2 minute read
Fall 2018
A newly designed rest stop for cyclist is claiming sites along EuroVelo 6 route creating key destinations for travelers within 10 different countries. Locations vary and work as temporary hosts that offer local resources that vary across countries. VELOPODs are delivered to sites and are organized in a communal manner to facilitate multiple cyclists at a time. The VELOPOD is a mobile rest stop that mimics the vehicular typology of a modern bicycle to produce a replicable product. However, limited in its mobility, the VELOPOD entertains the idea of on-the-go compact living as well as a beacon for social interactions and urban escape.
Primarily stationed near agricultural and resource rich towns, the VELOPOD offers space for food preparation, sleeping, bicycle repair and gathering. Assembled with recycled materials, the VELOPOD introduces a subtle design aesthetic with intentions of becoming an iconic figure for the European Union. Consisting of 9 panels, a structural steel plane and curved aluminum tubes, the VELOPOD becomes yet another vehicle participating in a journey that spans 4,400 km. Precisely anchored to steel footings that dictate the pod’s orientation, this quality product can adapt and be replicated on a tight budget along majors parts of EuroVelo 6 route with minimal footprint.
Power Film
Custom OEM panel options
OEM Solar Modular Product.
Steel “Anchors”
Counterbalance the VeloPod with precise fit to the pods structure.
Ramp / Platform
Portable stage typology allows for stable and temporary usage.
The VELOPOD in its singular state can be paired with an assortment of platform combinations to distinguish it from its neighboring pods. The platforms work as accessories that extend services to the occupants. From circulation to outdoor space, the platform mirrors velodromes to produce a unique slope and space required for bicycles to maneuver. Embraced by a light weight platform, the VeloPod invites cyclist to use showers and water closets with its integrated grey water tank system. Solar energy claimed from its photovoltaic roof offers electricity to power electric devices and other camping apparatus’. Standing at 6 meters tall, the VeloPod remains a recognizable element to travelers and cyclist as they journey through EuroVelo Route 6.

PowerFilm lid provides shelter shade and shelter as well ass over 5kof solar power.
Shower & Water Closet Inegrated grey water system
Sleeping space for 2 guest. 5.5m2 Inclination provide shelter for bicycles.
Counter Space for food preparation.
The VELOPOD is assemebled by a crew upon delivery in a 42’ long trailer. Most of the VELOPODs components fit in this trailer leaving behind only the shower and waterclosets for grey water reclamation. The mobility of this rest stop is unique due to its semi permanence. As the VELOPOD visits different checkpints along the route, it becomes part of its location.
The VELOPODs stuctural sytem slides onto the steel anchor mimicing a railing system. The structure and anchor work together to provide space ans shelter for tavlers.
EUROVELO6 Route: St.Rémy la Varenne - La Daguenière