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June 29, 2011 Locally owned Founded 1992 50 cents

But, Redmond is allowed to ... Change in jail could

save city thousands

State wants stricter standards for docks, other rules on Sammamish lakes

By Caleb Heeringa

By Caleb Heeringa

Is the bass an invasive predator that preys on native Kokanee and Chinook salmon, or sport fish whose population must be protected for the enjoyment of anglers? That depends on which government agency you ask. And for hundreds of Lake Sammamish shoreline homeowners, the answer may mean slimming down any new or replacement docks. “The problem is the bass, not the docks,” local homebuilder and waterfront homeowner

File photo

The city-owned dock at Pine Lake Park is wider than would be allowed under state regulations, but would likely be grandfathered in. Dwight Martin said during a City Council meeting June 20. The City Council is considering

its response to the state See LAKES, Page 2

Sammamish residents sentenced to time in jail on misdemeanor crimes will have a bit longer to think about what they did on their way to the slammer. By a unanimous vote at their June 20 meeting, the City Council approved an agreement with Snohomish County to house those sentenced to jail terms in connection with misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor crimes in the city. The city, which pays for those it incarcerates, usually defaults to the Issaquah Jail for such convictions, but often has to use King County Jail for longer sentences. “Issaquah is usually the cheap-

est, but it isn’t set up to hold people for that long,” Administrative Services Director Mike Sauerwein told the council. “This is a lowercost option (than King County.)” The move could net the city as much as $30,000 in savings on jail costs. King County Jail now charges the city $500 for the first day of an incarceration, plus $120 for every additional day, while Snohomish County charges about $152 for the first day and $62 for each following day. Issaquah Jail has a flat rate of $90 a day. In 2010 the city paid for 319 days worth of jail time at King County Jail, compared to 821 See JAIL, Page 5

Another barricade removal has some residents upset By Caleb Heeringa

The upcoming opening of roadway west of Eastside Catholic has some neighbors concerned that their residential neighborhood will become a new shortcut for speeding motorists. The road – 218th Avenue Southeast just north of Southeast Fourth Street – is being opened in connection with the construction of the 26-home Pine Meadows development on Southeast Fourth Street. Sammamish Public Works Director Laura Philpot said the city hadn’t considered the road as part of its normal connectivity process because the decision to connect 218th Avenue had been made by the city’s Hearing Examiner well before the city decided to delve into the contentious issue of its barricaded roads in 2009. “All of that decision was done

during the public process as part of the Hearing Examiner’s approval (of Pine Meadows),” Philpot said. That doesn’t alleviate the concerns of neighbors like Angie Huleen, whose home is right next to the soon-to-be-open road, which contains a sidewalk on one side that ends near her property. Huleen said she hadn’t followed the Hearing Examiner process for the subdivision, which was approved several years ago and had been delayed by the recession. She said she didn’t know about the road opening until she saw city staff taking pictures at the base of her driveway a couple weeks ago. Huleen said she fears the road will become a thoroughfare, particularly for young drivers coming from the northwest and heading to Eastside Catholic, which is See BARRICADE, Page 5

Photo by Caleb Heeringa

Ronn and Genette Altaras, residents of 218th Avenue, walk their dog on a new connector that will link up two sides of the road.

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