16 2019 peer learning activities overview
Reflecting together on a reform of the childcare system in Tajikistan The IRODA organization from Tajikistan was able to learn from the successful experience of the Bulgarian organization For Our Children (FOCF) to advocate on the deinstitutionalization of child care.
During this three-day peer-learning event, FOCF Executive Director Ivanka Shalapatova, led a seminar organized by IRODA, an association of parents whose children suffer from autism in Tajikistan. “I met FOCF members at another event in Zagreb [ISSA 2018 Thematic Meeting] and we thought their experience could be very useful for us, since the deinstitutionalization of care in Tajikistan is a topical issue they know a lot about,” explains Lola Nasriddinova, director and founder of IRODA. Ivanka Shalapatova provided IRODA with the most important lessons learnt from their national context, after