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Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi


HISTORIC SUMMER Record number of Islanders graduate by JONATHAN FORNEY • Pages 6-7


University hosts camp encouraging girls into STEM field Page 4


August 17, 2017 Volume 28, Issue 17

Opinions Page 2 Entertainment Page 8 Sports Page 11



5 simple steps to a healthier life Dara Martinez Chapa Contributing Writer


eing healthy is something we continuously have to work on. It is acceptable to have cheat days and rest days, ISLAND WAVES STI | ISLANDWAVESNEWS.COM | but VOLUME ISSUE 20 a |lifelong 08.27.15 it is 26 typically efIslandWavesNews.com fort. In order to be healthy or maintain a healthy lifestyle you Editor-in-Chief have to watch was goes into JONATHAN FORNEY your body and how you take care of your body. Web Here are some tips on ways GERI LEMMONS, editor to be healthy. 1. Set goals. Reporters Goals can be both long-term AMERICA SEGURA, sports and short-term. It is important to set a goal or goals for yourDigital Journalism self because then you know Class Contributors exactly what it is you want to DARA CHAPA achieve. 2. Reward yourself. Graduate Assistant Rewarding yourself after BRADY BURNS, advertising Faculty Adviser WENDY MOORE

ABOUT ISLAND WAVES Island Waves is a studentproduced publication at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. The newspaper is printed weekly, except during summer sessions. Any student or University employee may submit material and opinions for publication consideration. To become a contributor, e-mail or call the Island Waves editor. CONTACT US 6300 Ocean Drive Unit 5783 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (361) 825-5862 editor@tamucc.edu ads@tamucc.edu

meeting a goal is encouraging. When times get tough on the way to meeting your goal, they can serve as encouragement to get you to that goal. Rewards can be tangible or intangible. 3. Keep a journal. Record each activity or exercise you perform as well as what you eat. Keeping a journal of these records allows you to be mindful of the things you are consuming and what you are doing. 4. Get a good night’s sleep. Sleep is a crucial part in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is important to go to sleep early so you wake up energized and are able to get through the day. This also allows you to wake up at a decent hour opposed to waking up late which is at times not good for our bodies.


Keeping a journal, logging your goals and getting rest can be positive steps toward a healthier lifestyle

5.Drink water. Increase your water intake to at least eight glasses of water per day. Water intake increases energy and relieves fatigue while flushing out toxins. While many may or may not be incorporating these tips into

every life, it is important to try. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle increases our life expectancy rate. Taking positive steps in one’s day to day life can have lasting effects on their well-being and overall outlook.

Must-haves for incoming students

America Segura Reporter


ll great things must come to an end and summer vacation is no exception. The fall semester is quickly approaching There are stores are filled with desperate freshman trying to figure out what they'll need in order to survive a whole year on the island. Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi a distinct school.

Not many other students get to say their campus is on an island. However, with these perks, there definitely comes some must-have items that go beyond just school supplies. • Sunscreen Regardless of the skin type you have, the beach calls every Islander and sunscreen is a definite must. Even if you don’t go to the beach, walking from class to class you are bound to get darker (I know I did). So


Some things Islanders have learned to keep on hand.

be compliant and get yourself some SPF 100 sunscreen suitable for your skin. • Bathing Suit From the beach bashes to cookouts and late night bonfires, many current students know the beach is our go-to. So a bathing suit is a must. Don’t worry about what type, what color, your shape or size. Make memories and enjoy the good times while they last. • Laptop College students know that a laptop is a definite necessity. Assignments, note-taking and countless other things can be done online. Invest in a good laptop since it will be one of the most useful resources you can have while in school. In my experience, Apple has student discounts around August. Take advantage of sweet deals like this one. • Calendar/Planner App You might have never had to use a planner in your life before, but those college assignment deadlines will sneak up on you if you don’t organize yourself. By having a planner or calendar it is easier to know when things need to get done.

Overall making your life a little less dependent on procrastination and helping you learn time management to make the most of your days. It is easy to forget assignments if they are not written down. In addition, with so many different classes on different days, it can become a habit to miss a class if you don't have some sort of reminder. Also, an app would be the perfect since we don’t always remember to carry around a giant planner. • Valuing “Me Time” Growing up, most of us really being around people. However, if there is one thing college has taught me, it is to value my me time. Most of us have this idea that college is all about being around others, partying it up and meeting new people. Indeed college is the time to do a lot of this, but it is also a time to find yourself. Sometimes you just need to step back. We should never feel pressured to be with other people at all times. These tips and more can help new students get the most out of their college experience. A time for trying new things.

News 3


Renowned expert illustrates sea level rising GERI LEMMONS @GeriLemmons

Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi invited sea level rise expert, John Englander, to speak about his field of expertise. “It felt good from my end, there was good energy and a good perception, overall a really good speech I would say,” Englander said. Englander spoke to an audience with different science interests about sea level rise and explain to them how it will affect them in different aspects of life. Englander said the audience should go home knowing more about sea level rise. He wanted them to look at the issue without a political slant. “Sea levels are rising and we need to be planning for it and it is not too soon to start adapt-

ing,” Englander said. “Knowing that sea level will get higher, I like to tell people we should plan for the first three feet of sea level rise.” Englander’s presentation was a part of a two-day event where he served as the keynote speaker. “He is visiting the Texas coast at the same time, and doing some research,” said associate research professor Philippe E. Tissot. Englander spoke about misconceptions regarding sea level rise. He also spoke on the important of teaching non-scientists his message. Language is important when trying to explain a message, especially one as important as sea level rising, Englander said. “What I like about John Englander’s message is that he has


John Englander takes a question from the audience following his talk

a very broad view of sea level rise,” Tissot said. “He talks with scientists, politicians [and] realists, he has evolved into a really great speaker.” After Englander’s presentation floor was opened for questions. Some asked how they could even get involved.

“They need to get educated and understand that this issue is different,” Englander said. Englander said people need to start adapting to the inevitability of higher sea levels before it’s too late. More information can be found on Englander’s blog..

Once-in-a-lifetime eclipse approaches JONATHAN FORNEY @jb4nay

The first total solar eclipse in nearly a century will be visible over the continental United States of America on August 21. The last total eclipse that spanned the continental United States was 99 years ago.

Events such as these require several factors including the moon’s phase and crossing Earth’s orbit to overlap. According to NASA’s estimates, the path of the total eclipse will span from Oregon to South Carolina along a roughly 70-mile wide stretch of land. Those in this path will be able to see the sun completely


An example of what people can expect to see during the rare solar eclipse

eclipsed by the moon. The rest of the country will witness a partial solar eclipse where the moon only partially eclipses the sun. The degree of eclipse varies with how close people are from the aforementioned stretch of land. “I will definitely be watching [the eclipse],” senior communications major Joshua Hunter said. “These kinds of things don’t happen every day.” Vox.com created a tool for determining how much of the sun will be covered based on a user’s zip code. In Texas, a 57 percent partial eclipse is expected from between 11:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. on Aug. 21. During an eclipse, many unique things are anticipated to happen. The totality, darkest part of the eclipse’s shadow, will travel across the country at speeds up to 2,955 mph, according to Eclipse2017.com. It is predicted that the sky

will darken as the totality approaches. Stars will be visible in the daytime. Animals such as roosters and bugs will make noise believing it to be nighttime. This astronomical rarity creates a once-in-a-lifetime view and experience. “You’re feeling celestial mechanics happen around you,” astronomer at University of Arizona and self-proclaimed, eclipse chaser, Glenn Schneider said in an interview with Quartz.com. “It gives you a personal experience.” For those looking to observe the phenomena, safety is a necessity. Humans should not look directly at the sun or an eclipse with the naked eye. Instead, use protective eclipse glasses or binoculars. Sunglasses will not work. Observing a total eclipse is something few people get to experience. Those looking to do so should do it safely.

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Island Waves News .com

Summer is nearly over and that means soon students will return to the Island University for the fall semester. Island Waves will return to its weekly schedule following the first week of classes. Be sure to check us out. Print issues can be found on stands all over campus in addition to our website, IslandWavesNews.com. We’ve got a lot of new ideas in store this year at Island Waves. Keep in touch with us on social media for all the latest updates. First and foremost, though, keeping our readers informed is still our No. 1 priority. The staff has a whole lot of new faces which will mean chances for more students to bring the news to Texas A&M University Corpus Christi. Enjoy the rest of your summer, Islanders, from all of us here at Island Waves. On the web: Read about how our women’s basketball team reloaded for the 2017-2018 season. A local Corpus Christi resident celebrated her one-hundredth birthday last month. Learn her story online. Remember to take the mandatory Think About It course in order to be eligible for Spring 2018 registration. Full details can be found in our story. Like the graduation photos? We’ve got some more online All of these stories and more can be found online at IslandWavesNews.com.



4 News


Camp encourages Girls into STEM careers


The Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) program at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi hosted its Girls Code Camp to teach girls about computer programming and problem solving. “The camp has provided a unique opportunity for middle school girls to get a sense of what coding is and how they can pursue a STEM career in computer science” said Seneca Holland instructor in GIS program. According to Holland the camp’s goal was to get young girls interested in coding. They wanted to increase exposure to the subject so one day more girls would want to go into STEM fields when they grew up. “Nationally women in computer science related fields make up about 25 percent of the work force. We see this as an opportunity to introduce women into computer science careers as well as coding,” Holland said. The three-week summer camp went from July 17 to August 4. The camp was geared toward middle school girls who were taught in a different theme each week.


Campers were encouraged to work on their own projects between activities, often collaborating with each other to solve new problems they encountered.

The first week’s theme was Unmanned Ground Vehicles, where campers got a hands-on experience making a robot of their very own. According to camp counselor Anna Newmann, the first week got off to a promising start. “It has been going pretty great, the

first week we did Unmanned ground vehicles (UVG’s) and they built little robots,” Newmann said. “Their robots then went through an obstacle course.” In their second week, campers had the opportunity to work together on their own mobile apps. This gave them


Girls attending the Girls Code Camp learned to use software in creative ways as they developed their own solutions to problems while learning more about computer science, a field historically underrepresented by women.

the opportunity to learn about the groundwork of making a mobile app and what it takes to make one using MIT App Inventor. Week three involved campers focused one unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Newmann said they were having some trouble at first, so they taught the girls some different exercises during the time they were there. “We have been doing a lot of geospatial exercises such as geocaching, land surveying and MIT has a geospatial app we have been using as well,” Newmann said. The camp’s counselors were impressed by the speed the girls picked up the material. “They’re so smart,” senior cyber security major and camp counselor Ana Ochoa said. “It’s great. They’re learning so much.” According to Holland the camp has hosted 90 girls over the duration of the event. She said during the their time at in Girls Code Camp, girls have become newly introduced to coding and other fields in STEM. “The students have been able to interact with various programs that have allowed them to understand coding,” Holland said. “They have become more proficient throughout these three weeks in terms of coding.” According to Holland they want to increase the national average of women in these fields and they especially want to increase this number in Texas. “In the state of Texas, women in the computer science fields only make up 20 percent,” Holland said. The camp’s organizers wanted to start with young girls to first get them interested with a hands on experience. To truly increase diversity in this field, it is crucial that girls know these sorts of careers are available to them at an early age. “What we’re hoping to do is offer a glimpse into a very underrepresented field to girls who are the next computer scientists,” Holland said. From developing apps to robotics, the Girls Code Camp helped introduce a whole new crop of young women to computer science other STEM fields. Someday these girls may look back on their time at the camp as their career inspiration. For information regarding future camps, visit the official website of Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi’s Department of Engineering.

News 5




FREE COFFEE | THURSDAYS | 9-11 A.M. | BREEZEWAY Thank you Dining Services for providing our coffee!

8 Entertainment


‘Girls Trip’ is the chick flick of the summer AMERICA SEGURA @americabatel

There’s nothing like a good chick flick to put the fun in summer. “Girls Trip” pushes the boundaries in all aspects to make an all around comic effect to the audience. Directed by Malcolm D Lee, who is also known for movies such as “The Best Man” and “Barbershop: The Next Cut.” The film did not disappoint, if anything it exceeded the expectations I initially had for it to be another “basic bad behaved women’s flick”. The movie was nothing short of amusing and hilarious. The movie stars a group of girls, The Flossy Posse, college friends who decide to reunite for an adventure years later. The cast is composed of Regina Hall, who plays the lead as the sophisticated and successful pulled together, Ryan. She is also a best selling author and her husband is a retired NFL player and business partner, Steward. By the end of the Essence Festival where the

FILM REVIEW gals all attend, she pulls her friends together in order to relive the moments in her now luxurious life. Sharing the starring role is, Queen Latifah as Sasha, a fresh-faced celebrity gossip blogger who had a dispute with Ryan. Continuing the star power, Jada Pinkett-Smith plays Lisa, a recently divorced woman and a mother of two. Lastly we have Tiffany Haddish as the scandalous Dina, the wild child of the bunch. Overall, the selection for the main characters was outstanding and each distinct character was very well played. The personalities of each character were also quite relatable. In any sense, if you have a group of friends there’s bound to be a “wild one,” the “shy one” and other familiar archetypes. Plot-wise, the movie takes place

Image courtesy of UNIVERSAL STUDIOS

Promotional material featuring starring ladies.

when a group of ladies decide to reunite by traveling to New Orleans for the annual Essence Festival. During their trip, they relive the good old days by entertaining their youthful pleasures and wild sides. However, the

fun-packed wild weekend they planed was not without its humor. For example, the zip-line scene in which, a character’s bladder is ready to burst as she gets stuck in the middle of a zip-line across Bourbon Street. Overall, it is a great movie that offers a glimpse of girls on a memorable trip. The film is also relatable for people who have had to distance themselves from old friends for one reason or another. Although this film is not necessarily family oriented, it is the perfect girls night out movie. Who knows, maybe you and your posee might get inspired to make a little trip of your own right before the stress of school begins this fall. For its outstanding casting, relatable characters and scenarios along with a very well written, comical script, “Girls Trip” gets four out of five stars. Bring your girlfriends, boyfriends or anyone you know who enjoys a good laugh. Viewers are in for a treat with this summer.

Tune in for fall TV JONATHAN FORNEY @jb4nay

As fan favorites return and new series step into the spotlight, the fall of 2017 is shaping up to be a good one for streaming TV. Streaming giant, Netflix, has been releasing its own shows in recent years and this fall the trend continues. Marvel’s “The Defenders” follows heroes Jessica Jones, Daredevil, Luke Cage and Iron Fist as they team up against tyranny. Each of the aforementioned characters has their own series on Netflix due for a second season over the course of the next few years. The theme of superhero shows will continue to flourish. Marvel’s “Inhumans” is set to premiere. Batman origin story, “Gotham,” returns this fall. As well as “Arrow,” “The Flash” and “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow” on the DC side of things. Netflix’s hit original series, “Stranger Things”, will be returning for its second season on Halloween. The show will be adding several new characters and its actors promise it’ll be much darker than its first season. “I do think that this season’s going to be a lot darker,” David Harbour, who plays

Chief Hopper on the show, told E! Online. “There’s a lot of scares and there’s a lot of humor. So it’s just a different flavor.” Fans of classic TV will have their choice of options this year, as well. Hulu recently acquired the rights to the Friday Night Lineup which consists of more than 800 episodes of “Full House,” “Family Matters,” “Step by Step” and “Perfect Strangers.” Hulu’s SVP of content, Craig Erwich, believes these shows hold a special place in many people’s hearts and memories. “These shows are more than just beloved hits,” Erwich said in a press release. “They were a part of the cultural tradition to tune in every Friday night.” Not to be left out, HBO continues their successful “Game of Thrones” series with its seventh season. The series had more than 10 million viewers tune in each week, a ratings record, according to Entertainment Weekly. There’s no shortage of shows or genres for viewers to enjoy this fall. From nostalgic classics to new series looking to find their diehard fans and everything in between, there’s a variety of shows to choose from. Whether it be by channel surfing or meticulous scheduling, there’s a good chance viewers will find something to watch this season.


Entertainment 9

1. FOOD & DRINK: What kind of 1. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: 7. MEDICAL: What happens when flour primarily is used to makeexperiences pumWhat is the international radio code someone obdormition? pernickel bread? word for the letter “W”? 8. U.S. STATES: Which is the larg2. LANGUAGE: What does the Lat2. LITERATURE: in What famous U.S. state by area? phrase “bona fide” est mean? mystery novelist sometimes wrote GAMES: How many tiles are 3. MATH: Which 9.Arabic number doesn’t its own Roman numeral? under the pseudonym Maryhave Westinvolved in the game of mahjong? 4. ART: What French Romantic artist macott? 10. FAMOUS QUOTES: What painted “Liberty Leading the People”? 3. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Who was 20th-century playwright once said, 5. FAMOUS QUOTATIONS: What the tallest of the U.S. presidents? naturalist “I likeonce long said, walks, especially when 19th-century 4. LANGUAGE: What is a gerund? they are taken “The clearest way into the Universe by is people who annoy 5. ANIMAL KINGDOM: is awilderness”? me”? throughWhat a forest 6. LAW: Which amendment to the group of raccoons called? U.S. Constitution abolished slavery? 6. HISTORY: The United States 7. ASTRONOMY: purchased Alaska from which coun- Which planet in our solar system has an average temtry in 1867? (c)Celsius? 2017 King Features Synd., Inc. perature of 462 degrees 8. GEOGRAPHY: In what ancient city were The Hanging Gardens, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, said to have been built? 9. COMICS: What planet is Superman from? 10. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name of the dry wind that blows through Southern California and Baja California? Answers 1. Rye 2. In good faith 3. Zero 4. Eugene Delacroix 5. John Muir 6. Thirteenth Amendment 7. Venus 8. Babylon 9. Krypton 10. Santa Ana winds © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.

Trivia Answers 1. Whiskey 2. Agatha Christie 3. Abraham Lincoln, at 6 foot, 4 inches 4. A verb that functions as a noun and ends in “ing,” such as swimming or asking. 5. A gaze 6. Russia 7. An arm or leg falls asleep 8. Alaska, which is more than twice the size of Texas 9. 144 10. Noel Coward

6 Campus

Campus 7

Commencement hosts largest summer graduating class ever 1)



1) The American Bank Center was the venue in which a summer record, 579 Islanders walked the stage on Aug. 5. To each, the moment meant something unique. Equally as unique were the ways they celebrated in the moment.


2) Doctoral candidates took part in a hooding ceremony for their efforts. The culmination of their hard work and dedication led to them taking a bow as others applauded. 3) Sometimes the best outfit is confidence. This graduate brought out some extravagant socks as he strode across the stage. 4) The national anthem was performed by senior music major, David Gonzalez to kick off the day’s festivities. 5) Four graduates were commissioned into the Armed Forces by Lieutenant Colonel Curtis Johnson. This was a big step and proud moment for these students and their LTC. 6) Graduating is full of new experiences. One such experience is dealing with pesky tassels. Another is the feeling of turning that same tassel with a college degree to one’s name. 7) Few things in life compare to the feeling of a job well done. On one August morning, hundreds of Islanders felt that feeling simultaneously. 8-9) Decorating graduation caps is a tradition that spans generations. Graduates use pop culture, their inspirations or anything else that got them to this point of their educational careers to make their moment unique. Shown are just a few examples, in 8), a message of positivity, while in 9) a more lighthearted yet still accomplished messsage.



8) 6)

6) 7)


10 Entertainment


Summer keeps churning out hit after hit GERI LEMMONS @GeriLemmons

From well know artists such as Justin Bieber and DJ Khaled, to up-and-coming artists like Julia Michaels, the summer has been full of great songs. From pop, rock, hip hop and alternative, there has been no shortage of genres and artists fighting for a spot at the top of the charts by the end of the summer. One of such artist is the band Weezer. Their song “Feels like Summer” debuted at the beginning of the summer. The upbeat song has been playing across alternative music stations all summer long on repeat. According to ConsequenceOfSound.com, although the track sounds like an upbeat anthem about summer the lyrics of the song may have a darker meaning. The track has been climbing the charts since its release and shows not signs of stopping. Another band climbing the charts this summer is Linkin Park. After the tragic events, of their lead singer’s passing, fans seem to be reminiscing about the band

and their music. According to Billboard. com not only are the bands new releases been getting more traffic and play but also older songs like “Numb” and “In the End” have been rising up the charts as well. But for the summer, fans could check out the band’s new single “Talking to Myself.” For hip hop, the top song this summer is DJ Khaled’s “Wild Thoughts” featuring Rihanna and Bryson Tiller. This summer song is off the album “Grateful” and it also features another hit song of the summer “I’m the One” features artists Justin Bieber, Quavo, Chance the Rapper and Lil Wayne. According to SongFacts.com, Rihanna was DJ Khaled’s first choice when it came to who would sing on the track. He knew he wanted a female and he wanted her before anyone. For Country music artist Sam Hunt has been at the top of the charts with his song “Body Like A Back Road.” According to Billboard.com Sam Hunt’s summer hit passes Florida Georgia Line’s “Cruise” with its time atop the Billboard country charts. “Body like a Back Road” has a


Linkin Park’s late lead singer, Chester Bennington, performs during a concert.

summer feel and would be great if one wants to take a summer trip with friends. The one song on top of many charts has been Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee’s “Despacito” featuring Justin Bieber. According to Billboard.com the song is on top of the pop and Latin charts. The original version of the song did not feature Bieber and was doing relatively well.

But after Justin Bieber asked to be a part of the song after hearing it in a club the song soon became the song of the summer. The hit has a catchy dance beat with lyrics about wanting to have a good time with another person. Despite your tastes, there is bound to be a song that gets your attention this summer.

Sports 11


Islander tennis brings in new talent JONATHAN FORNEY @jb4nay

Looking to improve on their 16-9 record in the 2017 season, the Islander men’s tennis team has added four new players to help them contend in the Southland Conference. This season, the team will be bringing in two recruits who previously played at the University of Tulsa, Francois and Okkie Kellerman. The duo are twins hailing from South Africa and are accustomed to playing together as doubles partners, where they reached the regional semifinals of the Intercollegiate Tennis Association’s tournament. Alongside the Kellerman twins will be Kyohei Yamanaka, who has amassed a solid rank for himself in Japan. Last but not least, there’s Daiki Tanabe, who is one of the top ranked players on the Australian juniors circuit. Director of Tennis, Steve Moore, believes the team is headed in a good direction with its pieces from last season combined with the new players.


One of the key players returning from last season is sophomore Cagatay Soke. He saw significant time during his freshman season and is expected to take a larger leadership role this season.

“We’re very excited about the future of Islanders’ tennis and are ready to get

to work.” Moore said. Moore believes the team still has

room for improvement as the season goes along. “We’re going to get better. We’ve got a lot to get better on,” Moore said. “Stay unified and play more intelligently here in the future.” The team will have spaces for new and returning players to step up, especially after key players like Kevin Bettendroffer graduated. Players familiar with Director Moore and his philosophy will look to climb up the list and help propel the team to victories. A new season is the chance for returning players like Carlos Pedrosa Cuevas and Cagatay Soke to climb up the depth chart and showcase their hard work in matches. New players also means new chemistry to establish as doubles combinations are determined as players get to know each other’s games. Matches begin in September as new and familiar faces take to the Thomas J. Henry Courts to represent the blue and green. Students are encouraged to cheer on the team and help the new players feel welcome at the Island University.

WNBA players get in the game JONATHAN FORNEY @jb4nay

Electronic Arts’ basketball video game franchise NBA LIVE will feature WNBA teams and players for the first time ever in the upcoming “NBA LIVE 18.” The inclusion is a welcome move to better represent basketball fans and video

game players around the world, both men and women. “We’ve found that through research of a lot of different games in different genres that [both] men and women like playing as women.” NBA LIVE executive producer Sean O’Brien said to ESPNW. The upcoming title will allow players to control all 12 WNBA teams in the game’s

Image courtesy of EA SPORTS

Washington Mystics forward Elena Delle Donne shared this photo of her in-game self following EA’s announcement of the WNBA’s inclusion in the game.

Image courtesy of EA SPORTS

A digital version of Phoenix Mercury star, Brittany Griner, finishes strong in the trailer for the upcoming “NBA LIVE 18” which will be the first video game to feature all 12 WNBA teams.

head to modes. For many of the current players in the game, seeing themselves in-game was a surreal moment. One such player was Seattle Storm forward Breanna Steward. “It is really cool. To be in a video game, it’s humbling,” Stewart said to the Associated Press. “You see men’s player’s all the time, but it’s good for women’s basketball to have us in there.” An important distinction to note is that EA clarified that WNBA teams will not be able to compete against NBA teams in the

game. Additionally, WNBA players will be unavailable for the game’s “The One” career mode. O’Brien believes this is only the beginning of the WNBA’s involvement in their franchise. Suggesting that more inclusion is down the road. “This is only a taste of what we have in store and look forward to working with the league on more great integrations in the franchise in the future.” O’Brien said. “NBA LIVE 18” is scheduled for release in December 2017.

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