Get CYBERSMART with your personal details @SocialMediaQUB
With so much of our daily lives taking place online, from chatting to gaming, it is important that we think carefully about the information we share and who has access to it. Follow these five key tips to protect your privacy and keep your details safe when using social media and the Internet. PROTECT YOUR PASSWORDS It’s good to share, but not when it comes to passwords! Use a unique password for each site and keep it secret. Create strong passwords by using a combination of letters, numbers and symbols. And make sure you add a PIN to any mobile devices. DON’T OVERSHARE Information posted online can easily become public, so think before you post! Don’t share details like your address or phone number on social media. And don’t tell the world that you’re not at home or you might have unwanted visitors while you’re away! CHECK THOSE APPS Does that online game really need access to your email address, photos and friends list? Before using apps, check how much information they can access and how they will use it. Delete any apps from Facebook or others sites that you no longer use. DON’T FALL FOR SCAMS If it sounds too good to be true….. Be sceptical about competitions and offers for freebies that you see online. Never supply login details in response to an email or click a link to ‘update’ your account. Check the company’s official page if you’re not sure. KEEP UP-TO-DATE Protect any devices that you use by installing updates promptly and using the latest anti-virus and anti-malware software. Check your privacy settings for social media sites, change passwords regularly and delete any accounts that you no longer use.
For more advice on how to get CYBERSMART, visit