Liberty grad settles into title role in ‘Annie Get Your Gun’ Page 14
Hazen earns first state berth since 1993 Page 18
December 2, 2011 VOL. 13, NO. 12
Money matters School district bond has plans for middle school. Page 2
Gordon Bisset wins only contested City Council seat Former councilman nets 72 percent of votes cast to beat Frank Irigon
Honoring the best
By Christina Lords
Local teacher is MOHAI Teacher of the Year. Page 6
Gordon Bisset won the 2012 general election over challenger Frank Irigon for the Newcastle City Council’s only contested race this year. With about 72 percent or 1,965 votes, Bisset will take on the council’s fourth position.
Police blotter Page 7
Tuned to music
Irigon earned about 28 percent of the vote, or 752 ballots cast. “I’m very pleased with the results,” Bisset said. “I’d like to thank the Gordon Bisset voters of Newcastle and will be getting ready to carry out my campaign themes.” About 51 percent of Newcastle’s registered voters cast
Frank Irigon
a ballot in the election. Bisset served a fouryear term on the council from 2002-05 and has lived in the Hazelwood neighborhood for 41
years. Irigon has lived in the Rainier Crest neighborhood for 25 years. This is the first time he has run for the City Council
Hazen students share their passion for orchestra. Page 15
position. Bisset said he would continue to attend meetings to stay current on issues, especially when it comes to the city’s 2012 budget discussions. He will replace longtime Councilman Sonny Putter, who has continuously served on the council since 1994. Incumbent councilwomen Lisa Jensen and Carol Simpson and incumbent Deputy Mayor Steve Buri were re-elected for their respective positions after they ran unopposed in the election.
Council votes for 1 percent increase in property tax Typical homeowner faces $11 increase next year
Ready to read
By Christina Lords
Gift-A-Book campaign nets 114 books for library. Page 16
in the event’s youth, education, business, community service and mayor’s choice categories exemplify service and community pride that make Newcastle a great place to call home and do business. Kent Coburn and Roland Deex were honored with a
Members of the City Council have agreed to cover the city’s $61,000 shortfall between revenue and expenditures for its 2012 budget in part by taking an allowable 1 percent increase in property tax. The move will provide the city with about $40,400 in revenue — closing that shortfall to about $21,000. Other reductions are still on the table to balance the 2012 budget — including the elimination of the city’s parks manager position, reductions to the city’s communication funding and cuts to the city manager’s contingency money that acts as a cushion for unexpected expenses. An ordinance to set the city’s property tax collection must come before the City Council at its Dec. 6 meeting before the action will be finalized. Final adoption of the city’s 2012 budget is also expected at that time. “This is responsible on our part,” Councilman Sonny Putter said. “It enables us to move for-
See AWARDS, Page 8
See BUDGET, Page 9
You should know The city of Newcastle has prioritized streets in town that get plowed or treated in inclement weather. View the city’s 2011 snow and ice priority routes at Follow the link in the what’s new box at the bottom of the page.
Shall we dance? Ria Mohan (left) dances the part of Clara with Emma Mason (right), of Newcastle, dancing the part of Clara’s brother Fritz at the 2010 Cornerstone Studio production of ‘The Nutcracker’ at Bellevue College. See a story about the production on Page 10.
Diamond Awards honor community By Christina Lords
Contact us: 392-6434, ext. 239
Members of the Newcastle community who contribute time, energy and service to make the city a better place to live were recognized at the Newcastle Chamber of Commerce’s Diamond Awards on Nov. 10. Karin Blakley, Diamond
Inside For another look at the Diamond Awards presentation, see photos, Page 8.
Award emcee and chamber board member, said recipients