Athletic Department Handbook

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Athletics Department


INTRODUCTION The purpose of this manual is to list and explain the philosophy and policies of the department in relation to the interpretation at a general level as well as the particular security aspects of the Sports Department of the San Roberto International School (SRIS). The interest of the department is to seek a consistent application of these policies in all aspects of teaching and learning. In addition to this document, staff should be familiar with the current class schedules. This document contains details and relevant guidance for tasks that aim to achieve the goals in the various disciplines offered by the department. A copy of the manual is with the head of the department and the Campus Director.


Continuing Aims Staff Members Department Management Staff Expectation Department Resources Lessons Procedures

Representative Team Regulations San Roberto Representative Team ASOMEX Representatitve Team

Department Management

Safety policies [relevant safety policy according to subject] First Aiders Accident Management Setting work for absence Behaviour Management Specific Departmental Safety

CONTINUING AIMS To provide San Roberto International School students the opportunity to practice sports in an orderly manner, contributing to student´s well rounded development by encouraging and strengthening their motor, cognitive and emotional skills, as well as practicing institutional values and teamwork. Opportunities are provided to represent our institution in local, national and international sports events.

STAFF MEMBERS Subject/ Discipline




PE Teacher (Grades PN & N)

Rolando Cázares


PE Teacher (Grades PI, PII & PP)

Luis Enriquez


PE Teacher (Grades 1-5)

Juan Beas


PE Teacher (Grades 1-5)

Gerardo Oyervides


PE Teacher (Grades 6-9)

Jose Juan Martínez


PE Teacher (Grades 6-9)


Hector Oviedo


Soccer Coordinator

Basketball & Track & Field

David Arriaga


Basketball & Track and Field Coordinator


Jorge Herrera


Athletics Director


Saira Cortés


Department’s Assistant


Academic Class



Carlos Belmares

Academic Class


Academic Class


Academic Class


Academic Class


Academic Class

Subject/ Discipline PE




Rosa Colmenero


PE Teacher (Grades PN & N)

Roman Ramirez


PE Teacher (Grades PI, PII & PP)

Leonardo Trejo


PE Teacher (Grades 1-5)

Jefte Aguirre


PE Teacher (Grades 6-9)


Homero Guajardo


Soccer Coordinator

Basketball & Track & Field

Francisco Lerma


Basketball & Track and Field Coordinator


Jorge Herrera


Athletics Director


Karla González


Department’s Assistant

Academic Class


Academic Class




Academic Class


Academic Class

DEPARTMENT MANAGEMENT Staff Expectation Responsibilities of the Physical Education teacher The Physical Education teacher is the person responsible for the planning, teaching and evaluation of the Physical Ed class that is taught as part of the academic curriculum for the grades of Nursery to 9th grade. The Physical Education teacher is responsible for: 1. Maintain stock levels of PE materials and equipment 2. Monitor the proper functions of the sports equipment 3. Prepare all the material for PE class 4. Monitor group attendance at physical education sessions, according to the schedule 5. Maintain updated inventory of his/her equipment and materials 6. Planning, delivering, evaluating and grading PE classes Responsibilities of the sports trainer The sports coach is the person responsible for the planning, delivery and evaluation of training sessions for students at all grade levels or categories. The sports coach is in charge of: 1. Maintain stock levels of sports equipment and materials 2. Monitor the proper functions of the sports equipment 3. Prepare all the material for training sessions and games 4. Monitor team attendance at training sessions and games, according to school schedule and league schedules 5. Maintain updated inventory of his/her equipment and materials 6. Develop the motor and cognitive skills of students according to their level of development 7. Support school activities Responsibilities of the Soccer Coordinator The soccer coordinator is the person responsible for the planning, organization, supervision and monitoring of the soccer program delivered to students from preschool II to 9th grade. He is in charge of supervising training programs, communication with coaches and parents, promotion of sports activities, professional development of coaches, supervision, etc.

Responsibilities of the Basketball and Track and Field Coordinator The basketball coordinator is the person responsible for the planning, organization, supervision and monitoring of the basketball and track and field programs for students from preschool through grade 9. He is in charge of supervising training programs, communication with coaches and parents, promotion of sports activities, professional development of coaches, supervision, etc. Responsibilities of the Athletic Director The Athletic Director is the person responsible for the planning, organization, direction, and supervision of the Athletics Department of the two campuses who will lead the department to promote the development of values and habits through sports activities in ISR students.

Resources for the Department The equipment request must be made annually and the consumables request must be made through the Purchasing department. All sports coaches and staff are responsible for the proper use of department resources, equipment and facilities.

Training and Games Procedures To have an efficient use of time and facilities, it is necessary to follow these procedures: Trainers: 1. The coach must report the group attendance, the conditions of the sports area and any incident during the training / game to the corresponding Coordinator or the department secretary. 2. It is the coach's responsibility to direct the training session or game. 3. Cleaning and delivery of students: It is the responsibility of the coach to direct his students during the time of clean up and delivery of students.

Procedures for the students I. Attendance and Punctuality Registration and Calendar 1. All students have the right to enroll in the sports / activities offered by the Athletics Department according to age, sports level and team limit. 2. The registration fee will not be reimbursed.

3. In the event that sports practices are suspended due to professional development of teacher or student led conferences (TLC or SLC) during the morning, sports practices will also be suspended. Punctuality 1. The students must show up to the training sessions according to the schedule and place established. They will report immediately with their coach, at least five minutes before the scheduled time of the training session. 2. For punctuality and attendance, the next aspects will be noted a. All absences have to be justified and notified with anticipation in writing, email, phone or in person, to the coach or area secretary. b. Every week, the training sessions will be as follows: i. Sports School male students (PII and PP): 2 soccer training sessions and 2 basketball training sessions. ii. Sports School female students (PII and PP): 4 basketball training sessions. iii. Soccer 1st to 9th grades: 4 sessions iv. Basketball 1st to 9th grades: 4 sessions v. Track and field 1st to 9th grades: 4 sessions 3. A 10-minute extension will be given for training sessions, after that, it will be considered as tardy. Two tardies will be considered as one absence. 4. An unjustified absence will be sufficient enough reason for decreasing the time of participation of the student, in the next game. 5. Two absences will be reason enough not to be summoned in the next game. 6. A justified absence is considered for: a. Activities where the ISR is officially represented and interferes with training schedules. b. Sickness, justified by a Doctor´s note. 7. Any other absences, should be previously communicated to the coach, who will assess the situation and decide if its justified. Please notify in writing, an e-mail, a telephone call, or personal communication (avoid communicating during training schedule). 8. An absence will not be considered as justified when caused by any other class or training, that is not from the ISR sports team. The only external training that is justified are those in which the student forms part of a state or national team, or belongs to a professional team’s official basic forces (Tigres, Rayados, etc.) with previous evaluation by the Athletics Department for its justification. 9. Any other situations, besides the above (birthdays, trips, etc.) will not be justified. For an event that requires the presence of the other team mates, the interested party should contact the coach one month previous to the event, who after consulting with the coordinators, will notify if it is possible to reduce training time. Training will not be suspended, nor will any game be cancelled. 10. Students who do not comply with more than 70% attendance of the total trainings during the school year, will lose their right to register the following year, to any activity from the Athletics Department. 11. Students who are conditioned by their low percentage of attendance must meet 90% attendance at training per term. Failure to comply with the above will cause the student to be withdrawn from the team.

II. Weather Conditions 1. Training sessions will be suspended in case of: a. Extreme weather conditions: i. When the temperature is below 6°C or above 40°C. Information according to Monterrey’s channel 2. ii. Torrential rain or electric storm (When Local authorities recommend not leaving the house or that the trip risks the safety of the families). b. Coach’s Professional Development c. Student Led Conference (SLC) or Teacher Led Conferences (TLC) d. Holidays. e. ISR special events. f. When the air quality does not meet the conditions for outdoor activities. 2. Rain. If it starts raining before or after the trainings, the following will proceed: a. Valle Alto Campus: Sport Initiation, Sports School, Track and Field, Basketball and Soccer trainings are not suspended. Training sessions are moved indoors. b. San Agustin Campus: Sport Initiation, Sports School, Track and Field, Basketball and Soccer trainings from 3th through 9th grade are not suspended. Soccer, Basketball and Track and Field for 1st and 2nd grade students are suspended. To obtain information about the suspension of training sessions due to bad weather please contact: • Athletics Department in Valle Alto ext. 2154 or ISR reception desk. • Athletics Department in San Agustin ext. 1522 or ISR reception desk from 10:00 to 18:00 hrs or check the ISR portal. If there is no information at that time, it is recommended to maintain communication with the school in the following schedule: 2:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m., and 5:30 p.m.

III. Sports Wear 1. Students must present themselves wearing the proper clothes according to the sports being practiced. a. Beginning in first grade, students must present themselves to soccer training with tennis shoes and cleats; otherwise participation will be denied. b. Beginning in first grade, students must present themselves to track and field, and basketball training with sports clothes and tennis shoes.

2. Students must present themselves to games and/or competitions with the complete representative uniform of the sport practiced. a. The entire soccer uniform includes: jersey with number, shorts, long socks, knee pads and cleats. b. The entire basketball uniform includes: jersey with number, shorts, socks and sport’s tennis shoes. c. The entire track and field uniform includes: jersey, shorts, socks, and sport’s tennis shoes. d. Any student who does not present himself, with the entire uniform, to a game and/or competition will not participate in it. 3. Clothes and shoes exchanges with another teammate, will not be allowed. 4. Not complying with the above, will be reason enough to eliminate participation in trainings and games, all absences will continue to be registered.

Safety Notes 1. For sports activities during winter, the students may keep the school’s uniform (pants and jacket). 2. It is necessary that the students wear the appropriate sports shoes in the right size for their own safety, according to the sport activity practiced. 3. All clothing must be marked with the full name of the students, not the initials, since the first day of training sessions. 4. The use of accessories such as necklaces, earrings, watches, etc. is not allowed.

IV. School Material 1. The students are responsible of their material and belongings as well of the facilities, material, equipment, and furniture of the school. In case of destruction or abuse of any object it will be charged to the family’s account. 2. The Department will not be responsible for lost items. All the lost items will be taken to Lost & Found. 3. All the school bags or belongings must be left in order by the area where the student is while he/she is training.

V. Courtesy habits & Student behavior

1. The students must maintain a behaviour congruent with the ISR philosophy. 2. Maintain a positive attitude, with a desire to learn and of get better every day. 3. The students must address everyone with respect. 4. Respect their teammates and coach at all times, avoiding foul language, nicknames, and any hostile situations towards team-mates and adversaries such as nicknaming, mockery, use of physical force or psychological pressure. 5. Respect and follow the coach´s training instructions and game decisions (changes among players, team direction, and movements inside the field). 6. Adequate use of sport´s material and facilities as well as only using equipment with the coach´s authorization and supervision is expected. 7. All the school places must be respected always taking care and keeping clean the school facilities (sports fields, courts, gym, bathrooms, gardens, etc.). 8. Avoid playing or disturbing in the hallway area, when arriving early or before departure at the end of the training. 9. The students must have lunch exclusively at the cafeteria. Never inside the gym or at the sports fields or courts. 10. In order to maintain an appropriate learning environment, the students who have a dating relationship must refrain of displaying any physical affection inside the school. 11. The use of cell phones is not allowed during training sessions or games. 12. Any improper behaviour will be sanctioned. The sanction will depend on the magnitude of the fault, and will be notified in a written or verbal manner. Consequences will be assigned according to the severity of the case and following the ISR Discipline Handbook. 13. Behaviour regulations must be followed while wearing the uniform inside and out of the school. 14. Students enrolled in afterschool sports and who play with some external team (soccer basketball) will not play against San Roberto International School teams in any competition and category. Students who fail to comply with this measure will be removed from San Roberto International School’s team.

VI. Sports Activities 1. Sport Initiation for Nursery: This course is aimed to students in Nursery. The objective of this class is to contribute in the general motor skills development of the children, supporting basic skills (running, jumping, falling, throwing, catching, pulling, pushing, etc.) through recreational games in the following sports: soccer, basketball, track and field, gymnastics, and educational games. Schedule: Monday to Friday 12:00 to 1:15 p.m. 2. Sport Initiation: In this course Preschool I students, will receive general instruction for sports that are delivered at the school. They will develop basic techniques with adequate tools for their abilities through recreational games in sports such as soccer, basketball, track and field, and gymnastics. Schedule: Monday to Friday 12:30 to 1:45 p.m. 3.Sports School : Sports school is directed to Preschool II and Preprimary students, with the objective of favoring a harmonious development of motor skills and developing the upper and lower body coordination. Boys participate in soccer and basketball, while girls learn about basketball. Schedules: a. Basketball (Preschool II): Tuesday and Thursday, 12:30 to 1:45 p.m. b. Basketball (Pre primary) : Monday and Wednesday, 1:30 to 2:45 p.m. c. Soccer (Preschool II): Monday and Wednesday, 12:30 to 1:45 p.m. d. Soccer (Preprimary): Tuesday and Thursday, 1:30 to 2:45 p.m. 4. Track and field: Sports aimed to elementary and middle school students. The objective is to develop conditional skills such as force, speed and resistance; in addition, to dominate execution techniques of every test that will help them develop tenacity. Track and field´s specialties are: a. Races: Hurdle, long distance and relay. b. Throws: Shotput (bala), ring toss (aro), disc, javelin and mini-javelin. c. Jumps: High/long jump. 5. Soccer: Soccer as a discipline will favor the development of the conditional skills of students, while they acquire the fundamentals of this sport, like conducting, passing, shooting, and the different positions within the field among others. They will also develop exercise and healthy life habits, as well as team work skills. 6. Basketball: Basketball as a discipline will favor student´s motor skills, knowledge and practice of technical basics and tactical basics, as well as habits for a healthy life and team work.

VII. Games and Competitions 1. Students will arrive 30 minutes prior to the game time scheduled. 2. Tardies will condition the participation time in the game. 3. An unjustified absence to a game, will condition the student to participate in the next game, even though attendance will be required to all his trainings; otherwise, the sanction will extend until normal attendance to all practices occurs. 4. Unjustified absences to more than 3 games are reason enough, to be dismissed from the team and loose the right to register in the next school year, in any activity of the Athletics Department. 5. Students must show a respectful attitude and camaraderie towards the opposite team’s members and followers. 6. Students will respect the referee´s decisions at all times. 7. Students will take care of the facilities of every institution they visit. 8. No player will abandon the game without previous authorization from the coach.

VIII. Sports Leagues 1. Sports School League (Basketball) The Sports School League, is organized in the male category by the American Institute of Monterrey and in the female category by the Colegio Ingles. Teams are composed of both ISR campuses from preschool II through 3rd grade students. The 4th grade San Roberto Teams also participate. The league is ranked as a high competition level. 2. Monterrey Basketball League The Monterrey Basketball league, is organized by professor Armando Villanueva. Its competitive level is medium, and has many teams, which is why 2, 3 or 4 teams are formed by level or category by school. This permits ISR to enroll the prospect teams (the ones who are in the learning process), as well as teams with less than 10 players. 3. CECAFF League (Soccer) This league is organized by the Centro de Capacitación y Formación Futbolística , and is played in the format of soccer with 5 and 7 players. The participating teams are the Sports School and the first grade teams with a smaller number of students required to participate in the format of soccer with 5 and 7 players.

4. 7 Soccer League The 7 Soccer team is organized by the Professor Armando Villanueva. Prospect teams participate, and teams with less players than the necessary to participate in soccer 11 format (from 1st to 9th grade). This 7 vs. 7 format contributes to the development of the knowledge of the rules, as well as a higher level of participation by individual players. 5. Sports School League (Soccer) The Sports School League is organized by the American School Foundation for male categories and San Roberto International School for female categories. Every male category from each campus from 1st to 9th grade (that have 13 or more players), participate. The San Roberto female category teams also participate in the Sports School League that offers a highly competitive level. This participation contributes to the preparation of teams for the ASOMEX events. 6. Nuevo Leon’s Parent´s Union League In this league San Roberto teams such as elementary and middle school male category teams (formed by students from both campuses) participate. It’s the most competitive level league in the city. This participation contributes to the team preparation for ASOMEX events.

IX. Sports Tournaments and Competitions In addition to the leagues, the teams participate in tournaments and invitational competitions. Local, National and eliminatory tournaments exist. Depending of the regulations of each event the ISR team of every unit or the San Roberto team can participate accordingly. Local Tournaments a. Liceo Cup b. CECVAC Cup c. CECAFF Cup d. IRISH Cup e. Brillamont Cup f. Himalaya Cup g. Anglia Cup

National Tournaments h. ASOMEX Tournament

Eliminatory Tournament i. Disney Cup j. State Tournament

X. Departure procedure for games outside San Agustin Campus Permission for early leave and/or absence to attend games outside the school, is limited to: 1. invitational cups or tournaments. • The Athletics Department will request early leave permission to the Principals, who will previously examine the academic situation of the students to consider if they are candidates to miss school. (Parents should not request the permission). • With the Principal’s authorization, the coach will notify the family about the absence or early departure. 2. In local leagues with 3:00 p.m. beginning time, in different locations from the campus. Note: The Athletics Department will be the only one requesting and giving notice of the authorization of student´s departures. Walking Permission : a. The Athletics Department will send an e-mail to the team teachers, principals, vice principals, receptionists, security department, mothers and fathers of the students/teammates in question, with the student´s departure procedure and a list of their names. The e-mail will be sent at least one day before the game. b. The students will have permission starting at 1:50 p.m. exclusively to change clothes and be at the field #1 at 2:15 p.m. c. Parents will pick up their children in the parking lot in front of field #1. d. The early dismissal permission will not extend to brothers and/or sisters.

XI. Departure procedure for games outside Valle Alto Campus The permission to leave early and / or absence to attend games outside of ISR, is limited to: 1. Tournaments or Invitational Cups. • The Athletics Department will request to the Directors authorization to leave early, they will first check the student’s academic situation to consider if they are candidates for missing classes. (Parents should not ask for permission). • With the authorization of the Director, the coach will notify the family about the absence or early departure. 2. Local Leagues with start time at 3:00 p.m. The Athletics Department will be the only one to request and give notice of the student’s departure authorization. (Parents should not ask for permission). The process for early departure will be as follows: a. The Sports Coordinator will send an email to the Directors to request the team members’ early departure and attach a list with the name of the players. b. Once the departure is authorized, the coach notifies the parents and shares the procedure so that they pick up the players on the corresponding date and time.

c. Once the departure is authorized, the coach notifies the reception about the early departure due to the game by email, and attaches a list with the names of the players. Reception will notify Security Department. d. Parents must park their vehicle and go to the Reception or Main Entrance Area to pick up their children, as well as pick up the Release Authorization Form and deliver it to the shift security guard at the school entrance. e. Parents should accompany their children to the car and leave the parking lot on Rancho Acapulco Street. f. It will be the family’s responsibility to inform their children about the departure place (Reception / Main Entrance Area)

XII. Suspension of games 1. Game suspension a. The information about suspended games will be provided in the Athletics Department after 13:00 hrs. This is the time ISR receives information from the leagues regarding any change or cancellation of games. b. In case the league does not indicate cancellation, it is the team’s obligation to attend the game. c. The league is the only official organization responsible of determining if the games programmed will be cancelled. 2. Communication for games from Monday to Friday The communication channels for information on a game situation will be: a. The representative mom from the team will be notified about the game situation. (All the teams will have a Whatsapp group to transmit information, avoiding the department’s saturation of calls which makes communication more complicated). b. Information in the Athletics Department. 3. Weekend game communication Game cancellations on Saturdays will be notified in the following manner: a. The coach will communicate with the representative mom to give notice of the game cancellation. (On Saturdays there is no staff in the Athletics Department or at the school´s reception). b. The representative mom will make the first call starting the Whatsapp group. c. If the games are at the school’s facilities, the guards will have information.

XIII. Procedure for Training Suspension on Game Days The training suspension on game days will be applied under the following situations: 1. Sports School - PII and PP: The training suspension applies when teams have games programmed to start at 3:00 and 4:00 p.m. regardless that the game is not of the sport for which the team trains that day.

a. Training suspension does not apply when games are programmed from 5:00 p.m. and on. b. For teams that operate under team member rotation process: If a team member is not summoned for the game, that student will have training, and will integrate to another team that day. The coach will inform the parents and homeroom teachers about the suspension of training sessions. 2. Sports 1st through 9th: Soccer, Basketball and Track and Field Training will be suspended when it coincides with games or competitions.

XIV. Team Formation ISR sport’s teams are formed in the following manner: 1.From PII to 2nd grade, the teams are balanced in quantity and sports level of their teammates. They are called Bucks and are assigned a color depending on the number of teams. 2. From 3rd grade on, the players are evaluated at the beginning and end of every school year and then integrated to teams based on their results, performance during the year and compliance with the rules. In case the student does not attend the evaluations with a reasonable justification, the grade assigned will be not evident but will be averaged with the rest. 3. Beginning in 4th grade, the San Roberto Teams (representative teams) are formed. They are formed by the students with the more developed physical and sports skills. The team formation is based on the results of the evaluation done at the end of the previous school year, the performance during the year, compliance with the rules, and tactic performance.

XV. Drop out procedure 1. The mother or father will notify through a written message the team´s coach and the area’s coordinator, specifying their motive for requesting their child to drop out from the team. 2. The area coordinator will assess the situation, and then decide if the student can join the representative team the following school year. 3. Suspension of attendance to training sessions will not represent a formal drop out from the team. In this case, the student will cause a drop out without rights, and will not be able to enroll the following school year to any activity offered by the Athletics Department. 4. In case of dropping out repeatedly (every school year), student’s enrollment to the ISR representative team will be conditioned. 5. To request the drop out of the San Roberto team, the procedure must be followed and should be done when the decision has been made, because the lack of attendance to training sessions or games will be sufficient cause not to be considered the following school year.

XVI. Parents procedures 1. Parents will be responsible of making driving arrangements for their children´s trainings and games. 2. Parents will make sure their children have the proper equipment and uniform necessary for practice and games. 3. Parents will respect their child´s performance at all times. They will recognize the effort made in the field, without directing their child’s participation. 4. All physical and verbal interventions from a parent, watching practice or at a game, are restricted. Otherwise, they will be sanctioned by the ISR administration, depending on the severity of the action, and have the correspondent sanction indicated in the league’s regulations. 5. Parents will remain in their designated seats, otherwise, they can be asked to leave the premises. 6. Parents will be respectful of: a. Coach’s game direction and decisions. b. Player’s changes and/or game movements. c. Referee’s decisions, avoiding claims. d. Opposite team members and followers. 7. Any suggestions and/or comments should be made in written form to the coach, as well as the coordinator of the area and the Athletics Director. An appointment with the person responsible of the teams could also be made to discuss the matter. 8. The following consequences will be enforced if any of the above are not followed: a. First Incidence. – It is made known with a notification to the parent of the involved family. b. Second Incidence. – The parent in question involved will be dismissed from five games, where any of his children participate.

REPRESENTATIVE TEAM REGULATIONS. San Roberto’s team players must comply with the established guidelines so that they can be eligible to participate in national or international tournaments. National tournaments: • Academic Eligibility. (The student must have passing grades in the academic and non-academic subjects in the two-month period prior to the event). • In the event that a student fails on one or more subjects, the student will not be able to participate in the ASOMEX event, leaving his place available for the tournament. For Example: If the national tournament it’s in January, the two bimonthly GPA (grade point average) will be taken into account.

Eligible Player SUBJECT
















Non-Eligible Player

International Tournaments The student must have passing grades in conduct in order to participate. Local Tournaments If the tournament requires the student to miss classes, he/she must have authorization from his/her principal to participate n the tournament.

II. San Roberto Players. Soccer and Basketball: San Roberto representative teams will consist of students who meet the following requirements: 1. Player enrolled in ISR Athletics. 2. Complete the process of physical and technical evaluation of the sport in question. 3. Obtain the minimum results required to make it on the representative teams. 4. Receive a formal invitation from the Athletics department asking for the student to participate on the San Roberto Representative Team. San Roberto Representative team players must show loyalty to their teams, promoting BUCKS identity. The authorization to participate representing another institution or sports club above the San Roberto team must be in line with the San Roberto regulatory guidelines. Athletics and Swimming: Only students who are enrolled and participate actively in the sports program will be consider for sporting competition.

III. San Roberto Representative Team Every player must comply with the established San Roberto guidelines so that he can be eligible to national or international tournament. The present regulation is obligatory for all team players and their parents, which will be applied to the sporting events where the San Roberto´s Representative Team is participating. Goals • Instill the habits and values promoted by sports. • Guarantee a process of team selection and preparation, adhering to the guidelines established by San Roberto. • Select the students with the best sports performance to make San Roberto Representative team. • Creating a defined Identity for the BUCKS, through collaboration and teamwork between coaches, parents and players. • Consolidate the sports program school level as one of the best in the country.

IV. ASOMEX Team Selection Process The team that will be integrating the ISR delegation into ASOMEX will be defined as follows: 1. All selected players from San Roberto team category and the respective younger generation are called for the tournament and they will be eligible to form part of the ASOMEX event. 2. Based on the category and tournament, a minimum and maximum number of players will be established to form the team. 3. Principals will inform which students are eligible to be considered for the ASOMEX tournament. 4. The San Roberto Athletics Department conformed by coaches, Coordinators and Athletics Director will define the integration of the ASOMEX final team players. The Following Information will be considered: Sports performance shown in games and practices. Team Tactical Characterization. Compliance with San Roberto Regulations. Academic Authorization.

5. The Athletics Department will send a formal announcement of the chosen players who will be invited to represent San Roberto in the ASOMEX tournament. 6. If the student accepts the invitation to the tournament ASOMEX he/she agrees alongside with his/her parents to comply with the San Roberto representative team regulations along with ASOMEX guidelines. a) Cover expenses for the tournament. b) Comply with the official game uniform required by the school. c) Comply with San Roberto Regulations. d) Comply with the ASOMEX event guidelines.

V. Training and game attendance Attendance and Punctuality: 1. The San Roberto team players must attend to the San Roberto Representative team Practice. 2. The headquarters of the San Roberto Representative Team will be determined by the Athletics Department. 3. The following aspects of attendance and punctuality will be taken into account: • Any absence must be notified in advance in writing, in person, via email to the coach, Athletics Director or secretary. • A 10 minutes margin will be given for training arrival, if the student does not arrive within this time period, the student will be given a tardy. • An unjustified absence will be sufficient reason to condition the student's participation in the next game. Justified Absences: a) Official ISR activities where scheduling overlaps with school classes and trainings. b) Illness issues or injury with medical evidence. c) Players participation in a game and / or tournament of: • State or national representation in final stages. • Professional basic forces. • For TEC, UDEM or other high school teams, only in the case of 9th grade ISR players 4. The only external training that is justified are those in which the student is part of: • State or national representative teams. • Belonging to official basic forces of professional teams (Tigres, Rayados). • Some TEC, UDEM team or other highschool only in the category of 9th grade. 5. For any other situations, you must inform the coach in advance, they will review the situation to justify it or not. Please deliver the report in writing, via e-mail, telephone or in person (please avoid sending information during training hours).

6. Any absence resulting from attending another training or class that is not a part of the ISR will not be justified. In any of the above cases, the information must be evaluated and authorized by the Athletics Department to determine if it’s justifiable. 7. The San Roberto Representative team student must comply with a percentage of attendance at games not less than 80% of the total number of games prior to the main competition. A student who fails to meet the minimum percentage required to attend games, will lose his/her right to join the San Roberto Representative team in the current school year. 8. Students who do not comply with a percentage of attendance of more than 70% of the total amount of trainings prior to the competition, will lose their right to join the San Roberto Representative Team that will attend the ASOMEX Tournament. 9. Students who are conditioned by their low attendance percentage must comply with a 90% attendance to monthly training sessions, otherwise the student will not attend the ASOMEX Tournament. 10. Students who dropped out of a selection process will have the opportunity to be eligible for the next school year, entering the team in a conditional manner, in case of repeated non-compliance he/she will lose the possibility of being taken into account in another selection process of the sport in question or another within the sports program of the ISR.

VI. Uniforms For all students who represent the school in leagues and tournaments, it is mandatory to use the official ISR sports uniform (PESA brand). For national tournaments the student must use the BUCKS local and visitor uniform (PESA Brand). The team is not allowed to have any additional uniforms for the tournament. Only PESA brand can be used. The numbering of the game uniforms shall be assigned by the Athletics Department area, this is mandatory. In case of numbers repetition between players, the sports department will determine which player should change the number of the shirt. The uniform supplier will have this information to facilitate the application process of the number. During game season, it its necessary to follow the complete uniform guidelines. It is mandatory for the player to wear the complete game uniform and the assigned number. Failure to comply with the above regulations will automatically qualify the student for withdrawal from the team.

Safety Management Safety policies [relevant safety policy according to the subject] The teachers are responsible for their students´ safety.

Specific Department Evacuation Procedures Listed in “Crisis Management Handbook” We will follow the Emergency Protocol

First Aiders According to the “Local Health and Safety Policy Document “: The employees of this organization support the Safety Policy Statement written by the Chief Executive, Nord Anglia Education Ltd. The overall responsibility for health and safety on the following persons to ensure health and safety standards:


Campus Director

Gilberto Granados

Security and Facilities Manager

Olga Rodríguez


Ma. Elizabeth Flores Fierro


Blanca Andrade

Preschool Principal

Aime Cano And Nora

Elementary Principal and Vice-Principal

Laura Elizondo and Joanna Hamilton

Middle School Principal and Vice-Principal

Jorge Herrera

Athletic Director

Yerika Zambrano and Marlene Juárez

ISR Talents Coordinator and ISR Dance Coordinator

VALLE ALTO Diana Garza

Campus Director

Noe Vázquez

Security and Facilities Manager

Claudia Pérez


Ana Olvera


Rossana Gutierrez and

Early Years Principal and Vice-Principal

Karina Salas and Jessica Elizondo

Upper Years Principal and Vice-Principal

Jorge Herrera

Athletic Director

Yerika Zambrano and Mariam Garza

ISR Talents Coordinator and ISR Dance Coordinator

All Employees have to: • co-operate with supervisors and managers on health and safety matters; • avoid interfering with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety; • take reasonable care for their own safety and for the safety of others who may be affected by their actions at school • report all health and safety concerns to the persons named above. Accident Management According to the “Crisis Management Handbook” Behaviour Management The Athletics Department follows the behavior policy established in the “Discipline Program Handbook” Specific Departmental Safety The Athletics Department follows the safety regulations list in the “Crisis Management Handbook”

Safety Training and Advice Nord Anglia Education has Health and Safety Guidelines which are available on the NAU portal. All training requests need to be forwarded to [Prisca Rock / Diana Garza] so that they can be approved through the school’s budget approval procedures. The school and department have an annual Health and Safety Audit carried out by the Group Health and Safety Department. Advice will be available during this audit and can also be gained from the schools H&S Coordinator [Prisca Rock / Diana Garza]

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