Day School Karachi Dec 18 2016 Leaflet English A5

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Marxism Day School 10am, 18th December 2016 P MA House , (be hind IBA CIty Camp us), MA Jinnah Road Karachi


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Today the world is in the midst of capitalists wars and militia attacks. The Syrian Middle East is ravaged by a bloody civil war where United States, Russia, Arab states and Iran are fighting a war of occupation. In Europe economic crisis, in Africa the Chinese and other imperialist forces are conducting a savage loot and plunder of recourses. In Pakistan a huge capitalist project like CPEC is being imposed as a war on smaller nations, minorities and oppressed people. Military operation is now spread well over 70% of Pakistan and yet there is no sign of peace. Powerful countries promise every as an end for peace. Ruling class is filling coffers of the rich through power, gas and motorway projects. Their wars designed around resources and occupation and their military operations to suppress demands for rights. Sectarian, ethnicism, lobby culture has state patronage. The larger political parties strive for greater piece of the cake for the favored capitalists and join hands to cover-up their corruption and battles for project routes only to accelerate exploitation of the working class, increase repression on oppressed nations and sects. The further capitalism spreads we see a growing spread of barbarism. However people are fighting against exploitation and suppression as well. Hani Wahid's campaign against Baloch disappearances, the determined fight-back against privatisation by PIA workers, the courageous resistance by teachers and doctors in hospitals and schools across the Punjab, mass occupations against Shia killings and Hazara genocide in Balochistan, they all show that both exploitation and barbarism can be resisted. Under capitalism working class produces the wealth and the spread of capitalism produces oppressed nations and terrorism. What is the nature of capitalist projects, why are wars happening, what makes peace disappear, why are the voices against suppression by Shias, Baloch and Sindhis are being suppressed, who benefits from colonisation of Gilgit Baltistan, in what way military operation in Karachi is a suppression of the lower middle class? To help answer these questions join the Marxism Day School Karachi. Its a whole day program with lectures, discussions, film, revolutionary dance and much more. Those participating in the day school include university professors from public and private sector, journalists, intellectuals, missing-persons and lahore-metro train campaign activists, students and workers will be involved in discussing basic Marxism, class, revolution, mega projects, wars, state and sectarianism, missing recovery struggles and much more. A class struggle is essential to bring peace to the war ravaged world. For this struggle a review of this war and struggle agaisnt it empowers everyone with ideas to fight for. Join us in the Day School to begin the process of changing the impossible into possible.

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Fim: Haider (with discussion) Revolutionary Dance

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Limited seats, book early. Tickets: Rs 150/- for waged and Rs 100/- for students and unempolyed. Registration fee includes lunch and tea. Name......................................................................................... Fee receivers name and signature‌‌.................................. To access literature and participation in the Day School please visit, to reserve your seat call 03042181821 Note: If you are join ing from outside Karach i and need discounted accomodation please contact us at most a week before Dec 18 2016

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