THE COLUMNS Vol. 27 No. 2 941-349-0194
Tara Woods Homeowners Association –
February 2016
Tara Woods Appreciation Day Honorees
~ Mary Nothnagel
Celeste and Tony Perre are a classy couple who have kept us looking classy at Tara Woods for years. Tony is responsible for the outstanding, green uniforms of the Magic softball team. They ordered the classy, monogrammed TW shirts and the state club shirts. They also ran the apparel shop in the Clubhouse for 14 years. But that is just the beginning of all they have done... Tony and Celeste were born and raised in the Bronx. They met at a party and dated before Tony left for duty in the US Navy. Celeste wrote to him every day for two years. That cemented the relationship. Soon after he returned from service they were married. For four years they lived in a one-bedroom Bronx apartment, welcoming daughter, Patti, and son, Billy, in this home. During this time Tony graduated from RCA’s Institute of Electronics School and worked at Republic Aviation. When it closed he got a job at Grumman Aerospace Corporation, eventually retiring after
25 years there. In time, he became the president of their retirement group for many years. An exciting chapter of their lives began when they purchased their new 3-bedroom home in West Babylon, Long Island, NY and baby Tina, soon arrived. During this time Celeste, after raising three children, worked for the Municipal Town of Babyon as Executive Assistant. Their neighbors were Dolores and Don Paeth and Ginny and George Owenburg. All become close friends eventually retiring to Tara Woods, thanks to Dolores.
The Perres purchased their Tara Woods home in 1988 and moved full time in 1991. Since that time, Tony has been on the Board of the TWHA, President of the Bowling League for 7 years, President of the New York Club and point person in the process to purchase the Tara Woods Park in 2000. After hours of hard work the vote failed! Celeste is presently on the TWHA Board, was Treasurer of Bowling for over 4 years, as well as running the apparel shop. They both were in Chorus and Entertainers. They are blessed with their family, now including 7 grandchildren, and they have been married for 61 years. Celeste reports their love has stayed so strong because they never say, “I told you so!” (Wow, how do they do it?). They have given so much of themselves through the years which Tony believes is the secret of happiness. They certainly deserve to be our Honorees! Whenever you see the outstanding Magic uniforms, or the stylish state shirts, think of this exceptional, classy couple.
Thank you Celeste and Tony!
2 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • February 2016 • 941.349.0194 •
IN MEMORIUM: TROY DUDA 5/16/66 – 12/14/15
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Photo by Lynn Porter For 2 ½ years, in the last stages of his illness, Troy lived in a beautiful place with lakes wherein lived turtles, fish and alligators. Sandhill cranes walked nearby without fear. As he wheeled about the community, asking how streets got their names, asking about varieties of
palm trees, “supervising” new homes being built, he also found many places to relax, read, listen to books on tape, and music. He had a nice balance of people giving him privacy while looking out for him. Our home here was one of harmony and laughter. Troy often said to me “There is nowhere else I would rather be.” He had many friends, was much loved, and was a great teacher by example, taking people as they were. He touched so many lives with his kindness, intelligence and humor. Now, let me try to soothe those of you who were shocked at his passing because he appeared to be so healthy. He was not. Most people who have his illness die in their mid 30’s. His pain did not show but each night
? 0 0 $5
as he gasped for breath, as he lay awake for 2-3 hours, as he choked on his food, we realized his incurable, degenerative illness was rapidly progressing. His worst fear was that he would be trapped in his body beyond quality of life. He is free now, the time and manner of his dying were merciful and as he wished them to be. So, let us grieve as we must and then be glad for him and joyful in our own lives. One of Troy’s favorite quotes is as follows: “Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something, and has lost something.” Jan 3 Life’s Little Instruction Calendar, Volume II In gratitude, Anita Sherman, Troy’s mom
Invite your friends to live at Tara Woods, and you could earn up to $500* when they purchase a new home. Call 239-731-1011 for details! *Referral reward restricted to Hometown America residents. Customer must register the resident who referred them at time of their initial visit. Residents whose referral purchases a new or special-order home will receive up to $500. Residents whose referral purchases a Hometown America-owned inventory home will receive up to $300. Residents whose referral purchases a brokered home will receive up to $100. Residents who refer will receive money after closing of escrow. Other terms and conditions may apply. Call 239-731-1011 for more details.
Two laptops
Domestic flight
Outdoor Grill
Patio Set
Flat Screen TV
Shopping Spree 12/16
Think about the possibilities! With $500, you could go on a cruise for two, use it toward a shopping spree, or buy a flat screen TV – just to name a few.
Cruise for two
The Columns |
3 • 941.349.0194 • February 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
FROM THE PRESIDENT With little discussion or debate, the amendments all passed and will be incorporated into our existing ByLaws, effective immediately. The By-Laws Committee, as reported, was not dismissed and is not done with their work. They now have to reconcile the amendments with the Administrative Rules, which further define and give instruction as to how the Board carries out the By-Laws. Hopefully, this task will be accomplished within the next two months, and the membership will have the opportunity to vote on them at the March meeting. We welcomed Lou Dunning as a new Director to the Board and bid farewell to Bill Nothnagel. Bill did a great job as a Director at Large, and handled his duties conscientiously and thoroughly. I know Lou will do the same and we look forward to working with him. Immediately after the annual meeting, the Board adjourned to the Board Room and held a special meeting to elect officers, as is now mandated by FL Statute 723. Elected were: Janet Daly, President; Frank Millette, Vice President; Marie Ivens, Recording Secretary; Paul Montelaro, Treasurer, and Ann Millette, Membership Secretary. The Directors at Large are: Nancy Wuebbeler, Celeste Perre and Lou Dunning. The names and responsibilities of the Board members for 2016 are posted on the HOA bulletin board in the Clubhouse. Thank you to all of the Board members for their continued service and willingness to give their time and talents in the
service of our community. By now everyone should be aware of the changes that are being made to “Appreciation Day”. Polly Brown has given numerous updates to make sure everyone knows that Saturday, February 27, 2016 is now “Appreciation Day”. The former two-day, Friday and Saturday event is no more. There will be Coffee in the morning, the Poker Run, Games, Bingo and a Dance in the evening, with a catered lunch by Mel’s Diner, provided by Hometown America. The lunch is contracted for 450 people. Polly will have tickets available on a first-come, first-serve basis starting Monday, January 25th. The first three weeks tickets are available to homeowners only. After that, renters will be able to obtain tickets. There should be more information and hopefully a program for the Day enclosed with this Columns. If you have questions, I’m sure Polly will be able to answer them. I hope to see lots of people out enjoying all the activities, playing games and having a funfilled day. A reminder to all: the next Membership Meeting is Monday, February 8th at 7:00 PM. I look forward to seeing you there.
Janet Daly “Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.” ~ Michael Jordan (Born February 17)
ASSISTANTS: Linda Engel, Mary Ellen Gold, and Marcia Poveromo PHOTOGRAPHY: Ann Kabbas & Pat Sparany CALENDAR: Polly Brown CIRCULATION: Gail Sanfilippo, Manager COORDINATORS: Stuart & Belle Berman, Bill Black, Agatha Breen, Jane & Bill Crawford, Peggy Gamble, Lloyd & Carolyn Kelsey Sharie and Norm Libby, Diane & Bob Nunn, Kathy & Roger Rafferty, Ed Simko, George Stelling, Susan Uccello, Gerald & Julia Wehrung. ALTERNATES: Joanie Byrnes, Joanne & Bob Byrne, Al Dion, Pat Dunning REPORTERS: Reporters will be noted by their bylines at the end of each article. Lou Dunning, Tara Woods Homeowners Association Liaison To advertise in print, contact: Bob or Emy Stein at 941-349-0194 or email us at Contributing writers are acknowledged with bylines accompanying their submissions. Attribution for photos are not included unless supplied. We sincerely thank everyone for their contributions. Your articles help showcase the strong and diverse community that makes up Tara Woods. The Columns is published monthly from October through May. Summer issues are condensed: June/July and August/September. All ads are subject to the approval of the publisher. It is the responsibility of the party placing any ad for publication in The Columns to meet all applicable legal requirements in connection with the ad such as compliance with town, county and state codes in first obtaining an occupational license for business, permitted home occupation, or residential rental property. DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/ uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability. Island Visitor Publishing is not responsible for claims made by advertisers 2/16
Tara Woods knows how to ring in the New Year! Thank you to Kathy Rafferty, her committee and helpers for a great New Year’s Eve party. The music was great and kept the party going all night. It was great celebrating the New Year with all our Tara Woods friends and neighbors. The New Year kicks off an extremely busy season here in Tara Woods. Because we want everyone to experience all that Tara Woods has to offer, there is fun and activity “overload” for the next three months; but you’re here to have fun and enjoy your retirement, right!? I urge you to participate whenever you can. So much work and preparation goes into the events offered in this season, please do your best to participate. Why do we cram so much activity into the shortest month of the year? Good news is all the February 29th birthday people get to celebrate on their own day this year. Happy Birthday! My efforts have been centered around the preparation and execution of the HOA Annual Meeting, which was held on Monday, January 11, 2016. This year there was much to be accomplished, as we voted on amendments to our Corporation By-Laws, as well as voted on the Budget for 2016 and Directors of the Board. All went well, with special thanks to V.P., Frank Millette, Parliamentarian, Phil Featherbay, Chair of the By-Laws Committee, George Daly and Chair of the Nominating Committee, Fred Puhlfuerst.
EDITOR: Barbara J. Roland (
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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • February 2016 • 941.349.0194 •
Ellsworth Heating & Cooling was founded in SW Florida 48 years ago, making it one of the oldest and most reliable family owned and operated air conditioning companies in the county. IC T S O N I AG Started as a one-man operation 10% D in 1968 by George Ellsworth Sr., on Ment i the company rapidly became u o Y n Whe his Ad! highly trusted for its exceptional T personal service and solid dependability. Today, Ellsworth Heating & Cooling is one of the most respected businesses in SW Florida.
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The Inspirational group, Inspirations, is again going to send boxes with cookies, treats and useful items to servicemen and women. We will pack up the boxes on Saturday, March 19th, after the coffee meeting, around 9:30 AM. Please give names of who you want a box sent to by the meeting on March 12th, at the latest, so we can purchase items, make plans, bake, get the boxes ready, etc. You can give the names, addresses and any
contributions to Jean Bibeau or Beth Ferris. We will be leading this project; feel free to call us with any questions. Monetary contributions are appreciated for the items, and for the postage. There will be a sign-up list for baking cookies on the bulletin board in March or call Jean or Beth. Every year, we receive many thanks for the boxes they receive and we thank you for your support of this project. You
have always been very generous, and we thank you. This is truly a community-wide project and a worthwhile one to show our servicemen and women that we care about them and are thinking of them. Many times, besides their letters thanking us, they include photos, and say they share with their unit, etc. Thank you for your part in sending out the boxes! Jean Bibeau and Beth Ferris
The Columns |
5 • 941.349.0194 • February 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
“A Nite at the Races” Coming to Tara Woods Friday, February 5th Sponsored by the New York/New Jersey Club Admission: $2.00 Tickets available at Saturday Morning Coffee and Tuesday Night Bingo - and at the door. Doors Open at 4:00 PM 1st Race at 5:00 PM Food available: Hot Dogs, Chips, Coffee and Cookies Bring Your Own Beverage Race Tickets: $1.00/Horse Social Raffle 10 Races Scheduled plus Daily Double All Tara Woods and Del Tura residents, friends and family are welcome! Contact: Janet Daly, 567-2285 or
164 Pondella Road, North Fort Myers, Florida 33903 239.997.6464
“The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely on advertisements. Before you decide, ask me to send you free written information about my qualifications and experience.”
6 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • February 2016 • 941.349.0194 •
Don Davis
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(239) 731-9240 CGC059985
The Painted Cabana A Place To Create Turtle Crossing Shopping Center 16500 Suite 110, Burnt Store Road Punta Gorda, FL 33955 4/16
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Several years ago I attended the Vietnam Veterans’ National Convention. During the convention there was an election for National Officers. When the votes were counted only 5 votes separated the winner and loser for National Treasurer. So what does this have to do with the FMO? Every member who joins the FMO, every member who renews their membership in the FMO is a potential vote. FMO retains legal counsel, with years of history, supporting the rights of manufactured homeowners. They also support elected officials, both state and local, who are sympathetic to our cause. When these individuals inquire about our membership numbers, it becomes the old adage; there is strength in numbers. FMO can only do its job when you and I join and renew our membership. So what has the FMO done for me? It defeated attempts to tax mobile homes on rental property as real property, defeated a bill requiring fees for bingo operations in
communities and maintains homeowner’s rights to conduct bingo, and defeated an attempt to place a 7% sales tax on your lot rental. Think about that. Which is more cost effective? Paying a 7% sales tax on your lot rental every month or joining or renewing your membership for $65.00 for three years. For those of you who have Citizens Insurance, FMO helped pass legislation to require Citizens Insurance to cover mobile home attachments. All of this is possible with your support. If you are not a member, join. If your membership is up for renewal, renew. Consider it an inexpensive investment in your home. Do it for you. The next meeting of the FMO is Friday, February 12th at Pioneer Village, off Bayshore Road in North Fort Myers. All meetings start at 1:00 PM and refreshments are served during the break. You need FMO and FMO needs you. Stu Berman
SUNSHINE AND SYMPATHY Condolences to the family and friends of Anita Sherman’s son, Troy Duda, on his recent passing and to the family and friends of long-time resident Richard Alheit. Get well wishes are sent to Jan Murphy and Tony Perre and to others in our community who are suffering with medical issues. Stay well! Nancy Wuebbeler, 288-5778
The Columns |
7 • 941.349.0194 • February 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
North Fort Myers Florist Full Service Florist
Thursday, March 17, 2016
8190 Littleton Road, Suite #105 North Ft. Myers, FL 33903
5:00 PM – Bring Your Own Beverage
Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner Dancing – Entertainment Sing-a-Long – Horse Races
Stephanie Norris
Cost: $15.00/person
Hosted by Janet and George Daly and Friends. Tickets on sale at Bingo and Coffee starting Saturday, February 20th
Last sale date: Saturday, March 12
Del Tura Resident
8 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • February 2016 • 941.349.0194 •
You Are Invited….
Who: All residents, friends, family and visitors. New residents especially welcome! What: Saturday Morning Coffee Where: At the Clubhouse When: The first, third, fourth and fifth Saturdays of the month at 8:00 AM (Pancake Breakfast is the second Saturday from November – May) Why: To meet your friends and neighbors for friendly conversation over a cup or two of coffee. • To hear what’s going on in the community at the General Meeting at 8:45 AM. • To meet members of the TWHA Board of Directors who take turns hosting each meeting. • To support your Kitchen Committee who supply a variety of donuts, bagels and Kaiser Rolls with various toppings, including cream cheese, butter, jelly and homemade cream cheese w/ olives. • To purchase tickets to the latest events. • To purchase “Social” tickets and, hopefully, leave with a little extra cash. • To pay your Homeowner’s dues. • To read the bulletin board. • To hear some Wit and Wisdom from our residents. • ……and more! RSVP: Sign up on the sign-up sheet on the back bulletin board. It would be helpful if you signed up by Thursday of each week. Hope to see you there!
Irish Flight Shortly after take-off on an outbound evening Air Lingus flight from Dublin to Boston, the lead flight attendant nervously made the following painful announcement in her lovely Irish brogue: “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m so very sorry, but it appears that there has been a terrible mix-up by our catering service. I don’t know how this has happened, but we have 103 passengers on board, and unfortunately, we received only 40 dinner meals. I truly apologize for this mistake and
inconvenience.” When the muttering of the passengers had died down, she continued, “Anyone who is kind enough to give up their meal so that someone else can eat will receive free, unlimited drinks for the duration of our 5 hour flight.” Her next announcement came about 2 hours later: “If anyone is hungry, we still have 40 dinners available.” Submitted by Bill Nothnagel
The most MEMORABLE people in life will be the FRIENDS who loved you even when you weren't very LOVABLE.
The Columns |
9 • 941.349.0194 • February 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
The MidAtlantic Club had their annual Christmas Party at Bianca's Restaurant on Sunday, December 13th. We had 33 members in attendance, and after a short business meeting everyone enjoyed a buffet lunch. Soup or salad with hot garlic rolls was served before the entrees were presented. We had our choice of entrees that included Spaghetti with Marinara Sauce, Chicken Parmesan, Tilapia with butter/
wine sauce, and Veal Marsala. Most of us had more than one of these delightful offerings, and some tried all the different items. Everything this writer sampled was delicious! Our meeting on Sunday, January 17th was an "International Foods" event. A good turn-out provided a wide variety of cuisines represented. It all looked great and I was already getting hungry just looking at it all! See you all soon! Mary Donald, Secretary
When: Friday, February 19th at 5:00 PM Where: at the Clubhouse Menu: perogy and ham casseroles with fresh bread and butter Please bring a side or dessert to share For fun and laughs, stay and test your Canadian trivia knowledge. Anne and Wayne Wolski, 682-9688
Please note that State Clubs are on pages 9, 10, and 11. Thank you!
8-9/16 10/15
10 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • February 2016 • 941.349.0194 •
Krueger’s Painting LLC NEW ENGLAND Exterior and Interior Painting
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A huge THANK YOU! to all of you who helped un-decorate the tree. It was quick and easy until it came time to fit everything back in those bins! The next party was “Our Favorite Things” party on Saturday, January 30th where we enjoyed the culinary skills of our fellow New Englanders. Beer, Wine and Soda were provided by the Club. Saturday, March 19th is the New England – Midwest Challenge which we are hosting this year. Please save the date, because we will be hosting a 50’s dance, with an awesome menu, some games you probably forgot about from the 50’s, and then our New England DJ will be taking over with the great music from the 50’s for dancing, listening and singing. More details were available at the Saturday, January 30th party. Judy Machnicz
MIDWEST CLUB FEBRUARY EVENT Chili and Cornbread Competition!!! When: Friday, February 12th, 5:00 PM Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners of the best chili and the best cornbread. Everyone will be judges! Ice cream for dessert. To enter the competition: sign up to bring your best chili or your best cornbread or both to the Clubhouse. • Cornbread entries must be brought in a 9x13" pan. • Chili must be brought in a crock pot. • Chili and cornbread must be at the Clubhouse by 4:30 PM. If you plan on attending this event and tasting all the good chili and cornbread (because everybody is a judge!), we need you to sign up also, so we know how many people to plan for.
The Columns |
11 • 941.349.0194 • February 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
NEW YORK/NEW JERSEY CLUB Thank you to everyone for the great food at our Soups, Stews & Chowders meeting in January. There were 13 varieties offered, plus salad, bread and dessert. It was another gastronomical feast. I’m surprised everyone stayed awake for the meeting. Our next event is hosting A Nite at the Races on Friday, February 5th. There were still some spots open, at this writing, for helpers on that evening. Please check the sign-up sheet and fill in the blanks! It’s a fun night. I do ask that you attend a short meeting on Saturday, January 30th at 3:00 PM in the Meeting Room to review the duties and all that is happening that night. Our sister community, Del Tura, is invited once again this year. Please make this event known to your friends and neighbors here in Tara Woods. We hope many of the new residents will join us for some fun. Our February meeting is on Saturday, February 6th. In an effort to make it as easy as possible on every-
one, we’re having subs, salad and dessert. Thank you to Pat Sparany for volunteering to order and deliver the sub sandwiches for the meeting. We’ll be playing “Show Me the Money” – like betting your dollars the night before wasn’t enough! Don’t forget to bring one-dollar bills, if possible, to play. It’s a lot of fun, and all the money goes back to you. I look forward to meeting some new residents at our meetings. There are a growing number of residents from New York/New Jersey in the community, and I hope you will join us. Please keep me informed if you’ve changed your e-mail address. I find that medium an easy and effi-
cient way to contact everyone about upcoming events or with notifications. Just send me an email at or give me a call. This includes the renters who have become a part of our Club for the three months or more they are staying in our community. As always, everyone from New York and New Jersey is welcome to attend our meetings. New residents, renters and visitors are especially welcome. This is a busy time at Tara Woods. Please make time for YOUR New York/New Jersey Club. I look forward to seeing everyone on Friday, February 5th and Saturday, February 6th. Janet Daly, 567-2285
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12 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • February 2016 • 941.349.0194 •
The Garden Club meeting is Saturday, February 13th.
We will be discussing: Saturday, March 5th Trash and Treasure and make decisions regarding our Luncheon
We have limited meetings, so If you have a large item, and as not to interfere with your other do not want to carry it to the activities. Clubhouse, please take a picture and call me to pick up the picWe are responsible for: ture. We will show the pictures The Fashion Show, on a board the day of the Trash The Trash and Treasure and Treasure and, if we get a and The Craft Fair. buyer, we will call you (you must be home) for them to pick up the Members and Volunteers are item. They will have a receipt, so needed to continue to make these that you know we were paid. events possible. Thank you in advance. The February meeting would be a good time to join Rachelle DellaRocca, and to show your support. 543-7755
At the February meeting we will be collecting our $5.00 dues. Please put your name/ FEBRUARY in If one of your New Year’s restelephone number in an enve- olutions was to get rid of some South Florida lope with the $5.00. clutter, PLEASE donate to the What to plant: Trash and Treasure which is in Please mark your calendars, so March. The Garden Club apthat you remember to attend this preciates ALL usable donations. Bedding Plants: Good permeeting. The money received from the formers in South Florida’s mild The Garden Club keeps up the Trash and Treasure makes pos- winter include impatiens, verbutterfly garden, but no garden- sible the FREE fashion show. bena, dianthus, strawflower, and ing is expected. (Continues on page 13)
The Columns |
13 • 941.349.0194 • February 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
lobelia. Bulbs: Many bulbs can be planted now. Divide large crowded clumps. Provide adequate water to establish. Some to try are Amazon lily, crinum, and agapanthus. Ground Covers: Consider replacing areas of grass with drought tolerant, low maintenance ground covers. Vegetables: Begin planting warm season crops this month. Sweet potato, cantaloupe, eggplant and squash can be started while temperatures are cool. What to do: Lawns: Fertilize lawns this month. Choose one (not a weed and feed) with no or very little phosphorus unless a soil test indicates the need for it. A fertilizer with controlled release nitrogen will give longer lasting results. Prune Roses: Roses should
be pruned this month to reduce and improve the overall form. After pruning, fertilize and apply a fresh layer of mulch. Blooming will begin eight to nine weeks after pruning. Fertilize Shrubs and Palms: Spread fertilizer evenly over the soil surface and water in. Follow with a fresh layer of mulch to conserve moisture and reduce weeds. Hold off pruning colddamaged branches until new growth starts. Lawn Weeds: Apply a preemergent weed killer (not a weed and feed) to lawns this month to prevent germination of warm season weed seeds. Apply when temperatures rise to 65°F for 4-5 days. Timing is important for good control. Spray: When avocados and mango have lost 2/3 of blossoms, spray copper fungicide to control anthracnose. Fruits: If not done in Janu-
ary, fertilize fruit trees, including citrus now. Excerpts from the University of Florida gardening calendar for South Florida.
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(Continuing from page 12)
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14 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • February 2016 • 941.349.0194 •
Palace Theatre, Manchester, New Hampshire.
The story of the Palace Theatre: During summer months, Linda and I volunteer at our local theatre in Manchester, New Hampshire. Our volunteer activities could include helping patrons find their seats as ushers, handing out the evening’s programs or a variety of other activities. We consider the Palace a hidden gem because it caters to all types of theatre
activities, including Broadway shows, children’s theatre, rock shows, comedies and many other diverse performances. On April 9, 1915, the Palace Theatre celebrated its opening night with great fanfare. Local press billed the evening as the grandest social occasion of the century, and the musical comedy “Modern Eve” played to a full house. The lights of the Palace now joined the many other theatres in the downtown that were collectively known as “The Great White Way”. From 1915 until 1930 the
Palace Theatre was in its prime. Touring vaudeville companies regularly stopped at the Palace where performers such as Jimmy Durante, Bob Hope, Harry Houdini, The Marx Brothers, and Red Skelton entertained audiences. In addition, stock companies presented up to 12 performances a week. In 1928, a patron could see the resident company, “The Palace Players”, for just 75 cents! As time moved on, the nature of entertainment changed and so did the Palace. The advent of silent pictures in the 1920s,
Also, you will feel much more
intelligent after reading this. Brains of older people are slow because they know so much. People do not decline mentally with age, it just takes them longer to recall facts because they have more information in their brains, scientists believe. Much like a computer struggles as the hard drive gets full, so too do humans take longer to access information when their brains are full. Researchers say this slowing down process is not the same as cognitive decline. The human
Structural and aesthetic renovations were made, new orchestra seating was installed, and on November 2, 1974, the Palace Theatre once again celebrated opening night. Since that time the Palace Theatre has withstood fire and flood. In December of 1980, a pipe burst, sending 70,000 gallons of water pouring down the balcony, over the rail, and into the theatre. In 1984, a fire on Hanover Street ravaged much of the block. The firewall of the Palace Theatre was credited for halting the blaze and saving the rest of the structures. Today the Palace Theatre is a beautifully restored 880-seat professional performing arts center. In an area that once had 22 theatres, this historic building is now the sole survivor of “The Great White Way”. As the Palace’s history continues to unfold, the theatre is again a center of cultural activity and Victor Charas’ vision remains alive and well. Submitted by Mike Renzulli
I AM A SEENAGER. (SENIOR TEENAGER) I have everything that I wanted as a teenager, only 60 years later. I don’t have to go to school or work, in fact anywhere I don’t want to. I get an allowance every month. I have my own house. I don’t have a curfew. I have a driver’s license and my own car. The people I hang around with are not scared of getting pregnant. And I don’t have acne. Life is Good!
and later “talkies”, pushed vaudeville out of public favor and replaced it with the movies. The Palace adapted and became primarily a movie house from 1930 until the early 1960s. At one point it was even functioning as an X-rated theatre- shhh not our finest moment! By the late 1960s the Palace Theatre no longer had any connection to its artistic beginnings. It was now being used as classroom space for New Hampshire College. When the school moved to their new campus, the Palace became surplus and fell into disrepair. The seats were removed, the stage equipment was left to deteriorate and the building was used as a warehouse. It appeared that the Palace’s theatrical days were over, but in 1974 the Palace was given a second chance to shine. Prominent Manchester lawyer John McLane and Mayor Sylvio S. Dupuis spearheaded a campaign to restore the Palace to its original glory. With financial assistance from the Norwin S. and Elizabeth N. Bean Foundation, the Palace was awarded an opportunity to again become a cultural fixture in the city.
brain works slower in old age, said Dr. Michael Ramscar, but only because we have stored more information over time. The brains of older people do not get weak. On the contrary, they simply know more. Also, older people often go to another room to get something, and when they get there, they stand there wondering what they came for. It is NOT a memory problem, it is nature’s way of making older people do more exercise. SO THERE!!
Helen Appese volunteers her hair styling skills with several different organizations around Ft. Myers. The picture with Santa was at All Souls Church which is located close to Walmart. She is very shy when talking about herself. She does not EVER charge for services. Along with cutting hair, she helps several of our residents when they need transportation. She is a very devoted volunteer. Linda Jokich
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15 • 941.349.0194 • February 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
16 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • February 2016 • 941.349.0194 •
Computer Problems I Come to You!
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TENNIS ASSOCIATION MEETING The Tennis Association held its meeting on Sunday, January 24th. A Nominating Committee for the 2016-2017 tennis season was to be appointed. This Committee would submit names of candidates for the offices of the Tennis Association which will be voted on at the April 3rd meeting. All four offices are open for new people to serve on the Tennis Association Board. If you are interested in a position on the Board, please let one of the present officers know your wishes. Other items discussed at that meeting will be published in the March issue of the Columns. The next meeting of the Tennis Association is set for Sunday, February 22nd, at 5:45 PM.
Because of a Clubhouse scheduling conflict, our usual March meeting won’t be held until April 3rd. AED CLASS We extend our thanks to Chuck Poveromo and Fire Department Chief David Rice who gave 28 of us an AED demonstration on Friday, January 8th. We will be getting an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) for the tennis courts. The AED will be kept in the Laundry Room (where the chairs are stored). This room is air-conditioned, so it is important to keep the sliding glass doors closed. Note: If you ever need to call 911 while in Tara Woods, it is important to state that you are calling for help in Lee County.
ROUND ROBIN A different tennis format was used for the Sunday, January 24th tennis social. Because of the early deadline for this February Columns, we will report on the outcome of that new event in the March issue. The next Round Robin is scheduled for Sunday, February 28th. The sign-up sheet will be posted in early February, so be sure to sign up to play that day. Again, because of the early deadline for the Columns, it is not known who will be hosting the dinner and who will be providing the courtside snacks for that February Round Robin. TENNIS LESSONS – Beginners and Those Needing a BrushUp For all of you who would like
(Continues on page 17)
3/16 10/14
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17 • 941.349.0194 • February 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
(Continuing Tennis from page 16) to learn the game of tennis, Beginner Tennis Lessons will be scheduled for Fridays at 10:30 AM. There will be experienced tennis players to introduce you to the game by showing you how to properly hold the racket and explain the different strokes used to play the game. We will also explain the rules to you. If you just need to brush up and get yourself back into the game, this is the place to get started. Come out and meet the players, new and old, and get on the courts again. APPRECIATION DAY Appreciation Day is scheduled for Saturday, February 27th. We will have the same three tennis games that we had last year. There will be the “Hole in the Board” game, the “Bowling”
tennis game, and the “Hit the Chairs” game. You do not have to be a tennis player to enjoy these games. They are a lot of fun to play, so come out and give them a try. We need workers to help run these games, so please consider giving us a hand. So, if you’re asked to help out, please say “Yes”. TENNIS LEAGUES WOMEN’S LEAGUE After just six weeks of league tennis, the Tara Woods Angels are in first place, with 25 wins and 11 losses. We will need to continue playing well the rest of the season as three other teams are right behind us in their number of wins. The other teams in our league are from Lake Fairways and Sabal Springs who have one
team each, while Herons Glen, Pine Lakes, and Six Lakes each have two teams. – Linda Engel MEN’S LEAGUE Red League On Wednesday, January 6th, we played our Red Team tennis match at home in front of a lot of spectators from both teams. It was great to see. Everyone had a great time watching the two teams battle it out to a 3 win 3 loss record. Cheers. – Glen Fisher White League The first match after the Christmas break was not very fruitful, as we only won 1 set out of 6. Must have been too much Christmas cheer?? Mind you, we had 3 sets which could have gone either way. The strong winds at
(Continues on page 18)
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Dr. Jim Holloway and Dr. Allen Chumbler • Comprehensive Dental Care • Smile Makeovers • Implant Restoration • Root Canal Therapy
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NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH Your NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH is working for you. The two primary reasons for the WATCH are the protection of our residents and the observation of our community. Check on your neighbors who may be housebound or ill. If you haven’t seen them for a while, check on them. If you see something out of the ordinary, call and report the problem (911 or 477-1000). THIS MONTH’S TIPS: • Burglars never work in the light. Remember to leave lights on during the evening. • Try to have motion activated lights installed on driveway entries. • Never leave your golf cart key in the ignition. • Always lock your house and shed, and auto at night
Come in and see how quickly our new Murphy Beds transform.
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Blue League It was a beautiful day for tennis – with the sun peeking in and out, 71 degrees, and home court advantage. A nice size crowd of Tara Woods cheerleaders was on hand to inspire our team. The Tara Woods Tigers beat Pine Lakes 4 sets to 2, which puts us in the middle of the pack to date. Our next match is against Herons Glen on clay courts. We all look forward to another challenging game. – Bill Powers Linda Engel
(Continuing Tennis from page 17) times created some difficulty as it blew the ball away by several feet. We currently have a beer fund shortfall and plan to sell beer and hot dogs at our home games to strengthen the fund. Rumor has it we may even have some weed for sale. Come to our games to find out!!. – Gerry Gagnon
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The Columns |
19 • 941.349.0194 • February 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
What To Look For From A Financial Advisor
There’s a lot to know about investing, so it’s a good idea to get some professional help. But with so many financial advisors out there, how can you choose one that’s right for you? You may have to interview several prospective financial advisors before deciding on one. When you talk to them, see if you can get a sense of how they might work with you. Specifically, try to answer the following questions:
Does this financial advisor: • Understand you? Perhaps above all else, you want a financial advisor who will take the time to get to know you and your family, your goals and what’s important to you. • Clearly explain investing? Once you enter the investment world, you will likely be curious about it. Why is diversification important? What’s a market correction? How do interest rate movements affect different investments? You will want to work with someone who will make the effort to educate you on investment topics and answer all your questions. • Know your investment style? Obviously, you’ll want someone who will recommend only those investments that are in your best interest and that can help you make progress toward your goals. Therefore, the person you choose needs to understand your investment personality – that is, whether you are an aggressive, moderate or conservative investor. • Have a certain investment philosophy? You may have your own investment style and preferences – and so do many financial advisors. In fact, some financial advisors have an overriding investment philosophy that governs many of their recommendations. You need to find this out before you start working with someone. • Communicate frequently? The most knowledgeable financial advisor in the world won’t be of much help to you if he or she is not a good communicator. You need someone who will regularly let you know if you’re on track or make suggestions if you’re not – even if you aren’t scheduled to meet for a while. And, speaking of conferring with your financial advisor, you’ll want someone who will meet with you when it’s convenient for you, whether it’s in person or over the phone. • Avoid making big promises? You want a financial advisor with the expertise and experience necessary to help you make the right moves. And you’ll want someone committed to your success. But there’s a big difference between someone who promises to do the best possible job for you and someone who promises big results. Be wary of financial advisors who claim they can consistently achieve high returns for you – there are very few guarantees in the investment world. • Explain how he or she will be compensated? Financial advisors get paid in various ways, often in some combination of fees and commissions. Ask all potential financial advisors how they get compensated; any reputable professional will be upfront about his or her charges. By finding the answers to these key questions, you should be able to find a financial advisor who is well-suited to work with you. So take the time you need to gather enough information to feel confident in your choice. After all, you’re enlisting the help of someone who can have a big impact on your financial future. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.
Edward Jones, its employees and investment representatives do not offer estate-planning, tax or legal advice. “Adam Hromiak AAMS, CRPC is a Financial Advisor with Edward Jones Investments in Cape Coral on 3571 North Del Prado Blvd. Suite 7 Entrada Plaza, 1/2 mile West of Rt. 41. He can be contacted at 731-6338” 12/16
20 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • February 2016 • 941.349.0194 •
Be one of the winners at our Tuesday night BINGO. And you can win more than once during the night!
If your eyesight isn’t as good as it once was, now you can play too. We have really BIG game packs and “Specials” that are 8 ½” x 11” with 2” numbers.
No additional charge for the ticket that can make you the “King” or the “Queen” for the night and earn you even more money on all game sheets.
Game packets are sold with either 6 game squares per sheet or 9 game squares. The “Special” game papers have 3 game squares. Buy as many as you’d like!
Our Tuesday night BINGO session consists of 14 regular games and 6 “Special” games We also have “Hot Ball” prizes of $50.00 or more and a “Social” raffle. Sales STOP at 6:45 PM. Come join the fun.
BOCCE Tuesdays at 10:00 AM No need to sign up Don’t need a partner New teams chosen every week ~ Easy to learn Questions: call Frank Millette 543-2954
BRIDGE Looking for all bridge players. We play on Tuesdays in the Card Room – come between 12:30 and 12:45 PM. Call Beth first to come and join our friendly group. Call Beth Ferris, 543-6295, or Rita Sick, 731-1106, if you are interested in joining this friendly group to play bridge.
Ladies and Gentlemen, come join us on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Card Room. Cost is $3.00. Will you have the first Bunco or the last, or the most? Will you have the most wins, or the most losses? If you do, the prize money will be yours! Come join the fun. Questions: call Polly Brown 731-1614
HORSESHOES Don’t forget every Friday at 1:00 PM at the pits.
EUCHRE CLUB Meets on Wednesday Nights In the Clubhouse Card Room at 7:00 PM. $.50 to buy in, but offers some “big” prize money! Contact: Bill Keibler, 586-216-6526, or Lorraine Smith, 567-1392. The Regular Monthly Happy Hour will resume on Wednesday, February 10th. on the Verandah at 5:00 PM. $2.00 per person donation.
Come join us for some laughs. Questions: call Patty Sparany 543-5144
SCRABBLE ANYONE? Wednesdays 1:00 PM In the Clubhouse. Please join us. Questions, please contact Brenda Plut, or 705-434-7628.
Come join the Mah Jongg group. Do not know how to play? We teach the first three Mondays of the month. We have a great time. Come & join us on Mondays 12:00-3:00 PM. The Happy Ladies of Mah Jongg.
Any questions, please contact: Jane DeGuire, 567-0656, or Ruth Zimmer,731-8594.
LADIES! DO YOU PLAY POKER? How long has it been since you’ve played with friends? Did you know there’s a game every Monday night at the Clubhouse just for the ladies? Well, we really don’t have a “No Boys Allowed!!!” rule, but men usually don’t like to play with wild cards and we do. But they’re welcome to play as long as they are willing to “play like girls”. It is most likely the least stressful and least expensive poker you can play around here! It’s a good night to socialize with the ladies and make new friends with the girls who like to play poker. The stakes are very low. Call Polly Brown, 7311614, if you’d like to join us – she’ll fill you in on the details or answer any questions you may have.
Please bring a substantial appetizer, and your own table setting. Sign up on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse, so we can plan for the number. If you know of someone who has not been to Happy Hour, sign them up and bring them with you. We are looking forward to seeing you there. Tom Heideman
HAND and FOOT CARD CLUB Come join the group for a fun-filled afternoon of cards! We meet on Fridays at 1:00 PM in the Card Room. Don’t know how to play the game? EASY! We will teach you! It is easy to learn. Questions: contact Arlene Greene, 850-207-1084, or Marty Hradkowsky, 609-709-7717.
AGGRAVATION Meets in the Clubhouse Card Room at 7:00 PM on Monday and Thursday nights. The game consists of 11 hands and is easy to learn. Eight quarters gets you in. Come join the fun and play a great card game.
MOVIE NITE Saturday, February 4, 2016 at 7:00 pm Featuring: Black and White Starring: Kevin Costner Rated: PG-13 Free Popcorn • Sodas 50 cents Lloyd and Carolyn Kelsey
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Book Discussion Club
Thursday, February 4th at 1:30 PM 2760 Steamboat Loop Join us to talk about the books we have been enjoying and maybe borrow one you would like to read. Newcomers welcome. Questions: Call Marilyn Workman, 543-1168
BIRTHDAYS IN FEBRUARY: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Jim Hickson, Jesse Lane, Lorraine Potter, Carol Shields, Garry Slone Pat Oliver Joe Colacino, Wendy Nichols, Carmen Peters, Liz Wilson Dorothy Andrus, Arnie Gaudet, Marie Peidlow Joanne Byrne Manny DiGrazia Doug Objartel John DiScioscia, Dave Gamble, Carol Malatesta Peggy Gasmire Bill Taylor Janice Johnston, Clif McLaughlin, Barb Stepniak Tony Grossner, Joyce Pansegrau, Peg Ryan Lois Heideman
14 Rick Belcher, Ray Lavoie, Ed Sparany, Marge Wiley 15 Doreen Choquette, Chris Conley 17 Marilyn Brion, Fred Hoar – 92 Yrs., Nancy Latimer, Bud Snell 18 Jim Choquette, Phil Kenter, Louise Phillips, Howard Silverman 19 Bob Benjamin, Fran Hunt, Henrietta La Liberty 20 Mary Kenter, Barb Lenhart, Tony Perre, Jean Sharp, Don Terkelsen 21 John D’Amico 22 Joyce Campbell, Fred Day 23 Bill Hampton, Ann Pasquale 24 Mary Burke, Jim Howard 25 Robert Holmes 26 Mimi Shoaf 27 Milty Katz, Susan Malone, Bob Snyder, June Weaver 28 Jon Porter 29 Gina Jacobs, Carole Neveu
Audrey & Jerry Coon Louise & Pat Patterson, Ruthie & Timmy Zimmer – 66 Yrs. Carlene & Ed Blanton, Linda & Al Dion, Connie Lessard & Andy Hardy, Linda & Bob Prenoveau Mary & Ken Donald Marie & Mike Peidlow Judy & Richard Binkowski Lou & Joe Crowley,
18 19 20 22 26
Gigi & Glen Fisher, Brenda & Mike Girty, Diane Ladlie & Richard Jones, Donna & Tom Mallinson, Sue & Bill Sobkowicz Peggy & Dave Boncher Brenda & Dave Redgers Marge & Bill Hosek – 62 Yrs. Ann & Sal Furia Phyl & Bob Apple, Belle & Stuart Berman
Contact Shirley Ringleben, 731-2748, before February 10th for Special Recognition of Anniversaries, 50, 55 or 60+ in March 2016!
21 • 941.349.0194 • February 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
There have been many changes regarding our Spring Concert. There will be two performances: one held in our Clubhouse and the other one in the Clubhouse at Del Tura. For the very first time, the “Choralaires” from our sister community and the “New Image Chorus” will combine voices and perform the show “Rock, Roll and Remember”. The choruses will sing the same songs in both performances.
Performances Del Tura Monday, March 21st Time 7:00 PM Tara Woods Friday, April 1st Time: 7:00 PM Price $7.00 Cabaret (Bring Your Own Beverage) or theatre seating will be available. Ticket sales begin Tuesday, March 1st, at Bingo and at Saturday Morning Coffee. For ticket information call Polly Brown, 731-1614 Shirley Ringleben
CLUBHOUSE MINISTRIES A Healthy, Very Belated Happy New Year to you all. Hope you had a very nice Holiday season. For any newcomers or “Snow Birds” who are not familiar with Club House Ministries, we are a nondenominational Bible study group who meet here in Tara Woods every Tuesday at 10:00 AM in the Meeting Room. At present we are finishing up our study on the book of James, but will shortly begin our Lenten Study, which I know will prove interesting. So come join us. Hoping to meet you there. Any questions, please call me at 734-7464. Ruth Simko
So Ladies and Gentlemen… we endure the hardships of the winter weather it is good to keep in mind the need to keep active – active in mind to keep it sharp and active in body to keep it fit. One of the ways to keep active is to try something different. Something different could be joining the Entertainers small group who put on a stage play once a year. This will keep the mind and the body active. We are always looking for people (no experience necessary) to participate in next year’s production. We can use new actors, male or female, old or young. Keep us in your thoughts as you think of ways to keep active in the future. Our troupe of actors are continuing rehearsals for this year’s production “Senior Follies” which will be on stage Friday and Saturday, March 11th and 12th at 7:00 PM. Be sure to keep the date open. The ticket price is $7.00 and we will start selling them on Saturday, February 13th; the tickets will be on sale on Saturday Coffee and Tuesday night at Bingo. Pat-one, Stage Manager Entertainers P.S. as a reminder, food/drink are not allowed in the Clubhouse for this performance. Thank you for your cooperation.
SOUND & LIGHTING COMMITTEE First off, we want to thank everyone who attended the John Timpanelli show we hosted on Saturday, January 9th. Your support inspires us to keep providing professional entertainment for the community. Many of you have told us that when Sound & Lighting puts on a show you know you are sure to enjoy it and we appreciate hearing that. Secondly, we are looking for new members who would be interested in working with audio/visual systems and equipment. Experience preferred but not necessary. If interested, please come to our next meeting on Monday, February 1st at 10:30 AM in the Card Room at the Clubhouse or talk to Polly Brown, Wayne Cox or Frank Millette. Once again, from the Sound & Lighting Committee, thank you for your support
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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • February 2016 • 941.349.0194 •
TARA WOODS CRUISE NIGHT Wednesday, Feb 17, 2016 7 pm – Clubhouse ALL ARE INVITED!
The Tara Woods Computer Club provides free computer classes every Thursday at 10:30 AM in the Card Room at the Clubhouse. These are open to all residents and visitors. We cover Computer Basics on the 1st and 3rd Thursday each month, and Advanced Topics the 2nd and 4th Thursday. The 5th Thursdays are general question and answer sessions. It’s never too late to join our group, even if you’re a total novice. We are just getting into our instructions, including basic computer skills and how to use Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint). We spend as much time as we need to on each topic, and the next topic to be covered is always posted on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse. Feel free to attend only those classes that appeal to you. Bring something to take notes with and your laptop computer if you want to. I will answer any question you care to ask me. Please call me with any questions or comments at 652-0488. I can help you with any of your computer needs. I’m looking forward to seeing you.
Come see / hear – when, where & what The TARA WOODS’ annual cruise will be? What fabulous ship? Where will we sail to? What makes it a “must do”! KINDLY SIGN THE BLUE BOOK IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND.
A HUG The perfect VALENTINE’S DAY gift! Relieves tension No batteries required Improves blood flow Absolutely no cost Reduces stress Non-taxable Non-polluting Silent performance Helps self-esteem Extremely personal Generates good will Fully returnable
Dave St.Laurent, The Computer Tutor
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3/16 • 941.349.0194 • February 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • February 2016 • 941.349.0194 •
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25 • 941.349.0194 • February 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Appliance Repair
1 Year Warranty On Parts 90 Days Warranty On Labor 2/16 12/14
• •
26 | The Columns
Never leave your golf cart key in the ignition. Always lock your house and shed, and auto at night.
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • February 2016 • 941.349.0194 •
MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR UPCOMING SPECIAL EVENTS February 2nd February 4th February 5th February 6th February 6th February 7th February 8th February 10th February 12th February 12th February 13th February 13th February 13th February 14th February 17th February 19th February 20th February 20th February 20th February 21st February 27th February 28th
TWHA Board Meeting Book Discussion Club at Marilyn’s A NITE AT THE RACES New Residents Orientation New York/New Jersey Club SUPER BOWL PARTY TWHA Meeting Happy Hour Club AARP Driver Alive Class Midwest Club Meeting Pancake Breakfast Garden Club Meeting Movie Nite VALENTINE’S DAY 2017 Cruise Presentation Canadian Club Meeting Entertainers Business Meeting SPLASH – PAINT & WINE PARTY TRIVIA NIGHT Mid-Atlantic Club Meeting RESIDENT APPRECIATION DAY Tennis Association
9:00 AM 1:30 PM 4:00 PM 10:30 AM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 5:00 PM 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:30 AM – 8:45 AM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 5:00 PM 9:30 AM 1:00 PM 6:30 PM 4:00 PM 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM 4:30 PM
If you need to make any changes, additions or corrections to your listing, please call Polly Brown at 731-1614 tofor beFEBRUARY included in2016 the next monthly update and the 2016-2017 directory. SCHEDULED
Feb 1 RHAPSODY & RHYTHM - the Gershwin Concert Experience – Bway Palm Additions: 3 “WHO’S BAD: THE ULTIMATE MICHAEL JACKSON TRIBUTE” – BBM BAUGHER, Tracy Cottonw/GARY Bay, Lot PUCKETT #60 851-8824– BBM NY 4 THE LOVIN’19540 SPOONFUL & DENNIS TUFANO
BISHOP, Jim TROTTER, Larry Phone # Changes: BAYER, Beverly BAYER, Dennis BUETTNER, Nancy
19540 Cotton Bay, Lot #60 19496 Omega Road, Lot 19 #221
19666 Pandora Circle, Lot #461 19666 Pandora Circle, Lot #461 19354 Amelia Road, Lot #622 (The number in the directory is Irv’s) 19529 Charleston Circle, Lot #8 19615 Woodfield Circle, Lot #105 2584 Tara Blvd., Lot #223
FURIA, Sal & Ann POWERS, Tom SURRETTE, Sylvia Address Changes: None Misc. Changes: None Delete the Following Names: ALHEIT, Richard 2870 Darwin Street, Lot #516 DUDA, Troy 2846 Tara Lakes Circle, Lot #303 ***
887-0072 540-539-5747 464-9668 849-4991 850-1183 772-342-3968 412-576-0045 781-598-0294
Deceased Deceased
The Columns |
27 • 941.349.0194 • February 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
The The
Poolside Pub Located Inside Del Tura Golf & Country Club • Public Always Welcome $4.99 Lunch Specials Every Day 11-3 • Happy Hour Every Day 3-6 STOP IN AND GRAB A CALENDAR OF EVENTS TODAY!
MONDAY Live Music at 5:30 pm TUESDAY Karaoke (6 pm) WEDNESDAY Wing Night! Buy 20 Wings GET A FREE PITCHER OF BEER! THURSDAY Name That Tune & Trivia Night (6 pm) FRIDAY Live Music Every Friday Night (5 pm) All-You-Can-Eat Fish Fry All Day and Night! SATURDAY Karaoke (6 pm) SUNDAY $3.50 Bloody Mary Specials Live Music and BBQ 1 PM Come watch your favorite NFL team play every Sunday with food and drink specials all day and night! PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY
Breakfast Served Every Day 8 AM - 11 AM in the
Fountain Grille Public Welcome!
28 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • February 2016 • 941.349.0194 •