Comenious survey

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COMENIOUS SURVEY A GRUBU 1)Do your teachers appreciate you after something? If yes, How? -yes,it affects me positively -yes,it affects me negatively -I dunno -No -If others specify…………….



2) In what way can extra curriculum topics help you develop your abilities ? -They develop my musical skill -They develop my talent of painting -They make me a social person -Students learned the teamwork and cooperate -I have no idea -No -If others specify…… 3-In what way school courses contribute to daily life? - Analitic Thinking - Musical Talents - Emotional Thinking - Political Thinking -No, it doesn’t contribute to my life -I have no idea 4-Can discipline commitee and regulations prevent the use of violence in your school? -They act us deterrent -I think discipline committee is just only a formality -No -If others, specify…….. 5)In what way can the news about violence on media affect the use of violence for students? -They increase using of violence -They decrease the using of violence because they know its damages -The teenagers tend to do harmless behaviours -no relationships between news and media -I have no idea 6) In what way social activities enhance education? -They improve interaction between students -I feel very fine by joining the activities -I feel relaxed -They increase my self confidence -They broaden my horizon -I have no idea 7)In which topic are you allowed to express your ideas -Politics -Religion -Culture -Regulation -Critisizing 8)What kind of violence are you tolerated in the classroom? -Bullying -Mobbing -social exclusion -Pulling pranks -Nobody respects my views and opinions -jealousy 9)Do you feel any pressure by anyone? -Lower grades -Upper grades -Classmates -Neighbours -Relatives -Friends -Family members 10) What languages can you study in your school -Spanish -German -French -Arabic

-English -Turkish -Polish -Russian -Others 11)Is there any discrimination in your school ? Rank them in order of importance -Political discrimination -Sexual discrimination -Economic discrimination -Religious discrimination -Cultural discrimination -Racial discrimination 12) What activities would you like to have in your school -Dance -Singing -Art -Guitar course -Theather -Language -Sports 13)Why do you think pupils play truant ? -Job training -Exposure to violence -Bullying/mobbing -Lack of confidance -Lack of comminication -Emotional/ph 14)Who chooses the extracurriculum in your school? -Students -Teachers -Principle -I don’t know -Ministry

B GRUBU 1-Does your school take precautions disasters ? If yes, please specify. -Earthquake -Flood -Fire -Avalanche -Other -No



2)Is there a discrimination in your school ? If so, what is the reason of it ? -Racial -Sexual -Religious -Ecenomic -Cultural -Other -No 3)Do you think your school can provide your security successfully ? If yes, in which way ? -By hiring a guard -With security cameras -Regulations strictly -Other -No 4)What kind of activities would you like to have extra curricular ? -Sportive -Musical -Art -Cultural -Other 5)Are you exposed to violence in your school ? If so, by whom ?

-By authorities -By teachers -By classmates -By upper grades -By lower grades -Other -No

-With wise men in history -Others DİSCRİMİNATİON 3) Do you have discrimination in your school? If yes, please specify it. -Racism -Sexual -Cultural -In succeding -In financial -Appearance -Others 4) How do you think, discrimination in your school can be solved? - providing students social activities - reconciling them - permitting them doing anything they want

6) How often are you exposed to violence ? -Once a week -Every day -Twice a week -Every to weeks -Once a months -Once a term -Once a year -Other 7)Are you affected by pupils and teachers who have bad habbits ( drugs, alcohol, cigarette) If yes, in what way ? -Set a bad example -Break the peace -Break the social codes -Other -No 8)Is violence common among boys or girls? -Girls -Boys 9)What are the problems of students in lesson? -Getting bored -Misunderstanding the teacher -Concentration problems -being sleepy -Hunger -Pshylocogical problems -Class’s atmosphere -Other -No 10) What can contribute to healthy education? -Tools -Teacher -Group activities -Interactive Works 11)What are the reasons of your bad habits if you have? -Family problems -Physological problems -Affects of friends 12)What kind of education would you like for yourself in the future? -Professional -Higher -Stop stduying -I don’t know -Other C GRUBU (Sait Duman, Afra Güneş Uçar, Elif Güngörmez, Nazlı Pekokudan, M.A. Babacan) FAMILY 1) On which topics below is your family strict? -Friendship -Moral Value -Timing -Religion -Economy -Culture -Boy/Girlfriend -Other 2) Whom, your family always compares you with? -My friends -My brothers/sisters -My relatives -My neighbourhood -With characters take part in films


VIOLENCE 5) What are the reasons of violence? Which one below here you think might be the most valid answer? -Family life -Cashlessness -Friend relationships -Politic thoughts -Racist thoughts -Indication of strenght -Mobing -Bullying -Other 6) Rank the kinds of violence in order of importance in your school. -Mobing -Bullying -Punching/Slapping/Kicking/Beating -Pulling pranks -Dispising/Inrulting -Cyber-bullying 7) Have you ever been exposed to violence so far? -If Yes, how often it happens; -No -Everyday -Once a week -Twice a week -Once a month 8) What kind of violence you were exposed to? (please specify it) -Cyber bullying -Bullying -Mobbing -School Drop Outs -Punching/Slapping/Kicking/Beating -Pulling Pranks -Insulting 9) Rank them in order of importance from the most serious reasons below here you think might be the exact reason of violence in your school? (between students) -Pretending/Imitating -Curriculum’s being in ‘heavy-strained’ -Political thoughts -Clashing of cultures -Effective Films,Games -Differencies of religious view -Anxiety of future -Communication problems between teacher and student -Others… SOCIAL ACTIVITIES 10) Do you consider the problems of students (violence and bullying etc.) can be solved by social activities? If your answer is yes please specify what kind of activities would be efficient? -Basketball( Team Spirit) -Football ( Team Spirit) -Swimming-racing (individual Spirit) -others.. SOCIAL MEDIA

11) Do you think students spend much time on the net? If your answer is yes, which of answer you would choose as the exact reason of it? -Yes --No -In doing homework -Communicating with friends(messaging) -Using of social media -Virtual Games -Other (please specify it) 12) How many hours you think that a student should use the net? -Shouldn’t use - 1-2 Hours - 2-3 Hours - 3-4 Hours - More than 4 Hours

-Meeting with friends -Studying -Goming(film) -I don’t play truant

13) Which answer below you think might be the exact reason of students using of social media? - For fun -For gaming -Meet new friends -For get the time passed -Sharing what is up in their life? -For violence (mobbing on the net, cyber bullying) -I don’t think that the net is used by students so much

3)What keeps you from studying when you get home? *Internet *TV *Social activities *Cell phone *Stress *Being tired

14) Which one below is the most significant effect of using net, social media? - Corrupting from family -Heading off to violence ( being in , tend to ) -Not getting themselves expressed -Being in trouble in terms of Eyes and Backbones -Corrupting from friends EDUCATION 15) Do you study lessons in extra, out of curriculum? If yes , then why? -Inadequateness of teachers -Insufficiency in lessons -Ambition of winning -Try to prove him/herself 17) Which of below here you think might be the most distractive element that drives off the student from studying? -Relationships -Phones -WWW(Facebooking) -Musics -Bad friends -Other 18) Which organization could contribute to education? -Universities -Trade Unions -High School -Political Parties -Army -Foundations/NGO -Other.. 19) Do you take special course in extra, out of school? -If yes, how many hours? -No - 1 hour - 2 hours - More than 2 hours 20) Which one below here you’d like have put in practice in order to increase student success? -Grade students according to levels -Set a competitive between students -Put students into the social activities 21)What do you do after running away(playing truancy) from school? -Social activities

D GRUBU GENERAL EDUCATION 1) What kind of activities do you want in your school? *Tournaments *Competitions *Trips *Theatre *Conference *Artical activities 2) Why do you want to take a good education? *To have a good job in the future. *Earn respect from the others. *To improve myself. *To earn much Money.

4) What kind of education would you like for yourself in the future? *Professional *Higher *Stop studying *Abroad *Job training *I don’t know VIOLENCE 1)Did you get any physical or pschlogical violence? *If yes, by whom? *No *By parents *By teachers *By upper grades *By lower grades *By classmates *By neighbours *By strangers 2)Why do the people expose to violence? *Jealousy *Political reasons *Economical reasons *Expressing yourself *Desire of showing power *Weakness 3) How many times have you been exposed to violence so far? *Once *Twice *Three times or more *Never PERSONAL 1)Do you like school? *If yes, why? *If no, why? *I love my friends and teachers. *I’m unsuccesful *Because I’m succesful *I don’t like teachers *I don’t like rules 2)Do you feel pressure on you? *If yes, by whom? *Teachers *Parents *Friends *Others


3)What is the biggest problem of teenagers? *Family problems *Being misunderstood *Lack of communication *Physical problems SCHOOL PROBLEMS 1)Why do the students play truant? *Boring lessons *Dislike the friends *Psychology *Fear of exams CURRICULUM 1)Which languages do you study in your school? *Spanish *Portuguese *German *English *Russian *Chinese *Japan *Arabic *French *Italian *Polish *Other

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