Fine Arts Handbook

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Last update: August 2020

INTRODUCTION The aim of this Handbook is to list, and explain, current department philosophy and policies in relation to the interpretation of whole school approaches as well as the Safety Management unique to the Fine Arts Department of San Roberto International School (SRIS) Department. The main agenda within the department must be to seek a consistent application of these policies into practice in all aspects of teaching and learning. In addition to this document, staff should also be familiar with the current schemes of class schedules. These documents contain details and guidance relevant to the tasks which are aimed at covering the attainment targets in the different artistic disciplines offered by the department A copy of the handbook is held by the Head of Department and the Campus Director





Continuing Aims Staff Members Department Management Staff Expectation Department Resources Lessons Procedures

Department Management Safety policies [relevant safety policy according to subject] First Aiders Accident Management Setting work for absence Behaviour Management Specific Departmental Safety

CONTINUING AIMS At San Roberto International School we have a personalized academic program tailored to each of our students, which focuses on proven educational practices that ignite the full academic potential of every student. We also provide training and participation opportunities in the recreational, cultural and artistic area for students and teachers from the different grade levels of the school, through programs and projects that generate interests in the mentioned areas and that facilitate the learning process through pedagogical tools. As a department, our vision is to become an active, participative and interested community in the recreational, cultural and artistic development. We aim to discover and develop the talent of our students by promoting teamwork and effort in balance with a solid artistic expression based on institutional values.


Subject/ Discipline




Art Academic Class

Pilar Contreras


Art Teacher Grades 1-5

ISR Dance Disciplines

Marlene Juarez


ISR Dance Coordinator

ISR Talents Activities

Yerika Zambrano


ISR Talents Coordinator

Elva Mancillas


Department Secretary

Fine Arts

Extracurricular Activities Teachers


Subject/ Discipline Art Academic Class




Linda González


Art Teacher Grades 1-5

ISR Dance Disciplines

Mariam Garza


ISR Dance Coordinator

ISR Talents Activities

Yerika Zambrano


ISR Talents Coordinator

Fine Arts

Jazmín Figueroa


Department Secretary

DEPARTMENT MANAGEMENT Staff Expectation Art Teacher Responsibilities The Art teacher is the person responsible for the planning, delivery and assessment of the Art class academic curriculum for students in grades 1 to 5. The Art teacher is in charge of: 1. Maintain stock levels of art materials 2. Monitor art room’s equipment proper functions (water, electricity, fans, security protocols, etc.) 3. Prepare all the material for the art activity. 4. Monitor groups’ attendance to Art room according to schedule 5. Ensure the correct disposal of residual substances. 6. Ordering, organizing, storing and labelling of new equipment and material. 7. Maintain updated inventory

Dance Coordinator Responsibilities The Dance Coordinator is the person responsible for the planning, organizing, supervising and monitoring the dance curriculum offered as extracurricular activities to students in Nursery to 9th grades. She is in charge of promoting cultural activities, supervising the dance programs, methodology, teachers, etc. Dance Activities: Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Ballet, Graham, Stretch, Acrobatics, Flamenco, Lyrical Jazz, Break Dance and Physical Training. Levels: • Babies (Nursery to Preprimary) • Kids (1st to 3rd grade) • Jr (4th to 9th grade)

* Including different levels in each category ISR Talents Activities Coordinator Responsibilities The ISR Talents Activities Coordinator is the person responsible for the planning, organizing, supervising and monitoring the extracurricular activities curriculum, other than dance, offered to students in Nursery to 9th grades. She is in charge of promoting cultural activities, supervising the different programs, methodology, teachers, etc. ISR Talents Activities: Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Theater, Chess, Robotics, Piano, Guitar, Drums, Violin, Painting, and Wind Instruments.

Extracurricular Teachers Responsibilities The teacher is responsible for planning, organizing, delivering and assessing the corresponding skills and knowledge according to the disciplines/subject he has been assigned.

Department Resources Request for equipment should be made yearly and request for consumables should be made through the Purchasing department. All Fine Arts teachers and staff are responsible for appropriate use of department’s resources, equipment and facilities.

Lesson Procedures In order to have an efficient use of time and facilities it is necessary to follow these procedures: Teachers: 1. Teacher must report group attendance, room conditions and any incident that ocurred during the class to the Coordinator or the department’s secretary. 2. It is the teacher’s responsibility to lead the class. 3. Cleaning up and dismissal: It is the teacher’s responsibility to direct his/her students during the clean-up time and dismissal time. Students: I. Attendance & Punctuality Enrollments and Calendar 1. All students have the right to get enrolled in the disciplines offered by Fine Arts according to the grade, level and group limit. 2. The enrollment fee will not be refunded. It will only be refunded when the Fine Arts Department cancels the group due to a lack of students in the class. Punctuality 1. Students must attend the classes and rehearsals at the established time and place. They must report immediately to their teacher at least five minutes before the activity begins. 2. There will be a 10 min. wait time for classes that start at 3:00 p.m. After 15 minutes a tardy will be marked, 3 tardies make an absence.

3. Maximum 3 absences will be allowed during the semester including the preparation period of each event (preschool public classes, December preschool dance festival, and end of school year festival starting February). A fourth absence implies that the student does not have the preparation to be at the level of the group so her/his spots in the choreographies may be affected. 4. In case of having absences due to sickness, these must be justified with a medical report to the Fine Arts department. 5. The student must make up the lost time on his/her own time. 6. Early dismissals and absences affect the presentations of the Fine Arts activities. That is why it is important to be aware of the department schedule and calendar when making plans to be away from school. 7. In case of an absence please report it to the Fine Arts secretary. 8. Students must attend all extra and general rehearsals during weekends established in the department notices and news bulletins, including the musical rehearsals. 9. The students that belong to the Athletics Department will be allowed 4 absences per semester due to games, as long as it is notified ahead of time to the Fine Arts coordinator. 10. If classes are suspended because of Pro-D or Teacher led/ student led conferences, Fine Arts classes will be suspended as well. II. Weather Conditions Classes will NOT be suspended due to weather conditions. In case that temperature is lower than 0° C, according to the local channel at 6:30 a.m. the absence will not be registered. III. Uniform and Personal Grooming Good grooming is essential when attending school with a complete uniform and in good conditions. Dance attire for Babies can be ordered in the Fine Arts Dept. and dance attire for Kids and Jr. is available in the PESA uniform store. The leotard and skirts can be ordered in the Fine Arts Office, the other garments that make up the uniform are for sale in the PESA store.




- ISR Dance black leotard - ISR Dance skirt - Pink tights (optional)

- Pink ballet slippers.

Bun or ponytail without bangs.


- ISR Dance short or capri - ISR Dance black leotard - DC Dance shirts

- Tan jazz shoes

Bun or ponytail without bangs.

- Black tap shoe.

Bun or ponytail without bangs.

-Barefoot *(Don’t use tights or use the convertible ones).

Bun or ponytail without bangs.

- Black flamenco shoes.

Bun or ponytail without bangs.

- Tennis shoes or combat boots

Bun or ponytail without bangs.





- ISR Dance skirt,short or capri - ISR Dance black leotard - ISR Dance shirts

- ISR Dance short or capri - ISR Dance black leotard - ISR Dance shirts - Black leotard - ISR Dance long black skirt (mandatory)

- ISR Dance short or capri - ISR Dance black skirt - ISR Dance shirts



IMPORTANT: P1 to PP students must have convertible tan color tights for the festival. Nursery ballet uses pink thights.






- ISR Dance black leotard - Black short (kids) - Tan tights Kids: Black skirt Jr: No skirt, only leotard

- Pink ballet slippers. Split sole.

Bun with net and bobby pins, without bangs.


- Black short or capri - Black leotard or ISR Dance shirts

- Tan jazz shoes

Bun or ponytail without bangs.


- Black short or capri - Black leotard or ISR Dance shirts

- Foot thongs or barefoot.

Bun or ponytail without bangs.

- Black short or capri - Black leotard or ISR Dance shirts

- Black tap shoes. (In competitions and/or festivals students might use a specific shoe color).

Bun or ponytail without bangs.



- Pants / leggins / Harem Pants - ISR Dance shirts Boys: Free clothes


- Black short or capri - Black leotard or ISR Dance shirts

- Tennis shoes or combat boots. (In competitions and/or festivals students might use a specific shoe style or color). - Barefoot *(Don t use tights or use the convertible ones). - Tennis shoes except acrobatics.

Ponytail Boys: Short hair

Bun or ponytail without bangs.

* Students are no longer allowed to wear old logo uniforms The last week of every month we will have “Spirit Week” and the students have the opportunity to wear free dance clothes (no pajamas allowed). Not applicable to Ballet Classes, in which they must wear the complete uniform. Hair 1. All other disciplines (except ballet): Ponytail or hair in a bun (hair pulled back not on face) 2. Ballet: hair in a bun (hair pulled back not on face) Important: If the hairstyle or the uniform is not in accordance with the department regulations, the student will get a written notification that must be returned the next class to the Fine Arts Office, it must be signed by their parents (only Kids and Jr) and after two warnings/notifications the student will not take the regular class, he/she will sit down and take notes. Safety Notes 1. During winter, nursery and preschool students may keep the school uniform, it will only be necessary to change their shoes according to the discipline. 2. It is necessary that the students wear their shoes in the proper size for their own safety. They must arrive wearing sneakers or flats and put on their dance shoes once they are in the classroom. 3. All clothing must be marked with the full name of the students, not the initials, since the first day of class. In case something is forgotten in the dance classrooms, it will be in the Fine Arts office for a week, then it will be sent to Lost and Found. 4. The use of accessories such as necklaces, earrings, watches, etc. is not allowed. 5. During transfers between classes, students must wear pants over their shorts and leotards. Other Disciplines in ISR Talents 1. Tae-Kwon Do and Karate: Complete white uniform (jacket and pants), belt according to the level, no shoes. 2. Music instruments, chess, robotics and other disciplines: school uniform. 3. Painting: T-shirt and vest or apron for clothing protection. 4. Theater: school uniform.

IV. School Material 1. The students are responsible of their material and belongings as well of the facilities, material and furniture of the school. In case of destruction or abuse of any object it will be charged to the family’s account. 2. The Department will not be responsible for lost items. All the lost items will be taken to Lost & Found. 3. All the school bags must be left in order inside de classrooms. Schoolbags may not remain outside in the hallways.

V. Courtesy Habits 1. It is necessary to always show good behavior, inside and outside the school, abstaining from the use of bad language, nicknames or any other type of verbal aggression. 2. The students must address everyone with respect. 3. The work and material of all students and adults must be respected. 4. All the school places must be respected by taking care and keeping the school facilities clean (basement, classrooms, bathrooms, gardens, etc). 5. The students must have lunch exclusively at the cafeteria, never inside the basement or classrooms. 6. In order to maintain an appropriate learning environment, the students who have a dating relationship must refrain from displaying any physical affection inside the school. 7. The use of cell phones is not allowed during classes.

VI. Awards 1. Fine Arts Diploma. The student who was actively participating in Fine Arts during the entire school year receives this award. 2. Special award for 9th grade students. The student who was actively participating in Fine Arts during the last five years receives this award.

VII. Disciplinary Measures Student Conduct ISR will attempt to develop and encourage an attitude of individual responsibility toward the quality of life in the school community. The expectations our students should adopt consist of these basic rules: 1. ACT with integrity by being honest in all that you do. 2. ACT with empathy by being helpful and cooperative with administrators, teachers, classmates, guests and support staff. 3. ACT with respect and courtesy to teachers, students, guests and support staff.

4. RESPECT own and other’s property. 5. USE language in a positive manner when addressing teachers, classmates, guests and support staff and speak English at all times except for classes taught in Spanish. 6. BE responsible for your own learning, study, to complete work and meet all deadlines for assignments, projects, and exams. All established guidelines are a logical extension of these basic expectations. Consequences • In case of misbehaviour in class or any lack of respect, parents will be notified in writing. • After two notifications are sent, the Fine Arts coordinator and the teacher will review the situation and will assign a consequence which may include a one day suspension from the class, in a particular event or permanent withdrawal from the class without any refund in the payments made.

VIII. Presentations First Semester • All the necessary information for parents and students participating in Fine Arts activities will be published in the school web site (monthly calendar, information about payments, special activities, etc.) • The Department will organize a meeting at the beginning of the school year to provide information about plans, processes and expectations for the school year. • A public class will be scheduled for the dance, tae kwon do, karate, painting, chess and music classes only for preschool students. • Only the ISR Dance babies will have a December festival in the Sada-Treviño Auditorium at San Agustin Campus, so they can show their improvement and work of the semester. Second Semester MUSICAL AND END OF SCHOOL YEAR FESTIVALS • The Musical will take place in a local theater. The students that will participate in it are the ones who passed the singing, music and drama auditions. For the dancing part, specific groups will be selected and invited by teachers. • The dates of presentations are pending on the theater’s availability

GUIDELINES • The students who accumulate 3 unjustified absences during the second semester will not be able to participate in the Musical or Festival. No student can have unjustified absences 1 month prior to the event since it compromises their participation in the event. • The student that does not come to the presentations or decides not to participate in any event less than two weeks before the presentation, will be conditioned to participate in Fine Arts the following school year. • To participate in the Musical and/or Dance/Theater festival, it is necessary to pay a costume fee with many months of anticipation. In case of deciding not to participate in the Musical or the Dance Festival after having paid the costume and/or tickets fee, the fee will not be reimbursed. The costume fee will be proportional to the number of coreograhies or roles performed during the show. • The students that participate in the musical and/or the dance festival must pay a production fee. • In case you are not interested in participating in any of our events: dance festival or musical, it is very important to communicate this to the Fine Arts Department by Jan 31st. If we don't receive any information, we will assume that the student will participate and the costume and production fees will be charged to the account. • Each student will have the right to get 4 tickets for the annual festival, this is for students enrolled in dancing classes and who have paid the production fee. We will have a raffle to assign the tickets. There will be a general ticket sale open two weeks prior to the festival. • If the student decides to drop out of Fine Arts before finishing the school year, she/he will lose the right to the 4 tickets per family for the events and the production fee is not refundable. • All the information about the Musical or the Dance Festival can be found in the Website and the printed information brochures. MUSICAL SELECTION PROCEDURE • The auditions for the musical will take place during the month of September. There will be a specific date for each campus, and the students may attend any of the two dates no matter what campus they belong to. • Only students from 5th grade and up can participate. • ONLY THOSE STUDENTS WITH A WRITTEN PARENTAL CONSENT WILL BE ALLOWED TO AUDITION. • At the audition, the people who will judge the students for the musical will be the scene director, general director and vocal director of the musical to be performed. • A student may audition in one, two or more disciplines. • The results will be published in the Fine Arts bulletin board 20 days after the auditions. • In case of selected students that do not belong to the Fine Arts extracurricular classes, they will need to get enrolled in the Saturday classes according to the monthly schedule and the payments will be done according to the payment regulations. These students will have the right to participate in the regular weekday classes and adhere to the Fine Arts regulations. • The date for the musical will be shared in the second semester.

IX. Parents Regulations We expect that family parents: • Respect the teaching and learning process refraining of walking through the classrooms area with no authorization. • Avoid interrupting class under any circumstance. They may request an appointment with the teacher and/or coordinator directly at the Fine Arts department. • Respect the schedule, days and places set for different activities such as ticket sales, enrollments, costume payments, etc. specially during office hours. • Attend the meetings programmed by the Fine Arts department during the school year. • Cooperate with the teachers and the department coordination whenever necessary in order to improve the behavior and achievement of the student enrolled. • Accept that the school is not responsible for the students’ lost or damaged belongings. • Be sure that that their children arrive to class on time. • Respect and be a model of respect for the students towards all the educational community (parents, teachers, students and all personnel). • Respect the school regulations and dispositions. • Respect the agreement that students and teachers make when defining roles in the events and character assignments. • Show respect in the presentations where the school is represented. • Present doubts and concerns with the right people, since the school is open to constructive feedback. The parents that do not respect the school regulations shall be subject to the procedure described in the San Roberto Rules and Regulations.

X. Guidelines for Dance Competition 1.PARTICIPATION COMMITMENTS FOR STUDENTS IN DANE COMPETITIONS. a. Attendance for parents to the informative sesión on details about the competition. b. Cover the cost for costumes, coreography of invited teacher (only in certain groups), rehearsals, traveling expenses for teachers and enrollment fee for each coreography in the indicated dates. c. Attend rehearsals on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays according to the programmed schedule. The rehearsal time will depend on the group, and level of participation. d. Students selected for the disciplines of Jazz, Tap and Lyrical/Contemporary Jazz must be enrolled in Ballet classes. e. Demonstrate good behaviour according to the expectation for all ISR students.

2. PUNCTUALITY AND ATTENDANCE. a. Students must arrive at least 10 min before rehearsal time for their complete concentration and warm up. b. Students are allowed a maximum of 3 absences to competition rehearsals. If the student arrives 10 min late, a tardy will be registered. Two tardies make up an absence. If the student excedes the absences limit, his/her case will be analyzed by a committee that will determine the student's continuity in the competition group. In case that the student is asked to withdraw from the competition, there will be no reinbursement of the fees. c. It is indispensable that parents notify the ISR Dance coordinator, at least 2 months in advance, if there is a personal event (birthday celebration, first communion etc) previously scheduled, that will interfere with rehearsals so that she may review the possibility of making a change in the calendar of rehearsals. d. A month before the competition, there will be no permissions to be absent due to social events. 3. BEHAVIOUR EXPECTATIONS a. ISR's Rules and Regulations need to be considered for students wanting to participate in dance competitions. Students who wish to participate in school organized events involving local or international travel must have an average of at least 2.5 according to the 4 point scale in Conduct and Effort based on the term(s) leading up to and including the event. b. Participation in dance teams is an enriching experience that develops both dance skills as well as collaboration, responsibility, discipline, team work, empathy etc. It is expected that all participants demonstrate a positive attitude that favors a harmonious learning and effort environment. c. Follow up to situations that involve one or more students participating in conflict or inappropriate behavior will be done by the teacher in charge of the team and the ISR Dance coordinator based on the ISR Discipline procedures and according to the SEP guidelines. d. Students will be committed to eating healthy, complying with homework excercises assigned by the teacher, getting enough sleep and taking care of his/her body (when playing, climbing up trees, running down the stairs, playing soccer or basketball, etc) to avoid getting hurt which will impact the performance of the students in the choreographies. e. During the trip, the students must follow the indications provided related to the assigned bedtime schedule because rest is indispensable for a good physical and mental performance. In case of not complying with this, the student's participation will be limited or conditioned in future competitions. f. During the trip, the student must eat healthy avoiding food that does not favor his/her performance such as candy, spicy and unhealthy snacks. g. Students and their families must observe good behavior during their stay in the hotel. Otherwise this may affect the participation of the student in future ISR competition groups.

4. FEES a. Paid fees include enrollment costs, costumes, accesories, coreography rehearsals, teacher's traveling expenses (hotel, flight, food and transportation). b. The transportation, hotel and food costs of the student(s) will be paid by his/her parents. All other fees will be charged to the student's account and must be paid in full by the due date or the student will not be able to participate in the competition. c. The cost of the teacher's expenses that accompany the group will be divided among the participating families. This also applies for trips where students don't travel in a group. d. Once the participation of the students in the competiton is confirmed, if the student drops out later on, there will be no refund of the fees and the student's participation will be analyzed for future competitions. 5. TRAVEL PROCEDURE a. The school's rules and regulations applies during any school trip that takes place representing San Roberto International School. b. Each parent is responsible for traveling with his/her child and delivering him/her to the chaperone teachers at the place and time established by the Dance Coordinator. c. In the event that the parents are not able to travel with their child, they should find a responsible adult that can take care of their child. d. Parents will receive an itinerary as part of the travel arrangements, that must be respected by all the group of students participating in the competition. Only the person assigned by ISR as the trip coordinator can make decisions about changes in the itinerary and will inform the participants. e. Punctuality to the general rehearsal prior to the trip is obligatory and very important for the whole team. If the student is absent, he/she will not be allowed to audition the following school year. 6. DURING THE COMPETITION a. A day prior to the trip you should review that all your costumes are complete as well as the proper shoes and dance competition jacket. Teachers will bring the accesories, earings and false eyelashes. b. Students should arrive to the meeting point at the scheduled time with their costumes and competition jacket. Girls should be properly combed and have their makeup on. c.Once the students are delivered to the teachers at the meeting point, the students may not leave the group until after their coreography has been presented. After this, they will go to the meeting point so that parents can take them to see the rest of the competition and wait for the award ceremony. During this time, students can leave with their parents to have lunch and come back 1 hour before the published time for the award ceremony.

7. IMPORTANT NOTES a. It is not necessary that students wear their costumes during the award ceremony, only the competition jacket so that they can be easily identified on stage. b. Students should show up properly fed and hidrated to rehearsals and competition presentations. Make sure they have enough drinking wáter and healthy snacks available.

Safety Management Safety policies [relevant safety policy according to the subject] The teachers are responsible for their students' safety.

Specific Department Evacuation Procedures Listed in “Crisis Management Handbook” We will follow the Emergency Protocol

First Aiders According to the “Local Health and Safety Policy Document “: The employees of this organization support the Safety Policy Statement written by the Chief Executive, Nord Anglia Education Ltd. The overall responsibility for health and safety on the following persons to ensure health and safety standards:


Campus Director

Gilberto Granados

Security and Facilities Manager

Olga Rodríguez


Ma. Elizabeth Flores Fierro


Blanca Andrade

Preschool Principal

Aime Cano And Nora Montoya

Elementary Principal and Vice-Principal

Laura Elizondo and Joanna Hamilton

Middle School Principal and Vice-Principal

Jorge Herrera

Athletic Director

Yerika Zambrano and Marlene Juárez

ISR Talents Coordinator and ISR Dance Coordinator

VALLE ALTO Diana Garza

Campus Director

Noe Vázquez

Security and Facilities Manager

Claudia Pérez


Ana Olvera


Rossana Gutierrez and Norma de Luna

Early Years Principal and Vice-Principal

Karina Salas and Jessica Elizondo

Upper Years Principal and Vice-Principal

Jorge Herrera

Athletic Director

Yerika Zambrano and Mariam Garza

ISR Talents Coordinator and ISR Dance Coordinator

All Employees have to: • Co-operate with Supervisors and Managers on health and safety matters; • Avoid interfering with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety; • Take reasonable care for their own safety and for the safety of others who may be affected by their actions at school • Report all health and safety concerns to the persons named above. Accident Management According to the “Crisis Management Handbook” Behaviour Management The Fine Arts Department follows the behavior policy established in the “Discipline Program Handbook” Specific Departmental Safety The Fine Arts Department follows the safety regulations list in the “Crisis Management Handbook”.

Safety Training and Advice Nord Anglia Education has Health and Safety Guidelines which are available on the NAU portal. All training requests need to be forwarded to [Prisca Rock / Diana Garza] so that they can be approved through the school’s budget approval procedures. The school and department have an annual Health and Safety Audit carried out by the Group Health and Safety Department. Advice will be available during this audit and can also be gained from the schools H&S Coordinator [Prisca Rock / Diana Garza]

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