Guidelines and Expectations

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AtISR, itisourcollectiveresponsibilitytoeducateandsupportstudentstoberespectful,responsible,andresilientbyequipping themwithanunderstandingoftheirbehaviorandhowitaffectstheireducation,relationships,andopportunities. Together,we shall strive to provide students with the tools to understand the perspectives of others to advocate for themselves and stay focusedonachievingtheirgoals.

Thefollowingdocumentoutlineshowwethinkstudentscanandwillbemostsuccessful. Whileguidelinesandexpectationscan be very black-and-white, we know that many circumstances warrant special attention, and as such, we reserve the right to individualizeanddifferentiateasweseefit.Weencourageyoutocollaboratewithusonthefollowing:



Teachers’ duties during drop off and pick up times:

■ Students are expected to be in their classrooms and ready to begin the instructional day according to their gradelevel entrance schedules.

■ Nursery school students are welcome to arrive earlier than 9:00 a.m.

■ Elementary and Middle School Extended School Day (ESD) programs occur from 2:30 – 2:55 p.m. (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday), Wednesdays from 1:00 – 1:30 p.m., and/or before school starts.

■ Wednesday dismissal time for elementary and middle school students is 1:00 p.m.*


1. Students who arrive at school after 7:45 a.m. (elementary & middle school), 8:00 a.m. (preschool), and 9:00 a.m. (nursery) will enter through reception to register their tardy.

2. Parents will be contacted after two tardy arrivals have been reported in a term. Principals will do a special follow-up with parents.

3. Students not enrolled in an extracurricular activity may not remain on school premises for more than 30 minutes after school ends.

4. Any preschool student not picked up by 1:00 p.m. (2:00 p.m. for Pre-primary students) will be sent to daycare. Any elementary or middle school student who has not been picked up by 3:00 p.m. should remain in the dismissal area and will be reported by security to the campus director for a follow-up.

5. Student absences interfere with the learning process. Therefore, any student with more than 10 absences in the

ISR – Guidelines and Expectations 2023-2024
Level Class starts at Class is dismissed at Nursery 9:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Preschool 8:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Pre-primary 8:00 a.m. 1:30 p.m. Elementary & Middle School 7:45 a.m. 2:30 p.m. *
Level Arrival Time Departure Time Nursery 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Preschool 7:25 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Pre-primary 7:25 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. 1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Elementary & Middle School 7:25 a.m. to 7:40 a.m. 2:30 p.m. to 2:55 p.m.

school year will automatically be referred to the Academic and Non-Academic Evaluation Committee, which will determine the conditions for placement for the following year.

a. When the student participates in an academic, sports, or cultural event representing the School, the absence and reason will be registered in iSAMS. These absences will not be considered within the limit of 10 absences.

b. Sick days, family trips, and participation in events not organized by the school will be registered as absences in our system and will be considered within the limit of 10 absences.

c. Severe health issues will be analyzed individually, and the corresponding medical evidence must be provided.

d. Parents must notify the teacher before any absence, including those due to trips for ISR events.

e. Students will be responsible for asking the teacher about their missed work and meeting the teacher’s completion requirements, regardless of the reason for absence. Failure to meet expectations will be reflected in their academic and/or Effort grade.

6. Students' late arrival or early dismissal interfere with the learning process. Therefore, planning personal celebrations, such as XV rehearsals, preparations & parties, must happen after the regular school schedule to prevent interference with the student’s and her/his classmates’ school responsibilities.


1. Students who wish to represent San Roberto in any event must have an average of at least 2 according to the 4point scale in Conduct and Effort based on the term(s) leading up to the event.

2. Students who wish to represent San Roberto in events involving national or international travel and under ISR’s staff responsibility must have an average of at least 2.5 according to the 4-point scale in Conduct and Effort based on the term(s) leading up to the event, including the term of the event. For Asomex events, see section 5.

3. Students who wish to represent San Roberto in events involving national or international travel and under parents’ responsibility must have an average of at least 2.0 according to the 4-point scale in Conduct and Effort based on the term(s) leading up to the event, including the term of the event. For Asomex events, see section 5.

4. Any 9th-grade student who wishes to participate in an Expedition involving travel must have, in 8th grade, a general average of at least 2.5 for national and international trips and 2.0 for local Expeditions in Conduct, according to the 4-point scale. Any situation in which the student falls out of the expectations before the trip will be evaluated by the Discipline Committee.

5. Students who wish to participate in ASOMEX-related events must have an average of at least 2.0 according to the 4point scale in all subject areas, including Conduct and Effort.


1. Early dismissals interrupt the educational process; therefore, students may leave early only for emergencies such as student illness, death in the family, or passport and/or visa appointment, using the early dismissal pass. Any other early dismissals will be registered as an absence for that day.

2. The Principal or Vice-Principal must pre-authorize any early dismissal.


1. Classes will NOT be suspended because of weather conditions. If the temperature is 0°C or below, according to any local news channel at 6:30 a.m., absences will not be registered at any grade level.

2. If the temperature is 5°C or below, absences and tardy arrivals will not be registered for nursery and preschool students only. Students arriving after 7:45 a.m. due to weather will be admitted through reception.


1. If the nursery and preschool student is to be picked up by anyone other than the usual person, the school must be notified in advance with a written note, email, or phone call (in case of emergency) to the corresponding office and homeroom teacher. If students are being picked up through the regular traffic procedure, the adult must use the electronic application or have the student’s QRcode to be scanned.

2. Instructional time must be protected at all times. Access to classrooms during school hours is exclusive for teachers, students, school personnel, and people with authorization.

3. For birthday celebrations, parents must notify the teacher beforehand that they will deliver a cake (for elementary) or cupcake (for preschool) at the Reception. Teachers will be in charge of guiding the celebration and sending pictures to the parents. No candles (of any type) or decorations are allowed, nor is parent participation.

4. All parents/former students/visitors entering the school building must follow these procedures:

a. Sign in with the guard/receptionist through the Skolable App on your mobile phone by scanning your parent QRCode on the school’s tablet.

b. Visitors entering the facilities should have their ID badge or sticker visible throughout their visit

ISR – Guidelines and Expectations 2023-2024

c. If attending a meeting, the receptionist will contact the staff member for the appointment

d. At no time should the parent/former student/visitors proceed directly to the classroom or administration offices.

5. Students may NOT receive materials and/or equipment during school hours except when authorized by the Principal or Vice-principal.

6. The school parking lot is exclusive to employees and parents. Students are not allowed to park their cars in this area. For special circumstances, check with the Campus Director.

7. Parents may park in available parking spaces after 3:00 p.m. We request parents avoid parking in teaching/staff parking spaces during the school day as they are reserved for teachers/staff from 7:25-2:55 p.m.

8. Students may only eat at the designated areas. Chewing gum is not permitted.

9. Entering classrooms to pick up books, materials, or equipment after school hours is not allowed. In case of authorization from a Principal/Vice-Principal, the student must be accompanied by a staff member.

10. Students and parents must obey all safety procedures established by the School, teachers, and staff members.

11. No metal liquid containers may be brought to school by preschool students.

12. No weapons may be brought to school.

13. Toy weapons may be used for academic purposes only under specific authorization from the Principals.

14. The school reserves the right to make random checks of backpacks, lockers, and any students’ belongings to assure students’ safety.

15. Pets are not allowed on campus.

16. For pick up and drop off of students, see the Safety and Traffic Regulations procedure.


1. Illness. Children’s health is extremely important to us, and we require parents’ help in maintaining a healthy environment for all of our students. Parents are expected to protect their child and other children by not sending their child to school if he/she exhibits any of the following signs of illness: Fever above 37°C, diarrhea, vomiting, or any other contagious disease. Any child with these symptoms must be kept at home for at least twenty-four hours without symptoms before returning to school. Students must report to the Health Department before returning to their classrooms.

2. Medication. A student may not take medication at school without written permission from the parent and a doctor. Any medication should be dropped off by the parents at the ISR Health Department with specific and clear instructions on the amount and dosage time. Teachers are not allowed to give any type of medication to students.

3. Head Lice. If a child should become infested with head lice, it is the school’s policy that he(she) may not return to school until parents have obtained a statement from the child’s doctor or the ISR Health Department stating that the child is free of lice.

4. ISR provides its students with a smoke-free environment. Smoking or using electronic cigarettes on school grounds or at school-sponsored activities is prohibited. Adults who work at or visit the campus shall refrain from smoking while on school grounds.


To encourage a positive and non-distracting learning environment, dress and appearance should align with the ISR protocols.

1. Neat and clean personal appearance and uniform is an ISR expectation to attend school. A well-fitting, complete uniform in good condition is required. It is important to consider children’s growth for an appropriate uniform fit.

2. Neat, clean, and well-groomed hair so that the complete face is always visible. Only natural hair color. No special haircuts (scalp partially shaved, shaven symbols, etc.). No beard and/or mustache. Accessories such as necklaces and bracelets should be discreet.

No makeup or colored nail polish. Tattoos of any kind or body piercings are not allowed.

3. Student uniforms consist of the following:

ISR – Guidelines and Expectations 2023-2024
Nursery, Preschool, Elementary, and Middle School Uniform TOPS BOTTOMS ● White polo shirt short sleeve ● Sports shorts

● White polo shirt long sleeve (optional)

● White sports shirt (optional)

● Plush and/or polyester sweatshirt

● Navy blue hoodie-sweatshirt (optional)

● 9th grade- special graduation hoodie

● Apron (required from Pre-Nursery to Preprimary)

● Sports skirt (nomorethan10cmoflength abovetheknee)

● Plush and/or polyester sweatpants

● Solid colors sports socks (white, black, dark blue, grey)

● White sport tennis shoes. Color brand logos & stripes are allowed.

● It is recommended to select sports tennis shoes that will protect ankles and feet from injuries, especially during PE classes.

● Uniform is optional for Pre-Nursery.

4. During cold weather, students may wear any solid white, navy blue, or black long-sleeve shirt, sweater, or ISR navy blue hoodie sweatshirt (PESA), thermal underwear, and girls may wear white tights. Heavy jackets or raincoats of any color may be worn over the complete uniform. (plush and/or polyester sweatpants and sweatshirt).

5. On “Spirit Day,” students may wear San Roberto International School or NAE-related t-shirts, sweatshirts (with or without hood), blue denim print-free jeans/capris, or uniform shorts/skirts in good condition, and any color socks and tennis shoes. No see-through ripped jeans are allowed. If a student chooses not to participate in the “Spirit Day” attire, he or she shall attend school in his or her complete uniform.

6. Proper use of the complete uniform, as well as the student’s personal appearance, will be evaluated and shown on the report card in their Personal Habits grade.


1. The student is responsible for his/her personal belongings (school supplies, rented books, school bags, laptops, electronic tablets, etc.). He/she shall maintain them in good condition and have them readily available.

2. The students must bring all the required materials to class. Unless required for a specific activity, any extra items such as toys, collection cards, or any kind of objects that incite distraction should not be brought to school and may be confiscated by a teacher or school authority.

3. Cell phones and electronic gadgets are allowed for educational purposes only and under staff supervision. Read the ISR Technology Acceptable Use Policies for detailed information.

4. The school will not be held responsible for lost or damaged items. Acquiring insurance against damage to electronic devices (laptop, electronic tablet) is recommended.

5. Students may not exchange, buy, or sell personal belongings, food, or any other objects within the school premises. For special events and fundraising, the Campus Director’s authorization is required.

6. In the event of destruction or misuse of any school objects or facilities, intentionally or by accident, an extra charge will be added to the parent’s account.



1. Report Cards are available at the end of each term. Students’ progress may be consulted anytime by logging into the San Roberto reporting system (iSAMS Parent Portal) for elementary and middle school.

2. Parent-Teacher Conferences and Student-Led Conferences take place twice during the school year to discuss the student’s Personal Learning Plan. Parents and student attendance is expected.


1. Homework will be assigned in a developmentally appropriate manner, always keeping in mind the main purposes and goals of homework:

ISR – Guidelines and Expectations 2023-2024

● Reinforcement, through practice, of skills learned in class.

● Completion of activities or assignments begun in class.

● No “new content” will be assigned to students as homework.

● The length of time that students will be required to spend on homework may vary from time to time and may sometimes include projects worked on for a designated period of time.

2. It will be the student’s responsibility to meet homework and project expectations and the due date established by the teacher. Homework is a key element in the learning process and it will be reflected as part of the student’s Effort grade.


A student fails a particular academic or non-academic (Conduct, Effort, Personal Habits) subject if the student’s final average on the subject is below 2 according to our 1 to 4 grading scale.

1. Students who fail one or two academic and/or non-academic subjects will be required to make up the work by attending summer school, taking extraordinary exams, or an equivalent, as is determined by the Principal and/or Vice-Principal, during the summer break.

2. Students who fail three or more academic and/or non-academic subjects during a given school year will automatically be referred to the Academic and Non-Academic Evaluation Committee, which will determine the conditions for placement for the following school year.

3. Only students who have all academic and non-academic subjects with a final average of 2 or higher will receive an invitation to the End of the Year Ceremonies.

4. Only 9th-grade students with a final grade of 2 or higher in all academic and non-academic subjects will be considered graduating candidates and permitted to walk in the graduation ceremony. Any 9th-grade student with an overall average of 1.9 or below in any academic area will be subject to extraordinary exams. Should a student fail the extraordinary exam, permission to walk in the graduation ceremony will be denied. There is no extraordinary exam for a student failing in Conduct. Any student with an overall failing grade in Conduct will be denied permission to walk at the graduation ceremony.


1. Any student maintaining an average grade below 2 according to our 1 to 4 grading scale in one or more academic or non-academic subjects (conduct, effort, personal habits) may be placed on probation by the Principal. When a child is placed on probation he (she) will be issued a contract. This contract will clearly outline academic and/or nonacademic expectations for the student. The student must meet the contract expectations to re-enroll for the following school year


1. The 9th-grade student with the highest overall academic average according to the GPA (iSAMS) up to the final term will be considered valedictorian and give the speech addressing the 9th-grade students during the ISR graduation ceremony.


ISR will attempt to develop and encourage an attitude of individual responsibility toward the quality of life in the school community. The expectations our students should adopt consist of these basic rules:

1. ACT with integrity by being honest in all that you do.

2. ACT with empathy by being helpful and cooperative with administrators, teachers, classmates, guests, and support staff.

3. ACT with respect and courtesy to teachers, students, guests, and support staff.

4. RESPECT your own and others’ property.

5. USE language in a positive manner when addressing teachers, classmates, guests, and support staff, and speak English at all times except for classes taught in Spanish.

6. BE responsible for your own learning, study, complete work, and meet all deadlines for assignments, projects, and exams.


ROLE OF THE PARENTS: The primary right and duty to educate rests with the parents. Parents teach by

ISR – Guidelines and Expectations 2023-2024

their example and respect the dignity of others.

1. Parents should always address ISR students, staff members, parents, and visitors with respect and recognize the value and dignity of every human being.

2. ISR is a professional organization and always welcomes constructive criticism. Therefore, parents are encouraged to share any kind of feedback through emails, scheduled meetings, or yearly surveys that will help us improve as a learning community. Negative criticism shared through social media or informal meetings does not contribute to finding solutions to a problem and is greatly discouraged. Parents will be held accountable when this impacts the school climate or culture.

3. Parents are required to comply with any signature request dealing with academic or conduct concerns. If there is a need for further clarification, parents have a right to request a meeting with the appropriate school authority, but only after signing the aforementioned signature request.

4. Parents must follow the ISR communication protocol: First, contact your child’s teacher for any concerns. Then, only if necessary, contact the corresponding principal and/or vice-principal. After following this initial protocol, the campus director may be contacted.

5. All parents and students will be expected to attend two annual parent-teacher conferences or student-led conferences during which the student’s Personal Learning Plan will be reviewed.

6. Parents may request additional meetings with teachers throughout the school year as questions and concerns arise. The faculty is ready to discuss any concerns parents might have about their child and his/her experiences at school. To protect the instructional time of our students, parents should call or email the teacher or level assistant to arrange a convenient time to meet with their child’s teacher.

7. Parents should attend any meeting requested by any school staff member. ISR reserves the right to refuse a child's admission on school grounds until both parents attend the requested meeting.

8. Parents are expected to support and cooperate fully with the teachers and the school administration to improve student conduct and academic progress.

9. Parents must accept that the school will not be held responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen student property.

10. Parents should support and model ISR’s values program, activities, and campaigns at home.

11. Parents should support and model ISR’s Technology Acceptable Use Policies and the guidelines for ISR classroom group chats.

12. Parents should support and model ISR’s Safety and Traffic flow rules and procedures

13. Parents should ensure that their children arrive at school on time and support the attendance/tardy guidelines/policies.

14. Parents should respect the teaching-learning process At no time should the parent proceed directly to the classroom or administration offices.

15. Parents should demonstrate good moral conduct inside and outside of the school.

16. Parents are expected to dress appropriately to serve as role models when visiting or attending school events.

17. Parents should demonstrate respect toward internal and external community members while attending all ISR or NAE competitions or performances.

18. Parents should respect and abide by ISR’s and Nord Anglia Education’s rules, procedures, and regulations.

19. The logos, names, and images of Nord Anglia Education, San Roberto International School, and its departments may not be reproduced or used on any items, media, and/or public forums without previous authorization from the Marketing Dept.

If expectations are not met, parents may be required to attend a meeting at school with the campus director, and a written notification regarding the incident or offense will be signed. Partnership in education concerns parents, students, and all school faculty.




ISR Assessment Manual




ISR Fine Arts Handbook


ISR – Guidelines and Expectations 2023-2024

These guidelines and expectations will be enforced starting August 1, 2023.

ISR – Guidelines and Expectations 2023-2024 Parent signature Parent
Student name Grade Student signature

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