Guia Prático: Ação Sindical Instrumentos Internacionais de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos (inglês)

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4.2.2 Global Framework Agreement with the ENEL Group The Global Framework Agreement was concluded on 14 June 2013 in Rome, Italy, between the ENEL Group management and the PSI and IndustriALL international trade union federations, in the presence and with the support of the Italian trade union centers (CGIL, CISL and UIL). The text of the agreement can be found at this link: resources/news/acuerdo-mundialcon-enel?id=9056&lang=en

Table 13

This Framework Agreement had a duration of 3 years and since 2016 meetings between union representatives and company representatives have been held to seek its renewal. Table 13 below describes the scope and summarizes the commitments made by the ENEL Group under the Global Framework Agreement concluded in 2013.


Scope The agreement applies to all EDF Group companies in the different countries where it operates. The ENEL Group is committed to promoting respect for the Global Framework Agreement with affiliates, subsidiaries, suppliers, contractors and the entire “supply chain”. The signatory parties of the Agreement will evaluate the possibility of stipulating complementary agreements to deal with new requirements and new areas.

Commitments Respect the fundamental rights and principles, in coherence with: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The ILO’s Fundamental Labour Conventions. The ILO Declaration of Tripartite Principles on Multinational Enterprises. The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. The Principles of the United Nations Global Compact.

Not to use child labor or forced labor in any form ENEL undertakes not to employ any form of forced labor or compulsory work, as defined in the ILO Conventions, or child labor. ENEL commits itself not to establish or maintain business relations with suppliers that employ minors.

PRACTICAL GUIDE TO TRADE UNION ACTION: International Human Rights Instruments


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