Architecture and Urban Design portfolio.
VOL. 1
+ 2015 2020
Israa Alkhalil Hussein
architecture portfolio_VOL.01
--This portfolio contains selected academic works done between 2015-2020
00. R es um e _Academic work 01. S I TOPI A
Design Studio VII / COMPETITION Urban Design_Research_Architectural Design
01. 2 1 st c en tury a fr i can ci t y
Design Studio VI / Urban Design_Research_Architectural Design
03. As wa n c olleg e of a rt and bui l di ng craf t
Design Studio VI / BACHELOR THESIS Architectural Design
04. ca i r o h ous es
Design Studio IV / Architectural Design_Residential Housing
+ + _Extracurricular work
05. D es i g n _ Vi s ua li sati o ns
The golden sand /
06. A r c h i tec tur a l s c ulpt ure
07. R i tua ls of th e un - fol ds
A Pilgrimage of One
Illustrations /
00 00
Israa Alkhalil Architect_Visual Artist
/CV // @ Email israaalkhalil97@gmail.com // Mobile # +201099029919 // Adress 5th Settlement, New Cairo. Linkedin_ Israa-alkhalil-hussein
I’m an Architecture and Urban Design Graduate, with a strong intreset in Visual Arts. I strive to incorporate my passion for arts to provide a complex understanding and conception of Architecture, currently aiming to expand my knowledge, learn and grow as an Architect.
OCT 2015 . JUN 2020
B.Sc.in Architecture and Urban Design. German University in Cairo
// Cumulative GPA: 1.81 [very good] in the german grading system. // Ranked 9th in semester 9 FEB 2019 . MAY 2019
Bachelor Thesis // Project Name: Vocational training center in Aswan. // Grade: A 2001 . 2015
Modern Schools of Egypt 2000 MSE.
// Autodesk AutoCAD // Autodesk 3DsMax // Adobe Photoshop // Adobe Indesign // Adobe Illustrator // Adobe Lightroom // Microsoft office Pack // V.Ray
Safwa Urban Development. [Intern] // Worked on multiple projects at different stages of design, including schematics and design development. JUL 2018 . SEP 2018
// Rhinoceros // SketchUp // Autodesk Revit // Lumion // Unity
Al Maraseem International for Development. [Intern] - Architecture department // Worked on residential projects and the design of a library in New Cairo. // 3D - modeling and visualization for on-going projects.Cairo.
EXTRACURRICULAR Creative Intern at Kijamii. // Worked on branding and some other design consultancy.
Member of the Architecture Association Club in GUC. Organiser, The 9th Alliance for Financial Inclusion AFI.
// Strong aptitude for accuracy and precision. // Critical Thinking. // Interest skills.
Mother Language
// English
// German
// French
01 01
+ 2020 .
/// Academic Work_
V2 .0 .
Design Studio VII_Competition Entry UIA2020RIO \\Urban Design_Research_Architectural Design By the Supervision of Prof. Holger Gladys Location Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Group Work (3)
Design studio VII_SITOPIA
_ Upscaling Complexo da Marés Food Horizon from Insecurity to Sovereignty_
academic work_
S I TO P I A V 2 . 0 For most of our existence on earth, we’ve lived in productive landscapes, we live in a world shaped by food, a Sitopia; [an artificial term of natural connection coined by Carolyn Steel: si: food, topos: place], food controls most of how we live our life. It’s important to show that alternatives to how we live our everyday, do exist, especially in a time when our cities are in crisis, we must develop new models that answer some of the big questions that yet to this day, remain unanswered.
How do we rebuild food systems for us to achieve resilience? How do we use food to animate our lives? How do we make food processes visible again? In short, how do we update to Sitopia v2.0?
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Design studio VII_SITOPIA
academic work_
[Urban Configuration] // 250m grid
Design studio VII_SITOPIA
Strategy //
Building on Plato’s “ a good society is one where everyone eats well ” The proposal introduces an urban food language, or a social matrix of programs, that form the grammar to the city. None of these proposals can notably contribute individually to the whole city, but working across different layers and scales, and imposing diverse changes that respond integratively to the surrounding context.
architecture portfolio_VOL.01
The imposed interventions will work in synergy, in a way that enables each intervention to have a powerful effect when operating individually, but even more powerful when all interventions operate simultaneously.
Maximum efficiency can only be achieved with the realization that the components of the proposed matrix, have to be both nested and interconnected, in other words; polycentric. The project aims to revitalize the area and relate the existing fabric in both scale and rhythm, and display the power of food production, in moving the people of Complexo da Maré, from striving for basic human needs to selffulfillment, derived from food sovereignty.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
academic work_ World recognition
Universal human SURVIVAL CODE
Food security
Disturbance in Social Structure
architecture portfolio_VOL.01
Design studio VII_SITOPIA
academic work_
Envisioned Urban Scenario_ 8
Design studio VII_SITOPIA architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Eventhough, historically Complexo da Mare was grants settling along the Guanabara bayside, an fishing to sustain themselves, the sea eventually absorbed from oil refining and the dumped sewag Fishermen, the original settlers of the area, lost th of income and foodsupply.
Ecum ilis del moluptium endit repera
academic work_
s gradually formed off immind have lived for centuries off got congested with toxicants ge water into the water basin. he trade and a primary source
Design studio VII_SITOPIA
The Fish Farm + Market
_The Structure could operate as an open fish market using the ties nets on poles as a shading canopy_
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
___The Fish Farm intervention offers a proposal for a simpler but smarter architecture. Placed in a context of high cultural and historical value, it seeks to be a complementary piece within the heterogeneity of the element that it houses today; the fishing bay, offering a sensory experience around play and wonder.
The fish farm is meant to bring back the original trade and culture of the residents of Complexo da Mare.The flexible structure is designed to be versatile, and easily transformable to adabt to multiple uses and purposes, blending in cultural and economic value, all under the umbrella of food production, consumption and distribution
_approach, towards making the fish farm a permenant structure_
_The nets could also form a fish farming network, starting at the sea_
[wooden poles set-up form a module]
[structural modules float between the vertical
[floors could be stacked as free open spaces to accommodate maximum numer of fish/food stals]
[circulation core enables vertical access accross the different layers]
academic work_
_ Both food and water infrastructure are interlocked in a delicate balance _
This cleanse scheme uses water purifying plants, that will be planted along the perimeter of the water stream, offers a template for a productive conservation strategy that is scalable and resilient.
[Water Purifying Plants | Guanabara Bay Cleanse Scheme]
Design studio VII_SITOPIA
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
[ The Composting Wall ]
The Composting Wall uses food waste as a fertilizer for new plant seedlings, the plants first grow roots within the structural frame of the wall, then are transferred to the ground.
[ The Foodscape ]
[ The A
academic work_
Abandoned Warehouse ]
[ The Food Stall ]
[ The Module ]
+ 1. Fabricate Metal / Wooden Platform
2. Assemble structural framework using Plywood Panels
GREEN HOUSE 3. Attach ramp structure
4. Put up Plywood partitions to divide one stall into 2/4 parts as needed
5. Fix shelves for product display TREE NURSERY A TREE NURSERY 6. Divide into flexible smaller units for various purposes
7. Replicate as needed!
Design studio VII_SITOPIA architecture portfolio_VOL.1
academic work_
_Food Production Hub
The Food Production Hub makes use of 2 abandoned warehouses, one of each is used as green house, the other is a stock storage space.The market provides vegetbales and fruits, fresh milk, cheese and meat, and also hosts food festivals, cultural events, and live cooking shows.
Deconstruction of Milk production Chain
The Hub will be able to connect local urban food production with local needs/demand (market) and local canteen at NGOs and vocational training centers, and at the same time, connect the metropolitan urban farming producers with existing food initiatives, in order to strengthen the metropolitan food production chain and local fresh food distribution.
manual will be provided to sellers and food entertatiners on how to set up a foodstall to display the diverse products and offerings.
Market Hall Ground Floor Level
+ Located
on opposite sides of the pedestrian bridge, the new typology physically and metaphorically breaks the boundry of Avenida Brazil in between.
Food Production Hub
Urban Section
Design studio VII_SITOPIA
_Agri-Vocational School
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
A major part of Favela culture has the Church as an institutuion and acess to food intertwined to a great extent.The more one goes to church, the higher it is guaranteed to recieve “the supplementry food basket”.According to Rio on Watch, events of Covid-19 increased demand on the supplementry baskets by at least 50%.
[Ground Floor Plan]
The intervention aims to create a new learning environment that is a bi-product of functional needs and the country’s cultural landscape. It also aims to diffuse healthy nutritional culture and urban gardening practices among individuals, as it adapts to the surrounding context and creates a connection with the local food policies.
[the module]
academic work_
_Tree Nursery
Tree nurseries are considered “live experimental laboratores” for agri-training students who are looking for agricultural knowledge.This knowledge could be passed on people of Complexo da Mare through Initiatives and awareness campains empowered by the NGOs. A Tree Nursery is mandatory, to experiment with diverse plants at a smaller scale, money could also be generated through the sale of plant seedlings. The Tree Nursery is a en entity responsible for food production proceses, starting with production of uniform-sized seedlings leading to even plantation stands, and production of disease-free planting stock.
[Tree Nursery Zoom-In]
_Fish++ Market
[Fresh Food Market] Ground Floor Plan
_Rehabilitation Seed Center
[Level 1]
[Level 2]
[Level 4]
[Laje/Roof Terrace]
[Level 3]
[Main Facade] Seed Center Schematic Floor Plans
academic work_
_Med Lab + Factory
This facility is meant to take “food production” to an advanced layer, beyond coffee beans.The research lab runs in a different scenario, that also starts with herb harvesting, Rio da Janeiro as a city , and brazil as a country can create medicines and remedies that are completely naturally extracted from its lands, and in the future export them to the whole world.
Design studio VII_SITOPIA architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Making the foodstall even more mobile, the intervention could be digitalized into a mobile phone app, connecting consumers and producers on a wider horizon.
academic work_
+A manual or framework will be provided by the NGOs & Edu-
cational Facilitites, to support individuals to kickstart their contribution to the food production strategy on a micro scale.The Foodstall plays a great role in mobilizing food options in the region, by making it more available and approchable, and consequently the affordability increases, contributing effeciently in overcoming food insecurity. The proposal starts from the formation of a network of agents to work with a food vulnerable community, with the intention of proposing concrete, viable and sustainable alternatives to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of Complexo da Mare.
Space Activators Network; New Urban Nexus_ 22
02 02
+ 2019 .
21st Century
/// Academic Work_
African City;
“re-imagine d ” .
Design Studio VI \\Urban Design_Research_Architectural Design By the Supervision of Prof. Holger Gladys Location Ningo Prampram, Ghana Group Work (2)
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Design studio VI_21st Century African City; “Re-imagined”
academic work_
2 1 st C e n t u ry A f r i ca n C i t y ; “ re - i m a g i n e d ” This is an analysis, a continuum, a theoritical and experimental study on the recently released proposal for the city of NingoPramPram. It discusses different narratives, scenarios from which the new city could gain a strong competitive edge, in the modern era,by holding on to its original agricultural roots and fishing heritage, and escelating from there to a self-sustained, regenerative city, and a global trading center. It experiments with multi-saled interventions in the various
layers of the city, looking for answers to one central question; // How an “food production” work as a catalyst for urban growth in the Twenty-First Century African City?
“---I think our governments will remain virtuous for many centuries; as long as they are chiefly agricultural.” Thomas Jefferson // 1787
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Design studio VI_21st Century African City; “Re-imagined”
+ +
+ academic work_
Design studio VI_21st Century African City; “Re-imagined”
“DIYs”; Between Past, Present and Future _
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Through out the history of Ghana, Tema in particular, urban planners and researchers have proposed a series of building manuals, DIY tool kits and guides that can be easily customized according to the living and working purpose of dwellers, provided with a general framework or area building codes.
academic work_
+ Food production systems, are like any other systems, very complex and multi-layered. Starting with the very basic key-word; “integration”, and that “wholes” are higher in values than sum of the “parts”, the proposals deal with the theme of food production from various different perspectives.
GIGA-mapping_ 28
Design studio VI_21st Century African City; “Re-imagined”
Info-graphics +
World population projected to reach 9.8 billion in 2050, and 880 million dwellers in Africa
In Africa, where 60% of the continent’s population is under 24 , the average age of farmers is 60 years old
Each year, 12 MILLION young people enter the workforce in Africa
Only 1 in 4 find a job
Bundling services can increase income +57% and yields +168%
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Currently, Africa is a NET IMPORTER of food (IN SPITE OF ALL ITS RESOURCES)
60% of solutions will incorporate advanced technologies in the next three years
By 2050, Africa could become a platform for global exports
[unlocking the power of agriculture as a job creation engine ]
1980// improved productivity of small farm-holders
Ensuring domination of export markets for produce
Building on this strength // attracted global investment
The Case Study of Thailand
CLIMATE CHANGE will cause yield losses 22% of in sub-saharan Africa
Start of processing food produce
Ability to export higher-value products
Investment in education
Expansion in higher value manufacturing
2020// unemployment rate of less than 1%
How farming could employ Africa’s young workforce- and help build peace // Kola Masha Ted 2018
academic work_
Strategy //
Objective //
_A master plan that offers a revolutionary vision for how urbanity and agriculture can be integrated to enhance the relationship between people and the land, creating new economic opportunities. _The master plan envisions a series of selfsustaining communities that are designed to encourage creative pursuits, offer a high quality of living, and integrate with larger regional open space, sites of production and hydrological systems. _This integration is a critical component of the innovation process that will fuel the economy.
+Integrate ningo prampram with Tema // Food production manufacturing export zone.
+Integrate food production with housing // Urban farming. +Integrated communities // Diverse functional communities + Input-output cycles that feed on each other. +Integrated educational programs // University campus: Live experimental laboratory. +Integratiive Alternative Medicine+Biotechnology plant based-lab // Farms as Research Labs. +Green web // Showroom for food production. +Participatory Agriculture // awareness pavillions + public urban gardens. +Agri-Preunership // Future= Agriculture + Technology= Digitalisation
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
“Anchoring” Strategy //
Design studio VI_21st Century African City; “Re-imagined”
Tema + Ningo PramPram
Starting with connecting Temas Industrial Zone to Ningo PramPram with an extended arm from the structural green web, with the aim of creating a multiplelink production cycle, where crops would be farmed in Ningo Prampram, shipped to the factory zone in Tema, a potential area for food production factories. When the food is processed, food production escelates to a new level of production, creating a broader job market and diversifying food production possibilities. Temas Fishing Harbour could also act as an important factor contributing
to the overall food production cycle. In the future, if the plan continues to blossom, Ghana could become one of the leading exporting countries of crops and food products. Ningo Pram-Pram will consequently become an attractive arrival city, after its “anchored” by Temas industrial zone and harbour.
32 academic work_
Design studio VI_21st Century African City; “Re-imagined” architecture portfolio_VOL.1
The Three Stage Rocket
+ Service Industry
Light Industry
Food Production
The plan is perceived as a ‘three-stage rocket’, starting with food production, then focusing onlight industry and finally attracting and developing a service industry
Tema’s Industrial Zone_
Food Production Process_
34 academic work_
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Design studio VI_21st Century African City; “Re-imagined”
Potential Food Production Zones
Ningo-PramPram Coastline_
academic work_ Region of a-Possible-Local Harbour +Salt Farm_
Structural Green Web + Low Income housing-Urban Farming_
Liesure Harbour_
University Campus District_
Trans African High-Way_
River Buffer_
Cargo Harbour_
Estuary Zone_
[Potential Food Production Zones in Ningo-Prampram] 36
Ningo-Prampram; the new arrival city.
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Ningo Prampram is expected to be an attractive site for workers from all over Ghana, typically village dwellers or the existing Ningo-Prampram inhabitants.This exact area, near a possible secod local harbour, creates an anchor point for a fisherman’s village. The fisherman’s village will house the people, within a flexible modular structure, on the outskirts of the new metropolis. The units can be tailored to different dwellers needs and uses.
The village will allow the dwellers to build the place they live in by themselves within a standardized framework.The structure also investigates the connection of people with their food and creates modules that connect architecture with agriculture.
Design studio VI_21st Century African City; “Re-imagined”
The Fisherman’s + “arrival” Village
+ academic work_
+ +
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Design studio VI_21st Century African City; “Re-imagined”
Structural Modules
academic work_
+ Aquaponic Farming
[ Zoom In ]
Apart from the flexible module, the new Fishermen’s village will offer,It will also incoporate the latest farming technologies, making the maximum output from the available resources.
// Aquaponic farming relies on fish waste as a fertilizer for plants, and simultanously, fish feed on the plants.
Understanding the module formations_ 40
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
[Apartment Version 1 -2 modules
[Duplex -4 modules-]
41 [Apartment Version 2 -2 modules
Design studio VI_21st Century African City; “Re-imagined”
academic work_ [Studio -1 module-]
[Farm Studio -2 modules-]
[Market Studio -2 modules-]
[Plans] 42
Design studio VI_21st Century African City; “Re-imagined”
The Research Lab_
Factory of Alternative Medicine //
Ghana can create medicines and remedies that are 100% naturally extracted from its lands, and in the future export them to the whole world. This cycle allows for a transition from merely production of food from the planted crops to “off farm” production in which farmers can expand their production to other parts of the food value chain.
These might include roles like vendors of planting material, suppliers for plants and herbs, doctors, techicians, representative members for the overall application process, logistics, and sales, thus generating more income and elevating the city’s urban image.
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
This facility is meant to take “food production” to a whole new level, beyond corn kernells & cocoa beans.The research lab runs in a different scenario, that also starts with herb harvesting.
+ +
+ +
academic work_
Research Lab_Factory of Alternative Medicine//Plan_
Research Lab_Factory of Alternative Medicine//Elevation_
Research Lab_Zoom In // Aquaponic Farming_
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Design studio VI_21st Century African City; “Re-imagined”
The Business District Pavillion
academic work_ // Envisioned Scenarios For Visitors inside the Pavillion
The Farming Pavillion functions as the “New City Service Centre”, an on ground facility, that delivers the necessary knowledge to express the importance of the plan. This Service Center is more than just a technical facility; it is a hub bringing together people for engagement. The New City Service Center will link local knowledge and expertise to the network of specialists in Ghanaian universities and the networks of the Urban Lab.
Design studio VI_21st Century African City; “Re-imagined”
The University Campus District Live Experimental Agricultural Laboratory //
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
The -University Campus Districtis considered an essential zone to kick-start the food production strategy. Agriculture Education is a very important tool at the beginning of the implementation process, many of the millenials lack enough knowledge and awareness about the possibilities and potential the agriculture sector holds for their future and the future of their country.
Around the campus area, is a vast area of land, which will be used as a “live experimental laboratory” for the students to recieve professional agricultural knowledge. The area could also withhold educational pavillions and modular structures for reading and experimenting, in order to enhance the quality of the experience.
48 academic work_
Farming in the“Y-axis”
Design studio VI_21st Century African City; “Re-imagined”
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
With the new identity,the city aims to shape for itself, creating a resilient economy from food production,the process will have to be faster and smarter.
Vertical farming could be a very convenient option.Regardless of its many advantages of saving land area and creating a moden image for the city, vertical farming could be a very useful tool, not onlyfor crop planting, but also for live stock operations.The structure offers an unseen integration of functions. Inhabited research and experimenting areas are contrasted by efficient,spaces of production, and storage
Vertical Farm // Cattle+Crops_ academic work_
Design studio VI_21st Century African City; “Re-imagined”
_Easier and faster access to international markets, through online networking.
+ _Eliminateation of storage costs by the use of mobile applications that estimate the average market consumption & needs.
_Easy access to agriculture knowledge & experiences with the help of online based farrmer-communities.
_Information about food production and factory locations and supply quantities are more accessable.
+ _Connection of farmers to nearby markets and easier & faster identification of potential costumers & what crops to produce.
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
_Drones roaming above agriculture fiields can predict future weather changes and notify farmers,causing less percentages of yield losses.
Future Proofing Gha
For the Srategy to yeras later, Ghana network all over t owners, markets, pr
And with the fourth the age of interne has to be incoporat in order to cont development in the
With the use of mob IoT, green houses production processi and will secure a the economic cycle. 51
academic work_ For the full document_
_With the help of drone collected data about the crop fields, farmers can get tailored financial plans and loans from banks.
For the full document_
ana’s Agriculture Based Economy //
work effeciently now and even 100 a will have to build a strong IT the city connecting farmers, land roducers etc.
industrial revolution striking up, et and digitalisation, Agriculture ted in the fast changing technology tinue to become the backbone of city.
bile applications, drones, sensors, and Artificial Intelligence, Food ing and manufacturing will be easier, stable place for most Ghanians in . 52
03 03
+ 2019 .
Aswan Co Art
/// Academic Work_
ollege of t and Building Craft ;
Bachelor Thesis Project \\Architectural Design_Urban Design By the Supervision of Prof. Location (Individual Work)
Dunja Karcher Aswan, Egypt
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Bachelor Thesis_Aswan College of Art and Building Craft
academic work_
AS WA N C O L L E G E O F A RT A N D B U I L D I N G CRAFT Aswan is a city that has an extremely remarkable heritage in crafts and folk arts. It is also known for its Nubian vernacular architecture and culture. So the task is to design a Vernacular Vocational Training Center that provides the specialized professional knowledge and skills to the people of Aswan, from workers to students or even tourists.
the labor market that will provide them an income for their financial independence, but also a space that encourages people and culture to interact.
The project’s goal is not only to design a vocational training center that provides useful skills and professions for young people, and give them a chance for immediate integration in
The selected site acts as the main gate of the city, It’s located at the southern side of Aswan near to The High Dam. The site has intense topography and no diversity in landuse or inhabitants.
Creating a place that reflects texture and materiality, translating it into a language that could be easily understood by the commons was very challenging.
55 [ 1930’s ]
[ 1950’s ]
[ Late 90’s ]
[ Early 2000’s ]
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Bachelor Thesis_Aswan College of Art and Building raft
Histortical Development _
[ Current Situation 2019 ] [ 1980’s ]
academic work_
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Bachelor Thesis_Aswan College of Art and Building Craft
[ Urban Analysis + Location ]
[ Landmark Map and Main Roads ]
[ Topographic Map ]
academic work_
[ Urban Analysis + Correction ]
[ Solid and Void ]
[ Urban Correction Map ]
The design phase started by trying to solve all the opposing problems that posed the site and its surrounding fabric, starting with filling all the gaps in the facing residential area with the missing facilities from commercial centers to some public spaces to encourage socialization and make the site more vibrant. The site isn’t friendly pedestrian, so some pedestrian routes
where added to make it a safer place for its people. Another issue that was easily observed from the solid and void map is that the streets are not well defined, some secondary streets have been constructed to link the new project with its surroundings. also some greenery is added to serve the inner part of the residential area.
Bachelor Thesis_Aswan College of Art and Building Craft
Architectural Concept _
[ [
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
[ [
Taking vertical axis from the urban fabric north of the plot in an aim to blend the mass with its context.
These vertical axis create vertical walls, which are used to further develope the form.
[ [
The vertical walls led to the creation of zones that was later turned into enclosed spaces.
The walls create some temporary spaces to exhibit the art work.
The w tectu shape throu wall acter eleme the s witho their ratio give is em of th
Imitat raphy idea o the bu the in atrium spatia moving vate s
walls are used as an archiure statement element, that es the user’s circulation ugh the spaces, where the loses its enclosing charr, and acts as a guiding ent. In an attempt to make spaces flow into each other out clear definition of r boundries or their sepaon from the exterior. they the feeling that the mass merging from the topography he site.
ting the language of topogled to the creation of the of split levels that makes uilding more dynamic from nside, creating a central m. Every level has its own al quality and funtions, g from public to more prispaces.
academic work_ [Informal residential settlements]
[Commercial Centers] // urban correction
[The Mass] Arts and Craft College
[The Arab Academy for Science and Technology]
[ Site with its surroundings ]
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Bachelor Thesis_Aswan College of Art and Building Craft
academic work_
[ Urban Sections ] 62
Bachelor Thesis_Aswan College of Art and Building Craft
// Levels +107, +109
The main entrance of the vocational school is located on the second floor level +107. Upon entering the building there’s a big entrance hall from where you can find an exhibition space displaying sculptures for sale that are done by the students in workshops with interactive role. You can whether complete your journey on this floor, where there are vertical walls that shapes the user’s circulation through the spaces, where the rammed earth thick walls guides through the whole floor. Or you can go downstairs to level +104 where the more private functions are located.
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
The split level create a big atrium in the middle of this floor, where’s a visual connection between the other floors of the
building. This central atrium aims to attract and entertain people through organizing a multitude of events that promote community spirit. One the right side, there are 4 workshops for soft crafts. There’s another stairs that takes you to level +109 where the classrooms are found. The Landscape has the same language of the building. Where The landscape materiality and texture shapes the experience of the user in space, the concrete leads from the street to the Vocational school where the greener emerge gradually. In attampt to establish an architectural symbiosis between the building and the landscape giving each equal weight, by shaping a unique experience inside and outside
academic work_
[ Second Floor Plan ] // Levels +107, +109
[ Section B-B ] 64
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Bachelor Thesis_Aswan College of Art and Building Craft
Floor Plans and Sections_
// Levels +104, +106
[ Section A-A ]
65 [ First Floor Plan ]
academic work_
// Level +102
[ Ground Floor Plan ]
[ Section C-C ] 66
Bachelor Thesis_Aswan College of Art and Building Craft
Materiality and Elevations_
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
The facade is composed of a strict pattern of longitudinal slits, each 50 cm and the spacing alternates. Designing the facade so that the different functions of the mass can be easily shown from the outside. Where the material used for the entire building is rammed earth, except for the 3 workshops that are going down with the topography, the used material is sandstone and they can be accessed directly from the west elevation. Rammed earth and sandstone are used in an attempt to reflect the local materiality and refer to the character of the place, but also to modern building traditions, such material and technological solutions as rammed earth technology mixed
academic work_ [ West Elevation ]
[ East Elevation ]
[ South Elevation ]
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Bachelor Thesis_Aswan College of Art and Building Craft
70 academic work_
04 04
+ 2018 .
/// Academic Work_
Bachelor Thesis Project \\Architectural Design _ Residential Housing By the Supervision of Prof. Ruairi O’Brien Location Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt Group Work (2)
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Design studio IV_CAIRO Houses
academic work_
Ca i r o H o u s e s The project is situated in an area with high demand for residential housing in Heliopolis “City of the Sun”, falling in an intersection of two main roads; Salah Salem and Abou Bakr El Seddik. The area is also considered a part of the city heritage because of some artistically valuable constructions in it.
a greater quality of living, with natural light, ventilation, accessability and privacy being the key elements of the development. The three-story building houses 2 studios, 2 duplexes and 2 apartments, all sharing the same core with a communal space.
During the design process we dealt with three main topics of architectural design; the form, the core and the envelope of the building, where focusing on providing a new identity to the neighbourhood was the main objective of the project, and
[ G
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Design studio IV_CAIRO Houses
Ground Floor Plan ]
academic work_
[ First Floor Plan ]
[ Second Floor Plan ] 74
Design studio IV_CAIRO Houses
Materiality and Sections_
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Concrete is used as the main material for the building, which adds warmth to the construction and also contributes to its integration with its surroundings. The spacious glazed window slits give the inhabitants a chance to prolong and enjoy the sun coming from the South. Also, the wall openings in the North elevation and the rising silhouette give the elevation a dynamic character.
[ Main Elevation ]
[ Main Section A-A ]
academic work_ [ North_East Elevation ]
[ South Elevation ]
[ Section B-B ]
[ Section C-C ]
05 05 lisation a u is
ion v isat isu
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2020 .
/// Extracurricular Work_
is thinking “ Design made visual.
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Design and visualisation
extracurricular work_
t h e g o l d e n sa n d
// The idea of harmony in a design scheme. ____ A spacious apartment made in a minimalist restained style, filled with warm light and a combination of different textures and patterns.
. 78
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Design and visualisation
Mixed patterns and materials that give layered depth to the scenes
80 extracurricular work_
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Design and visualisation
extracurricular work_
Salish Sea_ color
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Design and visualisation
Poetic minimalism
extracurricular work_
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Design and visualisation
. Warm tones
86 extracurricular work_
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Design and visualisation
extracurricular work_
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Design and visualisation
( travertine ).
extracurricular work_
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Design and visualisation
extracurricular work_
Sun ( gold ). color
Architectural Sculptures_SS2020
06 ARchitectural sculptures // Calligraphy_Visual Art
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
We were asked to transform the letters of the word in between into a graphical composition of horizontal and vertical lines. Later this composition is translated into into a 3 dimensional form.
The state of being neither at the beginning nor at the end; in a mediate position. 93
94 extracurricular work_
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Architectural Sculptures_SS2020
96 extracurricular work_
Rituals of the un-folds_
07 R i t ua l s o f t h e U n - F o l d s A Pilgrimage of One // Visual Design
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
The course scrutinized techniques from Medieval architectural representation in search of alternatives that integrate lost qualities back into the modern architectural image. Drawing upon Le Corbusier’s Promenade Architecturale, it unfolds the complexity of the architectural experience of La Tourette through a sequence that represents a continuously evolving visual experience.
extracurricular work_
READING ROOM Sainte Marie de La Tourette 98
architecture portfolio_VOL.1
Rituals of the un-folds_
extracurricular work_
LIBRARY Sainte Marie de La Tourette 100
. //
Israa Alkhalil Hussein israaalkhalil97 @ gmail.com