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Books in English New Books in the List The Enigma of Capital, and the crises of capitalism, David Harve y, 2010, Rs 120 Bonfire of Illusions, Alex Callinicos, 2010, Rs70 The American War, Jonathan Neale, 2005, Rs90 Occupy, A Short History of Workers' Occupations, Dave Sherry, 20 10 Rs65 Dont Get Young in the Third World,

Capitalism & the Demonizing of Young Working Class ,

Historical Actuality of the Socialist Offensive,

Alternative to Parliamentarism ,

Sean Vernell, 2010 Rs16

Istavan M eszaros, Rs60

Buda's Wagon, A Brief History of the Car Bomb, M ike Davis, 2007, Rs 90 The Frock-Coated Communist (Fredrick Engles), Tristram Hunt, 2009, Rs180 The Red in the Rainbow, Sexuality, Socialism & LGBT Liberation, Hannah Dee, 2010, Rs80 Egypt, The M oment of Change, Ed Rabab El M ahdi & Philip M arfleet, 2009, Rs 80 The Communist M anifesto, Karl M arx & Fredrick Engles, Intro by Chris Harman/Alex Callinicos, 2010, Rs 15 Sexism & the System, A Rebel's Guide to Women's Liberation, Judi th Orr, 2007, Rs 25 A Rebel's Guide to Trotsky, Esme Choonara, 2007, Rs 25 A Rebel's Guide to M arx, M ike Gonzalez, 2006, Rs 25

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A Rebel's Guide to Lenin, Ian Birchall, 2008, Rs 25 A Rebel's Guide to Gramsci, Chris Bambery, 2009, Rs 25 M aking History, Agency, Structure & Change in Social Theory, Ale x Callinicos, 2004, Rs 125 Reclaiming the Ivory Tower, Organizing Adjuncts to Change Higher Education, Joe Berry, 2005, Rs 70 Theorizing Neoliberalism, Chris Harman (ISJ article), 2007, Rs 12 The Art of Loving, Eric Fromm, Rs 50 Universities in a Neo-Libearl World, Alex Callinicos, 2003, Rs 15

War Imperialism and Resistance, John Rees, Rs 60 The Great War for Civiilisation -- The conquest of thmiddle east, Robert, Fisk 1350, Rs 430 Tariq Ali, Rouge Music 104, Rs 40 The Next Gulf ,Lawrnace Trotman 306, Rs 110 The Age of Fallibility, The Consequences of War on Terror, George Soros, Rs 80

Capitalist Crisis Zombie Capitalism, Crisis of Capitalism, Chris Harman, Rs 130

Empire Empire, M icheal Hardt and Antonio Negri, p 478, Rs 160 The Empire of Capital, Ellen Meiksins Wood, p150 Rs 55 Ghandi's Rise to Power, James Brown, p384, Rs 125 The Ordinary Person's Guide to Empire, Arundhati Roy, Rs 40 The Blood Never Dried: A People's History of the British Empire, John Newsinger, Rs 150 The New Rulers of the World, John Pilger, Rs 70 Beyond US Hegemony? Assesing the Prospects for a Multipolar World, Samir Amin, Rs 65 Imperialism and Global Political Economy, Alex Callinicos, Rs 150

Indian History People's History of India-3 (The Vedic Age), Vijay Kumar & Irfan Habib, Rs 35 People's History of India-4 (Mauryan India), Irfan Habib & Vivekanand Jha, Rs 60

Nepal Monarchy vs Democracy, Baburam Bhattarai, Rs 60 Peasants & Workers in Nepal, D Seddon, et al p220, Rs 75

Development Depoliticizing Development, John Harriss, p150, Rs 60 The Agrarian Question (2 Vols), Karl Kautsky, p 460, p150* The Market that Failed, Chandrashekhar & Ghosh, p200, Rs 70 Cave,Jose Sarmago, p294, Rs 110 The Politics of Privatization & Its Impact, Abhimanya (India), Rs 40

Class Israel: The Hijack State -- America's Watchdog in the Middle East, John Rose, p80 Rs

Science The 21st Century Brain, Steven Rose, p340 Rs 115

Art Art & Revolution, John Berger, p200, Rs 75

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Music Frank Sinatra, Martin Smith p120, Rs 40

Islam Women Work & Islamism---Ideology & Resistance in Iran, Maryam Poya, p180,Rs65 Prophet and Proletariat, Islam and Modern World, Chris Harman, p 50, Rs 12 Islam & Jihad, A G Noorani p120, Rs 45

Lenin The State and Revolution, Lenin, p160, Rs 56 The Paris Commune, Lenin, p65, Rs 25 National Question, Selected Writings of Lenin, Rs 20

Trotsky The Revolution Betrayed -- What is the Soviet Union and Where it is Going?, Leon Trotsky, p310, Rs 103 Third International After Lenin, Leon Trotsky p350, Rs 120 Trotsky on LIterature and Art, Leon Trotsky's writings, p 260, Rs 90 Marxism & Ethics, Writings of Trotsky, Luckas, Claudwell and Gramci, Rs 30

Stalinism State Capitalism in Russia, Tony Cliff pages 400, Price Rs 120 Neither Washington nor Moscow, Tony Cliff, p 290, Rs 100 Workers agains the Monolith -- The Communist Parties Since 1943, Ian Birchall, p 260, Rs 90 Stalin, Isaac Deutscher, p560 Rs 180

Racism Racism Resistance and Revolution, Peter Alexander p185, Rs 65

Gramsci Antonio Gramsci -- Selections from Political Writings 1910-1920, p400, Rs 135 The Mass Strike, Rosa Luxemburg, p100 Rs 40 The Politics of James Conolly, Kieran Allen, p210, Rs 75

E P Thompson William Morris, Romantic to Revolutionary, E P Thompson, p850, Rs 275 History & Class Consciousness -- Studies in Marxist Dialectics, Georg Luckas, p360, Rs 120 History of Russian Revolution (Vol 1), Leon Trotsky, p340, Rs 120 The Revenge of History-- Marxism & the East European Revolutions Alex Callinicos, p340, Rs 115

Marxism Revolutionary Ideas of Karl Marx, Alex Callinicos, p220 Rs 75 An Anti-Capitalist Manifesto, Alex Callinicos, p180, Rs 65 Anti-Capitalism, A Guide to Movement, Emma Bircham/John Charlton, articles by Susan George, George Monbiot, Lindsey German, Teresa Hayter, Alex Callinicos, Kim Moody, p420, Rs 120 Building the Party--Lenin 1893-1914, Tony Cliff, p400, Rs 135 Marxism & Philosophy, Alex Callinicos, p180, Rs 70 Social Theory -- A Historical Introduction, Alex Callinicos, p 340, Rs 120 In Theory--Classes, Nations, Literatures, Aijaz Ahmad, p360, Rs 120 History of Communist Movement in India Vol 1, CPI(M) Publications, p250, Rs 85 A Dictionary of Marxists Thought, Ed. Tom Bottomore et al, p590, New priceRs 190 Imperialisim in 21st Century -- Unmasked Globalisation, James Petras

Rs 65

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Iraq, Afghanistan & the Imperialism of Our Time, Aijaz Ahmad, p300, Rs 100 Ten Days That Shook the World, John Reed, p 360, Rs 120 History of Russian Revolution (3 Vols), Leon Trotsky, p1200, Rs 350 The Algebra of Revolution, John Rees, p 320 Rs 125 Marxism and Trade Union Tradition, Tony Cliff, p210, Rs 60 Ideas for Change, collection of articles on class, capitalism, imperialism, revolu tion, p210, Rs 65 Middle East  Marx: First Hundred Years, David McLellan Ed, Rs 100 The Battlefied Algeria, Hugh Robert, p402, Rs 135 Iraq, Afghanistan & the Imperialism of Our Time, Aijaz Ahmad, p300, Rs 100 The New Intifada -- Resisting Israel's Apartheid, Ed Roane Carey, p 400, Rs 130 Israel: The Hijack State -- America's Watchdog in the Middle East, John Rose, p80 Rs

Pamphlets in English Socialism in the 21st Century, John Rees, Rs 8 Marxism and Terrorism, Gareth Jenkins, Rs 6 The Bolsheviks and Islam, Dave Crouch Rs Rs 6 Reform and Revolution in Venezuela, Marta Harnecker et al, Rs 7 Enllighenment and Anti-Capitalism, Neil Davidson, Rs 7 Alternatives to Neo-Lliberalism, Alex Callinicos, Rs 4 Globalization Against Development, Francois Chesnais, Rs 5 Can we Change the World Without Taking Power? Debate, John Holloway and Alex Callinicos Rs 4 Cuba, Castro & Socialism, Peter Binns & Mike Gonzales, Rs 10 Cuba Behind the Myth, Chris Harman, Rs 8 Iraq: resistance and sectarianism, Interviews, Sami Ramadani and Haifa Zangana, Rs 2 Imperialism and Ultra Imperialism, Lenin, Kautsky Rs Rs 4 Women's Liberation Today, LIndsey German, Rs 10 The Politics of Food, Carlo Moreli, Rs 6 China's Century? Charlie Hore, Rs 8 NGOs, Giles Ungpakorn, Rs 6 The Workers of the World, on new working class, Chris Harman, Rs 10 Centrism, Gareth Genkins, Rs 2 Religion, Writings on, Lenin, Rs 2 A War Waged by the Wealthy, David Harvey, Rs 2 Eighteenth Brumaire of Lous Bonapart, Karl Marx, Rs 18 Inside the Media, Colin Sparks, Rs 7 Ethics and Materialist Conception of History, Karl Kautsky, Rs 16 Origins of Capitalism, Chris Harman/Robert Brenner Rs 8 George Orwell - A Literary Trotksyist? Anna Chen Rs 4 Lenin, The Rebel Gide Ian Birchal, p58 Rs 15 Pakistan - The other end of the arc of instability , Geoff Brown, p25, Rs 5/Marxism & National Question, Rs 5 Refugees Are Not to Blame p19 Rs 5 What Do You Mean by Revolution p32 Rs 8

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