izza magazine 2

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La foto de la portada es de MEOW RAUR. http://www5.flickr.com/photos/meowraur/ (te dedico los gatos de este collage)

INDICE Disco Nights Black moon My drawings Lost in milan In the sky color collage rrrrevolucioooon abril 2011

DISCO NIGHTS are Killing me...

Estas fotos me las tomó mi amada y muy extrañada zu, la meow raur. Aqui está su flickr, por favor, veanlo, esta increíble. http://www5.flickr.com/photos/meowraur/



Her mithology dates back to sumerian and heabraic tradition. She was cosidered the fisrt wife of Adam, her wild and instintual consort who animated his sexual longings claimed equality whit him, “because we were created from the same earth”. Still he wanted to dominate her, therefore she left him and chose loneliness and exile rather than submission. As “punishment” for her rebellious act against the masculine, Lilith was regarded as a personification of the “wild womsn”, a demoness and “vamp” that atracts and then devours male energy. The raging, out of mind, uncontrollable feminine, unsophisticated and independent woman who co-operates whit men only when she wants to. Psychologically, Lilith brings up deep and primal issues like repressed feelings of rejection, rage, and the refusal to give in. Lilith´s Lash strikes violenlty, violently, makes sudden movements wich seems unappropriate or extreme but are actually reactions on “unfairnes”. Lilits´s lashes bring out the truth from underneath. Lilith reflects the capacity to constructively release anger and release anger and resolve conflict. Lilth has a very strong will, is intersted in occult and the unconscious.Lilith will not hesitate to use power and control when she feels repressed. Lilith needs to be “canalized”. Her energy must be tranfsormed on to a personal level. Lilith, earth´s dark moon ( or black moon) represents the occult chanel used by clairvoyants, clairaudiance, psychics and paranormal healers. It is the 5th dimension channel. Abnormal power of seeing in the mind, what is happening or what exist at a distance, testifies of an exceptional insight. Persons with such power now how to use Lilith´s aid in a constructive way. Lilith is an assistant who is devoted to metaphysics and willing to help bring put the truth. Lilith is the personal assistant always there to help fulfill one´s personal mission in life. Lilith is clreaness in observatio. It is the power of perception. It is the “light (up) on moment. It is the 6th sense. Its the intuition.

Busca y libera a la mujer lobo, vampira, cuaima, vĂ­vora, pantera que hay en ti. Son las guerreras que todas llevamos en el alma y que nos va a proteger cuando el mundo trate de jodernos. Es primordial para nuestra supervivencia usar sabiamente la defensora de justicia que llevas por dentro. Issa Izza

http://www.astrotherapy.eu/BlackMoon.htm http://www.astrotherapy.eu/BlackMoon.htm issa

“After Party Drawing” 2011


I painted this for a collective exhibition in wich artist received a skate board and customized it. This exhibition was first held in the UCV (Universidad Central de Venezeula)Then the exhibition travelled around the world, and so did I. The theme of the exhibition was “ El Rey Tuqueque”, wich is the band of my friend Giulio Vita. When I asked what that was, he told me that the tuqueque is al lizard, there fore we were talking about a lizard king, but obviusly for me, theres only one lizard king, Jim Morrison, of corse. So I decided to portrait myself as the lizard queen, a reencarnation of Pamela Courson, Jim´s girlfriend, who just like me was in the world of textile design. So my skate and I got appart, Giulio was supossed to give it back to me when we meat either in Madrid or Barcelona, but such event never happened since he left my board some place in Milan. Thanks Giulio, You are a sunshine.


Tanto que me chalequeaban con los unicornios lilas, volando por nubes de algodón en arcoiris de escarcha, bla , bla, bla... Bueno, al parecer tenían razón, eso o que me lo decían tanto que al final me quede con la imagen grabada en mi cabeza.Ustedes saben quienes son. Dedicado a Yorke que fué el quien empezó esta vaina.

COLOR COLLAGES Some silly collages I made whit magazines. Colages tontos con recortes de revistas.


Señores, lo siento mucho , me van a tener que disculpar el atrevimiento y los extemos, pero es que los hombres estan pasaos, y si las mujeres no empezamos a ponernos de extrema ultra femisnita con ellos, va a ser nuestro fin. La movida es que hace poco mi novio me dejó y estoy revolucionada no, lo siguiente. Uno cree que los que sufren en este mundo son los japoneses con su radiación nuclear, o los niños pobres en africa, pero no nos damos cuenta de un problema realmente muy grave que esta en cada uno de nuestros hogares. La violencia emocional. Miles de chicas en el mundo devastadas emolcionalmente, con una cantidad de heridas en el corazón que quizas nunca podran cicatrizar. Y los culpables de esto no son ni criminales, ni violadores, ni ladrones, ni estan armados, no. Los culpables son los hombres a los que aman. Así que lo siento si me pongo un poco nazi al respecto. Pero esto, tiene que acabar. Voy a por tu ...

ex-novia dolida

(Juro por mi madrecita santa y querida que no soy nazi, ni de ninguna tendencia polĂ­tica, es puro fetishismo visual)



Y como hoy estoy contenta decidí terminar este número con un ícono de mi alegría. Esta foto la saqué de un blog que me gusta mucho mucho mucho y que a cualquier catlover le va a flipar. www.gatopoder.com La imagen de la página siguiente si la hice yo.

Issa Izza Personal Portfolio

issa.soudieux@gmail.com 652 635 754

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