Volume 25 Issue 18

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Pinching pennies for parking Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi parking permit fees increase in fall semester

Reading Corner PAGE 2


by CONNER TICHOTA editor in chief


midst the various construction projects taking place at Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi, the dwindling number of available parking spots has made them a precious commodity to commuter and residential students alike. Starting in the fall 2014 semester, these rarified spots come at a heftier price as the University has officially increased the fees attached to parking permits and added some new ones as well. The cost of general parking permits has in-

creased in price by an approximate 10 percent. Similarly, fees for a parking garage permit have also increased by 10 percent. However, if students should choose to park on the fourth floor of the garage, they would only need to pay a reduced fee of $185 for the entire year. Motorcycle permits will no longer be offered. Come fall, the previously free parking on Momentum campus will now have a fee attached. It will cost $25 for a yearly permit, $20 for fall and spring semesters, or $10 for either semester or summer hours. Furthermore, there are no plans to add or reduce the number of parking spots available,

at least for the upcoming academic year. Discussions amongst the Parking and Transportation Committee regarding an increase in fees for the 2014 academic year have been in the works as early as November 2013. However, the changes were not yet approved until May 1 when the A&M system Board of Regents ratified the newly increased fees. On May 13, the Parking and Transportation Committee met again and discussed once more the finalized changes and fee increases. see PINCHING PENNIES FOR PARKING on page 3

Skinny Izzy Challenge

Open Mic Night PAGE 5

The Islanders’ twist on the classic Flat Stanely by TREY SEAL entertainment reporter


he Earth is a vast planet, with so many continents and bodies of water. While many of the students on our campus were born in America, there are also a good deal who come from distant places. In order to gain insight into the origins and destinations of both current students and alumni, the Texas A&M University Corpus Christi Alumni Association came up with the concept for Skinny Izzy. Skinny Izzy is similar to the concept of Flat Stanley, a printable paper doll delivered

through email. The recipient is expected to print and take a picture of said paper doll at a unique spot representing their location, which they email back to the sender. The original concept was started to show the vastness of the planet Earth to school children and the adults who assisted them. Instead of Stanley, the Island University’s mascot, Izzy, is being sent out in order to give visual insight of the many lands beyond our bayside community. I’ll never forget my own existential moment, experienced while riding the classic Disney World attraction “It’s a Small World”. To those who aren’t familiar with it, the ride is a

large diorama composed of marionettes representing every country on Earth. After completing the ride and viewing representations of rarely mentioned places that don’t receive much attention from the global media such as Iceland and Denmark, I pondered what Iceland would be like: “do they live in igloos?”, “do they play Super Nintendo?”. Keep in mind that I was five years old at the time. I wondered what a Dane consumes for dinner. Does Denmark have a McDonald’s on every corner like America? see SKINNY IZZY CHALLENGE on page 4

Top Ten Moments PAGE 7


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