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The OfďŹ cial Student Publication of the University of Saint Louis

PEDXING: Juvenile Crosses & Turns Innocence



The Official College Publication of the University of Saint Louis Marquin Mabazza Editor-in-Chief Joana Pagurayan Associate Editor Kathleen Sibal Managing Editor

Brotherhood or Botherhood?20

Serjohn Vando Durwin Literary Editor Norienne Parallag Features Editor





Maricel Banan News Editor Royce Cadapan Senior Writers


Ronel Eugenio Sports Editor


Ryan Agsawa Head Artist Tristan Baliuag Lay-out Artist Liana Acuzar Josef Antoni Betita Glaesan Adriano Alfa Gatchalian Kliene Agbayani Paul Taloma Theodore Somejo Valen Casauay Idle Tumaliuan Felix Tumbali Ciello Claravall Junior Writers

Who is Zack?



Upholding the Ethics of Jounalism, the Louisian Courier aims to develop students into responsible citizens in a free and democratic society: serves students rights as well as their general welfare. For comments and suggestions, please write or visit The Louisian Courier Office, Ground Floor, San Jacinto Building, University of Saint Louis, Tuguegarao City 3500 Philippines. All rights reserved.



The OfďŹ cial Student Publication of the University of Saint Louis

Pedxing: Crosses & Turns





Signed Out

Rosita Silvina Tomines Ma. Lea Gracia Dumaua Contributors Ms. Macekrell de la Cruz Mr. Roland Cagurangan Advisers





Cover Photo by islaw

As you stare across the dark streets set about by nightfall, a creeping, almost enchanting feeling overwhelms you as you observe the subtle exemplar of lights in the distance. You stare across the straight street through to the edge of the horizon with a feeling of humility creeping through your skin. The starless sky speaks to your soul saying that it is the end of yet another day. Tomorrow, your life continues and so does the lives of others around you. In this modest city, people rely with each other for guidance and support. People are socially orchestrated beings and it is the responsibility of every one of us to take care, guide and protect each other. Without this balance of emotion and mind, this fragile social structure would crumble and fall. Let our integrity, wisdom and resistance to temptation allow us to hold our ground and make a mark; make a change in the world we live in today.


English, pleas



e see the end of it coming. The pursuit is getting fainter; the means is getting dimmer, and the curtains are drawing to a close, the death-knell of which is getting less audible. What do we have here but the tongue-in-cheek Speak-English policy of the school being strongly operative only in the earlier days of the school year but shall later slide down in the consciousness of Louisians in a phantasmagoric pace. True to form, University of Saint Louis recognizes the importance of the English language and of course, having the good command of it. It affirms the mindset which automatically invests intelligence and success on those who can use the English tongue properly coupled with glibness and confidence. That is precisely the reason why every year, or at least every beginning of a school year, the school programs the jaw-tongue coordination of Louisians with the English language. As we go through the school year, however, the English buildup becomes diluted with the overwrought excitement over other preoccupations and the policy eventually slips out of view. The hype, as a matter of course, finds its way relegated to the repository of derelict have-been policies only to be reimplemented when it shall soon nag the forgetful memories of those who have forgotten that such policy even exists. The school’s Speak-english rule seems to get bungled up by the rule of recency: it only applies when the freshness still hangs in the air, and shall soon be forgotten as days crawl through time. Indeed, “ningas- cogon” is plastered all over the face of this policy, riddled with stitches of indifference among the students. The point of all this is this: it is the crashing down of the walls of “ningas- cogon” and indifference that would really make the English-speaking rule of the school effective and operative. No matter how noble the intention of the school is in making Louisians better English speakers and writers if the means employed is not resolutely adhered to and the students do not seem to care, then everything will turn out to be just for nothing. Seen in this light, this university, the same university which is envied for its excellence, may only succeed in its dream to be a home for good English speakers if it maintains this gumption and consistently implements the policy. Mahatma Gandhi says it all, his voice resonating with conviction and wisdom, “The means may be likened to a seed, the end to a tree, and there is just inviolable connection between the seed and the tree.”


Ah Caramba!


Who says it’s not long?


alive the persons falling in line before me. Too graphic a stretch of thoughts but accounting office does that to you! Let this be clear: falling in line is not something bad. That much is true. But when falling in long lines (Read: queues that even stretch as long as the Great Wall) would take a lifetime, tiresome at that, then that’s when your right to a beautiful life is denied. That much is also true. A news report in the USL Newsletter is a surprised me by notfor whose are ing that the Accountto the of in ing office’s efficiency or has perked by 19 the exams belatedly up percent. the effortless heaving of sighs This, methinks, is strictly for the would run along the lengthy birds! For if indeed it has imlines as if to sublimate the highly proved then why do I still hear likely propensity of Louisians the same old blasts and blares to vent their scythe tongues of among its clienteles. Okay, perviolence. The images are even haps there were some physical made worse by the cashiers at the improvements that probably end of the queues who can’t seem made up this 19%- higher- efto be the candidates for Mr./Ms. ficiency conclusion but efficienCongeniality awards. cy, (by efficiency, I mean “the Securing exam permits is degree of effectiveness with perennial pain in the neck for which something is done, or of Louisians whose options are but the person who does it”), is more limited to bearing the brunt of than that. The right to determine falling in long, vitriolic lines or whether an institution has been taking the major exams belatedly. efficient resides on the clienteles. One wonders which is worse but It is the clientele who has the poeither way, neither seems any less sition to evaluate and weigh up maddening. There’s something how a front-service institution about falling in lonnnng lines that fares. Experience tells me that always make me (a) speak laconic the accounting office is still not curses (b) want to strangle the the panther it should be and this cashiers to death (c) plant a bomb sentiment is not only mine to arinside the accounting office (d) ticulate but this is shared by my wish that the earth would swallow fellows who clamor for real efhink- or at least attempt to thinkof paying tuition fee, or securing examination permit and it’ll conjure less than pretty images of long excruciating queues. What else am I talking about if not the ugly situation we have to bear whenever we unavoidably transact business in the accounting office. A disgruntled chorus of tsks and harramphs, sidetracked by

exam permits

perennial pain in the neck Louisians options but limited bearing brunt falling long, vitriolic lines taking major .



ficiency. There are some mechanisms that the Finance Office may take as recourses to really speed up the processes and declog the long pila that time and again irks the hell out of students. First of course is the issuance of permits two or three weeks before the exams. If I am not mistaken, the

accounting office issues permits only a week before the exam kicks in. Second, the administration may also entertain the idea of the feasibility of payments through banks. Although this may only be applicable to an insignificant portion of the studentry, at least, there still is the possibility of declogging. Third, and the most important - manpower, that is, fast, efficient, accommodating manpower. It was observed that it takes 5-7 minutes of transaction for every student. In a relative scale, that really is as sluggish as the bureaucratic red tape. As for the students: BAWAL ANG SUMINGIT! Get my drift? This is an attempt to call a spade a spade. The curtains are open and tadah, the sight is unpleasant. The accounting process is slow and it is really slow. If we would turn a blind eye to a relatively small yet apparently discomforting boil in the skin of a rather good school, then we might run the risk of letting that boil putrefy into volcanic proportions and reap the bad fruits of complacency. Indifference does not cure the problem. Neither does apathy. The buck ends here! PS. Let me know your thoughts, rants, curses, questions, invitations that involve good food and other inanities at www.


College means cutting didoes


hat makes c o l l e g e education crucial in e v e r y b o d y ’s life is not because it determines the niche in the society a person shall play in the future, but on how it makes maturity suddenly an important piece in one’s life. It has been a long day in school and I could not have been more desperate that time to plump my energy-drained body to bed immediately. Very timely for me, all the tricycles were stagnated by something I shall call an “intense action”. A scuffle among college students materialized causing the tricycle drivers to stop and nose around. I had no choice but to also watch the stupid drama. Although it passed briefly, there was one I spotted bleeding after. Interesting, isn’t it? I do not exactly know what caused the tussle, but I suspect that it was more or less just one of the “boys will be boys” things. Like attacking someone for the sheer fun of doing it, or proving that you’re manly. Now before you start thinking that I am somewhat claiming to be an angel incarnate, I confess that I myself had also been involved in such petty, immature quarrels. I admit that I did also fight with a number of girls (and even boys) of my age before. But those were a decade ago, when both my innocence and ignorance could justifiably exonerate me from my actions---when I was not yet a college student who is bound to always conduct himself inside the compass of maturity. When we speak of college, we do not just refer to the same education we had during our elementary and high school years, when learning is merely a


matter of a quest for knowledge of facts and mathematical notations. We speak, instead, of a sharp departure from immaturity. It is when the cliché “Education is not just learning lessons from books, but also learning lessons of life” becomes more apposite and dramatic. It was during our elementary education when our teachers taught us that being responsible, self-reliant, unselfish, patient, and sensitive to other’s feelings are the right values in life. For some time during our innocent years, we lived by these ideals. Until the whispers of evil had made us lose our way… We have met Mr. Adventuresome during our high school years who taught us that rules and ethics are incompatible to exciting and cool living. It took us even the threat of not graduating to realize We should finally the importance of all the wisdom impressed upon us by our ... mentors. It remains clear, however, that some of our fellow Louisians have not yet fully internalized the discipline of mature thinking. It is normal to get angry. We all know that. That is even unnecessary to mention. However, we should not forget that there is always a mature way of handling things. We should never allow ourselves to be easily swayed by our impulses. We are college students already. By now, we should have realized that misunderstandings could only be resolved through a good conversation. Fire can never kill a fire. In just a short time, we will be facing a completely

new world. Half of us may start directly on family life. The other half will probably be working. Quick-temperedness will surely bring us nowhere. On the contrary, it would even dull our chances to become successful in life. Remember that the varied people you meet today are only half of what the “real world” has yet to offer. If within this small university you cannot even get along well with the people around you, I cannot just imagine how your life would be like after college. For the guys’ part, I understand that man’s world does really require blood welling out from your bodies and some scars as proofs of your bold adventures, but that requirement (if you allow that term) should have been long accomplished

not forget that there is always a

mature way of handling things.Let us not allow ourselves be easily swayed by our impulses Fire can never kill a fire. before you stepped into college. What you should be thinking by now is how you will actualize your goals in life. Not gang fights. Not riots. After all, the true criterion of manliness is selfcontrol. The noblest minds will tell you that it is not impregnating a girl, but the patience to wait for the right moment. It does not rely on the quantity of drugs, alcohol or cigarettes you have taken, but the courage to say “no” to temptations. It is not the number of gang fights you have fought, but the temper not to fly into a rage. Now let me ask you, are you man enough?




FREDOMCore serjohn vando durwin

Universal drama club


stop consumerism, the initiation of wars… because the results of such occurrences dictate what place a person has in the world. If someone is being himself, then he is lived in the right circumstances. But if situation is changed, and if his principles are no longer of any use, would he stay as he is? Not much can stay forever; even love has become like an ice cream. Once it is opened, it has to be consumed immediately or else it melts and falls to floor and no one is the of would eat it (perhaps martyrs or , the or would, but you can see the , how they would look in the … something is like situation). If there are that a . leftovers, have a heart of gold – but so does put them back in the fridge for a hard-boiled egg,” a quotation the night, but they won’t taste the that in my understanding means same tomorrow. The common that we can’t be too different. i.e., sense: “If all fails, or you want a candidate running for election something in your hand, steal shares a banquet with us masses someone else’s act!” A bit off but I think this to gain our votes, and Jose Rizal, who died to pave way for our should be mentioned… Music is one factor that liberty, are equals because to eyes, both of them cared. I guess, greatly influences a person. this is one reason why politics Today, it does not only soothe or in this country is no more than a disturb a person but changes his T.V. show set on primetime. Who identity to a great extent. Each poked his finger on who? Or will genre reflects its own image that President GMA win Best Actress is copied by listeners; the rapping for the SONA? gangsters are caught in the Being oneself is no longer violence of wars that almost none the function of the innocent or among them lived when it started. wise, but the ignorant or the If not, then maybe they’re in it for fortunate. No one respects the the blings. When the emotional weak, the poor, the lonely… genre gained a great population unless something is done that of listeners, the hairstyle has can satisfy a camera. No one can become a great fashion statement n the beginning and inevitably for the rest of eternity… The world is a complex stage of actors. It’s cool to have an act, written and directed by you, but that seldom happens because people have to make subconscious compromises that would satisfy him or another. Intentions are seldom judged; in most cases they almost never matter, because the heart alone cannot yield results. “You may

Being oneself no longer


innocent wise but ignorant the fortunate. No one respects weak the poor, the lonely unless the



can satisfy camera

(the emo-shoes?). Those who call themselves punks nowadays don’t even know what it stands for (originally anti-government and somewhat anti-social, but anyhow time changes.) On matters regarding law, we have every right to express ourselves freely to the extent that we do not cross over someone else’s rights. Well, it can’t be questioned in our democracy that we are exercising our rights well most of the time, sometimes we go a bit off with too much liberty and sometimes denied of; the two statements seldom go unpunished or granted when you are poor. But as to being human, the rights are solidified… because we have to be individuals. Thinking the same ideas with the majority because they are the majority and nothing can go otherwise or merely just relying on the leftovers of others’ instincts, is a poor way of thinking. Thinking of something because less people do such deserves a bit more of applause, at least chances of being original or being the first is significantly high. On the last card, people who feel joy on thinking because they want to, and not due to the influence of being common deserve hailing. /*The only time we were ourselves was when we were born, because we didn’t know anything yet and didn’t live long enough to have particular things to influence us.*/ Additional thoughts… Being a part of society is being human first, as an individual or as “ourselves”. Tyrants kill each other because to page 35

5 of 1 thing


hanks to so many stumbling-blocks that had been attended to before our organization was finally restructured, we are here again! First, apologies for the thumping dismay of those who are expecting for a better and more efficient editorial board this year and a more radical publication that shall be able to eat the huge chunks of fear for those who contently sit at the upper echelon of the university. We will, as willed by the concept of journalism, try not to suppress the excruciating truth that had not really been flying around the campus, due to fear of indirect oppression and the possibility of not being able to graduate with the appropriate merits. Such an irony, we had been shaped to be the voice of the studentry, yet we are not given the absolute right to speak out our maladies. It’s like a more germane way of saying “I give you the mic, but please, shut up”. Shut up – a phrase frequently said, frequently done, and for the first time in my school life – I was told to do so by one of my professors. It was rather said in an indirect manner to avoid displeasing impact on my part, but, the latter could have been avoided if he, directly told me so. So what happens to a student who is so much interested in his course but was told to shut up, or in a better way, “tone down a little”? She writes about morbid situations she had gone through with some of her professors. I am a full-blooded Louisian for six years now, and I know that in the years after my graduation,

‘yun ‘yon YEN


I will still continue to be one. I around the campus. Some will continue to live out the val- would even treat them as their ues the university has taught me. legitimate brothers or sisters. I And at the other side of a flipped am currently sharing a barkada coin, I will also remember my with one of my former professors professors – the things they have – enough as evidence that I am taught me, the things they failed not totally anti-professors. More to teach, and the lessons they so, my mom and my brother are learned from students who, sur- teachers in this institution, again prisingly, do not always rest their a basis that I do not generalize the back against the wall of rules. thoughts I want you to digest. Because you see, when you order But the fact that I’m Yen, not a student to shut up – you should my mom, not my brother, and of be prepared for two different re- course, not my teacher, gives me sponses. Not all guided students enough reason to flicker thoughts are willing to give up their erudi- on my educators and accede tion just because their professors myself to satisfy student craving cannot control their enthusiasm – that is, feast on our professors. in class. They should be happy The baGETs.. that some students make palpaIt’s a sort of a petty miracle to ble efforts to exhibit their will to have professors who are receptive learn and do not just sit on their to the needs of students. They seats, stare at their It’s for a to let his watches and im- their just because he/she isn’t patiently that would g r o u c h the about how slow the time ticks. They really ‘get’ the message in full amount miss the idea that they show their even if it is still half-sent. They lack of preparation and inability crack jokes and eventually get to do what they are expected to lucky enough to magnet positive do. I think it’s weak for a teacher responses for their amateurish to let his students zip their mouths comic eminence. Some of them just because he/she isn’t prepared do not even mind hanging around for the questions that would pop with their students on free times at covered walks or anywhere out in class discussion. Let’s flip the coin again. I’m else – that’s because they are being way too unfair if I discuss oriented with student attributes one side of the story only. Who – some of which they acquired even wants to get a hard-kicked- already due to maximum and ass because of writing morose long time exposure. Can you thoughts about our educators? blame them for this strategic For once in my nonsensical life, I manner of attracting respect from want to be a little fair and I know the students? Certainly..not! The environmentalists most of us treat them like our Not because they’re Al friends. Some would even kid around, run like prep students to page 12





students zip

prepared for pop out in class discussion.








ment-friendly concerns or activities, and such is very much commendable. It was awarded, as a matter of fact, most active and supportive environmentalist from the youth and other civic sectors. As such, it endeavors to foster cleanliness and orderliness primarily, of course, in its own premises. It is even clear that it never misses in reminding the members of the university especially the students on the importance of being environmentally Wouldn’t it be if we also our a w a r e and on performthe that ing their us in our - the we responsibilities toward this noble end them put their cold shoulders to a not just as a Louisian, but more relatively more serious problem. importantly, as an environmenIf you cannot still get the point, talist, destined and expected to let your eyes negotiate for itself serve as stewards of HIS bountiwith the inconvenient truth that ful creation. But, can you still remember the environment is experiencing. Perhaps, and I do hope that the last time you got into a dirty and messy classroom, and you’re getting me now. Surely, you are cognizant voluntarily picked up the litters of global warming, marine and tried to put things in their life destruction, continuous proper order? How about the downpour and many other natural times you went to answer the but often human-caused disasters call of nature in the ladies’ or that our world is experiencing. men’s lavatory, and managed to However, in knowing all these fix yourself after, but forgetting things, what does each of us do to flush the toilet bowl and or how much effort does one worse, adding tissues, or other exert in order to help solve the things into the blessings afloat.? What about when, the times you said problems? What actions can we, stayed at the friendship park, Louisians, do to, at least, help covered walk or in any part of bring back the long lost beauty the university chatting with your circle of friends without noticing and balance in nature? It is an undeniable fact the foreign objects which are that the university is extending in need of attention more than unalloyed support to environ- your mere rigmaroles? Can you id anyone of you miss this page? Just asking, anyway, I am glad that the opportunity of feeding your mind (and heart) with truth and values is here once again. Indisputably, the country is plugged into a series of quagmire. And some people, if not all, have been concerned so much with its politically and economically burdened condition thus making

treat surroundings- very nature temporarily houses lifetime way properly treat ourselves? nicer


remember the time(s) when the trees your eyes would always love to see were cut down or (almost) made bald for reasons deviating from the should-bes? During those times, what practically did you do? I mean, did you do some appropriate things? Disappointing as it may seem, these are just few of the many simple things that students (admittedly, like me, but of course with no exclusion of other members of the Louisian community) often neglect. There are some who act naïve by insisting that ‘why the hell should we care if there exist the utility employees, the janitors and others hired, tasked and paid (by the university out of our tuition fees) to do the jobs of maintaining cleanliness in the campus? Others would even claim that it is but awkward for them to pick some litters while wearing their (newly bought) dress, worse, school uniform. Take a look at yourself, of how well-dressed you are and of how you hardly allow your shoes to be soiled by dirt. Wouldn’t it be nicer if you also treat your surroundings- the very nature that temporarily houses you in your lifetime- the way you properly treat yourself? Afterall, you are and you will always be benefited by the blessings it endows us with, otherwise; you will have to suffer a number of negative consequences if you remain skeptic. Remember this (at least), our responsibility to Mother Nature is not like a candy wrapper that we just throw wherever we wish to but it is a lifetime oath we need to adhere to.

Not another teen drama


missUNDERSTOOD maricelbanan

The Peer Factor Peer pressure is a given in any barkada. This is where when all of your peer drink and smoke, so must you lest you be banished out of the company. In case you would not grant their request, they will say that you are not a true friend, or blurt out that you don’t have the value of pakikisama. When your buddy offers you a glass of beer and you just really don’t buy into the very idea of drinking, be firm in saying no. Anyway, if they are really true friends, they will not ask you to do something that you don’t like. Got the point? Above are just some of the issues that teenagers encounter. Ironically, these factors are what make the teeny stage colorful and

eing a teenager is surely the most fun-filled and enjoyable period in any person’s life. Though being a teen spells out FUN, this is the stage wherein many problems bubble out of the shelf and jolt us from slumber. The adolescents face tons of tribulations. So let’s try to peek into the hugely surprising box of teenage dilemmas and at least try to consider and examine some of the problems that somehow make teens’ lives out-of-the-ordinary.

not all things are constant. Even love, no matter how you try to have it last until infinity, will soon end. So if it just so happened that you broke up with your boyfriend or girlfriend, or dumped you and left you for another presumably hotter girl, never think of rushing to the nearest store and buy Gilette then stupidly rip off your wrist. Maybe, cliché as it may seem, you are not meant for each other, or optimistically, it’s not yet the time. Always bear in mind that better things lie ahead.

Public Property Gossips, or widely termed as “tsismis”, are inevitable among girls (mostly girls because their brains are mechanically programmed to be that way) and also among guys who can’t seem to find other preoccupations. In fact, many of my girlfriends get pissed off on rumors that people circulate about them. Some of these slanderous remarks are “…ah si ____, buntis yan!” or “…alam mo si ganito, p*k2 yan! Yuckness!” Among ladies, situations like these are the common reasons for catfights, while among the lads, they settle it by grappling. It may also come to the point to of filing moral defamation charges against the culprit (which is only possible if the source is identified but if not, good luck!). But the law of nature says that why should you be affected if those rumors are not true? It would be better if you’ll just get the hang of it, then prove them wrong.

Didn’t Take it Slow May we not be hypocritical regarding the issue of pre-marital sex. See, it’s sad to note that many youngsters are engaged into this not-to-be- Though a done-yet practice. wherein many Well of c o u r s e , shelf and us from . It’s just you are the captain of with those , and we your own for us to be a soul and the driver when we . of your own life and you have the prerogative to do exciting. It’s just on how you deal whatever you desire as long as with those problems, and how it wouldn’t hurt anybody along you make them a motivation for the way. Sigh. If you are already you to be a better person when sure with your significant you get older. If words are meant to be said, other or with your beau, then everything’s just fine. Just then my thoughts are meant to be make it sure that you are both written. And I guess, I did a lot of ready and responsible for the writing already. Toodles! For comments/questions/ consequences of your actions. But as much as possible, refrain suggestions, send your thoughts from doing the thing, or if you at already do, might as well stop it.

Found yet Lost Okay. We all know that




teen spells out FUN, this is the problems bubble out of the slumber


motivation person

on how we

make them a better



get older



VOICEBOX With Dr. Jose Rizal so that I could ask him if he still will consider the youth today as the hope of the Fatherland. -Mrs. Purita Licas,Journalism Instructor

Rosa Parks. It would be a great privilege to observe and converse with an unlikely heroine. She is everything that a heroine is not. - Mr. Adelgundo Agaloos , Philosophy Instructor

The Wright Brothers- Orville and Wilbur, who developed the first effective airplane. Like them, I would love to fly and visit several magnificent, awe-inviting tourist attractions around the globe. It would be very lucky for me to have them both in a dinner spiced up by conversations on travel, places, and flying. Exciting, isn’t it? -Ms. Yen Zingapan, CTVED Instructor

Given the chance to a historical figure, I would like to have a dream date with Joan of Arc. This girl had a vision from God that made her a leader of the French Army and led many victories. Later, she was tried wrongly and was sentenced to death, however, found innocent on the second trial and was beatified to become a saint. In our times, I would like to get inspiration from her to fight for the common good despite human frailties, through God’s wisdom. -Engr. Franklin Bosi, Engineering Instructor


I guess if Jesus would not be available, I would like to have a date with Princess Diana. She was a very beautiful and charming lady. I wish I could tell her how beautiful she is! Secondly, I guess she would need somebody to talk to about her struggles in her family and in the Royal Palace. But most importantly, I would want to show her my support to her crusade against the use of landmines and the effort to remove landmines in many countries torn by war and conflicts. Landmines are hidden in the grounds which are like any deadly viruses killing many people and crippling a lot more, even after the wars are over. - Fr. Neil Sta. Ana, University Chaplain

The late Princess Diana… I admire her a lot and I am fascinated by her indomitable will in Given the chance to have a dream date reaching the lowest of with a historical figure, I would like the society. She was to have a date with Mao Tze-tung or known for her charity Mao Zedong, the great Chinese comworks in spite of her munist leader because based on my royal status. If we readings, he was a former librarian of could only be like her, the National University of Beijing. I perhaps this world would like to know the contribution of will be a better place his profession (as librarian) in concepto live in. tualizaling his idea on communism and - Mr. Eric Labugen, becoming one of the great leaders in Accountancy Chinese history. Instructor - Mr. Michael Pinto, University Director of Libraries

a dreamdate with who would that be? Photos from the net

Monica Lewinsky. We could just have an intimate talk. But of course, I wouldn’t ask her anything about her past. However, the person responsible for this date must assure me first that I wouldn’t be receiving the same awkward publicity as what had happened between her and former President Clinton.

-Mr. Cris Natividad, Engineering Instructor

Since it’s a dream date, I’ll really dream! And since the historical figure might have been dead ages ago, I’ll pick someone who’s beauty is eternal. It has to be Marilyn Monroe- the Goddess! I want to feel the same feeling that a thousand men felt when they’re around her. I want to know exactly why millions have been smitten by her charm and appeal. I want to know why even the lord of lords, the king of kings and the prince of princes bow down to her like puppies. Also, I want to know her more intimately, her secrets, joys and passions! -Mr. Yosoh, Male Faculty Janitor




SBAA launches Book of Fame project THEODORE SOMERA

The Book of Fame is a project of the SBAA departmental officers led by Cliff Richard B. Narag, departmental governor, together with the department’s faculty members and their dean. The Book of Fame would provide a memento that will hold profile of students who excell in literary, caricature and sports competitions. Participation is open to all SBAA students. Literary contests (essay and poem writing) would be judged by teachers from other departments. In addition, the departmental officers will facilitate the sports competition. Winners from the contested events would have their profiles and achievements compiled in the Book of Fame. They would also receive medals, gift certificates courtesy of the department during their departmental day. The book will be placed at the SBAA office for students to give the students the chance to sift through the book. “The project is therefore geared towards providing SBAA students a venue to showcase their skills and talents and developing them as well” quoted Mr. Cliff Richard B. Narag during the interview.

yun’ yon YEN from p07 Gores in their own simple ways, but these teachers and the environment have something in common – they are green. Is this a tactic to suck up attention from the students? If it is, it is not really that victorious because while some (mostly the male ones) laugh their hearts out at your pranks, try to think about the few (but slowly increasing) group of people who actually lose their sense of respect for what you should actually teach, and eventually, what you should be as Godto page 31


MARVELING CAGAYAN’S SPELUNKS: Louisians’ eyes were satiated by the sight-beholding cave systems in the Peñablanca Protected Seascape and Landscape area. Shown are some of the various limestone formations found in the living caves.

Photos by islaw

The School of Business Administration and Accountancy (SBAA) spearheaded by Dr. Venus S. Bunagan, SBAA dean, launched the formal opening of the Book of Fame Project at the University gymnasium last July 25, 2008.

USLT holds the 3rd AFBQ and ASPC 2008 IDLE TUMALIUAN

The Archdiocese of Tuguegarao in partnership with the different Episcopal Commissions of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines and through the sponsorship of Columbia International Food Products, Inc. held the 3rd Archdiocesan Family Bible Quiz and the Archdiocesan On-the-Spot Painting Contest at Bulwagang Teodulfo Domingo of the University on July 8, 2008 This activity is in connection with the festivity of the Synod on the Word of God, a part of the Bible Week Celebration, that will be held on October 5- 26, 2008 With the theme, “The Word of God in the Life Mission of the Family”, the activity’s objectives are to promote awareness of the word of God among Filipino youth, to inspire them in bringing out their best in contributing to Christian family value foundation, to deepen their faith and commitment as witnesses to Gospel values in their lives, and to share their creativity in spreading love, hope, joy, peace and unity for a better world. National Catholic Family Bible Quiz secretariats, visitors, students as well as their respective coaches in both college and high school levels attended the said activity. The participating schools were University of Saint Louis (USL), Saint Paul University Philippines (SPUP),

Lyceum of Aparri and Cagayan National High School (CNHS). A student from the Cagayan National High School clinched the championship title while a student from St. Paul University Philippines and our very own Everson Navarro placed 2nd and 3rd ,respectively. The activity was also sponsored by religious organizations like Power to Unite Catholic Family Group, Inc., the Episcopal Commission for Biblical Apostolate ( ECBA), Committee on International Eucharistic Congress, Episcopal Commission on Liturgy, Episcopal Commission on Youth, Commission on Family Life, Commission on Social Communication and Mass Media, Commission for Pastoral Care for the immigrants and the itinerant people and Philippines’ Bible Society.

Prepared by:


University Director of Libraries

•The College Library has subscribed to an Online Journal entitled Academic Source Premier through EBSCO, the sole distributor of the said online journal. This online journal is a good source of reviewed articles and studies that will help students in finding information about any topic in their research studies. Students will be given their own accounts for them to utilize the said online journal. They can have access to it as long as they have an internet connection. Student accounts shall be distributed later. •Additional bulletin boards are now available for the INFOZONE. Information about newlyacquired books, events of the month, featured reading materials, “Power Reader” of the month, students with library obligations, announcements for teachers and students pertaining library concerns, etc. •The library has acquired 1,611 volumes of books including donations and 123 titles of non-print materials (CD’s, VCD’s, and DVD’s) in different fields of specialization. •The present organizational chart of the University Libraries is now in place at the second floor of the College Library with the pictures of the all library staff and Library Working Students (LWS). •Thirty new computer units with LCD flat screen monitors replaced the old computer units of the Internet Working Multimedia Office (IMMO). •There is search for the “Most Disciplined School/ Department”. This is in response to the problem on noise in the college library. •Additional library staff were hired, namely: Mr. Neil Nuñez and Rodora dela Rosa who are both assigned at the Technical Section; Mrs. Juliet Villanueva, the Reference and Serials Section Head; Ms. Daisy Quilang, the Assistant Librarian at the High School Library; and Ms. Michelle Alilam who assists in the automation program of the Grade School Department. •The Grade School and High School Libraries are now on the process of automation. •With the plan to make available the OPAC online, the Technical Section has started to edit all the library records (cataloguing). •A white board was provided for the Discussion Room. The Library users are encouraged to maximize the use of library facilities. Further, students are encouraged to use the electronic periodicals (back issues of newspapers like PDI and Star) available at the IMMO. For any suggestions, inquiry, or assistance, please approach any of the library staff. You can also send your suggestions or requests through this e-mail: michael_

SONA 2008 shown in campus MARICEL BANAN

July 28, 2008- President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo’s State of the Nation Address was brought live inside the campus through television sets installed by the Supreme Student Council (SSC), La Liga Philosophia (LLP), Political Science Society (PSS), and The Louisian Eye in some strategic places in the university.

To keep Louisians abreast with the political affairs of the nation, the four student organizations put up one television set on the second floor of the university cafeteria and two televisions sets at the Students’ Activity Area to give Louisians the chance to view the 2008 SONA live while in campus. “Since classes were not suspended to accommodate this annual affair, we thought of this way to at least keep Louisians updated of everything that happens inside and out of the House of Congress while PGMA was delivering the SONA. If there is one group of people who is supposed to be the very first persons to hear her SONA, it should be the youth,” Rambo Tambuaun, LLP President remarked. Tambauan further said that while they have the noble intention to bring students closer to the political goings-on in the political façade of the country, he was slightly taken aback by the relatively political indifference and immaturity of some Louisians, since only a few showed some interest in the SONA. Meanwhile, outside the campus and outside the Batasang Pambansa, the present administration’s SONA was met by a barrage of protests from among the different sectors of the society, making these the usual side dishes during the annual political event. The SONA is annually delivered by the highest public official in the Philippines every last Monday of July to present to the public the sociopolitical and economic standing of the country for the past one year and to lay bare the strategic plans the present administration shall pursue in the future.

Photos by Don Paguirigan


LOUISIANS are glued to the television sets as they watch PGMA deliver her State of the Nation Address at the House of Congress.




Typhoon Igme disrupts JPIA Fun Run JAKE TALOMA

July 27, 2008- Typhoon Igme visited Cagayan at signal number 2 which resulted to the postponement of the nationwide launch of the National Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants’ 2008 Amazing Fun Run that should have been held at the Cagayan Sports Complex, Tuguegarao City. The continuous downpour impelled Philippe Blanco, a BSAc-4 student of this University who is presently the Regional (left and below) Louisian leaders in two of the Vice President for Non Academics and the Challenges during the LLC Survivor Challenge. (above) SSC Board of Advisers with the LLC facili- project head for Cagayan, to postpone the event having considered the health and tors. Photos by SSC safety of the participants. “The event is tentatively rescheduled on August 31, 2008. The final date FELIX TUMBALI will be announced through formal The Supreme Student Council, through the leadership of Rodel Abuan, communications and will be aired in conducted the annual Louisian Leadership Congress 2008 at Villa Domingo 89.3 Campus Radio, one of the events sponsors,” said Blanco. Retreat Center, Maddarulug, Solana Cagayan last July 12-14, 2008. The 2008 Amazing Fun Run, a project With the theme, “Building dynamic Lanot, AIB Trainer; Ms. Ana Rose Adela, of the Junior Philippines Institute of leaders through character and leadership AIB Program Manager; Rev. Fr., Renillo Accountants (JPIA), is held in cooperation skills development towards campus and Sta. Ana, the University Chaplain and with the provincial government of Cagayan community transformation”, the three-day the Hon. Meynard Carag, mayor of the and is participated by four member schools of JPIA in Cagayan: University of congress was participated by the officers of municipality of Solana. the different student clubs and organizations The topics discussed during the Saint Louis (USL), Saint Paul University in the university. said event were: Christian Leadership, Philippines (SPUP), Cagayan State The congress, an annual gathering Personality Development: Me and My University (CSU) and Florencio L. Vargas of Louisian leaders, was conducted to World, Purpose-Driven Leadership, and College (FLVC). The event is also open empower and enhance the leadership skills Team Work Principles: Tips on Effective for non-JPIAns who are 16 years old or above. and capabilities of student-leaders through Leadership. The event is a friendly race lectures, physical activities, and workshops. The Louisian Survivor Challenge, The affair was graced by several a series of strenuous and challenging competition that involves running and a motivational speakers like Mr. Al Ian activities that was intended to test the series of challenges for enjoyment and Barcelona, Chief Trainer and Managing leadership skills and teamwork of student- physical fitness. Furthermore, it is held to Director of Al Ian Barcelola (AIB) Training leaders leaders, was the highlight of the raise funds for a charity, specifically GMA Kapuso Foundation to help our co-patriots Events and Communications; Mr. PeeJay LLC 2008. who are victims of calamities.

Louisian leaders converge in LLC ‘08

College guidance center on the move GLAESAN ADRIANO & LIANNA ACUZAR

The College Guidance Center initiated yet another Freshman Growth Session for the school year 2008-2009, for the whole month of July, with the purpose of stressing effective study habits and time management of students. The guidance counselors did it in a room-to-room session to further monitor the


students who will be needing help. There were designated topics for each department: CHAS, SICS, SEAS, CTVED, and SEAFA each had the topic “College Readiness” while only SBAA had “Adversity Quotient”. Ms. Jinky Cambri, the guidance counselor for SEAFA said that the growth

session was a success in spite of some difficulties like having no visual-aids and students’ lack of interest; nevertheless, they were able to meet their goals. The Growth Session is a continuous program until the freshmen reached their graduating years. The Guidance Center indeed found a better way to know each student through the Growth Session; we look forward to the succeeding programs of the College guidance for the rest of the school year.


Photos fron the net


If only the walls, chairs, or tables have the ability to speak, then the question would have long been answered. Their answers would certainly be accompanied with vehement protests from the hapless media Zack rests his vandalistic artistry upon. Fortunately for Zack and to the misfortune of USL, there’s no possible way they could.


ow, who is Zack? This name is written all over the face of the campus from San Jacinto Building (C Bldg.) to Theophile Verbist Building (J Bldg.); from comfort rooms (here in USL, this word: comfort room, is an oxymoron but that’s altogether another issue) to the school cafeteria. The name Zack is carved in chairs, toilet bowls, and tables that are already blistered by time and the insufferable whatchamacallits of students. I don’t know him and possibly neither do you. But one thing remains constant: Zack, if that’s his real name is just one of the many confused souls who mistakenly find vandalizing ‘cool’. He belongs to the cirque de rigueur of young punks who have a distortedly misplaced notion of things, illogically equating coolness, or the quality of being cool, with vandalism. Why do vandals vandal? Perhaps they are up to it just for the sheer fun of it or for some other reasons not fathomable to an outsider. Purists and conventionalists would find Zack and the legions like him psychologically and socially semidetached. They brought this conclusion to

the extremes by saying that vandals are pathologically right-brain-impaired. For an insider, however, this is a highly selective and negative view of things generated by people who seem to be trapped in a holierthan-thou mentality. I know of an acquaintance who is a self-confessed vandal. He says writing, although in an unusual and sometimes improper medium, gives him an instant high that no other preoccupations can give him. “I find pleasure in vandalizing. It makes me feel happy. I admit it’s something queer but yeah, that’s just it. I don’t really care whether that’s something bad or not,” he confesses. Vandals probably resort to doing things that convention or the societal norms condemn as something taboo to make them seem like they are still part of the swim of things- the drift of life that seemed to cast them away, farther away from the touch of the rest of humanity. I can’t really be sure of their intentions. I am clearly an outsider, so I am just building

my premises on presumptions. Good or otherwise, there must be a number of reasons why they vandalize and those reasons better exist lest their actions are reduced to pure baloney. However, those reasons, do not, in any way, justify their misdeeds. Let this be clear: Vandalizing is wrong, and to some extent, it is unethical because it does not fall within the societal norms. No matter

Good or otherwise, there must be a number of reasons why they vandalize and those reasons better exist lest their actions are reduced to pure baloney. how many ways you look at it, vandalizing renders surfaces ugly because those surfaces are not intended for scribbling. What I am driving at is the life beneath the masks vandals conceal themselves with. Vandals, too, fumble through life’s pains and joys in as much as we non-vandals do. We consider them deviants, which they really are, but we shouldn’t be forgetting the fact that their fingers are still on the pulse of life. The next time you see Zack’s name on another wall or somewhere else, despise his actions but not him. Think twice, heave a sigh of relief, and comfort yourself you are not in his shoes.







“I loved her with every second of my life yet now she has chosen to leave me for another, better man. My father/mother/brother/sister are all useless, selfish people. People who think of nothing but themselves! People who understand nothing about me! I am a failure at life, love and just about everything so I should just proceed to drenching myself in alcohol and suffocating myself with cigarettes. I can do this because this is my life and mine alone, what I do to it will not affect the people around me. The world is out to get me and I should just surrender into its will because I’m helpless.” -The Person You Shouldn’t Be

take these head on, not run away from them. Problems are caused by mistakes, yet further problems are caused by lack of action. “If there’s a pensive fear, a wasted year a man must learn to cope. If his obsession’s real, suppression that he feels must turn to hope.” – Anonymous The concept of perfect optimism is easy to understand but difficult to take into heart. Receiving the world with a smile on your face may seem


ust about every teenager in the country today thinks and acts this way. The above quote demonstrates how vulnerable and weak the human spirit is. The above quote denotes a unified feeling of regret and pain felt by all people. It shows how frail and weak one can be when faced with problems. However, any person can overcome these moments of weakness through sheer faith and determination. Welcome to the real world, open your arms and embrace its

I’d hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain. -Guns N’ Roses

cruelties and injustices. Then as you lock into each other in a tight hug, slowly squeeze it, squeeze away your pains and dilemmas. And as you absorb and accept what people have done to you, close your eyes and breathe slowly. As you walk away with an ear-to-ear smile on your face, say to yourself; “Life is beautiful.” Life is often defined as a roller-coaster ride of emotions that speeds through the air of challenges and trials. Life is always worth living, remember that. Whatever trials come your way, you should always


like a daunting task but it can be done. Just so long as you have solid faith, complete fortitude and a descent amount of confidence, you’ll be alright. You’ve seen the promises; you’ve made the mistakes now you need a new voice, new love, new wave, take the time reevaluate… It’s time to pick up the pieces and go back to square one. The first step is probably the simplest. First of all one must learn to listen to his heart, what’s meant here is to really listen to your heart. As opposed to common belief,

from experiencing further pain and encountering more problems. Human beings learn through trial and error, though some are a bit slower at this department, this instinct is common in all of us. Common sources of problems may range from places to people everybody talks to himself. such as you’re socially unstable Though we see people who house or your posse of friends talk to themselves as strange that force you to do questionable individuals, the truth is that acts. the first person you ask advice And finally, learn to from is always yourself. A appreciate the simpler things in person’s heart will always give life. People are often too caught the best advice. However, it up with their problems that they is a common misconception fail to appreciate and understand that feelings of anger, pain, the world that God has given and jealousy originate from to us. People are often clouded one’s heart. In reality, these with their dilemmas that they negative emotions are merely fail to see the small beauty in created by your own cloud of everything. Everywhere you insecurities. look, everything you touch, there The best way to combat will always be something to be these negative emotions is to appreciated. understand and accept your There are beauties in problems as they are. Learn to everything that we should all stop accept the way things are and and look at… the sunset in the learn to forgive and forget. distance, the blue sky above us, Whining about something does the cold rain that trickles down nothing but cause you more your polo or blouse, that new car pain as you remind yourself smell, the bond of love you feel over and over again. The best from your girlfriend/boyfriend, countermeasure is simply to the smile you see in tricycle forget, make a mental box drivers’ faces, the cold wind that and throw in there everything blows against your face, and that’s pulling you down. even the soft touch from a fellow human being. All of these can “I’d hate to look into be enough for you to forget your those eyes and see an ounce of problems. pain.”- Guns N’ Roses Remember that problems are there to be solved, not to Now you must learn to be sulked upon. Sharing your deliver yourself from the problems to your friends is sources of your problems. always a good thing, however Though your will now has sharing your problems to every become more solid, in a way person you pass by is not. Stop you must still do something riding shotgun and take the wheel in order to prevent yourself of your life into your own hands.





You are so passionate about the environment, the Al Gore of USL; how discomforting is the “Inconvenient Truth” about Mother Nature? First of all, thank you TLC for counting me, in your first issue for this school year. Thank you for your complement as well as USL’s Al Gore. The film “An Inconvenient Truth” is to me very discomforting to a certain indescribable level. As I was sharing to you during the Youth for Environment Summit here in school, I agree with the points raised in the film. If man continues to be insensitive to the growing concern on climate change, the ones predicted by Al Gore will happen and therefore make many inconveniences. Indeed the film makes or poses a lot of inconveniences as I did while watching it the first time and the second time and even the third time.

backyard garden. These practices, simple as they may seem, but I firmly believe that it can help a bit to ease our Global environmental crisis.

materials). I hate plastic people as I do of real plastics. The difference is, I can be more understanding of people than that of the unstoppable use of plastics by people.

Do you hate “plastics”? We mean the pretentious, “mapagkunwari” people and the real plastics (synthetic

You are a BEE in so far as your tight schedule is concerned. How do you juggle family, school and environment advocacy in your hands? Let me put my


544 4


You don’t own a car… everyone seems to know that. Is that a personal choice? Yes. I really don’t own a car, it’s a personal choice. I have other priorities to attend to. Besides, with skyrocketing prices of fuel, it becomes more practical to take public utilities.


As an environment advocate, your lifestyle must be caught in the middle. Do you avoid using stuffs that somehow aggravate the global environment crisis? In fact, yes. I have advocated the No-Burning policy in school, as I do at home. Moerover, I also do/ practice segregation of wastes. It might also be of interest to you to note that I also have my own

“If man continues to be insensitive to the growing concern on climate change, the ones predicted by Al Gore will happen and therefore make many inconveniences.”

answer this way, man is the author of his time. First things first. What is due to one should be due to the other. In school and community, I am an administrator and environmental advocate. Back home, I am a father and a husband. So I make sure that we live by quality time always. At home after office, I work, do assignments, at times play with my kids, water the plants together with my family and so on.


USL is one of the best with a five-year autonomy in tow. But there are still more rooms of improvement. What do you think should be greatly about USL? I believe we have yet a lot to do to attract foreign students to study in our school. Also, perhaps to make every Lousian become even more passionate in environmental concerns.

7 8

What and where is USL ten years form now? USL will be a

well-known world- class school.

What is your present state of mind? I am at

peace with my God, my family and my fellowmen. Moreover, I am happy with my career and my ministry to form, inform and even reform the youth towards a deeper understanding of God, family, environment, neighbor and self.






Saan nga ba patutungo ang kadakilaang ginagawa ng tao? Bakit nga ba sa lahat ng nilalang, ang tao ang tinuturing na siyang pinakamataas? Mapalad nga bang tunay ang tao?


agigising ang tao tuwing umaga at patuloy na nakikibaka sa mga elemento ng mundo. At sa bawat pagkakataong dumarating, nasusubok ang kanyang pagkatao. Mabuti man o masama ang naidudulot ng mga pangyayaring ito sa kanya, isang katotohanan lamang ang mananatili: pinipili niya ang humarap sa mundo pagkat siya ay isang tao. Sa mata ng mapanuring pagpapasya ng kalikasan, isang kabaliwang maituturing ang tao.


Mapalad ang mga nasa himpapawid at malaya nilang natatanaw ang kariktan ng kapaligiran. Mapalad ang mga nasa lupa pagkat inihain sa kanilang harapan ang kanilang kinakain. Ngunit ang tao, binigyan man ng karunungan at pagpapasya, alabok pa rin siyang maituturing ng lupa.

Hindi nga ba’t nilikha ang tao upang patuloy na kumilos para sa katugunan ng mga pangangailangan ng kalikasan? Kahibangang sabihin na gumagalaw ang tao pagkat nais niyang marating ang katotohanan ng kanyang buhay. Hindi maglalaon at mapagtatanto niyang kahit kailan ay hindi naging sapat ang kanyang pagtitiyaga upang mapakinabangan siya ng mundo. Isa lamang siyang kasangkapang pinagtagpi-tagpi ng mapaglarong isip ng mundo. Ilang daang taon na nga ba ang nakalilipas bagaman wala pa ring pagbabago sa kanyang estado? Sa kabila ng mga nagtatayugan at naggagandahang instrumentong siya mismo ang lumikha, isa pa rin siyang alipin sa makamundong pagnanasa. At sino siya para magtanong? Mapalad ang mga nasa himpapawid at malaya nilang natatanaw ang kariktan ng kapaligiran. Mapalad ang mga nasa lupa pagkat inihain sa kanilang harapan ang kanilang kinakain. Ngunit ang tao, binigyan man ng karunungan at pagpapasya, alabok pa rin siyang maituturing ng lupa. Binihisan siya ng magagarang damit ngunit tinatangay pa rin siya ng ibayong ginaw ng hangin. Lumikha siya ng mga bagay na maaari niyang gamitin pananggalang sa matinding init ng araw pero pinapaso pa rin ang kanyang balat sa tuwinang lumalabas siya sa kanyang maliit na lungga. Nangingilag siya sa mga aninong sumasaklob sa kanyang damdamin samantalang sarili niyang anino hindi niya magawang salingin. Sadya nga sigurong mahirap arukin ang hangganan ng tao. Nangangarap siyang sa susunod na mga araw mararating niya ang katwiran ng kanyang katauhan. Pinipili niyang harapin ang mundo sa pagaakalang makikita niya ang landas tungo sa kanyang kasiyahan ngunit kabalbalan kung tutuusin ang lahat. Lilipas ang buong araw na wala siyang masasagot sa mga bugtong na sumasanga sa kanyang kokote. At magigising na naman siyang wangis ng isang musmos;

maghahanap ng makakain para sa buong araw. Nakatakda ang lahat. Isang kahibangang paniwalaan na ang tao mismo ang gumagawa ng kanyang tadhana. Kung gayon di sana’y hindi na pinili ng tao ang pahirapan ang kanyang sarili para lamang mabuhay. Kahuwaran ang lahat! Isang napakalaking kasinungalingan ang umasang isang araw makikita niya ang kanyang sariling malaya mula sa pagkakagapos sa mapanlinlang na paraisong ito. Nasisiyahan siya sa mga pinapakita ng kanyang mga mata kahit sa kabila nito’y kaparusahan ang manatiling bulag sa tunay na kagandahan. Pumipintig ang kanyang puso kasabay ng pagdaloy ng pulang tubig sa kanyang ugat pero hanggang sa siya’y malagutan ng hininga wala pa rin sa kanyang kalingkingan ang tunay na kahulugan ng kalayaan. Ang maglakad ng nakatapak ba habang nadarama ang init ng lupa ay kalayaan? Hindi! Walang makapagsasabi ng totoong kalayaan. Kung totoong malaya ang tao, hindi siya kontrolado ng pwersang sumasaklob sa bawat pagpapasyang ginagawa niya. Di sana’y wala ang kalikasan kung saan nakabatay ang bawat kilos niya. Itinapon ang tao dito sa mundong ibabaw hindi para pumili ng alam niyang makabubuti sa kanya bagkus ay upang pumili ng mga gawing angkop sa batas ng kalikasan. Ang kalikasan na siyang naging kanlungan niya mula sa kawalan ay siya ring sumakop sa kanya. At sa mga batas na dikta ng mundo, walang ibang dapat piliin ang tao kundi ang sumunod na lamang. Ito ang buhay na itinakda sa kanya pagkat siya ay isang tao. Walang makapagsasabi na ang tao nga ang pinakamakapangyarihang nilalang ng kalikasan. Sa madali’t malaon, lahat ay mapapariwara sa pagkakalulong sa mga rehas ng kamatayan. Lahat ay babalik sa lupa kung saan siya nagmula-isang alabok

Mithiin BY


Tuntungang hubad sa katotohanan Hinulma ng mga alamat Nukal sa puso ni Tandang Sela Ngunit kinuyom ng himagsikang Umabot ng dantaon upang kuminang. Perlas mula sa silangan Naging hantungan ng mga mababangis na leon At sa putikan ito’y nilapastangan. Nais ng mga indyong liyag Ang makitang siilin ng itak At ng panulat ang mga latay ng dugong pula. Tanaw ng buwan ang pigil na hikbi Mula sa dilag na wari’y inunahan ng poot Ang dati’y malamyos na ngiti. Sinansala ng pagkukunwari ang pagsinta. Na noo’y kasintayog ng araw. Kelan itataas muli ang bandilang maharlika? Saan sisigaw ang mga damdaming pagal? Ang mga palahaw na walang maliw, kelan matatapos? Paano na silang mga musmos? Tigang na ang mga ilog ng sariwang tubig At nagpupumiglas na ang mga ibon. Lupang hinirang, kailanma’y di paapi Bagkus ay susuong wangis ng agila. Nawa’y masilayan na ang kariktan ng buhay Na dinuduyan ng malinis na hangin. Dalisay at banal na pangarap Yaon ang bulong ng inang bayan. Makinig ka.



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A Very

Biological War BY


The so-called battle of the sexes has now reached a whole new level, especially so because women are now accepted into the fields of intellectual and technical expertise that were open only to males in the past; and that men are now recognized as being able to rear children on their own, give them emotional care, and do chores that were otherwise reserved only for women.

And so it goes. Women will always be women, and men will always be men; and their differences would always be manifest and irreconcilable.


ut then, the socalled battle would invariably boil down to a domain where no joinder of issues can ever be had: the biological. This means that the biological disparity between males and females is so fundamental that there is no point of comparison and is therefore not debatable. Men would never be able to bear children unless some technology in the future would make a uterus transplant possible, and women can never sire children, unless the same thing happens in the future. And so it goes. Women will always be women, and men will always be men; and their differences would always be manifest

and irreconcilable. This brings us to other differences that establish male superiority. All things being equal, men and women are in fact the same. They can do the same things and perform similar functions. But women are generally more impulsive and emotional than men. This makes them less reliable when making decisions that make a difference in the scheme of things, unlike men, who tend to resolve problems from a cold logical standpoint. To put it succinctly, women are simply bound by their hormones. That is why even if women insist that they are equal with men, they equally insist that they be treated with gentleness and compassion ¬ which


would seem unfair if you are a very tired man going home from work, sitting in a crowded bus, while a lady expectantly waits for you to offer her your seat. This logical superiority complements man’s physical advantage so that even in law, where there is doubt as to who between a man and a woman equally circumstanced and similarly situated survived under adverse conditions, the man is presumed to have survived longer than the woman. [Rules of Evidence under the Rules of Court, Rule 131, Sec. 3, Par. (jj) Number 4] This is no accident, and the law does not discriminate against women. Although what is laid down is just a disputable

presumption, it nonetheless shows how males are presumed to be superior over females. Since the question of superiority can never be resolved in the biological level, it may very well be effective to look at it in the same way that experiments are conducted: under laboratory conditions. As stated, the presumption will always be that the male shall survive longer than the female under these adverse conditions. The presumption then, is conclusive in favor of man’s superiority. But the battle shall continue. However, unless women can present other reasons that transcend biological functions to show that they are better than men, the result will always speak for itself. Thus the men rest their case.

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Superiority of Women over Men BY


What does being superior mean? From the internet, superior is defined as “of higher level and/or quality,” hence, superiority is being a higher level or quality. Superiority is not an act or action, it is a state of being.

Men have stood in the way of women’s development, denying their political and social rights for millennia. Male superiority is a myth.


y task is to show that women are more superior than men. Browsing the internet, the following are given as evidences showing that women are more superior than men. Let’s start in the process of growth. Psychologists documented the following: by two years of age, the girls’ superior verbal ability is clear. Girls tend to start talking earlier than boys, and they do better on early verbal tests. And baby girls are more likely to vocalize when they hear voices than are baby boys. The evidence suggests that girls are born with an innate sensitivity to other people, a sensitivity not found in boys to anything like the same extent.

Girls use dolls to learn about human relationships, but boys are too self-centered to use their action figures for any more than escapist fantasies. So most of them stay self- centered as they grow up. Most boys never come to understand people the way that girls do. Nor do they seem to care: preschool-aged boys get into fights far more often than girls. Because of their self-centeredness, boys have more trouble in school than girls do. All-girl classes are usually models of order and obedience. But so many boys are discipline problems that, in some cities (like New York), whole subsystems are set up to handle them. Boys are usually the trouble makers in class. Girls are more able to defer gratifications

in order to accomplish a goal. That is what maturity is about: deferring gratification. Girls are able to accomplish more than boys because of their self- discipline. This is why girls tend to get better grades in school than boys. Men are not only immature emotionally and sexually; they are also immature when it comes to financial matters. This is due in part to their having less self-discipline than women and due in part to their not understanding people the way that women do. Men have stood in the way of women’s development, denying their political and social rights for millennia. Male superiority is a myth. Scientific facts prove female superiority. All women know they are superior, but they rarely speak

of it. The status of the female is never in doubt. Whoever produces eggs is essential to the future, for eggs are reproductive cells, sperms are not. A fourteen nation study by UNESCO in 1967 showed that women work longer and have less leisure than men. All women working and nonworking are not a disadvantage to men. Women are underestimated. Women’s superior constitutional strength among other things comes from the fact that they are equipped with immunoregulatory genes on each “X” chromosome. Women have hybrid vigor or heterosis which males do not have. Female intuition is something that men are jealous to page 32




BROTHERHOOD O A closer look at fraternities in Through the main gate, greeted by the sternly uninviting faces of the security guards, he enters the school again just like any other usual school day. TJ* is a typical Louisian student who, just like most of the students of the university, attends his classes religiously without missing any beat.


But now, he can hardly walk, every step he makes entails a raw pain in the lower cavity of his body, and wonders how he can sit in his chair without shrieking from pain. Conventional wisdom would affirm that man is born to be a social animal. Man heeds the company of other men, he, being the fulcrum and they, being the levers of his life. Man, in his inherent predilection for company, seeks protection and guidance from other people to preserve his life and to make his life bearable. No man is an island, the oft-quoted maxim declares. In this context of mutuality, organizations of brotherhood and sisterhood are founded. Ideally, fraternities or sororities are the founts from


Conventional wisdom would affirm that man is born to be a social animal. Man heeds the company of other men, he, being the fulcrum and they, being the levers of his life.

which man sucks strength, establishes friendships with, and the avenues to foster comradeship. Shock absorbers, to some extent. Pitfalls. Life is sometimes too dark to see, too deep that when man falls it’s hard for him to find for someone to clasp his hands to. Just when the urge to stand once more is there, his fragile spirit is already broken into pieces, too shattered to even fix. He can no longer heal the wounds


verything seems so ordinary inside the campus, he muses, except that he is limping as he trudges through the pathway that cuts towards the San Jacinto Building. He has just simultaneously gulped two 500 g of Ponstan in a crack to deceive his body into thinking that everything is fine. The night before, his legs were beaten black and blue, the reason for his muscle twitches, painfully reminding him of the paddles of torture during his initiation for a local fraternity. Yes, TJ has been formally welcomed in a fraternity after going through a series of examinations that supposedly measure his physical, mental, psychological and emotional aptitude.


all by himself. That’s when he knows that he needs people who have the same sentiments as his; people who know how to hear the howls within and even know how to deal with it. That is supposedly, what fraternities or sororities are for. Let’s take a peek into the fraternity-lives of some of our Louisian brothers (By the way, USL does not allow fraternities or sororities inside the campus and would even expel students who are found to be members of

Photos from the net

OR BOTHERHOOD? the eyes of Louisian members these organizations.) and try to dichotomize the two sides of the coin and analyze the gray areas in between.

doon eh.. (Vin): Gusto ko kasing madagdagan mga friends ko. Naimpluwensiyahan din ako.

TLC: What frat? APOpipz: Alpha Phi Omega. Leadership, Friendship and Service – 3 guiding principles of the organization (Ed) (Vin): CIASI (Confederation of Ilocano Associates – Samahang Ilocano)

TLC: What is your purpose in joining? When did you join and What are the benefits of joining? APOpipz: As you search the net, you can see the advantages of being an APO member. Ngayong 2008 lang ako. ‘Pag bago ka, tawag sayo ay pledgee. Benefits? ‘Pag graduate ka, easy employment, di ka nila pababayaan. Meron kang connection, but meanwhile as students, we need to serve first. The organization is focused on service. (Ed): Kelan? 2007. ang purpose ko eh brotherhood talaga. Benefits? Tumutulong sila sayo pag may kailangan ka, pati na rin sa financial matters. Kunwari sa tuition, pag nagkukulang ka, bibigyan ka nila, galing yun sa pondo ng chapter mo. Di mo kailangang bayaran, kasi pag iba rin ang may kailangan, dapat lahat kayo tumulong din. Yung pondo, nakukuha galing sa mga fund raising within the

TLC: What motivated you to join – was it because of peer pressure? APOpipz: Actually, many fraternities are recruiting me, I’ve done background investigations of all fraternities, and I finally found out that APO is one of the best fraternities worldwide. Nainspire kasi yung mga alumni members eh mga professionals (Engr., CPA, teachers). I also want to serve the student body and faculty and also the youth of my community. Kasi sa APO, tinetrain ka, dapat may initiative ka, so that you’ll become a model. (Ed): Sa Manila ako na-recruit. Sumali ako dahil sa pakikisama, kami lang mga taga-probinsya

chapter/fraternity. (Vin): Kelan? 2008. Purpose ko eh brotherhood din. Pag maghahanap ka ng trabaho, pwede rin silang maging reference.

TLC: And what is the process of joining? APOpipz: May orientation, may baptismal din. Sa baptismal may mga rituals like blindfolded ka, you are in a formal attire (long sleeves, slacks). Ang proseso pwedeng tumagal ng ilang months, depende kung kalian mo matatapos ang mga requirements (pointing at pages of paper containing bulleted/ specified civic activities). Kailangan din na may good moral character ka at may isshare kang talino. Nag-aundergo din kami sa mga workshop at team-building. (Ed): Para maging member ka dapat magbigay ka ng service. Kailangan mong mag-earn ng 450 points at makukuha mo yun through services na irender mo o ‘pag kumpleto ng mga tasks na ipapagawa sa ‘yo ng mga seniorities, at sila ang magdedecide kung ilang

points ang ipapatong nila per task. Ang mga tasks naman ay of service, wala namang masama o dangerous na pinapagawa. Meron ding orientations, seminars on personality development.

TLC: Do your parents know about it? APOpipz: Yes at okay lang naman sa kanila. Very supportive sila sakin at sa sinalihan ko kasi napansin nila na tumino talaga ako (hahahahaha) (Ed): Alam nila. At first, galit na galit sila, pero nung nalaman na nila na maganda yung motive ng frat eh naging okay naman na sa kanila. (Vin): Hindi nila alam.. TLC: Ano ang frat (para sa ‘yo) then and now? APOpipz: Dati, parang barkada lang ang tingin ko sa fraternities. Ngayon, nakita ko na yung kagandahan ng frat dahil nakatutulong ito sa country, family, student body at faculty. (Ed): Noon akala ko magulo ang frat, worst at puro problema




>>>FELLOWny >>> FELLOW (insights on (insights onfrat) Frat)




etting the chance to interview fraternity members was a great deal for someone who actually had believed that these groups are only built to make themselves known through fighting and other delinquent endeavors. For people like me who had seen rebellious situations, the notions made by pre-judgment are not really that easy to eradicate. The students we interviewed were being extremely circumspect in their public statements, knowing these will ensure them of risks not only within their organizations, but also in the school, as far as deviance of school rules is in the atmost concern. But with these, come along the corrections and built perception on what these societies really are. We tried to question the existence of these groups, sometimes most of us judge them as ruffians who thirst for publicity and popularity by doing nonstandard acts which are obviously unpleasing to those who think and act in a normal way. However, when we hand out our judgment, we thrust ourselves with ideas bounded by the confinements of our own values, therefore taking for granted the idea that not all organizations are figured for tumultuous acts. Unfortunately, while some organizations probe the concept of aiding the members of the organization and the community, some also use the name “fraternity” and form a new concept of it. Some build premature and rather impertinent organizations so as to form alliance in deviance and snags. As a digression to the traditional concept of fraternities, these disoriented people form enclaves that serve as headquarters for those who hunger for troubles so that they would have back-ups whenever situations get worse. They amass their co-deviants and turn them into their “fellow” for felony. And I say this is nothing but impertinent and vacuous kind of organizations that adds up to the misjudgment of people about fraternities – the real ones.


lema at gulo ang alam. Pero ngayon nag-iba na ang pananaw ko, kabaliktaran pala. (Vin): Wala rin namang pinagbago, ganun pa rin ang tingin ko sa kanila, kasi alam ko na dati na di masasama at may magaganda ring mga frat. TLC: What can you say about the notion of other people about frat? They think frat members are delinquents, thugs, and are hungry for trouble. APOpipz: Yun rin ang rason kung bakit sumali ako sa frat – para mabago ang idea na yun. Mali namang ijudge ang mga frat members base dun sa nakikita nilang mga nanggugulo, dapat di sila maggeneralize. Magsearch sila sa internet para malaman nila yung mga ginagawa ng APO. (Ed): Subukan nilang sumama samin para malaman nila yung purpose ng organization namin. Wag silang maging judgemental, lalo na kung di pa sila gaanong oriented sa nature ng fraternities. (Vin): Hindi gulo ang hinahanap namin kundi pakikipagkaibigan. May finufulfill kaming obligasyon at yun ay ang mag-aral nang mabuti at alagaan ang kabrad.

TLC: Counseling and motivations to study can come from friends and family instead of fraternities; why choose the organization instead? APOpipz: It’s not enough na galing sa family at friends eh.. based from the alumni, they are intelligent enough to lecture us with our lessons. Actually, we plan to have remedial classes in this university if it will be approved. (Ed)/ (Vin): Dahil sa disiplina. Ang mga seniors ay tumatayong mga parents mo while you are away from home. Sa mga kaibigan, (based from experience) pwedeng idaan sa inuman ang problema at pagkakamali, pero sa organization namin, tinuturuan kang maging disiplinadong tao, at pag may bagsak ka na grado, mag-undergo ka sa disciplinary actions (punishment) na pwedeng tumagal ng 3 weeks, depende kung nakakuha ka na ng 20 points from fulfilling tasks given by seniorities, at ang maximum na number of points per task ay .5 lang. TLC: So far, kumusta ang frat? APOpipz: Masaya! Enjoy kasi nakakatulong ka sa community mo. Nadedevelop pagiging leader mo…nadedevelop humility mo.. dumadami friends mo… naeexpose


Should the ban on fraternities sorosities be lifted? by GLAESAN ADRIANO and sororities

“I think it’s okay, as long as it’s about sisterhood or brotherhood and they don’t violate any human rights. It’s fun to meet new bunch of people anyway.” - Abby “Yes, it depends on the rule. The school should allow only those that are helping its members. Some fraternities are having purpose na magresbak right? However, if there are, their rules should be connected to the school administration.” -hJanelle “I don’t know. There should be a strong resolution to that effect if ever because our ambiance is not like that of UP because there are fraternities and sororities in the school.” -Sir Cortez “No, they are bad influence, it also leads to vices, distracting in studies, wala namang purpose ‘yun’ ‘di ba? And the

problema namin.

ka sa pagiging servant. (Ed): Okay lang, masaya rin. (Vin): Okay lang.

TLC: How do you treat each other sa fraternity? APOpipz: As brothers. (Ed): Sa amin, kung gusto mo ng respeto, kailangang marunong ka rin magbigay ng respeto. May gap pa rin between superiors and



TLC: Anong epekto ng frat sa pakikitungo niyo sa ibang tao? APOpipz: Naging friendly na ako.. natuto na akong magpakumbaba para maiwasan ang gulo. (Ed): Ganoon parin.

TLC: Napapaaway rin ba kayo? APOpipz: Hindi.. (Ed): Ang motto namin when it comes to that eh,“We don’t want trouble but we accept.” (Vin): Natural lang naman ang mga away away na yan, minsan hindi involved ang mga frat..

Walang away sa amin kasi brotherhood ang main concept ng frat namin. Tinuturing naming kapatid ang isa’t-isa. mga ordinary members, pero hindi pinaparamdam yun. TLC: Ano ang nagawa ng frat sa ugali niyo? Does it make you any braver? APOpipz: Effective ang character building na ginagawa nila sa amin. Tulad ko na lang.. (Ed): Nagkaroon kami ng disiplina at naturuan kaming makisama. (Vin): Nagkaroon kami ng repseto para sa sarili at para

initiation rites, pampagulo lang! At Catholic institution ito no?” - MJ I don’t agree with the establishment of any fraternity or sorority organization within the school because it will only serve as an avenue for its members to reign over other groups or individuals in the campus and if its objective is just to cater brotherhood, it will not suffice the lives of the members who will sacrifice for hazings. -Maiah I agree with the concept of having a fraternity or sorority in the University as long as it would really assume its very nature- the things that it ought to do like helping each of its members academically and not having barbaric activities such as hazings. I would appreciate such if it would establish a distinct identity in the University through having members who are academically, morally, and socially responsible. -SSC President Fraternity/Sorority? Why not? I believe that’s one of the rights

TLC: Do you have activities? APOpipz: Marami. Less than a month ago, meron kaming blood letting program sa East Central School (Tuguegarao), may Clean and Green program din, naglilinis kami sa mga daan at may tree planting din kami. ‘Pag ginagawa namin ang mga ito we let people know na APO kami. Meron din kaming dental mission, outreach programs and continuous cleaning service sa North Central School (Tuguegarao), East Central School (Tuguegarao) at sa CNHS (Main campus). (Ed): Sa amin per chapter ang mga events at programs. Meron kaming sportsfest within the chapter, meron ding hinohost na Mr. CIASI at pumupunta din kami sa mga resorts for bonding. Pag December pumupunta din kami sa orphanages. Tumutulong din kami sa mga advisers na tumatakbo na pulitiko pag nangangampanya na sila.


sa ibang tao. TLC: Anong epekto ng frat sa pag-aaral ninyo? APOpipz: Ayos. Di na ako nag-a-absent at nag-aaral nang mabuti. (Ed): Okay lang, may tumututok na sa amin, lalo na at di naman kasama araw araw ang mga parents namin. (Vin): Nagbibigay din ang mga seniorities namin ng mga tutorials in case meron kaming

pero kung kami ang nabiktima, di kami umuurong. TLC: Nagaaway rin ba kayo within the organization? APOpipz: Walang away sa amin kasi brotherhood ang main concept ng frat namin. Tinuturing naming kapatid ang isat isa. During pledgeeship, dun mo nare-realize na importante ang mga “kapatid” mo. (Regal): Walang nangyayaring ganun samin to page 39

vested on us by the law, our right to organization. I just do hope that those who will be joining such will stick to the real essence of fraternity/sorority and will not be governed by silly gangster rules. -John Mark Paracad Having a fraternity/sorority in the school doesn’t make any change. I’ve been in the school where this kind of group is being prohibited but still they exist intangibly because students wanted to be part of it. With that, I know this kind of group will not exist without a purpose. Whatever it is, let’s give them the right to prove their worth in the institution as long as it doesn’t break any laws, norms, cultures, and most especially morality issue we have in the community. -mao,BSC-4 As a Catholic school, I strongly disagree to have such organization in our school for I am affraid that it might jeopardize the Louisian identity. Another is that, we already have a lot of organizations in the University that will help its members fully develop their individuality. -ECE-5




Photo from the net

SSigned igned SiGNED

She wanted to die. A quick and painless death. It happened suddenly that all she could remember was a blur of men in black swooping at the different cubicles they were working, guns drawn. Shouts were heard, there was pandemonium as the owner of the chat center was shackled. His computer operators were unlucky: they may have thought they can fight it over, but they now lay wounded and unconscious.


he man beside her drove easily, out of the streets in Bago Bantay, to the direction of SM North sneaking to Edsa, a man she had known three weeks ago, and who now knows the deepest secrets she has. She wiped her tears. She is still wearing the jacket he gave, nothing more. “Major, everything secured. Zero for visitors, three for home.” His radio crackled. “Copy. Back to base. I’m mobile. Alert all 20’s. Out.” As the Sportivo gained speed, he glanced at her. “Are you all right?” “Why did you not tell me you are in the military,” she sobbed. “I cannot divulge secrets . . . sorry.” “You told me you are a car dealer...” “A cover. Anyway, that shop is signed out. All modems and domains will be in our command. Worry no more.” Prologue She graduated with honors in the University of Saint Louis. She took up Mass Communication as a course, and she was the cream of the class. She has a well modulated voice, and her professor in MC 315, TV and Radio Performance always told her: “You have the projection, and you

O ut


are telegenic.” True. She has the face of Vanessa Hudgens, though sometimes others think she has the Indian sign. Fair complexioned, a body of a model, kissable lips, well pronounced nose and eyes that make one look at the galaxies, she always had take one in their taping. After graduation, she decided to come to Manila. Her target: ABS CBN. Armed with a portfolio and the recommendations from broadcasters in the region and financed by her father, she took the bus last May and stayed in a boarding house near Bago Bantay. The boarding house was modest: owned by the Cortez couple, and there were six of them. One studies in UE, two in Ateneo and the other two were working in SM North. They became friends. Her quest to be a news reporter started. Anchor, maybe? She was thrilled. Her boardmates also gave her support. They briefed her about life in Manila. They informed her of the deadly spots and the safe haven during Sundays. It was Monday. She woke up early and took a shower. Wearing her best executive blazer and skirt, she hailed a taxi to Sgt. Esguerra Avenue. This is it, girl, she said. Your life. You have to recall all the lessons for the interview. After the winding traffic, they arrived. She composed herself as she entered the gate, gazing at the icon of ABS CBN: parang katol. The guard asked about her business, and she told him she was there



05 27

FICTION to apply. The guard said she may wait at the waiting lounge. She sat. There were laughters, and out from the dressing room connected to the other studio came out Pinky Webb and Alex Santos. She had seen them before, during their field trip, but not this close. My God! Pinky and Alex. She controlled herself from shouting. She smiled at them. Her heart leapt when the two also winked. After one hour, the Info Officer arrived. She was ushered into her office. The info officer was so formal in crisp dress, sleeveless and voluptuous. After the preliminaries, she was ushered to the office of the resource management officer. “So, you are a cherry?” he asked. He was wearing blue long sleeved polo, faded denims and a necktie. She remembered her professor in MC 315. He is always wearing a necktie, and pastel colored polo shirt. “Uh, uh. No sir. I am applying.” He laughed. “Cherry. Rookie. Fresh grad. That was what I mean.” She blushed. “Yes Sir.” Where is University of Saint Louis?” “Tuguegarao City, Sir.” “Where is that?” “Region II, Sir. Cagayan.” “Ah. We have a substation there, and they told me the school is good,” he quipped. The resource manager looked at her resume, her OTR and her portfolio. Then, he sighed. “I am sorry. We don’t need any news reporter at the moment.” “Any other job that suits my qualification, Sir?” “Well, one who would hold an idiot board for Willie. Can you do it?” “Sir, I am a Mass Comm graduate. . .” “Look, honey, even our assistant make up artist is a Mass Comm graduate. None, really. But if you like to hold the idiot board . . . or, can you dance? You have the figure.” She lost her composure. “I am not a dancer, Sir. Thank you anyway.” She stood up. “Ok.” The man said. “Break a leg.” To hold an idiot board? Insane! The nerd. To dance? Never. Idiot! She went back to the boarding house, swirling. The next day, it was GMA. The same. “. . .well, if one would quit. . .or can you hold the things of Reynica?” “. . .You can give a cue, right?” ABC “. . .how about preparing the teleprompter. . .” “or edit the idiot board. . .” All of them. No vacancy. She went to the different radio stations. They only raised an eyebrow. Now she believed that Manila is a concrete jungle. Her money dwindled. She tried to budget. She bought shampoos in sachet. Now, instead of McDO, she eats lugaw. She was reminded of Tuguegarao. Of home.


Suddenly, she wanted to go back. She tried to call her father, but texted instead. She told him she is still applying. She looked at the calendar. She had been away too long. Three weeks ended up to nothing. Uwi ka na anak, miz Ka na namin. . .d2 k n lang hanap ng work. I wish . . . I wish . . . she looked at the cloudy sky that evening. Princess Sarmiento, the COED from Ateneo arrived that afternoon. She told her to visit an office in Bago Bantay. “My classmate works there. It is a chat –financing office, and they are earning 40 dollars a day.” Forty dollars? She could not believe it. She went the following day. The receptionist was there, all right, and she greeted him. “I have here my resume and portfolio, Sir.” The man nodded. Good. “You know computers? The basic?” “Encoding? Power Point?” The portly man laughed. “No. YM. Yahoo. AOL. Hotmail.” “Of course, Sir.” “Go and see the owner. He is upstairs.” Upstairs, there were girls hunched in their laptops. Webcam and built-in cameras were also there. It is just like the computer shops in the Fountain, she taught. What would be my work here? The manager looks like a Chinese. After introducing herself, she handed her portfolio. He placed it on top of his table instead. Her heart sank. “Forty dollars. Just chat. But don’t say you are here in the Philippines. You must also have a screen name.” With the money dwindling, well, this is Manila. I will earn and apply again. ABS CBN. That was the start. She learned that the computer shop was catering to Americans. In short, the program was embedded in AOL, Hotmail and Yahoo. They just chat. She underwent a two- day training on that. A gay comp expert tutored her on the terms. LOL is laugh out loud. Hun, dear, babe, cupcake . . . on screen was a picture, sexy, but not hers. Addresses were in the States. Her address was Winston Salem. Her screen name is naughty_Kim 609. “Now, the tricky thing is ask about their credit cards. Give this site, and when they enter the site, you earn. Charge from their CC or ATM. Got it?” Rather than going home faceless, forty dollars is forty dollars. Her first sign in was a jackpot. Hi. You look pretty. I am. Really? Well. . . I am alone and I have this new lingerie. Would u like to see, hun? Yeah. Yeah. Tnx. Go to this site. Enter ur name and CC number to confirm that you are not below 18, and u can see me. . . Going. Name: Hespersus. Atlanta. CC: 0099876548 Without her knowing, in the other room was a computer mainframe, once the CC number was

entered, the video started playing. . . . Her first forty dollars. Easy. S h e became a top rater and a laptop was issued to her. She was given a day off. She went to SM North. She ate her heart out. She shopped. She called home and told them she will send some cash. After buying some blouses, she sat down on a bench where there was signal. She checked her E mail. There were messages from Sara, Jedahmin, Janford, Jackilou, Webster Christine, Maricel and Angelika. All her classmates. They chatted a bit. T h e n she saw him. Their eyes met. He was also seated adjacent her. What made her look into his direction? “You are also a computer buff?” he asked. His voice soothing, his eyes twinkling. He was in Blue T- shirt, Lee jeans and gray socks under Islander pumps. “Just checking my E mail.” He edged nearer. “It is nice here. Quiet. I guess if I were in here when I was student, I could write many editorials.” “You are a writer?” she asked incredulously. “Before. I was the editor-in-chief.” “Now?” suddenly she was interested. “A car dealer.” There is a magnet in his voice. His face is even like Alex Santos! His English perfect and flawless. He offered his hand.

“I am Marq.” In an eternity, she offered her hand. His palm was smooth, his fingers tapered. S u d d e n l y, she became conscious. She blushed, obvious to him. Her jeans revealed her shapely legs; her blouse clung to her bosom. “I am Anna May.” “ N i c e meeting you, Anna. My full name is Marquin. You love music?” he offered his MP 4. She placed the earphones. L u t h e r Vandross! “This is one of my favorites!” she exclaimed. T h e y shared stories, and she informed him

“Look, you can earn up to 60 dollars a day. All you have to do is posing on the webcam.” “That is lewd.” “No. Consider it as an art. You have the body and the face. They like to see a Filipina. Let’s make a deal 100 dollars.” “Just pose?” “Well, if they want you to dance, dance. If they want to see flesh, show them. You lose nothing.” “I can’t do it.” “Then resign. This is a new program. It is called G Fam.” She swallowed. “I am going to think about it.” That night, she was not able to sleep. She decided to go to ABS CBN or ABC once more. But just like the first, she was met by cold shoulders. She sent a message to Marquin. Marquin texted: “Patience is the wisdom of the ages.” She went to the manager. “I would like to do it, but only for two days.” “Don’t you like to become rich?” “Two days.” “Ok. See Glennie for the briefing. We will be on line in an hour. Use cubicle number 1.” Glennie was over exhuberant. “Just face the webcam, dahling and speak. You are good in English. Do what he says. The longer the connection, bigger pay. You can see his face on this part of the screen. Don’t worry. You will not be raped because he is a thousand miles away.” Sam entered. “Be ready in fifteen minutes.” Glennie distributed tanggas and T backs. When she protested, she said, “Visuals, Anna. Visuals .Your screen name is

Doubleday: im with u, hun shikushijapdoll: great Doubleday: You put on webcam, hun. shikushijapdoll: so wer u from? Doubleday: Nebraska. shikushijapdoll: ok. I have a webcam here in my room, and well . . . (Anna couldn’t continue) Doubleday: am online, lady. Just put on the webcam. Am payin. Then followed a series of commands . . . look better if you remove your pants . . . nice . . . how about removing your blouse? . . . Good. I don’t like the bra, babe . . . now; let’s see you from behind. . . . Pandemonium. Shouts. The curtained glass canopy of cubicle 1 erupted. Shots. “No one make a damn move! Hands up! CIDG!” She can see crouching figures in black. They have guns, the faces with black cover- up paint. Phantoms. I am looking at phantoms, Anna said, in the act of becoming nude. A strong arm got her, one hand palmed a gun, and the other offered a jacket. It was Marquin. Just like the rest, he is in black, earpiece and a body armor. The twinkling eyes met hers. “Come with me this way so no one can see you.” Swayed by the fastness of the event, she wore the jacket, held the hand that was offered and followed. Marquin was shooting at the darkness. . . .The shots echoing. He was talking to his mouthpiece, issuing orders on the radio. Until they reached the basement. Antithesis “When you texted, we had to move fast... we have a prima facie evidence against that shop. One of the comp experts is my agent. I cannot tell you who I am. Now, you know.”

She wanted to die. A quick and painless death. It happened suddenly that all she could remember was a blur of men in black swooping at the different cubicles they were working, guns drawn. Graphics froAm the net

that she works in a computer shop, “pending her application as a news reporter.” That is good, he said. They exchanged e mails and cp numbers. There was not a time that Marq did not send a message. The man is an enigma. One time, she saw him in the Manila Pen. He was in tuxedo. He was like a model. “Some social function,” he said. The other, he was in shorts, cool, breezy Nike and a white T-shirt. “Badminton time.” The man seems to be everywhere. Glennie called for her. “Are you satisfied for forty dollars?” She asked. “Why?” “Because there are requests,” “What request?” “Better ask the manager.” She went to the manager.

shikushijapdoll.” She went to cubicle number one. She sent broadcasts. She was torn between running out, and she regretted having accepted. I will go and apply tomorrow, she consoled herself. Broadcasts. Doubleday: how are u, doll. shikushijapdoll: im good baby shikushijapdoll: asl pls Doubleday: yap.u are. am a good man too. shikushijapdoll: that’s good shikushijapdoll: asl pls Doubleday: just droppin by, hun. shikushijapdoll: so ur leaving now Doubleday: no. lets chat a bit. shikushijapdoll: ok shikushijapdoll: wer r u going?

Anna was still crying. Marq gave his hankie. “I am dead,” Anna said. “No. You are alive.” “My family would know.” “They will not.” “I have to go home.” “You have to go home with me.” “Where?” “Cagayan. Our home. I am from there. After this, you have to apply at ABS CBN. Charo Santos is my aunt. I have talked to her already.” She embraced his waiting shoulders. She now believed in wishes.




You are in the middle of nowhere. With a five-peso coin in your pocket and a stomach rumbling with hunger, you took the labyrinthine streets of the city, hoping that you might just come across a carinderia that would satiate the pangs of hunger that bug your tummy. By misfortunes of all misfortunes, you can’t seem to find for one but you’re still

Goin’ sick with street foods BY

determined to continue, sweat dripping over your forehead. Then there you heard your stomach rumble again, louder this time. Then you started to see things in double. All right, you’re feeling dizzy. Just when you thought you’re on the verge of breaking down, there he was…you’re savior has arrived! Pedaling as hard as he can on the bicycle with the small kariton on its side, he cheerfully sings along with the song playing on the overused secondhand stereo. Low.. low.. low.. low.. then the delicious aroma reached your senses. That is manong fish ball/ kikiam/squid ball (whatever you call him!). Suddenly, a smile crept over your lips. And a moment later, you’ve already got the yummy delicacies in your mouth. You’ve got a jackpot! You were able to eat and tadah, with only five pesos! You just cannot conceal your satisfaction.

GOOD night’s SLEEP

You just munch and munch, then swallow then munch and swallow again. You always crave for more, not realizing that you are actually having more bunches of bacteria within you. Reader: Okay. I know that already. Maybe I’ll just read another article. Wait. Yeah right. The topic about street foods is so boring and monotonous. I know it isn’t so provocative but it has always been important as a caveat. So dare to weigh things first. No one knows. You might curse the street foods after reading this. Kidding! Let us go back. What are street foods anyway? Well, those are the box-office kings and queens of the streets- the stuffs that are usually seen along the sidewalks. Those are the things that people are ecstatic about. Here are some. Who among you does not know the famous trinity-fish balls, kikiams, and squid balls? Bet you know these. But for some who pretend that they don’t know it, fish balls are minced fish rolled into balls (but some are made of flour with fish flavorings), kikiams are the

brown ones that are made of ground pork and vegetables wrapped in bean curd sheets. And for the squid balls, they are minced squid rolled into balls. What else? Oh, yes, the isaw or the intestines of either a chicken or a pig. Then there’s also the betamax or most popularly known as dugo. And who wouldn’t notice the delicious smell of the tokneneng, balut, penoy and adidas? And of course, who would forget the calamares-the newest addition to Filipino street foods? And lastly, to quench your thirst, who would not dare to try buko juice? I’ve just mentioned some but these already make your stomach churn. Indeed delicious yet dangerous. According to researches, they bring typhoid fever. Bet you’ve heard the numerous lives this disease had killed. With the calamares, it really has the formalin! Would you dare to embalm yourself while still alive? Another thing, would you take it if the sweet and spicy sauce you used to dip your fish balls are mixed with another person’s saliva? How come? It’s just because that you’re not aware that the stick carries your saliva after you’ve got the fish balls from it. Then you will unconsciously dip it again (of course, with new fish balls)

>>Don’t force yourself to sleep. The very attempt of trying to do so actually awakes you, making it more difficult to >>Don’t worry about not getting sleep. enough sleep.. Try not to be rigid about when and how much you sleep. >>Don’t look at the alarm clock during the night. Looking at the clock proWhy? Those who worry about their motes anxiety and obsession about difficulty sleeping start a cycle of time. Make it a habit to avoid looking at negative thoughts that contributes the time. to a condition known as “learned >>Go to bed only when you are sleepy. insomnia”.



on the sauce. Got it? You might actually have hepatitis because of that. The place. You must also consider the place. Hello? Streets are undoubtedly the homes of flies and junk of garbage. It’s a public place. Do you expect it to be a dirt-free area? And remember, flies are small but the most terrible creatures in the world. The vendor. So, would you expect the food to be clean if the vendor isn’t? The vendor’s cleanliness reflects the food’s. Imagine buying food from a vendor who constantly runs his fingers through the holes of his nose? YUCK!!! Aren’t all of those right? However, that gives us the trademark, for we have the weirdest stuffs you’ll ever see in the realms of our streets. But in one way or another, it has become the haven of exotic food lovers. Funny thing is, we still continue to be addicted, we still love it no matter what time of the day. It’s already a Filipino cuisine. I admit that I’m also eating street foods (but not too much). And I know that they are delicious. Yum, yum, yum. Do you agree? But don’t always look at the positive side. Yes, it’s cheap but medicines are expensive. Look, I’ll leave you a question: will you risk jeopardizing your health just because of your satisfaction? Yes or no? Photos from the net

Stay up until a reasonable bedtime even if you feel sleepy earlier. Go to bed only when you are feeling really tired and sleepy. >>Don’t lie in bed awake for more than 15 minutes.. This can make you anxious and worsen insomnia. So, if you are not asleep within 15 - 20 minutes go into another room, read or do a quiet activity using dim lighting until feeling very sleepy.

yun’ yon YEN from p12

power napping A

power nap is a short sleep which terminates before the occurrence of deep sleep or SlowWave-Sleep (SWS), intended to quickly revitalize the subject from drowsiness. “ – Wikipidea Studies show that 20 minutes of sleep in the afternoon provides more rest than 20 minutes more sleep in the morning (though the last two hours of morning sleep have special benefits of their own). The body seems to be designed for this, as most people’s bodies naturally become more tired in the afternoon, about 8 hours after we wake up. There are many benefits you can get from this nap. You’ll have lesser stress, increased alertness and productivity, improved memory and learning and it’s also good for the heart. These 20-minute power naps are for people who are really engrossed in their work. It almost always provides a fresh burst of new ideas and energy. Power napping or catching a sleep is good, however, overdoing it might make you groggy, your eyes can’t focus, the speech slurred, and the mind gets sluggish. This is called sleep inertia. To avoid this thing, you must time your sleep and keep your nap to 20 minutes or less. Consider the following tips to effectively achieve a power nap: • Avoid caffeine in the afternoon. Caffeine is a stimulant that can disrupt your sleep and stay in your system longer than you think; its half-life is four to six hours! • If you don’t have time for a power nap, or don’t feel comfortable napping during the day, try meditation; it gives your body a rest and produces slower brain waves similar to sleep. • Try to nap in the morning or just after lunch; human circadian rhythms make late afternoons a more likely time to fall into deep (slow-wave) sleep, which will leave you groggy. • Find a clean, quiet place where passersby and phones won’t disturb you. • Try to darken your nap zone, or wear an eyeshade. Darkness stimulates melatonin, the sleepinducing hormone. • Remember that body temperature drops when you fall asleep. Raise the room temperature or use a blanket. Excerpt from HEALTH TIPS AND TRIVIAS

sent professionals. Cracking jokes to relatively mature people is good when you pretentiously show you trust them and can be effective too. But for some who actually start the green game right after an opening prayer, please don’t make the students smell your desperate move to keep them awake. Major trouble It has been a trend for some teachers who teach minor subjects to demand explicit and exaggerated attention from students-sometimes resulting to lack of respect for them. Not that we take minor subjects for granted, it’s just absurd to sweat off all the good things just because of concentrating on these. I mean, why the heck would students sop up all the embellished agony of prioritizing minor subjects over the major ones? Prioritizing is not even the applicable word. I get the fact that we will not graduate without finishing Filipino or PE, but are we going to graduate satisfied over getting 95 on English 3 and flunking Microprocessing? Imagine the terror of goaling to be an Engineer but failed due to inconsiderable and pitiable amount of time and effort for minor subjects. We do have to attend to the requirements of our minor subjects because these make up our grades, but (a big but) sometimes teachers provide cheeky schemes which are not really intended to help us. Their Defense Mechanism We students do not expect teachers to be know-it-alls. We understand that they are humans too and not some aliens sent to show repugnance to humanity. However, we could not get rid of the fact that some students provoke teachers to sweat it all and toast them with series of relatively pertinent questions. And sometimes dismaying,

teachers show certain defense mechanisms whenever they lack the preparation for these kinds of students. Some would react with annoyance and anger, some would show how well-built and strict they are so as to passively pass and get rid of the inability to fulfill the expectations of the students. Some have highmaintenance and get mad most of the time, because they want to circulate the notion that they should be respected – prepared or not. But as far as satisfying the students’ hungry minds, we do not actually acquire what we expect. Maybe less anger and more preparation? I wish to end this wretched column because I want to live and fulfill college without any red marks on my OTR. Again, should I have hurt any living organism in this planet because of this insane but agreeable thoughts, I wish to apologize beforehand. This is not intended for slashing my professors’ back with a samurai, and I do not intend to cook them up by sighting the odd ones out in terms of writing. While we aim for a better university status and long for a standing leveled with top universities of the country, we should try to understand and delve more on what is really happening inside our system. Teachers do have hard times too. Believe me because I’m living with one and I also experience some difficulties. And it’s really better to cure the tribulations before the good ones decide to leave us for a better job, a better status, a better (way better) pay. Have I missed anything and anyone? Send suggestions and your real-life stories in this university, and maybe, you’ll get the chance to address your problems not only with your professors, but with the system, in general. We respect and recognize maximum confidentiality. (Email me at




PGMA presides LPSA assembly in Tuguegarao VALEN CASAUAY

Photos Courtesy of The Louisian Eye

President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo took the chair in presiding Cagayan Valley’s Local Peace and Security Assembly (LPSA) last June 30-31, 2008 at Hotel Roma,Tuguegarao City.

BLUE-BLOODED LOUISIANS! Our fellow “Luis” brothers and sisters have shown that they are sociallyresponsible citizens of the society as they participate in the Blodletting acitivty innitiated by the Health Department of the Local Government. Some of our Nursing students extended some help in the said activity.

The Chief Executive underscored the utmost priority to promote peace and strengthen security throughout the country in the aforementioned two-day assembly. The conference and workshop served as the avenue among local stakeholders to open talks and present their goals and means for the promotion and toughen peace and security measures in the region. Along with PGMA is National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzalez who discussed mechanisms that stakeholders may take as salient courses to crystallize and mobilize LPSA.

DOT inaugurates Grand Amianan Expo 2008 MA. CECILIA D. CANAPI

The Department of Tourism Cagayan Valley formally opened the 1st Grand Amianan Expo 2008 with the slogan “Cagayan Valley: Where Adventure Never Ends” last June 26, 2008 at the ground floor of Brickstone Mall, Tuguegarao City. DOT Regional Director Blessida Diwa took pride in spearheading the inauguration and encouraged everyone to be tourism promoters to help the country most especially Cagayan Valley in terms of its economy. “Everyone of us should be a tourism promoter because if we do so, we are helping our country. When there is tourism, there is business, there are jobs, there is livelihood”, Diwa said in her welcome address. The Grand Aminan Expo seeks to awaken the minds and hearts of all Cagayanos to actively participate in preserving and nurturing the

beauty of Cagayan Valley’s natural tourist destinations and to explore the exquisite natural beauty of the region. Meanwhile, Atty. Joseph Pauig, Chief of Staff of the Office of the Governor, said that the provincial government has plans to improve tourism in Peñablanca’s Callao Caves which is under the supervision and management of the provincial government by improving transportation facilities, and improving roads. He admits however that it would take time to complete the project since the budget requirement for this endeavor is too costly that getting the financial means would also


mean a stretch of time. “We are looking for ways and means outside our resources to finance it and hopefully we can make solutions so that tourism will be the number one incomegenerating industry in the province,” he said. Among the guests in the event were Department of Education Regional Director Jesus Taberdo, Tuguegarao City Councilor Mark Bacani, USL Chaplain Rev. Father Neil Sta. Ana, USL Vice President for Administration Dr. Emmanuel James Pattaguan and some other Local Government officials.

About 300 participants composed of some Cabinet members, local government officials, PNP and AFP officials, representatives from the business sector, and some members of the academe participated in the said affair. The LPSA is a continuous program throughout the country that serves as the forerunner in the government’s drive for peace and security buildup in response to LGU’s cry for peace building and conflict resolutions in their respective localities. Mass Communication and Journalism students of USL were also given the chance to witness this event.

Superiority... from p20 and are afraid of, which is a mark against them. The facts prove that woman is biologically the superior organism, superior in the sense of enjoying, by virtue of her biological traits, a higher survival value than the male. These facts should forever dispose of the myth of the female’s physical inferiority. Muscular strength should not be confused with constitutional strength. Constitutionally, the female is the stronger sex. Patriarchy has run its full gamut. The reasons that men ruled in the past, brute force and violence, are over. Technology frees up women to be as strong or stronger than men. You do not have to be physically strong to hold a gun. Where we once had freedom to speak, today to page 33


Tuguegarao City- The Regional Office of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) directs the Local Government Units (LGUs) of both Lallo and Camalaniugan, Cagayan, to establish a sanctuary for the protection of the bivalve species before these become extinct. The on-going dredging of the Cagayan River particularly in the section of Lallo and Camalaniugan has been feared to totally destroy the habitat of the different clam and mollusk species abounding the area. BFAR Regional Director Jovita P. Ayson expressed her great frustration and fear of the extinction of the species like cabibi, unnuk, agurung, and bennek because of the dredging activities in a meeting with the representatives of the LGUs, concerned government agencies, non-government organizations, media and members of the Catholic Church. “What is worst is there is no hatchery in the country yet,” Director Ayson stressed. “I hope that there will be an immediate sanctuary and response be established.” The said dredging activities not only damage the habitat of the said species but also transform the river bed of the Cagayan River which has been heavily silted since recent years. Research results showed that bivalves live in a sandy substrate. Ayson said that these[Chinese investors offered

DENR intensifies drive against greenhouse effect MA. CECILIA CANAPI

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources Region II steps up in its advocacy against greenhouse effect and for a cleaner and greener environment as it strengthens Information Education and Communication (IEC) on environmental awareness. Nerrisa A. Carpio, DENR Regional Public Affairs Chief said in an interview that there are pending programs, plans and activities of DENR Cagayan Valley and the agency is working hard for the implementation of these projects for this year. “We have been visiting different Local Government Units in the Region and some selected secondary and tertiary schools to have open discussions and academic forums on global warming issues and Salugnayan (Salu-Salo at Ugnayan para sa Kalikasan).” Carpio further said that these programs are among the many ways to coordinate and work with the LGU’s and other sectors of the society to ventilate

to do the dredging operation] foreign investors love to intrude into the Philippine territory simply because it has very rich marine resources but it lacks capital to guard and protect them. Lack of concern to protect and preserve the marine wealth and approval of government officials collude in these activities to abuse the resources. Even though there are actions implemented under the Integrated Resource Management Project (ICRPM), there is a doubt if this ICRMP will lessen or stop the dredging activities.

issues affecting the environment and crystallize ways to effect solutions on some identified problems. Meanwhile, DENR Cagayan Valley has just arrived from an environmental tour in the region for the advocacy activities with the exception of Batanes due to continuous downpour during the past few days. “We are focusing our efforts on the IEC of Environmental Crisis and Energy Conservation,” Carpio added. Moreover, the agency pushes for the utilization of energy-saving equipment and the mitigation of human activities that aggravate the environmental crisis. In connection with its plans and programs, DENR Region

II, with the sponsorship and cooperation of Toyota Motors Corporation and Integrated Coastal Resource Management, shall pursue Green Philippines Program wherein 20 million seedlings shall be planted and nurtured at the Peñablanca watershed. Carpio urged everyone to be stewards of Mother Earth and to take good care of the environment because “…this is the only home we have.” USL, a multi-awarded academic institution in environmental awareness, is greatly supportive of the protection of Mother Nature through its institutionalized Kaibigan ng Kalikasan Program (KKP).

Photo form the net

BFAR: dredging endangers marine life

CEBU Pacific Airlines at the Tuguegarao City Domestic Ariport, Pengue-Ruyu has opened to Cagayanos daily flights from Tuguegaro City to Metro Manila .

Superiority... from p32

than men. And therefore the important jobs of the technology has given us the telephone, and the society are given to women. Lastly, may I present some proofs confirming internet, and other opportunities as well. The United Nations is the greatest friend the superiority of women over men. ( of women and is trying to put out information, Four Biblical proofs: studies, and treaties that empower women. The first one- from the temporal order of The futurists, every one of them are saying the to page 35 following: Women are getting better educated





Sports, anyone? The infrequent coming out of sports-related news could not have been more clear a manifestation of how sports is assessed of a value lesser than its true worth. If it were not even for the upcoming Beijing Olympics, sports, as it had been for a long time, would remain a matter of indifference to everyone. The problem with majority of us is that we lack a sense of proportion. Some of us are just too swamped of work to break out from our sedentary routine. Others feed themselves voraciously with knowledge while overlooking that the physical aspect of man needs to be developed as well. This is something most of us fail to recognize. In this, perhaps, we can account the flimsy sports orientation we receive from the educational curriculum we have at present, which hones students primarily on the basis of moral and mental development but only superficially on the aspect of physical wellbeing. Universities and colleges allot a lesser number of units to Physical Education classes compared to other minor subjects, which brings out the tendency for the students to just treat the subject uncavalierly. In the case of public elementary and secondary schools, if not totally bereft, they lack most of sports equipment and facilities. Indulgence in sports affords plenty of advantages. Not only does it take the form of a good entertainment, it likewise makes one healthy and fit. Logic tells us that without a sound body, one is limited from enjoying the most of life. Not also to count out the fact that good body figure deeply pleases the senses. Sports also entails value formation. In this field, one is most likely to develop the values of self-discipline, sportsmanship, competitiveness, self-confidence. To engage in sports spells learning how to deal well with both your own strengths and weaknesses. It is developing your own potentials while positively entertaining the fact that some people might just be better than you are. To engage in sports competition is to forget all your inhibitions and to gain a nonchalant ease of facing a crowd of strangers. Losing in the process means doing better the next time, and winning means doing better the next time around just the same. In addition, sports serves as an effective outlet of negative thoughts and emotions. Briefly we can say, that those who engage in sports are the people who possess sound mind in a sound body. If these things have anything to mean, it is the truth that more than an entertainment, sports is a necessity for every one of us.


Ibang-iba ang mga Louisiano


TUMatama Ba?

umusta na kapwa kong felixtumbali Louisiano? Hay naku! Hirap pakikipaglaban sa City Meet. Sa pala ng buhay kolehiyo lalo ngayon, patuloy pa rin tayong na’t nadagdagan ang aking humahakot ng parangal dahil responsibilidad at ito ngayon sa angking talino ng ating mga ay ang aking kolum! Maraming mga mithiin atleta. Ang ating tagasanay ay ang dapat abutin ng ating ganoon din. Iisa ang nakikitang dahilan Unibersidad lalo na’t isa tayo sa tinaguriang Autonomous kung bakit nangyayari sa ating Schools sa buong Pilipinas. Unibersidad ang ganitong Kaalinsabay nito, hindi natin kapalaran. Sapat tayo sa maitatanggi na nakabuo na pagsasanay, nagkakaroon din ang ating Unibersidad ng ng insentibo, sapat din tayo sa napakaraming top-notchers mga kagamitan at higit sa lahat at matagumpay na gradweyt nabibigyan ng tamang panahon at propesyonal. May ibubuga ng tagasanay ang kanyang tayo sa larangan ng akademya manlalaro. Ang likas na talino at at umaarangkada rin tayo sa isports kaya naman patuloy kasipagan ng mga Louisiano tayong humahakot ng mga ay isa sa binibigyan prayoridad ng Unibersidad. Sinong parangal. Sa ngayon, marami sa makapagasabi, baka dumating ating kapwa Louisiano ang ang panahon na ang kalahok sa nagbubuhos ng kanilang talino iba’t ibang palaro tulad ng SEA at lakas para sa ikararangal Games at Olympics ay galing sa ng ating Unibersidad. Unibersidad ng San Louis. Lahat ito ay hindi imposible Nakatutuwang isipin na ang dala nilang parangal ay tumatayong dahil nga magaling ang mga inspirasyon sa lahat upang Louisiano. Magagaling ang mga magbigay ng pangalan para sa Louisiano. Unibersidad. At sana, sana lang, Matatandaang ang ating unibersidad ay ilang taong tumatama talaga ako… nag-uwi ng parangal sa

Ang Pilipinas sa

Pandaigdigang Olimpiyada


ikas sa ating mga Pilipino ang kahiligan sa palakasan. Katunayan, marami nang naiuuwing karangalan ang astig nating mga manlalaro sa iba’t-ibang larangan na kaning nilalahukan.

Subalit nakalulungkot isipin noong nakaraang olimpyada, sa kabila ng mga pagsisikap ng ating mga manlalaro na magwagi, bigo pa rin silang mag-uwi ng medalya sa ating bansa. Wala ni isang medalya na maaring maipagmalaki. Sa nakaraang pandaigdigang olimpyada, hindi na nakakagulat na balita ang kalabasang parangal sa ating bansa. Kung anong dahilan kung bakit ni isang medalya man lang, ay walang naibaon pauwi ang atletang Pilipino, ay hindi ko lubos maisip. Ngunit hindi ito sapat na dahilan upang sila ay ipagwalang bahala at kalimutan na ang kanilang ginawang kagitingan sa mga oras ng kanilang pakikipagtunggali. Sa ganitong pagkakataon, mabuti marahil na baliktanawin natin ang mga nakaraang olimpyada upang ito ay magbigay inspirasyon sa ating mga manlalaro at higit sa lahat ay sa ating pamahalaan upang bigyan ng mas malawak na suporta sa ating manlalaro sa kanilang pakikipagtunggali sa mga pandaigdigang kumpetisyon. Noong 1924 unang nakipagtagisan ang Pilipino sa larangan ng 400-m run kung saan ang delegado dito ay si David Nepomoceno kasama ang kanyang term official sa 1924 games sa Paris. Sa katunayan, labinsiyam nang Olympyada ang nasalihan ng mga Pilipino; Paris, Los Angeles, Berlin, London, Helsinki, Melbourne, Rome, Tokyo, Mexico, Munich, Montreal, Los Angeles, Seoul, Barcelona, Atlanta, Sydney , Athens at ngayong taon sa Beijing, China. Nakasungkit na ang Pilipinas ng siyam na medalyang silver at pitong bronze. Mula ito sa mga larangan ng boxing, swimming, track and field, 400-m hurdles. Ngunit noong 1988, binigyan ng karangalan ni Arianne Cedena ang bansa nang pagwagian ang gold medal sa bowling sa Seoul. Kung nagawang nasungkit ng iba nating mga kababayan ang ganitong uri ng karangalan, kaya din nating mga kasalukuyang atleta na mapantayan o malampasn pa ang mga ito kung magkakaroon lamang ng sapat na insentibo para sa ating mga manlalaro, magiting na suporta ng ating pamahalaan sa kanila, at sapat na panahon sa pag-eensayo at pagbibigay ng mahusay na mga tagapagturo. Kung magkakagayon ang mga gintong medalya na malaonnang naging mailap sa ating bansa ay madali na nating maabot. Sa darating na Olimpyada sa 2012 na magaganap sa London, inaasahang tatayo muli ang bandila ng Pilipinas sa ikararangal ng ating lahi. FELIX B. TUMBALI, JR.

Superiority... from p33 creation: God, creating everything from nothing, started with chaotic and inert matter gradually proceeded toward a more perfect being. That is enough. The conclusion should be evident to a knowledgeable reader. The second one- from the quality of the material: Clay was quite sufficient to create man, but a much more sophisticated material was needed to create woman. The third one- form behavioral traits: Satan had to employ all of his intelligence to convince Eve, but for Adam, a simple order “Eat it!” was sufficient. The fourth one- form the severity of the punishment: a. The more intelligent is the culprit, the more justified is the severe punishment. Eve’s punishment, subjection to Adam is extremely humiliating for an intelligent creature. b. This agonizing state of affairs is clearly provoked by sin. Judging from the behavior

of Adam (see third proof above), woman was not subject to man in the Garden of Paradise right after creation. Two philosophical proofs: The fifth one from external appearance: Man occupies an intermediate position between animals and angels. Who look more like angels, men or women? Any further comment is superfluous. The sixth one- from intuition: Saint Thomas Aquinas admitted that women have a better intuitive knowledge than men, therefore they are closer to angels in the dynamism of their minds. One theological proof: The seventh one- from the humility of our Lord: In order to give us an example of humility, our Lord took on the body of man. There you are folks! I leave the judgment in your hands. Who do you think is more superior, women or men?

Freedom Core from p06 only one should have that function, there is no other President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo in history, there is no other you, and there is no other me. The weak asked to be weak by permitting people to treat them as pathetic elements. The strong placed their names on the high pedestals, and the “normies”/actors copy them because they want to have the same feeling. The discovery of one’s potentials die when the craving to be appreciated kicks in, the individual then goes to herding, and then jumps off a cliff when the leader jumps off. The finale… The world is indeed a stage because we all act but the roles we should use in the performance is made just for

us by us. Imagine talking to yourself, only that “yourself” in this situation is somebody else pretending to be you… That’d be freaky. Life is a series of mysteries, and being alive means to uncover the truth beyond such incidences. To discover one’s identity in the process of living and to derive purpose using the infinity of variables that existed, existing, or will exist, is happiness. We were born different in physical appearance, talents and personalities, and each life is great blessing. If it is fate that brought us here or a random circumstance, then we are who we are (people say), but in time after that, why are we the same?




...they ASKED


Anong kulay kaya ang bluer than blue?

ouisians have this hobby of being updated with the movie industry – both local and international releases. With hefty free time to waste and gamble, we resort to watching latest movies at the nearest friend’s pub and amuse ourselves by crying or laughing out loud together with the stars of the film – either way; it answers what we crave for. So brace yourself with the latest movies you should watch! If you are a couch potato, a red carpet shenanigan, a cineaste, or just craving for a good movie to watch, here are some good films you’ll surely love!

-Dexter Trilles, former TLC editor-in-chief during a trip in Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte



Bakit kaya may pangit? -Atty. Ronald L. Brillantes, during a philosophical discusion with the 4th year Philo students


What’s PAASCU? Para saan ang PAASCU? -Joana Pagurayan, during the Student Advisory Council Meeting

Donna, an independent, single mother who owns a small hotel on an D idyllic Greek island, is about to let go of Sophie, the spirited daughter she’s raised alone. For Sophie’s wedding, Donna has invited her two lifelong best girlfriends--practical and no-nonsense Rosie and wealthy, multi-divorcee Tonya--from her one-time backing band, Donna and the Dynamos. But Sophie has secretly invited three guests of her own. On a quest to find the identity of her father to walk her down the aisle, she brings back three men from Donna’s past to the Mediterranean paradise they visited 20 years earlier. Over 24 chaotic, magical hours, new love will bloom and old romances will be rekindled on this lush island full of possibilities.

-asked a Mass Communication student to the TLC-EIC during an academic visit at the Louisian Courier Office


Bakit limited lang ang pino-produce ninyo, to think na lahat naman ng estudyante nagbabayad?

Will Ferrell is back on-target in the dumb movie sweepstakes as Brennan Huff, an over-grown, overly sensitive son who has never bothered to move out of single mom’s (Mary Steenburgen) house even though he’s 40. When she meets, falls in love with and marries an older doctor (Richard Jenkins) all before the opening credits are over, Brennan must move into his new stepfather’s home where--you guessed it--39 year-old loser and would-be musician Dale Doback (John C. Reilly) has been living with Dad all these years as well. The new siblings, who give stunted growth a whole new definition, bunk together like 10-year olds with an instant rivalry that causes havoc in the household. Soon they find themselves birds of the same feather when fed-up dad announces he is selling the house and going on an around-the-world cruise with his new bride. The hapless pair are ordered to find decent jobs and a new place to live--a prospect neither relishes.


Bakit ba ‘pag nasa CR ako, feeling ko paglabas ko ang bantot ko na? -a student, in one of his short trips at the comfort(?) room

YOU DON’T MESS WITH THE ZOHAN Zohan, a top Israeli commando, fakes his own death in order to pursue his dream: becoming a hairstylist in New York. Though he wants to put his life of counter-terrorism behind him, he quickly finds that it is not so easy to escape one’s roots. As enemies old and new try to take him out, they will all come to learn the same thing: you don’t mess with the Zohan.

WALL-E After hundreds of lonely years of doing what he was built for, Wall-E (short for Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class) discovers a new purpose in life (besides collecting knick-knacks) when he meets a sleek search robot named Eve. Eve comes to realize that Wall-E has inadvertently stumbled upon the key to the planet’s future, and races back to space to report her findings to the humans (who have been eagerly awaiting word that it is safe to return home). Meanwhile, Wall-E chases Eve across the galaxy.


Photos from the net



Percentage of USL enrollment turnout for first semester school year 2008-2009


Volumes of newly acquired books at the University College Library

LENSPEAK tristanbaliuag

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Brotherhood from p25 mga “kapatid” mo. (Ed): Walang nangyayaring ganun sa min. TLC: Would you kill for the sake of the frat? APOpipz: Next question please… (Ed): Depende rin. Meron one time na ang ka-brad namin na taga-CCT eh sinaksak ng isang Louisian, although naidaan sa areglo at pakikipagusap with the parents of the victim, di rin namin matanggap na ganun na lang, hangang ngayon yung ibang kachapter namin eh hina-hunting pa rin yung nanaksak. (Vin): Oo. Isipin mo na lang, kapamilya mo ang biniktima, bakit hindi ka gaganti? TLC: No turning back? What if gusto mo, puwede bang mag-back out? Ano naman ang consequence? APOpipz: Wala pang nagba-backout sa amin kasi tinutulungan mong mahalin ang org mo habang kasali ka dito at every member proud na maging APO sila. It’s a great achievement to be an APO… (Ed): Sila ang tumatayong pamilya mo at natuto kang maging disiplinado through them, bakit ka magbaback out? (Vin): Tinuturuan kang maging isang mabuting tao, tapos may gagawin sila sa yo kung sakaling aatras ka? Ironic naman ata amin walang ganun.



CREDITSCREDITSCREDITSCREDITSCREDITS CREDITSCREDITSCREDITSCREDITS (Credits should be rolled to where they’re due...) TIWAY po sa kanila... Unang-una kay GOD(sa pinagkatiwala niya sa aming talento(?); sa kanya-kanya naming pamilya (for the understanding na ang anak o kapatid nila eh medyo may toyo sa ulo at sa pagsuporta sa kung anumang kagaguhang pinagkakaabalahan niya, Pa, Ma, bro, sis, ate karen ,ate girlie,ading,matsala!), sa aming mga adik na kaibigan na kaibigan pa rin ang turing nila sa min kahit ano mang kabalbalan, kalokohan, katangahan o kabaliwan ang aming ginagawa (vika, don, bo, jm, kiko, elainegwapa, draz, jb, kezo, ivy, mace, trix, johnblas, ryan, gov,mchael,a mado,gladzmare, jane, olet, mena, jaylyn022808, holween, lester, george, hans, kristeen,ron of san beda, fritz of ust, ton of smu,sharon, luisa, yhana, chen, beth,dadiben); sa aming mga matitinik na propesor dito sa USL(sir agaloos,atty. brillantes, “atty.” Jallorina, sir tonshingwa, sir cabrido, sir cj,

sir bautista, engr. Catolos, engr. villaverde, engr. perezbuntis, mr. bisuecos, sir emil, sir guya, and others); groupmates ko sa microwave link yabyu.kay PapaJORDANGULATERA, na kundi dahil sa CPU niya eh wala itong magazine na hinahawakan mo, thanks papaJ;sa chatterBoxers, wordplayers and voiceboxers, sa flicker na kung saan kami’y nangpipirata ng mga photos (sige kasuhan niyo na kami!); kay sir james, sa 8 questions; kay ma’am cruz sa suporta; sir ferdz, dean pasicolan, sa advisers namin (ma’am mace, sir land, tnks sa unawa)sa dating TLC staffers, kung di dahil sa inyo di naming pinapaganda ang releases namin); sa guards; sa goldenpress; sa logbook, sa malugod na pagtanggap mo sa kung anumang pinapasok namin; sa mga contributors, tnxioo sa crap; sa mga detractors namin, sa mga kritiko ng TLC, sige lang, go ka lang, mamimeet mo rin naman si Satan!); sa mga inspirasyon (Jaylyn, Lure ni jo, Maan, Flip)…sa inyong lahat: TNXIOO talaga! pramiz!

story and graphics by: Ryan Agsawa

story and graphics by: Errold Domingo



MYTH: The observed global warming is all due to solar radiation variability, not human activity.

help save humanity’s ONLY home: EARTH Graphics inspired by the GREENPEACE campaign for Global Warming

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