Newsletter of R+I Unit of ISQ Training Department December 2018 | Issue 17
CreO population
consumption have been exhausting Earth natural resources. It is necessary to change the current paradigm based on a linear model to a strategic concept founded on the reduction, reuse, recovery, and recycling of materials and energy. The Circular
Cultural and Creative Industries are regarded as
Economy is therefore a strategic concept for ISQ
one of the most promising fields of economic
Group. Our team started this November the fourth
activity in highly developed economies and
Erasmus+ project based on this theme: CIRCULINK —
classic industry sectors need to sharpen their
Collaborative Approaches for Linking Circular
awareness of the potential that CCI occupations
Economy Initiatives. Five partner organisations from
have for them. Based upon this premise, CreO
Sweden, Portugal, Spain, Ireland and Cyprus
project aims to mobilize the CCI Vocational
composse the Consortium and met in Virginia,
Education and Training trainees’ capacities and
Ireland, to begin the work. The two-year project will
talent and strengthen their collaboration with
comprise five b-learning units. The next months will
organisations outside the CCI areas. To this end,
be dedicated to assessing the training needs among
two training courses will be developed: one for
the project target groups: corporate trainers and
VET trainers that will impact on VET students
trainers in general, SMEs and Circular Economy
and another one for tutors and human
entrepreneurs. Don’t miss the next steps!
resources staff from organisations outside CCI about implementing work-based learning of CCI VET trainees. The project kick-of meeting took place in Bilbao, Spain, in October, with the representatives from the consortium of six organisations: Auxilium, from Austria; ISQ, from Portugal; Solski Center Celje and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, from Slovenia, and Ikaslan Bizkaia and Fondo Formación Euskadi, from Spain.