We welcome you into the 23-24 school year. We ask for your understanding and collaboration in helping with the traffic flow. Remember that the safety of our students is our main priority.
The access to our facilities for ALL students arriving at the school must be through Rancho Acapulco Street. Once in the parking lot, take lanes #3, #4, or #5.
Parking lot gates open from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and from 11:50 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Lanes #3 & #4 will lead to the internal street. Lane #5 will lead elementary & middle school students to the front gate. Vehicles in lane #5 with Carpool Magnetic Identifier will have preferential access to the inner road and will be let in by the traffic guards.
Academic and administrative staff: must only use the main street leading to the school.
Parents & students: must only use Rancho Acapulco Street to enter the lanes at the parking lot.
Once inside our facilities, all students use the QR Code on their Student ID to register for attendance in their academic and extracurricular activities.
Parents must request their children’s dismissal using the Skolable App from their personal mobile phones. The electronic request will be activated until the mobile phone is within a range of 100 m. around school.
We recommend parents arrive no more than 10 minutes before the students’ dismissal time for pick up
Pre-nursery & Nursery - Exit: 12:00 p.m.
Preschool I & II - Exit: 12:30 p.m.
Preprimary - Dismissal: 1:30 p.m.
Elementary & Middle School (Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri) - Exit: 2:30 p.m.
Elementary & Middle School (Wednesday) - Exit: 1:00 p.m.
Extended School Day - Exit: 3:00 p.m.
The access to pick up Pre-Nursery and Nursery students is through Rancho Acapulco Street. Once in the parking lot take lane #3 (yellow) and follow into the internal street for the aqua lane. The number tag must be visible to teachers on duty.
The access to pick up Preschool I & II students is through Rancho Acapulco Street. Once in the parking, take lane #3 (yellow) and follow into the internal street for the aqua lane. The number tag must be visible to teachers on duty.
The access to pick up Preprimary students is through Rancho Acapulco Street. Once in the parking lot take lane #4 and follow into the internal street. Students from Preschool & Preprimary in Carpools must take lane #5 and have Carpool magnetic identifier and red car tag visible to personnel on duty for preferential access.
The access to pick up elementary & middle school students is through Rancho Acapulco Street. Once in the parking lot take the lanes according to the following:
Right lanes #1 & #2 (aqua) - for students in 1st to 5th grades
Central lanes #3 & #4 (yellow) - for students in 6th to 9th grades
Left lane #5 - for Elementary & Middle School Carpool, with a carpool magnetic identifier on the vehicle visible to personnel on duty for preferential access
Left lane #6 - only for students in 4th to 9th grades who have a Pedestrian Walker card.
The access for students’ drop-off & pick-up will be through Rancho Acapulco, where traffic divides into:
Lane # 3: Families with children in Sports activities
Lane #4: Families with children in Fine Arts activities
Lane #6: Only for students in 4th to 9th grades who have a Pedestrian Walker Card
Students’ QR Code for attendance will be scanned once students are inside our facilities.
Parents must request heir children‘s dismissal using the Skolable App from their personal mobile phones
To pick up students registered in Day Care, parents must use the Skolable App to request their children’s dismissal. Parents will drive into the inner road and wait inside their vehicle for their children.
Families of an only child may request the Daycare magnetic identifiers. Vehicles with visible Daycare magnetic identifier will be allowed through San Angel Street to be directed by the guard into the inner street with preferential access.
We only recommend that our students leave school walking in very special situations. Parents can only enter the school in their vehicles to pick up their children.
Students who live in front of the school:
Pedestrian ID cards may be issued to students in any grade level who live across the road in Portón de Valle Alto. Proof of address document must be turned in.
4th to 9th Grades - Walk independently with prior parent authorization signed Pre-Nursery to 3rd Grades - Must walk out with an adult only
Elementary & Middle School Students (4th to 9th grade): A Pedestrian Walker card may be issued exclusively to students from 4th to 9th grade to walk out to the parking lot without being accompanied by an adult. Parents of 4th to 9th-grade students must process a card for their children by filling out a form and signing that they accept the responsibility and risk of taking this modality.
Exception: Pedestrian cards for students in Pre-Primary to 3rd grade to walk out accompanied only by their siblings in grades 5th to 9th may be issued once parents sign a disclaimer letter and send it to rosa.gomez@sanroberto.edu.mx.
Our priority is the safety of our students and improving the traffic flow. We should all be promoters of courtesy, punctuality, and respect towards other drivers and pedestrians. We ask that you go by the following regulations:
Parking lots gates are open at 6:30 am
School gates are open at 7:00 am
Teachers' duty begins at 7:25 am
Be on time and respect all school regulations to ensure kids’ safety Show courtesy and respect to other drivers and school personnel on duty
To pick up students, parents MUST SHOW the number tag assigned to the family at all times
Number tags will be distributed to parents a day before to the first day of school during Meet Your Teacher Day
We recommend that students and parents memorize their Family ID numbers. For dismissal, students will be called using the Skolable App. Look at the corresponding map to identify where to pick up your children
Parents MUST wait in their cars at all times. Cars MUST not be left unattended while in traffic
Number tag color indicates the grade level of your oldest child:
White: Pre-nursery to Preprimary
Teal: Elementary
Yellow: Middle School
Red: Carpool
Parents who pick up students after ESD (Extended School Day) or special rehearsals (Civic band, Music, color guard, English Immersion, etc.) are expected to be in the line only a few minutes before the corresponding ending time of those activities otherwise, they will interfere with the regular exit schedules and lines. If so, parents will be asked to enter the traffic circuit again
Carpools must be registered in the Skolable App, and at Reception to get the Carpool magnetic identifier and red car tag
Carpools must include students from 2 or more families and 3 or more students
Carpools lane MUST ONLY be used when students of more than two families will be picked up; if not, parents must pick up students in the teal (aqua) or yellow areas according to the family’s oldest child’s grade level
Students in 3rd-grade level and higher are expected to get off/on their car without assistance from teachers on duty. This will help improve traffic flow time
If parents cannot pick up their children and another person will come to school, please inform the Homeroom Teacher and Principal or Vice-Principal in advance and in writing. Use the Skolable App to give 24 hr authorization to another person to pick up your child
During the first days of the school year and rainy days, leave home 25 minutes in advance to help traffic flow and prevent being late
Do not distract teachers while they are on duty
Follow security guards’ directions at all times
DO NOT park in the blue (disabled) parking spaces at any time without permission (A blue car tag is issued by the school for special cases)
DO NOT park on the roads in between parking lanes, on sidewalks, or on nearby streets since this blocks the traffic flow
DO NOT park on UdeM’s grounds, sidewalks, or on nearby streets
All Nursery students who stay after 12:30 pm will be taken to the Day Care area and an extra charge will apply
All Preschool students who stay after 1:00 pm will be taken to the Day Care area and an extra charge will apply
All preprimary students who stay after 2:00 pm will be taken to the Day Care area and an extra charge will apply
All students who stay after school must be enrolled in an extracurricular activity to ensure supervision by an adult while on school grounds for safety reasons
In case of failure to comply with these regulations: A traffic notification will be given to the parent
After the third notification, a special follow-up will be given by Campus Director
At ISR we have an electronic application, Skolable, in use for the arrival and dismissal of our students. The application is installed into the parent’s smartphone by following these steps:
Enter the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and search for "Skolable". Install the App
When running the App the first time, select your Campus, and in the link or option above “Usuario”
4. 5.
Type in the username and password that you use for online payments. Each parent should use their own username and password. These codes can be solicited to: administracion@sanroberto.edu.mx
For picking up students select the corresponding area in the App where students will be picked up according to the student’s grade level or activity. The options may be:
Nursery, Pre-Nursery, Preschool I & Preschool II, Elementary (1st-5th), Sports, Cathequesis Elementary
You will need to send an e-mail with the following information for each person to be authorized:
Name (s)
Last Names
E-mail address
Cell Phone Number
Relationship to student (grandfather, uncle, brother, driver, etc.)
Please sent it to Rosa Elia Gómez: rosa.gomez@sanroberto.edu.mx
Yellow Lane on Inner road
DayCare - Teal Lane (Aqua) on Inner road
Preprimary, Carpool Preschool, Cathequesis PP, Middle School (6th-9th), Fine Arts
Only registered students
Only registered students- neighbors (4th-9th grade & neighbors)
Special Student Card
To maintain the session active, avoid using the command “Salir” that is in the App menu because this will cause you to start the session from the beginning every time you enter the App.
If you do not have your username and password, enter www.isr-va.nemaxonline.com, type in your e-mail address, and the option to restore your password
Persons authorized to pick up the children. In the dismissal system, we only have both parents registered to pick up the children
Authorizing other people - (drivers or other family members). If you wish other people to have the authorization to pick up your children during the school year, including these people in our system will be necessary.
Special authorization for one day - (parties, friends invite, etc.) You may also authorize others to pick up your child as a special permit. This permit (QR Code) will only be active during the day that the permission is granted and must be entered on the App the same day and at least one hour before dismissal time.
This special authorization must be done by the mom or dad of the student, who may be picked up by another parent or person registered in our system.
For this process, you will require the mobile phone number of the person registered in our system, which will be entered into the App. Steps to register a Special Authorization:
Enter the option “Recoger”
Press “Agregar Permiso”
Select your children that will depart with another person (All or one in particular)
In the field “Cel.Aut.” write the cell phone number of the other person, 10 digits, no spaces or hyphens
Press “Buscar”
Select the correct person from the list
Press “Enviar Autorización”
We thank you for your courtesy, patience, empathy and respect to help ensure our students’ safety and an efficient traffic flow process
Teal Lane (Aqua) on Inner road