Newsletter of R+I Unit of ISQ Training Department

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December 2018 | Issue 17

R+I NEWSLETTER Newsletter of R+I Unit of ISQ Training Department

Happy SEASON GREETINGS! Christmas! Author:

ISQ — an experienced partner ISQ has more than 25 years of experience in EU funded projects and was involved in over 500 projects in diversified fields. From 2006 until now, ISQ Training Unit has participated in more than 60 Lifelong Learning projects, Erasmus +, Amif and Horizon 2020 programs. ISQ is a Board member of EVBB (European association of VET Centres) and of SOLIDAR (European Association for Social Justice in Europe). Contact us: Catarina Miranda

In this issue Kicking off Projects………….p. 1 Ongoing Projects…………….p. 4 Coming to an end…………...p. 9 R+I Team………………………...p. 12

Newsletter of R+I Unit of ISQ Training Department December 2018 | Issue 17




CreO population



consumption have been exhausting Earth natural resources. It is necessary to change the current paradigm based on a linear model to a strategic concept founded on the reduction, reuse, recovery, and recycling of materials and energy. The Circular

Cultural and Creative Industries are regarded as

Economy is therefore a strategic concept for ISQ

one of the most promising fields of economic

Group. Our team started this November the fourth

activity in highly developed economies and

Erasmus+ project based on this theme: CIRCULINK —

classic industry sectors need to sharpen their

Collaborative Approaches for Linking Circular

awareness of the potential that CCI occupations

Economy Initiatives. Five partner organisations from

have for them. Based upon this premise, CreO

Sweden, Portugal, Spain, Ireland and Cyprus

project aims to mobilize the CCI Vocational

composse the Consortium and met in Virginia,

Education and Training trainees’ capacities and

Ireland, to begin the work. The two-year project will

talent and strengthen their collaboration with

comprise five b-learning units. The next months will

organisations outside the CCI areas. To this end,

be dedicated to assessing the training needs among

two training courses will be developed: one for

the project target groups: corporate trainers and

VET trainers that will impact on VET students

trainers in general, SMEs and Circular Economy

and another one for tutors and human

entrepreneurs. Don’t miss the next steps!

resources staff from organisations outside CCI about implementing work-based learning of CCI VET trainees. The project kick-of meeting took place in Bilbao, Spain, in October, with the representatives from the consortium of six organisations: Auxilium, from Austria; ISQ, from Portugal; Solski Center Celje and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, from Slovenia, and Ikaslan Bizkaia and Fondo Formación Euskadi, from Spain.


Newsletter of R+I Unit of ISQ Training Department December 2018 | Issue 17


ON-CALL project is a strategic partnership in the framework of Erasmus+ Adult Education Programme. Its aim is the development of a train-the-trainer programme for local residents that will become Lay Community Health Advisors. During the project these Advisors will engage 240 disadvantaged families across the eight partner countries and support them in the development of essential health literacy skills. The project kick-off meeting took place in Ireland, in September. During the next months partners will develop the bespoke training programme and health literacy resources.

Be in Europe ISQ hosted the kick-off meeting of Be in Europe project - Promoting Active Inclusion in Europe – last November. The goal of this partnership is to enable migrants to fully participate in society, including in employment, as they often face obstacles when getting integrated into the host countries. Be in Europe aims to design and implement a training offer to reinforce the basic skills of these migrants and also psycho-social and intercultural competences. Migrants and organisations will work together to develop useful resources for each group, namely learning activities for trainers on psycho-social competences, booklets with recommendations on interculturality for organisations, and a collaborative platform for communication with target groups.


Newsletter of R+I Unit of ISQ Training Department December 2018 | Issue 17

Learning Path

Learning Path — Digitalized Learning Path for Educational Organizations project will create a systematic approach to develop digital capacities, skills and competences on three levels: •

organisational development of digital capacity;

personal/professional development on digital skills and competences;

cooperation development with companies.

Organisations’ digital capacity influence on teachers / trainers and trainees’ possibilities to enhance their digital skills and competences and use digital tools in various ways to support teaching and learning. On the kick-of-meeting of the project, held in Tampere, Finland, the partners organisations TAKK (host), VUC Storstrom, from Denamrk, OSZ IMT, from Gremany, BFI Wien, from Austria, and ISQ, from Portugal, got together to discuss and align the strategy to meet the project objectives and steps for the next months. As a base for the project, the DigCompEdu will be used to define the level of digital competences of the trainers/teachers of each organisation involved in the project. Stay tuned to know more about Learning Path Project.


Newsletter of R+I Unit of ISQ Training Department December 2018 | Issue 17

ONGOING PROJECTS T-Challenge ISQ hosted an international transfer workshop in the scope of the T-Challenge project. The objective was to allow trainers to become familiar with the TChallenge entrepreneurship education programme. Participants from Portugal, Ireland, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Romania and Latvia had the chance to get to know the webquests already developed in the specific subjects promoted by this programme and feel






Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Leadership, Critical Thinking, Social Impact and Circular Economy.

5 by 5 Adapting to learning outcomes oriented training and education is a major paradigm shift for many educational systems





frameworks have been - and are being - rolled out in many European countries with the objective of making education more transparent, efficient and mobile. Within the scope of the Erasmus+ project 5by5, the ISQ

Training R+I unit organised, between the 22nd and the 24th of October, a Short Term Staff Training Event to discuss this topic with four European partners from Austria [BFI], Germany [Oskar Von-Miller Schule], Denmark [VUC Storstrøm] and Finland [TAKK]. This training event comprised a set of groups discussions with theoretical and practical sessions. The Portuguese National Agency for VET and the European Welding Federation) EWF also attended the event presenting their work done towards a learning outcomes approach in education. To learn more about this project contact: Célia Tavares –


Newsletter of R+I Unit of ISQ Training Department December 2018 | Issue 17


Erasmus+ project LIFT — Ladies Code their Future aims at establishing best practices in how to break the glass ceiling of access to quality ICT learning and self-learning amongst women in social disadvantage situations. After its first year, the project has reached two important milestones: the first one is the transnational report “Breaking through – highlighting the gender gap in ICT across Europe”, a result of the desk and field research activities conducted by the LIFT partnership in order to ensure that the training programme and additional educational resources are fit-for-purpose and relevant to the genuine needs of disadvantaged women in all the participating countries. The second milestone achieved was the

conclusion of the “LIFT – From ICT Competence to ICT Confidence. A curriculum for basic ICT competence”. To learn more access the project platform at or contact


Célia Tavares –

Newsletter of R+I Unit of ISQ Training Department December 2018 | Issue 17

WOW Manufacturing companies throughout Europe are struggling to find candidates for shop floor positions, as young people still view manufacturing and welding as non-technological and physically

demanding jobs. Projects such as WOW aim to reduce the struggle and to respond to both companies and young people needs. On the 2nd and 3rd of October, WOW consortium has gathered in Cambridge (UK), at TWI's facilities, to discuss the guideline scheme to promote work-based learning arrangements in two welding qualifications: the European Welding Specialist (EWS) and the European Welding Practitioner (EWP), and the quality assurance mechanisms underpinned to it. On top of that, it was discussed one of the main products of the WOW project, an online platform for the triangle (ATBs, trainees and companies) to interact, to manage the apprenticeship, to monitor the trainee learning progress and to assess the quality of the partnership. The main focus of the debate was the settings of the tool, the quality criteria for this assessment, and the sustainability of WBL partnerships in each country involved in the project To find out more about this Erasmus+ funded project and how you can benefit from it, please visit


Newsletter of R+I Unit of ISQ Training Department December 2018 | Issue 17

FIT4RRI FIT4RRI moves from the basic assumption that there is a serious gap between the potential role Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and Open Science (OS) could play in helping Research Organisations manage the rapid transformation

processes affecting science (especially the science -in-society aspects) and the actual impact RRI and OS currently has on these kind of organisations, research sectors and national research systems. ISQ is fully engaged in an experiment which had, as original objective, to test some of the main outputs emerging from WP1 (on governance settings), WP2 (on sectoral variability with respect to RRI) and WP4 (on training tools and actions) in a co-experience model, anchoring FIT4RRI experiment to an ongoing project in the Energy area. MOEEBIUS - Modelling Optimization of Energy Efficiency in Buildings for Urban Sustainability ( project was the selected one but, at the same time, ISQ decided to embrace a wider objective of developing an ISQ RRI model. In this sense, the list of objectives underlying this major experiment include: •

empowering ISQ researchers on RRI;

creating a Roadmap with recommendations on how to include the whole quadruple helix in ISQ’s R&D activity;

developing an RRI model for ISQ and a strategic plan to implement it.

We already launched the experiment with two kick-off workshops targeting ISQ researchers, a face to face training session on Open Science and a workshop with MOEEBIUS partners.


Newsletter of R+I Unit of ISQ Training Department December 2018 | Issue 17

Induce 4.0

After a development period, the course developed

M3 - Smart Robotics

under this Erasmus+ project is almost ready to be


tested in the six countries involved: Portugal,







Germany, Poland, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Romania. 3.2. Mobile Robots and their applications This new course comprises the following modules: M4 - Application of CPS/IoT across the process M1 - Introduction to Industry 4.0


1.1. The concept of Industry 4.0

4.1. Vertical networking of smart production

1.2. What are the benefits for SMEs


M2 - Solutions for Smart Production Environments

4.2. Horizontal integration via a new generation of

in the manufacturing sector

global value chain networks

2.1. Machine learning & Machine-to-machine

4.3. Acceleration through exponential technologies

(M2M) communications in smart production

If you want to benefit from the opportunity to

2.2. Application of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)/

participate in the testing stage of this course and

Internet of Things (IoT) in smart production

you are located in Portugal, please contact us by

2.3. Application of 3D printing in smart production

sending an email to

2.4. Application of Big Data and Cloud computing in smart production


Newsletter of R+I Unit of ISQ Training Department December 2018 | Issue 17

COMING TO AN END Co-creative

Collection, refurbishment, recycling or resale of objects condemned to the waste are initiatives that combine waste reduction and job creation. This was the aim of the Erasmus+ project Co-Creative Youth. During two years, seven partners from six European countries combined efforts to deliver a Competence Map of a co-creative upgrader and a Toolbox for project leaders in the reuse sector. Several local promotional initiatives were also implemented, during the European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) and European Sustainable Development Week (ESDW). ISQ had the opportunity to involve apprenticeship classes in open innovation laboratories for Circular Economy awareness and CSR initiatives related to environmental awareness. You are invited to attend the Co-Creative Final Conference at Ajjacio, Corsica, on 12th December 2018. If you want to learn more and download the project outputs visit Co-creative Youth website.


Newsletter of R+I Unit of ISQ Training Department December 2018 | Issue 17


EMVOI project developed a virtual learning environment allowing skills self -assessment and a tailored training to prepare for certification according to ISO 17024. The final certificate will be a clear proof of the manager’s qualification, therefore enhancing employability and opportunities

for job-related mobility. We are happy to announce that the development of the training material has been completed and we had the chance to refine it during our final meeting in Ajaccio! Partners are currently conducting pilot sessions in their countries with project managers and other stakeholders to evaluate and assess benefit and user-friendliness of the training course. Training Courses cover the following competences & skills, which have been carefully selected based on recognised project management literature: Initiating an EU project; Project Management; Project Team Management; Quality & Risk

Management; Financial Management & Report; Valorisation. Moreover, the training courses contain a chapter on national EU -funding programmes selected per partner country. They are structured into national level (national language), regional level (INTERREG) and centralized. You can access the training environment at and we would be happy to receive your feedback.


Newsletter of R+I Unit of ISQ Training Department December 2018 | Issue 17


The AMIF funded project “INTEGR8 – Harnessing the Potential of Migrant Women as Integration Experts” has come to an end after two years of implementation (2016-2018). Between September and November 2018, the ISQ Training R+I team conducted a set of activities that involved about 25 migrant women. These activities included the “INTEGR8 – Migrant Integration Expert Course” in six sessions, two practical workshops that aimed at promoting social inclusion of migrant women, and a seminar. Take a

peek at the “Workshop - Performance” held on the 21st of September in Arroios (Lisbon) which is known to be the parish in Portugal with the largest number of migrants. To learn more about this activity, visit the project Facebook page. The INTEGR8 training programme is also available online at http:// In Portugal, for more details, please contact Célia Tavares:

Refuskills Erasmus+ Refuskills project comes to an end. On the 22 nd and the 23rd of

November the final meeting and the final conference were held at CEOE Confederación Española de Organizaciones Empresariales - in Madrid. This project, in which ISQ participates along with other 13 organisations, aims to establish an easy-to-use mechanism that gives refugees/migrants an opportunity to document their skills and competences by using ECVET and the Learning Outcomes principles. If you want to learn more about the project, and/or how to generate a Refupass, register on the website.


Newsletter of R+I Unit of ISQ Training Department December 2018 | Issue 17

Training | R+I Team

Catarina Miranda

Lara Ramos

Raquel Almeida

Paulo Ferreira

Tânia Avelino

Célia Tavares

Vasco Gaião ISQ Training R+I Unit

Av. Eng. Valente de Oliveira, 19,

TAGUSPARK 2740-254 Porto Salvo Portugal Phone: +351 214 234 00


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