Profile: Phil Crowe

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in the post 8 2 phil crowe

phil crowe 8 3 in the post

the crowe road

photograph: pete dadds

“My whole lifestyle has changed – I’ve gone from Lucozade to smoothies...”

We all wanted to grow up and be our favourite

mental. The college had strong links with them

meetings way, way up front to steer it in a way

childhood hero – if I’d had my way I’d be down a

and I was the one student they selected for work

so we can do that,” he explains.

rabbit hole playing flamingo croquet right now.

that year. It was a brilliant opportunity.”

Axe’s Chocolate Man with Kuntz was a job just

And for Brit Phil Crowe, moving to LA two and a

Over the next nine years in London, Crowe built

like that. While other directors might have opted

half years ago took him one step closer to his

up his reputation and relationships with directors.

for a 3D look, Kuntz went the whole hog and,

cigar-smoking, smooth-talking idol, everybody’s

Regular collaborators now include such big

together with The Mill, calculated just how they

favourite detective, Columbo.

names as Tom Kuntz, Ringan Ledwidge and

could do it with only prosthetics. Other spots

Now at The Mill LA as joint head of 2D with Chris

Michael Haussman. But his earliest memory, and

Crowe’s lent his craft to recently include Droga5’s

Knight, Crowe worked his way through the ranks

still one of his best, came on Chris Cunningham’s

Lion-winning Tracfone viral (“An utter nightmare,

at the London HQ before jetting across the pond

Portishead video back in 1997. “I was coined the

so many different elements to do!”) and Ivan

with Knight to launch in the city of angels. “Me

bubble monkey, because I just spent three

Zacharias’ Audi Super Bowl spot, starring Jason

and Chris were sat in a Soho pub one cold

months painting out bubbles from the

Statham. “I almost got to be a hand model on

Monday night in January, we’d been to the gym,

underwater scenes,” he reminisces, “but it was a

that shoot,” he laughs. “I had to put a suit on and

and it was pissing down. It was then we realised

brilliant start and working with Chris was a real

have my nails done and everything.”

we were ready for a change – and the only place

eye opener about the way things could be.”

The Mill’s LA base is much more boutique than

I’d ever really thought of going was LA, perhaps

Good friends with fellow Ravensbourne graduate

their London powerhouse, but since launching

because of the Columbo thing,” grins Crowe.

Ledwidge, Crowe was also one of the ingenious

they have built a strong team that mixes Brits

Although he dreamt of detectives rather than

hands who pulled off Levi’s Dangerous Liaisons.

and Americans. But they’ve still got the support

Flame suites, Crowe was always headed down

“For me that was an optimum job. Ringan, Rich

of the squad back home, and work regularly goes

some type of creative route. “I had ridiculously

(Orrick, editor on the spot) and I had worked

back and forth across the wires.

academic older brothers,” he remembers, “and so

together lots before, so it was a proper

But even the promise of a once-in-a-blue-moon

while their heads were stuck in books, I was

collaboration. It was all just down to a bit of chalk,

dry summer won’t bring Crowe back to London

running round the garden with a bucket on mine.”

a stopwatch and a timer, and working out exactly

yet: “LA is fantastic. Ten years in London was

After completing his art foundation in Barnsley,

what we could do.”

kind of unhealthy for me. When I first got to LA I

Yorkshire, Crowe headed to the bright lights of

For Crowe it’s not all about flashy special effects:

was doing big Friday nights out, but after a while

London and to Ravensbourne College to study

“My favourite is working with directors who want

when you’re waking up on Saturday morning

graphic design. But, gripped by the TV module, as

it to look as photographic as possible. Anything

feeling rough and the sun is shining, you think ‘I

soon as he graduated he was straight through

they can do in camera they do, and then we work

have to calm down’. My whole lifestyle’s changed

The Mill’s front door. “I finished on the Thursday

around it. Sometimes on a job people say we’ve

– I’ve gone from Lucozade to smoothies.” We

and I was in there running on the Monday, it was

just done a clean up, but the point is we’ve had

wonder if Columbo would approve…

Phil Crowe dreamt of being a smooth-talking TV detective but is more than happy to be throwing Flame at The Mill in sunny LA. Isobel Roberts meets a Barnsley lad who’s come a long way

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