Q1 2023
Dear Residents,
We hope that everyone had a happy and healthy New Year! The purpose of this newsletter is to highlight the accomplishments of the past year and to share with you the priorities for 2023. We anticipate the end-of-year financials will be strong with a surplus resulting from boat dock easement sales that allowed us to keep the 2023 quarterly assessments from increasing in 2023, in spite of increased costs that we experienced. Our team has been very busy with projects and adding additional tools in efforts to best serve the community.
Street Lights - We made upgrades to the street light electrical infrastructure throughout the community including Fairway Oaks, Latrobe, Chestnut Ridge and Deacon Circle in addition to our major roadways. We have also installed more stable and higher definition lighting into all of our street lights, as well as digital timers for more on /off consistency.
Median Landscape Lighting - We completed the median landscape lighting early on in 2022 and 2023 will see us focus on entry landscape lighting and electrical infrastructure.
Radar Feedback Signs - In an effort to reduce speeding within the community, two additional Speed Radar feedback signs were added on Isleworth Country Club Drive. Please remind your visitors that the Isleworth community speed limit is 25mph.
Body Cameras - To assist with our officers’ safety, our patrol teams were outfitted with audio and video body cameras. This has been an important addition especially in handling traffic stops. It has also been an invaluable investigative and instructive tool to help train our officers in how to verbally handle situations better as well being able to review how events were handled by our team to make them better.
House Check Confirmations - For those residents who wish to have our security team provide house checks, this must be done via the ABDI Web portal at www.gateaccess.net. We recently added the text/e-mail confirmation alert so that residents can receive a text or e-mail confirmation that there house check was completed. This is still in the testing and learning phase however the early response to this has been very positive.
Community Emergency Response Training - The first group of our security leadership team participated in Community Emergency Response Training ( C.E.R.T.). Learning disaster preparation and psychology, advanced first aid, fire suppression, utility control, and light search and rescue. This was a seven-week course provided by the Orange County Emergency Management Division and we will be sending additional team members to future classes.
Visitor Access - If you have not already, we encourage you to establish your www.gateaccess.net account as soon as possible. We anticipate by the end of the first quarter of 2023 all visitor access requests by our residents will be done utilizing the www.gateaccess.net website. For day-of or next-day visitors the community will also be establishing a voicemail system. These enhancements will reduce malware threats to our systems in addition to providing trackable verification that visitor requests are coming from authorized Residents and Members only.
IMPORTANT. Trees and Landscaping - We wish to remind the community that landscape renovations require approval by the Design Review Board prior to the start of a renovation. In addition, all tree work is to be performed by a licensed arborist. Additionally, the removal of any tree from the community does require advanced approval from the ICA. The community has also changed the regulations that any street tree requiring replacement must be replaced with a minimum of a 10-inch caliper live oak.
Design Review Board - As a reminder, ANY TIME you are planning landscape, hardscape, or exterior home changes, be it additions to your home or a new roof, these enhancements require review from the Design Review Board. The Design Review board is an independent body of architects and landscape designers whose mandate is to uphold the preset design standards of the community. If you have any questions about this process, you can reach out to the board by e-mailing drb@isleworth.com.
• Gate entry landscape refresh
• Repair and replacement of the gate entry landscape lighting and electrical systems
• Review of the roadways for repairs and replacement where needed
• Playground mulch refresh
• Continued focus in maintaining our buildings and equipment
• Security system upgrades to visitor access, camera systems, and perimeter security infrastructure.
• Continuing education for our security team in Emergency Management and Response
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at dan.oconnell@isleworth.com.