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Back to school
Key dates and things to think about ahead of the new term
Apply for a school place
If your child is due to join a primary or secondary school in September 2024, you will soon need to apply for a place. If they were born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020, you’ll need to apply for a primary school place. If they were born between 1 September 2012 and 31 August 2013, you’ll need to secure a secondary school place.
Applications open on 1 September and if you live in Islington, you will need to apply online. A copy of the 2024 primary and secondary school admissions brochures explaining what to do, when to apply and how will be available towards the end of July at: islington.gov.uk/ admissions

If you need support, contact the council’s school admissions team on 020 7527 5515 or email admissions@islington.gov.uk
Sign up to receive tips, advice and deadline reminders: islington.gov.uk/StayUpdated
Register for free school meals
Islington Council offers free school meals for three- and four-year-olds who go to a council-maintained nursery full-time and primary age pupils in local schools. Free school meals are also available to some secondary school-aged pupils receiving certain benefits. As well as providing a nutritious meal, free school meals help families save more than £400 per year, per child. If your children are eligible, it’s important to register, as your child can access other benefits, including the Lunch Bunch programme of free activities with food during the holidays – see the ad below and p4 of this summer special.

Register: islington.gov.uk/ FreeSchoolMeals
Apply for a school uniform grant
If your child is eligible for free school meals, they’re entitled to a uniform grant as well. The council will pay £150 towards the cost of school uniforms when your child transfers to secondary school from Year 6.
Apply: islington.gov.uk/ FreeSchoolMeals