip” of a happy hour with reduced prices on most menu items. The Yummy House, on the north trail, is packing in customers for lunch and dinner. It too offers what is billed as some of the best Chinese food around. Also on the north trail is Le Ahn’s Vietnamese Restaurant. This very reasonably priced eatery is open for lunch and dinner and offers classic fare. All are worth a visit.
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Italian Sausage, Sliced Meatballs, Pepperoni, Ham, Broccoli, Anchovies, Strip Bacon, Canadian Bacon, Mushrooms, Green Peppers, Onions, Black Olives, Green Olives, Sliced Tomatoes, Fresh Garlic, Spinach
Artichoke, Feta Cheese, Eggplant, Grilled Chicken, Shrimp, Clams, 6645 Midnight Pass Road in Crescent Sun-Dried Tomatoes, Portabella Mushrooms
Plaza 6645 Midnight Pass Road in Crescent Plaza
No substitions allowed. Small - 14”, Large - 16” MARINARA Garlic, Oil, Fresh Basil, Tomatoes ..............Sm 14.95
Lg 17.85
Shrimp, Clams, Spinach, Tomatoes, Black Olives................Sm 18.50
Lg 21.40 CHICKEN RANCH Ranch Dressing, Sliced Tomatoes,Strip Bacon, Lg 21.40 Chicken Breast, Garlic/Oil, Cheddar Cheese......................Sm 18.50 MEAT LOVERS Pepperoni, Sausage, Strip Bacon and Meatballs ..........................................................Sm 18.50 Lg 21.40 VEGETABLE Mushrooms, Green Peppers, Onions and Black Olives .......................................................Sm 18.50 Lg 21.40 SUPREME Sausage, Pepperoni, Black Olives, Mushrooms, Onions, Green Peppers, Meatballs (Anchovies optional) ......Sm 19.75 Lg 22.95 MEDITERRANEAN Mozzarella Cheese, Artichoke Hearts, Black Olives and Sliced Tomatoes...................................Sm 18.50 Lg 21.40 WHITE PIZZA Three Blends of Cheese, Ricotta, Mozzarella and Provolone (No Sauce) ............................Sm 15.95 Lg 18.85 PESTO Pesto Sauce Prepared with Fresh Basil, Garlic, and Mozzarella (no red sauce) .....................................Sm 16.50 Lg 19.40 HOT & SPICY Pepperoni, Banana Peppers, Garlic.........Sm 16.50 Lg 19.40 LASAGNA PIZZA Spaghetti Sauce, Ricotta, Fresh Mozzarella, Meatballs ..............................................................Sm 19.95 Lg 23.95 SOUTH OF THE BORDER Chili, Mozzarella, Cheddar and Jalapenos........................................................ Sm 19.00 Lg 21.95 SICILIAN PIZZA Thick Crust ..............................................................16.00 STROMBOLI PIZZA Baked between two crusts, Ricotta, Mozzarella, Pepperoni, Sausage, Black Olives, Green Peppers, Mushrooms, Onions, Meatballs .................25.95
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
|Miguel’s Restaurant
6631 Midnight Pass Rd, Crescent Plaza | 941.349.4024 www.miguelsrestaurant.net Miguel’s is a family owned restaurant that specializes in French and Continental cuisine. Serving Siesta Key since 1983, they offer a wide selection of appetizers, a Caesar salad for two, perfectly prepared at your table and include fresh gulf seafood, choicest cuts of filet mignon, delicious poultry and veal dishes among their entrees. Finish the night off with decadent desserts including banana fosters, cherries jubilee and traditional creme caramel. Miguel’s also has an extensive wine selection and a full bar.
|Village Café
5133 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key, FL 34242 | 941.349.2822 villagecafeonsiesta.com You are invited to dine at the Village Cafe restaurant, nestled in the heart of Siesta Key Village, Florida. Our menu offers only the finest selection of breakfast and lunch specialties anywhere on the Florida Gulf Coast. Our catering service will meet all your needs for your party or special event. Be sure to browse our menu for a mouthwatering variety of favorites for both islanders and visitors alike.
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Featured Restaurant
By Paul Roat
|Eat Here features Southwest Florida Seafood cuisine and more Eat Here probably has the bestbilled mission statement of any restaurant in the area: “Eat Here celebrates chef-crafted, Gulf-Coast cookery featuring presentations of local farm products, fresh, locally-caught seafood, and inspired pizza and tacos.” There are three Sean Murphyowned establishments in the area. Eat Here Siesta Key, in the Village (240 Avenida Madera, or “Eat Street” as some locals call the restaurantpacked lane), is featured here, but franchise establishments are also located on Main Street Downtown Sarasota and Holmes Beach on Anna Maria Island. Food is Southern inspired with a sometime-other touch. The lively Siesta Key locale features bright fish artwork to complement the popular fish dishes. It’s a child-friendly place, too, with a kid play area artfully situated far away from a well-lit bar featuring a 5:30-7 p.m. happy hour of select beer, cocktails, and wines at $3, $4, and $5, respectively. Eat Here Siesta Key is definitely a restaurant for sharing food among friends. From the happy hour “$5 small plates” menu to the smaller or sharable menu items, this is a place for patrons to enjoy a bite among themselves. Plates include smoked fish dip (chef’s choice for the fish: ours was amberjack) to a small “heart attack hot dog” of baconwrapped, deep-fried, tricked with truffle butter on a garlic roll with a side of béarnaise. Think fish here at Eat Here. The “fish here” menu touts explanations of exactly where the seafood comes from and guarantees freshness. Menus change as fish availability alters, so expect to be surprised. “Lighter” grouper ($16) or full ($29), as with all fish, is available pan-seared and wood-oven roasted with herb-lime butter with either fruit salsa or capers. Ditto with Key West mahi or haddock, ($11 light, $19 full), or the wild Atlantic salmon ($12 light, $23 full). Patrons seem to love the salmon with its oven-roasted horseradish cream sauce. Traditional menu means, at Eat Here, what is called “soup and
salad,” “beginnings, smaller or sharing,” and “blue plate specials, dinnerish … or sharable.” In order are patron faves of “one-helluva tomato soup” with maytag blue cheese ($9). Add lobster, seafood, or chef’s pick of a taco with slaw and salsa ($13-$16), or the “betterthan-any-frenchman’s onion soup ($9) with sherry, cognac, and sweet onion topped with emmenthal, a smooth and flavorful cheese.
The tacos are worth a special note, since they seem to fly out of the kitchen and are definitely treasured and devoured by patrons. “Beginnings” popular items are the “tempura’d beets” ($9), which are lightly battered, with chevre and crème fraiche. Also an Eat Here favorite is the shrimpcargots, with the little prawns, collard greens, and smoked bacon, also priced at $9. Presentation, by the way, is exemplified with the “seattle style grilled cheese” with its edge-up sandwich of muenster and gruyere, caramelized onion, and french dip ($9). Popular entrees, or the “sharable” part of Eat Here’s menu, features the patron enticing “gulf coast seafood stew” the restaurant’s take on a bouillabaisse, with fish, shrimp,
Silvia Fridegotto (17) looking on as her cleanup partner Valeria Buitrago (17) notes the kind of litter they added to their bag on Siesta Beach. Both are HS Seniors and part of the group of 28 Riverview High School students from the “Do Something Club” who participated in the International Coastal Cleanup. About 2400 volunteers, a 25 percent increase over last year, were involved in the cleanup throughout Sarasota County. They’re made up of support groups, organizations, middle, elementary and high schools, as well as hundreds of citizens who want to help.
Volunteers picked up litter and recyclables at 30 different locations. Teams account for and note every piece of litter they find. Photos by Trebor Britt
Señor Siesta Hosts Event
clams, mussels, andouille sausage, zuppa broth, and fingerlings ($19). Here’s another unusual favorite, the “marvelous veal meat loaf” with its farmed mushrooms, pan gravy and mashed potatoes at $17, or for other carnivores, the “not mama’s pot roast” ($16) with port-braised beef, roasted shallots, carrots, and roasted potatoes. Also a surprisingly refreshing element of the establishment is the deliveryupon-ready practice. Dishes are delivered when done, providing a staggered dining experience as well as perfectly cooked meals. Don’t worry, though, because wait-time between entrees at a recent visit was less than a minute. Dessert fiends should look forward to the chocolate budino ($8), which is described as “a fancy Italian name for really decadent chocolate pudding that is nothing like your mothers…topped with a little sea salt.” Eat Here Siesta Key is open 5:30 p.m. to closing daily. Reservations are suggested (941-346-7800, eatheresiestakey.com). There is a full bar and take-out is available at the 150-seat restaurant. And what’s pleasant about Eat Here is the menu mentions of other restaurants on what is touted as “Eat Street” in the Village: best Italian, best deli, and “a meal without wine is called breakfast. We don’t serve breakfast … try ….”
Owner of Señor Siesta Restaurant on Siesta Key serving appetizers to Gabrielle Hoover and Drew Moon. The owners were hosting a Freedom Boat Club event to announce the soon to open 72nd location of the Club at Hidden Harbor in Sarasota. Those who attended enjoyed light Latin fare, flamenco music, prizes and much more. Photos by Trebor Britt
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Snapshots of Island Visitors
Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography
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Top Left: Tami, Bailey & Courtney from SRQ. Top Center: Jackie & Zoe from SRQ. Top Right: Andrea, Isabella, Jill, Jeff, Kay & Frank from Sarasota. Bottom Left: Tundi & Sophia from SRQ. Bottom Right: Mehesh from Jacksonville.
SIESTA SAND October 2013 • www.siestasand.net
Featured Restaurant
By Diana Colson
|Diana Vytell - Cabaret Songstress The room was packed with gents and ladies, all waiting to be beguiled by a cabaret songstress. The pianist— Bobby Brader—took his place at the ebony grand, and the crowd warmed to his piano introduction. A tall, long-stemmed brunette stepped out onto the stage. It was Diana Vytell, attired in a glittering gown of pale greens and blues, delicate ruffles cascading diagonally across her slender body. This dress was elegant and glamorous, and so was the lovely Ms. Vytell. Tonight’s show was called Live, Laugh, Love, and it stirred together a collection of pop, standards, and cabaret songs, punctuated with a bit of charming chatter. Ms. Vytell launched into her opening number and the classic strains of Almost like Being in Loveby Lerner & Lowe washed over the room. One could feel smiles spreading across the audience. Ms. Vytell paused between numbers to speak of the elements of love: excitement, questions, risks, mistakes, lessons, and drama. Other iconic lyrics soon rang out, including the seductive “Love me tonight, and let the devil take tomorrow…” from Hill and Allen’s Kiss of Fire. After a flirtation with Rogers and Hart and their playful creation I Wish I Were in Love Again, Ms. Vytell wrapped herself in an enormous mauve boa, and emerged as a total Francophile. “My relationship with France began in high school. I studied French, and was instantly seduced . . .” She then performed a medley made famous by Edith Piaf. The set included C’est Si Bon, La Vie En Rose, April in Paris, and I love Paris, and her delivery of these songs was appropriately seductive and charming. Diana came to the world of music as a very young child. Her mother was a trained singer, and her first inspiration. From the time Diana was a toddler, she was performing on her grandmother’s washtub in the back yard to the delight of all the neighbors. Before long she was performing in her Daddy’s tavern, sitting on the bar. Diana began the formal study of voice at the age of 13, and continued through her college years as she performed in solo recitals, concerts and plays. She attended the Hartt
Build Your Own Sandwich Board
College of Music to study opera, and also continued to explore acting and musical theatre. Her first professional opera experience was singing in the chorus of Aida with the Connecticut Opera surrounded by a collection of animals! Although her mother was hoping she would follow a career in music, Diana opted for the more practical road. After college, she became an educator, teaching French and English, and counseling high school students. She never let go of performing, however: while maintaining her demanding teaching schedule, she played the role of Tosca with the Connecticut Opera. Diana made her European debut on Greek National Television in La Traviata. She went on to spend summers performing throughout the U.S. and Europe in both opera and musical theatre. She also sang in concerts given by members of the Yale Strings and the New York Philharmonic. Diana sang the role of the mother in Tales of Hoffman when it was performed by the New York Opera. She acted in The Vagina Dialogues at the Venice Theatre in Sarasota. She played Kate in The Taming of the Shrew with the Southern Connecticut Summer theatre. Her eclectic background— which included speaking four languages—
led her to psychotherapy. She left the field of education and received additional training in psychology with emphasis on integrative mind-body techniques, earning the tongue-in-cheek title of “the singing shrink.” She took a hiatus from singing and opened a psychotherapy practice. Still, Diana could not forget her music. She soon found herself drawn to the world of the cabaret. Of this remarkable transition, she had this to say: “What better challenge is there than sharing one’s view of life, and communicating it to bring pleasure and joy to the world.” Music and psychotherapy are Diana’s two loves. She subscribes to the work being done by Daniel Levitin, a researcher at McGill University in Montreal, who is one of the leading investigators of the effects of music on the brain. Levitin visualizes a day when physicians might prescribe music rather than pharmacological drugs, a philosophy in which Diana is in accordance. Non-invasive, safe and natural, music could well be the most affordable therapy in the world. Diana Vytell has a passion for performing for fundraisers and local charity organizations. Since music and singing are healing arts, those of us who are performers have the wonderful privilege of moving people in extraordinary ways. Of her work as a cabaret singer, she said: “I hope some of my songs make you smile. It’s especially lovely if some of them help you reflect on your life. Through music, you and I share a special connection. It’s a wonderful feeling!” For updates on upcoming performances, this unique songstress may be reached through her web site: www.DianaVytell.com
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Companionship & In-Home Care A Safe and Reliable Source for Quality Care Since 1992
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By Dr. Anne Chauvet
1. I just got a female puppy and everyone is telling me I should spay her before she’s six months old. Why? What are the benefits of spaying? The population of dogs and cats in our nation and the world is increasing despite the worldwide spay and neuter programs. The math is simple: most dogs have around 2-12 puppies per litter and can have one or two litters a year. Spaying/neutering helps to avoid unwanted pregnancies and contributes to a decrease in the animal shelter population. On the other hand, the hormones are beneficial for growth and healthy development of bones and joints. So when do we spay? Bitches (female dogs) have their first heat cycle at about six-months-old. It is proven over and over again, that the risk of breast/mammary cancer increases substantially after the first heat. Thus, we advise spaying and neutering before the female reaches six months of age. By doing so, we significantly lower the cancer risk rate and also eliminate an unwanted pregnancy. Recently, spaying and neutering has been advised in animals about eight-weeks-old or so. I personally do not feel it is
Judith Cuppy, President
Bonded, Insured & Licensed in the State of Florida with the AHCA NR#30211323 & HSC 5023
healthy for the body to do this procedure so soon. I also think anesthetic risk factors are higher in such young animals. But, if the animal is a feral cat or dog, this may be the only chance you get to control the population and this is why this program is in place. Some people worry that sterilization leads to a weight gain. Although neutering/ spaying tends to contribute to a more sedentary lifestyle, sterilization by itself is not the culprit; diet is. Healthy diet and exercise will keep your pet at a healthy weight. 2. How do I identify seizures in a dog? What is the difference between a seizure and tremors? A seizure is a full motor contraction of one body part, or the whole body. Sometimes, loss of bowel and urine control accompanies a seizure. The patient may lose partial or full consciousness. It comes from the brain activity, the cortex more particularly. Tremors are “vibrations” of the body. They can occur because of weakness (arthritis, back problems, etc.,) fear (vet visits) and other more benign stimulants. Tremor is not as serious as a seizure, but should still be addressed if increases in severity or frequency.
Dr. Chauvet earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada, completed a small animal medicine/surgery internship at the University of Illinois in Urbana and finished her residency in neurology/neurosurgery at the University of California, Davis. She has been trained in small animal rehabilitation by the Canine Rehabilitation Institute of Wellington, Florida and is known internationally for her specialized work in the relatively rare field of veterinary neurology speaking to, training, and consulting with veterinary practices and organizations globally.
If you have a question about your pet, please email your question to criticalvetcare@gmail.com Each month, Dr. Chauvet will choose a few questions to share with readers.
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SIESTA SAND October 2013 • www.siestasand.net
Snapshots of Island Visitors
Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography
Top Left: Anthony & Keona from Daytona Beach. Top Center: John, Lilly, Mary Ellen, Emma from SRQ. Top Right: Doug from Lakewood Ranch. Bottom Left: Natalie from Venice, Jaydin from North Port, Cooper 18 months, Jace from Sarasota. Bottom Right: Tom, Sienna & Noreen from Sarasota.
Snoring Appliances
It’s amazing how many snoring appliances we’ve designed for patients in the last few months. The issues of snoring and/or sleep apnea have really become acknowledged as true problems. Sleep apnea is a definite medical disorder that can negatively affect your heart. It needs to be investigated by a sleep specialist and/or your family doctor. Snoring itself is a bother especially to a spouse/partner but doesn’t have to be life affecting. Most dentists can offer you a solution. Dentists treat snoring with removable devices that re-position your jaws to allow freer movement of air to your lungs. Our treatments are thought of as reversible, that is, if you’re not happy or are uncomfortable, you just take out the appliance. There are other treatments that are permanent or irreversible but certainly a snore device is the easiest and may be the only treatment you need. If you’re bothered or affected by snoring you should contact your dentist. You may be able to better your life and health in an easy manner. But it starts with your call.
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Arts on the Horizon October 9-12 - Ringling International Arts Festival (RIAF)
The Ringling and Baryshnikov Arts Center will present artists from around the world! Enjoy the arts on the Ringling’s beautiful, 66-acre waterfront estate by the beautiful Sarasota Bay. 4 days of dancers, performers, and musicians from around the world will take their place on stage at the Ringling International Arts Festival. The event will include after-hours access to the museum’s galleries, jazz concerts by the bay and magnificent sunsets in the James Turrell Joseph’s Coat Skyspace. Ringling will be filled with performers and entertainment for everyone to enjoy!
Experience Sunset In the Skyspace
The James Turrell Skyspace, Joseph’s Coat, creates an entirely new and distinctly unique sunset experience. The 3000 square-foot outdoor space features a 24-foot aperture in a 35 foot-high canopy. Synchronized LED lights change in color, enhancing the color features of the sky. This high-tech engineered work is sure to delight you with awe
By Jaye Clements
inspiring colors. James Turrell is an internationally renowned artist.
Jazz Sunsets on the Bay
Oct 10 & 11 from 5 to 8pm. Jazz on the Bay features live music on the lovely Ca’d’Zan promenade. Refreshments available.
Witness to War
Exhibition honoring Veterans at the Ringling Museum – Oct 1 through Oct 27th. Photos on display were taken by soldiers during their war experiences, documenting action on the front lines. The photographs from these personal collections were gifted by veterans offering a historical perspective of WWII servicemen. Included in the exhibition are photographs from Warren J. and Margot Coville. Mr. Coville served as part of the U.S. Army Air Force. He photographed from a B-17, images of dangerous bombing missions over Europe. The Coville collection includes photos of raids, documenting the life of U.S. Airmen during this time in history. Other photographs included are on loan from the Institute on World
War II and reveal the magnitude of the war, documenting the service of Soldiers, Sailors and Marines in the European and Pacific areas. These photographs from veterans will be on display alongside wellknown war photographers in order to compare iconic historical images to those more personal and seldom seen photos of the sacrifices that these men made for our country.
The Sarasota School of Architecture
Ringling College of Art & Design 2700 N. Tamiami Trail, Oct. 8th, 5:30 – 8:00PM – Design vs. Style and other Eames Philosophies Sarasota was and is known for its high concentration of artists, writers, and architects. In the 1950s architects in the area developed styles known as Sarasota School of Architecture or Sarasota Modern. With attention to climate, they developed distinctive open floor plans, use of glass and clean, functional lines, with innovative ventilation systems, large sunshades, oversized sliding glass doors and jalousie windows. Many were built between 1941 and 1966 and remain a defining characteristic of the history of Sarasota. Grandson, Eames Demetrios takes you behind-the-scenes at the remarkable careers of his grandparents, Mid-Century designers Charles and Ray Eames and their philosophies. A complimentary reception will follow. For questions call 941.364.2199 or info@saf-srq.org to reserve.
“Art after 5”
at Ringling every Thursday from 5 to 8pm – Admission $10.
Ringling Underground
First Thursday of every month – Oct. 3rd from 8pm to 11pm. This month will include three great groups on stage: The Other Ryan Willis, RAEF, Bearstronaut. Admission $10, students $5, local students are free! Enjoy the block party atmosphere on the grounds at the Ringling! ringling.org
free admission & parking. www. whimsymuseum.org/ Regular Season Hours: Thurs. - Sat. 1 to 4pm.
19th Annual Downtown Sarasota Art & Craft Festival
Sailor Circus Arena
October 19th & 20th - Saturday & Sunday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm – Free! Handmade American fine crafts from over 100 talented artists! There will be jewelry, pottery, photography, painting, plants, orchids, soaps, freshly popped kettle corn...and more! Main Street in Downtown Sarasota.
Oct 5th Croctoberfest
Friday, Oct. 25th at the Hyatt in Sarasota - 7pm. It’s the battle of the bands between local physician musicians. Let’s rock to help raise funds for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Sarasota. For more information call 941.953.1234
Friday, Oct. 4th 7pm & Saturday, Oct. 5th, 2pm & 7pm. Entertainment for the whole family. Performances will include trapeze, aerial acrobatics, motorcycle stunts, clowns, performing stallions and more. http://circussarasota.org/ buy-tickets/
At Myakka State Park 11am to 8:30 pm – Live music, beer & fun!
Oct 10th to Oct 28th
Gems of the Rainforest at the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens. The Tropical Conservatory will boast exotic rainforest plants sparkling with semi-precious gems! Selby’s only public greenhouse will be full of beautiful epiphytes and splendid orchids… “Fall Music Series” Every Sunday from 1 to 3pm throughout October. Relax under the gorgeous Banyan trees and enjoy music on the lawn. Bring a blanket or chair. Oct 6th with Red, White & Brass: American Salute. A tribute to veterans! Admission $5. www.selby.org/
Sat. Oct 19th 6pm to 8pm
Marietta Museum of Art & Whimsy – Season Opening Party! Pirate or Mermaid attire suggested. Free! Discover what’s new at the museum! Light refreshment,
Dr. Idol 2013
FSU Center for the Performing Arts at the Asolo.
5555 N Tamiami Trail Sarasota October 25th to 27th Friday at 8:00pm, Saturday at 2:00pm & 8:00pm, Sunday at 2:00pm & 7:00pm Theatre of Dreams - Choreographed by The Sarasota Ballet www. sarasotaballet.org/ Presented with the Sarasota Orchestra.
“Crazy for You”
At the Players Theatre – 10/24 & 10/26 10/29 10/30 & 10/31 at 7:30 and 10/27 at 2pm (musical) www. theplayers.org/
“So You Think You Can Dance”
At the Van Wezel! 10/27 at 7pm. www.vanwezel.org/
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Meet your LandingS FLooring SpeciaLiStS
Jan Melville, Jim Rinchich, Michael Rankin, Cathy Raskey, Jacci Shovlin, Mike Benson
Hollywood Visits Siesta Key Hollywood actor, Anthony Betts (right) enjoying tennis on Siesta Key with his Sarasota friends Giorgio Migliaccio and Logan Kurtin. Anthony recently guest starred in a television series episode of “Anger Management” starring Charlie Sheen. He is currently represented by Jeff Ballard Public Relations (JBPR) in Los Angeles. JBPR also represents Johnny Depp, Cuba Gooding Jr., Paula Abdul, Ryan Seacrest and many others.
He began his career with Ford Models, Inc., New York City. His big break came after doing a seven day photo shoot on an island for Abercrombie and Finch. Photos by Trebor Britt
Sarasota History By Paul Roat Gillespie was the town of Sarasota’s first mayor Col. John Hamilton Gillespie took office as Sarasota’s first mayor Oct. 14, 1902. By all accounts, he was one helluva man. Gillespie was born in Scotland and came to Sarasota in 1886 to salvage what was left of his father’s land development company, the Florida Mortgage & Investment Co., Ltd. The company was formed and brought more than 50 Scottish colonists to Sarasota. The colony failed due to the “city” being dirt roads, little in the way of a settlement, and a remarkable cold winter. They left for home. “The colony came in December 1885,” said Historian Jeff LaHurd in an article in the Sarasota HeraldTribune in 2011, “and shortly thereafter started falling apart because they were expecting Little Scotland and got Big Wilderness. “After a two-month journey, the Scots trudged ashore in a ‘Sara Sota’ that had barely any streets, and the few pioneering families scattered around the area had to put them up in their own homes to shelter the Scots from an historically cold winter. “By the time Gillespie arrived to revive the effort, many of the colonists, their dreams of being gentleman farmers dashed by the sandy soil, had given up and gone back to Scotland. “He was here in March 1886 when one of the other colonists left,” said LaHurd. “Gillespie was on hand to bid him farewell.” LaHurd summed up the man well through the title of his book, “John Hamilton Gillespie: The Scot Who Saved Sarasota.” Karl H. Grismer’s book “The Story
Of Sarasota” explained one of Gillespie’s first feats. “Upon his arrival here, Gillespie soon learned that the company’s affairs were in a sorry state. He realized that the departure of the colonists was a grievous loss to the community. He also realized that the boom being experience by the village was an artificial boom, caused only by the influx of construction workers. He knew that when the construction work was finished, the boom would collapse — so he tried to take steps to give the community a firm foundation on which it could grow and prosper.” Gillespie repaired the streets, rapidly completed the lagging hotel at the foot John Hamilton Gillespie was Sarasota’s of Main Street he called the first mayor. Photo courtesy Sarasota County De Soto, built an artisan well Historical Society. at Five Points to provide fresh water to the hotel, and built a home for he and his wife at the the Church of the Redeemer, where site of the current Mira Mar on Palm he was a lay reader. Avenue. In 1910, Gillespie sold all his And, of course, he introduced golf holdings — 75 percent of the city — to Florida and, as Grismer put it, to Owen Burns for $35,000. As Burns “Here in Sarasota he built perhaps took the town to the next level, the the first practice course in the entire Gillespies returned to Scotland to country — two greens and a long contribute to the cause during World fairway. This miniature course was War I. located on Main Street in a natural After the war, he came back clearing in the woods” east of town. to Sarasota an elder statesman, For 25 years, Gillespie spent the witnessing the beginnings of the other half of his life leading the Florida real estate boom and seeing community as a multi-term mayor, his co-creation, Sarasota, come into being a good husband to his beloved its own. second wife, Blanche, and founding
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Turtle Lunch? The outcome of this skirmish is unknown since the photographer thought it prudent to leave before attracting the gator’s attention. He did note; however, that it was one feisty turtle. Photo taken in N. Fort Myers by Bill Nezamis
Master Gardeners Annual Plant Sale and EdFest scheduled for October 12 Sarasota County Extension Master Gardeners will hold their Ninth Annual Plant Sale and EdFest,
8 a.m. - 1 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 12, at the Sarasota County Extension offices, 6700 Clark Road, Sarasota.
if you have ever thought about spending more than a week (or month) here
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The Time is now
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Peg Davant, sales Associate, 941.356.4552 sotheby’s international Realty and the sotheby’s international Realty logo are registered service marks used with permission. each office is independently owned and operated. equal housing opportunity.
SIESTA SAND October 2013 • www.siestasand.net
A wide variety of native and nonnative plants will be available for sale, including edibles, trees, shrubs, vines, succulents, houseplants and many tropical plants. Admission is free and proceeds from the sale will benefit the Master Gardeners Chapter of the Friends of Sarasota County Parks, which supports education outreach programs and community gardening projects in Sarasota County. Purchases may be made by cash or check. In addition to the plant sale, the family-friendly fall gardening event will feature sustainable gardening presentations, landscape problem diagnosis from experts, and displays about Extension’s educational and volunteer programs in gardening, sustainable living, household money management and more. Get expert information from University of Florida (UF) faculty and staff about “Florida-Friendly” landscaping principles, irrigation audits and yard recognitions. At the onsite Plant Clinic, trained UF Master Gardener volunteers will be on hand for plant identification or problem diagnosis. Visitors are encouraged to bring samples or photos of problem plants for the experts to help identify solutions. Master Gardeners will also give demonstrations on composting, rain barrels, butterfly gardening, lawns and turf-grass, and edible gardening.
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VILLAGE MAP pgs 22 and 23 CresCent Beach MAP pg 25 GULF GATE SHOPS pg 29
The Publication with “Key” Information | www.SiestaSand.net | 941.349.0194
Siesta Key Drum Circle
October is a perfect time to come to the Key for some wonderful entertainment. I’m talking about the Siesta Key Drum Circle that takes place every Sunday starting a couple hours before sunset and lasting until sunset. The gathering meets up just south of the main pavilion - just follow your ears and watch for the swelling crowd...
“Early” Diners 4-Course Dinner Daily 5:00 - 6:30 PM
Photos by
BluQue Island Grill Swimsuit USA International Model Search Preliminary Results from September 8th, 2013
From Left to Right: First Place Winner: Alexandra Amor, Tampa, FL 2nd Place (tie): Nicole Hampton, Orlando, FL & Ednyr Marie, Orlando, FL 3rd Place: Jazzmine Euleasha, Tampa, FL 4th Place: Danielle Traxinger This was the last preliminary competition to qualify for the Event Final. The Event Final will be on Sunday, October 6th at 2:00 PM at Blu Que Island Grill. Contestants will be participating in two rounds of competition, and Sporty O will be performing on stage. Would strongly recommend that everyone arrive early for a good seat as this one should be packed!
|Rocketman Shop
1888 Stickney Point Road., | Sarasota, FL 34231 | 941.923.2096 | www.rocketmanshop.com Our Rock & Roll Lifestyle shop provides everything you need to get your grove on. You’ll find a wide variety of products from your favorite musical bands, as well as bags & clothing, incense, recreational items, wall tapestries, full line of top rated local & domestic blown glass, acrylic & metal pipes, hookahs & shisha, blunt wraps & papers, tobacco & rolling machines, body cleansers & supplements, body jewelry, purses, hemp wear, storage containers & stealthy diversion safes, zippo lighters and lots of items not “made in China…” and much more!! We can help you find the products that are right for you. Our new extended store hours are 10am – 10pm, 7 days a week. Be sure to use the 20% coupon found on the front page.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Map B #42
Beach Bazaar...................................... Map-C #28 Beach Bazaar’s Swin Shack............. Map-C #28 Blvd. Beachwear.................................. Map-B #30 Comfort Shoes-Birki & More.........Map-D #64 Foxy Lady Fashions........................... Map-A #40 Gidget’s Coastal Provisions............... Map-B #44 Island Cotton Company.....................Map-C #29 Le Grand Bisou Chic Boutique......... Map-D #11 Siesta T’s............................................... Map-B #30 Sun Glass Outlet & Henna.................Map-C #24 GAS STATION Circle K Store......................................... Map-E #6 GIFTS & SOUVENIRS Beach Bazaar...................................... Map-C #28 Created Gems......................................Map-C #51 Gidget’s Coastal Provisions............... Map-B #44 Hurricane Rita’s Gifts.........................Map-C #51 Mount-N-Repair.................................. Map-B #48 Sea Pleasures & Treasures...................Map-C #2 Siesta Key Bead Shack....................... Map-A #36 Siesta Key’psakes................................ Map-B #29 Siesta Key Outfitters.......................... Map-D #11 Siesta Key University....................... Map-A #36
AccomModations Siesta Beach Resort ........................Map-A #38A ART GALLERY / STUDIO Calle Studios.........................................Map-B #32 ATM / BANKS PNC ATM............................................. Map-C #61 Martin Funding......................................Map-E #1 Sun Trust Bank & ATM.........................Map-E #4 Bakery & Deli A Taste of Germany............................Map-C #53 Heavenly Cupcakes.............................Map-B #50 Meany’s Mini Donuts......................... Map-C #24 BARS & NIGHTCLUBS Blase Café.............................................Map-A #38 Blu Que Island Grill............................ Map-C #57 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar................Map-B #42-43 Gilligan’s...............................................Map-B #33 Siesta Key Oyster Bar........................ Map-B #45 The Beach Club....................................Map-D #22 The Cottage.......................................... Map-C #58 The Hub-Baja Grill..............................Map-D #59 BOOK STORES Used Book Heaven...............................Map-B #48 COFFEE SHOPS Lelu’s Coffee Lounge...........................Map-B #31 The Local Bean................................... Map-D #62 DRUG & HARDWARE Davidson’s Drugs................................Map-D #65 Village Hardware................................ Map-C #26 FASHION & ACCESSORIES Aqua Beachwear................................ Map-D #12
Map D #11
SIESTA SAND October 2013 • www.siestasand.net
HEALTH & FITNESS Indep. Lifestyle Solutions ................ Map-D #10 Siesta Key Fitness..............................Map-B #73 Studio Rubylakes................................ Map-B #49
on Siesta Key
ICE CREAM/treats Big Olaf Creamery..............................Map-C #52 Ciao Gelato...........................................Map-C #50 SubZero Ice Cream Yogurt............... Map-D #16 Sunni Bunni Frozen Yogurt...............Map-C #53
Map A #40
209 Beach Road Sarasota, FL 34242 941.349.6525
INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson Drugs................................. Map-D #65 Internet Cafe......................................... Map-D #9 Lelu Coffee Lounge............................. Map-B #31 The Local Bean...................................Map-D #62 JEWELRY Created Gems......................................Map-C #51 Michael & Co. Jewelers...................... Map-B #29 Mount -N- Repair Jewelers................ Map-B #48 LIQUOR STORES / Fine Wines Gabbiano’s Wine Club....................... Map-D #70 Gilligan’s.............................................. Map-B #33 Siesta Key Wines............................... Map-C #61 The Beach Club................................... Map-D #22
wSw Sa S ywH. sa ai rs s y h a i r . c o m on Siesta Key
209 Beach Road Sarasota, FL 34242 941.349.6525 www.sassyhair.com
Map D #11
• segway rentals • PaDDleBOarDs • scOOter cars • kayak tOurs/rentals • Bikes • scOOters • Beach gear 5255 Ocean Blvd • Siesta Key Village www.robinhoodrentals.net
MAILING - SHIPPING UPS store............................................. Map-A #41 US Post Office..................................... Map-D #65 MARKETS/FOOD STORES 7-11 Store.............................................. Map-B #46 Circle K Store......................................... Map-E #6 Siesta Market........................................Map-C #25
Map C #53
MASSAGE Hands of Light Massage.................... Map-B #35 Massage Experience Siesta Key......Map-D #62 Siesta Key Massage Ctr....................... Map-D #9 MEDICAL - DENTAL Dr. Barry LaClair MD.........................Map-C #56 E.K. Koster DMD................................ Map-D #63 Karen F. Leggett, D.O.........................Map-C #56 Siesta Key Physical Therapy............. Map-D #20 Siesta Smiles Dentistry....................... Map-B #49 MISCELLANEOUS Chamber of Commerce..................... Map-D #67 Roberti Enterprises............................ Map-A #39 Sheriff’s Office...................................... Map-D #9 Solorzano Smoke Shop.......................Map-C #50 PROFESSIONAL SERVICEs CG Designs.......................................... Map-E #74 Edward Jones Investments............... Map-D #68 Smith Architects.................................. Map-E #74 REAL ESTATE / Rental SERVICES Ascendia Real Estate.......................... Map-D #11 Beachside Resorts Rental.................. Map-D #11 Charles Rutenburg Realty..................Map-C #53 Coldwell Banker Realty..................... Map-D #20 Horizon Realty.................................... Map-B #34 Island Homes.......................................Map-C #51 Key Realty.............................................. Map-E #5 Michael Saunders Realty..................Map-E #72 Re/Max Alliance Group................... Map-D #60 ReMax Tropical Sands....................... Map-D #67 Robasota Rentals & Real Estate..... Map-A #39 Siesta Key Realty.................................. Map-D #9 Waterside Realty.................................Map-C #29 RESTAURANTS Another Broken Egg..................Map-C #54 & 55 Beach Bites..........................................Map-D #16 Blase Café............................................ Map-A #38 Blu Que Island Grill......................... Map-C #57 Bonjour French Cafe...........................Map-C #47 Café Gabbiano.................................... Map-D #71 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar............... Map-B #42-43 Eat Here Restaurant.....................Map-D #17/18 Flavio’s Brick Oven & Bar.................. Map-B #29 Flavio’s Italiano Ristorante................ Map-B #30 Gilligan’s Island Bar & Grill.............. Map-B #33 The Hub - Baja Grill........................... Map-D #59 Jo To’s Japanese Restaurant...............Map-C #47 LeLu’s Coffee Bar................................ Map-B #31 Lobster Pot.......................................... Map-C #23 Napoli’s Italian Restaurant................Map-C #53 Old Salty Dog Rest. & Pub................... Map-E #2 Señor Siesta......................................... Map-D #69 Siesta Key Oyster Bar........................Map-B #45 Solorzano Bros. Pizzeria.................... Map-D #15 Subway Sandwiches........................... Map-B #30 Sun Garden Café................................ Map-D #19 The Cottage..........................................Map-C #58 Village Café........................................Map-D #14 SPAS - HAIR & BEAUTY Nails By Iris..........................................Map-C #50 Salon Capelli......................................... Map-D #9 Sassy Hair Salon................................ Map-A #40 Siesta Key Nails...................................Map-D #9 Village Barber....................................... Map-D #9 SPORTS INTEREST/Rentals CaliFlorida............................................ Map-B #32 Robin Hood Rentals.........................Map-D #34 Siesta Village Outfitters................... Map-C #53
Map C #61
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Meet the Natives By Paul Roat Bats for Halloween fun, even on Siesta Key With Halloween just around the corner, it only seems appropriate to mention the unnecessarily spooky elements of the holiday: bats. And bats are pretty much everywhere, even Siesta Key. Basically, bats are our friends, according to the Nature Conservancy, an international nonprofit group that preserves plants and animals by purchasing native habitat and protecting it from development. In fact, without bats there probably would be no margaritas. Bats, it seems, are the pollination source for agave, the key ingredient in tequila. No bats, no pollination of agave flowers, no more agave, no more tequila. There are 1,100 bat species found worldwide, which means that bats comprise about one-quarter of all the mammal species found on the planet. Bats are found in every state in the United States. Siesta Key’s bats are Brazilian Free-Tail. They get the free-tailed
name because the end of the tail looks like a mouse tail and swings free. The Brazilian free-tailed bat is one of the most abundant native mammals living in urban areas in Florida. It occurs statewide. They form colonies from 50-20,000 bats in man-made structures like buildings and under bridges. Freetails are a medium sized bat, about a half-ounce, with brownish gray fur. Free-tails have a distinctive musky odor. Free-tailed bats are strong fast fliers with long narrow wings. They can fly at more than 25 mph and are known to fly to an altitude over 9,000 feet. All bats are insect gluttons. A single small bat can gobble up to 1,200 mosquitoes a night, and often eats its weight in bugs in an evening. Bats range in size from the Bumble Bee bat of Thailand, which is about the size of a thumbnail to the South Pacific’s “flying fox,” which has a 6-foot wingspan. There are three species of vampire
Spooky (not) bats found on Siesta Key feature the Brazilian Free-Tail, a little brown guy who comes out just after sunset. Photo courtesy Jerry L. Gingerich, D.V.M., of the Florida Bat Conservancy.
bats of the 1,100; none live in the United States, although the states are home to 40 species of bats. You’ve got to admit that listening to the quiet little squeak of bats beats the drone of mosquitoes any night. Factoid Although some bats migrate
south for the winter months, others hibernate the way through the cold. The bat’s system can shut down so far that a bat will wake up in the spring even if it’s encased in ice. Oh, and bats can live to more than 30 years of age, and females generally have one pup a year.
Beach Reads By Terri Schlichenmeyer “Goat Mountain” by David Vann
©2013, Harper $25.99 / $28.99 Canada, 304 pages
It’s always about the hunt. It doesn’t matter whether the stalk takes place on an isle or down an aisle. Makes no difference if the prey has a rack or is on a rack. Could be elusive or expensive, it’s a hunt just the same. The thing is, you never forget your first meaningful hunt. And in the new book “Goat Mountain” by David Vann, that’s doubly true when it goes so terribly wrong. He had been to the hunting camp before. Each year, his father; his father’s best friend, Tom; and his grandfather took him on the long ride through land that had been in the family for ages. Up hills, around winding roads, across cliffs that made him believe they’d crash and die. He stood in the back of the truck and watched for deer. This year, his eleventh summer, he’d be allowed to shoot one. His rifle wasn’t nearly as powerful as the one his father carried or the one Tom owned. Still, he’d been shooting the .30.30 for two years, anticipating this
week. He was angry, sometimes, that he’d been born too late: he’d seen photos of hunts past, and wished he’d been there. And then they got to the gate. His father had poacher-proofed it, secured it against gun and truck, but that didn’t seem to matter: Tom saw a poacher sitting on a ledge some two hundred yards out. It angered him; it angered them all that this man was trespassing, scaring away their deer. So they decided to scare the poacher. Leaning against the hood of the truck, his father dropped a shell in the chamber of a .300 Magnum, aimed, and drove the bolt home. On the ledge, there was no reaction to the click, so his father offered him a peek through the more-powerful rifle. Through the scope, he could see rocks and dust. He could see everything: clothes the poacher was wearing, his skin, his jeans as he stood
up, having noticed the glint of something, maybe a rifle in the hands of an eleven-year-old boy. Then that boy squeezed the trigger… There you have a synopsis of the first chapter of this book. But could author David Vann sustain the heart-pounding drama here?
The answer is a resounding “yes.” Told from the obvious point of an adult who was once that boy, “Goat Mountain” takes readers through incredible beauty, lush views, and breathtaking landscapes, down into a sharp cone of grieved madness and brutality. It’s easy to think the boy is a brat; easier to think he’s a monster, but Vann teases out his storyline until we’re not really sure where evil lies or where it came from. I like that in a novel, and I loved this one. So pour yourself a cold one this week, settle into your easy chair, and be ready to miss a lot of sleep. You’ve been waiting a long time for a novel that’ll capture your attention like this does, which makes “Goat Mountain” the book to hunt for.
Beach Reads Bio: The Bookworm is Terri Schlichenmeyer. Terri has been reading since she was 3 years old and she never goes anywhere without a book. She lives on a hill in Wisconsin with two dogs and 12,000 books.
SIESTA SAND October 2013 • www.siestasand.net
ATM & Banks Bank of America........................................ A-3 #3 Bars & Nightclubs Capt. Curt’s Backroom Saloon................B-3 #7 Crescent Club........................................... C-3 #13 Sniki Tiki....................................................B-3 #8 Delis & Sandwiches Anna’s Sandwiches................................ C-3 #14 The Beach Deli @ Crescent Beach Grocery..... ......................................................................B-3 #1 DRUG STORES Davidson’s Drugs..................................... C-3 #14 Fashion & Accessories CB’s Saltwater Outfitters........................ A-3 #4 Coconuts Fashion.....................B-3 #1 & B-3 #8 Green Turtle Swimwear......................... C-3 #14 Key Casual Fashions............................... D-4 #17 Things You Like...................................... C-3 #14 Gifts & Souvenirs Capt. Curt’s Souvenirs.............................B-3 #8 Green Turtle Shells & Gifts................. C-3 #14 The Silversmith ...................................... D-4 #17 Silver City Jewelry.................................. C-3 #14 Health & Beauty Lorraine’s Beauty & Barber.....................B-3 #8 Salon Siesta............................................... D-4 #17 Siesta Key Salon & Spa........................... C-3 #14 The Key Spa & Salon.............................. A-5 #12 Ice Cream & Treats Orange Octopus .......................................B-3 #8 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson’s Drugs.................................... C-3 #14 Mail Pack Center.................................... C-3 #14 Liquor Stores Crescent Beach Grocery...........................B-3 #1 Crescent Club............................................B-3 #13 Siesta Spirits............................................. C-4 #17 Mailing & Shipping Mail Pack Center.................................... C-3 #14 US Post Office Sub Station..................... C-3 #14 Markets 7-11 Store.................................................. C-3 #16 Big Water Fish Market.......................... C-4 #17 Crescent Beach Grocery..........................B-3 #1 Miscellaneous Moving & Storage....................................B-3 #10 Flowers by Fudgie................................... D-3 #17 Real Estate / RENTALS Beckmann Realty........................................B-3 #8 Homes & Condo Rentals........................ D-3 #17 Moynihan Realty..................................... D-3 #17 Re/Max Tropical Sands............................B-3 #1 Siesta 4-Rent.............................................. C-3 #1 Restaurants Boatyard Waterfront Bar & Grill.................A-5 #12 Capt. Curts Crab & Oyster Bar.................B-3 #7
City Pizza Italian Restaurant............... D-3 #17 Clayton’s Siesta Grille...............................B-3 #9 Javier’s Restaurant.................................. C-3 #17 Miguel’s Restaurant............................... C-3 #17 Water Sports - Fishing - RENTALS A to Z Beach & Bike Rentals.................. A-5 #12 CB’s Saltwater Outfitters........................ A-3 #4 Sarasota Wind and Water Adventures.A-5 #12 Siesta Key Bike & Kayak . ......................B-3 #8 Siesta Key Jetski (inside CB’s)................. A-3 #4 Siesta Key Marina..................................... A-4 #5 Siesta Key Parasailing............................... A-4 #5 Siesta Key Watersports........................... A-5 #12 Siesta Paddle Sports................................ D-4 #17 Siesta Sports Rentals............................. C-3 #14 Waves Boat & Social Club...................... A-5 #12
Hand-Mixed Ice Cream • Cones • Shakes • Malts • Sundaes • Smoothies • Coffee & Bagels Map B-3#8
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Who’s Playing Tonight…or this morning??
By Mike Sales
|Siesta John (Sollazzo) Two very cool things happen on Sunday mornings in September; I get to sleep in and enjoy another glorious day of summer/fall hiatus and the Siesta Key Farmer’s Market, in Davidson’s Plaza, is once again, open for business. The market features, fresh produce, of course, and a massage chair, some expertly potted bromeliads, crafts, eats, coffee (local bean is right there) and…wait for it…MUSIC! As I mentioned, this is the time of year I get to take it a bit easy, so you can imagine my delight to
discover a follow up email to a phone conversation with Siesta John, containing all the info I’d need for an article. I dragged myself away from the pool long enough to get this in under the wire for the deadline. John began playing music, in his teens, in the 1960’s, “during the Beatles hey day”. His first band, for which he played rhythm guitar and sang, performed at church dances and parties. The band also featured a lefthanded bass player, a lead guitarist and two drummers. The band
apparently needed two drummers, because one of them could always be relied upon to be too inebriated to play, so they kept a spare. Once John got performing in his blood; he was hooked so, as we flash forward to the present, we find him retired and residing in the Gulf Coast and still playing, every week. A couple of times per month, you can find him at the Siesta Key Farmers’ Market. He enjoys those gigs, because he’s a morning person and, as he puts it, “These markets are the incubators for many of today’s entrepreneurs. There are quite
a few vendors that started their businesses in these morning markets, and they’ve grown themselves Siesta John into successful storefronts and John plays songs from Jimmy online outlets. The variety of products and the Buffett, The Eagles, some Alan creativity of the vendors is really Jackson, Zac Brown Band, Bob impressive, too.” In addition to the Dylan, The Drifters, Creedence Siesta Key Farmer’s Market, he can Clearwater Revival and some be found at other farmers’ markets Story continued on page 27 in the area as well.
SIESTA SAND October 2013 • www.siestasand.net
|An interview with Siesta John
Mont Bartender of The
Continued from page 26
original tunes, like “The Lower The Latitude, The Better The Attitude”, “Common Sense” which he says, “isn’t all that common these days” and of course, “The Siesta Key Song” The term, “one man band”, is thrown around the Key like beads at Marti Gras, but keep your shirt on. If you go looking for them, you’re likely going to discover they were actually just referring to the many talented solo musicians. When I was growing up, a one-man-band, or OMB, was the guy at the fair, with a guitar, a harmonica, cymbals on his knees and a bass drum on his back, singing and playing everything, simultaneously. It’s kind of a humorous image, but the fact is, those guys were blessed with talent even in their kneecaps!... simply because they were required to play everything live, in real time… enter Siesta John, the modern day OMB, once again, in his own words; “I play a keyboard with my feet, using a set of midi foot pedals. I’m basically a guitar player and singer, but having played for years with 3 and 4 piece bands, I missed that full sound. It took a while, but I figured out how to play the single-finger feature of a keyboard with foot pedals. I’m able to play real-time
background tracks with minor, major and seventh chords… literally with my toes. This gives me full organ chords, whatever drum style I need, and a bass line. I trigger every chord change as you hear it. Nothing is pre-recorded…I also use a vocal harmonizer to create 2 or 3 part harmonies with my own voice...” He prefers this approach to canned backing tracks because he can go wherever he wants with the song based on how he reads the audience. If you’d like to see him in action, do yourself a favor, get up bright and early on a beautiful Siesta Key Sunday Morning and visit the Farmers’ Market!
Performing Live Weekly
aw Bar Daiquiri Deck R . (in the Village) 5250 Ocean Blvd 941.349.8697
Monday through Friday Noon - 3:00 PM
To watch videos of Siesta John playing live visit youtube.com keyword: SiestaJohn The Siesta Key Farmers’ Market is held at Siesta Village Plaza, 5124 Ocean Blvd Siesta Key every Sunday 8am-2pm. For more information visit siestafarmersmarket.com Mike Sales is a local singer/ songwriter. For more information visit MikeSalesSings.com
BluQue Island Grill 149 Avenida Messina
Siesta Key
Top Halloween Cocktail: Scary Cherry Brew Recipe & Photo from: www.nochelatina.com
NFL/College Packages FULL BAR
6500 Gateway Ave • 941.554.8905
Ingredients (Serves 32):
- 32 oz. Cherry puree - 4 oz. Key lime puree - 12 Tbsp. Orange zest puree - 32 oz. Vanilla-infused rum - 64 oz. Club soda - 24 oz. Maple syrup Preparation: Add all ingredients, except soda, into a cauldron. Stir to combine. Served for ice filled glasses. Top with soda.
Name of Bartender: Jade Hometown: Bradenton (B-Town) Q: How long have you been bartending? A: 4 years. Q: What was the strangest or funniest thing you experienced at work? A: So hard to narrow it down to one, but I would have to say having to get on top of the bar & try to sing happy birthday in spanish to a party of 50. Q: What do you do in your spare time? A: Softball, skimboard, & study. Q: How would you describe yourself? A: Short.
Q: How would you describe Daiquiri Deck? A: The only place to be on the Key. Q: When’s the best time to see you? A: When the water is blue :).
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
|Discover the Shops of Gulf Gate...
Snapshots of Island Visitors
Top Left: Locals Karen and Sue get into serious conversation over wine and cheese! Photo by Maureen Rooney. Top Right: Returning customers decided to come on the same day from Virginia, Atlanta and Switzerland. We even have sparkling grape juice for the little ones! Photo by Maureen Rooney Siesta Key Wines. Middle Left: Blind tasting photo. Photo by Maureen Rooney, Siesta Key Wines. Bottom Left: All these girls grew up together in Sarasota and now are all here to celebrate Andrea’s bachelorett party. Photo by Maureen Rooney, Siesta Key Wines. Bottom Right: Ashlee , one of the friendly bartenders at The Crescent Club.
Siesta Key News
By Stan Zimmerman
All the proceeds benefit the Mote Marine Laboratory’s sea turtle research and conservation efforts.
• ’Wrapped trolley’ to service key
Starting in July 2014 the Sarasota County Area Transit system will begin offering a trolley service to Siesta Key. It won’t be a real trolley, though. The county will ‘wrap’ a normal SCAT bus in a decal kit that gives the outward appearance of a trolley. With 17 new buses arriving in mid-2014, the department would have two additional buses to service downtown-to-Southgate Mall-to-Siesta Village-to-Turtle Beach and back. The buses would run every 60
Continued from page 2.
minutes. The service will run for three years under a deal with the Florida Department of Transportation, which will cover half the cost. The major incentive to use the trolley is a paucity of parking on the key.
• Siesta “firetrap” under rehab
The owner of 6537 Sabal Drive on the south end of Siesta Key is now trying to bring his building into compliance with local and federal building regulations. A former tenant described the building a “firetrap.” A county inspection turned up six ground-floor rooms billed as bedrooms
SIESTA SAND October 2013 • www.siestasand.net
with no windows or sprinkler system, and only one exit out of the building. If a fire blocked the door, the only other way out was a plate glass window in a kitchen. When the owner did not respond to county code violation citations, the matter was brought before a special magistrate, who imposed a $500/day fine for every day the building remained out of compliance. The county placed liens on the property to collect the fines. The owner hired a Bradenton construction company to tear down the non-compliant structures and bring the building back to code. An advertisement last summer for the property said it could accommodate up to 40 people with its 10 bedrooms and five bathrooms. The rent was $4,500 per week in season.
Be sure to include a trip to the Gulf Gate shops next time you frequent the Sarasota Pavilion. With our map, located on the next page, you’ll be able to navigate your way to our featured shops with ease. Oh Mamma Mia! (GG-4) Offers a truly unique dining experience with dinner shows by Chef Giuseppe Urbano. Enjoy the family ambiance as you watch him prepare an authentic Italian regional dish with fresh ingredients just for you. Fine dining, great atmosphere at casual dining prices. Reservations highly recommended. Gulf Gate Golf Course – Conveniently located just a stones throw from the Gulf Gate Shops, this 27 hole Executive Course offers men’s and women’s rental clubs. You can start your day with a round of golf, enjoy a bite to eat at the many wonderful restaurants or simply relax with a pint of ale at the pub before you head out to explore the many fine shops. Moments In Time Photography (G-20) specializes in several different photography services including Siesta Key Beach portraits starting at just $49 and wedding beginning at $495. Check out their website: www.sarasotaphotos. com or visit their store to see why they have been the photographer of choice for over a decade and a half. Piccolos Italian Market & Deli (GG-46) carries a full line of imported cheeses, fresh baked bread daily, homemade sausages, fresh mozzarella, and numerous hard to get items. They now carry Khorasan Wheat which is an ancient and organic grain. Their Deli is complete with huge hot and cold sandwiches, salads, fresh homemade lasagna and baked ziti. And, you cannot leave without trying their cannoli filled with their own homemade cannoli cream or the tiramisu or Sfogliatelle from Brooklyn. Here is where you will find great Italian specialty gourmet items without the gourmet price. Tony’s Chicago Beef Company (S-16) is owned and operated by true Chicagoans. Dedicated to deliver Chicago’s best food - Chicago style Hot Dogs wit’ the works...dragged through the garden on poppy seed buns with fresh cut fries, Italian Beef Sandwiches anyway you like, dipped or dry, sweet or hot. All served in true Authentic Chicago Style. Scandinavian Gifts (GG-37) has an extensive selection of gifts and Scandinavian foods. The specialties here include candles, Ekelund table linens, Flensted mobiles, imported glassware, Swedish Klippan textiles and so much more. The baked goods and groceries include imported candies, salty licorice, as well as cheeses, breads, seafood and vegetables from Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. Sarasota Brewing Co. (G-3) Sarasota’s first micro brew pub always has something new to offer. From over 20 seasonal beers that rotate throughout the year, the Brewing Company always has at least five unique brews online as well as several favorites from around the world. Established in 1989, Their menu has been a winner in the Reader’s Choice Awards of the Sarasota Herald Tribune featuring their mouthwatering burgers, Chicago style Pizzas, and Chicago beef sandwiches. With dozens of televisions, it’s a great place to catch a game with friends and family.
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Water World
Captain Jim Klopher
Adventure Charters 941-371-1390
Spanish mackerel are plentiful for Siesta Key anglers in October, Jessica holds an average fish
October is a fabulous month to be fishing on Siesta Key! Water temperatures drop into the low 70s. Bait will be thick in the bays and out on the beach, and that will attract the gamefish. Many species are going to be caught using a variety of angling tactics. Redfish will still be schooled up on the flats in the north bay, snook will be in the bays, speckled trout, pompano, and Spanish mackerel will be feeding on the deep grass flats, and the beach should be outstanding for king and Spanish mackerel, false albacore, cobia, sharks, and even a stray tarpon. Anglers with small boats can catch large fish this month. The techniques and methods are really pretty simple. Mornings that dawn with easterly winds will find the inshore Gulf of Mexico flat and calm. Pods of baitfish will be seen on the surface, along with schools of feeding fish. Threadfins caught on Sabiki rigs and free lined out behind the boat will catch just about everything. Anglers fishing the surf off of the Siesta Key beaches should experience good action this month. Spanish mackerel, ladyfish, pompano, flounder, and more will hit live and artificial baits. Mackerel like fast, flashy lures such as Gotcha plugs and silver spoons while the pompano and flounder prefer a bait that is moving slowly near the bottom. Jigs and live shrimp are a good chopice. Casting jigs while drifting over deep grass flats will produce a lot of fish in October. Speckled trout, pompano, bluefish, mackerel, jacks, and ladyfish will hit a gold Cotee grub on a ¼ ounce jig head. Rootbeer and olive are also productive colors. Spoons, plugs, and flies will also work well, as will live or artificial shrimp under a noisy cork. These same lures fished in Big Pass and New Pass will result in plenty of hook-ups as the fish migrate from the Gulf into Sarasota Bay. Fish right on the bottom for pompano and just under the surface for blues and macks. Snook will be back in the bays and feeding aggressively on the flats, bars, and mangrove shorelines. Shallow diving plugs such as an (08) olive X-Rap are very effective and allow anglers to cover water quickly. Creek mouths, points, bars, and docks that have current are likely ambush spots. Bridges will produce a lot of snook for nocturnal anglers.
|The Rumrunner Located at Turtle Beach Marina in South Siesta Key | 941.349.3119 www.siestakeycharterfishing.com Captain Joe Bonaro offers more than exciting deep sea fishing opportunities aboard “Sarasota’s
SIESTA SAND October 2013 • www.siestasand.net
fastest charter boat,” the Rumrunner (941/349-3119). The skipper offers special boat and fishing trips for families – and for families with small children – as well as customized day and overnight trips.
Food and Wine Pairings
By Maureen Rooney
Fall Wines for Harvest Time
Evening breezes are getting a little cooler and we can feel the change of the season upon us. Most of us enjoy nature’s bounty this time of year when the farmer’s markets overflow with fresh fruits and vegetables showing off their harvest’s best.
The right wine complements the fruits and vegetables from the farmer’s markets and adds even more flavor to fall cuisine. The food this time of the year requires a slightly heartier type of wine to pair with grilled vegetables, squash soup, stews or pumpkin breads.
Medium body wines, such as Chardonnay or Viognier from South Africa, bring out the variety of flavors in fresh vegetables and baked acorn or butternut squash. Try Six Hats Viognier from South Africa with a creamy seafood chowder and see how the smooth flavors meld together. After all of the hot weather it is finally the time of year to enjoy a red wine that has just a little bit more body than you enjoyed during the hot summer months. A Pinot Noir from Chile is always nice when pairing with light meats and fattier fish, such as pork or salmon, try Tabali’s Pinot Noir. Another great option is to try a medium-bodied Garnacha or Grenache from Spain for a spicier, but not too heavy red. A great example is the E wine from Spain (“Espana”), this wine is a blend of Garnacha, Tempranillo and Carignan. This wine will go great with a beef stew. If you just cannot bear to “cook up a feast” for a special evening with friends, try an aged Swiss cheese fondue with apple wedges and crusty French bread for dipping with Tabali’s Pinot Noir or Six Hats Viognier. Just remember that even though you are still wearing shorts, it really is October and it is okay to start breaking out those fall wines! Enjoy and remember you can find all of these wines at Siesta Key Wines in the Village. Siesta Key Wines, 5238C Ocean Blvd., Davidson Plaza in the Village, 941-552-9105
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Snapshots of Island Visitors
Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography
Far Left: Jessie from SRQ. Top Left: Kathy & George from SRQ. Top Middle: Macara, Austin and 15 months & Eric from Sarasota. Top Right: Tim from SRQ. Bottom Left: Chris from SRQ, Ian from England, Emma from SRQ, Myra from England, Stewart from England, Graeme from England, Mike from SRQ, & Janet from SRQ. Bottom Middle: Tim & Annabel from Orlando. Bottom Right: Autumn & Victoria from Sarasota.
SIESTA SAND October 2013 • www.siestasand.net
Investing for Your Future
By Martha Stokes, CMT
Buy Side versus Sell Side Institutions There are two major groups of institutions and each has totally different roles in the financial markets. The “Buy Side” and everyone in the professional world calls them that, are the Mutual Funds, Pension Funds, both the giants like Vanguard and California Teachers Retirement, and the tiny funds, that manage small business pension plans. This group also includes your local franchised neighborhood Financial Planner such as Edward Jones, and most non-profit organizations that invest in the stock market. It may include some municipalities as well. This group is strictly companies, investment firms, and individuals who are investing long term or short term on behalf of their fund holders, pensioners, or pension fund holders. They are not buying or selling for their own trading floor or investment firm. They make their income from the fees they charge for their services to their fund holders. The “Sell Side” Institutions are the market makers, investment banks, broker/ dealers, EFT, ETN, and ETP Issuers. Most sell side institutions with the exception of the Issuers, are large to giant corporations. These companies create trading and investing products or instruments that
they sell to the buy side. They create Hedge Funds, Bond Funds, ETFs, Index Funds, and many types of Derivatives. They also can sell stocks directly to the Buy Side Funds. They are creating and selling financial services products. They make their money from the sale of their products OR from their proprietary trading floors. So they can make far more money than the Buy Side, because they have many ways to make profits from their instruments and from trading short term for their company. The Sell Side Institutions include State Street, Barclays, PowerShare, IShare, Bank of America, and Goldman Sachs. Each type of Institution both the Buy Side and the Sell Side, have specific purposes in the market. Most of the time when you hear the term “Wall Street” it is the retail side referring the Sell Side Institutions, and not the Buy Side Institutions. Trade wisely, Martha Stokes, CMT and CEO of TechniTrader® TechniTrader® the Gold Standard in Stock Market Education™ http://technitrader.com/courses Phone: 888-846-5577
Curry Spiced Mackerel with Oven Roasted Carrots Ingredients 4 to 6 7-ounce mackerel fillets 1/4 cup plain yogurt 1 teaspoon curry powder kosher salt to taste fresh ground pepper to taste 1 pound carrots, peeled and sliced into sticks 1 yellow bell pepper, sliced 1 red bell pepper, sliced 4 cloves garlic, minced 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped
Places of Worship On The Island: Siesta Key Presbyterian Chapel 4615 Gleason Ave, Siesta Key, 941-349-1166 www.siestakeychapel.org St. Michael’s Catholic Church 5394 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key, 941-349-4174 www.stmichaelssiesta.com St. Boniface Episcopal Church 5615 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key, 941-349-5616 www.bonifacechurch.org Church on the Beach (The Beach Preach) Held every Sunday at 10:00am (by the picnic area of Turtle Beach Park)
Off- Island: Temple Sinai, a Reform Congregation (The closest Jewish congregation to the Key for visitors) 4631 S. Lockwood Ridge Rd, Sarasota, 941-924-1802 www.templesinai-sarasota.org St. Andrew United Church of Christ (Protestant) (In the Gulf Gate area, near Beneva and Gulf Gate Drive) 6908 Beneva Road, Sarasota, 941.922.7595 www.uccstandrew.org
Church News: SAINT BONIFACE CHURCH TO HOST ANNUAL PET BLESSING Siesta Key Welcomes All Creatures Great and Small! Bring your pets to our annual blessing of animals at 10 a.m. on Saturday, October 5 at Saint Boniface Episcopal Church, 5616 Midnight Pass Road, Siesta Key. The service will be in the outdoor chapel and courtyard. This year for the first time, participants will include the Humane Society of Sarasota, Southeast Guide Dogs, Animal Rescue Coalition (ARC), Big Cat Habitat, Save Our Seabirds, and PETCO. Refreshments will also be served.
Directions: Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. In a bowl, mix carrots, peppers, garlic and 1 tablespoon olive oil. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Place carrot mixture on a sheet pan and place in the oven. Cook for 12 to 15 minutes or until golden brown and crisp tender. Evenly coat mackerel fillets with yogurt and season with curry powder. Lightly season with salt and pepper. Preheat a medium sized sauté pan over medium high heat. Place coated and seasoned fillets in pan with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Cook fillets until golden brown and cooked throughout. Serve fillets over oven roasted carrots.
Look for Fresh Florida Seafood at Your Local Market or Grocer Recipe and photo courtesy of Chef Justin Timineri - The Florida Chef, Fresh from Florida Recipes Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Bureau of Seafood http://www.freshfromflorida.com/Recipes/Seafood/Mackerel/Curry-Spiced-Mackerel-with-Oven-RoastedCarrots#sthash.nYAZZWSr.dpuf
SIESTA KEY PRESBYTERIAN CHAPEL - MOVIE NIGHT Oct. 16, 7pm at Fellowship Hall. If you like watching movies with friends and then discussing them—the acting, scenes, message, worthiness, and etc.—please join us on the 16th. Popcorn, candy, soft drinks/water and comfortable seating are available! There is no charge for admission. Contact the office and ask for Susan Barcomb, for the Movie Committee. UNDERSTANDING GRIEF The death of a loved one is a unique experience for every person, and sharing this experience with others is a healthy way to work through your grief. If you or someone you know is grieving a loss, join others who are on the same journey on October 24 at 1:00 pm in Fellowship Hall for a time of prayer, reflection, sharing, listening, and receiving the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Call the church office, 349-1166 to make a reservation. ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL CATHOLIC CHURCH – WELCOME BACK MASS & LUNCHEON Oct. 14 , 11am . Reservations are needed. Please call Roseanne at 349-8602 no later than Oct. 11th. Cost: $10 for members & $12 for nonmembers.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Coming Soon! A Mall Siesta Key can call its own!
By Robert Frederickson
Continued from cover story.
The changes would seem to be a calculated response to some cross-town competition. Benderson Development – in partnership with Taubaum Centers – began construction this summer on its new $350 million University Town Center Mall (UTC) at the southwest corner of I-75 and University Parkway. It is one of only two such enclosed malls currently under construction in North America. When completed in the fall of 2014, it will include over 850,000 square feet of retail space, making it one of the largest such properties on Florida’s West Coast. Westfield’s other local mall, Sarasota Square, will still be larger, at least initially. According to Sarasota Square’s Eric Schneider that property is currently just over 1 million square feet in size. But the new University Town Center hopes to distinguish itself from the competition by attracting a decidedly more upscale retail mix than Sarasota Square. Already, Benderson has landed a Nordstrom Rack location across the street from UTC at its Shoppes of University Center property. Insiders note that the upscale Seattle based retailer often opens a rack location before bringing its flagship full service department store to an area. Benderson has also lured Saks Fifth Avenue from Westfield’s Southgate property and rumors persist that other defections may follow. As founder and President of American Property Group in Sarasota, Barry Seidel is plugged in to the ups, downs and trends of the local commercial real estate market. In a recent interview at his office on the south trial, he said he wouldn’t be surprised to see more moves. “I’ve heard Williams Sonoma will be moving out as well,” he said. “Maybe they can attract a local business to fill that space. They’ll try to get another large retailer to fill the Saks space. That would be the easiest way to maintain their ROI (return on investment). But if they can’t get a good fit, the lifestyle concept could work, especially if it’s done right.” Macy’s and Dillards remain at Southgate - for now. But many retail observers point out that with these two chains having committed to opening locations at the new UTC mall, it may be hard to justify maintaining two locations in such close proximity: just six miles apart as the crow flies. The worst thing, says Seidel,
would be for Westfield to bring in something that doesn’t fit in with the existing tenant mix. “Synergy is important with centers like this,” he points out. “The mix needs to be right to drive traffic and keep retailers and restaurant operators happy.” He points to Westfield’s decision to bring Costco to Sarasota Square after Dillards moved out in 2009 as an example of a less than ideal solution to the problem of filling vacant space. “Sure the space is filled, so they’re generating revenue, but what about the rest of the stores? Are they getting more traffic?” Many Costco customers are perceived to be “oneand-done” shoppers. They load up on merchandise at Costco but don’t necessarily shop the rest of the mall. Seidel also points to the decision to allow Costco to sell food at its interior mall entrance as a negative for other tenants. “How would you like to be paying what some of these food court restaurants pay and then have Costco competing with you by selling hamburgers and hot dogs at their end of the mall?” He adds that some mall restaurants have also complained about the lack of available parking near Costco since the giant discounter moved in, especially at the busy lunch and dinner hours. Back at Westfield Southgate… soon to be “Westfield Siesta Key,” the Island connection might not be as far-fetched as it first sounds. As home to the area’s premiere tourist attraction, the sugar sand coated Siesta Key Beach, the Key is a magnet for upscale, well-heeled tourists with plenty of dollars to spend. The trend has only grown since Dr. Stephen Leatherman, aka “Dr. Beach” named Siesta Key the nation’s number one beach in 2011. So it’s understandable that Westfield would want to leverage its close-in location to gain an advantage over Benderson’s UTC. “It’s a premiere property,” says Seidel. “No matter what happens – whether they stay focused on retail or blow things up and go in a different direction, that location will work to their advantage.” That advantage received a boost earlier this month when Sarasota County approved a trolley route that will form a loop connecting Westfield Southgate Mall to various locations on the Key. Two busses will circle from the Mall across the north Siesta Drive Bridge, stopping first in Siesta Village, with additional stops
at Siesta Key Beach and Turtle Beach before heading back to the mainland using the southern Stickney Point Bridge and retuning to Westfield Southgate/Siesta Key. Two busses running each hour will mean riders will be able to get on or off the Key at half-hour intervals. No date has been announced for when the new service will begin. The County decision to add the trolley to Siesta Key is a rare recent victory for Westfield over its crosstown rival. The other route under consideration would have connected downtown Sarasota with Benderson’s UTC and the new
rowing facility at Benderson Aquatic Park, which was recently named the host venue for the 2017 World Rowing Championships. At the time of the Las Vegas Shopping Centers Convention, William Hecht, Westfield’s Senior Vice President of development pointed out that Southgate was a “dated” center in need of an update, regardless of competition from UTC. Adding entertainment and restaurant options in an openair, walkable configuration is more in keeping with recent shopping center development trends than the enclosed mall concept embraced by Benderson, a concept that has dominated the industry since the early 1960s. Southgate opened in 1956 and was originally called South Gate Shopping Plaza. For its time, it was a state-of-the-art strip center. In a sign of just how much things have changed, there were two grocery stores at opposite ends of the plaza when it debuted, something rarely
SIESTA SAND October 2013 • www.siestasand.net
if ever seen today. Back then, Winn Dixie was the dominant player in the grocery store space and Publix the upstart. No longer. “Publix now develops many of their new stores on their own,” points out Seidel. And often, they are the only major tenant, preferring to not even share their new locations with drug store chains, as was the model throughout much of the ‘80s and 90’s. In addition to the two grocery stores, you also had a Woolworths, a Grants and even a bowling alley, the latter giving the center an entertainment component in1956 that foreshadowed the entertainment/lifestyle theme Westfield has seemingly embraced for the property’s future. The company does have experience with the lifestyle model. At its Westfield Broward location in Fort Lauderdale, it has recently added a new movie theatre and additional restaurants to the food court. A movie theatre might be considered as a replacement for the
current Saks Fifth Avenue space when the upscale retailer moves to its new, larger space in UTC next year. A Muvico or dinner-and-amovie location where food and drinks are served along with the featured film would be a first for this area and dovetail well with the entertainment theme. As Seidel points out, “A walkable, pedestrian friendly space with a variety of entertainment choices… there’s something appealing about that. It reminds me of a time when we knew our neighbors and talked to one another on the street. We could use more of that.” Whatever direction Westfield goes, the local retail landscape is clearly in for some dramatic changes in the near future. As Benderson moves forward with what many consider to be an aging model, that of the enclosed Mall, Westfield may be heading back to the future with a pedestrian friendly outside shopping destination that harkens back to an earlier, simpler time. Unlike many corporate strategies that unfold out of public view, local shoppers will have a ringside view of which company has made the better bet.
Soulful Advice
From Donnarose
Q: Dear Donnarose, my heart was broken the other day when my daughter who is thirteen asked me this question- and this was after she cried her eyes out. “MomI’m always giving to people, and always go out of my way for my friends. Why don’t I get any of that back when I need someone there for ME? I am so tired of giving.” I answered the best I could. What advice would you give? ~Joanne A: ~ “To best help ye, I must start with me.”Donnarose Melvin It’s so hard to watch our children suffer in any way. The thing is, we can tell our children we love them every day. But when there is some circumstance whenever it started, that causes them to feel less self-worth, many will tend to allow others to take advantage of them, and/or will try to compensate by over-giving to feel better. This is only a temporary fix, as over time this imbalance builds resentment. It also lowers their self-esteem even more because they start to see the lack of reciprocation on top of this. Increased self-esteem, self-worth, self-respect, but most importantly, self-love is the key. Your daughter will benefit immensely if she starts to value and fully love and accept herself starting from the inside. Once this occurs, something will click inside of her. She will hear herself say no more often, but with love. She will start to see certain friends drop out of her life, but will gain new friends whose treatment of her will match the level of love she has gained for herself. ~ ♥ Q: Dear Donnarose, please help me with a family situation. My mom and her three sisters are fighting. Also, there is sickness in the family, and much drama going on over a trust situation.
Can I help mend my family without taking sides? ~ Lara A: ~ “Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves, without any insistence that they satisfy you.”- Wayne Dyer Lara, the reason I love this quote above so much, is because it lightens the energy and frees everyone. If you live by this recommended concept, then the answer is twofold. You won’t need to be the one to mend your family. And the only side to be on..is Love. Most people respond better to compassion, understanding, non-judgment, and genuine love. Send this type of energy towards your family, it will shift and lift their vibrational frequency, and clarity becomes possible. And with clarity comes resolution for the benefit of all involved. These types of situations stem from feeling unloved, and unheard. Also, with illness in the family, the fear of loss can add to this. Surround this entire situation with love and light. You are very intuitive, and your thoughts are powerful. With considering the above, and thinking only the thoughts you want to manifest, the outcome should be in all of your favor. ~♥ Go to www.siestasand.net for additional Q&A. Donnarose Melvin is a professional psychic, medium and energy healer, whose pleasure is to assist clients worldwide. She incorporates knowledge from her degree in psychology, along with her clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient and empathic gifts to guide her clients towards peace and success. Please send your questions to GoWithYourSoul@gmail.com or private message her via facebook: Go With Your Soul. Donnarose will select questions each month to share with you. She regrets that unpublished questions cannot be answered individually. ~ ♥
Answers on page 38
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Judge Lynn N. Silvertooth By Diana Colson
ABC Rentals Is Moving! From our current Sarasota location to
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Single Family Condos *Statistics provided by MFR MLS
Sarasota real estate continues to rebound from its lowest levels just a few years ago with annual sales continuing its steady upswing since 2008 & annual median sales prices rising since 2011. 2013 looks to be no different, as monthly reports, for the most part, have been higher than the year before. The rest of the year should continue this positive trend for the Sarasota real estate market.
The high school sweetheart who would one day become his wife. “She chased me all over,” Lynn Silvertooth grins with a gleam in his eye. After one year of college, Lynn joined the Marines and marched off to war, where he remained for 3 ½ years. He was to serve in artillery in the Pacific, where he helped secure Tinian Island, which eventually became the launch point for the Enola Gay and its atomic payload. By the time the bomb was dropped, Corporal Silvertooth was serving on Guam. He was still assigned to that post when World War II ended. Letters had been exchanged on a daily basis between Betty and Lynn, although they often took weeks to be delivered. The couple was married on March 10 of 1946, and Lynn Silvertooth was raring to get on with his education. During his absence, Betty had become a registered nurse. Now she was Supervisor of Maternity at a Gainesville hospital. Her job meant they were not struggling financially like so many others. In Lynn Silvertooth’s own words, “I lived well. Nobody had a buck in those days. Everybody was coming home from the war. I had a job too. I ground hamburger for a wholesale meat market. They provided meat for most of the fraternity houses. Trouble was the room was sometimes 32 degrees. Cold!” Before the war, University of Florida had been for men only, while Florida State University had been only for girls. Now, all that had changed. With G.I.’s pouring in, the U. of Florida mushroomed from 2000 students to 15,000. It was a busy place! As an undergraduate, Lynn Silvertooth majored in Business. After taking a class in Business Law,
Island Chatter
Continued from cover story.
however, he realized he wanted to be an attorney. After earning a B.A. degree, he went on to earn a J.D. degree in 1949. Now he was ready to step out into the world. He first served as the only employee in the office of Clyde H. Wilson, Sr., with an office in the Palmer Bank Building. “When I worked for Clyde, I did whatever he told me. Clyde could write the most beautiful briefs. He had been a Journalism Major. Within a few months, he had me arguing a case before the Florida Supreme Court, and I was scared to death!” After a couple of years, Lynn Silvertooth opened his own office, where he practiced law until the early 60’s. Gov. Fuller Warren appointed him Assistant State Attorney, and he served in that capacity for four years. A new judgeship opened up, and Gov. Farris Bryant appointed him to that position. The 12th Judicial Circuit was big, covering eight counties. “They only had one sitting judge, and I became the second,” says Judge Silvertooth, biting down on his signature cigar. Today there are over thirty judges in the 12th Judicial Circuit. In 1971 and 1972, Gov. Reubin Askew called on Silvertooth to preside over a case dubbed the “Miami Market Street Connection.” In it, Miami’s mayor, vice mayor, and two circuit court judges were accused of taking payoffs from a Mafia syndicate boss. After threats from the Mafia, Silvertooth was advised to bring his own bailiff for protection, which he did. In the end, the defendants were exonerated and the judge made it home safely. Judge Silvertooth sat on the bench for a quarter of a century, part of that time as Chief Judge. “I retired for one year and got bored right away. Then I came back and started sitting
By Diana Colson
These wildlife rescue centers will pick up the birds for treatment. She urged people not try to do this themselves. Michael Shay reported for Peter van Roekens on the issues of Inlet Management. Concerning the dredging of Big Pass to re-nourish the beach at Lido, the Army Corps of Engineers has said that if groins were taken out of the project, they would have to redo the project. SKA will be hosting a public meeting for the Army Corps of Engineers to present their design for the project on Thursday, December 5. It will be held in the Community Room of St. Boniface from 5-7PM. Mark your calendars and attend this important event. SKA is against anything that would harm the coastal environment of Siesta Key. Catherine Luckner said that SKA has not yet taken a position on the use of Low Speed Vehicles or on Speed
SIESTA SAND October 2013 • www.siestasand.net
Judge Silvertooth along with his wife Betty. They’ve been married 67 years
as a Senior Judge, where I spent the next 10-11 years. The Circuit Court had very broad jurisdiction. They handled every kind of case: criminal, probate, and civil. Some cases lasted a day or two, some lasted 60 days. Some cases were a lot more interesting and complicated than others. You have to learn to read people.” Of Silvertooth’s ability to read the situation, State Sen. Mike Bennett had this to say: “I think he affected hundreds of people. He had a unique way of showing you the path.” As a hell-raising teenager, Bennett had frequently ended up in Silvertooth’s court. Ultimately, the judge strongly suggested that Bennett join the military. Bennett did not stick around long enough to find out what would happen if he did not follow the judge’s suggestion: he quickly joined the Navy. The experience gave Bennett the discipline to succeed in college. Bennett did not hear from Silvertooth again until he was elected to the Senate in 2002. “He called me his greatest save,” Bennett said. One final Silvertooth story: the judge had just completed the sentencing of 30 inmates. He was about to end the hearing when he realized the jailer was gone. “There was nobody there but me and the prisoners!” The former marine jumped down from the bench, waved his arm, and roared, “Come on, men. Let’s go!” With that, he marched 30 inmates straight off to jail. Now there’s an example of leadership!
Continued from page 3.
Reduction for Midnight Pass South. The Board does not want vehicles on the road that would not be safe. They have been sent a great many things to read and review before taking a position. Nora Patterson pointed out that such vehicles have to be licensed by the State of Florida. Michael Shay said that the Beach Drainage Project had to be stopped because of all the rain. As soon as the rainy period is over, it will start up again. He also said 7 pedestrian intersections in the Village are completed with LED lighted bollards. Additionally, the crosswalk at Beach Road and Beach Way will have ‘wig wag’ lights installed by mid-November. SKA holds a meeting on the first Thursday of each month. The meetings start at 4:30 PM at St. Boniface in the St. Francis room.
Local Businesses
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What’s Happening …on the beach • Beach Hoop Dance Class – Thurs. 6:30 – 7:45pm. Register at www.outwardspiral.net • Free Yoga Mon-Wed.-Fri.-Sat. 8-9:30 am. Classes held between blue & green lifeguard station. Call 941-320-6693 to register or www.yogaonsiestabeach. com • NIA Tues. & Thurs. 9a.m., Siesta Public Beach(yellow lifeguard chair) Joy Donation: $12.Contact Kathy Oravec at 941-724-9719or Kathyoravec@gmail.com • Pilates on Siesta Key Beach – Every Mon, Wed, Thurs, Sun. 7pm. Cost: $10.(yellow lifeguard station). Register online: http://www.studiorubylake.com • Sunset Fusion – every Wednesday at 7pm. For additional info and to register online go to: http://www.studiorubylake.com • Drum Circle – Every Sunday two hours before sunset and lasts until around 10pm. South of the main pavillion. • Oct.5 (Sat.) 7-9am. Tropical Splash Open Water Swim Competition The Sarasota YMCA Sharks Masters, sponsored by Daiquiri Deck, will host the 11th Annual Tropical Splash Open water event. The races will be offered at three distances 1K, 2.5K, and 5K with male and female divisions. This event now comes in regularly at about 400 swimmers and is hailed as a premier open water swim in the southeast. For more info go to: www.clubassistant.com/club/meet_information. cfm?c=1290&smid=4726
Continued on page 41.
• Oct.6 (Sun.) 7-11am. 30th Annual Sharks Siesta • Oct.6 (Sun) Model Search Final at BluQue – 6pm Key Triathlon Winner receives all-expense trip to Cancun Mexico Triathletes start on the beach at the yellow lifeguard to compete in the Int’l Finals. For more information stand. Rectangular swim course in the Gulf of contact, Michael@swimsuitusa.net BluQue 149 Mexico. Exit the swim at the red lifeguard stand. Avenida Messina Transition is in the public beach parking lot. The • Siesta Key Village Association Presents Safe bike is 13 miles around Siesta Key on paved roads. Treats for Kids - October 31, 2013 The course is well marked with volunteers and For the 29th year, the Siesta Key Village Association signs. Plenty of deputies direct traffic. Slow way will once again host “Safe Treats” on October 31, down at about mile 4.5 for a tight U turn. This spot 2013 from 3 PM to 6 PM. will be well marked. The run is on packed sand on the beach out and back for a total Answers to the WORD SEARCH from page 35 of 3.1 miles. Water stations are at T1, T2, and halfway point on the run. For info, see: www.siestakeytriathlon.org/default.aspx • Oct. 19&20 (Sat. & Sun.) East End Volleyball Tournament For additonal information go to: www.eevb.net • Oct 27th (Sun.) Out of the Darkness Walk 8am Registration opens for 5K walk on Siesta Key Beach to help raise awareness of suicide prevention. To register, volunteer, donate, or sponsor, please visit www.afsp.org/walk …around the island • Siesta Key Farmer’s Market – every Sunday from 8am – 1pm in Davidson’s Plaza in the Village. 5124 Ocean Blvd. Fresh fruits, vegetables, music, art.
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Updated, “clean as a whistle” and located near Siesta Key and The Landings Shopping Centre. Two large bedrooms, one bath, inside utility, eat-in kitchen and fenced in yard with patio and grill area. Plus nice deck for your relaxation.
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SIESTA SAND October 2013 • www.siestasand.net
Beach Bites Hosts Siesta Key Chamber Networking Luncheon
(l-r) Anne Garlington, Josh Ladwig, David Burkstaller-PNC Bank.
Daria Nafziger -Ciao Gelato.
Hope Kinney and Sheri Penxa-Painting with a Twist.
(l-r) Debbie Judge and Joanne Cier - Michael Saunders
(l-r) Amira Curch and Sara Chester-Michael Saunders; Allie Hueter-Sean McCutcheon Air.
(l-r) Sheila Lewis-Siesta Sports Rental; Kathy Judkins and Liz Spyrison-Crescent Towers; Scooter Maloney-Mr. Beery’s.
Steve Robinson -Michael Saunders Mortgage.
(l-r) Tom Kouvatsos-Village Cafe and Will Bean-Ciao Gelato.
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Accommodations Locator Map
If You Have a Property to Lease Call Jennette Properties Today.
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SIESTA SAND October 2013 • www.siestasand.net
What’s Happening • Bring your little ones to trick or treat in Siesta Village along Ocean Blvd. and the surrounding streets. Look for participating members displaying orange and black balloons and pumpkin flyers in their windows. This free event provides a safe venue for children on Halloween. For more information visit the web site at www.siestakeyvillage.org or call Helene Hyland at 941 685-2274 …on Beyond • Phillippi Farmhouse Market returns on Wednesday, October 2 for its 5th season at
Phillippi Estate Park, 5500 South Tamiami Trail. Phillippi Farmhouse Market is Sarasota’s only midweek farmers market; open each Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. The grand re-opening day features 45 vendors, the music of Ted Stevens Trio, free sweet treats from Sift Bakehouse, and for the children, puppet storytelling by Connie Manson of the Waldorf School (9:30 a.m.). The market features local plants and produce, including USDA Certified Organic fruits and vegetables. There are delicious prepared foods to enjoy
Continued from page 38.
picnic-style at the market or to take home for a quick and easy meal. Talented local artisans display and sell their handicrafts, and there are also specialty vendors. Every Wednesday at 10 a.m. there will be a guided tour of the historic Edson Keith Mansion. This tour is free and starts promptly at 10 a.m. and lasts approximately 3045 minutes. At noon in the Mansion, Sarasota County Extension will hold an hour’s class on various gardening topics. Please stop by the Welcome Tent for a schedule of classes.
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ext. 102
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Fr Ne ie w nd Bu ly ye Pr r ic e!
This week’s featured listings...
Best Sunsets In Sarasota!
DIRECT GULF FRONT, FULL GULF VIEW! Enjoy the white sands from this front corner 2/2 unit directly on Crescent Beach. Excellent Rental Property. Turn Key Furnished. The picturesque serpentine pool is secluded for your privacy and heated for your comfort. The office/clubhouse, rest rooms & shower are close by for your convenience. A full time professional rental manager is on premises. $599,900
Waterfront Shortsale!
Entire home updated and expanded. High quality upgrades include granite counter tops, maple custom kitchen cabinets, custom wet bar in 15’ x 21’ game room, 19’ x 19’ media/ home theater, many extra features. Close to the village/beach and boat to your favorite fishing hole. Jet ski davit as well as boat lift. Hurricane shutters, game room with full bath and steam shower. $899,000*
Unparalleled Gulf Views!
This 4 bedroom, 4 bath condo close to Crescent Beach has the best views on Siesta Key! Two separate Lanais with full Gulf of Mexico views for all those spectacular sunsets. Completely and elaborately renovated and turnkey furnished. A very versatile condo that could be separated into 2 units of 2 bedrooms and 2 baths. A gorgeous heated pool only steps from the beach and the warm waters of the Gulf. $2,375,000
View All Siesta Key Listings at KeySolutionsRealEstate.com Or Call 941.894.1255 For More Information!
Tropical Beach Front Condo!
DIRECT GULF FRONT 2 bedroom on SIESTA KEY with FULL GULF VIEWS! Beautifully updated kitchen, baths, flooring and furnishings. TKF with wood cabinets, granite counter tops, stainless appliances, stone tile, washer & dryer. MUST SEE THESE AMAZING FULL GULF VIEWS TO APPRECIATE! None other like this on SIESTA KEY in $400k price range that offers all this. $435,000
*Short Sale. Listing price may not be sufficient to pay the total of all liens and costs of sale. Sale of property at full listing price may require approval of seller's lender.
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Island Girl This months island girl is Randi from Chicago. She and her brother visit Siesta Key every year. She’s a part-time “beach bum” and says hockey and football are her life. Randi is a Graduate of the University of Illinois at Chicago and works as a nurse anesthetist. If you would like to be considered for our next Island Girl, contact us at islandvp@verizon.net (You must be of legal age to participate)
6236 Midnight Pass Road #201
Located in Building 1, this 2BR / 2B condo has an updated kitchen and furnishings. Enclosed balcony for additional living space. offered at $430,000.
6224B Midnight Pass Road
this updated condo is a great rental with ability to sleep 8. Fabulous beach & gulf views, private garage and laundry. offered at $1,300,000.
6214B Midnight Pass Road
the condo has 2BR / 2B on its main level and a loft area set up for more guests. Just steps from the beach, pool and beach deck. offered at $1,050,000
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SIESTA SAND October 2013 • www.siestasand.net