After the feelings of our Memorial Day celebration fades, we are left with a couple of enduring questions: who knew we had so many veterans in Del Tura and what happens to them after our collective recognitions in May and November?
The responses to such questions could be addressed if the same comradery that is a hallmark of military service could energize an effort to begin a veterans’ organization here in Del Tura. I vaguely recall there was a formal organization (American Legion or VFW or the like) when I first came here in 2005. Like most other vets, I am always awed by the outpouring of patriotism we witness during our common remembrance on Memorial and Veterans’ Day. But there are 360+ other days of the year when our pride in service could translate into action and marshaled for the common good. It needn’t be in a structured way in a traditional organization. It could be a regular (semi-regular) gathering to get to know each other better and share our memories. It is estimated that only about a third of Vietnam veterans are still alive. With the continuing passing from our ranks, so many memories, so many sacrifices, so much courage also passes from our ranks.
There is a standing invitation to any and all veterans to share their thoughts in this space.
By John BrassemSo far, though, there have been no takers. But maybe if those of us who have worn the uniform simply get together informally over a beer or a Coke, even the reluctant would recognize our common bond. And who knows where things could go from there? We might agree to lend our experiences to students. We could participate in food drives. We could rekindle the spirit of shared experience to do some good here in Del Tura and throughout the community at-large. If this idea resonates with you, just send your name and contact information to this email (eclipse1JB@aol.com) and we can take a positive first step.
NOTE FROM EDITOR: As the Editor of the Tower, I would be more than happy to arrange a gathering this fall when everyone returns. Feel free to reach out to me as well! ~ Leigh Anne Lawson.
By the time you reach retirement age, you may have accumulated a 401(k), IRA and other investment accounts, along with insurance policies and physical properties. You’ll use some of these assets to support your retirement, but the rest may end up in your estate — which is why an estate plan is so important.
So, to leave a legacy for your family and those philanthropic groups you support, you need a comprehensive estate plan — and you need to avoid making mistakes. Here are some of the most common ones:
Procrastinating – Estate planning, and its implications about our mortality, may not be a pleasant topic to think about. Yet, putting off your estate plans can be risky. If you were to pass away or become incapacitated without doing any estate planning, the results could be costly for your loved ones. One possible consequence: If you haven’t at least created a basic, simple will, the courts could decide how to divide and distribute your assets, and they may do so in a way you wouldn’t want.
Not updating wills and other documents – Drafting a will and other legal documents, such as a living trust, is an important step in your estate planning. But you shouldn’t just create these arrangements and forget about them. Changes in your life and among your loved ones — deaths, divorce, remarriage, new children and more — may result in the need for you to update your estate plans, so it’s a good idea to review them periodically.
Not updating beneficiaries – Similar to updating your will to reflect changes in your life and family situation, you may also need to update the beneficiaries listed on your financial accounts and insurance policies. These designations carry a lot of weight and can even supersede instructions in your will, so you’ll need to make sure they are current and accurate.
Not properly titling assets in a trust – Depending on your situation, you may benefit from establishing a living trust, which may allow your estate to avoid the time-consuming and expensive process of probate. A living trust also helps give you control over how, and when, you want your assets distributed. However, you need to retitle your assets in the name of the trust for the trust to be effective.
Not choosing the right executor – An executor carries out your wishes based on the instructions you’ve given in your will or trust documents. But fulfilling an executor’s duties is not as simple as, say, following a recipe for a basic meal. Consequently, while you might just want to pick a close family member as executor, you need to be sure this person is competent, good with details and won’t be overwhelmed by the financial and legal issues involved in settling an estate. If your initial choice doesn’t have these skills, you may need to find a responsible person outside the family. Finally, here’s one more mistake: going it alone. Estate planning is not a do-it-yourself activity. To help ensure your estate plan addresses all the issues involved, you’ll need to work with a legal advisor, and possibly your tax and financial professionals, too.
Devoting the necessary time and effort can help you avoid many of the mistakes that threaten the effectiveness of estate plans — and the fewer mistakes you make, the better off your beneficiaries can be.
Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors cannot provide tax or legal advice. You should consider your attorney or qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.
Happy Summer Everybody!! I hope all of our friends in the north are enjoying their families and friends. Is everyone in Del Tura enjoying the new lighting and fire pit in the pub area? If you haven’t seen it, definitely check it out. The landscaping around the community has been completed and the pickleball courts have new lights.
Hopefully, by the time you read this message, the main pool is back up and running. Several problems were found once the initial project started so it is expected that the project will take longer than planned. Please have patience with any of the planned projects in Del Tura. Unfortunately, Julie and the HTA staff have no control over outside contractors and they are just as frustrated with the delays that we are. It helps no one when people go to the office to complain.
A big thank you to all of the employees of HomeTown America who work to keep this community the wonderful place that it is. Also a big thank you to all the volunteers who keep all of the activities as well as the HOA up and running. Both the HTA employees and our HOA volunteers are amazing. We are so lucky!!
I look forward to seeing everyone in October when I return. Enjoy your summer!
The Del Tura ‘Holiday Outdoor Decorating Committee’ is in need of a chairperson. We are desperately looking for a person or group of residents to take over the outdoor decorating committee. Without a new committee chair(s) this long running tradition will end. This is an HOA sponsored committee.
Everything has been put away neatly and is organized for 2024. In addition, fundraising has been done and there is a good amount of money available
to purchase new decorations to add to the current inventory. The electrical issues were reported and repaired. Darlene and I will review everything we learned in 2023. The volunteers were wonderful, and I am sure that a majority of them are willing to come back to help make Del Tura festive again this holiday season. Please contact us if you need more information.
Lisa Bellanca (llbellanca@comcast.net) or Darlene Fincham (darlene.fincham@gmail.com)
We’re only five months away from one of Del Tura’s HOA sponsored events! The greatest Holiday Craft Fair in North Fort Myers is being held right here in your own community on November 8th and 9th, 2024! Registration for Del Tura residents who are crafters and want to sell their handmade items during our craft fair was opened on May 1st. Starting June 1st the committee, made up of Joyce Frase, Dawn Weimer and Jane Sheaffer, will be contacting crafters from the North Fort Myers area who have participated in the past. Proceeds this year will go to our own C.E.R.T group to be used for supplies and equipment needed to help our residents during emergencies.
By Jane SheafferThis was approved by the HOA Board at their May meeting. As in the past couple of years the price for residents per table space is $25 payable with your application. Don’t wait to send your email to delturacraftfair@yahoo.com. Please include your name, mailing address, current phone number and email address so that the committee can quickly get you an application and reserve you a place.
We are also counting on our residents to support us in this terrific event. We will be needing many volunteers to make this a success. If you have been a part of the team in past years or want to share in the fun of this year’s team, let us know. We’d love to share the fun with you!
Housekeeping, Food Shopping
100% cleaned to your satisfaction using my sanitized cleaning method. Also; window cleaning and handy work.
“Summers in Del Tura”
Many of us somehow adapt easily to those long, hot, hazy summer days here in Paradise and some of us try, but it’s not easy. Over a period of time we find a routine that works best with our lifestyle. Early morning activities and late afternoon activities work best for most of us. Trips during the heat of the day involve moving from our AC homes to our AC vehicles…and that would have to be for a very important appointment! If we are lucky enough we can travel up north to seek refuge in our summer home, or stay with family during the most brutal months of July and August. If we stay, we learn how to cope with the extreme temperatures and often find that we can survive quite happily, with just a few changes.
I think the summer months spent here in Florida teach us some valuable lessons over time. I know that I have learned a few .. perhaps you have too! It’s funny how our minds tell us one thing and our bodies loudly tell our minds, what were you thinking! Listen to your bodies!! Over time I have listened more intently and realized that my summers here have been so much more enjoyable and relaxing. It’s difficult to slow
By Dianne J. Roderickdown and do less but so much good can come from it! There’s still lots to do here in Paradise but the summer allows us to enjoy it at a more leisurely pace, if we allow it to.
I can remember our first summers here trying to do it all … without taking a break. Everything had to be done … activities, chores, errands, I never really stopped to do as they say, “smell the roses”. My motor was running overtime! I bet you know that feeling! Well, one day I realized that my body was yelling at me, STOP! That’s when I decided to look around and reset my priorities. It’s not always easy to be consistent but I have come a long way. I think my mind and body have become better friends now! Summer here, in our Paradise, has many gifts to share with us. Take the time to take in all of the beauty that we are blessed with and the peacefulness that comes with it. The hustle and bustle of the Snowbird season is behind us and for a few months we can take the opportunity to focus more on our well being. Relax more, let yourself feel the calmness within you. Sit down, put your feet up, make yourself a cool drink and enjoy the quietness of nature that surrounds us.
Sincerely, Dianne
o State a short description of the issue
o Photo of the issue if possible
can be addressed through the WOR process, by residents of the community. The instructions for submitting a WOR is as follows:
Send an email to delturagrounds@yahoo.com
• In the subject line state WOR
• In the body of the WOR o State location of the issue
TOTAL WOR’s SUBMITTED IN 2024: 37 In process:
• 2 pot holes on the golf course paths
• 1 sidewalk repair
• 1 sink in men’s restroom
• 1 tennis net temporary in place
Memorial for our Little Angels
Memorial Day is for Veterans, but we don’t have a day for our deceased children, so I would at least like to pray for the parents “left behind” when their children have passed and I have found these in Del Tura:
• Marcella Carothers lost Daughter 51, Brenda Barela - left a 2 yr old son
• Jane Sheaffer lost son, at birth, Jonathan Sheaffer and daughter in 2012 Debra Sheaffer 39
• Linda Scibilia, son Andrew Scibilia, 49 (this year)
• Diane and Ken Nicolosi’s daughter, Jennifer Pizzi 52 (lost May 11, 2024)
• Sherry Cottini, son Kenny Cotrone, 5 weeks (lost July, 1973)
• Ruth Ann Lugten, son, Joe Lugten (lost last year)
• Mike and Karen Smith, son and daughter within one month of each other 2024
• Charlotte Ping, son John Leffert died at 60
• Mary Harrell, grandson, Drew Harrell, 33 (lost two years ago)
• Audrey Martin, grandson, Danny Lederer 31
• Debbie Metz, daughter 3 weeks old, Lindsey Veronica Metz would be 38
• Jenny Deal, daughter, Nicole Boone 34 (killed four years ago by vehicle)
• Susan Bell, daughter, Susan Diana Slagle, 33
• Ginny and Gerry Benjamins, son, 24 Michael Gerrit Benjamins in 2000.
• Vicki and Jim Divis, son 36, Scott Lovendowski, lost 8 years ago.
• John McCarthy, daughter, Erica Ann McCarthy, 28
• Katie Morrison-Somma, son 27
Pray for the parents left behind because their children are “little angels” in heaven! With Love and Condolences, Sherry Cottini
If you are aware of the passing of any of our residents, past or present, please email the information to us at dttoweredit@gmail.com or drop off at the HOA office so that we can post here as a memorial.
With the regular season of golf having come to a close, you might think there wouldn’t be much to write about for this ladies’ golf group, but that would be incorrect!! As a matter of fact, there have been not one, but TWO hole-in-ones that have happened since our last article!
First off, Bobbi Nash got to celebrate her holein-one on April 8th! It was on Hole #6 on the North course, with high winds that day and the pin placement at the back of the green. Bobbi pulled out her #7 hybrid, struck her ball and nailed it!! As you can see from her photo, she definitely has something to smile about!
Secondly, Maria Matthews got her hole-in-one on April 6th during the Jimmy Wilson Memorial Golf Tournament, but didn’t even know it! Due to the glare of sun, no one on her team saw the ball go in the hole… they all thought she went off the back of the green… until they checked in the hole that is! This one was extra-special, as that particular hole in the tournament was a prize hole, where she not only got “bragging rights”, but she also won a beautiful outdoor patio set!
Congratulations to both of you for your spectacular achievements! We can’t wait to report what exciting things are next in store for this great group of ladies!
We’re excited to announce our next Ladies’ Tea! RESERVE THE DATE:
LADIES’ TEA will be
If interested in helping with the planning, you are invited to the first meeting, Wednesday, June 19, 10:00am in the Royal Palm Room. Whether you helped last year or are new to the event, we welcome your input, and it’s fun!
If you are away, but would like to help next fall, please let us know!
It takes many hands beforehand and including the day of the Tea for a successful event, and all help is appreciated! Thank you!
* RSVP Appreciated but not necessary to attend
Coffee Hour - Tues. AM coordinator
Janelle Shallenberger765-437-2130
Kathy Williamson 239-825-5708
Librarian Barb Jones 239-543-6922
Del Tura Repertory Company
Entertainment Committee Chair
Jacquie Keen 239-464-5544
Dot Barilla Lynn Brenfleck 239-850-2306 603-738-1001
Fish Medical Equipment Loans 239-997-3474
Loan Closet (Cots, Pack-N-Play, High Chairs, etc.)
FISH - Friends in Service Here
FMO Membership
Front Gate Guard
HOA Membership Tech
Homeowners’ Issues/Grievances
Denise Rose Sandy Vassallo 815-222-6466 248-755-1176
Laura Dritt 630-759-1757
Susan Bell 714-454-9972
Barbara Schmoltze 239-731-2523
Cindy Brinton 267-642-6477
After Coffee - noon
9:00am - noon
3:00pm - 5:00pm
Should you need assistance contact Ruth Ann Blevins (239) 220-9381 HOA ADDRESS: 609 Sierra Madre 239-731-3461
Denny Andrews
Clubhouse Office 239-731-3433
Kathy Williamson 239-825-5708
Tower -
Tower - Distribution Chairperson
Tower - Distribution Coordinators
HOA Liaison: HOA President
Many thanks to all the volunteer residents who have donated their time to “The Tower”. We are looking for more volunteers. Please Help!
If an HOA sponsored committee holds a fundraiser, it is raising funds for that committee only. All proceeds, after expenses, are deposited into that committee’s financial account for that committee’s use. HOA acts as the banker only and can provide all income and expense details.
The Del Tura Phone Book is not compiled by “The Tower”. It is produced by Hometown America. Please contact the HTA office 239-731-3461 (clubhouse office) for errors and omissions.
Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability.
Please send changes to Dennis Cottini 847-707-1435 or dcottini@comcast.net
News Items for “The Tower” – Please email article, flyer, and photos (if any) to: dttoweredit@gmail.com THE HOA WEBSITE – www.deltura-hoa.com
To have events listed on the HOA Website and/or the Electronic sign please email flyer, photos (if any) & text for electronic sign to: Website Content: dttechsvcs@delturahoa.com
Electronic Board: dttechsvcs@delturahoa.com
Cindy Baron, President (2025) 603,398,8001 cbaron50@yahoo com
Dorothy Cook, Vice President (2026) 614-499-1864, dcook2023@yahoo com
Darlene Fincham, Treasurer (2026) 609-617-6869, darlene fincham@gmail com
Darla Greer, Secretary (2027) 239-470-0851, dgreer delturahoa@yahoo com
It is the HOA’s responsibility to provide transparency to all residents and can easily provide information on HOA sponsored events. Unfortunately, HOA cannot provide any information for events that are not sponsored by HOA, especially financial documentation for the event, specifically how much was raised, what is being done with funds generated, or if the appropriate Florida
Kathy Williamson, Director (2025) 239-825-5708, toocheep2call@aol com
Lisa Bellanca, Director (2025) 847-833-3258, llbellanca@comcast net
Margie Hill, Director (2027) 863-956-7236, mhill delturahoa@yahoo com
Bob Hilton, Director (2027) 732-337-7061, bhiltonhoa@yahoo com
Bill Shell, Director (2026) 612-209-4674, bshelldeltura@gmail com
Sales Tax is being paid. In an effort to ensure that residents are informed of which events are HOA sponsored and which are not, all flyers distributed at HOA Tuesday Coffee, on HOA Bulletin Boards and events advertised in the HOA Tower Newspaper should have a notation of “HOA Sponsored” or “This Event is Not Sponsored by HOA”.
Anyone Needing to borrow equipment or who needs a ride to an appointment Contact FISH at 239-997-3474.
Any resident wishing to purchase a “Name Tag” may do so on Tuesday mornings at coffee, before the start of announcements, or call Wendy @ 309-264-9147 A name tag with magnet backing is $8 00, cash only Tags are normally available for pickup the following week
Publisher: Island Visitor Publishing
To advertise in print, contact: Brion Palmer at 941-312-0665 or email us at BrionPalmer@yahoo.com
Contributing writers are acknowledged with bylines accompanying their submissions. Attribution for photos are not included unless supplied. We sincerely thank everyone for their contributions.Your articles help showcase the strong and diverse community that makes up Del Tura.
The Tower is published monthly from October through May. Summer issues are condensed: June/July and August/ September. All ads are subject to the approval of the publisher. It is the responsibility of the party placing any ad for publication in TheTower to meet all applicable legal requirements in connection with the ad such as compliance with town, county and state codes in first obtaining an occupational license for business, permitted home occupation, or residential rental property.
DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability. Island Visitor Publishing is not responsible for claims made by advertisers.
As we enter Hurricane Season, we hope you took the time to attend the Hurricane Preparedness presentation given in May. Everyone is encouraged to leave when warnings are issued. Have a pre planned destination to go to. If you cannot leave, be sure to know what shelters are available to you, especially if you have pets.
Our style of homes falls under the Mobile Home category, which does not have a designated zone. We are included with the first call for evacuation. Be safe, be prepared. The North Fort
Myers Fire Department has installed a box for placement of retired flags. This is available for all to use. We also have a drop location in the club house hallway. Publix now has a box for dropping off expired drugs. Good news will be reported in our next Tower article regarding CERT’s efforts to obtain a community CERT trailer to store the emergency equipment and supplies in. Thanks to Del Tura community support this project is coming close to reality.
On Saturday, April 27 th , 2024 the Del Tura Country Club hosted its annual Superintendent’s Revenge Tournament, a challenging, funfilled event that allows our course superintendent to create an obstacle course of his own design on every hole. It was a great success, and we’d like to thank Butch Webb, our PGA Pro and General Manager and Jason Noel, our golf course superintendent, for all they both do for us golfers all year.
When can I expect to receive my monthly TOWER NEWSPAPER?
The Tower is delivered to the HOA Office or designated location the last Wednesday or Thursday of the month. The papers are then placed in packets, divided into routes and distributed to Deliverers, who then deliver the
papers to their assigned addresses. If you do not receive your paper by Monday please contact the distribution group: Sue Brown (847-5313726), Sue Larson (763-360-3192); Dan Larson (763-360-3193).
NOTE only HOA members receive the Tower.
HOA Tower Delivery Mailing Information
If you would like to have your Tower mailed to another address while you are away from Del Tura please complete this form and mail it or turn it in to the HOA office at 609 Sierra
with payment in full for the number of issues you want mailed.
If you would like to have your Tower mailed to another address while you are away from DelTura you need to complete this form and mail it or turn it In to the HOA office at 609 Sierra Madre with payment in full for the number of Issues you want mailed.
The cost of mailing the Tower is
are each one issue.
On April 6, 2024 we held our first annual golf tournament for St Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital in Memory of Jimmy Wilson. We are very pleased to announce we raised $10,150.00 that will directly benefit the children and their families at St. Judes.
In addition to making a sizable donation for such a great cause, we also had a blast during the tournament! We had some fantastic prizes, 3 hole-in-one prizes, great food, and some of the best raffle baskets I’ve ever seen. We also had four beer carts strategically placed on the course, one of which had a lovely “beer wench” named Robin Stranahan - what a hoot she was! See the pictures below to see how dedicated she was in her role.
We are so grateful for everyone that helped with this fundraiser. So many of you went above and beyond to help and it didn’t go unnoticed. And, of course a big thank you goes out to everyone who played in the tournament, we wouldn’t have been so successful without your participation!
Congratulations to Maria Matthews who won a Hole-in-one prize. Way to go Maria!!! She won a $750 Home Depot gift card.
We have decided to make this an annual event. Next year’s tournament is March 1, 2025. Mark your calendars and sharpen those skills, because we will have more hole-in-one prizes to come.
We are looking forward to another successful year!
The Creative Writers Workshop is on our summer hiatus to allow our members to enjoy their summer travel plans. We’ll reconvene in the fall, and hope that you’ll consider joining us! Just a reminder that if you’d like to be a new member, please text me (607-769-5766) and leave a voicemail, OR email me to let me know you are interested. All Del Tura residents are welcome. My email address is ndavy01@gmail.com. You’ll need to provide me with your name, your email address, and your cell phone number. I’d be happy to bring you on board before our next season starts.
I’m attaching a challenge from our recent season, which dabbles a bit with poetic expression. The lines do not have to rhyme. For this exercise, we’re concentrating on forming a beat. The assignment is to write a “chant.” Use long lines to create a beat, and above all, have fun with it.
The purpose is to feel how a repeated phrase can become a baseline rhythm for a poem, as well as to recognize the line between meaningful expression and monotony. Examples:
A Toast by Nancy Davy
Here’s to the good times when we laughed together
Here’s to as many, the times that we cried Here’s to the friendship – good fellows well met, to kinsmen And good folks I’ve raised elbows with Now here’s to un-glad times, those sad times, the bad times The times I was so low I couldn’t get up For these are the times that my friends are a blessing So here’s to my friends, let us each raise our cup!!!
Wants by Nancy Davy
I want to win the Lottery and pay off all my bills. I want to be financially independent.
I want Mai-tais in Maui, a beach house in Barbados. I want to go to Europe. I want to write a book. I want to have a day off to do anything I like. I want nachos and candy bars for breakfast. Coffee almond fudge ice cream; is that too much to ask for?
I want to lose six pounds while I am sleeping. And I want to not get wrinkles, and to learn to rollerblade Without falling down while anyone is watching. I want to play the music loud, I want to sing and dance And pretend I have no worries in the world. I want my children to be happy, and I want them to be loved And I’ll trade all the above because I want THIS more than ever. Even the ice cream.
I hope that you enjoy the following responses:
Silence by Mary DeJoseph Sometimes, saying nothing is the right response. When there are tears, wipe them away with your touch. When there is fear, hold their hands.
When there is grief, hug them to uplift their spirit. When there is confusion, nod to show you understand. When there is anger, stand by them. When there is loneliness, smile to show you are there for them. When there is depression, quietly sit next to them. Words get in the way of what you feel, What they feel.
Quietly heal… Silence is powerful.
Yesterday! by Gail Hodge It seems like only yesterday! I was young and full of energy. I could work from morning till night. It seems like only yesterday! My daughters were small babies I could hold in my arms and rock them in the rocking chair. It seems like only yesterday! I would attend my daughter’s sports events, concerts and recitals.
I beamed with pride like they were the most talented of all.
It seems like only yesterday!
I would make the trip to my daughter’s college for them to start their first year.
It seems like only yesterday!
I helped my daughters pack to move into their first apartment.
It seems like only yesterday!
That I held my grandsons as tiny babies and rocked them in the rocking chair.
It seems like only yesterday! Life had come full circle.
Sometimes in Life by Charlotte Ping
When my children became parents, then grandparents as wellI couldn’t believe it! How did that happen?
Sometimes in life we don’t have control.
When my soulmate grew older, but I stayed the same Then he left me alone. How did that happen?
Sometimes in life we don’t have control.
When my job became difficult and a machine replaced me -
By Nancy DavyThis electronic age! How did that happen? Sometimes in life we don’t have control. When the drunk, uninsured driver hit me with his truck,
I couldn’t work anymore. How did that happen?
Sometimes in life we don’t have control. When close relatives passed in my later years. I struggled daily without them. How did that happen?
Sometimes in life we don’t have control. When I was too young to know what “war” really meant.
I grew up in spite of it. How did that happen?
Sometimes in life we don’t have control.
I Wish! by Marianne O’Malley
I wish, I wish I was a fish, swimming in the Gulf of Mexico.
I would splash tiny bubbles as I flipped and flopped
Around and about the brilliant coral reef.
I wish, I wish other fish would gaze upon my diminutive size
In awe of my intense acrobatic moves,
Smooth as silk as a snake in the grass.
I wish, I wish tiny feet would wiggle as I gently grazed their skin
Taunting them as a lion would tease a giraffe.
I wish, I wish I would glide through the oceans
Stopping to slowly feed on plankton
Or gobble the algae as briskly as I fancied.
I wish, I wish my siblings would ensue me, continuing behind like a game of Simon Says Demonstrating a trail, a rope, a string of pearls
Worn only by Capote’s Swans during the Sixties.
I wish, I wish I would jet; towards the coldest waters of the Pacific
Cautious of the mighty piranhas their teeth sharpened like razors while I remained a tasty snack.
I would skim the salt water home of the venomous Redtail Catfish
Beautifully marked yet as lethal as a Great White’s snap.
I wish, I wish I would coast toward the warm waters off Cape Cod, avoiding sharks, whales and seals. It would be treacherous for me, lollygagging and milling about
These immensely huge beasts of the deep. The briny drink that encircles them would certainly float me
Into their muscular jaws, on an innocent wave that dots the Atlantic.
I wish, I wish I could escape my fish bowl and venture into the waters
Leaving my habitat and journeying through the ocean
Instead, I quietly swim among the plants
And tiny snails that live with me within my tank
Atop the mantle, in the drawing room of a Fifth Avenue apartment. I will rest tonight, and dream of places to go in the maritime world.
The final meeting of the 23/24 season and the annual election of officers was held in late March. Tom Adgate was re-elected as Vice-President and Rich Buonfiglio was re-elected as Secretary. Congratulations to both men.
I would like to thank everyone on the board and all of the committee members for all of their hard work this season. Also, we couldn’t have done it without our volunteers! And of course we couldn’t have done it without you, our members of the DTMGA!! Here is a quick look at the schedule for the 24/25 season, so mark your calendars now!
• President’s Cup - November 6, 7, 13 & 14
• Jack and Jill - January 8 & 9
• 2 Ball - January 29 & 30
• Member Member - February 12 & 13
• Member Guest - March 7 & 8
• Club Championship - March 12, 13 and 19
Have a wonderful and safe summer. ~ Dan Haag
Decorate your Cart and Join in the Fun. Ca$h Prize$ for the top 3 carts! Thursday, July 4th 2024
All entries must be under the Clubhouse Portico before 8:30 am for judging. The parade will begin promptly at 9:00am. See map below for the parade route.
*This is an HOA sponsored event* Contact Darla Greer (Golf Cart Parade chairperson) with any questions.
Del Tura Garden Club members are excited about the new addition to the Demonstration Garden! By the time you read this edition of the Tower, a new tree will be planted in time to take advantage of the summer rains. The tree, a Shady Lady Black Olive, is considered one of the most beautiful South Florida trees, and it is also well behaved! Though it will need some time to mature to its maximum height of 20 feet, it will begin to provide welcomed shade from our Florida sun and be a delightful addition to the garden. We thank our member who recommended the Shady Lady after enjoying her own for several years, to HTA for their cooperation, and to those who support our fundraising efforts that make this type of project possible.
Garden Club continues despite the calendar, and summer will find some garden club members taking turns maintaining the plants at the various gardens: don’t hesitate to stop to chat! Some will be planning for the upcoming Ladies’ Tea, so watch for details! We wish all our snowbirds and those traveling a wonderful summer and safe travels.
As we welcome our summer season along with it comes Hurricane Season. Please ensure you have started getting your Hurricane plans and supplies together. Make sure you have all important documents and medication. We have the evacuation papers (blue papers) available in the administration office. We also have a pre and post storm information packet. Please prepare to ensure you have all necessary supplies before a storm happens. It is best to be prepared than not have enough supplies. The Blue paper is to be placed in your front window letting us know you stayed in place in an evacuation event. This makes it easier on Del Tura Staff and the Cert Team Members when doing safety checks on everyone in the community after a storm event. Please update all phone, email, and address information if necessary. It Is important for the office to have your most current contact information. That way you will receive any notification sent out in an emergency from Hometown America and Del Tura Country Club. Ensure all outside items (trashcans, recycle bins, and planting pots) are secure and put away properly to avoid any flying objects during a storm. This may cause injury or damage to
others. Driving reminders: The speed limit is 16 MPH in Del Tura Country Club. We ask that you drive the speed limit, this is for all residents safety. Please abide by the stop signs, come to a complete stop. This is the law. This includes golf carts. Only individuals having a current driver’s license may operate a motor vehicle (including a golf cart) in the Community. Pedestrians have the right-of-way. The right-of-way then goes to bicycles and then to golf carts. Bicycles must at all times be confined to paved and parking areas. Bicycles are not allowed on the golf course or grassy areas. AT NO TIME during golf play are bicycles allowed on the golf cart paths. No parking on any sidewalks or grass allowed. No underage person driving golf carts. Florida Law. We would like to let you know our lawn care companies have changed as of June 1, 2024. Please be patient while 12 Stones Landscaping navigates the layout of our community. If you have any questions or concerns with any of the mowing services, please reach out to the administrative office. Let’s keep in mind the lawn mowing schedule may change.
SKP HANDYMAN SERVICE30 YRS CONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE, QUALITY SERVICE, reasonable rates, Del Tura Resident, License & Insured 239-471-0258, 941-465-9246
I’mmm baaaccckk!
So, my sister and her friend came to visit us here in Florida. We thought it would be nice to do a day trip up north and we found ourselves in Kissimmee. My sister’s friend looked at her and said “How cute! Naming a city KISS immee.” I hated to butt in, but I thought I should let her know a bit of the history of the state. I told her the name was pronounced KissSEEMmeeEE, with the emphasis on the middle syllable. I informed her it was an Indian name and should be pronounced accordingly.
CAREGIVING - Need help for your loved one? Call Resident, Sherry Cottini, 239-770-7711
By Michael JohnsonMy sister chimed in so to save further discussion, I thought “Let’s stop for lunch” I proposed. When we all entered the roadside stop my sister stated to the waitress, “We’re not from around here. Could you settle a bit of an argument we’re having?” The waitress said, “I’ll be glad to help, if I can.” My sister said, “How do you pronounce where we are?” The waitress stated, “That’s easy… it’s pronounced BUUR GEERR KING!” See ya next time....
6/01, Charlene Lineberry
6/01, Jolan Israel
6/01, Karen Misztal
6/02, Dave Elliott
6/02, Paula Lafreniere
6/03, Bill Somma
6/03, Audrey Martin
6/03, Patricia Gilmour
6/03, Karen Tobin
6/03, Lynne Miller
6/04, Joyce Scialabba
6/04, Anne Martel
6/05, Warren Wyckoff
6/05, Bob Yaiser
6/05, Donna Rajotte
6/06, Mark Huss
6/06, Linda Moreton
6/06, Joanne Evans
6/06, Robert Borkowski
6/06, Rhonda MacDuff
6/06, Jean Bruck
6/07, Joe Rivera
6/07, Jim Divis
6/07, William Misztal
6/07, Donald Skinner
6/07, Barbara Barnes
6/07, Kathy Grieco
6/07, Laree Couwenhoven
6/08, Richard Smith
6/08, Arthur Keen
6/08, Barb Sanders
6/08, Michelle Iwankow
6/08, Deborah Roush
6/09, Dave Krutz
6/09, Bill Huntley
6/09, Mary Ann Light
6/10, Karen Kidder
6/10, Jacki Wendorf
6/10, Ann Colston
6/10, Charlotte Barnes
6/11, Richard Donges
6/11, Rochelle Clough
6/11, Sue Hooper
6/12, Ted Luke
6/12, Gary Luders
6/14, Stephen Davy
6/14, Judy DeSantis
6/14, David Poynter
6/14, Trudy Ritter
6/14, Leo Breen
6/14, Denise Higgins
6/14, Tom Cooper
6/14, Lisa Woodruff
6/14, Pat Pyle
6/14, Robyn Geren
6/14, Mike Uhlich
6/15, Michael Cunniff
6/15, Marietta Hansen
6/15, Darlene Krawczyk
6/17, Irene Lynch
6/17, Robert Bourget
6/17, Martha Riley
6/01/74, David & Nancy Adams, 50 years
6/17, Cindy Cunningham
6/19, Anna Incorvaia
6/20, Ed Flores
6/20, Nancy Adams
6/20, Carol Dohrn
6/21, Fred Hale
6/21, Gail Flynn
6/22, Charlene Ruotolo
6/22, Bill Pikunas
6/22, Kelly Shields
6/23, Ed Newcomb
6/23, Tracy Messina
6/23, Linda Benoit
6/23, Deb Gonsaluss
6/23, Carol Umberger
6/24, Cynthia Sutherland
6/24, Lauris Sailor
6/24, Linda Beiermann
6/25, Gail Gulino
6/26, June Malonson
6/26, Faye Hanrahan
6/27, Maura Englert
6/27, Tom Wight
6/27, Robert Neilson
6/27, Nan Walsh
6/27, Donna Brown
6/28, Allen Bruck
6/28, Dennis Major
6/28, John Bell
6/28, Christiane Lant
6/29, Tim DeVost
6/02/18, Bob & Brinkerhoff Maureen Guadalupe, 6 yrs
6/02/85, Ken & Tina DiLeo, 39 years
6/02/90, Joe & Haydee DeMandel, 34 years
6/02/90, Chris & Karen Waterbury, 34 years
6/03/89, Robert & June Malonson, 35 years
6/04/11, Michael & Denise Goodell, 13 years
6/05/04, Philip & Janet Palmieri, 20 years
6/06/09, Jim & Julia Lamon, 15 years
6/06/10, Doug & Linda Dupell, 14 years
6/06/64, Bart & Marlene DeGraaf, 60 years
6/06/75, Michael & Deborah Flanagan, 49 years
6/08/63, Frank & Mary Lou Cannata, 61 years
6/08/63, Stan & Carol Loson, 61 years
6/09/12, Patrick & Patricia Burke, 12 years
6/09/68, Dave & Karen Toothman, 56 years
6/09/73, Dan & Sue Larson, 51 years
6/09/84, John & Debra Sidorowicz, 40 years
6/12/71, Rick & Sharon Reeves, 53 years
6/12/75, James & Linda Beggs, 49 years
6/12/99, David & Judy Zink, 25 years
6/13/81, Bruce & Susan Smith, 43 years
6/14/69, Michael & Karen Smith, 55 years
6/14/75, Lynn & Dan Bourbeau, 49 years
6/15/74, Ian & Sue Ellen Slack, 50 years
6/17/06, Joe & Jean Newquist, 18 years
6/17/67, Bob & Karen Hoppe, 57 years
6/18/85, Joe & Lil Murdoch, 39 years
6/19/08, Doug & Lexie Trott, 16 years
6/19/82, Darrell & Lori Tillis, 42 years
6/29, Deborah Wloch
6/30, Jon Kehl
6/30, Nancy Manning
6/30, Helen Clover
7/01, Erv Storma
7/01, David Wagner
7/01, Patsy Large
7/01, Janice Dubrosky
7/01, Jim Biery
7/02, Bob Hoppe
7/02, Tom Mooney
7/02, Cathy Sant
7/02, Susan Mustari
7/03, Larry Bistricky
7/04, Joe Newquist
7/04, Linda Beggs
7/05, Steven Thibodeau
7/05, Janelle Shallenberger
7/05, Laura Dritt
7/05, Bonnie Schoen
7/05, Kathleen Klein
7/05, Mary Kato
7/06, Michel Prudhomme
7/06, Mary Ann Ruggiano
7/06, Ed Fries
7/06, Tom LaFrance
7/08, Deborah Kendell
7/08, Sandra Teter
7/08, Pat Hausle
7/08, Robert Palazzo
7/09, Tom Hannan
7/09, Rebecca Shephard
7/10, Chris Devlin
7/10, Karen Tietjen
7/10, Bob Deems
7/10, John Leonard
7/10, Marlene Eck
7/11, Marvin Hill
7/12, Steve Fincham
7/12, Carmelia Tyler
7/12, Gary Primozich
7/12, Jim Dana
7/12, Connie Regan
7/12, Janet Blevons
7/13, Mark Lewandoski
7/13, Bob Peplinski
7/13, E. Roger Lattimer
7/13, Ron Clough
7/14, Michael Arlis
7/14, John Peterson
7/14, Sharon Reeves
7/15, Jaime Hernaez
7/15, Richard Siriano
7/15, Bob Masson
7/15, Kathleen Jacobs
7/15, Judy Jacobs
7/16, Paul Gayan
7/17, Alfred “Red” Jerome
7/18, Peter Erickson
7/18, Joseph Radel
7/18, Bob Lednik
7/18, Jerry Beiermann
7/18, Karen Toothman
7/19, Ray Connolly
7/19, Daniel Dougherty
7/19, Dennis Raczyk
7/19, Michell Clayton
7/19, Dan Goodwin
7/19, Jan Hale
7/20, Bill Thomas
7/20, Keith Sommerville
7/20, Joy Martin
7/20, Susan Harding
7/20, Maritza Belowski
7/20, Louise Thibodeau
7/21, William Green
7/21, Deb Cali
7/21, Kathy Kissell
7/21, Kathy Schaub
7/21, Susie Adgate
7/23, Bonnie Sharpless
7/23, Gilbert Lawrence
7/23, Louis Wloch
7/23, Diane Mooney
7/23, Debra Sidorowicz
7/24, Paul Gilmour
7/24, David Traver
7/24, Cathy Lovrin
7/24, Rita Ann Krutz
7/24, Denise Goodell
7/24, Sue Larson
7/25, Judy Camper
7/25, Jim Miller
6/20/13, William & Joan Harris, 11 years
6/20/70, Tony & Gemma Giannantonio, 54 years
6/20/85, Gail & Bob Dellar, 39 years
6/21, Martha Riley & Glenn Rogers, ? Years
6/21/04, James & Marilyn Saad, 20 years
6/21/75, Larry & Linda Bistricky, 49 years
6/21/80, Dave & Sandi Eherenman, 44 years
6/22/01, Joe & Lori Angelilli, 23 years
6/22/63, Edward & Ann Passifione, 61 years
6/22/68, Dave & Rita Elliott, 56 years
6/22/74, Leo & Mary Breen, 50 years
6/23/09, Bob & Cathy Peplinski, 25 years
6/24/67, Robert & Joan Smith, 57 years
6/24/72, John & Carol Umberger, 52 years
6/24/83, Bill & Karen Moehrle, 41 years
6/26/04, James & Robin Otterstein, 20 years
6/26/76, David & Cindy Danzinger, 48 years
6/26/76, Ray & Lanie Hatem, 48 years
6/26/76, Daniel & Brenda Snyder, 48 years
6/27/97, John & Cathy Welch, 27 years
6/28/14, Scott & Cathy Lovrin, 10 years
6/28/69, Robert & Patricia Beccarea, 55 years
6/29/58, Ray & Martha Connolly, 66 years
6/29/68, Michael & Marcia Peterson, 56 years
6/29/68, Joseph & Linda Zadrozny , 56 years
6/30/84, Rick & Sue Ichenberg, 40 years
6/30/84, Bill & Lori McFerrin, 40 years
6/30/89, Michael & Margaret Johnson, 35 years
6/23/79, Steven & Louise Thibodeau, 45 years
7/02/16, Malcom Johnson & Janet DeCosmo, 8 yrs
7/02/22, Randolph & Jeannine List, 2 years
7/04/75, Vito & Joyce Sinicropi, 49 years
7/06/61, Bob & Carol Dubel, 63 years
7/06/99, Chris & Deb Devlin, 25 years
7/07/07, Gary & Debby Peck, 17 years
7/7/17, Dennis & Sherry Cottini, 7 years
7/07/62, Alice & David Ludwig, 62 years
7/07/78, Judy & Larry Camper, 46 years
7/08, Steve & Cindy Fiedeke, ? Years
7/08/58, Otis & Jean Smith, 66 years
7/08/61, Edward & Diana Smith, 63 years
7/08/72, Tom & Pat Van Fleet, 52 years
7/08/95, Mark & Andrea Bennett, 29 years
7/09/76, Connie & Dennis Racine, 48 years
7/10/15, Dan & Laura Zocco, 9 years
7/10/54, Henry & Valerie Coache , 70 years
7/10/76, Bob & Susan Johnson, 48 years
7/12/03, Albert & Beverly Sunick, 21 years
7/12/69, Steve & Marie Wickert, 55 years
7/12/75, Edward & Teresa DeMille, 49 years
7/12/75, Timothy & Karen Eaton, 49 years
7/13/03, Gregory & Cynthia Reed, 21 years
7/14, Stan & Robin Peters, ? Years
7/14/12, Bill & Diane Hyatt, 12 years
7/15/67, Jim & Bonnie Carroll, 57 years
7/15/72, Stephen & Nancy Davy, 52 years
7/16/05, Erv & Linda Storma, 19 years
7/16/07, Gary & Joann Bishop, 17 years
7/16/88, Kevin & Wendy Dowling, 36 years
7/17/92, Dave & Jeanne Csuy , 32 years
7/25, Faye Hughes
7/25, Peggy Iacovino
7/26, Vickie Rogers
7/26, James Higgins
7/26, Carol Loson
7/27, Dave Csuy
7/27, Wilma Acosta
7/27, Neil Della Torre
7/27, Arleen Engle
7/27, Daniel Snyder
7/27, Karen Durand
7/27, Lori Morrison
7/27, Kerri Waas
7/27, Doreen Peznowski
7/28, Sandy Gower
7/28, Rich Keen
7/28, Linda Storma
7/28, Jean Smith
7/28, Karen Hopcia
7/28, Linda Sommerville
7/29, Steve Banko 7/29, Carol Dubel
7/29, Louise Christiansen 7/30, David Messier
7/30, Roy Schuetz
7/30, Denise Rose
7/30, Lisa Bellanca
7/31, Craig LaDue
7/31, Laura Strickland 7/31, Kimberly Macomber
7/18/06, Thomas & Sharon Hayden, 18 years
7/18/64, Bill & Tina Thomas, 60 years
7/18/98, Karen & Douglas Scudder, 26 years
7/19/20, Susan Martins & Charles Healy, 4 years
7/19/65, Russ & Robyn Geren, 59 years
7/19/69, John & Kathleen Bell, 55 years
7/19/69, Stew & Esther Williams, 55 years
7/19/75, Steve & Darlene Fincham, 49 years
7/19/80, Stan & Cathy Sant, 44 years
7/19/85, Terry & Annie Borns, 39 years
7/20/68, Steve & Sandy Gove, 56 years
7/20/80, Donald & Theresa Callahan, 44 years
7/20/85, Bill & Jennifer Shaver, 39 years
7/20/91, Mick & Rita Kidwell, 33 years
7/23/11, Ronald & Barbara Ranck, 13 years
7/23/83, Mark & Gwen Steckler, 41 years
7/24/04, Bill & Jacquie Johnson, 20 years
7/25/68, Paul & JoAnn Gilmour, 56 years
7/25/70, Steve & Linda Petersen, 54 years
7/25/81, Bob & Jan Neeb, 43 years
7/26/75, Mark & Connie Richards, 49 years
7/26/77, Greg & Donna Roberts, 47 years
7/27/68, John & Ann Colston, 56 years
7/27/75, John & Karen Tobin, 49 years
7/28/90, Kevin & Nancy Vandenwyngaert, 34 yrs
7/29/95, Allen & Brenda Clark, 29 years
7/30/16, Debbie Merz & John Kaufhold, 8 years
7/30/71, Ray & Karen Hahn, 53 years