Park concert attracts good weather, great crowds Page 19
Liberty grad fulfills family legacy Page 22
City Council eyes options for unsafe intersection
August 5, 2011 VOL. 10, NO. 8
Election season Remaining candidates gear up for primary vote. Page 2
Election shuffle Andrew Shelton pulls out of race, remains on ballot. Page 3
By Emily Baer
Pat Detmer Page 6
Police blotter Page 8
Mayor is confident City budget is on track, despite flat revenues. Page 16 Contributed
One of Ride the Ducks’ World War II surplus DUKWs cruises Lake Union for the water portion of the tour.
Newcastle’s Mikie Coffman is hen to Seattle’s Ride the Ducks brood By Quinn Eddy
Leader of the pack Newcastle runner conquers difficult trails. Page 21
You should know Get information about earthquake safety on the city’s website,, by clicking the “Earthquake Safety” link under the “Quick Links” section.
Contact us: 392-6434, ext. 239
As general manager of Seattle’s Ride the Ducks, Newcastle resident Mikie Coffman gets a hefty dose of quacking on a daily basis. “It’s nonstop fun. You have to be half crazy to work here,” Coffman said. Originally from Redmond, Coffman moved to Newcastle five years ago. In college she studied political science at the University of Washington. “At Ride the Ducks, I wear a lot of hats,” Coffman said. “Wherever they need me I’ll be there.” The only things you won’t see Coffman doing is driving a duck or helping mechanically. All captains must be United States Coast Guard certified and have a current commercial driver’s license. When it comes to captains, Ride the Ducks prefers them as wild as possible. “We like our captains one step away from being committed,” Coffman said. Ride the Ducks captains go through an intensive two-
The Newcastle City Council will vote this month on the construction of a median near the intersection of Newcastle Way and Coal Creek Parkway to prevent cars from passing buses as passengers are loading. City Council members proposed building a median because they were concerned that the current double line, signifying that drivers may not use the oncoming traffic lane to pass, was not enough to deter people from trying anyway. The issue was given to the city’s Public Works Department to review. “It was their perception that it was unsafe,” Public Works Development Engineer Kerry Sullivan said. “We looked at it under engineer analysis and See INTERSECTION, Page 12
Newcastle Days 2011 lineup is taking shape By Sebastian Moraga and Tim Pfarr
of the city in an amphibious vehicle called a duck, which is capable of traveling on both land and water. Each duck can hold up to 36 riders.
The Newcastle Days Committee announced more details in July about the 2011 celebration, including the stage lineup. This year’s celebration will be Sept. 9 and 10, with a downtown sidewalk sale the first day and a celebration in Lake Boren Park the second day. The 17th annual Newcastle Days, which celebrates the formation of the city of Newcastle, will have Lance Lambert, of the “Vintage Vehicle Show,” as emcee. The car show, which returns this year after a one-year absence, will run from noon to 4 p.m. at the north end of the park. For the second consecutive
See DUCK, Page 5
See FESTIVAL, Page 9
Mikie Coffman, of Newcastle, general manager of Ride the Ducks, stands near one of the business’ 17 duck tour vehicles. month training program. “We overdo our training so they know everything about the vehicles,” Coffman said. Located across the street from the Space Needle on Broad Street, Ride the Ducks offers scenic tours