Volume 28 Issue 1

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Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi


MARCH FORWARD Community honors MLK, stands up for beliefs by GERI LEMMONS • Page 5


Islander Track, Field race to success Page 11


January 26, 2017 Volume 28, Issue 1

Opinions Page 2 Entertainment Page 6 Sports Page 11



Fresh look on new year remains important KACI ALVAREZ @earthtokace

The phrase “new year, new me” seems to have become cliISLAND WAVES STI | ISLANDWAVESNEWS.COM | VOLUME ISSUE 20 |While 08.27.15 ché and 26 over used. peoIslandWavesNews.com ple may not completely have a new personality or new traits, Editor-in-chief they can still have a fresh, KACI ALVAREZ new perspective on the year to come. Web In fact, I believe it’s extremeMIKAYLA OELSCHLEGEL, editor ly important to have a fresh JEFFREY THOMAS, on-air talent look on the new year because it MITCHELL JACKSON, vid. editor allows for a new door to open and an old one to close. Copy Editor A lot can happen in a year. KATIE MEZA There can be a series of positive the self-fulfilling events Visuals followed by tragic and unfortuIZZY SNEED, editor nate circumstances. It is bound to happen and the only thing Layout one can do is take a deep breath KARA HERRERA, editor and move forward. Here are some ways having a Reporters fresh new look on the new year GERI LEMMONS, news can be beneficial. JONATHAN FORNEY, feature 1. It allows peace of mind. MELISSA RODRIGUEZ, news Knowing you have another Advertising BRADY BURNS, manager

Graduate Assistant BRADY BURNS

Faculty Adviser WENDY MOORE

Any student or University employee may submit material and opinions for publication consideration. To become a contributor, e-mail or call the Island Waves editor. CONTACT US 6300 Ocean Drive Unit 5783 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (361) 825-5862 editor@tamucc.edu ads@tamucc.edu

4. It allows personal growth to increase. While many people strive to lose weight, and eat healthier as the new year rolls around, most forget that personal growth can be considered a new year’s resolution. A fresh new look on the upcoming year can allow for more spiritual, personal growth including more meditation, breathing exercises and opening up to different

perspectives. Having a fresh look on the new year can seem tough or you may lack motivation to actually do it. The benefits and outcomes can really make a difference. So next time you say “new year, new me” on an Instagram, take a second to look back on your year and really reflect on who you are as a person and how you can improve it by moving forward instead of backwards.

A look at the best, worst of 2016 MELISSA RODRIGUEZ @__melisssaaaa

ABOUT ISLAND WAVES Island Waves is a studentproduced publication at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. The newspaper is printed weekly, except during summer sessions.

year to accomplish your goals and set things straight, can really have a positive effect on people. The thought of renewing a person’s life can give them a sense of peace and clarity. 2. It can end toxic relationships. The new year allows people to look back on everything that has happened the year before and reflect, especially on relationships. Whether it be romantic or friendly, negative relationships can burn a hole and cause problems. Having a fresh look on the new year can open the eyes of someone affected by this, causing them to end the toxicity. 3. It can open up new opportunities. By moving on after a long 365 days, people can reevaluate what they really want in life, which can result in new beginnings ranging from school to careers to personal life. By not holding onto the past year, new opportunities can arise and be the start of something new and amazing.

As classes start back up for the Spring semester and students prepare for the new year, let us remember all the ups and downs that 2016 held for our nation. In memory of all that happened, here are is a list of both the best and worst headliners of 2016. Worst. Violent Outbreaks: In the U.S., 2016 was a year that reaped hostility and violence. Nationally, hate crimes rose and accounted for the loss of many lives. Some examples of this year’s most notorious hate crimes include those of the Dallas police shootings, Florida’s Pulse nightclub shooting, as well numer-

ous other racial hate crimes around the country. North Dakota Pipeline Dispute: In 2016, citizens from all over the country, including many celebrities, sided with the Sioux tribe as they saw the hazards and treaty violations the Dakota Access Pipeline would present if its construction continued across the Standing Rock reservation. Aside from the clear injustice happening, protestors were met with hard opposition as law enforcement officials attempted to subdue protesters through harsh and violent means. Farewell to many favorites: Fans in 2016, took to social media to express their lamentations after many notorious celebrity figures passed away during this year. Several of the most talked about deaths this year include

Alan Rickman, Prince, George Michael, Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds. Their legacies shall be remembered and continued through the films and music they left behind. Best. Happy news for animals: Between global warming and excess hunting/containment contributing to the decline of several animal species, it was a pleasant change to learn about good news for the animal kingdom this past year. In 2016, several measures were taken in order to preserve animal wildlife by corporations, such as Sea World ending its of captive breeding of orcas. Other happy news among wild life was that of Giant Pandas being removed from the endangered list, which brings hope for the other species remaining on the list.

Final Five bring home gold: 2016 was the year of the 31st Olympic games hosted in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where the USA Women Gymnastics team became the pride and glory of this nation. The five gymnasts: Simone Biles, Aly Raisman, Laurie Hernandez, Gabby Douglas and Madison Kocian were among the top competitors at the Rio Olympics, winning nine medals including a gold win as a team proudly representing this country. Market economy rising: Despite the controversial political scene that occurred during 2016, the U.S economy saw an improvement as wages were raised and unemployment rates made a significant drop. These improvements show promise and give hope for even better changes in the year(s) to come.

News 3


Angel Shots made to prevent sexual assault MELISSA RODRIGUEZ @__melissssaaa


fter a recent viral blow-up on social media, the concept of Angel Shots has been adapted to several social alcohol serving businesses as a means to protect women who are feeling unsafe and require assistance to prevent sexual assault from occurring. The concept went viral after a posting from a sign in a Hooters location described the intention behind Angel Shots and how to order them. What it comes down to is whenever a woman feels unsafe at a bar, or even just uncomfortable on a date, they can order an Angel Shot and the bartender will know how to help the woman out of her predicament. Angel shots can be ordered differently depending on what the woman would like the bartender to do. Ordering the shot neat lets bartenders know the woman feels uncomfortable and would like to be escorted to her vehicle. If the woman orders the shot with ice, it signals the bartender to

call a car service for her to be able to leave unharmed. And finally, ordering the shot with lime is a red light to bartenders asking them to call for help whether it be security or local law enforcement officials. “I believe it’s important that we provide bars, or wherever establishments are serving alcohol that this may be an issue,” said Tish Betancourt, sexual assault service manager and counselor for the Women’s Shelter of South Texas. “An opportunity to reach out for those that may be experiencing [sexual harassment] while in their establishment.” The concept of these Angel Shots is not new, as there have been other national campaigns such as Ask for Angela which is the equivalent cry for help as ordering an Angel shot. “Awareness is key for both males and females, it can happen to anyone,” Betancourt said. These secret cries for help can be critical in the safety and well being of individuals against sexual assault. Now that this new discrete con-



he Inclusive Islander Network is starting off the new semester with a discussion series called, “Unschooled: Stuff they never told you”, starting on Jan. 24 from 11:30 a.m.12:30 p.m. in the University Center Lonestar Ballroom B. Delaney Foster, student engagement coordinator, described the new discussion series as a bookless book club. She said it will be an opportunity for students, staff and faculty to come out and get information that she has researched herself and discuss it. She will share information that is not widely known and was not taught in traditional history classes. “I am trying to highlight

things that are a really big part of our lives that people don’t really know about,” Foster said. “The stuff that is a huge part of our identity.” The first discussion, titled “From Amen to Ohm: A Sociological Examination of Spirituality and Identity,” will be about faith and spiritualty and how it plays a role in a person’s identity development. The title came from different religions and the sacred words that are associated with them. “I think people are really scared to talk about it sometimes, if they are a person of faith or if they are not a person of faith,” Foster said. “I want to make it a little more acceptable to talk about religion.” On Feb. 28 the second discussion titled, “What you didn’t

Island Waves News .com

Letter from the Editor Welcome back, Islanders!

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“Angel Shots” provide a safe alternative for women at bars who feel uncomfortable on dates or because of their surroundings.

cept is out, women, and even men, can speak up when they are feeling unsafe while on a night out. “I think sexual assault happens way more than it should,” said Amanda Sotelo, TAMU-CC freshman interdisciplinary studies major. “It’s not something that can always be prevented but there should be something to help someone who assumes they might be in danger.” Having different campaigns

such as these of Angel Shots and Ask for Angela may be critical in making unconsented sexual contact less prevalent among the social alcoholic scene. “Angel Shots is a good idea that can help a lot of people, especially if they feel so uncomfortable to the point they have to go ask for help,” Sotelo said. “Even if it’s just a bad date, it’s better to ask for help than for it to escalate to something worse.”

Students get chance to learn “unschooled” material GERI LEMMONS


learn in history class: Origins of today’s Racial Climate,” will focus on America and its complicated history with race. From back when the first Africans were brought to America and the enslavement of Native Americans. Participants will also discuss today’s events with Standing Rock and the Black Lives Matter movement. “It is another one of those topics that people don’t want to talk about very much,” Foster said. “And I understand why, because it is embarrassing, difficult, and painful to discuss.” The third discussion on March 21, “Beyoncé to Boudica: Female Archetypes and their origins,” will present how females are sometimes stereotyped into being in one role. It is going to highlight

how people can be multifaceted and can take on many identities. “We are all multifaceted people. We are all complicated people and it is okay for us to see ourselves that way,” Foster said. “It is also okay for others to see us that way as well.” The discussions will be held during lunch time and the Inclusive Islander Network will serve free boxed lunches to participants who want to come. The students and staff have expressed interest in extending their education about those topics. “What I enjoy is just connecting and talking about it,” said Cara Solovey, student activities coordinator. “I can reflect on how to improve myself as a person and as a leader when I go.”

It’s officially the start of a new semester and time to get back into the swing of things. The staff at Island Waves hopes your holiday break was filled with quality time with family, friends and relaxation. The start of the new semester always seems tough, but with determination, strive to make it one of your best. The school has many events lined up for the spring semester, so stay up to date with Island Waves for full coverage. The start of a new semester means new beginnings. With that being said, many of our wonderful staff memebers have moved on and we are now looking for enthusiastic students who want to dive into the world of journalism. We will be hiring for the positions of sports reporter, general reporter, advertising assistant, distribution manager and layout assistant. If you are interested in joining the Island Waves team, email editor@tamucc.edu. Have a great Spring 2017 semester! Sincerely, Kaci Alvarez Editor-in-Chief


4 News Trump swears in as president, opposition protests KACI ALVAREZ @earthtokace


n Jan. 20, Donald J. Trump officially became the president of the United States of America in the nation’s capital, Washington D.C. The events kicked off with a pre-inauguration concert on Thursday, Jan. 19 featuring country music artist Toby Keith and rock band 3 Doors Down. On Jan. 20, all-day events occurred in celebration of the new president as well as protests throughout the country in opposition to President Trump. “Trump’s inauguration, to me, was very inspirational,” said sophomore pychology and history major and Trump supporter, Hannah Millhollon. “His speech gave me hope that within his presidency, Trump will bring back many core values, jobs and the American Dream as a whole.” The Inaugural Swearing-in Ceremony started at 11:30 a.m., starting with religious leaders offering prayers and readings. Mike Pence was then sworn in as vice president by supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and Trump was sworn in as president by Supreme Court Justice


John Roberts. Within President Trumps speech, he claimed to be a president for all American citizens. “We are one nation, and their pain is our pain; Their dreams are our dreams; and their success will be our success. We share one heart, one home and one glorious destiny,” Trump said. “Whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots.” Following the Swearing in Ceremony, the Inaugural Parade started, featuring Texas State University’s dance team “Strutters,” and the three Inaugural Balls where the president and first lady shared their first dance. They were the Salute to Our Armed Services Ball, the Liberty Ball and the Freedom Ball. “It was very obvious how much Donald Trump cares for this country and further proves that he is going to try his hardest to make America great again,” Millhollon said. As the events were happening, many protests broke out across America. While many were peaceful protests, some turned violent, including one in Washington D.C. when peaceful disruptions gave way to street clashes.

Chaos erupted on 12th and K streets as black-clad “antifascist” protesters smashed storefronts and bus stops, set a limousine on fire, threw trashcans and enacted violence on non-protesters. According to CNN.com, six police officers were injured and 217 protesters were arrested. As the protests and riots went on, police resorted to pepper spraying those at the anti-Trump demonstration. “I see the need to express one’s opinion. We have the right to, but using violence and stupidity isn’t the way to go,” said sophomore marine biology and Trump opposer, Diane Reyes. On Saturday, Jan. 21, a more peaceful rally demonstrated some citizens distaste for President Trump. The Women’s March on Washington aimed to send a bold message to the new administration on their first day in office, and to the world, that women’s rights are human rights. While the original march was based in Washington D.C., several over the entire country and overseas in more than 75 countries such as England, South Korea and Iraq, making it the largest inauguration protest in history uniting women of

all races, sexual orientations and ethnicities. “I find the women’s march to be an amazing idea,” Reyes said. “Not only does it give women the confidence to speak out, but it brings everyone closer together. People from all over the world were supporting each other.” However, many women didn’t feel welcome at the march due to their personal beliefs in pro-life. The Women’s March Organizers released a statement saying the march was not “pro-abortion” but “pro-women.” After receiving backlash for partnering with New Wave Feminists, a pro-life organization, the march cut ties with the organization stating, “The Women’s March’s platform is pro-choice and that has been our stance from day one. The anti-choice organization in question is not a partner of the Women’s March on Washington. We apologize for this error.” While the United States seems to be split down the middle, the constitution gives “we the people” the First Amendment right to protest as well as allowing a peaceful transition of power. For more information on the Trump administration, visit www.whitehouse.gov.

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Above: Trump places his left hand on the Lincoln Bible and his family Bible as he is sworn into presidency on Jan. 20. Below: The Women’s March on Washington protests for women’s rights and equality on Jan. 21.

News 5


Community honors MLK, stands up for beliefs

Local H-E-B employees join the Martin Luther King Jr. march on Jan. 16 in downtown Corpus Christi. Demonstrators hold the letters to “W-E B-E-L-I-E-V-E.”



n Monday, Jan. 16, the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated hosted their 31st Annual Martin Luther King Holiday Celebration and MLK Commemorative March. The celebration started at the Nueces County Courthouse and ended at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd. Event goers joined in the celebration from start to finish. Angela Walker, associate dean of students, said she thought the march was very important in remembering Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King. “This is a way to honor him, and this is also important when continuing to fight for social injustice,” Walker said. “We have to continue to fight for those who don’t know how to fight for themselves and can’t fight for themselves.” At the beginning of the celebration, at the court house, the host began by introducing the event. The Veterans Band of Corpus Christi did a tribute to some veterans sitting in the audience. After being welcomed to the event by the Corpus Christi Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. and the Star-Spangled Banner, the march began. Families, students, and adults all started walking out of the courtroom and into the streets.

They were led by a group of people holding letters spelling out “We Believe.” “This is a way to bring unity to the community,” Walker said. “We still have problems in our nation and in our community. We need to continue to march to eradicate racial injustice.” During the walk participants sang songs to help pass the time. Others hold up picket signs and shouting about things they were protesting. Tina Butler, executive assistant to the president at Del Mar College, said the march is important in light of all that is going on in the country right now. “This year of all years should be the time to try and bring this country together,” Butler said. “There is so much divisiveness going on right now, and we want to show our Coastal Bend that we are united.” At the church participants met inside and during their time there sang the National Negro Anthem, “Lift Every Voice and Sing.” Then they had guest speaker Pastor Donald Leavell from the Corpus Christi Fellowship. He talked to the audience about problems facing them right now in the social climate and how to keep Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Dream Alive. “I have been here for 12 [walks],” Walker said. “I have made it my mission to always be here at the march.”

photo by IZZY SNEED

photo by IZZY SNEED

A father and son hold a sign quoting Martin Luther King Jr., “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice.”

6 Entertainment


President Obama leaves oval office JONATHAN FORNEY @jb4nay


n his two terms, President Barak Obama has been influential in shaping today’s United States of America, for better or for worse. From Seal Team 6 to nationwide marriage equality, President Obama has had a hand in several crucial moments in modern American history. Depending on who you ask, any number of answers could arise from the question, “What was the most influential event of President Obama’s administration?” The 44th president took to Twitter to answer that himself. “The night [the] ACA [Affordable Care Act] passed; standing on Truman Balcony with all [the] staff who’d made it happen, knowing we’d helped millions.” Obama tweeted in January of 2016. The Affordable Care Act or Obamacare as it came to be known to some was a sweeping overhaul to the way Americans received their healthcare. It was an ambitious plan that would offer healthcare to those without it. Critics cited higher premiums and fees for those who didn’t sign up, but millions of Americans now utilize that plan for

their healthcare. One of the pillars of President-elect Trump’s campaign was to immediately repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act; time will tell if this is the right call. Another hallmark of the Obama Administration was marriage equality, meaning the Supreme Court requires all states to license and recognize samesex marriages. Millions rejoiced at this news, while others still refuse to recognize the love of others to this day. “I loved the legalization of gay marriage and how Obama celebrated by making the White House the rainbow,” said Emalee Bennett, junior marine biology major. The numbers vary, but CNN reports that President Obama helped create 11.3 million jobs during his terms. “Businesses that were bleeding jobs unleashed the longest streak of job creation on record,” Obama stated in a letter. Not to be dismissed either, during his presidency, President Obama sought to improve relations between the United States and Cuba, oversaw the mission that ultimately killed Osama Bin Laden, worked to resolve nuclear conflicts with Iran, and many more accolades.

At the same time, as do all politicians, President Obama fell short on some of his promises. Biggest of these is Guantanamo Bay. The institution is still operating despite President Obama seeking to close it. With the impending arrival of the Trump administration and a republican congressional majority, the shape

of the United States and, indirectly, the efforts by President Obama is unsure going forward. President Obama was constantly fought at many opportunities by elected officials during his time. It is unclear if the cabinet and Congress surrounding Trump will act with as much scrutiny in regards to the president-elect.

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President Barak Obama signing the patient protection and Affordable Care Act at the White House Dec. 24, 2009.

President Barak Obama talks on the phone with NASA astronaut Commander Scott Kelly upon his return from a nearly yearlong mission.

photo courtesy of FLICKR

Entertainment 7


2017 brings life to the big screen KACI ALVAREZ @earthtokace


hen ringing in the new year, it’s a common occurrence for people to make plans on what movies to gear up for. 2017 has a dominate line up of new movie releases throughout the year ranging from super hero actionpacked films to remakes of all kinds. One of the first movies in 2017 that has people talking is “Fifty Shades Darker,” which is the sequel to the 2015 movie “Fifty Shades of Grey.” The sequel picks up where the first movie left off with Christian Grey, played by Jamie Dornan, attempting to win back Anastasia Steele, Dakota Johnson. The

movie follows them as they work toward being a “normal” couple but figures from Grey’s past come in to mix things up. The movie comes out on Feb. 10. The next movie that is coming to the big screen is the next installment of the film series the X-Men. “Logan” is what happens when all of the mutants have been wiped out leaving Logan left. Logan, or Wolverine played by Hugh Jackman and Professor Xavier, played by Patrick Steward, is left in a postapocalyptic world. Or so it appeared as a young girl shows up with a mutation that is similar to Logan’s. This action packed movie opens March 3. The past couple of years has seen Disney remaking their classics, such as

“101 Dalmatians”, “The Jungle Book”, “Cinderella”, “Alice in Wonderland” and “Maleficent” in a live-action sequence. 2017 is no exception. On March 17, the big screen will be home to another live-action Disney reboot, “Beauty and the Beast.” The reboot follows the original Disney storyline with Emma Watson as the beautiful and the smart Belle, Dan Stevens as the lonely, curse-stricken Beast, Luke Evans as Gaston and Emma Thompson as Mrs. Potts. For fans of the 1989-1999 action drama series, “Baywatch,” a revamped version hits the big screen on May 26. Starring Zac Efron and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, the action packed film follows a team of lifeguards as they uncover a criminal plot that threatens the future of the bay. Super hero movies are extremely popular and in high demand. “Wonder Woman,” part of the DC Comics, will be released on June 2. It follows Diana, played by Gal Gadot, an Amazon princess who was trained to be an uncon-

querable warrior. After learning about a tragedy in the outside world, she leaves her sheltered island and discovers her true powers and destiny. Remakes are in this year, so it’s no surprise that “The Mummy” made the list. The movie is a reboot of the original The Mummy Franchise and the first installment of the Universal Monsters shared universe. The story begins when an ancient princess is awakened from her crypt, bringing terror that no human can comprehend. “The Mummy” comes out on June 9. Last, but certainly not least, “Star Wars: Episode VIII,” It will be the second installment in the Star Wars sequel trilogy following “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.” The film takes the audience into further adventures of Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), Leia (Carrie Fisher) and Rey (Daisy Ridley). Episode VIII will be released on Dec. 15. These are just a few of the highly anticipated 2017 movies. To learn more about these films and other movies that will be released, visit movies.com.


Wonder Women

Valid through 12/31/17.

Beauty and the Beast

Photos courtesy of YOUTUBE.COM AND GOOGLE

8 Entertainment


TAMUCC Cheerleader turned Army MIKAYLA OELSCHLEGEL @mikaylaMOG


s registration opens for the Spring 2017 semester, Shane Evans, a premed major, registers alongside the senior class, even though he is only in his second year at Texas A&M UniversityCorpus Christi. Evans started taking college classes as part of the University Prepatory High School program the Island shares with Flour Bluff Independent School District. In the four years of high school, he totaled a number of 62 credits toward his college education. Evans said his life is completely different to how he thought he would turn out. “Before high school, in Flour Bluff, I was a demon spawn,” Evans said. “I didn’t care to much about school and my future. Never did most of my homework and cut class when I got the chance.” After an encounter with his mother and an “eye-opening” experience with his brother, Evans decided to make the change to his lifestyle.

“My Mom told me to ‘don’t be like your brother’ and ‘promise me you won’t do the things he’s doing.’ I told her ‘I promise,’” Evans said. “Since that night happened, for about seven years I kept that promise and completely switched from a demon spawn to an angel apprentice.” His senior of high school and his freshman year of college also saw him as a part of the Islander Cheerleading team as Izzy the Islander. He had mascot experience since he also worked as the mascot for HEB, where he is on military leave for the time being but will continue as part-time once he returns. “It was a fun experience for me, and I learned from the cheer team,” Evans said. “I can now do backflips in and out the suit.” His cheer captain Ciara Castro, a junior marketing major, said Evans was a great asset to the team, and to her. “I had a ball with Shane. He was probably one of the best mascots at Texas A&M Corpus Christ that has ever ran in this gym, entertained the crowd, he definitely brought the fire to the team,” Cas-

tro said. “And he continues to be a good figure here in the program.” Castro said even though Evans is no longer a part of the team, as he chose to take the ROTC road due to his want to help others, she says he is still part of the program. “He’s just real fun, he’s lively, he just brings a lot of energy to wherever he is,” Castro said. “He is the good energy in the room and he is just someone you want to have around.” During the 2016 summer, Evans trained in Fort Knox, Kentucky to experience a sense of basic training as part of the Cadet Initial Entry Training. He was stationed there for a month with his platoon. “It was a great experience,” Evans said.

“The things I learned and experienced made me understand what soldiers go through and what they do. There was a lot of things that we did that I didn’t want to do. However, I liked it and the worst days were the best days.” On Sept. 9, Evans made the commitment to officially serve his country as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army upon graduation. Evans said he wants to use his degree to help heal American soldiers. “We are so proud of him as a program. He is representing something great, he’s representing something bigger than himself, which is always awesome,” Castro said. “He just has drive to do whatever he wants to do, and I know he is going to excel at it. I am super excited for him.”

photo courtesy of SHANE EVANS

Shane Evans, senior pre-med major, performs a “chair” stunt with fellow Islander cheerleading teammate on the East Lawn.

10 Entertainment


Gaming in 2017 looks to level up



016 was a huge year for gamers. Blizzard knocked it out of the park with “Overwatch.” Square Enix released “Final Fantasy XV” after years of delay. There was no shortage of great games for consumers during the year. Much like the year prior, 2017 is setting up to be a good place for sequels reboots and reimagings. While new IPs look to carve names out for themselves in today’s gamers’ hearts and wallets. Arguably the biggest game to come out in 2017 is the newest installment in the “Legend of Zelda” series, “Breath of the Wild.” In addition, the game marks on the premier launch titles for Nintendo’s new Switch console. The Switch offers a unique hybrid between portable and console gaming and is Nintendo’s attempt to recover from the commercial failure that was the WiiU. The new system is slated for release March 3. “I don’t think Nintendo will ever replace Xbox/Playstation like it wants to. They’ll always be an extra console,” junior biomedical science major Matt Dawod said. “I’m like 90 percent sure I’m getting it though.” Creator of Mario and Nintendo icon, Shigeru Miyamoto, took a step back and allowed younger Nintendo employees to design the Switch. “It’s really been them that have put this forward and designed this system. They’re the ones that have really shep-

herded it through the process,” Miyamoto said. Sony and Microsoft recently released new consoles of their own. Rather than entirely new platforms, the giants of the gaming industry are releasing iterative updates to their existing Playstation 4 and Xbox One consoles, respectively. For Sony, the PS4 Pro is their latest creation. The Pro allows for gaming at a vivid 4K resolution. Several existing games will have updates issued to support the new system’s capabilities. Newer games will be developed to support the new standard from the outset. As for Microsoft, the Xbox One S marks the company’s foray into the world of 4K gaming. Both systems offer several other features in addition to the resolution bumps and denote a shift in the gaming landscape that will echo through for years to come. Beloved, old franchises are also looking to revive their brands and influence a new generation of gamers. “Sonic Mania” is the latest adventure for Sonic the Hedgehog and is a return to the retro, side scrolling style that made the series a household name in the first place. “This all-new experience celebrates the best of classic Sonic,” Sega said in a statement. Another icon of yesteryear, “Crash Bandicoot” will see a next generation debut with his “N. Sane Trilogy.” The collection features the first two games in the series as well as “The Wrath of Cortex” all recreated for modern sys-

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Nintendo Switch will launch March 3, 2017. Nintendo Switch is designed to go whereever the user goes, from home console to portable device in a switch.

photo courtesy of GOOGLE

Microsoft Xbox One is one of the leading gaming consoles out in the market today. The console offers Xbox live, motion control and is Blu-ray compatible.

tems. The trilogy also features plenty of fan service for returning players. In addition to revitalizing older IPs, a handful of newcomers have garnered some hype of their own. One example is Guerrilla Games’ “Horizon Zero Dawn,” a third-person adventure

that pits players against robotic dinosaurs in a massive open world. A new year offers a wealth of opportunities to game developers and new hardware (consoles) gives them even more room to be creative and innovative.

Sports 11


Track & field team kicks off season with success MELISSA RODRIGUEZ @__melisssaaa


exas A&M University-Corpus Christi Track and Field season kicked off Jan. 13 in College Station as they competed against 12 Division I schools at the Aggie Team Invitational. Both the males and females placed fourth overall at this meet, pointing signs to a promising season. After the recent resignation of assistant head track coach Steve McBride, Islander Track and Field team brought in new assistant coach Cody Knight, in order to stay on the track to success. “The first goal is to do well academically. I want everyone to pass with above a 3.0 GPA,” said Shawn Flanagan, Director of Track & Field/Cross Country. “Second goal is to improve the performances that we have done previously, and the third goal is to get kids to the regional meet and then beyond to the national meet.” Flanagan has been at the head of TAMU-CC Track and Field program since he helped create it in 2000. He came to the Island University with an impressive resume including head coaching positions at schools such as University of Texas and University of Texas-San Antonio, putting him currently at 37 years of coaching Division I athletes. “The reality of what we do is not about how many trophies or medals we get, it’s about the kind of young men and women that come through the program and the lessons they have

learned you know you show up on time every day and you don’t dwell on your defeats,” Flanagan said. “You get back up when you get bucked off.” The Islanders Track & Field team will be under new command after recent reports by Flanagan of McBride resigning his assistant head coaching position on Jan. 16. His role has been assumed and made a joint position of associate head coach between new coaches Cody Knight and Glen Secfik. Flanagan said the team has moved on seamlessly despite the major change which will hopefully result in greater success this season. “I enjoy how the team is,” said Kevin Jaymez, freshman kinesiology major competing in the 60m and 100m hurdles. “[The team] gives off a family feel rather than just individuals on a team like how high school was.” Flanagan said the team hopes to improve the records from previous years and get as many Islander competitors to the regional and national Track and Field meet. “My personal goals are to make top six in conference in my respective events and as a team to make top five in conference,” Jaymez said. Like Jaymez, the Islander team has a set mentality to break personal times and records as they embark on their road to success. The Islanders Track and Field will compete next at the University of Houston Invite Jan. 27-28. The next home meet will take place March 3-4 at the University’s very own Dr. Jack Dugan Soccer and Track and

(Left to Right) Skylar Coffan, Sashance Hanson, and Coach Cody Knight on the field.

Field Stadium for anyone looking to support the Islander athletes. Stay tuned on social media @IslandWaves-

ToGo, for more updates about Islander Track and Field as well as other Island University programs.

WWE superstars bring the Smackdown to Corpus Christi JONATHAN FORNEY @jb4nay


he American Bank Center will become a battleground for some of wrestling’s biggest names on Jan. 31 as the WWE Smackdown tour makes a stop in Corpus Christi. Arguably the biggest names headlining the event is none other than 15time world champion and five-time U.S. champion, John Cena. The wrestler is not just limited to the ring. He’s also starred in movies, released an album, and is one of the most prominent celebrities for the Make-a-Wish foundation. Through all of that, Cena

remains true to himself, rather than a persona for cameras. “I don’t play a character. It’s [who I appear to be] totally just an extension of myself,” Cena said. In total, 11 WWE superstars will come on down to the American Bank Center. These wrestlers come from various backgrounds and walks of life to bring something unique for their fans and admirers to enjoy. The Miz is a reality star turned wrestler. Becky Lynch hails from Ireland and has been wrestling since she was a teen. Dean Ambrose is an international champion known for his brutal and punishing style.

The WWE has never been one to shy away from drama and controversy. Its latest storyline is between wrestlers Becky Lynch and Mickie James after the two fought. James said on Twitter “Becky Lynch looks like she’s seen a ghost.” Lynch didn’t take the comment lying down and replied, also on Twitter, “not a ghost, the G.O.A.T.” Lynch said in reference to the greatest of all time slang. Reigning WWE champ, AJ Styles will look to defend his title as he sees his share of competition during the event. There’s a battle going on outside of the ring in the WWE, too. This fight

is for ratings and viewers. According to sportskeeda.com, WWE RAW has begun to outpace WWE Smackdown by significant margins of late. Due to the WWE being the primary source of wrestling content on television, the rivalry between Smackdown and RAW is used to create a type of competition to keep fans engaged. Time will tell if this pans out into more viewers overall. Tickets for Smackdown were still on sale, as the time of this writing, but fans are encouraged to get them while they can. Event goers can expect an exciting show as some of the WWE’s best and brightest make a trip to the American Bank Center.

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